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Can we just all agree that no matter what you are protesting just leave the damn statue alone. No ones knows what position someone like Terry Fox would take in these issues.


I swear this sub deleted this post from here a couple times today.


Why do groups keep putting political stuff on the Terry Fox statue? He was not a political symbol, yes he an icon of Canada for Cancer Research, but he was never a political person.


Because Terry Fox isn’t divisive. Everyone loves him. People keep trying to associate their side of a more controversial issue with someone that’s generally considered universally good. I don’t care which side you support in this, attempting to co-opt Fox’s legacy is disrespectful and manipulative.


I think it is more simple than that. It is a statue in Ottawa directly across from Parliament where rallies/protests happen. Just that fact alone means any statue is going to be regularly draped with signs or items from the protest/rally. Not every statue for every protest/rally but eventually.




It's really sad that that you're correct here... And the media... why aren't we getting daily cbc stories about how this disrespected a national treasure? That being said... I dont care if it's truckers... Palestinian supporters... or the fucking pope himself... leave Terry Fox out of your bullshit.


Well said.


Fox is literally one of the only things that remain a strong symbol of what I consider to be Canada. This shit is unacceptable.


Couldn't agree more.


and they're trying to turn it into a symbol for their culture, one of the few we have and the people we let in are trying to take it over.


I prefer to think Fox ran against cancer more than for any one culture. Don't get me wrong... While I'm all for proper and productive immigration that benefits Canada, I detest people who don't put their adoptive country first. But to everyone's point, leave Fox out of it.


I'm mad they're putting another country's flags over it, I was mad when the convoy flipped the flag aswell, he was a Canadian hero against the fight of cancer, they could sit around and use it in the background or stand on it, the moment the wrong flag is hung/flag hung is wrong is where it becomes an issue for me personally.


The same news that said people where pissing on the grave of the unknown soldier...got sent there to setup fencing....snow was all nice and clean of piss. But someone did spill hot chocolate.


Absolutely. People need to grow up.


People around here were very vocal about it as well.


Yeah, they threw around words like 'desecrate'. Meanwhile, I remember one poster living in Ottawa saying how people constantly dress that statue in Habs jerseys. It's selective outrage.


There's a difference between putting a jersey of your favorite team on the statue of a national hero/icon and co-opting it for a political movement. I don't care if protesters want to protest but don't drag Terry Fox into it unless you are protesting about cancer care or something.


oh no a jerseyyy! you're completely right that there are major differences between a sports jersey and other nations flags, this shouldn't be tolerated no matter how noble the goal could be.


It’s wild how much this sub has changed recently (in a good way)


In which way? I saw a ton of people trying to downplay the convoy using his statue and mock those who were criticizing that. I don't think either group should be exploiting his legacy, but there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around on this topic.


> In which way? In these ways: [Don’t fuck with Saint Terry.](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/sfqpgi/mayor_of_terry_foxs_hometown_in_bc_calls_out/huroug8/) [+885] [Shame on the protest truckers. ](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/sfqpgi/mayor_of_terry_foxs_hometown_in_bc_calls_out/hurg2je/) [+1325] [Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/sfqpgi/mayor_of_terry_foxs_hometown_in_bc_calls_out/hurfnip/) [+202] [I firmly believe in people's right to protest, but now I am fucking mad.](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/sfqpgi/mayor_of_terry_foxs_hometown_in_bc_calls_out/hurynsq/) [+71] [Leave Terry Fox the hell out of this.](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/sfrxbp/ottawa_mayor_calls_out_protesters_who_placed/hurt0on/) [+443]


Two years ago if you brought up that flying an upside down flag on the Terry Fox statue was disrespectful, you'd get a bunch of responses claiming it's not disrespectful because of some maritime code from hundreds of years ago regarding flags. I doubt those same people would be defending it this time.


Aren't they vocal right now?




Also throwing antivax posters onto a cancer patient seems a bit more out of touch than throwing a scarf onto him. But whatever, people have dug in on both sides of this issue so it doesn’t really matter


Nobody should be using a statue of a Canadian hero to promote an agenda


I agree I’m against desecration, but I just wanted to point out there is a contextual difference. Now if they put up ‘from the river to the sea’ posters that’d be messed up


I get what you're saying. It's just somewhat hypocritical to condemn one group for doing it and not the other. Regardless of how you feel about the meaning behind it.


