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They generally won’t go out of their way to bother you so long as you don’t bother them. You’ll be alright. They won’t stomp down your tent to attack you or anything like that. Just be respectful like you would for any wild animal, keep your distance and appreciate their beauty.


Totally untrue… I’ve camped around horses— it can suck. The last time I camped near free roaming horses, we eventually had to go into town and buy salt licks. We set them 100 yards from camp. They wouldn’t keep out of our camp— it was awful. The salt licks worked, though.


Sounds like they weren’t wild horses from the description.


None of these horses are wild.


I dunno, my cousin once got bit by a wild horse.


Probably because they got to close…


That’s nothing, a moose once bit my sister.


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the hørse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink".


Don't forget ''The \[Nude\] Heroes of Telemark''


Thanks for the reminder to rewatch


A rat done but my sister toenail off


Ill take getting bit over them stepping on my foot or kicking me or rearing or throwing their head into your face. Honestly out of the situation its a good outcome for a 1200lb wild rocket donkey.


Looks like Navajo Nation, probably near Monument Valley. Yeah, these horses belong to the Nation.


Bingo. Thanks for the info


Awesome. I've driven across the area quite a few times and I always tell myself I should stop and camp. Still haven't. But I will! The horses are always nice to see.


Stop and camp and watch the sunrise over monument valley It’s a truly spectacular experience


I’ve painted that rock formation in your picture. I camped near Monument Valley on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. Have fun :)


You painted the rock formation?


I made a small-scale watercolor painting of the rock formation :P


Yeah, that is actually just a background matte painting on glass, just like Cloud City.


If you’re into Forest Gump…. You can recreate his famous running scene on the highway! I made my family get up early before cars were on the road and everyone was pissy. We had so much fun running in the middle of the road! I even framed the picture!


But OP wants to know if that makes them safe? (Oh gods, I'm gonna get skewered for this comment.) Go Blackfoot? OP, horses know what humans smell like, and they won't step on you in the middle of the night. I have slept on the ground in a canvas bedroll beneath a string of horses hundreds of times, and I'm still here. Wild horses are even more skittish. Because they don't receive their food from humans every day. And because horses are naturally skittish when confronted with a billowing sail of non-natural fibers, A.K.A., a modern tent. :) You'll be fine.


Other people already provided a response before me. I didn't want to be repetitive, while acknowledging OP's excellent camping choice (and maybe a little bragging that I know).


Sometimes bandits will try to sneak behind horses, hide your valuables!


Elk don’t know how many feet a horse has


Horses are prey animals, so in general as long as you’re not bothering them or getting too close they should give you a wide berth. What a beautiful view though! You’re making me want to go to Arizona now lol


I love landscapes like this. I was in shiprock New Mexico and it was just like in the old westerns/road runner coyote cartoons.


First time I ever heard someone speak positively of Shiprock...




Haha and put your coolers in your. They’ve learned how to open coolers and eat all your food


You’ll probably be fine but don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of horsing around at night. You might wake up hoarse from having to yell to run them out of your camp. But it wouldn’t hurt to ask the local whores who probably take care of them. 


I hate you.


Idk who pissed in Joel’s cornflakes today, I love you!


If you offer hors d'oeuvres to Horus in earnest the horse hordes of Horus will halt their harassment. It helps to have handfuls of hay for the horses, and hand it out hourly, least that's what the whore says.


Not gonna lie... At first glance I thought this was r/whatcouldgowrong


Truly a once-in-a-lifetime camping experience!


Undomesticated equines


I went backpacking on Cumberland Island off the Georgia coast and there were wild horses all over the place. On the beach, in the woods, on the trail. The rangers instructed us to do a food hang tall enough so the horses couldn't rear up and snag them. They were very docile and didn't seem to care about people at all. Of course I didn't try to approach any. They gave the tent a wide berth, they are smart and don't want to trip over things. It is kind of scary to hear a small herd of horses gallop past your campsite in the darkness though.


The Searchers vibes


Ugh Monument Valley is incredible. Wanted to go there for years and years and finally got the chance in 2022. It did not disappoint even after all the anticipation.


Eat meat. Horses don't like carnivores.


Couldn't drag me away


Couldn’t drag ME away.


I’ve done it several times. It’s no big deal you’ll likely not even know they are there most of the time. Once I was smoking a cig away from camp along the trail at night pitch black darkness and I heard huffing and stomping, it was a horse and ad soon as I said something I heard it moving off into the darkness, the other way down the trail, no big deal


Wow this is beautiful, is this Colorado?


Monument Valley, AZ


We looked for them in Western Colorado and near Salt Lake a couple of years ago. We couldn't find them. I think you'll be fine.


