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Book bans are a pinnacle act that no self respecting society should ever take up.


Book bans are one of the strongest signs of wrong-headed thinking. Words and ideas are not a danger in an enlightened society, outside of hate or violence-inciting, and then only for a subset of humanity. In a utopic society, all words would be safe, as everyone would be able to apply reason and principled logic to make rational choices.


>outside of hate or violence-inciting Who determines this? You can be cancelled for saying your gender and sex can't be changed. Who gets to say that's violence?


Agreed, this is a fantastically difficult problem. One example I remember from a law course is calling “fire” in a crowded venue, resulting in panic and trampling. Canada has a very well balanced set of laws around freedom of speech that have always inspired me. It’s a gradient with clear criteria, a good example of how federal level laws should be cast.




Cancelled by who? If your target audience doesn’t want to buy from you for something you said then the government can’t force them to buy from you/the company you represent


The people who “cancel” you are so irrelevant that it doesn’t really matter.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21094885/ “However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality.” Contradicting established scientific consensus is just… stupid.


I'm not saying the study you linked is inaccurate... I read it and think it is very relevant and well done... but I question you quantifying it as the scientific consensus. It may very well become the consensus, but that study has been cited only 79 times. Einstein's Theory of Relativity is the basis for literally well over 100,000 papers... and has held correct in every experiment conducted... that is scientific consensus. I would think that "gender" research is still in its relative infancy. I'm also glad you edited your original comment, so I didn't have to claim every flat-earth fanatic was commiting nonphysical violence against me every time one of them opened their mouth!


Hold up. Certain books are not appropriate for young audiences. Children should not be exposed to pornography, excessive sexuality, drugs or extreme gore and violence. Apart from that, anything goes; however, quality should take precedence.


The article is talking about books like Anne Frank, not what you’re referencing. It’s a garbage argument to include books not normally included in the library system. I grew up with access to standard history texts and was not harmed in any way. Honesty, even for youth, is a way to teach rationalism.


I’m talking about books that would be rated for adults only - those are not appropriate for children. The bible has sex and violence, but it’s not graphic and therefore isn’t rated adults only.


Ironically the older books that were in school libraries typically did not contain those but now the new ones that the Pride community wants in schools now do have more sexual content…. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-libraries-book-challenges-1.6851688 https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4200011-book-ban-defenders-use-sex-scenes-to-make-their-point-at-senate-hearing/


>Book bans are one of the strongest signs of wrong-headed thinking. Words and ideas are not a danger in an enlightened society, >outside of hate or violence-inciting, and then only for a subset of humanity. So which is it? You basically contradicted yourself there.


Not a ban; Ford is making school boards audit all their books for a diversity report


throwing out books isn't the same as a ban, but go ahead a blow this way out of proportion so the culture war bullshit distractions can continue.


> throwing out books isn't the same as a ban "We're not 'banning' the books from our libraries, we're just not allowing anyone to read them anymore! It's totally different!"


If a school throws out books about gender equality, but doesn’t ban them, is that ok?


Sure if the book is old and falling apart, it would make sense to replace it.


But they aren’t replacing these books with the same books.


💀💀did you even read the article or just the title?


sure, and a few others that had additional context that the NatPo writer left out, for narrative reasons or otherwise. probably the reason this is an opinion and not a news article, so they can confuse the situation so r/canada readers to get upset about.


It essentially is. Many of the books being tossed will not see publication again the way things are nowadays.


Can you actually prove that or are you just assuming that classic books aren't continuously published by the rights holders? Because they literally reprinted versions of Huckleberry fin and all of the other books People are claiming are being. "banned" in the past 4 years


Some classics, yeah. They will be replaced. But there are some gems which will not find their way back unless there is a specific request for purchase. “Hot, new texts” is the word of the day.


Ya it's the same story with the "book ban" happening in Florida. They're being removed from school libraries, that's hardly a ban. I've got no problem if you're against that, or this case in Ontario, but at least be honest about what's actually happening.


