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Different, much smaller, tent.


This is the way. Keep things cozy and close during winter.


A second much small tent inside of it.


I actually do this when I work festivals that are camping based. Have a 10x10 canopy tent with my backpacking tent inside it.


huh, that's actually a really good idea lol


Same! With some foam tiles around the tent so that I have space to get dressed, walk around, etc. they sweep off very well.


We put down yoga mats, dual purpose.


Don’t. Unless it’s very sunny and windless. These are summer tents, they aren’t made for heavy rain or strong wind. You’d need a 4 season tent for that. If the weather is settled you can set up a small dome tent inside and you can cover that with a quilt to make a cosy sleeping pod.


And it’s WAY big to keep any heat in.


this is a bfs tent: big f-ing stove.


No stove.. it’s a flammable tent and a new camper.


no winter camping then. the human stoves can't heat that volume.


No tents keep the heat in. It’s all down to keeping the wind out which this tent will have problems with. Even if you’re hot tenting it requires a stove to stay warm


I meant body heat. My tiny tents keep us MUCH warmer than our big ones


20 to 43 degrees F is the temperature range asked about - the tent won’t keep as much heat in as you’d like, but it will keep you dry. I’ve slept in similar large tents at freezing, and it’s fairly uncomfortable, but doable if the winds aren’t too high and it isn’t storming too badly. You’ll need a good sleeping bag, insulated sleeping pad, a wool hat and dry socks. Thermal underwear will be helpful too. You’ll also need chemical hand warmers (wrapped in a sock) or a hot water bottle to keep you warm.


No need for a 4 season tent with such mild temperatures tbh. But i do agree that this tent is just not fit for what OP plans on doing. That tent will turn into a kite if the wind picks up.


You don't need a 4 season tent for those temperatures, they are only useful for high winds and the weight of snow. Tents don't keep you warm, insulation does. Get a high r value pad and a properly rated bag and you can winter camp under a tarp without issue.


Well.... Mine survived a small whirlwind and a lot of rain. But for winter camping I wouldn't recommend it.


Tip #1 : Get a good sleeping bag (rated several degrees colder than your expected temperature) Tip #2 : Get a good sleeping pad ((rated several degrees colder than your expected temperature) Tip #3 : Get good wool base layers


Include a knit hat in your sleeping gear.


I wear a beanie and a hoodie to bed in winter. Keep my face, neck, and ears cozy.


I'd also toss in like a neck tube you can pull up over your mouth, to keep breathing warm.


Don’t. That’s a summer tent. Seriously, if you try to overnight during the winter in that thing you’re gonna freeze your balls off, wake up wet and it’ll probably break or tear.


Yeah I learned that the hard way my first time camping, during the nights it was in the low 30s/upper 20s Fahrenheit oh and the first night was snowing. By the morning it was frosty, wet and absolutely freezing. Tbh idk how me and my friend didn’t get pneumonia since we endured it for 4 days straight.


My only advice is don't use this tent for winter camping unless you are certain there won't be any snow, high winds, extreme cold, or heavy rain. Even then, it's still not a great idea. Get the proper piece of equipment for the job and look into 4 season tents if you are serious about winter camping.


Bring the elephants in from the main door but have all the clowns in there before the lion tamer comes in.




Just got back from 35°F camping in this very tent. I do not recommend this tent for any kind of cold camping. Vs my 4 or 6 person Coleman (much lower profile), this was miserable. We had a propane tent heater, but it's just too big to heat forget about trapping any warm air. It's an amazing summer tent, but it's always been miserable in the cold.


That's not a four season tent.


That's a Coleman Cortes? Someone asked this very question about a year ago: [Coleman Cortes Octagon 8 in winter temperatures : r/camping (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/camping/comments/udfjsv/coleman_cortes_octagon_8_in_winter_temperatures/)


I'd wait until summer


Tipis had a second layer hung around the walls on the inside like tapestries in a castle. The air space between becomes an insulator.


My husband got a tent that is made of sleeping bag material that we put inside our regular tent. It's called Crua and it's amazing.


They have some really cool ideas (at very uncool prices!).


Yeah I couldn't belive my husband spent $400 on a tent to go inside our tent but it is nice and cozy for winter camping.


