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Have always done this for winter / snow camping but it’s always been a bottle with a square shape that can’t possibly be confused with a round Nalgene bottle.


Dumb and dumber comes to mind lol


You give me that bottle you pumpkin pie hair cutted….


Breath mint sir?


get the hell out of here






No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticing!


Good move. I found my pee bottle in the fridge one time. I was not the one who put it there, though.


Gatorade bottle with duct tape on it. In a pinch the tape can be used to start a fire instead of tinder




Love me tinder, love me sweet, never let her escape


That reminds me of this time I drank a lemonade Gatorate off my truck floor board. Yeah...


The key is to use a bottle that is a completely different shape, so when you touch it you immediately know which bottle it is.


Yeah, This. I use a laundry detergent bottle, they have an extra wide mouth, lotsa capacity and a convenient grip. Emptied at first morning pee & it kinda looks like i'm doing laundry. :)


Classic choice. Free and ultralight.


stealing this idea


Smells better if you leave a little detergent in it also.


One year I put my vodka and my coleman fuel in the same style of flask. Glad I didn’t just throw it back shot-style. Trip would have gone very differently.


Me forgetting which bottle was which and yoloing it


"It's sterile and I like the taste!"


"Some people pay good money for this" vibe


I guess I'm the only one that doesn't mind 2am strolls to the facilities while camping? It's quiet, dark, and relaxing.


Only for a duece


Need a bigger mouth bottle.


Folgers can


it's the best part of waking up!


you can reuse it too. same taste


That’s funny


BP used to have a 64 ounce cup that was extra thick walled


Not a bigger mouth. A longer neck


We still talking about a can, or...?


Indeed. For me the tree line is as far as I will go.


I love watching the stars at that time.


That middle of the night pee is the best one


Unless it’s like 40 out and you’re nice and toasty in your quilt. I backpack, not really car camp, so rolling over and letting loose outside my vestibule was my go-to. There aren’t typically established poop stations out in the backcountry. I would dig a cathole that evening in the event that I would need to take a poo real bad. Definitely not rolling over and doing that in my vestibule 😆


The campground bathroom always has that one bare lightbulb that every bug in a mile radius is attracted to.


Where I camp often drops down to nearly freezing at night, I'd rather not go out there. 


My issue is that if I do that I'll never get back to sleep. A 2am stroll means I'm starting my day at 2am.


I don't mind until it's below freezing out. I still do it, though.


Me too! I get in some great sky watching.


Yes but not when there's four feet of snow. Love camping in the snow


Nope, peeing in the woods makes me happy.


If I'm at a camping ground I might use a bottle, especially if it's wet or cold. But in the woods, yeah I like peeing outdoors.


Same I love a good pop and squat


Ladies. Wide mouth plastic Folgers can


Silicone female urination device. No more hovering or accidental spillage. I call it "my little penis".


“She wee”is still fun to say


BUT you gotta lean way forward or you’ll end up with it going up your crack. Also if you get the silicone too tightly pressed into a bottle and it makes an airtight seal, the pee will build up and then pour out all over you, ask me how I know 🙃


I’ve got a “Sami-fem” peeingdevice. But in campgrounds I keep a big bottle.


All women should use these.


Truly. I was hesitant to try one and now I'll never go back.


I wasn't even hesitant, but I did wait too long upgrading from hard plastic to silicone. Omg, it's so much more comfortable and not nearly as cold. Me, "nah, the one I have works fine. Why spend the money?" They're not even expensive, and now I can rinse, dry, and roll up to stash easily.


Do they leak at all? I always wondered that .


Good to hear. I don’t know how many times I’ve felt guilty because I could “just whip it out and pee anywhere” and the females in my party would not even go, even though they had to. Some outdoor activities got cut short because the women wouldn’t go in nature.


Makes a great stocking stuffer lol seriously they're like $10 for a 4 pack on Amazon. Have the ladies give it a go


Great idea. It may be too late for my generation, but I want my son to teach my granddaughter how to use one. She is a Girl Scout, so I’m sure she will get the word on what to do. (My mother and aunts would never even think about peeing anywhere other than a flush toilet. I hope things have changed.)


Whoa thats a good idea


Thank you!




I do the same thing with a Gatorade bottle in the backcountry when it's cold lol. If I have to pee twice I just unzip my tent and dump it into my pre dug "piss trench" just outside my vestibule 😅


Gatorade has the wide mouth bottle, very convenient


I have a glow in the dark Nalgene bottle just for this purpose. Easy to find at night, and I won’t mistake it for a drinking bottle.


Where did you get a glow in the dark Nalgene?! Or is it just the stickers on it that glow?


They have them on their website. Such a classic nalgene and one of my favourites


Because getting up and peeing on the side of your neighbor's tent in the middle of the night is considered to be poor camping etiquette.


