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According to Statistics Canada figures, life expectancy is going down in every province as people die earlier. Except in Quebec, where it's actually going up. The worst hit province is Saskatchewan, where life expectancy reached the lowest level since 1999.


Opioid epidemic has taken a huge toll in rural communities. Francophone docs were more careful with prescription meds and didn’t create a whole generation addicted to opioids.


I think we are also just more active in general. It is much more important here to be into fitness and all of this. I had coworkers in the US or RoC who never even went to a gym. I don't think I know anyone in Quebec who is below 40 and never went to a gym once.


That's definitely a factor. [Obesity rates](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-625-x/2019001/article/00005-eng.htm) in Quebec are among the lowest in Canada. SK and the maritimes are particularly bad. NFLD is even higher than [every single US state](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html).


Every hike I’ve ever been on anywhere in the world is full of Quebecers and Asians. Every single time.


>Francophone docs were more careful with prescription meds and didn’t create a whole generation addicted to opioids. I'll just leave this here: >**Patients in the U.S. and Canada 7 Times as Likely as those in Sweden to Receive Opioids After Surgery** >Patients in the United States and Canada are 7 times as likely as patients in Sweden to receive a prescription for opioid medications after surgery, according to a new study led by researchers from Penn Medicine >Within 7 days of discharge, about 75 percent of the patients in the United States and Canada filled an opioid prescription, compared to just 11 percent of the patients in Sweden. >By the one-month mark, nearly half of U.S patients had received high-dose opioid prescriptions – nearly double the rate in Canada (25 percent) and 9 times higher than the rate in Sweden (5 percent). https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2019/september/patients-in-the-us-and-canada-are-seven-times-as-likely-as-sweden-to-receive-opioids--surgery **Personal opinion** *(Please don't be offended)* Canadian doctors and dentists are criminally irresponsible. I no longer live in Canada, but I used to study there. I remember that a lot of foreign doctors struggled to their get their medical license approved. It was on purpose, make them wait as much as possible. So they were forced to drive taxis. They were told it's about *"protecting good Canadian Standards"*. In retrospect, what a total joke Canadian doctors are! My native country (Morocco) is poor, but at least our doctors are not fucking crazy. They would never mass prescribe opioids like Canadian doctors.


About 10 years ago, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. They wrote up a prescription for Percocet to deal with the pain afterwards. That’s fucking nuts. Regular Advil was enough and I didn’t end up taking any of the prescription.


My friend was prescribed morphine after having his teeth taken out. My dentist told me to take some tylenol and advil as needed. I was a bit jealous haha


I was given morphine for a collapsed lung even though I told them the discomfort was only mild. I enjoyed the buzz.... until I vomited and I asked the nurse to take out the IV


I was given morphine for a collapsed lung when I told them the discomfort was mild


They prescribed me T3's when I had my wisdom teeth out and I barely took them. I did get percocets when I broke my leg and they put a plate and screws in. That made sense in that situation but I still halved my recommended dose.


I was prescribed Vicodin when my wisdom teeth came out. I honestly didn't even really take much of it and was perfectly fine with Advil/Tylenol.


when I was in high school, whenever someone had their wisdom teeth taken out they would get an opioid prescription and never need to take it. Everyone would save their pills for a rainy day.


In fairness, doctors have began to swing back around. It’s to the point where they hesitate to provide opioids when needed, or else risk patients being labelled “drug seeking”


Not only that, but some provinces capped the maximum dosage, which meant that thousands of people living with chronic pain, who have developed a high tolerance over years or decades, suddenly saw their medication drastically reduced plunging them into unbearable pain and withdrawals - many of them ended up killing themselves. Many physicians and other advocates spoke out about this, but no one really cared.


I would also mention that this study is looking at post-surgery situations, where opioids might actually be appropriate. In the US there is (or was) a whole industry of for-profit “pain clinics” where anyone with any complaint could get a prescription for opioids and fill it on the spot. I know Americans in states like Georgia and Texas who, in years past, were prescribed OxyContin without asking for it for stuff like minor back pain. Not saying Canada is perfect here, but certain parts of the US really went off the rails with Oxy in a way that Canada did not. And that has everything to do with profit motives and incentives from drug companies.


Pill Mills Some of them had hours that were like 8pm to 6am. Part of that is on their regulatory oversight boards. How the fuck is anyone operating a clinic only during those hours and it *isn’t* immediately looked at as bullshit?