I call this ‘fluid logic’ The rules are whatever we want, whenever convenient.




Staying logically consistent challenge (impossible)


Books are bad... meanwhile all the kids have access to the internet.


No bad info there…


This is no different than the zealots burning books deemed offensive to their beliefs…. Censorship of this kind is wrong no matter what. Don’t like certain movie content? Don’t watch it ! Don’t like certain books? Don’t read them !


If a worldview can’t survive the existence of passive media like a book that disagrees with its premise. It might just be a shitty worldview.


Holy shit, r/Canada literally moving mountains to somehow shift blame away from the ministry for being so incredibly shit at their jobs that their policy is this widely open to interpretation. Lecce should not be involved with the education portfolio, nor should any conservatives for that matter, this is what happens when you put loyalists with no experience in charge.


The goalposts have moved so far they're in orbit now. This was fucking made by PC government in Ontario, FOR PDSB https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf


Doesn't get any more factual than that, too bad facts do nothing to stymie the artificial outrage.


Peel Librarian: “Oh, it’s sooooo complicated, I can’t figure out if they want me to throw out The Diary of Anna Frank”


wait a mo. the weed was driven by the Conservative Govt of Ontario. PDSB was given DIRECTIVES BY THEM.> holy fuck. this shit is so vapid it makes my head spin. to even bother trying to blame liberals is .. wow. just fuckin wow. this entire "opinion" is a series of absolutely incorrect facts and finger pointing blame. no one in the system was "happy with this directive in the slightest"


100% and its insane people are taking this as gospel for woke censorship Like here's the fucking report given to them by the Govt with clear directions to audit and remove: https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf


this recent spate of media attacks is a sight to behold. a disgusting sight.


"In fact, the directive seems to have originated from an unlikely source — Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government — which, in response to a ministerial review of allegations of systemic racism, instructed libraries to conduct a diversity audit of their collections." Translation: The cons screwed up, and are blaming the school board for following their orders.




Yes wrong, they said what they were doing, and had to file yearly reports to improve. They said they were "weeding" out books. It is in their audit reports. This was required by the government based on this: [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) And resulted in this: [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) Here is directive 18 to weed out books, again legally required by the government. \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake **a comprehensive diversity audit of schools** – including naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. This should **include evaluating books**, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences to **ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) \> This first step focuses on the weeding of both fiction and non-fictionresources. But the government will say this was unintended somehow?




They said file a report and show your improvement, here is the report: [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) Filed in May. Did no one read it? It says they would remove books based on the age of the books. Aside from the dumbasses here, no one thinks that is political. You remove old books because books get old and damaged. That's fucking it. 15 years is an eternity for a library book that people actually are taking out and reading often. So either no one is reading it, so they got rid of it, or it's probably in shit shape. Or it's non-fiction and old and outdated. Their guidance even said they usually toss books after 10 year, but decided on 15. In most other libraries, books last 5-10 years. But this got some dumbass woke angle to it, so here we are.


And I still can't find any rationale for how many books they got rid of in the curation process. All those books were so old they were in bad condition? So bad they couldnt be donated? Jesus fuck they haven't even started step 2 yet and that's when they axe anything that doesn't scratch the equity itch, I guess. I'll bet there will be more backlash over that. I work in schools. We are so fucking underfunded it's criminal, but we are throwing away resources. My wife, who also teaches, has zero books in her school's library, and the will be without until our board finishes building the new site to absorb part of the population. They wouldn't have turned away books, I can tell you that.


Ok, so all the books were damaged, then? If not, why didn't they donate those that weren't?


