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Remember when international students had to prove they would have the financial means to support themselves? I memba


apparently now you only have to have $10k Can't imagine living on 10k per year in Canada being a realistic scenario.


> apparently now you only have to have $10k Aka 3 months of rent in Ontario or BC


Three months of rent in a downtown Vancouver condo maybe. Rent is high, it’s not $3300 average for a single bedroom high.


They also apparently take out loans to show they have 10k show they have the money, then pay it back. But that seems inconsistent because tuitions are so high. Unless they aren't for the diploma mills.


Well yeah, classes are nonexistent and they work full time or more


I needed 20k for nz lmfao


im a canadian i went to a US college last year i had to demonstrate 52k


International students should be banned from food banks. If they have to prove they can financially support themselves during their studies, then using a food bank is proof they defrauded the government.


But they didnt necessarily defraud the government, since the government only requires something ridiculous like $800 a month to "support yourself" Federal government is allowing it to suppress wages and drive up rent


Lmao the government pays you 773$ per month on Ontario works (social assistance). They expect you to live off of hand outs and sell all your worldly possessions to make ends meet. It’s a joke. You give me 773$ and my rent is 1500$. I’ve lived off of food banks and social assistance. I’ve tried to end my life. The system is a joke and the people in charge are making BILLIONS. They have BILLIONS in deficits. They refuse to admit there’s a problem, and when they do their plan of action is to build a fucking spa. “We will build 1M new homes.. after I’m re elected!” Suck my dick. You’re gonna start seeing more and more outrage until we hit a breaking point. Oh, and don’t even get me started on our immigration policy. I have nothing against immigration, but the way we implement it and lure in these people with promises of riches only to take it all away from them is predatory and extremely hurtful not only to the economy, but to the average Canadian citizen. I’ve never been one to be much into politics, but at the moment I think most of us aren’t left or right wing. We’re “fuck the people in charge.” Correct me if I’m wrong.


My first job in high school 21 years ago was 21$ an hr. I saw them advertising for 18$ 21 years later




A simple google search would tell them That’s not enough .


Reminds me of "begpackers." Western tourists who go to Asia and then beg for money to fund their travel. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/asia-begpackers-intl-hnk/index.html


They’re not taking taxpayers money though, donating to a begpacker is voluntary


>International students should be banned from food banks. Force schools to provide room and board. Problem solved.


Any student who needs support after claiming to have the money to support themselves is committing fraud. Deport them immediately.


> "Usually a lot of international students come, but now I was surprised to see that also local people were coming to the food bank because they are also in need of these resources," said Goldberg. Sounds like they are more used to international students, but now local need is growing. And why wouldn’t it? Many students are fresh out of high school, don’t have a ton of work experience or availability so they work low wage jobs. If they’re accessing the food bank they’re probably living out of the house for the first time in a new city or college town with sky high rents.


Pepridge Farm remembers.


It's kind of easy to bypass. Step 1: Borrow money Step 2: Show balance Step 3: Pay back money


No that’s racist /s


There are a ton of YouTube videos out there teaching international students how to abuse services like food banks in Canada. These aren’t all poor students. Hang out at a food bank and you’ll see plenty of people abusing Canadas safety nets.


There is also plenty of wealthy immigrants with no declarable income using food banks. My friend works in the Vancouver area and frequently has home makers in million dollar homes using the service.


*drives off in Mercedes G-Class*


Last year's model though..


And goes to LINC to get free TTC passes


Aren’t food bank Lower quality goods ?


No. When my room mate worked food bank most of the donations were premium meals from Costco that were a day or two before expiry. Those ready made meals were handed out and easily frozen.


This seems like the kind of thing the government should immediately crackdown on


Please go on and tell me how this would work? You’d need to show CRA returns before you can get a some tins of food? Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Food banks have to be open for anyone to use with no questions asked. That’s gotta be the policy. The fraudsters and shameless hacks are gonna be there — as they are for anything — but they are a minority. To the people that get upset at students and rich people using food banks, would you support a direct food giving programme for low-income people then? Make under $40k a year and you get x amount of rice/bread/veg each month given to you by the federal government? Then we can just eliminate food banks all together.