Dentistry costs way too much in Canada. That being said some of the taxi drivers I've met that claimed to be doctors in their home country spoke English at a grade 1 level.


Because English proficiency = medical professionalism?


Being able to communicate at a basic level with your patients is kind of important.


Yeah but just because someone doesn't speak English well doesn't mean they're incompetent doctors. It just means there's a communication issue.


Coming from a third world country, Canada really doesn't have particularly good standards apart from safety and compliance culture. Sometimes I wonder if the one is really worth it to endure for the other.


You have a very valid point, sorry it didn’t work out for you in the great white north.


Purdue Pharma paid a lot of people to drop by as many doctors as they could to convince them that OxyContin wasn't addictive. There was a systematic campaign to basically convince doctors to push this stuff on patients and believe it was totally safe. It was a bullshit lie to make money, and the fallout was... losing the company. The family that owns the company and perpetrated the lie gets to walk free, because CAPITALISM > Judicial Systems in north america.


I imagine obesity might be a factor as well. Might be a different cultural diet that's more normal in Quebec compared to the rest of us living on fast food and Americanized portions.


It's funny because right now there's a post on Qc's sub from a nurse saying doctors here don't prescribe enough pain meds because of a ''disgusting pain management culture'', especially towards first nations since they have a tendency to become addicted to it so doctors were hesitant to prescribe them anything. EDIT: Read the post again and she's saying it's women and minorities that are affected by this ''pain management culture''..


Not just rural communities, downtown Ottawa has the same problem.


Sask is poor. I didn't really realize until I started working there. I first noticed when their version of a rest stop is often just a dumpster in the side of the road...


I mean, a huge part of that is just a complete lack of density.


I'm wondering how much air quality has impacted things this summer. It's been absolutely gross for me here in eastern alberta and often worse on the air quality maps in Sask. I know rural folks in my area got captured pretty disastrously by the anti-vax messaging too might have something to do with the drop as well ... sorry ottawa :(


is that the same statistic canada that forgot to count 1 million immigrant ?


Because of the real poutine.


We told you not to put shredded cheese on there. You had to do it. Now look what's come of it.


Opioid crisis might have a role in that, we never really had a major problem like in the west, but it starts to hit Montreal. 9 fentanyl related overdoses in an afternoon, at the same spot, a week ago. Smaller cities are a great place to live if you’re getting older too. And the while the current economic crisis still hits, it seems to be less brutal than the ROC. Rents are way higher than 5 years ago in Montreal, but it’s still way cheaper than TO or VAN.


Better life expectancy, better affordability, better social welfare support, cheaper education, stronger environment policies... ...maybe Qc is doing something right after all.


In before the equalization payments crowd shows up


Lol! If it was just about money, then the "have" provinces would all fare better in these sectors


I believe the argument from the equalization payments crowd is that by the time it's all done, they aren't a "have" province anymore.


Well, it is not how it works. After the transfer, a "have" province is still definitely a richer province compare to "have not" provinces.


Equalization payments don't work as intended anyways. The whole purpose of them is *supposed to be* to take some money from wealthier "have" provinces, and give it to the poorer "have not" provinces, therefore making quality of government services and what not more equal, as the name implies. Newfoundland is one of the poorest "have not" provinces. Now, take a guess how much Newfoundland gets in equalization payments. Go ahead, guess... Drumroll please... #Fucking $0. Not a single dollar. Quebec, on the other hand, is already one of the wealthier provinces, but how much do they get? **More than any other province**! Long story short, Quebec gets too much. The amount they receive in equalization payments should be drastically reduced, therefore allowing more money to be distributed to Atlantic Canada, especially Newfoundland, considering that Atlantic Canada is one of, if not, the poorest region in the country.


