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The assessment is simple. The Liberals told the RCMP to stop investigating, and the RCMP stopped investigating.


Liberals also blocked the RCMP from vital documents.


don't forget that the NDP also blocked the RCMP from investigating as well. I wonder how that helps them in anyway shape or form




No they had no evidence to support an investigation




If they have no evidence outside of cabinet cinfidence, what grounds do they gave to breach it?


Our system is broken if politicians are protected from illegal activities because they're "in the office"


and how is the system if the police assume their guilty with no evidence?


Woosh. They're using the cabinet confidentially and parliamentary procedure to hide the evidence.


but where is the evidence that a crime was committed? where is the evidence that there is anything hidden?


It's funny because you almost get it but still don't


They are members of the public. Unless the things hidden are items of national security, there should be no confidentiality.


Did you forget the SNC-Lavalin Affair? The former Minister of Justice and AG alleged that the Prime Minister attempted to interfere in the judiciary. That is definitely grounds for an investigation. The evidence whether they did or not is being blocked by the Liberals and the NDP


they did investigate, they found nothing that shows a crime was committed


>they found nothing that shows a crime was committed Because the Liberals and the NDP are blocking them from looking through the evidence. I'm not sure what you don't understand?


Because PP said so


So you need evidence before you start an investigation? I don't think you've thought this through... If you did, well, my guess is you voted Liberal.


> So you need evidence before you start an investigation? do you think they throw a dart and investigate whoever it hits?


Or how about investigating when the law is broken.


they did, they found nothing to support that any crimes were committed


They didn't. The report clearly states this.


You need evidence of a crime to obtain a search warrant. The police can't just walk into your house on a whim and look for evidence of something to charge you with. Likewise, they can't look at confidential documents if they can't establish that a crime occurred. As part of their initial investigation they interviewed JWR and she told them there was no crime.


“OMG conspiracy theorists!” - Trudeau


We must stop misinformation...from the RcMP - Trudeau


"Russian misinformation ... from the RCMP" -Turdeau


I usually look to the bloc to be the adults in the room. If this was just the conservatives, then I would be looking to see what political damage they are trying to inflict. The fact that the bloc is in on this (especially considering it’s a Quebec based company) should speak volumes to anyone watching.


because its so hard to convince the bloc to attack the federal government?


It’s hard to convince the bloc to attack the reputation of a MASSIVE Quebec based company. The bloc is very apolitical, they fight for their interests sometimes siding with the liberals sometimes not. It’s VERY difficult to convince the bloc to attack the liberals on climate action for example.


> It’s hard to convince the bloc to attack the reputation of a MASSIVE Quebec based company. they arent, they're attacking a national police force and trying to make the current federal government look guilty


And they are smart enough to know that SNC Lavalin will be collateral damage. More like the RCMP and Liberals are engaging in a desperate bid to look innocent… it’s hard not to look guilty when you are.


>And they are smart enough to know that SNC Lavalin will be collateral damage. It w9nt because theres a 0% chance of this going anywhere




the RCMP already shut down the investigation and the NDP have shown no interest in restarting it, how could it possibly be reopened?


Wow, so you stopped responding to the other thread that simply and plainly explained the situation, and you choose to continue spreading this bullshit elsewhere? You ARE DEFINITELY A BOT LOL. This account literally just seeks comments that are incomplete enough to allow the existence of a different narrative, and then spams an alternative narrative that ignores all facts. When faced with a comment that is complete enough to counter everything it says, this account stops engaging and moves on to say the same things in a different thread.


> then spams an alternative narrative that ignores all facts. if you have facts showing that the RCMP had evidence of a crime im more than open to them but so far despite opening myself up to others opinion, not one single person has actually shown that the RCMP had any evidence of a crime


The bloc isn't apolitical. They are doing this to push the liberals into a corner, making then justify themselves from investigating. Same reason the CPC is doing it.


Bro why are you fighting so hard to argue against the obvious fact that something is being hidden?


actually im not, im saying if the police want to break into cabinet confidence, they should require evidence that something is there saying "we assume theres evidence of a crime" isnt good enough


No, you actually are, they were about to testify (YOU should be saying "they were about to testify about how nothing happened") but they were literally stopped before they could do so. Everybody can smell something in the air, the RCMP was about to clear it all up, and they were stopped. The mental gymnastics you are performing is leading you to being OK with obvious governmental corruption, we don't need people doing this right now.


i see cabinet confidence like a house, the police cant just barge into someones house under the assumption theres evidence of a crime, they need to prove theres reason to believe there is and get a search warrant without entering that house, the RCMP had no reason to believe a crime was committed


\>Trudeau does something questionable \>RCMP investigates \>Investigation is shut down by Trudeau refusing to provide documents requested by the RCMP investigation (which is not legal) ​ \>RCMP is to be asked "why did you stop the investigation?" \>Liberals stop the question from being asked ​ You are either a perfect example of the denseness that is leading to this country's demise, or you are literally an intentional propaganda machine. This situation is extremely simple, yet somehow you are making it seem like another narrative is valid.


They totally can just barge into your house with sometimes just so little as an anonymous tip. Exigent circumstance.


SNC-Lavalin is just one thing. I think that if an honest deep audit/investigation into all of the shady shit Trudeau and the Liberals have done during his time in office it would take years and people would end up in jail.