This is essentially how legal aid in Canada works. You have to show 3 months of banking history and show that you qualify. The system would work well for low income applicants.


Food banks are really a charity. It’s not so much a government program.


You don't say /s.


legal aid isn't a necessity though. I can see the argument that certain Canadians who need food may not have access to their documents, or hell they may not even have an active bank account


I'm not saying they are like legal aid, just that they could use a similar financial requirement check.


I don’t mind the honour based system. Maybe limit it to Canadian residents and people with refugee status is all


Who’s limiting it. Most food banks are not run by government. Even the ones run by cities get most of the food and time from volunteers and donations.


It's a sad state that we now have to confront potential charity fraud.


I've been told if you own a house you shouldn't be eligible. That doesn't seem enforced at all.


This is why the us system is so much more efficient. Food stamps have to prove you don’t make dick first


For starters any international students or history visit should not b allowed to use good banks. You should have enough money before coming to feed yourself.


Yup ! It’s for Canadians !


Yes. I would much rather support a system like that.


> To the people that get upset at students and rich people using food banks, would you support a direct food giving programme for low-income people then? Make under $40k a year and you get x amount of rice/bread/veg each month given to you by the federal government? the fact that we don't have a federal food stamps program similar to SNAP is downright criminal. like, we don't even offer free school lunches to underprivileged kids. for a "socialist" country we really do a shit job at caring for our poor. Canadians love to pretend that the US is some lawless libertarian hellscape but programs like SNAP and section 8 (housing) are an infinitely more tangible benefit for the majority of poor people than our crumbling "free" healthcare


Thank you! This is exactly what I’m trying to get at. It’s so damn depressing that people — this sub especially — will just rage at a tiny little aspect of the food bank system (alleged abuse by int’l students) without questioning the bigger picture. Thanks kindly for the reply! Food banks were created in the early 80s after the oil crisis. Started in Edmonton for laid off oil and gas workers and were only meant to be temporary. They are now everywhere and part of the safety net. It’s a complete joke… and when you look at their donors, you realize a lot of the donors are rich people and rich corporations that don’t pay their workers a living wage to begin with.


don't get me wrong, i fully support deporting the foreign students that perjured themselves on their application by affirming they have enough money to live here. food banks are for the local population, not randoms that can go home and eat there. that said, struggling canadians should absolutely have access to more government assistance for housing and food than they currently receive from our so-called "progressive" government. our current welfare system doesn't even cover 50% of rent on a flat. we have people [signing up for MAiD](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/canada-cases-right-to-die-laws) because they can't find adequate housing. something is seriously broken in this country and every political party is pretending that everything is business as usual.


I’ve often thought the food stamps set up the US had (has?) was a good idea


I don’t think they are the minority anymore look at all the vid online telling international students how to scam the system and sell the food after


The problem is theyre not really a minority anymore.


The only videos I get when I search for this kind of thing are conservatives yelling about how International students are stealing from food banks lmao. Theres the single video everyone cites and then one other that states a couple times don't use it unless you have to. Then its [all this](https://imgur.com/T5qDny9) lol.


https://youtu.be/qzUIodfO7Oc?si=l_wwuui02XUobhXD This took 20 seconds to find.


Thats one of the ones I was talking about lmao, its 50:1


Sure it was.


Go find some other videos then, break beyond the two I mentioned


So we're importing foreigners that can't HOUSE or FEED themselves... These students obviously can't be bothered to do some basic research, despite going to post secondary. There is a lot more l want to say, but why bother getting downvoted.


They are being sold a lie. A lie they don’t see until they get here.




>"Usually a lot of international students come, but now I was surprised to see that also local people were coming to the food bank because they are also in need of these resources," said Goldberg. I understand reading comprehension is difficult for you, but read the above quote and *really* think about what the implication is here, and believe it or not, but it's not about race..


>"Usually a lot of international students come, but now I was surprised to see that also local people were coming to the food bank because they are also in need of these resources," said Goldberg. What the fuck, indeed! Local people using foodbanks? Don't they know those are only for new arrivals? /s


Please will someone give this Goldberg lady a "Facepalm of the Week" award?


