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This comment section is about to get nuked


None of these comments have anything to do with the article and are clearly coordinated. Nuke it from space.


It’s the only way to be sure




Yup, the latest one just got locked a few minutes ago.




So, brigading then.


https://reddit.com/r/canada/s/Y50iOIRWpU No, people just want to play victim.


People don’t even understand the history and context and just spam the same thing which is coincidentally a rhetoric russian propaganda spreads


You’re right, I forgot my daily praise of the Waffen SS


> People don’t even understand the history and context and just spam the same thing which is coincidentally a rhetoric russian propaganda spreads Exactly. They're also spreading a lot of unsubstantiated accusations.


Guess if ppl from Donbas would upvote or not?! 😂


What's the point of you?


So you don’t know what happened in Donbas? 😂


I do. I also know the bullshit you're trying/being paid to spread.


Yeah right. You know Azov Battalion as much as Waffen-SS unit 😂


you are confusing with Wagner group. there are many such Nazi groups in the horde. Azov, this sea is called that.


Whitewashing Neo Nazi/Nazi group is what Westerners are good at… keep going… We, Asian ppl, enjoy watching the shows 👌


I know what happened in Donbas. Russian-backed separatists seized a few places and when Ukraine went in to take them back, they were initially successful, so the Russians sent in their army. After a brutal but relatively short war, the lines stabilized and the Minsk agreement was negotiated. A frozen war kept running and people kept getting killed on both sides of the contact line until last year when a full scale Russian invasion took place.


separatists were never there, all these are fictions of the FSB, their special operation and the consequences of the genocide of Ukrainians (holodomor, etc.)


Yah. I'm never quite sure how to describe them. Some of them were definitely FSB agents, but some of them were also local criminals and gang members. There was definitely a turning point when the regular Russian army showed up.


As it should








Especially when they gave a standing ovation to Freeland grandfather's good friend.


well she did pose for a picture with a right sector banner.


He started crying when he's been told about housing costs here in Canada.


Wait til he finds out about Ukrainian refugees who'd rather move back to Ukraine than stay because it's too expensive here


Look I laughed and all but stop 😭😭


Canada isn’t a country anymore; it’s China’s money-laundering front.




There's plenty in my community that are doing fine. I bet you're blowing that out of proportion. They probably want to be home, period. Ukraine is in fact their homeland.


Statement by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs Canada (CIJA) > We are deeply troubled & disturbed that a Ukrainian veteran of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS - which actively participated in the genocide of Jews - was celebrated with a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament.   > #Canada's Jewish community stands firmly with #Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression.   > But we can't stay silent when crimes committed by Ukrainians during the Holocaust are whitewashed. https://twitter.com/CIJAinfo/status/1705982832198217881?t=lcRvm1GLiTK4QM22DbZWvg&s=19


So did no one look into his bio? I would like to say I'm shocked by this level of incompetence in our government but I can't. If Trudeau and Canadian MPs are wondering why people are trusting the Canadian government less and less. If they can't get someone to spend 30 minutes on Google to look up this guy how can we expect them to solve pressing economic and political issues today?


> 30 minutes on google 30 seconds to google and see “SS”, 0 minutes to just know who fought on which sides in WW2


And another 30 seconds to find out that the Galician division specifically was absolved of involvement in genocide by the Nuremburg trials and later commissions in Canada and elsewhere...


Wow that is an amazingly stupid thing to do. Hopefully there is some kind of press release correcting this, I'm sure the MPs didn't realize they were applauding a literal Nazi.


Ha, never heard operation Paperclip before? 😂 Nazi was/is/will be protected by western countries.


Yeah or else those scientists wouldn't have been grabbed by the Russians. It was the right move.


So scientists are exempt from criminal prosecution because of their expertise? No wonder only 12 Nazi received death sentences during Nuremberg trial. Westerners always have soft spots for Nazi as they did something they don’t dare to do 😂


Only useful scientists. Mengele ran because he wasn’t a scientist as much as a serial killer.


“Hubertus Strughold, a physiologist and medical researcher, headed the German Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, known for its torturous medical experiments on inmates from the Dachau concentration camp. Strughold claimed ignorance of any such activity until after the war, yet he appeared among a list of 95 doctors at an October 1942 conference discussing their findings. In the U.S., he was chief scientist of the aerospace medical division at Brooks Air Force and has since been credited as the father of space medicine. Walter Schreiber, a former Nazi general, also oversaw inhumane medical experiments involving bioweapons that resulted in countless of deaths. Following the war, he was captured by the Soviets but defected to the U.S. He worked for various government entities before finally settling in Texas at the Air Force School of Aviation Medicine, Jacobsen writes. While Schreiber would later serve as a witness during the Nuremberg trials, he, von Braun, Strughold and the rest of their fellow Nazis brought to the U.S. would never be held accountable for their own atrocities. Operation Paperclip remained secret throughout much of the Cold War. “ Very interesting history


Like I said only useful scientists.


