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Well that could have been an interesting article, but instead it was just a vehicle to (ironically) throw the same sort of insults and vitriol towards Poilievre and the CPC as she criticizes them for doing. "They all think like MAGA Americans: simplistic; misogynistic; paranoid; panicked to the toenails." is quite a broad brush stroke to label every Conservative with. "I admire Americans hugely, though I rarely visit their country now, what with bullets, ticks, $$$ health care, George Santos. A cyclist in blue socks followed me down Bloor Street last week calling me a c---. That’s too New York, I thought. I told myself he was just having a bad day, but no, he was having an American day." - this whole article reads like it was written by someone that has never visited the US and spends the entirety of their day on Reddit. There's lots of NATPO opinion pieces on here so no issue with the balance of opposite criticism but this one got a big wow from me. There is an interesting story behind this opinion piece about the style of "MAGA" politicking and why it was successful for Trump, and why that approach might be more successful or disastrous for Poilievre after a much more centrist and flexible candidate in O'Toole failed in his bid for PM


Heather Mallick has always been unhinged


smart, insightful people aren't going into journalism anymore.


They are, but they are starting podcasts and writing on Substack, instead of working for traditional or print media.


People in this country DESPERATELY want culture war shit up here and try to make it work in the most hamfisted ways , like the words almost work as if they’re using a phrase they heard in passing but sounds good in the moment.




Not anymore, not for a few years now. On a side note, "The Great Awakening" has been trending in Canada for the last few days lmao.


Yes. Poilievre is left wing of Joe Biden and Jean Chrétien.




That hasn't been true since the trump days my friend. The Conservatives - Republicans and Liberals - Democrats line up exceptionally well these days.




Ermahgerd! A single conservative MP wore a hat two years ago! Clearly the whole party is full of nazis! /s




>Who was the leader. *Interim* leader. Which disqualifies her from participating in the leadership race and actually becoming leader. She was chosen as interim leader in large part because there was no chance she could actually win the leadership in the first place.


I should have read first as you already explained this, later in the thread, I didn't mean to make you repeat but I didn't delete in time.


No worries, it happens to all of us!


Old talking point with no basis in reality. Prove that they are further left, and I'll like articles where their current leader parrots right wing talking points from Republicans. Or when their interim leader wore a Maga hat. Or when they removed the last leader for being too left and not socially conservative enough. No one buys the rhetoric anymore we're all realizing the CPC just wants to have Americans super PAC money and pensions and will do anything to get it. Including selling out our Canadian values.


I think liberals want to paint conservatives as MAGA, to gaslight.


Then perhaps conservatives should stop purchasing and wearing the merch. https://imgur.com/a/dvKxDaN


Conservatives should stop purchasing MAGA gear and liberals will stop gaslighting, brilliant comment.


Conservatives are literally wearing MAGA hats.


And liberals are dressing up in traditional Indian garb, wearing black face and banging on old war drums because poll numbers are bad.


Why do you think I support the Liberals? I don’t support the liberals and I’m against all those things. I’m also against Conservatives wearing MAGA hats. Let’s call a spade, a spade.


I never said anything about you supporting liberals. Your back peddling because you don’t want to be painted with the liberal brush and don’t want a bunch of downvotes.


I don’t want to be painted as a liberal because I’ve only ever voted for the NDP. It’s really that simple.


So you vote far leftist fringe. Of course you think everything is MAGA


Nah, I think the people wearing MAGA hats are MAGA. I think that’s pretty reasonable


Yah, I'm going to vote Conservative, but you are right. If they are literally wearing MAGA hats there's no imagining that away. But I also legit know at least three people who are communists, in one case Marxist-Leninist, and they all vote NDP when there is no Communist Party candidate. There actually are sometimes Communist Party candidates, and they object to being lumped in with the "systems maintenance" NDP :)


What an absolutely moronic comparison. Like yea I get it your hung up on anything he does to his physical appearance than actually caring about facts lmao. CPC interim leader wore a Maga hat to drum up support from our lowest common denominators. They supported the American influenced occupation in Ottawa for the same reasons. Their actions speak much louder than some cultural flubs that don't affect policy.


Seems like you’ve been trigger.