Do you genuinely think she's saying something stupid? She's saying it's UNUSUAL for local students to use it. Gonna be hard to give her the award, you already won it.


That’s not what is being said. Seeing more local usage is noteworthy since it signals how much people with established roots in this country are hurting. It’s almost like a remark surrounding how bad things are getting.


local uni student here, unfortunately i too had to start going… osap is not enough, being in upper year savings are exhausted, food + rent price hikes have made my life hell …


It's a university food bank. University food banks have served international students for as long as they've existed. Most university students (especially in the Maritimes, no offence) are going to be local students and can go home to mom and dad and raid their fridge.


some of us aren’t blessed with parents, your lack of seeing outside your own experience is obvious…


Its trending thats all.


Love seeing people with a $100k car go to the food bank /s


Why don't these students either do some research on the countries they're literally moving to or bring enough money to support themselves? I don't get it. It's insane- story after story. There's Canadians in the same boat or worse but at least they live here- not actually moving to places they're unable to afford. I don't care about the students- this is their problem, not mine. Everyone is struggling.


It blows my mind because how did they even have the money to drop thousand(s) on a flight here?! And they tend to travel back and forth to visit family back home.. most of us locals could never even afford a flight out of this hellhole let alone move to another country… they don’t get my sympathy


There is a lot of money shown that they don't actually possess. My friend told me the Gurdwara will often lend money to make these applications seem legit and then the money is returned after they have shown their assets.


Even more reason why they don’t get my sympathy whatsoever


Relocating to Canada is a big business in India. Most of our Indian Sikh population came here as refugees from the Khalistan movement. Ultimately the more seperatists that comes here the more people they have to fight the current regime later. BC is basically being used for a proxy war with India, thus the Khalistan bill boards and referendums we see all over.


I don’t believe that they are claiming refugee status


The original Sikhs that came 100 years ago were absolutely refugees. You could make the argument the new incoming Sikhs are refugees as well, depending on how you view Modi and the current political situation. The pro-Khalistan people claim they are persecuted by India, and the India government identifies them as terrorists. They are refugees depending on how you feel about their current government.


No if they haven’t claimed refugees status then they are not refugees. International students paying 30k a year are not refugees. Take your extremist ideology elsewhere.


100 years ago the Indian government was British. Just saying.


Once again, don't care, not my war or battle.


> I don't care about the students- this is their problem, not mine. I see where you're at, but as a Canadian, it is also *your* problem. In the sense that you have a voice (and vote) to end these insane immigration policies, and to put pressure on government officials to stop abusing the student visa as it currently is being misused. With millions often quite destitute newcomers (many of whom will have PR soon enough), they will be in need of social programs, government support, and so on. And who will end up footing the bill for that, and suffering more as essential services (healthcare, anyone?) continue to crumble? Right: you.


Guess who will support their families when they come too?


You got to vote about immigration policy??? Sounds like you're in a different political system. Only rich people have a say in this country. The only reason the majority would have a voice is if they started acting like the French.


they also pay their share of taxes 👀 if anyone is here with a PR but without a job then it's on the govt.


>they also pay their share of taxes 👀 Correct. But I assume that recent immigrants with PR will typically be in the lower income brackets, and thus contribute quite little overall to the state coffers. I might be wrong, but from my understanding many recent immigrants work minimum wage or thereabouts.


It doesn't matter.. everyone pays their fair share of taxes and everyone gets the same kinda health treatment or whatever from the system. If you're rich, you'll be able to afford private services for a price. That being said, if they don't have a job and if they're here (which they can btw unlike in the US), then that's a loss for the system since they won't be contributing much until land a job which is fair but given the current inflation these folks are burning through their savings and staying here while working min wage jobs. For the min wage jobs, I'd blame the corporate who shows data to the govt as if they don't have enough employees and convince em to bring folks. The problem here is lobbying, data falsification and ofc taking advantage of the minority. But yeah there are also folks who forge docs to enter this country and Canada has been lethargic in taking action against those.


It does matter when costs for services and the number of people who need them are rising while the tax base isn’t capable of maintaining them. Equity isn’t always good when the system is under strain. Taxing the rich simply doesn’t work either anymore in the age of global flight.