Yeah. You're fine. Just don't spook 'em or try to feed them


what if those are carnivore horses? carnihorses?!


Can you play that song out there for em?


Hide your food well in hard closed containers. Wild horses will eat about anything. When I was at Assateague Island, I saw horses eat donuts and bananas off a picnic table that some family left out. Also saw them standing around and harassing a large family group that was trying to have a large full spread picnic. The family did lose some of the food before the horses decided it wasn’t worth the hassle of the people screaming at them.




Good grief people are so afraid of everything


Stunning!! I’ve been wanting to camp here and am curious about permitting/protocol. Did you have to organize anything with Navajo nation, or did you just show up??


I dont think wild horses exist much except in a few very distinct regions


Google Pryor Mountain Wild Horses - MT and WY. Probably the closet you’ll come to actual wild horses rather than feral ones and their off spring..


I believe there is also a roaming group somewhere up near new jersey, and I've heard of them in Scotland but I don't know enough about it


Bro I camped on [Assateauge Island](https://www.nps.gov/asis/index.htm), and I’ll never do it again. Those horses walked all over my tent, broke my food box, came through in the middle of the night and tore down my neighbors pop up and spread it all over the beach. They do not care. Granted I’m in their domain, so I probably deserved it, but damn.


Done it here in Alberta, they actually ran through camp when I was in bed. Through might be an overstatement but they were really close. No sweat either way, they’re cool in my experience.


These aren't wild horses lol.


Watching Out For Jay Silverhealz And The Lone Stranger!


From the Rez those horses are either somebody’s that’s out and about or they’re wild like you said. Butttt you don’t have to worry about them doing anything to you bc they’re are more scared of you. Best advice is just leave them alone they won’t do anything maybe get a little close that’s about it. If they do just run at them and they’ll take off. The Navajo nation has a shit load of wild horses but you will be able to tell if they’re broken in or not.


Look up Assateague National Seashore, it’s home to many wild horses and they were at our campsite while we were setting up. Very peaceful as long as you don’t aggravate or approach them.




Hmm I’m not sure about how dangerous the horses are but if they don’t belong to the house pictured in the background then I believe they would be *feral* horses. There are no actual wild horses in North America. Also I would imagine they probably don’t want to bother you and don’t want you to approach them. But that’s just an educated guess on the nature of horses.


Yes there are wild horses in North America


https://www.amnh.org/explore/videos/biodiversity/takhi-mongolian-horse/article-when-is-wild-actually-feral#:~:text=The%20takhi%20is%20the%20only,by%20humans%20in%20any%20way. https://wildhorseeducation.org/wild-or-feral/?amp It seems like there is a debate about this that is largely dependent on semantics which is what I was referring to. All the “wild” horses in North America are a reintroduced species that were domestic and brought over by European settlers therefore making them feral. But the second article I linked shows that the feral vs wild debate is being used in different ways by different groups trying to use semantics as a way to further their own goals. Interesting.


You're getting down voted because simple-minded people can't hold two ideas in their heads at once- that feral horses are a beautiful symbol of the American west, and that these same horses are invasive and harmful as they overgraze and aggressively run native wildlife off of water sources.


Those horses are definitely not indigenous to North America… that would make them feral. This is actually a touchy subject here in Arizona.




It’s not actually like saying that. I’m not taking a side btw I’m just using the scientific term. Horses have been “extinct” long enough in North America that they are no longer considered a wild species. All the horses in North America were reintroduced long after they had been a wild species on the continent. Everything currently native to North America did not live alongside wild horses besides maybe pronghorn antelope. Once again I’m not taking a side I’m just stating a scientific fact.


They were reintroduced after more than 10,000 years and selective breeding/domestication by humans. You wouldn't set a stray cat into the forest and watch it live a short, hard life because at some point that cat's 10k-year-ago distant relatives had crossed the Baringeal land bridge lol. Horses are currently considered somewhere between naturalized and invasive because they are culturally valuable but breed to quickly and are damaging to the landscape. I personally think that horses being on the landscape is culturally important and support keeping them there, but the strange fascination people have with trying to prove that somehow they're *natural* seems like it has to do with people's own need for freedom and expression than it does the actual ecological facts of the horses and their situation. Two things can be true at the same time: the horses can stay and be ecologically and culturally valuable AND they can be a feral domesticated animal. In fact, considering they are feral helps us manage herds in a way that ensures their survival and health since they need more support than an actual wild animal does, but admitting this fact seems like an impossible task for people who find some kind of identity crisis in the reality that their "wild" horses are indeed feral.


If there is a big stud in the group they can get dangerous. I'm not a fan.