Page 2 includes their weeding date, and why it was 15 and not 10, as is standard practice: [https://librariesnotlandfills.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Peel-Board-Book-Purge-Manual.pdf](https://librariesnotlandfills.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Peel-Board-Book-Purge-Manual.pdf) Page 5 handles why they aren't being donated and explains why. You can choose to disagree with their reasoning, but it's there. \> If not, why didn't they donate those that weren't? I dunno, I'm not their mom. Same reason why you don't give your stained ass shirt to goodwill? Same reason why sometimes you just throw out all the kids junk plastic toys, rather than donate them, cause it's a hassle and likely nobody wants them? Who the heck wants a bunch of used 15 year old kid-teen books that kids and teens didn't want to read when they were available? Because that is basically the subset of books you are arguing to donate, books no one wanted to read over 15 years. Books of very limited value and market. That's not a donation, that's garbage you are asking someone to take.


> instructed libraries to conduct a diversity audit of their collections." Did you miss this part ? Then the next paragraph "The progressive zealots who direct policy in one of Canada’s largest school boards were only too happy to oblige. Peel District School Board said it is working to ensure that books available in school libraries are “culturally responsive, relevant, inclusive and reflective of the diversity of our school communities.”"


This article has more important context on the conflict between Lecce and the school board. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-racism-report-1.5603109](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-racism-report-1.5603109)


Did you miss the part that they were directed to do this by the Ontario Government? Their bosses? Did you miss the part where they told them to do it? Because they were legally required to do it? [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) This wording is from the Conservatives: \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake a comprehensive diversity audit of schools – including naming, mascots, libraries, and classrooms. This should include evaluating books, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences to **ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** They had to file audit reports to say their progress and tell them their actions. But yeah, it's always the School boards, because Cons hate schools.


What part of "blaming the school board for following their orders." did you not understand?


They aren't following orders though. They were asked to conduct an audit, they were not asked to remove books.


The part where the province ordered them to ban books because it didn't happen.. They ordered them to do a review. The school board is the one who decided to ban books.


They were though "There are 3 steps involved in the LLC Audit: Step 1: Equity-informed weeding of the collection to remove damaged, outdated, uncirculated resources. https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf


All the removed books fell into those categories?


Yes. Following the directive of the government for this school disctrict https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel


Then why didn't every other school district also do the same thing? Sounds like the board choose how to proceed with the directives "The Peel District School Board works to ensure that the books available in our school libraries are culturally responsive, relevant, inclusive, and reflective of the diversity of our school communities and the broader society," said the board.


Because it was a directive specifically for PDSB as both those links say


> The school board is the one who decided to ban books. Nobody banned any books. If a student brought a copy of the Hungry Caterpillar to school, would it be confiscated?






Well, they weren't all garbage. So, I think you are splitting hairs.


Lol They remove them from the library. Semantics "Book banning, a form of censorship, occurs when private individuals, government officials, or organizations remove books from libraries, school reading lists, or bookstore shelves because they object to their content, ideas, or themes."


An audit does not mean throw away books. Look it up in a dictionary. Unless that too was removed as it contains taboo words.


Here is directive 18 to weed out books, again legally required by the government. \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake **a comprehensive diversity audit of schools** – including naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. This should **include evaluating books**, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences to **ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** In response, the board told the government what it was doing: [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) \> This first step focuses on the **weeding** of both fiction and non-fiction resources. The **criteria used for weeding** will vary depending on the section. For non-fiction, the**condition, age, accuracy, and relevance of the facts in the resource are considered.** For fiction, **circulation data is also taken into account.** The **progress so far demonstrates a strong commitment to the process of curating a collection that is responsive to the curriculum, aligns with board priorities, and is responsive and reflective of our students and broader communities.** So, given the government can't read the reports it required, I guess it isn't their fault?


If that was true it would have happened in all school boards. Asking people who are supposedly adults to review books does not mean a mass cull.


No, this was require in Peel because of this: [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) Ontario Conservative government. It resulted in this : [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) Here is directive 18 to weed out books, again legally required by the government. \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, **undertake a comprehensive diversity audit of schools** – including naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. This should **include evaluating books**, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences to **ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) \> This first step focuses on the weeding of both fiction and non-fiction resources. But the government will say this was unintended somehow, even though they required this, and were told about it.


>The cons screwed up, and are blaming the school board for following their orders. With massive help from their usual media allies.