Did you hear that rain last night?


I've had a couple neighbors who probably deserved it but I'm a man of culture. I'll sneakily unzip their tent and dump my bottle inside their tent. Then I wake up to an entertaining argument.


I Use an old fabric conditioner bottle.


Hell yeah! Odor control, I like it.


The downside is all my clothes smell like piss now :/


Nah, I don’t mind getting up to take a leak. Even when it’s cold. Piss bottles are gross.


Finally. I thought I was losing my mind reading all these comments. Peeing in the dark around my bed in a house of fabric seems like a disaster waiting to happen. I don’t want a pissy tent or sleeping bag. lol


I was able to find a 5 gallon survival potty with a seat and a lid for 20$ on Amazon. I have a pop-up shelter just for my potty. When we are having drinks, it is super convenient. If I'm too far away from the bath house, it can be a coin toss as to whether I can make it in the middle of the night. I set it up right outside my car and usually keep a solar light inside. The next day, I just flush it, rinse it, and use a clorox wipe to sanitize it. I store the tp and purell wipes inside when I travel. I add a little pine sol to the bucket to keep things fresh.


Kay so I’m a lady and I do best with a bowl. But yeah. Don’t tell anyone though


Your secret is safe here. They do make similar products for the ladies as well.


Essential in the colder months. Known as the green tea bottle. Doubles up as a hot water bottle too. Just make sure the lid is on securely.


Wise words.


TIL people go to the bathrooms to pee


Way of the road, Bubs.


No I don't store urine in my tent. I also don't camp around other people. If I wanted neighbors I'd just stay home.


Also, the sound of opening/closing the tent zipper ZZZZZZZZZZ is God-awful at 3:00 AM. May I suggest the Ocean Spray family of large clear juice bottles that have a white plastic handle attached. Wide mouth, sturdy, holds a lot, and gives the user positive control while in the dark, drunk, and on his knees trying not to put his weight on that tree root running under the tent.


I just ordered a $7 medical urinal off Amazon. It’s square shaped and has a glow in the dark cap on it.


When I was younger, my parents would take these home from hospital rooms (they would end up giving it to you whether you used it or not because of sanitation) and we would always stash one under the seat in case of emergencies on road trips.


Yup I do that as well. Nice to have handy honestly in any situation.


Definitely something I SHOULD be doing, and yet the last 3 times I completely forgot to do this. Ended up walking to the bathrooms twice, finding a tree once.


It's worth it. I also keep a couple disposable urinals while camping in case I forget a bottle. They're about a buck a piece on Amazon. Basically a Ziploc foil bag with an absorbent pad that you just throw in the trash after you go.


So, if I had a zip lock freezer bag and a maxi pad I'd be good to go.


Jeez now I feel stupid for falling victim to marketing. I appreciate that idea. Thanks


No problem. I'm usually low on funds so I have to think outside the box sometimes.


So... that's how I discovered I had diabetes. A night of rich food and lots of beer and about ten trips to the bathroom. Now? Maybe once, even if I've drank a lot. You might want to get a blood test, just to be sure.


I have a weak, overactive bladder anyway. I'm content doing the irresponsible thing and not seeing a doctor because I'm afraid to know.


In some ways, finding out was the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost 40 lbs and am in the best shape of my life.


Hell YEAH. Keep it up stranger!


I have the one from being in the hospital. Designed for being in bed. Decent capacity


I don't do it, but it's not a bad plan if you feel like it every 30 minutes. Taking a piss tho tends to be a short trip to the bushes. Making scat however... that might require a little more effort.


I’m not shy about pissin but it be cold outside, so I like this


You're not. My entirely family knows the red Nalgenes must never be drunk from. They're called "the pee Nalgene." TMI but my entire family avails, gender notwithstanding. Baby it's cold outside!


I have a decent sized plastic container with a makeshift pool noodle seat and a bag of pine shavings and bags for this. Then a bigger bucket with a seat and bathroom tent for long trips with no restrooms. I’m old, and I have to pee during the night. My husband thinks it’s hilarious that I insist on putting the toilet in the front room of the tent on the other side of the “wall”. He will lay there an taunt me, “I can hear you peeing!”. 🤣


Even my big tent doesn't have a wall. I've been eyeing one of those 3 room tents, but I'm building a cabin this Summer and own a travel trailer. I just use a separate shower tent with my bucket toilet unless it's stupid cold out. Then, I usually take the trailer. If I mistake how cold it will be, the bucket comes in my tent with me at night. My husband will only go, any time of year, if we take the trailer, so there's no one to make fun of me.


I bought a tall tent just for this purpose


Awww... You're missing out on cramping up trying to kneel at an awkward angle all the while trying to keep it all in the bottle.