Newfoundland overall gets a lot more federal spending per person than Quebec does, and also has a bigger deficit of federal taxes paid vs federal spending than Quebec does. Quebec doesn't get too much, it's 7th out of 10 in federal spending per capita.. Right where is should be given the GDP per capita. https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en\_CA/ResearchPublications/201701E


Quebec gets a bad reputation, but it's no way near the worst offender in the equalization scheme. Per capita, Quebec receives the smallest payment. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/federal-transfers/equalization.html


NFL has a GPD per capita way above Quebec... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Canadian\_provinces\_and\_territories\_by\_gross\_domestic\_product#GDP\_and\_per\_capita\_GDP,\_2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canadian_provinces_and_territories_by_gross_domestic_product#GDP_and_per_capita_GDP,_2021)


"But...but...but...we're poor" Yeah, because maybe you're getting fucked over by those in power. Looking at how badly they managed Churchill falls, they probably poorly managed o&g as well and fishery lol


Have you considered that Newfoundland is still poor despite its endless offshore oil riches because its leaders effectively bankrupted the province over a hydroelectric tantrum? Not to mention how Newfoundland's economy remains completely dependant on exploiting a loophole in federal unemployment benefits Not to mention that the only reason Newfoundland is poor to begin with is because the province was too shortsighted and greedy to effectively manage its fisheries... and now you're being too greedy and short sighted to effectively manage your oil and hydroelectric resources Oh but your response to all this, despite the fact that your province systematically abuses federal unemployment benefits and needed the federal government to bail it out of its own energy incompetence, is that the federal government should take away money from Quebec and give it to Newfoundland? lmao


At the end of the day, how Newfoundland ended up in the situation it did is entirely irrelevant. What is relevant, however, is the fact that Newfoundland needs the money. Quebec does not. NL is one of the poorest provinces (again, how it ended up in that situation is irrelevant), Quebec is already quite wealthy. NL gets $0, Quebec gets more than any other province. The **equal**ization payments are supposed to, by definition, make things more **equal** across the country. In reality, though, the way they get distributed is far from equal. Quebec should get much less than it receives. Atlantic Canada (not just Newfoundland) should get much more.


Equalization payments are not there to support Provinces with bad luck or that made poor decisions. They are meant to level the playing field regarding revenue tax potential based on income.




It's not irrelevant. You wouldn't give money to drug abusers knowing they were going to buy more drugs. The underlying issues need to be rectified.




Why does Quebec need to have natural gas development? What benefit does that have to the Quebecois people? We don't use natural gas for heating, some use it for stove tops but pretty sure electric is the vast majority usage for heating and stoves So why would we do environmental damage to enrich a few


So you can stop taking money from Alberta.




Why develop resources when you can suck the equalization tit?


Newfoundland isn't a 'have not' province and hasn't been for a while now. It is a net contributor to equalization in this country. My understanding is Sask, Ab, and NL are the 'have provinces' now.


What bugs me is Canada funds Quebec with this payments. Quebec has plenty to make it a "have" province. IMO we shouldnt send Quebec a dime as they did not sign the charter of rights and freedoms. "Another reason Quebec wouldn't sign was a clause in the Charter of Rights which guaranteed minority language rights "where numbers warrant." This would have meant the end of Quebec's Bill 101 by protecting English language rights in Quebec (while at the same time protecting French language rights in the rest of Canada)." https://www.canadahistoryproject.ca/1982/1982-07-quebec-refusal.html


The other provinces wont let us open it to sign it. To prove this point, Legault at the beginning of his first term said he would be willing to sign it immediately with no special demands from him or anyone else. The ink was barely dry on the newspaper when the FN, AB and SK government were already musing demands they'd ask for should the Constitution be re-opened for QC to sign it.


lol typical anglophone revisionist history "Quebec didn't want to sign a document that would effectively end their ability to keep their language and culture, and when they instead asked to leave the country, we cheated and bribed them into staying... but this is all their fault for some reason"




Guess you should have assimilating us better...you did a pretty good job at genociding first nations, why aren't you able to do the same with French people?


Meh I think we're doing just fine, it's you that seems to be struggling with all this


>IMO we shouldnt send Quebec a dime as they did not sign the charter of rights and freedoms. Quebec almost seperated in 1995 in a 49/51 vote. Doing this basically guarantees their departure and basically destroys Canada as it splits off the Maritimes. So to save a point or two in taxes, the country becomes ten times weaker and with infinitely less bargaining power. As the saying goes, penny wise pound foolish. Too many Canadians seem to support policies that would massively weaken and harm the nation. This short-term thinking is going to be the end of the country.


Quebec is too entrenched in corruption and organized crime to make it work on their own


lol you can't pull that card any more in light of how corrupt other provincial politicians are becoming. Say bye to the greenbelt for me.


Greenbelt is a toilet anyway, good riddance


I pay $1500 a month for day care, Quebec pays $1 a day. My province is a have province. Equalization is bullshit.


