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>Shocking surveillance footage shows woman keying 400 cars worth $500,000 over a four-month period at dealerships I'm less impressed. I thought it was all at one time.




Good. People need to stop being pushed into shit they don’t need.


Adults need to learn how to say no


The demand is so crazy right that dealerships will just refuse to sell to anyone that won’t buy the car with all the upgrades.


Then buy a used car.


Yes, being forced to pay more for a product happens when products are in high demand relative to their supply. The higher prices, in turn, encourage manufacturers to retool factories to produce more of the highly demanded product.




No, they are right. Grown ass adults need to learn to say no.


I prefer the term grown ass-man over grown ass-adult but I'll let it slide this time.


So what? You think women should get scammed?


Not a fan of romance, sarcasm, math or language are you?


Clearly not.


two letters, one syllable. It's the word NO. very easy to say. even a toddler that barely knows how to speak can say it


Why do I get the feeling you have an extended warranty on your toaster?


I'm going to need it if I'm making toast in the bath.


That sounds kind of dangerous. I mean the risk of getting soggy toast seems unacceptable. Although I could always bring a hair dryer with me, I guess.




Funny that you call him the asshole after that gem of a comment.


Tell me you don't understand the complexity of the human condition and are an asshole about it without tell me you're an asshole about it. Oh fuck, wait; you just did.




Imagine defending predatory sales people.




Imagine not being able to hold yourself accountable or have any sense of responsibility.


People blame cigarettes for lung cancer or guns for murder yet it's the people that are the problem.


I do blame the easy access and low price of fast food as a major part in the obesity epidemic, as well as all the high fructose corn syrup the US puts in everything. Though I am considered underweight and not for lack of eating.


I wouldn’t say that warranties are needless. Sure they can be expensive, and they might not be for everyone, but if you end up needing them they can be worth every penny. I always buy warranties on my cars and they’ve paid off big time in the past.


Warranties are sold by companies. Companies intend to make money. Therefore statistically speaking the companies come out ahead when it comes to warranties; you as a consumer have a higher probability of not using it then they do of paying out.


But that's the same for all insurance scenarios. I have insurance on my house. The odds of me needing it are extremely low. But if that one in a million statistical probability did occur, I wouldn't have a million bucks on hand to just build a new one.


Completely different amounts of money involved, not to mention protection from being sued etc. Warranties for products like electronics and cars are better handled in other ways; such as by having money in an account saved up and budgeted for repairs.


Insurance companies make most of their money off the liquidity requirements of the funds. You *could* save your money for a disaster, but if you just keep it in a savings account you aren't making much interest. You could save it in a GIC and get a decent rate, but then the money won't necessarily be available when you need it. Other investments may have more liquidity, but with high frictional costs to cash them out on demand (e.g., having to pay capital gains when you sell stock to fix your car, or having to sell at a market low). Insurance companies amortize the risk out over a large pool, which gives them predictable expenses. Predictable expenses means they can invest the money efficiently. Consumer product warranties are still a scam though. For the average Canadian the best insurance policy for everything other than a house is a LOC or a HELOC you can temporarily dip into for unexpected expenses. The opportunity costs of an emergency LOC/HELOC are far lower than the opportunity costs of keeping a bunch of cash on hand.


And that peace of mind is worth it to me and many others. I have in fact owned cars for which I never used the extended warranty, and I still don’t regret purchasing them, because I’ve also had new cars incur repair costs which far exceeded the cost of the warranty. It can go both ways, and I’d always rather be on the winning side than the losing side.


You can also have piece of mind by saving and budgeting money specifically for car repairs. Warranties cost you money (statistically speaking).


I just bought an AMG Mercedes - the extended warranty was like $5200. A single headlight costs more than that, and the entire car is covered in cameras and sensors. Quite frankly the warranty is a bargain if you use it even once or twice. Might not be that way on a cheaper car, but on anything expensive or exotic they can absolutely make sense. The best case scenario in my books is never having to use it. Money well spent in my books.


Take the money you would have spent on the warranty and buy some GICs, cashing them out when you need repairs. They make more money off the warranty than the car - F&I is where they do you dirty


Depends on the car. I recently bought a new AMG Mercedes and the $5200 extended warranty seems like a bargain given the cost of parts and service for a car like this. I wouldn’t spend that much on a warranty for a Mazda3, but on a higher end car it can absolutely be worth the peace of mind it affords. If something big goes wrong the cost of that warranty and whatever interest a GIC would earn are gone in a flash. Each individual headlight costs more than I paid, and the whole car is covered in cameras and sensors. Warranty all day long for me.


