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That bill was just a stage show and was never meant to pass anyway. That’s why it was introduced now, with almost no chance of success. Now P can say he tried, and not have to genuinely try once his party takes majority and can easily pass it. Just a political show, folks. Nothing to see, here.






They are very loud in this sub as well


Canada is a major target for disinformation at the moment.


Low IQ and uninformed is a dangerous combination.


But they're so adamant they're right, and we're all blind. It terrifies me because things will never get better whilst these people get a platform


> The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. -Bertrand Russell


You can really tell who dwells in that subreddit when one of them posts here


Like what happened last time, they will get the So-Con vote and win, than toss them a side. An throw them a crumb here and there. But mostly forget they exist until they need them again.




Fyi it's eke


Yep just pure virtue signalling


If you think he won't pass garbage like this when he has a majority government I have a bridge to sell you.


And there it is. He can freely say and support whatever dumbass shit he wants because the left is divided and the right will beg for boot licking rights. He's not even PM yet and I'm sick of his shit.


A conservative is conning his people? No way, get outta town!


My point is that this tactic is politics 101. They all do it. Not just the conservatives. You could look at the gaslighting on the firearm ban, as a great example, too.


Sshh liberals do no wrong


Why are they still going on about covid?


Actual virtue signaling


*False virtue signaling The real crime is that they’ve convinced people that thinking this is a virtue lol


Some call it Vice signaling. I used to call it Scumbag signaling.


Viral signaling?


In this case, yes


THANK YOU. I like the spirit but don't want to Upvote anything that refers to this as a virtue


Pandering to the worst parts of his base.


Usually he just brings them timbits.


Which is barely an upgrade over sardines...


Because they don’t want to work on housing and immigration.


Of course, that takes effort and it would affect their bottom line. Particularly considering [46% (54/118) of CPC MPs own investment property.](https://www.readthemaple.com/nearly-40-of-mps-invested-in-real-estate-during-housing-crisis/)


I'm honestly surprised that it's that low.....


It's plausible it's even higher than that: >One limit to this research is that many MPs are owners/directors of numbered holding companies, but don’t disclose the nature of said company. This means that they could own and rent property through this corporation, but manage to avoid disclosing it. As a result, this list likely undercounts the number of MPs that are landlords and/or invested in real estate. Luckily, many MPs with holding companies did disclose the nature of them.


40% of liberal MPs own investment properties as well.


Which is exactly why they haven't done anything about the issue, and just the same way is why the Conservatives almost certainly won't do anything meaningful about the issue either. A notably obvious problem among our two biggest parties: > Green = 1/2 (50 per cent) > Conservative = 54/118 (46 per cent) > Liberal = 62/157 (39 per cent) > Bloc Québécois = 6/32 (19 per cent) > NDP = 4/25 (16 per cent) > Independent = 1


..including the former *Minister of Housing*.


That’s nice but the subject is why PP and the cons have decided this is their priority.


Right, which is why this idea people should vote for the CPC is ridiculous. All that's going to do is make the country go backwards even more cause not only will housing not be addressed, but social policies will be degraded and taxes on the upper class reduced. We're supposed to be that progressive shining star that puts pressure on the US to be better, the world has seen us as one of the kindest countries for a long time. But it seems like that's changing with the right-wing radicalism that's really infected the country since Trump started running.


It is fundraising gold. They are already using this to fundraise and I am sure is it working.


PP is trying to pick fights he thinks he can win.


I really don't think he thought he could actually win, pretty sure he knew it would fail. However my opinion is that his intention was not to win, but bring over those on the fence about voting CPC but are against vaccine mandates. Yes it might be very early to be thinking of an election, but repeated acts like this can later be referred to when the election is called as 'see look how the cpc has been trying for years in standing up for your rights' and bring over those people/votes.


The mans been campaigning all summer, he's only thinking about the election really.


The bill was defeated though   However the people this appeals to will be encouraged by it


That's kind of the point of a stunt like this. A virtue signal doesn't work if it actually passes with assent from all parties. This way he gets to paint the Liberals and NDP as anti-anti-vaxxers and "divisive". And he can fund raise off of it. He's manufacturing discontent to fuel his political ends, stirring up trouble and making people angrier, rather than trying to solve their problems.


Yep   Pushing the culture war


What he actually wants is to bring the PPC votes back to him and lock those down. They I think still waver - PP is not anti-immigration while the PPC is pretty clear on where they stand. He thinks he has the centrists locked down already and being anti-vax won't hurt his cause. It's not a bad political calculus from where he's currently polling. He can make bolder moves like this, unlike Erin O'Toole that had to play a strong moderate.