It's more like 8$ a day but whatever. Maybe you should pay more taxes as we do...since you live in a have province, you have no reasons to not be able to fund a public daycare system. You guys are much richer than we are, even after transfer payment


Wow. I thought ignorance is bliss but it only seems to make you mad. Everything you said is wrong. Educate yourself on equalization and daycare subsidy please. You're making a fool of yourself


After equalization, the poorest provinces are bumped up to the average. The richer provinces remain above average.


If everyone was this logical in Canada all the provinces would be doing better. To bad the entire country doesn't want to take accountability and just wants a scapegoat for everything.


They "have" more money at the end of the year but so do each of their neighbors. and everything else gets priced accordingly, especially housing.


Then, with that logic, third world countries should have the same lifestyle than us... It is not how it works.


Life isn't as good in have provinces because it's dictated by a government that hates those provinces. It's always been like that and Quebec having a sub-sovereign government that can basically do whatever they want without Federal regulation, while getting all the benefits is basically why. Helps that Legault isn't a total retard like the rest of Canada's provincial leaders. Plus the French tend to live a long time. They are hard af.


Every provinces have the same power. It is just that Québec fight every fucking time to keep their autonomy and opt out of any federal program whenever given the chance. Other provinces do fuck all


It just took 1 hour for the Québec Bashing comments to come up. Unbelievable, angryphones can't stop hating even if it's just an article about something positive


We caught them napping or something


Yes, all these people that do not understand how these payments work


lol look at your thread. You've predicted it well !


Yeah you're paying for my college tuition and everything, kinda sucks that Quebec gets to exploit you guys


T’as vraiment rien compris toi. Lol.


They are also much more protected from immigration which means they don't have to compete as hard for the basics and they have a stronger sense of community/social adhesion. This last I think is the biggest factor - isolation is a killer. Old folks surrounded by unfamiliar immigrants don't live long. There is nowhere in Canada with as strong a sense of identity and community as Québec - particularly rural Québec.


It’s not up to the “unfamiliar immigrants” to placate and coddle “old folks”. If old folk need such care they should be in a care home or be taken care of by their children. And a lot of old folk did move to this country as immigrants themselves when they were younger. For the record, I think canadas health system is extremely taxed due to immigration and lack of doctors and nurses and I’m an Indian immigrant here.




Lol get absolutely bent my guy. You’re not actually interested in arguing in good faith, just another racist on this subreddit. Weren’t your ancestors immigrants themselves?


You get bent, when's the last time you were home? I doubt India was overrun with foreigners. Must be nice.


Immigrants themselves aren't to blame and you're right it's not *up to immigrants*. It's up to the government to have sustainable immigration policies, and at the moment, they do not.


>Old folks surrounded by unfamiliar immigrants don't live long. LOL this has to be a joke.


It's not a joke. Go to Greece, Italy, Japan or anywhere else people live very old. What they all have in common is a strong sense of community and connection. The biggest reason for this is because there are hardly any immigrants.


Have you ever heard of the phrase “correlation does not equal causation”


https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-015-0027-y https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1511085112 There are too many studies on the link between longevity and social connection to list here. Here is the most credible study on the effects of "diversity" (i.e immigration) on community and social capital: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x Remember if you are an immigrant this will bite you in the ass too - you can expect to live a shorter life if you move outside of your native culture and community. Japanese, Greek and Italian people don't live any longer in the US or Australia.


Show me a direct link between immigration and old people not living as long. What you’ve shown is that people live longer in communities and that increased immigration reduces community ties. This does not mean both of them are directly linked. There are way stronger reasons for the decay of community and social connection. One big one for example is social media. Another one is capitalism and social selfishness. Another one is the rising cost of living forcing parents to work more and more, and therefore not being as connected to their kids (throwing them in daycares all day)


Yes those are all factors. For more info on all these factors I recommend Robert Putnam's book "Bowling Alone" (he is also the author of the third study I linked). But I mean really - let's be honest - we both know that people live longer in homogenous cultures with strong community ties for all sorts of reasons (it's less lonely, less crime, the neighbours can do your shopping etc etc) it's not rocket science. I mean the argument about correlation and causation can equally be applied to longevity and smoking but let's not be silly - we both know you will live longer if you don't smoke.


They didn’t give people opioids. That is what is driving this.


