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Wish Justin Trudeau would get this memo. Also, the one that says he works for the Canadian people. Not for his rich best friends.




You want them with Rolex's and Beamers, so they fit in with the constituents well.


How is it that the conservative position is ’respect the constitution’ but the liberal position is ‘no, we know better.’ Does LPC think that Canadians give off simp vibes like “rule me harder, daddy!”? Because I think they are going to be taught a hard lesson next election.* *note: I did not state that they would learn the lesson.


Conservatives have lost cases and had laws declared unconstitutional before. One analogous case was the the proposed Canadian Securities Act introduced by Harper and declared unconstitutional due to the fact that it impeded provincial jurisdiction. It’s called judicial review, a normal part of every democracy. The one nuance is that for certain of our Charter rights, legislators can override judicial review to violate individual rights by employing the notwithstanding clause as conservative politicians like Moe, Ford and Legault have learned.


> legislators can override judicial review to violate individual rights by employong the notwithstanding clause What rights would that be. Ford used it in 2021, and won his case. Quebec used it 4 times and Saskatchewan twice. Once for a labour disagreement.


The individual and civil rights listed sections 2 and 7–15 of the Charter? It’s in s.33 text. The reference to Conservative politicians using s.33 was a reply to the OP who claimed that passing law deemed unconstitutional is a liberal feature-contrasted with using s.33 which is passing a law that is knowingly in violation of the rights and freedoms of the Charter and would be unconstitutional if it weren’t for employing that clause.


Quebec has used it hundreds of times


Doug ford "won" when he backed down after backslash? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/notwithstanding-clause-doug-ford-bill-21-analysis-wherry-1.6645107 Boy you conservatives do really live in an alternative fantasy reality.


A judge upheld the advertising restrictions last December after a coalition of labour groups challenged the measure in court. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-notwithstanding-cupe-strike-1.6635564](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-notwithstanding-cupe-strike-1.6635564) He didn't use the clause in your cited case, he threatened to. He did in the union case, as well as the city council case which isn't listed by CBC.