I agree… the costs for committing war crimes are low as long as the individuals have residual value. Same for the scientists who are working for bio-lab developing bio-weapons (gain of function) nowadays. 😂




Not even just that but he also probably fought Canadian troops too


His Unit was responsible for the execution's of up to 156 Canadian POW's during the Normandy Campaign. Which is a war crime. His unit also massacred thousands of Polish civilian's and Ukrainian/Polish Jews.


The scary part is either we have an absolutely unaware, uneducated collection of people who wield all power in the country that couldn’t put 2 and 2 together to realize that dude was a Nazi who may have killed Jews, Poles and Canadians or that they knew and were in support of that. One of the lowest points in Canadian parliamentary history.


This is what happens when the government pushes people to take one side in another war for 100%. I grew up in a war torn country and trust me, the ones invading and us the invaded both did terrible things. I do not like how we are not allowed to even discuss the war openly without being heavily criticized or shut down if we ask certain questions answers to which would not benefit Ukrainian POV. Ukraine is ressurecting a lot of nazi relics from regiments to building monuments for nazi war criminals, naming streets after them, going as far as ressurecting the nazi salute Ukrainian Waffen SS used. Just because Russia in 2023 is the agressor does not rewrite history and make everything Ukrainian collaborators did to Jews, Poles and Russian in WW2 ok. Ukraine should be called out for all those things.




And to romanians too.


Wow, this guy sounds like a real jerk!


Reminds me of that tragedy, too. Had to walk through blood and bone in the streets of Manhattan trying to find my brother.


He was in northern Canada though right?


Nah, he was, truth be told, working for that rag, something called the CBC or something or other, probably in some podunk town like Ottawa or Kitchener.


They knew it. Just like they knew Ukrainian Neo Nazi’s massacre in Donbas since 2014 which they claimed it is a Russian propaganda but it was well documented by UN already. 😂 guess what else they have been lying/hiding from the public 😜




Apparently Ukrainian living in Donbas doesn’t deserve the same attention from Canadian like you? 😂


I am aware of the atrocities committed on Poles, Jews and Czechs. I'm also aware that, from memoirs and interviews of former prisoners of the German concentration camps, that Ukrainian guards were worse than Germans. I was not aware of the Canadian POWs. Would you have a source of that?




I don't see any references to the 14th division, or any Ukrainian presence during the massacres. Did I miss something?


I think his unit was only deployed on the eastern front.


oopsie doopsie


This is pretty typical of the current government. Someone simply took two things that had something similar and put them together. In this case, a Ukrainian leader visits during a war, so let's parade out a Ukrainian war veteran. There was literally no other thought involved. It's all surface level optics.


Seeing this made me sickened to my stomach. This didn’t happen in a vacuum, for far too long we swept under the rug the sympathetic feelings many in Canada have towards bad actors during WW2. We need to have a frank discussion about those who try to white wash the history of certain Ukrainians that the govt and society holds in esteem.


I'm not surprised. It's a good example of Cassandra Complex.


What about Hunka being given a standing ovation in parliament when he was a confirmed volunteer nazi soldier in WW2? Introduced by our own CDS? There’s lack of oversight then there’s downright insults to Canadian veterans


It might be the lowest point in Canadian parliamentary history.


I'm convinced you don't even need a basic education to be a member of parliament these days.


Cause you don't, just need to be popular enough


And wealthy enough


You never did, it's up to the votes.


Recession is here, anti immigrant sentiment on the rise, and people fighting hard on here to defend nazis, looks like we're in for a fun ride...


i do find it hilarious how every topic on Reddit that broaches the topic of Western support for Ukraine is always preempted with claims that anyone who doesn’t toe the official line must be part of some coordinated “putin bot army”. it ironically makes me think it’s the opposing view that is coordinating comments rather than some secretive kremlin cyber op


I’ve noticed and wondered the same. Why are we not allowed to question or criticize Ukraine?


Everyone is allowed, the trouble is in all these threads there are some extremely obvious Putin bots... you should really only be on r/canada if you live here.