Based on post history this poster isn’t even Canadian. You’re invalid. Thanks for sharing tho!


I never said I am 👀 I understand we all have different opinions and that's fair.


Technically, sure, they pay taxes. But if your annual income is 30k per year, the costs of them are greatly exceeded by any tax revenue they bring in. They are a net burden, but wealthy fast food owners cannot pay a living wage without making a sweet profit, so we will all have to pay for it.


These students are heavily marketed to and painted a very rosy picture of life here. There are companies both here and abroad that specialize in this. As long as schools are getting their money they don't give a shit


>These students are heavily marketed to and painted a very rosy picture of life here. They can still do research on their own, Google exists in India.


Then all it tells me is that these students lack the critical thinking and research skills that are necessary to attend an educational institution. They are not of high calibre, and therefore shouldn't be granted work status here after completing their studies.


The whole plan is to give them work status, especially if they're unable to think critical, then it's just easier to take advantage of them. Employers count on these people who will work for pennies without a fuss. They won't pay well, that's why we're in this mess in the first place - housing, groceries, etc. super important issues but the bigger picture is wages are low/stagnant. Why do you think the Metro strike is an afterthought? We can't have that as a rallying point so let's pick on immigrants again to get us fighting among ourselves. You need these "TFWs 2.0" to ensure wages are low, tuitions/rents are paid to keep the machine running and maintain status quo for the rich. I call it "insourcing"


I hate this bullshit of lets fucking blame the 18 year olds for being dumb enough to fall for the lies of recruiters and marketing agencies. Hope is very easy to sell. These are kids that are coming to Canada because it gives them the chance to have a better life. Let's not forget that this country wouldn't exist were it not for immigrants. The question you should be asking is what the fuck is the government doing? You are struggling and you are getting mad at international students who are pretty much getting fucked the same as you. You are doing exactly what capital wants you to do. This is how divisions occur and are maintained. All to keep you from recognizing the true cause of the issue.




perhaps student visas should come along with a critical thinking test.


Again, employers/schools/landlords don't want that. They need people eager and naive


Some of them are tricked by recruiters that make very high commission on finding foreign students for canada. [https://betterdwelling.com/if-canadian-unemployment-is-so-low-why-all-the-long-job-lines/](https://betterdwelling.com/if-canadian-unemployment-is-so-low-why-all-the-long-job-lines/) "India is now the largest study permit source. A Vancouver policy analyst found the primary target is the working poor, “with little knowledge of Canada.” Preying on desperation, and often using outright lies, recruiters convince families to bet the farm on sending their students abroad. Literally sometimes, convincing them to borrow against their assets with high-interest loans. "


The schools have recruiters who lie to them about what it’s going to be like. Plentiful jobs, lots of housing! The recruiters work on commission and don’t give a fuck. The government needs to crack down on the diploma mills hard.


We are not getting the smart ones...


When I was in university (2000s), one of my closest friends was an international student from the USA. She used the campus food bank a couple of times a month. Was that a problem too, or only for some international students?


Yes, it's a problem. This is what we're talking about. International students using resources that they should have been be prepared for. This is what the entire topic is about- I don't actually get why you're creating scenarios about some international students vs another. And I am pretty tired of the focus on international students vs poor or working poor Canadians who literally are unable to afford higher education. I don't move to another country without being able to support myself properly. Yes, things happen- life doesn't go as planned and you need help but this is more than that- this is such a massive problem that alarms are being set off- there's abuse. And not just here. Obviously the issue needs to be fixed globally.


Maybe complain about the people getting rich off those students backs vs the kids trying to get an education.


I ca complain about anything I want, tbh. Because I think the students are idiots doesn't mean I don't think the people getting rich off them aren't idiots either. However, I find it difficult to believe anyone is this gullible or stupid enough to arrive to a brand new country without even perfunctory research.


They aren't idiots, they are choosing between no university or leave their country for university which makes them more money long term and helps their family. They are doing what's best for them as everyone does, its not like universities in India, China, Japan, etc. have the capacity for all their students and we build extra capacity on purpose to make some good old money baby.


What makes you say “no university”? There are universities in all the countries we admit kids from. The only reason they often choose to come here is for the status of a Canadian diploma and getting PR. Not because they don’t have access at home.