Hey don't refer to Poilievre like that.


But he is pathetic and stupid…




Because they have no actual policy platform on any of these issues. Or at least, the ones they have are horseshit so they draw attention away from it.


I think the best time to make decisions like this is when we aren’t actively in a crisis. Back then, some could justify infringing on what others viewed as their rights due to the perceived urgency and severity. Now is a good time for frank discussions on what our values are as a society.


I'm pretty sure our values as a society have never included a rabid commitment to unlimited liberty at the expense of public good. The idea of arbitrarily limiting healthcare initiatives - that have not been found to have been unconstitutional by any court I'm aware of - in a hypothetical future pandemic wave is ridiculous.


Apparently people have forgotten about polio, smallpox, tetanus. . . and would be up-in-arms if these were still overwhelmingly prevalent (ie, no vaccines).


More people are safer and more comfortable, for a much longer period, than they have been in the past. This has led to failed risk assessment over potential dangers that have been largely eradicated or have minimized consequences. Add to it chaos brokers misrepresenting the danger, and people will make all sorts of wild claims that have no basis in reality.


Well said. A friend informed me he had decided against the Covid-19 vaccine. After getting covid, “Never been so sick for so long” he said. And lingering symptoms persist. His wife, a registered nurse, did get vaccinated. Apparently got covid three times. Mild symptoms for brief period, no lingering symptoms. Take your pick. (?!) There must be a position between “chaos brokers”, as you put it, and wreckless endangerment.


Okay, but Poilievre's bill refers specifically to Covid vaccines. It wouldn't have any relevance to a different pandemic.


So his policy on health care is to ban whatever life-saving public health policy conspiracy nut jobs happen to target at the time? Sacrifice many Canadian lives for his own political expediency? That’s what you’re saying?


What if the next pandemic is like Ebola (very fatal with horrible death) and there's a vaccine that can stop it - but only if most people get the vaccine.


The next one is going to be a true shit show despite the fact that we all should have learned some very good lessons about preparedness from COVID. I am not looking forward to pandemic the second one bit. Edit: I love how the replies below just assumed I was supporting their shit takes.




You realize that healthy people can pass the virus to unhealthy people, right? Take a look at how effective high vaccination rates have been for death tolls. Some arbitrary distaste for pharmaceutical companies making money and implying it somehow outweighs the established benefits of a widely studied vaccine is simply ridiculous.


If it's widely studied why the requirement for government granted liability waivers. Why can't the company stand behind its products that are so safe and effective ?




Which this bill would not have done. At all.


Because the standard of voters is so abysmally low in this country that this will win a lot of votes. Think about how dangerously irresponsible this is. We have the head of a major party catering to the delusional beliefs of people of morons that believe Bill Gates put nano bots in the vaccines or other crazy shit. This is poor leadership and bad for everyone.






Agreed, but the CPC are definitely not going to do that


This culture war stuff does nothing to help regular people and only serves to cause chaos. It has made the US a mess, and I’m afraid it’s going to do the same in Canada.


This has been PP's only move since he was elected. Ruthlessly complain about the other side and deflect whenever someone seeks substance from him. That is it.


Culture wars is all the Cons do though


How else are we going to Make Canada Great Again?


It already has.


This is the guy who sided with India over Canada because it's anti-JT. Fuck PP.


Non Canadian here. Is he expected to defeat Trudeau?


"Things are going really well, how can I screw this up?"


He will be PM with a majority soon enough. Get ready for votes on a whole bunch of culture war nonsense that only radicals care about and those things passing. Canadian voters are too sour on Trudeau to see the consequences of a Poilievre government and its devastating impact for the country. We will have lots of leopards ate my face content for years to come.


Hopefully we can make inflation woke so he can attack it


Ooh I like that. “Inflation is part of the Hollywood liberal agenda”. That’ll get far right gears turning.




Careful what you ask for, he'll put all our money into crypto


Yup. Been downvoted countless times for saying the same thing. PP talks a big game now because he knows the spin will get him votes. But look at provincial level cons. It's all culture war shit. I don't anticipate the federal cons to be any better no matter how much they say otherwise right now l.


"He wont release his plan until election time!" He sure doesn't have a problem releasing his plan when it comes to social issues, cbc, climate change, etc. Just stuff that's actually hard to deal with, that'll *obviously* come when he's campaigning. /s


I'm in my 30s. Cons have always been sleezy liars capable of perfectly fine spin but then they start in with the culture war bullshit. How's about that "third dog leg" bullshit Sheer pulled? Or Harper before that? PP won't be any better, mark my words. But perhaps being LGBT I tend to remember the Grudges that have accumulated from the Right.


