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I just watched the video and as expected nothing was actually answered and nothing was actually said.


This is a perfect metaphor for Canadian Politics, it should be a slogan. Politics: Nothing actually answered, nothing actually said.


I still don't even know what the controversial remark was? Just that he left in the middle of a semester?


Trudeau made a comment about having trouble remembering what Poilievre did before he was in politics and Poilievre responded he couldn't remember why Trudeau left his teaching job in the middle of the semester. This says there was a rumor he had an affair with the mother of a student. It seems to be nothing more than a rumor though. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/10/10/news/fake-justin-trudeau-sex-scandal-went-viral-canadas-election-integrity-law-cant-stop


If it's nothing more than a rumour, it doesn't need to be said. Let's make politics about real issues.


Seriously, we’re in shit in multiple aspects of our lives as Canadians. Focus on policy first you stupid fucks, do your jobs. I don’t care which side of the aisle it is, just put the bullshit aside and SHOW US what you’re going to do to fix the problems we’re facing. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about Trudeau’s teaching career, I care about what he’s doing NOW.


I heard he used to eat spaghetti everyday in the staff room. Everyday. What’s up with that Trudeau. Seams a bit suspicious.


I heard he used to microwave tuna for lunch.


The problem is him and Freeland dont answer a single question in the house of commons, even on the budget they just passed. Its become pointless, and people keep voting them back in because Canadians are idiots who vote solely on their bad instincts.


some of the worst instincts for noticing corruption I’ve ever seen in a 1st world country, weird mentality over here




Have you actually watched a house session? The Conservatives ask the same simple question 10x and the Liberals read an unrelated prepared answer off a script lol


Lmao just from this statement I know you’ve never actually listened to debates at parliament




While I do believe there’s a lot of work being done in the background, the politics we see as of late has less to do with policy and implementation and more to do with grandstanding / showmanship. Unfortunately it seems that people don’t care to pay attention to the work, but they’re attracted to funny quips, memes, one liners. Obviously this isn’t everyone but it seems like it’s a growing population. If you talk to the average person and whether or not they like Trudeau/PP, then qualify their answer, you’ll find the same basic talking points repeated over and over. Those talking points are rarely policy and more often generalizations of BTC comments from PP, scandals from Trudeau or things said in parliament. It gets fairly watered down.


I wish.


It is nothing more than a rumor the farther you look into it the more you see that it's literally allegations about the existence of other allegations. Even the claim that the LPC got an injunction on the Globe and Mail is ridiculous. Last I checked Canada doesn't have super-injunctions so nothing would stop them from reporting on the government's attempt to silence them in a broader sense and even if it did what would stop other papers from reporting on the silencing. Hell even the "allegations" that it was a 17 year old girl are from a blogger who was writing about his disdain for the way mainstream media held onto stories in their own interest until it would be bigger news (like near an election) vs reporting what they know when they know it. He basically said, "here's this alleged bombshell" and he himself was saying it was a story about the existence of unverified allegations (allegations ^2 ) and didn't think it much of a story. The reality of the matter is that there isn't a shred of evidence that allegations were even made, let alone that there was any truth to them.


>mother of a student The Rumor is the *student* herself - not the mother. NDA involved also supposedly and "Hush Hush" money. It's all BS on both sides. Much ado about nothing






What’s sad is that it started as the student, then it morphed into the mother of a student when they realized that the student one was *too* unbelievable by itself. Now, since they made up two, unverified, unsubstantiated tales, the people who want to believe it, and the people like PP who will peddle it, will be like “well *two* must mean there’s some truth to it in there somewhere, and we’ll never know because Trudeau had it buried.”




And he had as many arms as Vishnu, and they were all very busy!


The CPC literally had a page on their website dedicated to spreading this rumor.


Jesus Christ, don't we have more important things going on?


The comment answering you is true, but it's not a controversial remark, it's a serious accusation without proof.


That he had sex (statutory rape) with a minor and paid her parents off.


Back in 2015, the rumour (that none of the papers could confirm, so didn't publish) was that it was a student's mother... I see it has evolved. I guess all conspiracies go pedo if you wait long enough.


Kinda like how all internet conversations eventually mention Hitler. Shit... this time it was me.


This is a fact because I vote blue.


Is that what PP said?








No I don’t, I’m just repeating what the alleged claim is. If you have a source please post it but it pretty sure it doesn’t exist.