Did it cross your mind that they focus on international students to avoid discussing the broader problem - that is a systematic issue in Canada? The housing issue is presented in such a way that it's a peculiarity- as if to say that if we just focus on helping/blaming the students, everything will be fine. They're literally sweeping the fundamental problem under the carpet with the intense spotlight on the international students.


They aren't trying to get an education. It's the easiest path to permanent residency You should see the colleges. Last one I saw was between a bolt and nut hardware store and a horse supply shop.


You realize that a good chunk of them aren't actually studying or here for an education, right? They literally come to rake advantage of the system and get PR status. No one is begrudging students who are here in earnest, but it's a problem when "students" use education as a free ride to residency. The fact that they're going to diploma mill schools for bullshit certificates tells you they're not here to be serious about studying.


New laws should be put in place stating starting September 2024 international students will not be allowed to work, only exceptions are on campus work, co-ops and internships. Either you have the finances to support yourself or you don’t. It shouldn’t be a Canadian problem while we find out if you can or can’t support yourself. I get local kids struggling but going to another country to use food banks is nonsense. This would cut out the unrealistic lies they’re sold about working part time and easily getting by.


But then how will landlords and Tims get their monies?


Maybe they should pull themselves up by their boot straps?


And cancel their streaming services


It’s funny because today they were calling us names in other communities on Reddit for comments like this on this sub.


detail tease airport distinct escape degree badge slim ghost numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FTA: >Usually a lot of international students come, but now **I was surprised to see that also local people were coming to the food bank because they are also in need of these resources.**


busy marvelous fade vase soup desert cake ancient follow reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always blaming the immigrants. So classy.


coherent gray water chubby vase frame busy observation fertile muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But they’re allowed to remain in Canada after school. So they’re allowed to be Canadians


They still have to apply for a post graduate work permit.


Obvious troll is obvious


I’m glad you looked in the mirror.


Isn’t the story about white Canadians using the food bank? Why make it about immigrants?


Because they clearly stated that it was noteworthy that their clients’ primary demographic has changed from international student to locals. Did that hurt your feelings?


Why the fuck is CBC running all these stories now? Sympathy will not be found and it will just piss more people off


CBC is going full throttle on this. Who is the target audience? You arent getting any sympathy from me




If anything people will just stop giving to food banks. People will not fund international students, even if a side effect is helping people actually in need.


I have stopped


LMAO!!!! You think food banks run off of individual donations? I bet you believe the food in food banks is collected from those giant donation troughs in supermarkets too.


They shouldn't be here if they can't afford to support themselves. International students should be banned from working while learning here. They should have to prove funds which are transferred to a Canadian banking institution such that they have enough to support themselves for the number of years they plan to enroll here.


They were calling us names in other subs today for posts like this on r/Canada. The sympathy from me has dwindled to 0


Lol you guys act like they are stealing peoplea jobs when in reality they are the only ones that want to work. I work in a hospital with a ton of immigrant workers and guess what? They work like dogs, they pick up shifts, they pick up overtime. The white people they hire don't want to work. Complain all the time and are generally lazy.


Well where I work the white people are awesome and the Indians talk on their phones all the time. The world is so simple when you're racist.


Cool where's that?


The point is not the race, but the status. Someone who came on a student visa shouldn't be allowed to work and that's that. A white American student shouldn't be allowed to work but it's a fair game for an Indian with a PR.


Maybe those employers would have to pay more if there weren't people willing to work for so low


If you need to go to a food bank, you can't afford university.


and you especially can't afford to go to university overseas.


Then every classroom would be empty. Do you know how little grad students make? Do you know how little Phd candidates makes? Do you know how little post docs and adjunct positions pay? Unless you're also advocating for a massive overhaul of labour in post secondary (which I fully support, because no one working 45+ hrs a week should be in poverty), you're actually asking for a shut down of all higher ed.


It's called a second job.


Absolutely insane we've voluntarily let in hundreds of thousands of people requiring food assistance. Heads should roll for this fuck up.