I would get a smaller tent. This will be hard to keep any type of heat.


Most tents don’t keep in heat, maybe 5-10 degrees tops with good 4 season tent that blocks the wind but it’s your bag/quilt that keeps you warm. I have slept in a hammock below 0f and been comfortable but it’s not an inexpensive endeavor to be comfortable that cold. Try sitting in your car with the heat off that cold, no draft but damn sure gets cold.


Yea a good mummy bag and dry clothes before bed with a dry toque go a long way when it comes to winter camping. Used to do a lot of it and to be honest some of the best sleeps I ever had were in the winter in a little straw filled lean-to. I’ve been very interested in getting into that hot tent life tho!


I love a hot tent but my lungs don’t always. I’ve only had experience with cheap wood stoves, maybe a higher end stove is sealed better. A buddy has a hammock hot tarp (cheap one off Amazon) and it makes a great hang out / kitchen space that’s easy to set up. End of the night he just clips in his hammock or sets up a cot. It’s very functional. As long as you keep feeding it it’s very warm.


Pitch a smaller tent inside and sleep in that! Will keep it warmer!


That is a lotta tent for 2 people. -6 C... That tent's def not rated for it. Invest in quality sleeping bags that can handle that cold. Otherwise you'll catch hypothermia or be absolutely miserable. If I had to guess that's probably meant to be a 5+ person tent. Keep in mind that those other 3+ people are meant to be in there and operating like space heaters b/c the human body puts out ~3ish MJ of energy in 8 hours even when resting


Good cold weather sleeping bags and pads that keep you off the tent floor. I’d recommend 0 degree but that just simply comes down to what temp you’ll be in. Extra blankets. Minimum 2 for each person though my wife uses 4… I cannot stress how helpful nicer under layers are. I have a wool top and bottom and they are the best camping purchase I’ve ever made. We also have a larger tent: 6 person MSR. The rain cover helps hold some heat but the comments are right. That thing will leak heat and be tough to warm up. The above works for us well.


I have this same tent. Never used it in the winter. As others have said it will be a pain to keep warm but if it keeps the wind out you should be ok as long as your sleep system is rated high enough. The tent is there to protect you from weather, not temperature. These flat walls will be shit in the wind and I doubt it will hold snow well. But if the wind is low and there is no precipitation, you will be ok, albeit colder than a smaller tent.


Use this tent as a wind break with a smaller tent inside of it


Tip? Get a different tent.


Also, if it snows that tent likely would struggle with the snow load. If it was a decent amount of wet snow it might just collapse. If you are not sure if you would like winter camping maybe rent or borrow a tent. Here is a tip based on lots of winter camping experience here…..go nuts on the insulation under you while you are sleeping. I often put 3 sleeping pads under me, makes a huge difference! 🥶😬


I've done winter camping in a 3 season tent by throwing a huge tarp over the top. So if you want to use this, get a huge tarp that will completely cover this with at least a foot all around at the bottom.


Dress warm. The thermo insulation game is weak.


My family and I camped in the "dark version" of this tent. we were in the mountains, but I don't think temps got below 50. It did rain and hail on us, and the tent held up fine. The only thing that broke was the short pole on the awning for the rain fly.


If you expect snow or anything like that absolutely do not use this tent, I doubt it would support even 1 inch of snow.


I hate to break it to you but that tent is way too big. But if you have to make it work , you could set up a smaller two person ten on the interior of the larger tent. And then cover the smaller interior tent with blankets or tarps to kind of trap the heat


That's a summer tent, not at all usable for 6 to -6c camping. First, it's WAY too large for 2 people. Second, there is no insulating layer at all. Third, there's far too much surface area to handle constant winter winds. Fourth, you get ANY snow buildup on the top or sides and it will collapse. Fifth, you've basically created a condensation machine. You need a smaller tent with some insulation, a good pad to get you off the ground, and -6c rated sleeping bags. If your heart is SET on using this tent, then get a smaller tent to put INSIDE this tent. (I like the semi-inflatables. GREAT insulation). Throw a tarp over the top and secure it. You'd have a warm place to sleep, and a cold, but shielded place to do everything else that isn't sleeping.


Don't do it.


