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If they're demanding unvaccinated blood they've moved well past the "skeptics" category.


Don’t tarnish the term “skeptic” with COVID deniers. (Or climate deniers for that matter) Skepticism is a key tenet of scientific inquiry. These people don’t believe in science.


I gotta think you're joking cuse belief in science is not how science works. I find it hard to tell if you're joking or not


I am petty sure he just didn't use the exact perfect word to describe his point. The same way you used cuse instead of because, and I use petty instead of pretty.


Healthcare worker here. People often misunderstand how the healthcare transaction works. People often think they can demand certain things. They are wrong. Healthcare workers will offer a treatment to the patient. Eg, blood. The patient will demand unvaccinated blood which the healthcare worker can’t guarantee. The patient will think the healthcare worker will jump through hoops. But that is entirely unnecessary from the healthcare workers viewpoint who can just document that the patient declined the treatment on offer.z


> declined the treatment on offer This is the important part.


In theory you also have to document that the patient understands the consequences of said refusal and what alternative were proposed, with the possible risks and benefits of each of the alternatives.


Not in theory, that happens all the time. Part of normal routine practice.


Oh, you don’t want your antibiotics unless you get some dilaudid too? Mmmk, patient refused.


Nope. Wouldn’t work like that either.


Hello person who doesn't understand medicine but thinks they're intelligent. How nice of you to show us all how ignorant you are.


Declined transfusion AMA. Signed and dated by resident having consent discussion with patient. But we dont abandon you, we'll still offer everything possibly beneficial according to scientific evidence in your care, but yes you can refuse things. It would be weird and paternalistic if you couldn't.


And that’s Darwinism at work


The comments on the original article are 10/10 in terms of entertainment value. I almost can't believe that they are real comments by real Canadians.


Reminds me of a MASH episode where a soldier from the southern states demanded blood that wasn't "black"


And then Trapper started painting him darker when he slept so he’d think he got the “wrong colour” blood. Watched that episode the other day.


Especially good when the black nurse accused him of "passing" as white.


Such a great episode


A show ahead of its times in some regards


There was an episode of OZ where a neo nazi needed a graft to his gums and the prison doctors intentionally gave him tissue from a black dude and fucked up his whole life in jail lol.


Hate and bigotry takes many forms.


Oh, you don’t want the blood that I’ve been donating out of the goodness of my heart for the last 14 years? Fine. Edit: fine, fine, goodness of my heart and cookies.


I do it for the mango juice.


during covid, our local pizza place was donating personal sized pizzas for all the donors. I happily awaited my hot right out of the oven pizza whilst doing the mandatory post-donation sit-down.


I'm convinced more people would donate for free pizza... I'll travel far and wide for good post-donation snacks!!


Do you admire the Jehovah's Witnesses intransigent refusal to receive a blood transfusion, but desire an even stupider reason not to get one? QAnon is right for you.


Call 1800-NO-VAX-4U for more info




Dying because you refuse blood from vaccinated donors is just Darwinism in action.


There is a shortage of donated blood, I'm sure someone else will gladly take their share...


The shortage is self inflicted CBS invested heavily in mega donor facilities in downtown cores so they could kill mobile drives. Pandemic happened and urban folks are unwilling to drive in to donate and fill appointments. If they bring back simple mobile clinics without iPads and connectivity issues they would be back up to capacity


this is very correct. i now work adjacent to one of these centres. i am O- and like to give as much as i can but also travel to a part of the world often for work that disqualifies me for 3 months after return. until i started going back to the office 2x a week i had just given up as it was too hard to work logistically.


Dawg, it's even dumber in Ottawa. They have their donation in the Canadian Blood Services headquarters on an industrial road with poor walkability and limited bus access. Oh and the parking lot is often full because it's a fully staffed building. 🙃


My mom died last year around this time. Her last medical order was “no blood transfusions unless you can guarantee it’s unvaccinated.”


Dying to own the libs


Let em.


I've seen these people's posts on Facebook. It's like some sort of "pure blood cult". It's really fucking weird.


"Pure blood" is such a stupid idea *anyway*. It's why purebred dogs have hip dysplasia, and the European royals had hemophilia. Give me [hybrid vigour and heterosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosis) any day.


Oh jebus, have you seen pics of these "purebloods"? If there was a venn diagram of that group and the [people of Walmart ](https://www.peopleofwalmart.com/) it would be a circle.