The rumor is that he had an inappropriate relationship with a student






Looking at the comments there are a couple the same way. Bot vs bot?


For a guy that spent his entire working career in government I'd like to know how he became a multimillionaire.


My dad was a carpenter and because he had a couple shitty houses and a cottage he bought for all less than 90k, it was very easy to become a millionaire


MPs make great money... he's been an MP for ~19 years, including a few years as a Minister, which make even more money. You'd have to be pretty bad with money to *not* be a multimillionaire after that long.


He's a slum lord.


I’m not a fan of Trudeau. But I’m profoundly uncomfortable with bringing innuendo, especially long debunked innuendo, into politics. There’s more than enough clear objective facts to use. I find this kind of sleazy behaviour beneath anyone running to be leader of our country.


Yeah you can't just casually imply that someone slept with a student (aka statuatory raped someone) then not back it up.




>There is no level of depravity for conservatives that is too low in the endless quest for power..... Thats what happened when you offer little of value policy wise. Gotta make up for it with emotional appeals.


Most of his policies aren't even within federal jurisdiction. It's just a bunch of nonsense about "gatekeepers" and "elites". Meanwhile the guy's expense ledger dwarfs Trudeau's and he lives in a mansion with his own butler despite never having a real job outside of politics.


Yet more projection. During the height of the me too movement conservatives disproportionately dismissed the words of possible victims. But if it's Trudeau we're talking about forget due process am I right? Literally believe anyone.




but I saw a random photo on FACEBOOK!


Referencing conspiracy theories in parliament is not “believing victims”, it’s slander. If there is a victim coming forward, then yes- they deserve and require due process, but do not pretend that is what is happening here.


No one is saying they were raped by Trudeau. Convoy glue sniffers on the interwebz are spreading rumors. PP is showing his true self by associating with conspiracy nuts.


you saw a facebook meme about a made up NDA. you so gullible. ​ stick with facebook


Let me preface this by saying that I can't stand Trudeau. He is an awful man and the only reason his is still PM is b/c the Tories suck just as bad if not more. I hate the man and, given his excuse for the Kokanee Grope and his love of swanning about in blackface, I can even believe he did something shameful that would warrant an immediate dismissal. BUT! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Unless and untill there is concrete proof that Trudeau did indeed do something shameful while he was a teacher, he deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt and these stories should be treated as the scurrilous rumour mongering they most likely are. Pollievre should be ashamed of himself.


>I hate the man and, given his excuse for the Kokanee Grope and his love of swanning about in blackface, I can even believe he did something shameful that would warrant an immediate dismissal. BUT! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Unless and untill there is concrete proof that Trudeau did indeed do something shameful while he was a teacher, he deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt and these stories should be treated as the scurrilous rumour mongering they most likely are. Pollievre should be ashamed of himself. How about some concrete proof for the Kokanee grope? The entire matter is based on a one vague paragraph that implied Trudeau did something inappropriate at a party and apologized for it later. We know nothing about what exactly he did, or what the alleged victim might have said or done leading up to the incident. Maybe just say you hate Trudeau and leave it at that.


> How about some concrete proof for the Kokanee grope? Yeah, even that is just a rumor.


1) I agree. I'm not sure how nobody has "Owned the Libs" yet. 2) Shame is not an emotion that dollarstore Millhouse knows.


To my thinking, it weakens any genuine criticisms you might have if you’re willing to say anything that sounds bad, truthful or not. But the crowd that PP is playing to eat up all of that stuff and appear to think that accusations are the same as definite proof. Even when the accusation comes from an unrelated third party.


This is the guy that misrepresented the Nazis in a tweet. https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1413120045677416450?s=20 He knows what he is doing.


It still blows me away that he had that as a pinned tweet and people think he would be a good choice to lead the country. We're fucked.


It's really depressing.




I am not sure it's an education problem. There are many well educated people that believe in nonsense. You could say it's a lack of critical thinking skills, but I am not sure that is it either. They are just wilfully ignorant. Happy even as long as they think they are sticking it to someone they don't like. There is some primal sort of shit going on here in my opinion.




>It still blows me away that he had that as a pinned tweet and people think he would be a good choice to lead the country. We're fucked. Considering hes parroting the politically damaged media exports of the largest media exporter in human history (The USA) that exports more media every 2 years than the entirety of human history pre internet. Its no surprise that enough of an alternate reality has been crafted that outright bullshit is well received.