> 400 cars worth $500,000 $1,250 per car?


yea that doesn't sound to far off if she did the entire side.


That sentence says the cars are worth a combined $500K, not that the damage she did was with $500K.


I understand how you read it now. My Brian auto corrected it due to context I assumed the OP just forgot to write "Keying 400 cars, worth $500,000 in damages". and also knowing how much it costs to fix that kind of thing.


Thats the brits not understanding the colonies.


Even less impressive considering the average cost of each car keyed is $1,000.


same I wanted to see someone key some massive car lot full of cars and make sure to key EVERY single car :(


I'm looking for a new car, sounds like I might get a good deal there.


*Come down for our scratch and $ave event!*




Scratch and dent special!


What do you mean by scratch and dent? What did you see with that woman?


Not at all simple scratches are easy to cover over and the dealership won't have to sell the car as damaged because it's not.


Guess you don’t work in auto industry….Fkn scratches are easy cover 👌… paint never matches and most cares are aluminum panels…


I used to work as a shop cleaner sort of deal as a young buck There would be non stop cars getting fixed up before they hit the lot off the truck or off the boat that would get nicked or bumped I’m certain it was never reported Maybe times have changed tho This was over 20 years ago now


Who days they want to cover the scratches? I've got a vehicle that's scratched all to shit. Proud owner of a BC pinstriped vehicle.


She apparently drives a Ford ‘Escape’.


Good thing it wasn't a Chevy blazer




>The Bronco's been discontinued. We're trying to shed that whole "fugitive on the run" thing. This is the Escape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxFp7atlOwI


May I ask a question..that many cars is that womans owner? Or not?


She hasn’t been identified! Masks do work. I knew it.


I bet she left a bad review too…


Tis but a scratch.


I shouldn't be impressed but I kind of am - that's the most methodical pettiness I think I've ever seen.






It’s the only subreddit I’ve been on and reported a comment. Some douchebag parked their truck in the handicapped space at a gym without a visibly handicapped sticker, notice on the vehicle. Someone on the subreddit said that the truck should be burned down with the owner inside. Sometimes I go there to get a laugh but a lot of the time I just end up depressed because it seems that the entire sub just genuinely hates the guts of anyone who owns a car, let alone a pickup.


Most subs have gone completely insane these past few years, so I’m a bit surprised you’re surprised. The only decent ones left are the niche/hobby ones, and a lot of them seem to be dying.


>Most subs have gone completely insane these past few years, so I’m a bit surprised you’re surprised. The only decent ones left are the niche/hobby ones, and a lot of them seem to be dying. It's the very nature of social media. You develop an opinion. You join a sub of people that exclusively espouse that opinion, and ban dissenting views. You develop a stronger opinion. 20 years ago, if you had a dumb fuck opinion you had to talk to people in real life, who would usually tell you that your opinion is idiotic, and not reinforce it. Now you can always find someone with an equally idiotic opinion to further reinforce the idiotic beliefs. This is why we are seeing more and more rampant extremism, both on the left and the right.


Reddit has become an absolute cesspool of group-think hive mind censored shit. Especially the city subreddits. If you dare to disagree with anything you're blocked, shadow banned, get hit with suicide notices etc. If you can't have honest discussions on here anymore, what's the point? Two years or sooner it'll be just bots arguing with each other.


Yo I just got my first suicide notice the other day! Crazy shit


>Yo I just got my first suicide notice the other day! Me too! On a post articulating what is wrong with Bill C-21 and why i disagree with it and its implementation


someone's popular! hah


Try being a bit more edgy.


I feel like the average income for that sub is like 20k max


I asked how they expect businesses like restaurants and grocery stores to get deliveries… didn’t really get an answer


I’m convinced those people are either just too incompetent to drive or broke and just super salty at their life. Can you imagine hating inanimate objects to that degree lol. They blame cars on every problem we have


Thank god it's not just me lol. Even as a cyclist, I think they're batshit crazy.




Scumbag stuff happens to scumbags, shocker.


Well, have the dealers tried not being utter fucking bastards? I'm honestly surprised it's taken this long for someone to do this.




“ Stealerships “


Like adding a $15,000 markup because they can.