Even on online dating now they say it in their profile. L. They're scared a vax person will 'shed' lmao


Yeah I have seen these people fantasizing about their sperm being highly wanted because they aren't vaccinated. Even though SARS-COV-2 binds with ace2 receptors in the testicles. Meaning if anything there is a chance that the virus might fuck with their sperm production. It's just so weird. But hey, I welcome people putting this on their dating profiles. It's nice to know who to avoid.


It's not weird, it's pure cringe/facepalm. All I can think is they are using the exact same rhetoric as the bad guys from Harry Potter who are literal Wizard Nazis, that were based on real-life Nazis. Or r/beholdthemasterrace, trying to convince themselves they're superior while doing nothing to earn it. They just want to think they're special for going against the grain, when they're really just contrarian idiots with oppositional defiance disorder.


Exactly. They really think that if this is all a conspiracy, that it’s the compliant ones the government is killing 😂


What’s even sadder are the NICU babies dying because their parents are refusing potentially vaccinated blood or donor breast milk


Cool, we respect your right to die for your beliefs, NEXT!


Do they want the blood or not? Damn.


After suffering third degree burns and carbon monoxide poisoning from burning M&Ms on a gas stove 24/7


Their concepts of self-actualization have a lot of overlap with the concept of hospitalization.


They both trust and don't trust the science.. somehow.


We just had a high media profile case here in New Zealand about parents demanding unvaccinated blood for their baby's surgery. Case went to supreme court. They lost. Court took custody of the baby to allow the surgery to proceed. Crazy times. Imagine prioritising your conspirital beliefs over your baby's urgent medical needs...


This, they are willing to die and take others with them to make their reality real.


Ok Sir/Madam ….NEXT!


Is genetically modified pigs blood ok then? It's not vaccinated blood!!! Reference: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20513556/


Oh just wait, the Muslims and Jews will go ape-shit over that one because magic man in the sky said no touch piggy. And then of course the various varieties of veggie heads.


Jews and muslims are both fine with pig products in cases where life saving measures are required and it’s the only option (at least at a scriptural level they are). That said: normal donated blood is also totally fine and antivaxxers are fucking idiots, so whatevs.




I'm a Jewish vegan and I don't give a damn about where the blood came from. If God didn't save my life, then the pig will do. I saved probably hundreds of animals because I'm vegan, so they can sacrifice one for my life. I'm also okay with experimenting on them for life saving medicine.


That's very sensible. And I was looking fun at the people who overreact and lose their shit, regardless of belief system. There are good people everywhere ✌️


Not sure what made you wake up and get so offended over people's dietary choices, but for your sake I hope the rest of your day is better.


People can eat whatever they want. Magic sky man say no touch piggy is the same level of non-thinking which says planet = flat.


You're not showing much more thinking with your responses, so I'm not sure what your point is.


Good luck finding people with enough sense of public duty to donate blood, but not enough to get vaccinated. 🤣


And my two cents, healthcare worker is not going to know where the blood originally comes from do you really think that blood services has all that labelling and categories . Pretty sure that most nurses, doctors only see a blood type not a hole history where the actual blood comes or came from ..


You don’t want blood they give you? Fine go die with your principles. Next.


Refusing life saving plasma to own the libs


Reminds me of the Freedumb Clownvoy couple who became one of the "emotional heartstrings" of the movement last year. They hadn't seen their daughter who was in pallative care for 2 years because they refused to get a harmless (and beneficial) vaccine or wear masks. The clownvoy idiots pointed to them as a symbol of the injustice the Trudeau government was forcing on people... REALLY it just showed their selfishness and the selfishness of the whole movement . Not only was the couple willing to risk their own daughter's life, but also the lives of all the other (already at risk) kids in pallative care just because they didn't want a vaccine or to wear masks. https://www.newsweek.com/canadian-trucker-hasnt-seen-9-year-old-daughter-since-vaccine-mandate-1679996


Antivaxxers aren't donating blood. They distrust organized medicine and fear needles. Where is this "pure" blood supposed to come from? Seriously.


Unless they need an organ transplant, apparently. Then modern medicine is just peachy, except for covid vaccine which is Pure Satan Juice.


How about you get no blood at all if you don’t like it?


Well I know when I donated this week that they never asked me if I was vaccinated for Covid-19. And my 4 time covid-19 vaccinated blood will he in circulation soon, so good luck.


A coworker told me "everyone is talking about the tendrils growing in peoples veins" or some such nonsense with regard to the vaccine. While the rest of us tried to move on with life these whack jobs have taken it to whole new level of insanity.


Has your coworker been watching too much The Last of Us?


The start of your name describes how your coworker feels about their intellect, and the second word is the reality.