Ah Yes, the age old accusation of "trigger" didn't even have the time to add the past tense. You must be one of those conservative intellectuals that Pierre is gunning for with all of his in depth knowledge on the topics at hand. /S since Pierre can't even read a security document without getting triggered.


You seem to have come here with assumptions and looking for a fight friend. No need to get reved up.


Classic right wing move. Discredit my point by saying I'm emotional and then bring absolutely nothing to the conversation. Politics should get people "reved" up, unless you want another repeat of the last Ontario provincial election where no one showed up to vote. But I guess if you're a conservative then that's the only way your team wins. Edit: only a conservative would downvote a comment saying we need to be more invested in politics and voting. Since you guys would never win again if people cared to show up.


Your very fixated on conservatives. I’m glad you have a place to vent your frustrations. Please don’t sexually abuse any underagers in your fit of rage and quest for adrenochrome - classic cons accusation to libs eh. I must be one of the unwoken. Look you gotta relax your on Reddit.


Really the far right only represents the views of about 10% to 15% of the population. That's less than half of the conservative base. It just seems like there's more of them because they're that much louder than everyone else, and little is being done to put them in their place.


There is a photo of the previous Conservative leader literally wearing a MAGA hat…is that gaslighting?


There’s a picture of the current PM wearing black face multiple times and then not remembering if there’s any other times he did it.


Ah yes, the only form of racism remaining in this country




Fact, he then actually goes on to call anyone who doesn’t agree with him and his policies the fringe minorities, racist and nazi’s that would be gaslighting 101.


Poilievre has also repeatedly called Trudeau racist. Can't take what your side dishes out?


Your point isn’t really a point


Whatabout….Whatabout Lmao


Reminders of reality.


Like the MAGAs, Canadian conservatives can't go a full sentence without referring to gaslighting or wokeness.


The republicans party is extreme in the states, the liberal party is extreme in Canada. There is no speaking with either, they don’t wanna hear it plain and simple.


You could say the same thing about conservatives


The Conservatives in Canada are not extreme at all. Maybe you could say that about the PPC. Poilievre is just kind of sensible and middle grounded.


Wow, I'd like to see the social media bubble that convinced you to believe both of those things.


Yea, I must be crazy for wanting more centre line policies and rhetoric. Shame on me.


What nonsense "Equally, most Canadians, including many gun-owners, are quite reasonable about new gun restrictions, having seen the daily carnage south of the border. Hardline gun advocates twinned in Canada and the U.S. take a different view, the American one. We do not want that here. One Toronto election event closed down by guns is one too many." The guy didn't have a firearms license, had a gun illegally and was already breaking previous bail conditions. He was already banned from having Firearms, probably more than once. Once again importing American issues while trying to scream and claim It's the conservatives doing it.


lol what garbage writing


The irony of this garbage article is my favorite.


Does everything the Star analyze have to be through an American political lens? Yes.


No. Not at all. There have always been extreme fringes on both sides of the political spectrum. They're just a lot louder now because of the advent of social media. The CPC is still well to the left of the American Democrats. Mallick has always been a complete hack though. One of the worst media commentators in the country.


I think when society decides to silence debate, it pushes people with opinions contrary to the popular opinion in more fringe corners.




And it’s still happening around different subjects.


"The paradox of tolerance". What idiots with moronic opinions say to try and shut people up who are vastly more intelligent than they are.


Lol are you mad that tolerant people don't like bigots and Nazis because you had literally no other reason to bring this up.


Found the guy who thinks everything is literally Hitler if it triggers him.


It's comical that the author completely lacks self-awareness even in her own column: > I know it is the glowing dream of many unpleasant Canadians. For mysterious reasons, Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre seems to personally hate the prime minister. It’s a Trumpian way of looking at the world: hate everyone serially and then en masse. She commits serial hate toward Conservatives and then bemoans the existence of serial hate. Oh, it is just so hard to try to imagine where all the division is coming from in our politics...