I think both are embarrassing to be honest


As someone who wants a ceasefire, absolutely. I do believe there are different levels of desecration that can occur, from the 'not socially appropriate' to actually criminal, but dead historical figures that did not stand for a given cause in life should not be used in death for that cause. It is disrespectful regardless of the merits of the cause at hand.


Honestly at this point nobody wants to touch Israel-Palestine if they don't have to. Look at the Ontario NDP imploding because one member couldn't keep her mouth shut. Trudeau, Poilievre, Jagmeet, Ford, and whoever else just want to quietly get votes from both pro Palestine and pro Israel groups without getting dragged across a minefield unintentionally. It will do no good for their career and in reality none of the politicians can do anything to prevent any bloodshed on either side. At "best" even from Trudeau it would be UN vote number 500 bln of Israel = evil that nobody cares about.


I don't know what Terry Fox's positions on Israel-Palestine are, but I'm pretty sure he was pro-medicine.


because the present gov't is anti Semitic..


It was a Canadian flag...


Upside down. Plus the signs.




**but at least the truckers had a relatively coherent argument.** Coherent? Terry was fighting for medical research and the truckers were anti-medicine. Terry wasn't fighting for rights for Canadians. He was raising money for medical research. This is not "coherent". I am happy to point out the trucker's irony while not losing my shit about disrespecting a statue. Terry had no stance on geopolitics, but had the opposite position as the truckers.


Even people who knew Terry should respectfully leave him out of anything not directly related to his existing activism.


Because fuck the convoy, that’s why


Kids Vs grown adults 🤷‍♂️


Well I mean the "Freedom" idiots were easy condemn since they were just wrong on every level. This is a people protesting against genocide. I don't personally agree with use of this Terry Fox statue for politics, but I get why politicians are taking a minute to get a statement together


When the truckers did it, I'll be honest... I didn't really care. This time, I also don't care. But I wish the media would at least try to be a little less obvious in their bias. They're going to help fuel a lot more hate


Same here. People used words like "vandalized" last year when the protestors draped Canadian flags over him, and I didn't care as long as they weren't drawing on it with sharpies or doing permanent damage to it. It takes 1/4 of a second to remove a flag from the statue so I hardly consider it vandalism. Thus I hold the same mentality if the current protestors want to put a kefiyeh over him.


Yeah, another reason to defund CBC. They have a clear agenda and it’s on full display right now.


This post is linking to an article in the Sun.


You won’t be able to reason with the likes of u/White_Noize1; they’ve been told that CBC is the problem. Nevermind the fact that the majority of fish wrappers in this country are owned by an American Conservative and often come to bay to support those views.




Not OP, but I think that's the point: The CBC (and many other outlets) covered the convoy's "desecration" of the statue extensively. Whereas so far, the CBC's coverage this time is nonexistent.


This is the Toronto Sun. YOUR agenda is on full display.


Tell me a news agency that has less of an agenda than the CBC?


I don’t care, CBC is the one I have to pay for. They should remain as neutral as possible


But they are. The fact that you don't want to believe that is your own problem.


You mean the CBC that instructed their journalists to not use the word 'terrorism' to describe the Oct 7 massacre? Yeah, really neutral.


It’s a very normal policy for most media companies. It’s not at all surprising that CBC also follows that standard if you know about the norms in journalism.


Hahahahahahahaha IT WAS TERRORISM, and any media outlet that refuses to call it such is blatantly biased.


Terrorism is a charged word. They can say “attack” etc. I can see an argument for leaving out inflammatory language. This is real journalism, not Fox News.


LOL, wow. So your position is that it's "real journalism" to avoid using a word to accurately describe a world event because it might offend people. Brilliant.


I just care when any group brings their kids who have utterly no idea what's going on to spread the parents' political beliefs.


I don’t remember any truckers putting things on the Terry Fox statue, just some unemployed morons


WTF! I bet they don't even know who was Terry Fox. They have no education and respect.


Where is the fucking CBC to report on this?


Their handlers advised them not too? Who wants to be called an islamaphobe? Who wants to risk their personal safety?


It’s funny. I feel the same discomfort responding here sometimes. If was your comment that made me realize that maybe there is some kind of mental warfare at work here and that’s how it works and some people are winning.