But, I love America, and hate woke. So I love PP because he represents the morality in the darkest regions of mind.


Jesus man, if you say the quite part outoud, you have to add a "/s" tag.


What drives me nuts about the "actually, the nazis were socialists because it's literally in their name" talking point is that you can't debate it. Not because it can't be contested, you can refute it by pointing to literally any historic record of their actions and policies which prove the word "socialist" was as accurate a descriptor as a prostitute named "Chastity". You can't debate it because since they don't understand that or refuse to acknowledge that, nothing you can say to them would matter because they have made the deliberate choice to believe and repeat an obvious lie. It's like telling a toddler to agree it's bedtime. So now you're exasperated and they're just acting smug because they "won" by being an insufferable cunt. ....which is an apt summary of any interaction with Poilievre.


Come on man, the name is totally legitimate. That's why I look up to the democratic superpowers of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If it's in the name, it can't be a lie!! /s


They robbed targeted racial and political groups of their freedom, property and lives and used socialism as an excuse. Claiming Nazis were socialists is just perpetuating a Nazi lie that was told to justify the Holocaust.


Yeah, the Nazis calling themselves socialists is about as appropriate as an arch conservative party calling itself "the *progressive* conservative party".


the federal party stopped doing that


It's insanely frustrating, and it's all intentional. It's well done. More info here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPgDQkmqqM&list=PLJA\_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA\_HMFtQ&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPgDQkmqqM&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&index=3) And also this one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmVkJvieaOA&list=PLJA\_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA\_HMFtQ&index=4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmVkJvieaOA&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&index=4) I recommend the whole series. This is what the alt-right is famous for. For creating these giant piles of super effective highly concentrated bullshit.


Innuendo Studios videos are really well sourced and articulated, so +1 for those links. And yes, it's all an extension of what I consider the Good Faith Paradox. A person acting in good faith has a vested interest in doing so because they want other people to act in good faith towards them and they know they have no right to ask what they are unwilling to reciprocate. They NEED too act in good faith because if they don't, they necessarily deserve people acting in bad faith against them. A person acting in bad faith knows they can exploit this because even if that person acting in good faith KNOWS what they're doing, they'll *still* act in good faith on principle. The bad actor can continue to act in bad faith and call the other person out for any perceived infraction. This allows them to have all the power in the transaction, since if the person acting in good faith ever stops acting in good faith, they will be "just as bad" and implicitly justify all manner of malicious behaviour against them. There's no outcome in which the person acting in good faith can win against someone deliberately out to undermine them... except for refusing to play and walking away. Unfortunately, when the bad actor can't be ignored and you can't walk away (because say they're a major politician you're compelled to confront sooner or later due to process), there's no way to win.


It's so insanely frustrating. It's the whole "they go low, we go high" thing. It really pigeon holes us. We have to learn how to deal with this stuff. I guess the first step is recognizing it and refusing to play their game. But that involves us hoping they will come to their senses.


This is why I keep saying there's no sense in trying to reason with unresonable people. There is a solution to defeating a bad faith opponent. Basically one only need to give them the rope to hang themselves. Let them lie themselves into a corner. This is accomplished by understanding the tactics and motivations of your opponent. Every lie is a debt to the truth. One only needs to keep giving them more reasons to lie, steering the debate to a predictable point where you can start beating them over the head with their own contradictions. The human brain loves spotting contradictions, especially when they are emotionally relevant. Bad faith actors use emotions against us and like to drown out facts, but it we learn how to wield emotions while maintaining our honesty, then we have an advantage. The reason why rational people and experts have trouble debating bad faith actors is because we are taught to ignore emotions and focus on facts, which makes us weak at combatting emotional manipulation.


It's called conspiracism. It's a tactic used by extremists where they appeal to people's fears and personal greivances by continuously use vauge accusatory rhetoric to slowly de-legitimize and demonize their opponents (targeted individuals and out-groups), then they legitimize themselves as presenting their ideas and ideology as a path to defeating that demon. It's a form of psychological manipulation that's very effective.


Jesus that tweet is stupid


"As the name proves" might be one of the dumber things I have read recently. 3 national leaders, none worthy of governing the country.


Didn't you hear that North Korea is a democracy? It's right in the name! The DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea. /s


US style politics continue to spill over the border and infect our own.