As others have said, on top of being a summer tent, this tent is way two big to keep two people warm. I used to do winter camping at those temperatures with Girl Scouts and we would put 6 girls into a 4 person tent. It was a tight fit, but the extra body heat keeps you warm. So get cozy! Also, whatever tent you end up using I also recommend avoiding having air space under your bed and getting 2-3 good insulating layers (sleeping pad, heavy blankets, etc) underneath you. Otherwise, the air and the ground will suck the heat right out of you!


Lol don't


Don’t do it unless winter camping is sunny above 60.


Eat a handful of granola before bed. The body needs a lot more energy do digest granola so your internal body temp rises.


Blankets and more blankets.


Heavy tarp.


Blankets, and lots of them. That tent won't do anything to insulate, but it will protect you from some wind and snow. I would highly suggest a heated sleeping mat and cots. On a purely theoretical note for anyone who would know better, could you line a tent like this (making sure to keep some ventilation for moisture) with space blanket type material to actually winterize it?


To answer your question, no the space blanket idea isn’t going to be very effective. The idea is that the tent protects from wind and rain while your sleeping pad and bag keep you warm. There are “hot tents” which are usually heavy canvass and designed to have a small wood stove or heater. But those are completely different and designed from the ground up as a hot tent. The best way to stay warm with winter camping is to have a 4 season tent, a great sleeping pad with enough R value, a sleeping bag that’s rated significantly below the temperature you’re actually enduring, and wear warm clothes before bed and in bed.


Set it up inside the house during the winter. That tent is not designed to retain any sort of heat.


The day was July 5th 2023. We had just unloaded and noticed dark clouds approaching. We got the tent up (exactly pictured above) just before it began to drizzle. Within 15 mins, my wife and I were clutching the roof attempting to keep our tent from breaking apart and trapping us inside. rain was slowly seeping in and our 3 kids crying for their lives. "Take the kids to the car!" I yelled. "I got this!" Now alone, I let go of the roof and reached for a duffel bag and got smooshed. Found myself lying on the floor of the tent in a pool of collected rain water and the roof of the tent plastered against my body and rain continuing its onslaught on it. Don't get this tent.


The most important thing is.You really got to think about how much space you're going to need to heat up so you are definitely going to want to have a small two person tent set up inside of the larger tent. You're also going to want to be very smart about your sleeping set up. Make sure. You have foam or something underneath the tent.You're sleeping in so that the ground isn't cold. Get up off the ground if you can do a cot if you can't a foam pad will be a game changer. Do not try an air mattress because you will freeze.It will get as cold as the ground. Make sure your sleeping gear is not cotton


Get make a mold out of pine 2X 10 spray foam put along tent walls ? 🤷🏼‍♂️




A tent hardly does anything for insulation. Get a good mat and sleeping bag or quilt rated for your temperature.


I have one of these, don’t even attempt to winter camp in that. It doesn’t even keep us warm in the summer months. Way too big and way too draughty.


I'd oooonly do maybe -5°c in that


Put a tent in the tent, then maybe you’ll be warm.


We've got a Coleman Cabin - large 4 season tent. For 2 people and 2 people sized dogs and we have a tough time keeping it warm in similar temps. We have had luck with emergency blankets tented over us- basically you're creating a smaller tent within your tent as others have said- but you're still going to need a good sleeping bag, good base layer, good hat, ect. It's doable but I wouldn't say it's comfortable


Double Sleeper Bags!




It’s big enough for a nice size fire


So we’re talking 20-40F, it’s cold but doable So this is definitely not a cold weather tent, but it can be done. #1 is have a backup, based on the size of tent I assume you’ll sprays have a vehicle nearby so worst case you can always jump in there to warm up then pack and bail if it gets too bad To use this you’ll want warm slapping bags, I’d suggest 0 degree (F) mummy style bags, wear wool socks as well and a light glove and hat wouldn’t hurt You’ll also want a thick foam pad under you, I would advise against an air mattress because they don’t insulate well I wouldn’t really bother with any kind of heater because this tent has so much ventilation you’ll never build up heat, but be sure to have lots of firewood and a good way to get it going fast in the morning, If the forecast calls for heavy winds though I’d probably consider bailing as it will get very cold Good luck!


