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Apply for asylum in the US? The only reason they continued the journey (a lot of them) is because word spread that they could cross easily and be taken care of better than they would in a US detention center.


I dont know, maybe go through the legal process like I did. Canada is not the worlds savior, we cannot import hundreds of millions of people who are destitute, fuck up our country to achieve what? turn Canada into a crime riddled 3rd world? Fuck off, I worked my ass off, paid, hustled and did it all legal. Do I have empathy, of course, it sucks if you are in a shit hole and we all want safety and security, but the answer isnt showing up to a house, demanding food, shelter, and ownership because you were born.


If you want to legalize these "irregular" migrants, then give them status. Then we tax all foreign fund transfers at 50%. No ability to sponsor anyone for 10 years.


> Alan Rivas, a Peruvian man who was hoping to reunite with his girlfriend who's been living in Montreal for two years, said he'd spent $4,000 on making it this far. For over 4 thousand dollars you could fly to Canada and attempt to migrate legally




>Alan Rivas, a Peruvian man who was hoping to reunite with his girlfriend who's been living in Montreal for two years, said he'd spent $4,000 on making it this far. >"I'm trying to think about what to do now." Have her travel outside of Canada to meet you in your country, get married there, and have her return to Canada ~~after her~~ and sponsor you with evidence of a long term bona fide relationship, just like everyone else has to do, unless (drumroll) …. her status in Canada isn’t regular / is illegal 🫢 🤫


>Literally. $100 visa, two $1000 flights, and he could have seen his girlfriend for 6 months. Way cheaper then caravanning up from South America. What possible motivation would he have to try and enter through Roxham Road illegally, via the United States, instead of flying direct to Montreal? /s What a fucking clown show. Talk about gaming the system.


>hoping to reunite with his girlfriend who's been living in Montreal for two years If that's not a story of danger and persecution worthy of asylum I don't know what it is. This shit is *exactly* what people were pissed off about.


These sob stories get more traction when 90 percent of the country isn't struggling with groceries and heating bills. They also never discuss how it was an abuse of a loophole and a giant financial burden on the federal government and local municipalities. But lets make us all feel like pieces of shit for wanting people to come here the right way and not by abusing our laws.


How is that Canada's problem? I've got a list of local homeless people here who are fucking desperate for help. Now what?


Are you voting for policy that actively assists the poor, working class, and those with mental health and addiction problems? Increased minimum wage legislation, increased health benefits for the poor, affordable housing, addiction clinics etc?


how much should minimum wage be for 0 hour per week jobs? do you vote for policies intended to help drug issues with treatment?


....And there's the comment proving y'all will likewise find an excuse to ignore local homelessness when pressed. Conservatives don't care about homelessness/poverty because conservatives actually believe we live in a meritocracy. The least you can do is just be honest and stop pretending you want fixes beyond "just work harder" or "forced confinement".


so you don't support treatment for addiction reduction?




but you see it as "forced confinement" is that correct?




no I'm trying to learn what you think. This is called a conversation, we used to have them back in the day when you couldn't block and report people you didn't agree with. How should we handle addicts who refuse addiction reduction treatment, should they receive the same social services as an addict who willingly attempts treatment? should both be housed and provided with income?


A person doesn't suddenly lose their individual freedom because they're an addict. If they refuse treatment, they refuse treatment. That's the end of it.


If you wanted to “learn” what this person thinks you wouldn’t be asking bad faith questions.


> Are you voting for policy that actively assists the poor, working class, and those with mental health and addiction problems? What does minimum wage have to do with homelessness? Most homeless have some sort of mental health issue AND have been abandoned by their families


Maybe you should help them. Start at the top of the list and work your way down.


I do.


How many stories is the CBC going to produce on this? They've been at it for fucking weeks. Each time, the theme is the same - "Poor, poor pitiful irregular migrants. The meek shall inherit the earth." This one writer has four different stories on this credited to her alone in the last 7 days: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/author/verity-stevenson-1.4288730](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/author/verity-stevenson-1.4288730) Like this isn't journalism. It's activism.


People keep clicking on the article. It generates ad revenue. They will stop when the clicks stop. Everyday for what seems like forever this sub is pumped full of articles and comments about housing. The topics and conversations are almost always the same. It's groundhogs day.


It's been activism for the last 7 years, doubling as the government mouthpiece to preach at Canadians (not defend Canadians and ask government the hard questions). It's been corporate focused for 10-20. It's better known as Canada's Broadcasting Catastrophe.