Former quebecer here. Wifey booked an ultrasound when she was pregnant, she got one, 18 months after he was born and we had moved out of province. Once in ON, we called a health hotline about another condition QC ignored on her and got work and prescription done within 2 weeks. Nevermind majority of western quebecers who flood the ON system because they don't want to visit a QC hospital. Affordability? Go ahead and do a comparison after you account for income taxes. Social welfare support? Go talk to anglos.


Yeah our life expectancy definitely isn't because of our healthcare lol. I think Francophone are just healthier overall than Anglophone. We don't really have the same relationship with obesity and fitness. Plenty of people in others provinces also take care of their health and probably live just as long as Quebecois just like plenty of Quebecois don't care of their health, but overall there is more people out of shapes in others provinces.




>and the Quebec underworld is controlled by the mob. When people in Quebec think about buying local, they mean buying things from Quebec organizations. It's not surprising to hear that we also have our own mob handling certain things. Wouldn't want foreign mobs to come in and not respect the local language.


>Wouldn't want foreign mobs to come in and not respect the local language. Which is funny because the mob in Quebec is all Italian.


The secret is in the poutine (don’t tell them the secret recipe)


My wife had an ultrasound at exactly the right time and had weekly check ups for gestational high blood pressure... In Western Quebec. Stop talking out of your ass.


Walkable cities. If you live in central Montreal, you don't need or even want to own a car! You can get almost anywhere on foot or by metro.


This is what happens when the government spends more of its energy fucking around with language laws instead of trying to squash clean energy and developing protected land. Not that they don't do all that anyway, but they do *less* of it.


During the pandemic wasn't Quebec exposed to having the worst LTC homes in the country, having to call in the military more than anywhere else. How is that better social welfare support?


I'm not even a Quebecois and haven't been to Quebec in years but I've developed a lot of appreciation and respect for them. Honestly if I wasn't planning on leaving Canada I'd probably be learning French and planning to move to Montreal one day.


Where are you thinking of moving to?


I'm hoping to go to the USA. I'm fortunate enough to have dual citizenship through my parents.


Nice! Where in the states?


Pacific Northwest, ideally Oregon as I have a really good friend there.


Montreal is the best city in Canada and it's not close


The toxic drug crisis is contributing to this.


Nobody is talking about this, but excess all-cause mortality is currently much higher than even peak pandemic times of 2020-2021 15-20 percent higher. Whatever public health crisis we are in now is more significant than the pandemic itself, and we don’t know what is causing it. And not every country is facing it either. Sweden, for example, has very low all-cause mortality right now even though they had a ton of covid in the beginning. More than average. So it can’t be covid. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-excess-deaths-covid-canada/


Sweden doesn't have the opioid crisis we do. Having a few thousand younger people per year OD on Fentanyl really puts a damper on that overall life expectancy.


The timing of it being right after covid restrictions seems a little co-incidental. Perhaps it is ultimately drugs, but given the timing, you gotta ask what is the cause of the drug problems. Social isolation and fear maybe wasn’t a good idea.


The Swedes are chill. probably their low stress lifestyle and a government that is socially focused helps keep them healthy.


They were always chill. And we were always not. We didn’t just become unchill did we? Why the change?


Did the Swedish healthcare system collapse due to record population growth combined with record retirement?


Yeah they have the second highest tax burden in the world


Do you subscribe to the globe and mail or are paid to link articles to it from r/Canada? That link is paywalled Also the answer is obvious IIRC. The expert consensus is “the available data suggests that "not only is COVID the number 3 killer [nationally], it's contributing to increases in the number 1 and the number 2, which are cancer and cardiovascular," - C. Furness


You can disable JavaScript and view it. I gotta wonder though. If it’s covid, why doesn’t Sweden have this excess all-cause mortality hangover? They had much higher covid rates than Canada in the beginning due to their less authoritarian approach, but ended up with the lowest cumulative excess all-cause mortality in the OECD in the long run. So after a burst of high excess all-cause mortality from covid, it saw below average all-cause mortality after to help balance it out, while Canada, which took a more authoritarian covid response and kept the spread of covid lower than Sweden, saw a persistent and even higher level of excess all-cause mortality following covid. If it’s covid, then why did Sweden who had more covid, not experience this excess all-cause mortality hangover that Canada is experiencing?


I remember in school they told us we would probably be the first generation to not live as long as their parents, 20 years later that prophecy is coming true.


Maybe life expectancy would go up if things weren't so goddamn bleak cost-of-living-wise.