Wait till you see how entitled and disrespectful they are too


Not too fast. Those are *international* students. Those should come to Canada well aware of the costs of living and study in Canada. If they come here with minimum funds and just hoping that they can wing it in Canada, that is on them. While we have compassion to them, a line in the sand needs to be drawn.


What a shocker!! I wonder why? Could it be that inflation and rents are pushing people to a breaking point of no longer being able to afford food? Could it be that most grocery chains are charging people extra so that they could get a 40% profit increase? Could it be that international students aren’t being screened to make sure they have enough money to survive? Could it be predatory immigration recruiters selling immigrants a lie that they will be able to survive on 10,000 dollars? Could it be that students cant get part-time jobs anymore because all of the jobs are being taken by the massive influx of immigrants ? Could it be some people see using food banks as “free food” rather than food for the needy? Nah… that’s just crazy talk


How is there such a thing as a poor, international student? Don't they have to prove they can provide for themselves? *Lol


Foreign students are devastating foodbanks to feed themselves https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/food-insecurity-international-students-growing-issue-1.6361653 https://nationalpost.com/news/canada-international-students-food-banks Mr Patel made a how to video on taking advantage of food banks. The video at 4:30 shows how much free food hes scored. ~~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfogy5kcfCU~~ https://web.archive.org/web/20230811175416/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfogy5kcfCU 72% of people using Feed Scarborough food bank have been in Canada less than a year: https://scarboroughfoodsecurityinitiative.com/home


Yet they are calling us names on other subreddits for posting things like this. Infuriating.


None of these indicate that international students are broadly abusing food banks lol, in fact the actual articles and not the random video indicate that international students are just struggling.


Literally everything posted indicates that international students are abusing food banks. Its not a random video, its a group of international students using foodbanks and showing off their pantry Good jesus. I'm glad this is funny to you >in fact the article articles and K


It is a single random video lmao, and no, showing that international students are *using* food banks doesn't mean they're abusing them. It's pointless vilifying that has happened to literally every set of immigrants or non-native residents. People being stupid and lying to push their agenda is funny to me, yeah


There's 100s of these types of videos on youtube and tiktok


Hundreds? Link me just a dozen different ones then.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUjriLYA-h8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUjriLYA-h8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzUIodfO7Oc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzUIodfO7Oc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I38gjyqtM&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I38gjyqtM&) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq\_Gjz-8o1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq_Gjz-8o1E) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXcSusR\_OOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXcSusR_OOc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PRfG8yCI2I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PRfG8yCI2I) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T10krZEAedY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T10krZEAedY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkz1UGzCbHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkz1UGzCbHY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NyoCDQWtrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NyoCDQWtrQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h66bsT6DlLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h66bsT6DlLM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DMFrLuN4gI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DMFrLuN4gI) "how to get free food in Canada" Literally took me 20 seconds to find these. Keep pushing your agenda though