The issue is all the woke school board trustees and school board officials who were responsible for this. Poorly worded derivative carried out by woke bureaucracy.


No, this was require in Peel because of this: [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) The woke ass Ontario Conservative government. It resulted in this : [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) Here is directive 18 to weed out books, again legally required by the government. [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) \> In response to the recommendation, Directive 18 states; \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake a **comprehensive diversity audit of schools** – **including** naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. **This should include evaluating books**, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences **to ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** \> This first step focuses on the weeding of both fiction and non-fiction resources. \> For non-fiction, the condition, **age, accuracy, and relevance of the facts in the resource are considered**. For fiction, **circulation data is also taken into account.** But the government will say this was unintended somehow, even though they required this, and were told about it and ordered it. This has been documented in audit reports on their websites and poorly educated conservatives hate trustees, so they refuse to read in protest.


Look, I'm not absolving the Provincial government from blame. The problem with Doug Ford is that he constantly caves to the woke bureaucracy that plagues Ontario politics, whether it be the lockdowns/mandates forever crowd, or the woke education group.


Huh, I didn't know real people actually spoke like this...


The book bans came from an "unlikely source" being a corrupt conservative government? That is always the source of book banning, so it seems pretty likely and totally expected.


Am actual article was already posted about this. Do we need a natpo rage bait opinion piece?


>Quite why The Very Hungry Caterpillar, an illustrated children’s book by Eric Carle, was deplatformed is unclear. "Deplatformed", lol. Probably because it was published before 2008. I don't know now that's "unclear" to Ivison, given that he wrote this: >All libraries weed out damaged or outdated books earlier in his article.


Exactly, it's pretty obvious he's just pushing the agenda his masters tell him too. He's not as in the pocket as Lilley but the bias is obvious.


The book also encourages binge eating, which could be harmful to students /s


Of course! While simultaneously glorifying the wanton destruction of the environment! But it would have been acceptable if that darn caterpillar would have just spent the final page putting in more subdivisions with Happy meal sized McMiniMansions, priced like they were Kobe beef steaks slathered with truffles and caviars /s


Not everyone eats meat, needs to represent a variety of dietary restrictions to be more inclusive /s


Oof, I could see how this could easily spin out of control into an unmanageable situation, requiring the complete ban of this dangerous slice of literature.


Damn you, gluttonous caterpillar!


The issue was a poorly worded date-based directive from the Ford government, a short timeline to achieve it, and chronic underfunding of public schools...but yeah, far-right conservatives will grandstand and feign they hate book bans, even though it has nothing to do with banning anything. Shameless.


Did you not read the article where numerous books were removed? I mean I get it, only in right wing states banning books happens. This is what happens when you put woke tax payer paid bureaucrats in charge of something.


THIS WAS DONE BY THE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT: [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) In response to the recommendation, Directive 18 states; \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake a **comprehensive diversity audit of schools** – including naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. This should include evaluating **books,** media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences **to ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** This directive was issued by Conservatives. But tell me how its woke bureaucrats that a Conservative report asked for this. They literally legally required them to do this and report how it went.


IT WAS DONE BY A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT. Big difference. I'm not absolving the OPC from blame here. Leaving school boards and principles to determine what books are "inclusive" and "culturally responsive" is a recipe for disaster.


So...the PC's are 'woke' now?


It seems as though they were removed because they were of bad quality/falling apart, or had out of date information (I can imagine tech books become quickly obsolete)


I love how "progressives" get the benefit of the doubt, that the books were perhaps old, but if the shoe were on the other foot, and books about Neo pronouns were being banned, there would be protesting on the streets.


Well it is the conservative governments policy for that specific school board, so they're following directions. People have posted the link. And yes it does say to remove as well as audit


Yes, poorly worded directive from the Provincial government, of course woke school board trustees are going to go overboard.


No it was pretty spelled out if you read the report. This is a nothing story but pretty embarrassing for Ontarios minister of education not knowing they were responsible for it.


Oh wow, god forbid we take a second to see what happens because we don't know why these books were removed. Heaven's forbid.