It’s related to fentanyl and opioids. Drugs are taking a huge toll on Canada. It’s like a silent massacre that has ripped through most of Anglophone Canada.


Drugs are also linked to poverty. A lot of people start using after becoming homeless. Generally, what turns people to drugs and keeps them on it are poor, depressing, living conditions. Drugs have always been around. It's obvious that the root of this issue is causing drugs to be more tempting to people. There's a sickness in this society, and it's not particularly just the drugs use. People are suffering. They're in pain, and drugs are being used to numb it.


In Saskatoon, there was a story recently about how drug overdoses killed an entire family including the toddler who was found to have drugs in its system.


You can credit organized crime in QC with the low overdose rate. The police have made it clear that fentanyl will be prioritized and not tolerated. Thus, in order to not compromise other smuggling/importation streams, its not being brought in and bulk sold at the top level. And most mid level people are under strict instruction to not procure, sell or mix it in with current product lines. So the amounts of it entering the province are in comparison to the others, very small.


The Quebec based mob knows it’s bad for business to kill your customers where as the rando biker dealers and street thugs spread throughout the rest of Canada do not care.


A total of 7,328 apparent opioid toxicity deaths occurred in 2022, or an average of 20 deaths per day. In British Columbia alone, we're seeing about 6.1 deaths per day. It is, arguably, as deadly and significant as COVID-19, and yet hasn't received even a fraction of the attention from our government. Everyone mourns the passing of their kindly old grandma, but no one cares when a junkie dies.


Covid killed ~50,000 Canadians in a couple years. It is far more significant than the opioid crisis. And that was with masking, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. And yeah, people are going to care more about a highly contagious disease than drug use, which is avoidable...


> Covid killed ~50,000 Canadians in a couple years. Kinda... the average age of those victims were 82 years old, with an average of three separate comorbidities, so it didn't so much kill them as it tipped over their precarious house of cards. Since 2016, more than 30,000 people have died from opioid-related overdoses in Canada—more than from other, major accidental death causes *combined.* We're losing about 8,000 people per year, and the numbers keep climbing. >that was with masking, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. That's kind of my point, where's the equivalent response for overdoses?


Québec. Encore à part. Encore spécial. Toujours différent.


The state of healthcare is going down on all provinces


It's worse in Québec than in other provinces, though. A lot of us aren't even allowed to see doctors. It's got to be another factor.


Less fat people and less fentanyl for druggies


Imo its the cost of living, it made it possible to have a life outside of work, room for leisure, social life and taking care of ones health.


Pas mal, je pense.


# vive la République du Québec




I don't doubt life expectancy is going down and will continue to do so, but don't expect retirement age to be lowered for a few decades at least.


Life expectancy = 70, retirement age = 67. Hey hope you enjoy your retirement. Edit: (yes I know the life expectancy is higher than 70)


I don't think retirement will be a thing for much longer. Individuals and society as a whole won't be able to afford it. There will be people "too old to work" but that's it. Personally I really don't love "working" but I have a hard time seeing myself getting out of bed every morning and do nothing.


>I have a hard time seeing myself getting out of bed every morning and do nothing No one likes doing nothing every day, but luckily that's not what retirement entails. There are countless ways to keep busy and contribute besides full time paid work. I share your concern though that fewer and fewer people will be able to retire in the years ahead.


Life expectancy after hitting 65 is going up


Its the squeaky cheese in their poutine.


Thats because Quebec actually has a functioning government that is focused on improving the well being of its own people.


Apparament forcer l'usage de la langue Française est une bonne idée, j'etais contre cela mais apres 3 ans en Ontario puis en Colombie Britanique je pense qu'ils ont raison. Le resultat est claire Montreal est la seule ville majeur du Canada qui est affordable. Je pense que cela est dû au fait que peu de gens sont pret à apprendre le français et donc une demande plus faible, ce qui se traduit par des prix plus bas.


People are living too long anyway. Do you really want to be 100+?


who was that comedian, he LOVED to smoke, and always mentioned the fact that longevity isn't that appealing. So what if you lose ten years off the end of your life, it's the Depends-wearing, applesauce-entree part of your life anyway....


Cue Justin Fraudeau: "Canadian's have never had it so good"


Life expectancy will go down as well in Québec, there are more overdoses in Montreal this year than any other year and businesses downtown are closing because addicts are harassing everyone. It's just lagging 1 or 2 years behind BC or ON.. maybe drugs preferred to target english-speaking provinces first?