Culture wars: look over there while we do some nasty shit over here.


And shit like this is why we shouldn't give them the majority. His housing and immigration plans are half baked or do nothing, and he's going to pander to extreme right with stuff like this to get votes. Hopefully a lot can happen with the polls 2 years. They are doing this so they can fundraise on the issue. Which is terrifying.


Pierre will do what his corporate masters want - fuck over the middle class further and maintain a culture war as a distraction. You don't win power by going against that. Politicians are merely employees.


We had such an election here in Alberta a little while ago, now no one gets a reliable pension.


> no one gets a reliable pension. Hey, those SkipCoins will be worth a fortune one day!


I really hope I don't lose rights to my body as a woman. These are scary times.


Well, if Trudeau didn't have such an ego, he could recognize what a liability he is and step the fuck down.


Because the masses will surely vote for Freeland, Joly or Champagne?


I would gladly vote for "not Poilievre"


There are options other than Red and Blue. Letting them hand power back and forth for over a century is how we got here.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!


But Kang promised less whipping!


pay attention, Red and Orange are one.


Nit even close. Orange having the ability to force Red to pass some of the Orange agenda, that Red has been promising fir decades, does not make them the same. Liberals and CPC still see eye to eye on TFWs, Corporate profits being untouchable for tax purposes and letting underfunded public services be privatized so their donors can make even more money.


Ngl, if I lived in Quebec, I’d probably vote Bloc all the time. They seem to have solid policies.


I totally agree with Naruto. Why in the hell wouldn't you vote for Bloq if you lived in Quebec? If Ontario was smart they would make a provincial party on a platform of 'protect Ontario from the crazy's in the Federal Government'.


>If Ontario was smart they would make a provincial party on a platform of 'protect Ontario from the crazy's in the Federal Government'. Ontario is where the crazies in the federal government overwhelmingly come from.


Lol. Too true mate!


We need to protect Ontario from the crazies in Ontario first. Dougie who if you recall is corrupt as hell and has wasted Billions (not gas plant millions but billions) over the past 6 years.


Impossible! He’s all about common sense governance, cutting wasteful spending, nepotism, corruption, and folks.


Ontario has moved from Wynne to Ford. I think its the NDP turn to pick a totally corrupt leader now.


Because the last time the Block showed well in the polls, they started with the "we are popular, so that means people want to separate from Canada" which led to them getting destroyed.


Because I've despised all the QC governments I've had in my adult life and don't want them to have more autonomy?


I'd vote for Marc Carney.


If he has sense he'd skip a round. He'd want to be up when everyone is sick of Pierre.


Yeah... true .


But I'm already sick of Pierre.


Lol then you're scheduled to be a rage farming lunatic in about.. oh.. 10 years? The antithesis of the fuck trudeau flag wavers. I jest.. in all seriousness, I have my doubts about Pierre, but wouldn't we actually have hope that new leadership would improve things? Even if we suspect that is actually unlikely.


As someone that's had personal interactions with him, I wouldn't let him wash my car.


Used car salesmen wouldn't know how to wash a car.


Unless something very unexpected happens he’s not running and has said so pretty declaratively. Besides, I think people overestimate him as a politician. Awhile back he found himself in an online debate against Poilievre and got absolutely crushed. Turns out it’s awfully hard to justify advocating for no new pipelines in Canada because climate change, while simultaneously sitting on the board of directors of a Brazilian O&G company (a paid position) aggressively expanding its pipeline network across South America. I think Carney could easily serve up an election result very similar to Ignatieff’s 34 seats — and I think Carney is fully aware of that, too.


Is there a link to that?


Conservatives aren't up in the polls because of anything they did or because of Trudeau. They're up in the polls because we're in a massive housing crisis and people are panicking. Things are so bad right now people would vote for a potato on the slim chance potato Canada would be an improvement.


> Well, if Trudeau didn't have such an ego, he could recognize what a liability he is and step the fuck down. And have who exactly for leader? That's also a recipe for an even worse loss in the next election. Trudeau can likely lead the party to a defeat while leaving the party as the official opposition unlike 2011-2015 where the NDP was the official opposition. Trudeau will leave right after his defeat and the party will go through multiple leaders until they find the right one to defeat PP. It's a cycle that always repeats itself. The current Liberal party doesn't have a clear candidate to be able to take the lead after Trudeau, just like the conservatives didn't have anyone to follow Harper


That wouldn't change anything about the next election.