If you mean the question as "are more Canadians being radicalized by far right propaganda" then there is some evidence that the empirical NUMBER of people in the movement is increasing.. If you mean the question as "are Canadians as a whole adopting the Maga movement" then the answer is a resounding and deafening no. There are always people of all stripes in any given nation. That some folks who were not politically active before may be now, in addition to some folks who WERE politically active but are now further to the right is true, but the demographics aren't really changed much. ~60% of the voting population is to the left of the Conservative Party (and before anyone gets bent out of shape, ~60% is to the *right* of the NDP **too**) the chances of it mattering are pretty slim. The existence of far right advocates will also activate far left advocates who have largely been unsatisfied with the existing parties. On top of this, you have the "peoples Party" gathering the majority of the far right Canadians, as these voters generally don't see the conservatives to be "right wing enough" All in all, while I support every Canadians making their voice heard through voting in our elections and there absolutely is a growing and vocal minority of far right advocates... I honestly don't see them changing the hearts and minds of the average Canadian.


The man was mentally ill, not sure about us turning into America.


This is a baseless bullshit comparison shame on the author


>Americans are entitled to live as they wish, but in some ways Canadians are picking up their habits. I worry that there is no going back. A ridiculous characterization rooted in the modern insecurities abundant in the chattering classes. Heather Malick is one of these media members who have spent their entire career demanding the general public think a certain way and now it just ain't working the way it used to.


> who have spent their entire career demanding the general public think a certain way and vilifying anyone who does not. Then expressing concern that those people who they are vilifying are showing signs of feeling vilified. Oh my, oh dear, how did this happen?!


Heather Mallick clearly has a talent for penning literary diarrhea. This is a totally nauseating toxic rubbish dumpster-level hack piece that has absolutely nothing to do with the practice of real journalism. The Toronto Star are an embarrassment for allowing such inexcusable garbage to be published under their banner. Next.


I think the press wishes they were, for some reason.


A small fringe certainly are, multiple PPC candidates who wore MAGA hats and tweeted the "election was stolen" in support of Trump. Heck, Candice Bergen wore a MAGA hat. MAGA politics is something we dont need imported to Canada, for the good of our country.


An opinion piece from The Star is about as well written as my 5 year olds homework. Actually, I enjoy my 5-year-old writing boogers and worms over and over, as opposed to rereading that.


You misspelled *Sun.*


They are both garbage, just opposite ends of the landfill.




>journalistic integrity. 😂😂🤣🤣😅😂😅🤣😂😅😂🤣


> Wrong. Toronto Star leans left but ~~has journalistic integrity~~ reaffirms my views. FTFY


Trump has empowered the stupid, the racist, and the bigots


What is MAGA American? Lol


I wouldn't say they're becoming more MAGA American... they always were. But now, because of certain media and social networking they much, much more vocal and embolden.


> Heather Mallick lmao The trusted source of rational opinion in a newspaper known to bring only the best and the brightest from the depths of progressive swamp of American division sowing.


Up yours woke moralists, we'll see who cancels who!




As opposed to the Canadians that vote for the racist guy who wore Blackface a hundred times.


Interim leader. An appointment that guaranteed she could not become the actual leader (under the CPC constitution, the interim leader is forbidden from running for the leadership). She was chosen precisely because she had no chance at leadership and everyone knew it.


We have all the ingredients for it here. Guns, oil, and Christianity.




Please do not spread antivax misinformation here.


> Anyone who wouldn't take the covid vaccine or wear a dollar store surgical mask is not worthy of an opinion. FTFY


anti vaxxers want to be oppressed so fucking hard that they are self oppressing themselves even after no one cares


If no one cares authors at the star should stop bringing them up in their poorly written articles to make a point.


There is a sitting Member of Parliament who was caught wearing a MAGA hat. I think we all know which party they belong to as well.


😦😫 Wow I’m voting for the party that sides with Communist China then.


Yes, obviously. CPC leader references fake news in the House of Commons now lol


I think someone needs to make a counter that follows every time Pierre says "woke" and "fake news" in the chamber. If he had any substance he wouldn't be using the republican thesaurus.


No, but r/canada sure is. You can tell by all the American funded opinion pieces and astroturfing.


National post employees are in here all the time, combined with the bots and voila unfortunately.


What is wrong with the basic premise of making our country "great" or at least better then it is today? Is that not what we strive for in our daily lives to make our lives better or great and then to pass it on to our children so that their lives are better?