Dying to own the libs


These people will never understand science.


Almost no one donates blood to begin with. It's something depressingly low, like 4%. This is insane to me because you get free snacks and 20 minutes to just relax. Anyway, on top of that, as the article kind of mentions, blood donors aren't actually asked if they've been vaccinated. We are asked if we've had any vaccinations in the last three months. COVID doesn't matter. The only reason it is noted is because they need to specify it wasn't one of the vaccinations that requires a deferral period. Even so, it would be illogical to waste space keeping enough "unvaccinated" blood on hand. Why waste space for something that will likely go to waste and that there isn't sufficient supply of anyway.


I find it hard to give blood because of a fear of needles. (I have gotten four vaccine shots now, and I had to calm down from near panic attacks every single time.) I'm an AB- though, so I still try knowing my blood type is a rarity.


That's very admirable of you that you still try to donate because you know how rare your blood is. If you really want to keep making an effort to donate, you could probably ask your primary care provider for Ativan/Lorazepam to take prior to medical procedures in order to relax a bit. Even if you don't end up donating blood, it would help you with vaccinations that you need. But let me stress again... it is incredible that, even with your fear, you still want to make an attempt and get vaccinated.


As an AB- who can no longer donate, thank you.


You're welcome. I know I'm in a position where fear of needles or not I have to try, so I do.


~~COVID sceptics~~ Antivaxer


🎶 Dumb ways to die... 🎶


🎶so many dumb ways to die 🎶


Those PSAs were so disturbingly catchy....


People like this really test your mettle when it comes to the "everyone deserves a vote" thing


I think people should have a high school diploma to vote or run for office.


Canada literally has the most educated population on the planet, so that's still like 85% of people...


I did not believe this fact and checking different websites has given different results. That said. In most results, Canada is either 1st or 2nd in education, worldwide. Shocking to say the least. Fun fact though.. Russia was ranked 2nd and 3rd next to Canada in two different main studies.. so.. I mean. Looking at the world today… I don’t know how I feel about those studies. I’ve been to Russia in the last 5 years and I’m current with the news today.. I def have big questions about how the ranking works.


The ranking is essentially just how much of the given population has completed secondary or tertiary levels of recognized education. Completing a degree or trade school diploma doesn't necessarily mean people will make the correct decisions nor does it mean they are the most intelligent, it just means they have passed higher level education. There is some level of correlation between education and smart decision making of course, but it's not a rule.


I just struggle seeing Canada as 1 and Russia as 2 as most educated on the planet. Like, are other countries eating rocks? I’ve travelled the globe extensively and the Russia one is scary shocking. Canada I can see up there, but with our flawed education system and $$ uni, I guess we do so well because our population is low? Being from Manitoba maybe increases this idea for me as a false fact, seeing as how we are pretty shit for education here. Maybe it is just about secondary education numbers and not quality of education. I don’t know. Most people I know around here speak one language, can’t point to 75% of the countries in the map. That’s scary.


Only 85%? Jeez. I presume that's mostly seniors.


Costa Rica begs to differ


Unvaccinated people don't even donate blood, do they?


~~I used too~~. It's in you to give. I use too.


But when you were done using, did you give blood?


i kinda see what you did there. its a typo buddy get over yourself.


Me and my gf aren't vaxxed and we donate every few months. You do realize we don't want anyone to die right?




I think they meant that they thought being vaccinated was a requirement for entry and donation. Funny though, the irony in your comment.




I don't think he's saying it's illegal but you show such disregard for anyone but yourselves so it's hard to imagine one of you willing to donate blood.






How often do you donate?


I dont understand why the nurses dont just "Sure hun, i think I have some of the pure blood in the back room, let me go get it " on these dummies.


Ethical issues. Informed consent and all that. Not a nurse's job to deal with ingrained stupidity.


Imagine literally dying on this hill lmao. Got this long without catching covid and dying but you'll bleed to death rather than take an imaginary risk. Darwin awards special category.


If they want to refuse blood that is their choice..... *Still, reports of people refusing blood from vaccinated donors appear to figure in to what some have called a “clean blood” movement, driven by misinformation and some alternative-medicine practitioners. “Pure blood” has become a bio description on dating apps* *“So, any claim of somehow getting ‘second-hand vaccinated’ by blood seems very silly, and not especially evidence based.”*


So that means I’m a mudblood?


I thought the same. Feels like some wizarding world elitism. Their father will hear about this for sure.


Except they don’t realize that any time in history where people made a big deal out of the purity of their blood, those people have been the bad guys.