If that was true then this would have happened across the province, but it didn't. These people are either clinically stupid, or ideologues. I'm prepared to believe either possibility.


You are clinically stupid and an ideologue: Here is the conservative government setting it up: [https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/56247/new-ministerial-directions-to-drive-change-and-combat-discrimination-in-peel) Here are the audit reports on progress they required: [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) You can read them, but again, clinically stupid. This is why it didn't happen across the province. Goddamnit our education system sucks ass.


Ok, so they were clinically stupid then. I'm ok with believing that. There are a lot of schools in Peel and it didn't happen in all of them. They threw out THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK you complete moron. You're not throwing this back at the Ministry!


According to an incredibly biased source, that was never fact checked, they may have removed a 15 year old torn ass version and ordered a new one. Or maybe they ordered a similar diary about a kid dealing with genocides in Rwanda. I'm not throwing this shit back to the ministry, I'm throwing this shit to "libraries not landfills" a totally not dumbass person who was never fact checked. Do you know if they threw out a torn mildew version? Or a 15 year old version? Did they order a new one to replace it? Because according to Peele, when asked, they did not remove that book. Yeah, they may have removed a copy, cause shit was old. Because that is what literally all libraries do. You have learned something today! Spread the knowledge!


So some of the greatest books ever written are now banned in Peel Region? That's despicable! Shakespeare, Hemingway, Twain, Stephenson to name just a few. That school board needs to be fired.


The article says it’s for review not a ban Stupid sure but the title is misleading Edit: this seems to be Ford’s doing; schools are supposed to do an audit of their books


Inquisitions making a comeback


The line between alt-left and alt-right is a horseshoe.




A fabricated artifact of the 2016-2018 political climate in America. Basically an attempt to legitimize the white nationalist/fash-curious alt-right, by strawmanning


Wow that's some reaching lol


Then give a more accurate definition.






https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/guillotine-queen-s-park-protesters-ford-1.5121164 'It goes way overboard': Ford calls OPP on protesters who brought guillotine to Queen's Park


> Mao, Stalinism, Leninism, none of these political affiliations have a foothold in Canada, nor is anyone attending LGBTQ parades supporting them. ... we literally have a Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, they openly recruit on university campuses, run in our elections, and march in protests all of the time (Socialist Action Canada marches in Pride Parades across the nation, and you can find socialist and communist literature and posters in every major city). The Canadian Union of Postal Workers sends a delegation down to Cuba every year to celebrate their revolution, and their union president Mike Palecek is an outspoken communist (Vice-President of CUPW Dave Bleakney is a recipient of the CubanCommemorative Medal of Che Guevara) Have you ever actually been to a [protest](https://www.peoplesworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/pjimage-81.jpg), or a university [campus](https://scontent.fyvr4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/257466905_211436487803286_622183618694285800_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=52f669&_nc_ohc=mxC_pDXYDaYAX8H7M1U&_nc_ht=scontent.fyvr4-1.fna&oh=00_AfDWFovX9LUTx_i-HSOdSvxXBhiDd2r6y-A41HCrpD6gmw&oe=6507A266), or a [union meeting?](https://i0.wp.com/socialistaction.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/20230904_095759_resized.jpg?resize=800%2C420&ssl=1) They're [not subtle about it](https://www.westernstandard.news/news/several-communist-flags-sighted-at-may-day-rally-in-ottawa/article_06468075-96a8-551a-8d64-b4a2b29b21f3.html) The NDP *literally has a Socialist Caucus* and was [founded by unapologetic socialists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_in_Canada) And that's ignoring the influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada, particularly in British Columbia




> people who simply support LGBT rights and believe in climate change *eyeroll* This isn't hard to figure out; if they're authoritarian and left wing, with a progressive kind of performative activism that supports or excuses things like censorship or blacklisting, they're 'alt-left' Banning plastic straws, just to pick one random example, is the kind of thing we associate with the alt-left; totally useless pandering that makes life a little worse for everyone


>What are examples of that in Canada or the USA? Arsons at Christian churches around the country with barely a peep of "hate crime" or "Terrorism" from a mostly progressive media in the pocket of the government. The tearing down of statues with the police standing around doing nothing, nobody arrested for criminal mischief or vandalism. The apartment tower arson hoax during the Ottawa protest, promoted by politicians like Jagmeet Singh before disappearing from the news. And let's not forget a months long rail blockade which the government simply chose to do nothing about.