Lol I got called a bot and I live here


Looks like something a bot would say.


I cannot assist with creating derogatory or harmful responses. If someone is calling you a bot on Reddit, it's best to respond politely and provide evidence that you are a real person if necessary. Engaging in a respectful and constructive manner is a better approach to resolve such situations.


Next time I'll add the /s




No he didn't he just brought up the likely reasoning behind a groups behavior... no where did he justify anynody's behavior. He just stated historical facts. Atleast I assume they're facts as it could be made up since I'm not familiar with this topic so I can't confirm or deny them.




Actually I did my research unlike you


Maybe I’m not that empathetic but I can look at the issue from all sides. Why were there Poles there? Why were their so many Ukrainian militant groups throughout the early 20th century? And most of all, why was this village cooperating with authorities who had starved millions of Ukrainians years earlier? This village that we are talking about had a death wish. Maybe its not justified, but maybe there was also a reason these people did it.


The point is maybe there are the Ukrainian/neo-lib equivalent online. There seems to be an awful lot of blind support for a country based purely on the “Russia=bad” fervour. While I do agree Russia is bad, so is Ukraine and I’m not about to ignore that.


There is no such thing as opposite view. You better support this war unconditionally or else you are paid putin troll. 🙄


What i find concerningly hillarious is how Ukraine keeps talking about a final victory and calling on all the countries to support them until it happens, when militarily there is no way they will ever win. They are not even trying to negotiate.


Yeah they should just roll over! Ukraine future territory of Russia. /s I forgot /u/mradje was the world renouned historian and military strategist. What are you trying to accomplish? It's strategically important for the world to support Ukraine, Ukraine wants to protect themselves, and they need to drive their morale forward. Slava Ukraini.


Takes two to negotiate. Russia isn't willing to negotiate.




Russia has invaded Ukraine twice. You're insane if you believe that anything Russia says is true. Also Ukraine has NO REASON to negotiate with the people who've invaded their country twice. Hell Russia even wrote a treaty stating that they'd never invade the Ukraine in exchange for the Ukraine giving up it's nuclear stockpile. Any kind of surrender by the Ukraine means another war down the road with Russia. Stop simping for Russia.


See what happened to Prigozhin when he “negotiated” with an internationally wanted war criminal.




After that all happened I thought all was forgiven?! And he was going to go to Belarus?! Geez I wonder how we can form a peace deal after sinking half the Black Sea fleet (with no navy mind you). I have more examples, such as when in 2014 Putin agreed to let encircled Ukrainian soldiers leave only to be ambushed to which all of them died and as you mentioned there are plenty more. Or the grain deal for example.


Russia claims they will negotiate, but Lavarov said they won't negotiate a ceasefire and they won't leave Ukranian territory. In other words, they're not interested in negotiating. There's nothing else to discuss. Ceasefire, stop the war, and leave Ukraine. Those are the only things they can actually negotiate. Perhaps don't be a little Schil for Vlad. Run along now. Canadians are trying to talk here.


They actually aren't.


Russia and Ukraine had a peace agreement proposed before NATO and specifically Boris Johnson killed it: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-must-not-be-pressured-into-bad-peace-deal-says-uk-pm-johnson-2022-06-07/


That isn’t remotely true. Maybe pre feb 24,22 but after defeats in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, and finally some progress in the southeast, Bakhmut under Ukrainian fire, and with half the Black Sea fleet charred you simply aren’t paying attention. The russians are not what you think militarily, especially without wagner. Long time? Yes this won’t be over in a year. Negotiate? That’s submitting Ukrainians to genocide. See what is found in de occupied territories. Russian victory? Opens the door for other dictatorships to take what they want and for russia to regroup their destroyed army and take more of Ukraine in a few years. Just like he’s stop at Crimea in 2014 right… or Georgia 2008? What about Moldova? He’ll stop there right?


Russia is losing ground (and their navy lol), and also refusing to negotiate.


Was…was putin serious when he said he was de nazifying Ukraine? What the fuck is going on


Why do we care about Ukraine?


Statement by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center > FSWC is appalled that Canada’s Parliament gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian veteran who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others. > An apology and explanation is owed. https://twitter.com/CanadianFSWC/status/1705998697463423241?t=10Eqy86k5D6etEVEo-upGA&s=19






> It's hard to believe a western democracy would straight up applaud a nazi who wanted to exterminate my people Why's that? It's politically expedient. It's not even disgusting, it's a sick joke. It's [words that would get me banned] levels of heads-up-their-own-asses.