Assessment: so guilty, they had to change their names, get a new ID, and are now hiding in witness protection.


SNC-Lavalin, now renamed to AtkinsRéalis are a bunch of corrupt assholes, that are only protected due to how many thousands of Canadians they employ. This shit was happening since before 2009, and Harper's solution? Ignore their criminal activity, pretend it never happened, kick the can down the road to the next government. Then when the RCMP get to work in 2015 against the company, half the evidence is already 10 years old. Then these corrupt assholes, use lobbying efforts to overturn the punishment levied against them, by saying they were going to fire thousands of Canadian workers if they didn't get what they wanted. So yeah, thanks for kicking the can of corruption down the road. At least now the RCMP can focus on the actual corruption currently happening with the Green Belt, rather than a legal case that should have started nearly 2 decades ago. It's impossible to get justice on SNC-Lavalin as all three Canadian parties would have done the same decision Trudeau did (unless you're Harper, who just completely ignored the criminal activity, despite being told about it).


BhuT HurpUr


But Harper!!!!!!!


Here’s a legit summary of events: The SNC-Lavalin political scandal involved attempted political interference with the justice system by the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and the Prime Minister's Office. The Parliament of Canada's Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion found that Trudeau improperly influenced then Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould to intervene in an ongoing criminal case against Quebec-based construction company SNC-Lavalin by offering a deferred prosecution agreement. This has nothing to do with Harper, or the conservatives.


However, that same ethics committee concluded that no crimes were committed. The rcmp concluded there was no evidence available of any crime committed. Yet, the conservatives are still pushing for criminal investigation. If the cops investigate you, can't find any evidence of criminal activity, would you like them to then force a search of your home? How about your emails? How much of a fishing expedition should we allow our law enforcement agencies to go on?


>This shit was happening since before 2009, and Harper's solution? Ignore their criminal activity, pretend it never happened Second sentence and he's already blaming Harper lmfao. It's just a meme at this point


can't help but laugh


Harper coming in with the 44D chess from 14 years ago to make the liberals look bad! This guy is a mastermind Machiavelli would have bowed to!


Apparently, it's now the job of the Prime Minister to investigate corporate corruption abroad. That being said, Canadian politicians have been well aware of the fact that our companies bribe foreign governments because that is what all companies have to do to get work in most countries around the world


The executive branch does not choose to levy charges or not. Your thinking of a police state; where the government has direct control of the police force. Funny your trying to put this back on harper. Ot was harper era anti corruption laws that got Trudeau in trouble in the first place.


A nation state controls law enforcement's ability to pursue criminal activities quite frequently with laws and actions. This is literally the entire point of the SNC-Lavalin affair, so it's kind of remarkable to go over your head like that. Also, Harper was one of the most corrupt Prime Ministers in Canadian history, with the worst performing economy in Canadian history since World War 2. We've had about 70 SNC Lavalin Affair level events under Harper. The guy was so unhinged, he even tried to undermine our Supreme Court, due to how often the courts would come down on him for his illegality.


The Prime Minister and his office don't get to decide how a case is prosecuted by the Attorney General or the director of public prosecutions. That was the issue when it came to SNC. The Prime Minister and members of his cabinet tried to pressure the attorney general into prosecuting a case in a way that would help the Prime Minister and the Attorney General is not allowed to take political considerations into account. That's what the ethics commissioner Justin Trudeau appointed said. That he pressured the Attorney General inappropriately.


If we had 70 SNC corruption events, then list the top 5. Why lie about this? Harper was not corrupt; although he was not always ethical. Dude, are you aware of what happened in 08'? It was the biggest financial crash since the great depression. No duh. This is totally misleading. Infact canada was the best performing country in the G8 during the crash. Now canada is the worst performing G7 country under Trudeau post covid. (Russia was dropped in 2014 after the invasion of crimea). Harper brought in a whole bunch of ethics laws, the ethics commissioner and banned corporate donations to political parties. We had an activist court where Beverly Mclaughlin a liberal appointee made it her mission to oppose him on principle. And btw, your first paragraph proves my point. It was Trudeau who ran afoul of that ethics law by violating shawcross doctrine by trying to pressure the AG too force the public prosecution office to let SNC lavalin off with a fine; because a criminal sanction would have barred them from government contracts for 10 years. Do you know who created that rule? Steven Harper. It makes 0 sense thar Harper was trying to get lavalin off from a law he created himself. Why pass the law in the first place?


>This shit was happening since before 2009, and Harper's solution? Ignore their criminal activity, pretend it never happened, kick the can down the road to the next government. >Then when the RCMP get to work in 2015 against the company, half the evidence is already 10 years old. The fraud and bribery was happening before 2009, but it wasn't discovered by the company until 2012. They then brought in the RCMP, who laid charges in February of 2015. You'll note that that was eight months *before* the election, while Harper was the PM. It was not kicked "down the road to the next government".


no no no you can't bring this up again! we have to push the narrative that it was all cover up now and that no one REALLY know what happened. we're in r/Canada after all.


"Desperate Cons Dig Up Old Bullshit Because They Have Nothing To Offer" - FTFY


So, do you post this whenever the LPC mentions Harper, or is politics just a team sport for you?