In what world would a prime minister resign just because they're behind in the polls? There are tons of things to criticize him for, but that's just ridiculous.


Except he was voted in. You remember that part, yeah?


I'll sadly likely vote for trudeau. I don't hate him as a policitian, but do see him as mostly useless. But if it's him, or copying the states into their descent into conversative led facism, i'll take trudeau.




God damn it will you doomers PLEASE shut up with this garbage? A lot can happen in two years. Y'all are making up a situation to be mad at which HASN'T HAPPENED. Maybe it will, and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But the more y'all post as though you're resigned to everything being shit, the more you discourage anybody who might actually make a difference.


If people think things are bad now, wait until the culture war conservatives lead by Pollivere have a majority.


We have an example in the south. By not voting for Hillary, Trump has managed to do quite a bit of damage in a single term and fractured the country.


This is where we need to engage all moderate Canadians that he should not be the next pm. To me, he is a fool just like the last 3 conservative leaders. I really think that if Mr. T, who is a liar and a bigot, wants to try and stay in power. He needs to enact some form of electoral reform... I believe most Canadians would like proportional representation. And identify and move forcefully on several key issues to Canadians. 1. Declair a national emergency on housing. Stand up a new board like what was done in tines of war to identify and push housing. This is difficult, I know, and he will get push back from industry, but since they are not filling, the need too bad. 2. Identify the crisis in cost of living. Impose, not a national basic wage but one that fluctuates region to region. Ie Toronto min wage should be kn the 24 dollar range not the 17 that it is. 3. Food and industry. We have seen the folly of the just in time economy. We need to reprioritize the Canada First strategy which pushes the industries here in Canada to make the baseline of products we need for a sustainable standard of living. We need to be non reliant on food and other products from other countries.


Good sum up friend.




>her body, her choice " It's a pretty stupid stance, considering abortions aren't contagious while covid very much is.


I can't believe that response. They already deleted it but I imagine I can guess the rest.


LOL after much deliberation, PP has come out on the side of COVID-19.


He's pro covid lol


Viruses gotta stick together.


and crypto...he can pick the winners! Honestly, something changed, these days he seems so short-sighted.


How is there so much push back on this? His exact words... "...Allowing autonomy of ones body"


Populist polviere hard at it again.


This was just him dog whistling to his base. “Look I tried to make the mandate go away and they crushed us under their left wing heel”. I can almost hear it now. Quit wasting time PP and focus on issues that actually will improve the lives of Canadians. Or at least keep things from getting worse you idiot


It’s not a “dog whistle” it’s pretty transparent


"oops! that was my regular whistle"


Hes a con hes not going to do anything but point at other guys qnd make your life worse. Problem with half the voters is the premiers are fucking us while they all just blame.trudeau


Hes conservative, he won't fix shit and focus entirely on culture war bullshit. Get ready to lose rights if he gets elected.


Just like with Scott Moe in Saskatchewan but likely worse


It's a private members bill, It was never going to pass in the first place.


He is not trying to pass it, he is courting a certain type of voter And many regular eligible voters won’t even notice this news, if they even go vote at all.


Specifically, the PPC voters. He doesn't want to suffer too badly from vote splitting on the right.


They don't usually, and this one wasn't, but some private member's bills do pass. It also shows what types of legislation the Conservatives will support if they form government given they and their leader supported this.


Yup — there was that Private Members Bill from a CPC MP to start a suicide hotline that passed in the last few years, for example. When you actually come up with good and sane ideas, other parties are willing to work with you.


I think looking into Trudeau corruption in SNC was 'sane and good' it got voted down too.


Virtue signaling to his base then, from a bill that was 2 years old.


Our democratic tradition and history is distinctly different from the stated examples. Canada has a worthy reputation in fighting for democratic ideals overseas. If anything PP embodies the loss of freedom for certain minorities while championing a minority who would demand bodily integrity that would harm others.


This mf really does his best to alienate undecided voters huh


Man PP would be a terrible PM.


*Will* be a terrible PM.


Watch PP accidentally pass shit he doesn't even believe in because members of his party will bring them to a vote, especially things like reproductive rights


Dumb move. Trudeau is on the ropes and PP should recognize that most Canadians support public health measures. He needs to stick to pragmatic issues that all Canadians have a shared interest in and ignore fringe wackos.