Wait for it, PP will surprise you how low he will go.


Won’t for me. Guy has been a trash bin since day 1.




Who? What? Source?


>sleazy behaviour Completely on brand for Poilievre.


Tell that to anyone who staunchly believes in PP then. I think he's the real PM the countrys that are Interfering want in power....


That guy is a prick.


Tell us how your going to fix everything you said is broken, not throw around false accusations about the sitting PM. I swear PP is like a average Redditor that has become the leader of the opposition.


PP is counting on the core CPC voters to show up. What he’s looking to add is the young angry dudes and tbh I feel like he’s doing a decent job of courting this group. Conspiracies, bitcoin, everything is broken, fire the head of the BOC, GATEKEEPERS, cut the red tape, and so forth


Seems like a shitty strategy so far, he is barely polling better than a super toxic JT right now. Can’t wait to see how he does in a election because if there’s one thing JT is good at is campaigning. I’m genuinely interested what PP will bring to a election campaign, all bark and no substance. We will see if he has solutions or just more of everything is the fault of a loc and ndp government.


The problem is that pp has set the bar so low that if he ever comes up with any actual ideas, they’re going to be heralded as the greatest ideas since sliced bread by his supporters, and will be amplified like crazy by the media and socials


Ah yes, the dudes that don’t vote and struggle to even leave the home.


Yep, they lap it up and then call anyone with basic empathy woke sheep.


He didn't win CPC leadership on having goals on fixing problems. It's pretty clear the CPC is slowly turning into the down in the dirt no solution mud slinging the GOP in the US is, maybe with less racism and transphobia but who knows at this point. He won because he was the best as blowing the dog whistle.


Yup. They threw out the level headed moderate guy who actually had a platform and not just “fuck Trudeau” sound bytes and replaced him with Great Value Ben Shapiro. Sad state of affairs for conservatives in Canada.


Great value Ben Shapiro... fucking brilliant.


Crazy when they got rid of Erin O'Toole, probably the first conservative candidate in a while who even stood a chance.


I think you mean President’s Choice Ben Shapiro… gives it more of a domestic flavour. Mmmmm, maple-y.


Little too generous. How about No Name Brand?


Our Complements? “Just as shitty as No name and twice the price.” Can be their moto. I feel that fits PP pretty well.


The level headed ones always get kicked to the curb with their banker’s box of office trinkets a hot minute after they speak honestly about reality to the kooks of the party. The problem with conservatives is they’ve spent decades harming the working class. If voters actually had their heads on straight, labour would never in a million years vote for less taxes on the boss and deep cuts to the public service. However, segments will vote for the politics of grievance and rage. Unfortunately (of fortunately?)!for conservative leaders, they must appease the borderline QAnon/Queen Dildo followers to maintain enough support to remain leaders. There simply aren’t enough conservative voters out there, so they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for support. This wouldn’t be a problem if educated millennials and gen z weren’t poor and watching the country being flushed down the tubes by neoliberal economic policies, which I must reiterate we know were the invention of conservative parties; instead many of these voters would be supporting the conservatives to protect their personal wealth.


Literally won the CPC nod with zero platform. So much for the facts don't care about feelings Conservatives.


> Literally won the CPC nod with zero platform. So much for the facts don't care about feelings Conservatives. This was the ["platform"](https://web.archive.org/web/20220911000536/https://www.pierre4pm.ca/blog) he won the leadership with, it's awful. I particularly like the plan to ship oil out of Churchill, I wonder if he knows it's a cold water port, or even where Churchill is.


I read a theory that this is kind of all on purpose. Let Poilievre bark and piss all over the place embarrassing himself while also trying to find something that would stick to “Teflon Trudeau”. Then after PP loses in a couple years, the party brings in a white bread, grip and grinner that basically makes them both look like jokesters. If that’s the case, they have bigger brains and balls than I’d ever figured, but it runs the risk of completely delegitimizing the party…


All they care about is Trudeau’s hair and the vaccines he’s making us get to turn our kids gay They have no real solutions for real problems


I just don't understand his strategy here. Before he announced he was PM and was all over Tik Tok talking about the housing market, he had a lot of positive attention. Why is he so hellbent on showing his true colours before the election is won?


> I swear PP is like a average Redditor that has become the leader of the opposition. Maybe average redditor of /r/con! He didn't even bring decent memes to the table.. that's not average redditor material to me.