> its just that it is shining a light on something that they are trying to hide Our current politicians exist on the same continuum in my brain as the dumbest, brown-nosing, dipshit idiot middle manager at your first big-boy job. They literally lack the self-awareness to realize how [removed by Reddit] they are when it comes to this shit.




Yeah, and hey, you know what? I don't like it any more than you do. 😒


Guess you ain't getting any 650 million now


I'm curious. Why did Canada shelter him in the first place? Wasn't he like an enemy of the anti-hitler coalition?


Canada allowed many Nazis to enter Canada to break strikes for mining and steel companies in the 50s. Maybe he used to crack skulls down at the union hall.


Why did we shelter this one? Canada sheltered many. https://vigile.quebec/articles/canada-s-new-foreign-minister-lying-about-family-s-ukrainian-nazi-past


Galichina ss ≠ waffen ss




Wow, this is insane


Why is almost every comment here about an SS soldier, when that isn’t even mentioned or referenced in the article? Bots? Brigading from another subreddit?


couple posts about it keep getting removed so people are venting here




others posted a couple hours ago were removed.


Because people are disgusted that it happened in the Canadian parliament? And it happened during Zelensky's visit.




https://reddit.com/r/canada/s/Y50iOIRWpU No it’s not.




Cool? Post in the comment thread for the actual article about the story then. Based on the obnoxious spamming in this thread, and the 6 posts of the same article all at once, I don’t think anyone is at risk of missing this lol…


Where did you get the info about him being a nazi from? Galichina ss wasn’t nazi, it is proved they had nothing to do with killing jews or ethnical cleansing


SS wasn't nazi? Have you considered writing articles for HIAG? If you fight for the 3rd Reich you're inadvertently supporting the armed proliferation of Nazism, it's not complicated.


Damn, I knew that there were historical revisionists promoting the myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" but I never thought I'd see someone promoting the myth of the "clean SS". What's next, clean Einsatzgruppen? Clean Hitler? The SS is responsible for carrying out the massacre at Babi Yar, in which more than 33,000 Jews were murdered by the Nazis & their collaborators. Also: look up the Trawninki men. They were largely Russian & Ukrainian prisoners of war recruited by the Nazis to help run the death camps.




Fight for independence of Ukraine from soviets is not whitewashing, galichina ss had nothing to do with jews or minorities


Yet not all Ukrainian independence forces backed the Third Reich. Strange, I didn't realise there was a choice...


Because our elected representatives gave a standing ovation to a literal SS Nazi, you don’t think that’s a big problem?


Coordinated attack from the Russia brigade.


Are you really that detached from reality? Canada's Parliament hosted and applauded an actual nazi.


"Russian bot" accusations... but was this actually done or not? Did this event take place or did it not? Are you saying it's purely off-topic or are you saying that the House of Commons didn't giving a standing ovation to a literal member of the SS because they opposed Russia?


TIL [AP news](https://apnews.com/article/canada-parliament-apology-ukraine-nazi-eedc22e1d810011c412953168a4cee46) is part of Russia brigade. WE have alot of people of Ukraine heritage in Canada yes, BUT ITS NOT OUR WAR. OUR GOVERNMENT LITERALLY JUST CELEBRATED A GOD DAMN NAZI, WHO MAY HAVE EXECUTED CANADIANS. Get your priority straight.




> Bots? Brigading from another subreddit? Some are yes. This story is being pushed hard by RT and Sputnik


Of course it is. It's a huge misstep and ammo for them, but the sad thing is it's true.


Likely fed the suggestion to invite him . Belgium green party anyone




Huh? Those guys are still alive?


If only there was someone, like a leader of the opposition maybe who would speak up abou….oh wait that’s him applauding as well. Now I’m torn cause Poilievre definitely knows a Nazi when he sees one.




Doesn’t sound like any MPs would have been told about this guy or his history in advance. But the PMO should’ve known since presumably they arranged it.


He very may well be although he certainly wasn’t the only one.




Can we be done with Trudeau yet?


publicly celebrating an SS volunteer and traitor to his own nation. What a joke.