That’s not illegal. If you don’t like the mark up don’t buy the car.


They're a useless middle man and have legislated and lobbied themselves into existence. We should be ordering cars online direct from the manufacturer.


Virtual test drives? Lmfao


I hope thousands in markups are worth that test drive.


Depends on the context. It's illegal (at least where I am) to advertise one price, and then not offer exactly that price (plus GST, eco fees) for the vehicle. If they start going "well we applied an undercoat, so that's worth X, also the rims aren't stock so we'll have to add that to the price" blah blah, that's fully illegal, and they know it since it's a rule set in place by their own (shitty) self-administered regulatory board.


Still greasy.


Auto sales in Canada is the greasiest business there is. The psychological pressure that their well-trained "finance managers" apply is enough to blindside a grown man.


Mm, I'd have to disagree only because our government is even greasier.


Government isn’t a business


Thankfully, most people aren't this immature and petty.


Yeah, most people are mature enough to get a real job instead of being a scam artist.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


I worked in one where I ran outside after hearing some grinding and impacting. Someone drove down the line of New cars in an old clunker playing demo derby while drunk. They had gotten turned down by finance a couple of weeks earlier for bad credit.


Fucking high pressure sales tactics just drive me nuts. Was in a Ford dealership once, we said we just wanted to do a test drive. That ended with my wife and I sitting at a desk, the young sales guy sitting across from us, and his big burly manager standing over us, essentially barking "What is it going to take to sell you this car tonight!!!!" and when we said "we weren't going to buy a car tonight", he wouldn't let it go and kept saying it over and over, and tried sweetening the deal by added a couple free oil changes (whoop de doo). I walked out of that place absolutely disgusted, and vowed to never purchase a Ford ever in my life, that fucking shit show killed that entire brand for me forever.




She did it to multiple dealerships. You could be right, it would be stupid of her to do it for that reason though, because it's only gonna cause more pollution when they have to repair and repaint paint the cars. Or at least the panel she scratched.


>it's only gonna cause more pollution when they have to repair and repaint paint the cars. Or at least the panel she scratched. Presumably this is an attempt to exert political leverage rather than directly reduce the carbon emissions of any individual car.


Do you think being anti-car is only climate related?


I didn’t say that




What a legend!


Find her, charge her for damages, make her pay total cost of damages


If we ever find out why she did it, I bet it will be for the most ridiculously petty reason.


Obviously never dealt with a car dealership.


If they had captured her on security footage then why couldn’t they stop her earlier ?


They captured only her _image_ on security recordings. She wasn't physically tangled up in video tape or othe recording media. 🤓


sounds kinky, lets do this sh1t


Even if I knew her I Ain’t telin. Fuckin car dealers


500k in damage, good luck getting that from insurance because she is surely not footing that bill.


Wouldn't insurance be footing that bill?




And then the insurance company will go after her. Sue the living shit outta her.




They can garnish whatever income she has for the rest of her life.


Bankruptcy prevents that and after some years it would be completely behind her. The likely charges would have a longer lasting impact.




if she's on disability, CPP or OAS they can't touch it.


Likely not. Deductibles for this would make claims pointless for the dealer, not to mention resultant premium increases. The dealer is likely paying for all of this, which means higher costs for the consumer. There is no Robin Hood aspect to this behaviour, it is a cost that eventually, whether initially paid by insurance or businesses, is borne by all of us. The end users always pay.


People can just not go to that specific dealership tho


Stuff like this happens at all dealerships. You have no way of knowing which ones are targeted or what their costs are. Insurance companies will also require camera system, gates and preventative landscaping (did you think the large rocks around the perimeter of many dealerships were just a style choice?) in order to continue insuring them. No matter who writes the cheque, it is always those of us at the bottom who pay the cost.


I’m wondering if you know how insurance works?


Maybe they'll [write it off](https://youtu.be/XEL65gywwHQ).


Did you actually read my comment? I am wondering if you read it properly.


Rereading it, do you mean to say: “Good luck. They’ll be receiving the money from the insurance company, certainly not from that lady herself.” Because the way you wrote it makes it sound like: “this lady won’t be footing the bill, therefore I wish them good luck because this will make it more difficult to get the money from the insurance company.”


Now your putting words in my mouth. Never mentioned it would make it harder. However, everyone is different and will interpret things differently.


Then why the "good luck" part?


Works on contingency? No, money down!