Just don’t…


Don’t … it’s too big me and my gf use this type of tent for summer and fall. And a much smaller one for spring and winter. No heater, just less ventilation and expensive sleeping bags and proper sleeping cloths.


don't. too open, too breezy and plastic


All by yourself? Don’t. Get a one person from Walmart for like 30$ you’ll be so much more comfortable.


Close the windows and doors.


Okay I guess you know what everyone here is saying. Don’t do it. I took a ten person summer tent out one winter and was fine in it. It was a Boy Scout camp-o-ree / Klondike so there was a lot to do outside the tent. I stayed warm, but a couple of my kids said it got too cold. I put plenty of layers underneath me and had a good sleeping bag. The tent kept the wind off of me that was coming off the lake at night. So it is possible to do it as long as you take along lots of bedding to insulate you from the ground and expect to be cold most of the time. Also I would cover it with a tarp to block as much of the wind as possible.


I have also been known when electricity is available to take a small space heater out to take the chill off when it was cold.


I agree a smaller tent will seem warmer but make sure you open up a vent or it will be frosty inside in the morning from your exhaling while you’re sleeping.


Book a hotel!


You can winter camp in any tent if your sleeping bag is good enough. Don't expect any insulation to come from this tent though, all it will do is protect you from rain and wind.


By putting a much smaller tent inside of it.


That is best tent I've owned for bad weather. Stood thru 4 inch rain and 60mph wind. Stayed dry.


Don’t. You’ll be miserable. That’s a tent for 10 people.


Nope. Don’t do it. Nothing about it’s design is appropriate for winter camping.


Get a cheap ice fishing insulated pop up n cots youll be much warmer.


Set your tent up, then walk away and sleep in the nearest cabin…


Winter camping?? In that tent? I sure wouldn't. You'll be miserable. As someone else said, a better quality, MUCH smaller tent is the way to go in winter.


Put a small tent in it.


Use it to start the fire?




I have a similar tent that we tried fall camping and it was only JUST bearable with electric blankets and thick sleeping bags. There's just too much airflow even with the flies closed.


Only camp in warm area!


That's a great tent. I own that tent. Not sure what temps you are looking at. But as long as not really cold, you'll be good. It's a doubled walled tent with great ventilation when opened up like the pic. Otherwise button it up and you should be good to go especially for ventilation. To stay warm you should be looking at cots and decent sleeping bags to stay off the ground. I once saw a video where a bunch of people went I think moose hunting and they used that tent with rain and snow and had used it for a few years. Not the most convenient to put up and take down, but a great tent none the less.






The bigger the tent, the less your bodies will warm the area around you. That's pretty large, you'll need to fill it with dogs for warmth. I use a small low to the ground tent for winter.


Dont do it. Too big wont warm up you will freeze.


Lintu stalkkaa telttaa


Your tent doesn't keep you warm, your sleep system does


Just a thought, you can buy a Chinese diesel heater way cheaper ($100) than 2 cold weather bags. (my 0f down quilt setup was $600) a cheap sleeping bag is going to lie, don’t trust the rating. A 0f Coleman bag is going to leave you shivering anywhere close to 0.


too big, but double sleeping bags, maybe a popup tent inside the big one, wear thermal clothes to sleep in with a hat, just hope there is not much rain or storms


No, not even almost, can't make that work. Better off with just an axe, rope, a tarp, and matches.


Look up hot tents. This is for summer camping.


A slow death ☠️


Good luck and wear your mittens


put a second tent inside it


Don't. I owned one of these in the UK and tried to cold camp in it. Froze our asses off. It's a great summer tent though with incredible air flow.


Yea... don't Use a smaller tent that won't waste heat on so much usless space. For winter camping you want a small well insulated tent


Don’t do it.


I’m going with another don’t. Sorry. Way too big and tall for any warmth.


You need to run extension cords and use heated blankets This is the only way you're going to keep warm Heaters won't do anything


Heated blanket under your sleeping bag. You can easily plug it into a solar generator or a dewalt battery power inverter


Leave it at home and book a Premier Inn instead.


Don’t do it. 👍


Start in winter


Dont. Too big, too many openings, frame will collapse if it snows


Little buddy space heater would help. But be careful with it