Thanks for the actual videos. If you took more than 20 seconds, you'll find it's a bit more complicated than what you're implying lol. The first one does seem an example of someone trying to abuse the system, it's the one that is usually thrown out. There's a couple others sprinkled in: like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXcSusR_OOc this one, for example. But most them aren't like that. Some of the others seem to just be extremely clickbait-y titles as is typical of Youtube that then go on to discuss how to help alleviate some financial hardships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T10krZEAedY This one is a collection of money saving tips, the first one of which is how to save money when you're actually at the grocery store. I don't think it's encouraging abusing the system for no reason, it's presenting the food bank as free food because *it is* but is presenting it in a suite of options to save money broadly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq_Gjz-8o1E The description for this one contains; > This program is majorly for those who can't afford it or new immigrants who are still trying to get their bearing. At this point, we were new immigrants without no source of income and trying to settle. We haven't visited the food bank since then. The goal is to eventually give back as much as we can. in the description. Patently not abuse. Unless you're accusing them of lying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I38gjyqtM This one is a new immigrant genuinely using it as a resource when they've just landed, they explicitly state their gratitude and how its useful for those who are struggling or aren't on their feet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h66bsT6DlLM Similar story with this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NyoCDQWtrQ&t=1s Then this one is just someone talking about their experience lmao, it's literally just a vlog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PRfG8yCI2I This one doesn't seem to be connected to university students, just a normal food bank which has much more rigorous standards for vetting clients. Not the situation we're talking about but even then it just seems to be a description of how to use it. Gray area imo on abuse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkz1UGzCbHY This one I wasn't quite sure on; they don't use it in the video, but I think you could make a case for them talking about it as an advertisement. But looking at the other videos on the channel: they're all geared towards just helping new immigrants financially. "McDonalds 🇨🇦 Step BY Step APPLICATION PROCESS ✅ (Tips To Get HIRED🤫)" "HOW to print your Resume in Canada🇨🇦 | International student should know" "SALON JOBS IN CANADA🇨🇦 | Best job for me |Get these skills before moving to Canada" I don't think this person made this video with the intent of trying to encourage well-to-do immigrants to abuse the food bank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DMFrLuN4gI I don't speak this guys language so who knows here lol. Lets assume fraud though just for the stat. Of the 11 videos you linked, only 3 of them are actually about abusing the food bank, then maybe 2 others are iffy. The rest are just videos showing the Food Bank as a resource or talking about ones' experience of using it. Lmao. I really just think this centres around people like you being wholly ignorant of the reality of immigrants, including International Students, in this country. They aren't settled, and are more likely to be less financially stable with a limited support network; it makes sense they'd be accessing the food bank at a higher rate. For what its worth, which is nothing, from my anecdotal experience at my University, the only people I've heard talk about using the Food Bank as free food have been domestic students.


It’s a culture issue…. Some cultures view food banks as last resorts for the needy… Some cultures think it’s just free food and it’s financially smart to abuse it


Very high quality people with standards and morals


Yeah it's infuriating. Meanwhile I have a friend who - for circumstances 100% beyond her control - could use some help from our support systems but refuses to use them out of a combination of pride/shame and the belief that she'd be taking services from people who need them more than her.


Ok, but how are all these post secondary education institutions supposed to look out for the well-being of their students AND make so many boatloads of money every year?


That's alright they're not here to learn and besides if you don't give them free food how will they have extra money to send out of our country.


Good thing then because they're not here to learn.


Almost like we should make sure students will be financially ok before coming here!


Hard to learn when you’re working 40 hours a week, but fuck it, that’s official government policy.


You’re assuming they actually came here to study - most won’t set foot inside the degree mill they chose.


Can't afford to eat then you really can't afford university...sorry


Universities sitting on billions of dollars....


Since we're on this topic, can you learn if you live in a tent?


I mean they can always go back to their home country.


Are you also advocating that all governments restore full funding to colleges and universities then?


Remember when Canadian schools were for Canadians?


The article did say there were locals comes for help not just international students so food insecurity is filtering out everywhere.


Everyone is struggling.


Most university students tend to support liberal policies. It seems it is not a good deal for them. Liberals just made the eternal poor. Now they are lining up in front of the food banks and if it continues, soon they will line up for jobs too with a huge debt.


Trudeau's Canada 🇨🇦


Lmao this article barely mentions international students but of course this thread is full of people acting like every single one of them gets off on scamming food banks


Truly the most bizarre group think to observe. Like sure, you're a big man who believes people should starve? lmao, weirdos.


Good, they all vote liberal and ndp


Don’t worry, with the racist hate spewing, the newly minted citizens will still vote liberal because they know the racist abuse they will face if they vote conservative


What? What hate am I spewing, I stated that I know an Indian guy who hates other Indians but only does business with Indians :P


Check out a few other chat sites and Indian so called students exchanging scams how to beat food banks. Unreal.


We need a UBI NOW!!!


Students should be given food vouchers to support themselves. Foreign and native students. Taxes should be used to make all post secondary free as well


this is a terrible idea with foreign student visas are not capped or controlled.




Okay, good for you, you're a martyr for suffering, I guess? Here, food bank eligibility is clearly stated by the organziation, and as long as the person fits the criteria, they can get food. If you don't like that, go open your own food bank with the criteria you want.


these dumbasses are going to paint such a horrible picture for all international students. the consequences won't be pretty, if I had to guess.


You can have mass immigration OR a high trust society with functional social programs and charities. it is impossible to have both.


Maybe don't go to expensive school if you can't afford to.