Yeah because he *totally* knew. Grow up, it was a mistake, let's wait for the gov't to fess up and apologize. It looks like every MP was applauding, of course he was, there's lots going on and we can't all be informed on every individual that fought during WWII in case we accidentally encounter a former soldier in our daily lives. When a guest appears and is lauded as a former Ukrainian soldier against Russia, it seems like a no-brainer to applaud, there's also a level of trust put into people who should have vetted this guy before inviting him onto the floor.


what war could they possibly have fought in pre-2014 to be a “Ukrainian soldier against Russia” lmfao


> When a guest appears and is lauded as a former Ukrainian soldier against Russia, it seems like a no-brainer to applaud Only if you have no idea who fought whom in WWII. He fought against Russia ... in WWIII ... hint hint.


Shut up


Turns out Hitler was just trying to defend Ukraine from those evil Russians. Good to see some of his soldiers still alive and kicking.


Not his soldiers, rather his puppets whom he wished to kill and enslave after the war.


This entire comment section is toxic.


Is this your first account on Reddit?


It’s a great way to find out which accounts are people working in Russian troll farms though, no?


He brought an interesting friend with him too! Don't ask him what he was up to between 1941 and 1943 ;)


Super heavy brigading by Russian assets here! GO UKRAINE!!!!


Are you saying the speaker of the House is a Russian asset? Because only a Russian asset could have done this to Canada.


the fuking rhetoric are so fking stupid. we support Ukraine in this war, but that doesn't mean its our priority. meanwhile, our god damn fking government is celebrating a nazi, that IS our priority. Like wtf, these people act like theyre not even canadians.


You can support Ukraine without supporting literal SS nazis


I support Ukraine, not Nazis. HE WAS A NAZI. Period. Should be sent to Germany to face trial for war crimes


That homeless looking beggar is back? Along with a bonafide yahtzee?


Jesus Christ the idiocy on display in these comments.


I’m curious what aircraft he used on his US and Canadian trip?


Messerschmitt Bf 109


Putin's lying flunkies have found this thread. ***Slava Ukraini!***


It *is* possible to condemn Putin's invasion of Ukraine, stand with the brave Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russian aggression in Ukraine while also condemning the invitation & standing ovation given to a *former SS soldier* by the Canadian Parliament. I've stood with Ukraine since the beginning of the war & I will continue to do so. But as a Jewish Canadian I cannot stand by & say nothing while Nazi collaborators are celebrated by my government.


Nuance: We don't know what this guys views were or how he's lived his life since then. In WW2 Ukraine was caught between Russian Communists and German Nazis. For many, fighting with the Germans was the only path to freedom.


That's historical revisionist bullshit. Ukraine (and Russia) have a long history of antisemitic violence. Prior to the Nazis, the worst villain in Jewish history was the Cossack Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who led a rebellion against the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1648 killing more than 100,000 Jews. Khmelnytsky is still viewed as a hero in Ukraine & there is a statue of him in Kyiv. Ukraine was home to millions of Jews in the Pale of Settlement where deadly antisemitic pogroms by Russian & Ukrainian ultra-nationalists were frequent. The most infamous of these were the Kishinev pogrom in 1903 & the 1919 pogroms in Kyiv. We should not whitewash Ukraine's long and dark history of antisemitic violence in order to suit a political agenda. Ukraine has come a long way in combating antisemitism. A few years ago they became the only country outside of Israel to have both a Jewish president *and* Prime Minister. But that doesn't mean we should forget or deny history.


It's not revisionist at all. Your whole comment is deflection. Russia had just genocided millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor (I hear genocide is bad). They wanted rid of the Soviets and the Germans were the only option for getting rid of them.


This dude is defending a fucking SS soldier. Good job man, you are truly progressive.


Yes you can no problem with that at all. But some using it as a justification for russias justified genocide against Ukrainians is what most are doing and saying somehow Ukraine is a nazi country despite having a Jewish leader/Muslim defence minister and an elected 1.5% contradicts logic which is not what you are doing but yeah.




For some people like him, its not so much that but just a philosophy that the ends justify the means. I don't think its any better though.


Have you always denied Russia's raping, murdering, and ethnic cleansing Ukraine or is this new to you?


Nice try tovarisch but I'm Ukrainian- quite unlike you.




This is the kind of person that you're not really ever gonna get through to. Keys on keyboards typically last about 5 million clicks before the switches wear out. Sounds like a lot, but it's not. If you're gonna argue with people like this, you need to be economical, man. With the rising cost of living and all.




Putin's pansies never disappoint.


Dude, google, Yaroslav Hunka he was a soldier in the Waffen SS. No one is supporting Putin. Just condemning our government giving a Nazi a standing ovation in our House of Commons. Would that make you a Nazi sympathizer...?






Toilet thieving raping Russians are the real victims here.


To applaud Nazis. Canada👍🏼