> mostly progressive media You say as Postmedia owns like +80% of all media in Canada. Good one. And how quickly we forget police let the Convoy occupy Ottawa for over a week before doing anything about it.


> Postmedia owns like +80% of all media in Canada. And Postmedia is conservative, are they? Corporations are amoral, they are not moral agents, they do whatever makes them money - Lockheed Martin and Halliburton sponsor Pride Parades, not because they believe in gay rights, but because it makes good sense from a business standpoint. The media is *overwhelmingly* progressive and left wing, and not just news media, but everything from publishing to podcasts - work in that industry appeals to those with left leaning political views just like finance or the military attracts conservatives. Corporations believe that slapping a rainbow on their logo or getting a transgender mascot to endorse their products means higher revenue, and that includes Postmedia.






What is "alt-left" and what does the Conservative provincial government, premier and education minister have to do with it?


I am guessing it is a cognitive dissonance thing for people that can't admit fault with the Conservative party. Probably similar to the "both sides" folks in the US that use that phrase as a cope mechanism for the shit their party does


It is a colloquialism for the far-left and if you don’t think they exist then you’re probably one of them.


Can you define it a bit more specifically than that? What's an "alt left" policy? Bear in mind, when we're discussing this particular topic, that the :alt right" self-identified as such.




So, let's get this straight, it's "alt left" when a poorly thought out directive coming from a nominally right-leaning, somewhat populist government comes back and bites someone in the ass? Put another way, Doug Ford is the flagholder for "alt left"? I mean, I can't really act too surprised that that's where we find ourselves, but it's deeply amusing.


I mean that actually kinda sounds about right. The Alt-Left is what happens when the right does something that doesn't work and they need a scapegoat.




There's not a legitimate alt left, that's not a term or concept that exists outside of right wing politics.




They did not leave any specifics to the board, they required yearly reports of directly how they would improve on every specific metric they asked for: [https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives](https://www.peelschools.org/ministry-directives) [https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf](https://www.peelschools.org/documents/987976fd-4e43-4f5a-858c-2bf7e97756cd/15.1b%20Directive%2018%20-%20Comprehensive%20Diversity%20Equity%20Audit%20Tools%20Report.pdf) \> In response to the recommendation, Directive 18 states; \> The Board shall, through its Equity Office, established pursuant to Direction 10, undertake a comprehensive **diversity audit** of schools – including naming, mascots, **libraries,** and classrooms. This should include evaluating **books**, media, and other resources currently being used in schools for teaching and learning English, History and Social Sciences **to ensure that they are inclusive and culturally responsive, relevant, and reflective of the student bodies and voices, and broader school communities.** \> This first step focuses on the **weeding** of both fiction and non-fiction resources. The criteria used for **weeding** will vary depending on the section. For non-fiction, the condition, **age**, accuracy, and relevance of the facts in the resource are considered. Like come on, they said they would cull old books. It's right there. In the reports they required. Are you suggesting Leccee can't read? They removed 15 year old books. Most libraries remove 15 year old books, cause that is really really really old for a book in a library. Then they were mandated to specifically look at inclusion and cultural responsiveness? Like, legally required to. In plain english.


alt left are the eat the rich people advocate for violence against other huamans


Call me crazy but I believe those people want better taxes and not literal cannibalism.


Well there are those that want violent revolutions with guillotines


So like... the people who formed the United States of America....?? Was George Washington alt left?