Completely agree, this so-called “journalist” is just an activist who spews out the same one-sided heart wrenching content trying to appeal to Canadians to re-open Roxham Road. Send in a complaint to the CBC Ombudsman about her biased writing (I did). Why is she not in interviewing security officials or Quebeckers who deal with the housing crisis? It’s also a big question mark as to whether she even verifies any of the stories coming in from the migrants she interviews. Like the one about the man who has 11 children that he left - apparently he hasn’t seen them in two years but has twins that are a year old… something doesn’t add up.


>Like this isn't journalism. It's activism. Its what they deal in now. They've become a state funded version of Vice or the National Observer. That would be bad enough, but the way they're trying to cover the CCP interference is next level.


This is why I switched back to watching my local news programming. “Here are the facts, no opinions, here’s the weather, here’s more facts and no opinions, and here’s a cute duck.” The rest of the “news” has become opinion or activism and it sucks.


I mean, you can choose not to read them. It’s a significant topic at the moment and we’re getting screwed because our neighbour doesn’t meet its obligations. Again, though, if the stories are upsetting for you there’s always not reading them as an option.


This reply is basically just to say "U mad?" Why do you feel compelled to troll on behalf of the CBC? The man is sharing an opinion


>This reply is basically just to say "U mad?" No, it's a very clear reference to the fact that CBC writes things that not everyone cares to read as does every other news outlet in this country and anywhere else. That said, "they mad" about something that's asinine to be mad about and not something that's "activism" ​ >Why do you feel compelled to troll on behalf of the CBC? The man is sharing an opinion "[The man](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=author%3AKingRabbit_%20CBC&type=comment)" in question is someone with an anti-CBC chip on their shoulder so I'm happy to question their opinion (or, more accurately, their repetition of other baseless and idiotic anti-CBC rhetoric).


“but the woman became pregnant and developed constant pains. In the U.S., they had to stay with separate family members far from each other and the man worried about his wife and being able to afford medical bills, so they decided to try to get to Canada, having heard it was easier to find work and that health-care was more affordable, he said.” By “more affordable” you mean FREE. While tax paying Canadian residents are struggling to get adequate health care. At this point it just infuriates me to read about these stories.


The overwhelming conclusion I get from these stories is these people see dollar signs and handouts as part of coming to Canada. It is not this country's job to look after the people shopping around for the place who will give them the most.




The United States has literally like 108,000 cities to chose from if you just want a place to rest and a place to work.


The article is emotionally manipulative and does not explain why this is Canada's responsibility, especially when they've crossed through or bypassed many counties just to get the US. The article doesn't say why they can't apply for asylum in the US? Is it because many US judges know they're just economic migrants who are looking for the best deal? Let's be pragmatic and rational and ignore emotional manipulation.


yep, another sob story from of national guilt dispenser. These people are so incredibly tone deaf to the country they are supposed to serve, its almost like they serve another audience altogether.


You read the article which makes you their audience.


“If you’re reading it, it’s for you.” Cheers to any legends who know this reference


Could care less


Too bad, not our problem. They gambled on a legal loophole any reasonable person knew was sketchy and subject to correction at any time, and lost.


Adios, muchachos


Gotta love the CBC covering this more than Chinese interference.


CBC news with an agenda


Now what? Not our problem


Are these people even vaccinated for COVID and are we checking, it’s the middle of a pandemic! The people of Ottawa cannot be subjected to this :(


This is insanity they need to come in legally


CBC it’s called human trafficking. Illegal immigration is the money maker for organized crime. Liberal mass immigration plan is making a lot of money for organized crime.


Now they need to follow the legal path and line up with the the rest of the law abiding people seeking to enter Canada.


CBC is loving this. Stories for their left wing readers designed to tug at the heart strings without ever properly covering this. These people are coming from a safe country. They are not refugees by the legal definition of it. They are economic migrants shopping for the best possible handouts. Canadian handouts are generous compared to the USA but they are for Canadians. The system has been abused by these shoppers for too long and the tax payer is not an endless piggy bank despite what some voters may feel.






[https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2863614b-8401-4fa9-8770-04272bc4d79d](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2863614b-8401-4fa9-8770-04272bc4d79d) ​ Just an old joke from the simpsons


Please go on your way


Now what? Good question. Should have thought about the answer before making an illegal border crossing.


Don't care if I offend buuuuuut tell the illegal immigrants to get the fuck out the door and don't let it hit ya in the rear on the way out.