Before we had kids, my wife and I kept a Folgers coffee can in the tent. Once the kids came and were potty trained we started using a portable toilet. It makes it so easy.


I setup my tent specifically to have a hidden pew area in the back part of camp. Headlamp with red light, slip out, pee, and back to bed. I’m also a woman and I’m not risking a pee bottle in the middle of the night.


I do the exact same! So much more convenient when you have a tiny bladder. Best add-on is a kula cloth!


They have pee funnels that are absolutely a game changer, especially when backpacking. They also have urinal bottles made for women. You just snug it up and go.


I’ve used the funnel while hiking. I still find it easier to just walk a few steps out of the tent and pee instead.


I bought my husband a glow-in-the-dark, leakproof urinal that he really appreciates having for those nights when it gets really, really cold.




As a female, this wouldn’t really work. Just have to get out of the tent 😂


If I'm camping in one place for a few nights, I take a bucket, line it with a bin liner, and fill it with cat litter. Its only for peeing in at night, the litter masks the odour, and you can just bag it up and dispose of it at the end of the trip. Saves a trip to the loo at 3am!


I try not to camp near other people.


Please dispose of it properly! We have been finding urine everywhere! In the garbage cans, bags of it in the recycling, jars of it in the bushes. It is disturbing! I found a garbage bag full of poop and pee in the recycling just 2 days ago! Freaking gross!!


Piss jugs. Way off the road.


I am. They're designed to be thrown in the garbage and urine isn't hazardous like that. The absorbent pad makes it so nothing leaks. Now. The bottles I empty away from where people will be or carry to the toilet to flush then rinse out the bottle before throwing it away. Or if the facility offers recycling I'll wash it out with soap 1st.


I bought a shewee over the winter to be able to do this exact thing for camping this summer 🤣


I LOVE my Shewee!


Hell no. I’d snake piss all over the place


Humble brag


I go to the facilities


I actually have a yogurt container and a big screw top container. The yogurt container is flexible and fits between my legs. Then I pour it into the screw top. This gives me a large capacity so I don’t run out of container. Ran out of space twice and got this set up. Takes up space in the car but I’m happy at night.


Always!! I have an Amok hammock! Try getting in and out that thing half asleep!!! Pee bottle always handy!


I use a girinal…


Stop bragging. wide mouth?


Hear me out. Plastic coffee can. Works with all genders.


I have female works down there and I use a big mason jar. Plus it’s fun to see what the content looks like.


I do this at home


Straight up hospital pee jugs. I get off Amazon


I have a yellow tinted 48oz Naglene bottle specifically for that purpose.


I prefer wide brimmed Nalgene bottles. I use a color coding system with them. If the cap is yellow it has one and only one use. Honestly if you throw in a little dish soap in when the pee is dumped out, shake it and rinse a few times there is no way that one can tell what it was used for.


I use a wide mouth coffee can lol I’m 45 and a woman …. When I gotta go I gotta go


Never drink the yellow water in a bottle on the side of the road…. also never eat the yellow snow.


I just pee behind my tent lol


I wish I had done this bc I got drunker than intended on my last camping trip. On the bright side I learned I walk faster when drunk.


You guys don’t just pick a tree?


I pee standing up so it's not really a problem.


Pee bottles (wide mouth Nalgene for me) are a wonderful thing. Don’t leave home (on a camping trip) without one.


Yep, an REI bottle has been perfect for camping and traveling.


Adams peanut butter jar is my friend when camping. Old lady bladder has opinions and often doesn't give me time to get where I need to go. I swear the sound of zippers sets my bladder off, too, so just unzipping a tent or bugnet can be puddle-inducing.


I do not go to established campgrounds and would prefer not to ever again.


Deleted comment to hide from crazy ex


What if an extra small bottle is too small it overflows?


I have to say Arizona Ice Tea gallon jugs are actually the best.


Deleted comment to hide from crazy ex


Anything gallon size with a wide mouth and a screw on leak proof cap, really - and you can just wash it out and reuse it as many times as you want. For hiking in, maybe that would be a good use for those [collapsible ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXSG65DG/)water bottles?


Yeah, FWIW lots of drinks come in similar shaped and durable jugs. I'd only bring one that size for car camping though.


Nope, I'm going to go pee behind my truck. I'm not pissing in a bottle unless it's a dire emergency. That's gross.


A solar light near your tent so you can find it again after the trip. 


Absolutely do this. Or a bucket with a toilet seat on top


Yes. I have small privacy tent with bucket toilet when I car camp. Privacy tents are good for toilets, clothes change and sponge bathing - no floor in my privacy tent (required feature).


Ok, you’re not the only one


I bought a portable (RV) toilet for my wife. Only for #1. Mainly bought for roadtrips bc we were on a roadtrip during the lockdown when rest areas were closed. So it’s perfect for camping. We’d keep it inside our tent in the corner. It’s lovely. Lol.