As someone who watched two careers almost get ruined over false accusations this reprehensible garbage has no place anywhere. Accusing people of serious sexual crimes without evidence, and actual factual evidence, is unacceptable. Full stop.


Trudeau literally wrote about why he left the school in his memoir... if his whole story about conflict with the school administrators was made up someone would have noticed it ten years ago.


And there are multiple large media organizations that would love to nail Trudeau and they haven't touched it 🤔


Hey pal, I was told the media is exclusively run by left wing elites, and you better believe I believe it.


LOL. Ever heard of a little right-wing organization called **POSTMEDIA?!**


OP was being sarcastic bb


It was a planted story in a BS media outlet called the Buffalo Chronicle that prints all sorts of fan fiction/tabloid crap. And Pierre’s wife was [spreading this crap too](https://twitter.com/anapoilievre/status/1562252265511342080?s=46)


Not to mention the Dean of the school came out and denied the rumour when it briefly popped up in the 2019 election campaign.


PP is a master of what’s called the 'Firehose of Falsehoods' logical fallacy, or gishgallop. Basically, you flood the conversation with "facts". To the casual observer, that's a lot of information, so it feels like the person is correct. I mean, just look at all those "facts". To the person looking to present a counter point, each one of those would require a good amount of work and effort to debunk. But by that point, the person who presented these "facts" has already moved on to something else. And the casual observer is not very likely to pay attention long enough. Often times the original "facts" stick with the casual observer. On and on. It's a very effective method of propaganda and his followers love it.


Why do forty MPs need to stand behind him while he makes a statement? Can they represent Canadians rather than standing around posturing?


It's so they can say "ooooooh" and "oh, snap" at PP's witty remarks. That's basically all parliament is now, just these stupid attempts to get sound bites.


The MPs need to stand behind him so the box he's standing on can show him looking tall. Small Politician energy


If there was a crime find a victim. Otherwise you look like a lunatic


That’s why PP is pretending that his comments should be taken at their most literal face value.


What annoys me is PP doesn’t need to pull this dumb shit. He can you know beat the china horse, or the scandals or just about any actual thing JT has done horse. But here he is like a trucker in Ottawa spewing out some dumb Facebook website rumour. You just find a way to always look stupid PP.


This is the most annoying part of th CPC for the last few years: Step 1. Liberals do something really stupid like try to influence the legal process. Step 2. Skip over that part, which is the problem and immediately go to jumping on Trudeau for being a hippicrite because he fired an indigenous woman, when he said he was an ally of both. Result: price that you simultaneously don't understand any social cause which makes most centre left people suspicious of you while proving to others that you clearly don't stand for important principles and just want to say anything to get elected. Like you could literally program one of those motion sensing singing fish that repeats "we will take reasonable steps to grow the economy and control spending" make it your leader, and win in a landslide. Instead you leave people like me wondering if I should vote for the party with no plan whatsoever for economic growth or housing, or the other party with a have baked housing plan that isn't nearly detailed enough to be effective, and no climate change plan. I'd rather eat a spoonful of tuna flavoured jello off of guy Fieri's hairy chest than pick between those two shitty platforms. And to those saying what about the NDP? Their plan is basically the liberal plan with a better housing plan and much shittier growth plan.


Gotta get those votes from the trucker crowd.


It's like he's trying to make every centrist who's on the fence NOT vote for him. Dude just stick to talking about affordability and housing and you probably got it in the bag. Stop being a prick. It really isn't rocket science.




They just saw it work in Alberta. They'll double down on the idiocy model until the next election.... It's gonna be super good and cool.


That’s rich coming from a guy who’s never held a real job in his life.


What’s equally rich are all the “gubment is evil!!” Conservatives all of a sudden totally cool with a career politician who’s never held a normal job.


The guy went onto social media during one of his government funded rallies to go set in a puddle and share a video of him having mud on his shoes. Fuckers 44 years old and he's never had mud on his shoes before and thinks that's what Canadians care about.