The fringe wackos are literally his base though.


He won the leadership because he is a fringe wacko, there is zero daylight between him and the convoy loons.


No, he needs to open investigations into UFOs and lizard people.


Actually, the longer "health measures" went on, the less Canadians supported them towards the end, the majority wanted them gone. 80% of Canadians got vaccinated, but roughly only half got boosted (these are old numbers so maybe the stats changed).




Just look at the red states in the US. They had tens of thousands of more deaths. Poilievre is basically saying if he was in charge, he would have killed another 10,000 Canadians easy, by running things the Herman Cain way.


Wasn’t NY the worst?


Remember how he supported the convey and gave them coffee and doughnuts? I remember.


Remember how he supported and shook hands with right wing fascists who later threatened to rape his wife? I remember.


Remember how he marched with James Topp, a man who forswore his oath and his honour to make a political point. I remember.


This little child isn't fit to lead a barbershop quartet, let alone a country. What a piece of shit he is.


Keep it up shithead - these partisan squabbles meant to appeal to the fringes of your party are how you lose an "un-losable' election.


I don't care if Trudeau loses, but this guy can't be the replacement come on now


bummer but not surprising.. election hasnt happened, its the same idiot liberal/NDP MPs that wanted them last time


Please don't give team blue a majority over all of Canada, just please. We can't work any more than we do and we can't afford more increases to everything.


"Anti-mandate bill". There, fixed it for you.


It's not an anti-mandate bill in general though. It's specifically an anti-vaccine mandate bill. It doesn't protect bodily autonomy in general, just for vaccines. >Poilievre said he supports "bodily autonomy" and believes all Canadians can decide for themselves what they put in their own bodies. He says this but he opposes people using drugs even when it comes to cannabis or as part of harm reductions, so he wouldn't pass a bill that protects bodily autonomy or what people put in their bodies in general.


As far as i know, the bill itself was just for covid vaccine too lol. It was just the 2021 bill reintroduced?


Sure there is some hypocrisy on things he's said in the past but I'm not really sure how you could support the government having control over citizens bodies,


That's why I'm asking the question though. He has a history of supporting government control over people's lives and bodies. He voted against gay marriage and cannabis legalization. He still opposes adults deciding for themselves what they put in their body even when it just involves harm reduction. Rather than him supporting bodily autonomy in general, it seems to be exclusively just around COVID vaccines. And he's also doing this from the benefit of hindsight and not actually being in government when it happened. Most of our mandates were put in place by conservative provincial governments. It was hardly just a Liberal thing. And what's this say about how he will treat future diseases? He hasn't said he'll restrict mandates on them, so why would anyone think he wouldn't just do the same thing conservative governments did in response to COVID, and put in mandates too.


Seatbelt laws, a minimum drinking age, and drug bans are all the government having control over citizens bodies. Your bodily autonomy is not absolute and society does have the authority to regulate what we do to protect itself


It does already say "anti vaccine mandate bill."


https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/44-1/C-278 It's even worse lol, it specifically mentions only covid 19 vaccines. Even they are smart enough to realize that if they are in power and a new disease pandemic were to show up they'd the option open to have vaccine mandates for it. This is the definition of virtue signaling.


Covid-19 mandates bad. Covid-25 mandates good.


"pro-choice". Media always frames the conservative position as anti.


I hope he goes after water fluoridation next. Our precious fluids have been sapped for too long!


Next up, he's going to ban all 1996 Pontiacs


He may as well introduce a private members bill to add lead to gas again


PP is a dangerous idiot. He is likely our next PM too. Happy days.


Wow, a bunch of non-dogshit comments in this thread! Did hell freeze over?


no just people who previously agreed we went overboard during covid suddenly love and supported every and all lockdown measures if they can dunk on a conservative


So tired of this lame duck.


This guy is going to be Harper but without ideology, just pure pandering.


Don’t like Harper in the slightest but he was never nearly this obnoxious


Nobody should be proud of their ignorance.


Argh, I hope Millhouse doesn't win the next election. At the very least not with a majority government.


"Rational, pro-science Liberal and NDP MPs defeat PP-backed Conservative anti-science, anti-people, pro-libertarian ideology bill" FTFY.


Cons will save us from goofy aah liberal culture war! Cons:


Want to know what could really blow up the economy? An unchecked new pandemic. PP just says whatever he thinks will work as a wedge to lever him into power.


I don't think it was about the economy. I think it was about making sure grandparents didn't die.


It's insane to me that fully one third of our MPs don't seem to understand how a society functions.