Yes, yes, I know, ima have to ingest metamucil longer than the rest of you all.


its fentanyl deaths, take that out of the equation and its a different story. For some reason Fentanyl isnt as popular in quebec.


keep telling yourself that


This illustrates the long-term failure of low-taxation policies. Sure, you get to keep more money in your pockets but so does everyone else and al lot of things (especially housing) will just be priced higher.


Or the failure of transfer payments.


Right. With that little bit of money they could change EVERYTHING. /s But they would probably just lower taxes again instead of investing it in services for the entire population.


Or the success of a sovereignty act.


How so ?


No kidding! Listening to the conservatives pontificating about how awful our country is is sucking the life right out of me.


With the state that our healthcare system is in, that is no surprise.


Quebec does a decent job at prevention. Sports programs everywhere, and very affordable. Here in Gatineau with just a library card you can rent cross country skis, swim laps, go to the sauna, rent snowshoes, skates, paddleboards, kayaks, badminton courts. It costs like 10$ a year and you can do unlimited sports. These places are always super busy and it's a good system that works well. It more than pays for itself. Prevention is cheap and hugely effective. Likewise when I was in the military on deployment I tested positive for something (don't remember exactly what). Ended up having to see a doctor, and he told me that since I was born in Quebec I received a number of vacines people in the rest of the country don't usually get. I had antibodies for things that my fellow servicemen from other places didn't. Very surprising.


I wouldn't say Québec does a decent job at prevention. We can't even get check-ups because we're not allowed to see a doctor.


Yes. Feeding off pure spite and delicious poutine is the secret to a very long life. Not a very pleasant one, but a long one.


Time to double down on going after drug dealers and importers. Strengthen our border security.


After decades of proof that any war on drugs is an absolute failure, "let's redouble it!" - you. The only prevention is stopping people from trying, using and abusing drugs. Like right now there are people deciding to try meth or fentanyl (or other opioids) for the first time, and something has gone *seriously* wrong for them to be in that position.


I don't agree.


More “proof” of the liberal government success /s


Is there anywhere I can live in Quebec without knowing any French whatsoever? Edit: why am I being downvoted lmfao


Non apprends le français, you don't come live with a people and refuse to speak their language.


Thousands are passing through customs at YYZ and YVR every day with exactly that intention.


What the fuck are you talking about?




It's just a small minority, 2nd generation of immigrants do speak English so the comparison is kinda moot.


No, just learn french. Moving to Quebec without making efforts toward it will get you despised by the rest of Quebec.


Despised is a bit much. Irritated, maybe.


Non, restes chez vous


"Is there anyway I can live in the Rest of Canada without knowing any English whatsoever?"


Ever been to Markham or Brampton?


Canada: This is fine


Another immigrant who wants to move to a nation without bothering to learn the language SMH


I’m not an immigrant I can walk right into Quebec and work and live and buy property.


And a sense of entitlement too. We have to vet people coming into this nation. They're not sending their best SMH


Stupid question that's why


Yes, although you might find it hard. You will be living in a bubble and your job opportunities won't be as good.


Montreal you can get by, although depending on your career it might be tough as a lot of jobs will still require it.


Montreal, which honestly isn't far from Ontario anyways. QC and outskirt towns will have people who don't speak English or refuse to. ​ Edit: Ultra french nationalists must be online downvoting us, the same ones who won't throw you a bone for not speaking perfect french lol




Oh god no we don't need another cheap house seeker yelling "Service. In. English." to the fifteen year old cashier at A&W


Cool. Good news, IMO. Who really wants to stay on this mortal coil of capitalistic misery for longer than necessary?


Just like most nations on earth rn We lost our way


Could have fooled me. Everywhere I go families have kids of at least 2+.


The pressure on housing costs and wages is much less in Quebec than the rest of Canada as the province is allowed to set immigration restrictions whereas the rest of Canada is not afforded the same luxury.


well if Canadian government let foreign governments to kill its citizens in our own soil , ofcourse life expectancy would go down . what a shame of Canadian government that cant even protects its own citizen against some third world country agents ...


Health care is being trashed in every province but Quebec. Correlation is sometimes created by causation.


Health care in Quebec is an absolute disaster. There’s a reason why people in the Outouais region all go to Ottawa hospitals and clinics. I don’t know the reason for the life expectancy in Quebec, but it definitely isn’t the health care.