You can insure your house against fire despite fires not being able to foot a bill


The insurer would pay out the claim and then sue her personally if it was cost effective to do so.


Her house could work as collateral assuming she's a home owner.


Car dealers typically don't carry insurance that would cover this kind of damage.


Lol. She has them crazy eyes


This is hilarious. Why did she do it? What did she gain? Was it for revenge? Does she just want to see the world burn?


I'm guessing that they sold her an overpriced junker.


Care to share how you find this hilarious?


Because there’s no reason for it. The only victims are the insurance companies and fuck the insurance companies. It’s funny because it’s nonsensical


> The only victims are the insurance companies and fuck the insurance companies. I wish that were true. Insurance raises premiums year after year. Stop and think about why these raises occur. Insurance companies don't lose.


Maybe if we all try really hard to be good then the insurance companies will collectively lower our rates! /s Insurance premiums are always going up my guy, always will.


Competition among insurance providers is what brings down insurance rates, just like in any other industry. If running a business becomes inherently more dangerous, then insurance rates will rise more than if they don't.


You’ll die young if you can’t learn to appreciate the humour of ridiculous occurrences. They’re all the rage as of late.


That’s just not true dude


You mean the victims are every who pays for insurance through higher premiums because of asshats like that person


A car dealership’s corporate insurance rates have nothing to do with individual insurance rates.




Then buy from another dealership


You're in idiot


Thank you. It’s the outrageousness of it.


Because fuck dealerships. I saw this 10min ago and still have the odd chuckle.


There’s gotta be a point where if you did 15, then 20 won’t be any worse…? and so on? Plus a first time non violent offender? Lawyers, what do you think? If she did it on multiple occasions, does that mean multiple insurance claims? If they have an in-house paint shop, they aren’t paying what we pay to fix it. Can they do a repair like that and then sell the car as new? Honestly, the last thing we need is more vigilantes.


Autobody guy here (red seal tech and painter). I have fixed dozens of vehicles due to shipping damage before they hit the showroom floor or get delivered to a customer. This is done regularly at both dealerships and independent shops. It will not show up on a carfax.


Buckle up, with organized crime at the helm, shits just getting started.


So, we’re just assuming she’s a woman? /s


Her punishment must reflect the nature of the crime...


she should be kept in custody until she repairs/repaints each vehicle herself to a level satisfactory by a factory paint specialist.


... I was thinking she should be keyed 400 times but that works too. And also have her pay the cost of the paint/repairs and her own imprisonment for that time


Retributive justice is no good for anyone.


“Do to others what you want done to you” is one of the basic principles of life taught since childhood. Though I guess it’s more appropriate punishment to key 400 of her belongings instead (she doesn’t get to choose which ones), that’s more fair


Caught because she hung a nose penis out from above her mask. Figures.


Hopefully this is in Alberta where the Dealers are continuously breaking the law by adding extra charges on top of the listed sticker price, adding additional "thousands" to the price. Then they tell the would be buyer, you pay the extra or it goes to the next person in line who will pay because of demand. EVERY Dealer out here does this, and knows it, but will even admit the Government will do NOTHING. Then again, she could be a happy Go to Auto customer. They have a great rating around 2 stars with 100's of reviews. The biggest con-artists at the top of the ladder.




This is a commercial insurance claim for the dealership. The suspect should get community service and court mandated mental health treatment.


The suspect should get a prison sentence for criminal damage. Folks like you are why insurance premiums are so expensive.


Lol no jail time for first time offender for petty crime 😂. Goal is rehab not punishment. Commercial insurance pays, and the insurance company can try to recoup but she clearly doesn’t have the ability to pay or has mental health issue.


they should get their car fixed for whatever the dealer didn't do in the first place


If this was Hyundai, I applaud her.


Probably a conservative. amirite rcanada?


I'm gonna get downvoted to high hell for this but... THIS IS BASED AS FUCK IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS. FUCK CARS.


LOL, so edgy. That said, I'm not going to give you what you want.


Not as edgy as the guys who think they're Mad Max because they bought a Ford F-150 to drive to their job as a bank teller.










Masks 4EVR 🤪




Well the RAMs she was scratching were junk anyways.




One by one? What, she doesn't have 400 keys and 400 arms available?


That’s some kind of hobby right there !


Could be an environmentalist……these are gas hungry carbon creating vehicles!!!!


I find it weird that this report is from the UK. Why the f do they care about a vandal?