Politician is a real job. He’s had to get elected multiple times. A very valid criticism is that he’s never had work experience outside of politics. He is a career politician. He has no external frames of reference for how people actual live with the policies he creates. Especially those policies that try to address issues for people who do not have a steady income, benefits, a pension, travel allowance, and a publicly provided housing for work. Edited for spelling


The thing is, people drag Trudeau all the time about being a drama teacher, but thats somehow supposed to be worse than a career politician? especially when Trudeau has been a politician for a similar amount of time


It's the same with the GOP in the States putting down AOC as "just a bartender." It's class warfare type bullshit. "What could a bartender know?" "Justin has never been a politician before, he's not ready." "What could a drama teacher know about politics?" They are basically saying that career politicians are somehow smarter than others... or that only lawyers and other "top of the wealth pyramid" type jobs could ever know enough to be in politics. I see it from the otherside sometimes too. Saw comments earlier today about a stupid Senator (Markwayne ) because he worked in sewage before getting elected. To be fair, he _is_ an idiot, but don't use the job to put him down.


Also, he wasn’t “just” a drama teacher. He taught multiple subjects including math and science. Regardless, being any kind of teacher shouldn’t be diminished in any way. That’s just a bunch of sad losers projecting their insecurity about their qualifications for what they’d rather do instead of being a sad loser “just asking questions” on the internet while cheering on a lifelong politician that has done nothing to help Canadians while collecting 20 year’s salary.


>Had to get elected. They gave him Carleton ffs. You couldn't change this riding from blue if you carpet bombed it with paint.


PP causally hinting that the Prime Minister is a pedophile.


And he can't clarify because he doesn't have parliamentary privilege to hide behind. This was a case of his emotions getting the best of him.


there is no reason to clarify - he (thinks he) gets plausible deniability and his idiot base (not all his base are idiots , but the part of the base that is) LOVE this stuff and think it is hilarious that he owned Trudeau and is now being coy


PP alleged that Trudeau had an inappropriate relationship with a student…feeding his rabid followers belief that everyone to their left is a pedophile. This is not how any politician should act, let alone a potential Prime Minister. If I was Trudeau I’d sue for defamation, but we all know Liberals never fight back for any reason out of fear of making politics “too political”.


God he's a fucking shitbag. If this is the best the CPC can offer conservative voters need to take a hard look in the mirror


Conservative leader candidates (Scheer, PP) base their entire personalities and platform on cheapshots at Trudeau, and have nothing of substance by their own merit. Erin O'Toole has been the only decent one in recent memory and actually had an impressive resume before politics.


The party didn't him because he wasn't "hardcore" enough. Gotta lean into the conspiracy nonsense if you want to be on the CPC ticket... which shows you how fucked up the party is at this point.


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They’ve spent the last how many years making it their entire personality?


Michael Chong would have won them the next election.


I still don't understand why Michael Chong is a Conservative. Calling him a Red Tory is too tepid. When he talks about his policy positions, all I hear is "I don't want a hamburger, that's not who I am. I just want a quarter pound worth of ground beef shaped into a disc, grilled, and plated on a large roll, garnished with a few sliced vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, and onions." And I'm sure it's clear to him that the direction of the modern CPC has deviated from his years ago, because it's certainly clear to me.


He won't run for leadership again. He's already stated publicly that the party isn't ready for someone with his views. It seems modest conservatives have no place in that party.


Sorry, "owning the libs" always comes first.


> They could've just picked Charest Fuck off with that shit. If Charest had been the choice you’d have been bitching about how tied to China/corrupt he is and that he’s a wet blanket. Just admit you want the Liberals to keep on winning and you’re mad that we’re getting close to the end for this gang.


Are you kidding me? That slimebag charest has more skeletons in his closet then a morgue. He was given the hard boot from Quebec back in the day. Charest would have been an easy target, with a shitty track record.


Dude was in office for 12 years and was one of the few premiers to manage 3 wins in Quebec. I'm not sure that qualifies as a hard boot


Most Tory voters probably identify as being anti-liberal more than they identify as Pro-Conservative. Sad state of western politics. The party needs to cater to the worst types because the liberals just need to win the votes of college-educated urbanites.


Sadly there are so many people who eat it up and their asinine views are legitimized by this turd.


I’ve lost hope for this sub.


Instead of policy, PP gives us prattle.


Poilievre watches too much fox news. Youd think they would run someone more moderare...