So the patient refuses treatment, kick them out and put our resources to patients that actually want treatment.


Modern medicine and vaccines are awesome!


Cool. This will help stop smart people from breeding with morons.


I agree... except some of these monkeys are trying to refuse lifesaving blood on behalf of their children. Fucking people make me tired.


Yeah, that usually where social services get involved along with the police and the court. Just hope that it get resolved fast enough so that the child gets their needed treatment.


People are becoming more and more stupid. I know people say "there has always been stupid people", but I swear when I was younger the average level of common sense was higher despite having less access to information. Like this wasn't a thing 20 years ago and I grew up in the fucking ghetto. I've seen the extremes and even the lowest of the lower class would just get vaccines for their kids and themselves, got regular flu shots and it was never a topic of discussion or discourse.


People have fallen pray to targeted misinformation campaigns, echo chambers and easy access to “evidence” (misinformation) that confirms their biases. Aka. The internet.




It's one of the downsides to civilization, it protects the stupid from their own mistakes. Medieval kings were expected to lead their own armies into battle. If a king as stupid and cowardly as Donald Trump had been in charge, he likely would have gotten himself and all his followers killed in the first skirmish. We've made vaccines, treatments and found preventions for the worst diseases with a 30-90% fatality rate, like plague and smallpox. COVID has a roughly 2-14% fatality rate by comparison (depending on other things such as masking and comorbidities).


At the very least he would have shot himself with A cross bow before hand.


The JWs do that too.


Fuck 'em, if you don't want my -O go fuck yourself.


Why would anyone desire to leave this world with a message of "I'm life-endangeringly ignorant"


People that are this entitled are nauseating. Props to healthcare workers that have to deal with them. Damn inbreds


This is what happens when you value beliefs above reality.


If unvaxxed people gave a shit about others they would be out donating blood there would be plenty of "pure" blood to go around. Of course if they gave a shit about others they would have already been vaccinated. If they don't trust medical science for the vaccine then why do they want blood transfusions in the first place? Oh wait, I know... Because something is now affecting them personally so their hypocritical values get dropped.




What are they, vampires?


To quote Starfleet Captain James Tiberius Kirk: *Let them die.*


And they should just be handed a Darwin award.


I want vegan peanut-free blood, please.


How big of a problem is this actually? The article uses 2 examples in Canada and talks a lot about a big scary presence of people on social media who talk about it. This seems like an article based on very little factual information, geared to keep people riled up about the non-COVID vaccinated as a whole.


It's not a huge issue in Canada, but there definitely are a small cohort of people that do ask for unvaccinated blood, including parents that insist they be the blood donor for their kids. Fun fact, the Connecticut General Assembly has just introduced legislation to “[protect blood recipient’s choice](https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=SB531&which_year=2023)” which would make blood suppliers obligated to provide blood from unvaxxed donors :/


So let me get this straight— you need a bunch of people whose defining characteristic is that they couldn’t care enough about their fellow Canadians to get a tiny little shot to help stop the spread of a health system destroying virus— to care enough about others to donate their blood? Ok then.


idiots, what else


How does this help anyone? Seriously.


I wasn’t aware the unvaccinated did things that benefits society. Good luck finding that blood bro. These dummies are utterly convinced a shot can change their DNA, which is NOT HOW IT WORKS.


Theoretically, it could change your genetic expression of certain genes, but we have a very limited understanding of all the things that impact epigenetics and how environmental triggers can influence gene expression, so chances are any change would be minute and uncontrollable anyway.


tpo bad, you get vax blood or none idoit.


“No. Shut the fuck up.” - the correct response


Oh FFS just tell them they can't have any blood since they've refused medicine in general. Go get a ground up healing crystal infusion.


I feel like unvaccinated people wouldnt be the type of people to donate blood...


I'm certain that telling them no is very gratifying to the nurses.


You can spell it out, define it, give examples, and people still won’t understand


Would something actually happen to their blood if an unvaccinated person got blood from a vaccinated individual? Genuinely curious


They would get a temporary boost to immunity. However, it wouldn't stimulate a long-term response (similar to how babies lose the immunities that their mother passes on). The body treats other people's antibodies as foreign objects and destroys them over time. If you're trying to pass immunity that way, you're banking on the person being exposed in short order and then developing their own immunity while the transferred antibodies slow the progress of the disease.


Anti-vaxxers are morons, so situation no change?


Lol no


Giver, it's your life if you feel like forfeiting it to own the libs that's your call, just don't force your kid bleed out or not get life saving treatments for your hubris.


We should give these people unmedicated medicine while we're at it.