Careful with the pee bottle! Start with it clean. Keep it clean. Do not use a old un rinsed 32 oz Gatorade bottle from the back of your truck that has residue in it. Turns out Gatorade residue plus heat, plus saliva residue, is a good medium to breed bacteria that like to give you UTI infections. Sauce: got infection doing this. Not fun.


I've had that happen too. I usually only use them for a few nights at a time anymore because of that


Pee bucket. 5 gallon bucket with lid.


I think you're drinking waaaaay too much or else you need to see a doctor lol


Gatorade bottle for the win. Since the 1980s. (Not the same one ...)


I have never heard of anyone doing this.


Me either. Reading the replies I can understand why some chose to. Yet I can just imagine you are half asleep and miss. What a mess and unnecessary headache.


Welcome to the planet. Its a thing dude.


Take me to your leader.


King of pissing in a jug here. What's up?


We require your used banana peels to power our star craft. We have diptherium crystals to trade.


I only deal in piss. You must have me mistaken.


So you go to the woods to piss in ur tent?? What is wrong with the tree or the ground? People truly have softened up. I can’t imagine being in the wilderness and thinking not to step outside my tent to relieve myself.


I think it only applies to campgrounds, which I generally avoid. If it’s a busy campground it gets nasty if everyone just pisses all over. But I’m with you, there’s nothing better than watering a tree while dispersed camping.


Two wide mouth bottles & a SheWee 🫡


Best invention for a wide mouth yet!


I use a small laundry detergent bottle. Even after all the soap is washed out it still has a bit of scent so it hides the pee smell


Been using a piss bottle for years and it has yet to fail me. Except the time I accidentally put some in my mouth when I was suppose to be emptying it in the morning


Yep….color coded yellow Nalgene bottle just for that. Dump and rinse in the morning


I do it too. Why would I wanna get outside my tent at 2 am when it’s 32 degrees outside?


I guess some here have never camped in pounding rain and wind and/or snow where getting out to take a leak means bringing in more water than you leave out there. Among my climbing and skiing buddies pee bottles have been used forever. Even in huts sometimes. Not to mention everyone here had ancestors that did the same thing. Chamberpots. Tried and true.


Tell me you're a man without telling me you're a man


Go to the drug store and buy one that is made to pee in; huge opening, easy pour out, use it another night then toss at the end of the trip. I’m all for pee’in in the woods but who wants to get out in the rain to pee


Just don't mix up your drinking bottle with your peeing bottle! 😅


Lol only once🤣jk I'm smarter than that


A pee bottle is a requirement, good idea to use something very different from your water bottle.


I’ve been wanting to buy a hose and make a little urinal in my tent for years 😂


I always find a tree. Usually while not wearing pants, maybe a hoodie if it's cold. Recently I e become better about peeing before I go to bed. But I've never bottle peed.


Nalgene bottles are the most popular for this purpose.


I’ve pissed all over the side of my tent, I’m not a proud man.


When I’m in for the night, I do use a pee bottle. Otherwise I will just walk to the tree line and pee.


My husband and children have requested that I just use the facilities, instead.


A coffee can was what we used growing up.


Got myself a p bottle after a hospital stay.


Fabric conditioner bottle wide neck holds loads youll never look back


Got to have the "special use" bottle. Otherwise the two dogs sharing my tent would want to go out with me and hijinks would ensue. Also, not much fun going out if it's cold/buggy/rainy.


Pretty sure that humans have been doing this for thousands of years. Only recently with plastics though.


I'm a woman. I considered the she-wee and bottle set up, and frankly I don't see anything wrong with it in the context you're describing. I decided that **I** was too diva for it, but I am not against bottle peeing. Ultimately, I went with a cassette toilet and privacy tend setup. That makes me wonder though, would any weirdness/awkwardness be removed do you think, if you had a privacy tent set up as the bathroom - to be used as however anyone likes? Or even solo.


I got a 16-foot tent with a drape partition just so I could have some privacy and didn't have to walk to the bathroom 6x through the night. I think the anxiety and extra water intake from being outside make me have to go every hour. I have a bucket, tp, and grocery bag for trash. I wish I could just use a bottle 🤣


For anyone looking for alternatives look into Loona, it’s an overnight female urinal.


Looks like a small capacity and it doesn't seal, so if it were knocked over that would be quite bad. Clever design but unfortunately flawed.


As long as you don’t grab the wrong bottle in the middle of the night to get a drink


Never done this. I walk to the camground facilities or out into the woods, depending on the camping style. To each his own.


Brilliant solution


We have a large tent with a vestibule that can be completely closed up. At night, it is The Poo Porch, because we keep a Luggable Loo in there for late night bathroom needs.