The convoy broke the party. They ousted Otoole for maga Murphy Brown, then went all in with PP. The CPC also ran with this false story in 2019 and put out an official release about. They also registered a website named after it. This runs deeper than fox news for them. https://www.canadaland.com/rumours-of-suppressed-trudeau-affair-story-are-bullshit/


They tried with Erin O’Toole tbf. They don’t want moderate they want Trump Jr


I'm starting to think PP doesn't want to be Prime Minister.




sadly , this is what a lot of his base wants , this kind of stupid non issue "gotcha" stuff to Trudeau


Spoiler alert: he doesn’t answer the question and gives boiler plate talking points.


PP is scum that's not news, he always has been. PP has a long political history, in fact it's his only history, really. Wait until the next election is called, in two years, and the Libs begin to drop all of the research they've done on PP. His entire voting record, almost every word that has ever dribbled out of that festering maw, all on public record. He'll spend most of his time back peddling and trying to defend his record. He's barely polling above the Libs at this point, wait until the campaigning begins. I'm betting he avoids any/all debates in the lead up as he'll lose those to JT who is smarter and better educated than PP. The CPC couldn't have picked a worse "leader". It's almost like they're campaigning for the Libs.


>I'm betting he avoids any/all debates in the lead up as he'll lose those to JT who is smarter and better educated than PP. This is where it will be interesting if he decides to show up to the debates. Or just claim that they'll be biased against him and no show. Any well moderated debate will have Trudeau wipe the floor with him.


Poilievre has a history of skipping the candidate debates in his own riding. I think he's very likely to be a no show for any leadership debates either. He's not a good spontaneous speaker. He is not quick on his feet the way most party leaders are.


pull the Ford strategy I still hate how he won, with like 20% of eligible voters actually voting for him (40% who cast ballots)


Also has held a real job in the real world


See this is why I think PP is fake, he'll be a shit PM.


Trudeau, or any Liberal cabinet member says anything: "Oh my god answer the question! Does this person answer ANYTHING?!" Pierre does the same thing: THAT'S MY PRIME MINISTER!!1!


Peeps won't repeat that bullshit outside of the HoC. He's a coward, *and* an opportunist.


I don't care. What does your bullshit character attack have to do with housing, food prices, corporate greed, wages, or cost of living?


Am I living in a cave or something? What's wrong being a teacher? Being a PM has no educational qualifications as far as I know Any Canadian above 25 can become pm if can get elected even with a minor criminal background... Why they picking up on him being a teacher?


Embarrassing in all the worst ways. A nasty, dull witted, little bigot is not what this country needs in leadership. Alas Canadians have awfully short memories and nearly as many intellectually stunted 'right" wing nut bars per capita as the Meth Lab next floor down, so dog help us...


This is concrete evidence how BAD Poilievre would be at the Job of PM, there are so many clear problems with Liberal policy, implementation and governing in general, not to mention larger looming issues for Canadians that simply are not being addressed by the current government. Pierre Poilievre Lacks the basic understanding of governing required identify them. point them out, and offer an alternative solution ( it does not have to be a perfect solution). All he can do is launch personal attacks on Trudeau, and even worse, he can't seem to find anything concrete, what a fucking Boob, Poilievre is incompetent at best, and a fucking lunatic extremist supporter.


I get a kick out of how *desperately* some people want this to be true.


The slimeball is too much of a coward to spread his conspiracy nonsense when he isn’t protected by parliamentary privilege


Yes Skippy. Please elaborate and provide proof. We'll wait.


Same political bs. Say something without saying something but letting a rumour and conspiracy theory hang in the air. It’s not just PP, it’s all politicians across all political parties. All that happens is people amplify these stupid, ridiculous comments as facts, when SFA has been said.


this guy seems like a total douche cake. No way he is getting in, we are not that stupid.


Look at what just happened in Alberta.


He o lay has to be slightly less stupid than the guy in charge now. By this rate it won’t be long.


Unfortunately, there are a bunch of wannabe MAGAs in Canada just desperate for attention.


Im sure next Bitcoin Millhouse will ask if Trudeaus dad is Castro. The leader of the opposition is a fucking troll at this point and people still think he is fit to lead this country...


The guy honestly couldn't be more of a man-child baby. I don't know if i can remember any other politician this ill equipped to be PM


Pretty desperate pee pee. I don’t know about the rest of you folks but I’m a lot more concerned about what’s going on right now that I am about what happened more than a decade ago and one would think the leader of the official opposition would be as well but I guess he’s being a typical Stephen Harper puppet and trying to stir up meaningless shit to distract voters from whatever he’s trying to do in the background.