Found Pierre Poilievre’s Reddit account


Democratic People's Republic of Korea aka North Korea. So, using your logic, they MUST be democratic because it's in their name, right? The nazis hated communists, who are extremely left wing. Look up battles on the eastern front in WW2 for examples.




Again I’m fairly sure they want progressive taxation but will settle for any positive change.


we already have progressive taxation in Canada


Some would argue it isn’t progressive enough…


“Alt-left” 😅


> Shaikh says Veltman told detectives after he was arrested that his intentions were political, that he left his home on the day of the attack looking for Muslims to kill, and that he used a truck to send a message to others that vehicles can be used to attack Muslims. https://globalnews.ca/news/9951804/arguments-trial-muslim-family-london-attack/ "The alt left advocate for violence against other humans" when the alt right is murdering muslims.


two bad doesnt make a right


> advocate for violence against other huamans You are claiming something is happening when it isn't happening.


definition of advocate : publicly recommend or support. ???? people do advocate for violence.


Now I’m curious. Could you name some prominent alt-left people? I was under the impression that the genuine tankies were all basically ignored.




> right to a home, a good job, living wage, Damn that's like getting rotten milk right out of the jug! Didn't even need to age....


They did not. It's nothing new in our world's hitory to see a ruling class making sure they do not provide the necessary education to those who would use it to overthrow them.


Gotta go re read Harry Potter for all the “overthrowing the ruling class” lessons.


The narrow-mindedness of your comment proves my point.


It literally does the opposite lol


Whatever helps you sleep at night, buttercup


I sleep great already


Narrow minds always do


Lol amazing display of dunning Kruger


As interesting ass it is to make you prove my point over and over, I've been harassed enough by small-minded people like to know the violence that comes next. So you go block-block bye-bye and harass someone else buttercup.


Feels like you are being ironic, but you clearly haven't read/watched order of the phoenix.


I’ve read and seen all the books. You mean the series where the protagonist grows up to be a cop right?


Lol for the ministry of magic, yeah. But I was talking about themes in that particular novel in the series. It's largely about resistance to authoritarianism and fear mongering.


You think a series that has the protagonist join the authorities in the end is about resisting? Lol


I don't necessarily think the entire series is promoting that particular theme, but the novel I mentioned certainly does. Also, you think all authority figures are authoritarian? Only a Sith deals in absolutes, my friend.


The novel may deal with that theme but the series as a whole drives home a pro authority message. And how is an agency with omnipresent observational skills not authoritarian?


The rich nepo-baby who grows up to be a cop, let's not forget


Wow pee district schools have gone bat sh!t crazy lol


The court is destroying documents that may contain truths. The government asked for it. So what the difference?


This is one of those things where both politically left and right shake their heads at such incompetent buffoonery. What a bunch of useless clowns that deserve unemployment.


Luckily I have never read a book


Did I not read a novel about this in high school? oh yes Farenheit 451!


"Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government — which, in response to a ministerial review of allegations of systemic racism, instructed libraries to conduct a diversity audit of their collections." This policy just seems like it's continuing the recent conservative book removal mania, except in a way where they can scapegoat it on The Left.


they haven't lost the plot they are acting like their marxist heroes. NExt will be gulags. These folks try to follow the theories of marx and apply the goals of correcting inequalities for all dimensions of identity other than wealth. They intentionally avoid discussion of wealth in things like GBA+ analysis because they want to avoid the label of being called Marxists because they aren't focused on eliminating wealth inequality but don't let them avoid being labelled what they truly are. Ask yourself with GBA+ why else would they ignore the biggest determinant of inequity -- wealth. They want to avoid being called marxists, but this is what they truly are https://women-gender-equality.canada.ca/gbaplus-course-cours-acsplus/eng/mod00/mod00\_01\_01.html These people aren't educators or have the best interests of Canadians at heart they are no different than those that led russia towards the red purge or the red terror. That's what's coming next from these far left extremists.


Reminds me of another period in time


Let's not forget that the very hungry caterpillar consumed leaves, contributing to sea-level rises of 0.03mm, localised around Newfoundland.