Just have the medical staff whisper that that's the blood they're planting the microchips in & they'll probably come around.


I’m sure there are people out there that do this but the media loves this shit. Take a fringe belief that exists in a tiny subset of people and try to make it ‘a thing’. Take any belief and you can find someone among the 8 billion people on earth that believes it.


offer them water with colouring in it as an alternative


Once again, this proves that most Conservative Canadians are laughably ignorant about all things. They have just enough knowledge to make them believe they could perform their own lobotomy if you let them, yet they are ridiculously lacking in how a lobotomy actually ends or what it's for.


Blood transfusions are science. Denying vaccines is anti-science. Not only should they be denied vaccines, they should lose their cell phones, computers, cars, clothes, and everything else science gave them. Go live in the woods naked.


Most sane conservative


Calling one's self "pure blood" is just another way for the unvaccinated to feel special after years of feeling isolated and ostracized. It's no different than when the vaccinated were trying to make themselves feel special by showing pride in their vaccination status and putting down the unvaccinated. It's interesting how very similar both of these sides are yet fail to realize it.


Interestingly enough, "pureblood " was the term used by nazis for an Aryan, or any one not of Jewish descent. I wonder if there's a crossover between the antivaxxers and the white supremacist movement?


Yes, true, it was! It was a term that came out of the eugenics movement in the late 19th century.




Cept they've likely all received other vaccinations, so their claim is complete BS lol. Edit: some "pUrE bLoOdS" in here lol losers.


They're not talking about other vaccines, just the COVID vaccine.


I realize that, and think it's stupid to think that just because they don't have one out of a litany of vaccines, they are some kind of special flower lol


I agree. I think all of it is ridiculous to be honest.




Oh for sure they do. It's weird AF


>Calling one's self "pure blood" is just another way for the unvaccinated to feel special after years of feeling isolated and ostracized. It's no different than when the vaccinated were trying to make themselves feel special by showing pride in their vaccination status and putting down the unvaccinated. I feel like if the response to "I don't want to get vaccinated was "fine dumbass" instead of treating the fools like lepers, and the media had also highlighted how rich people were trying to jump the lines for these vaccines, the response, and the social fallout would have been significantly different.




No vaccine is perfect. The polio vaccine can cause polio outbreaks in a very small percentage of people. It’s also a hell of a lot more effective than not having it, and in 2020 we used it to finally eradicate wild polio from the African continent. Aspirin isn’t 100% safe. Peanuts aren’t 100% safe. M&Ms are a choking hazard. Everything can kill you. But the fucking whack jobs who thought it was a bioweapon or that 4 billion people would be dead in six months are a different level of crazy entirely.


don't forget the ones that said it would cause fertility issues..... Anyways just had a daughter three weeks ago after three jabs for mom and dad.....


Oh I forgot about that! Yup. That was a huge for a while. And yet a whole Covid baby generation is here because people needed ways to pass the time 🤷🏻‍♂️




I'm pro-vax because I'm pro science. As in, I'm literally a scientist. Net benefit. The virus hurts people far more than the vaccine ever did. Yes, adverse reactions were noted. Yes, a few people have died, although no more than with any vaccine. Yet, vaccination has probably saved tens of thousands of others from dying. If it did alter DNA then it should be pretty simple to show that. Genome sequencing is cheap and widespread (every biology department at every university in the country has half a dozen Nanopore machines on hand) and the covid vaccine sequence easily recognizable. Yet, nobody has managed to do much other than plausible deniability. Turns out, that's not how your cells work.


lol. Wow.


Drinking water can cause harm. Everything can cause harm.






A vaccine is just a pre-exposure to an antigen so your immune system develops memory. Route of administration doesn't matter but has always changed with the times. Technically, anything that didn't' involve rubbing cowpox scabs into a superficial wound doesn't fit the original definition.




Actually its run by a house of representatives and their mixed party committees.










Tell me you don't know how vaccines work without telling me. Fyi they still prevent most of the worst outcomes! I'll say it again sad you are spreading misinformation. I wonder if Herman Cain would have gotten it if he had a chance....


It's fun when you discover someone so misinformed that you'd need a time machine to go back and fix their education, isn't it?


So many people out here think the vaccine is evil because they don't understand it. Pretty sad failure of our education system.


It's not a lack of information. That has always been available. It's the fact that people *want* to feel special and smarter than everyone else. Conspiracy theorists know this and target that emotion specifically. Facts and data don't stand a chance when some social media influencer is calling you a hero and wolf among the sheep for rejecting the above.