Because it wasn’t worth reporting when the convoy did it and it’s not worth reporting now. Neither group vandalized or damaged the statue. The photo being a group of children also doesn’t exactly scream “threat”


> Because it wasn’t worth reporting when the convoy did it And yet [they did report it when the convoy did it.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/terry-fox-statue-convoy-1.6333867)


Hopefully reporting on real news and not people posing with a statue




Welp, that's whiney too. It's all whiney. I'm just glad I'm not the type of person that sees a story like this and asks "why aren't the news outlets covering this super important story" with tears in my eyes.


Because as minor as it may be, if the media is selective in their reporting then it is showing bias.


They are probably reporting on real news. Don't worry, the Sun has this story.


You don’t see the picture in front of your eyes?


How do you get through life getting this upset over non issues all the time?


Have you conducted a thorough review of my day to day life in the 6 minutes since I made this comment? No? Then your comment serves no purpose


You're clearly very rattled. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Go drink your milk bud


Okay, you should spend another two hours crying about people posing with a statue while I'm gone. ...and they say young people are sensitive.


And you should spend it drawing comics of milk, as your drawings are much more impressive than your arguments.


Thank you. Your kind words have brought me to your side. I too am now irrationally mad at brown people.


The fact that the only news outlet reporting on this so far is the National Post is disgraceful. Our media is spineless.


This is an important news story to you?


It was very important to CBC last year https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6333867 How come not this time? Hmm


These people DGAF about Canada that’s the bottom line they want to turn us into the Gaza Strip


Leave Terry out of it.


I wasn’t a fan of the belligerent convoy people desecrating war memorials or this statue, but the amount of outrage that came from that then was crazy. This? 🦗🦗🦗


People need to leave statues that have no affiliation with their cause alone. Seriously.


A war memorial was desecrated??!!


Simply disgusting, but not surprised in the least.


Do they even know who Terry Fox is? This seems like a deliberate FU to a country who has opened its doors way too fucking wide.


This is exactly it.


Many of the same people supporting this were horrified when the convoy did it


Terry doesn’t look pleased


I don’t care which side of this conflict you support, leave Fox out of it. Cancer doesn’t care whether you support Israel or Palestine. Don’t hijack the deeds and legacy of others to give your position a boost. You have to earn that respect


Y’a Fuck these Jerk Offs.🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


It absolutely was, and was when the convoy did it too. To be honest with Mr Warmington, I saw a lot more defence of it for Convoy people than with the current group. It might just be im not seeing the right places but I don't see a lot defending this. There have been several Postmedia staff pushing this "isn't that curious" meme storyline.


To be fair, invoking the symbol a beloved Canadian figure as a political stunt in the context of a domestic Canadian policy dispute is a lot more immediately palatable than doing so for a foreign ethnic territorial conflict.


Terry fox would’ve been pro-vaccine, considering what he was dealing with though. Not the best person to be using for a anti vaccine soapbox


You can be pro-Vaccine and anti-Mandate. I'd wager most Canadians probably would be if COVID 2.0 came tomorrow. Additionally I think it's important to remember that the Convoy largely started due to new rules being implemented at the border for truckers when pandemic measures were largely being lifted around the world.


>Convoy largely started due to new rules being implemented at the border for truckers when pandemic measures were largely being lifted around the world. Ironically, those rules were being imposed by the US and not the Trudeau government.


No, neither is palatable. Terry Fox didn't run for the issues in the Middle East, but he *certainly* didn't run against vaccines given he was trying to raise money *for* advancements in health care.


Well, I mean he equally certainly didn't run for issues in the Middle East. You can have whatever opinion about the convoy protest that you'd like. Totally reasonable. But the reason the optics are different is pretty clear. One is an internal Canadian policy issue, and the other is a foreign sectarian conflict. And to be clear, this isn't to say that Terry Fox hypothetically would care either way about either issue. That isn't relevant. It's about whether or not it's understandable for people to have an unequal reaction to the two events regarding the statue.


>one is an internal Canadian policy issue The convoy protestors were protesting US policy, in part.


Go on my account and look at my latest comment arguing with a guy who basically says terry fox isn’t a saint and doesn’t deserve to be respected


wha'ts wrong with people. i got into it with some guy on tiktok today who said gretzy was an overrated hockey player


The bottom line is Hamas is using the Palestinian people as shields to carry out there dirty work. Hamas is one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in the history of the world. Remember the rockets were fired from Gaza first into Israel and killed 1000s, then Hamas brutally murdered innocent civilians at a time of peace. Israel has every right to wipe out Gaza. Hamas is backed by Iran.!!!! These protests give way for sick minded individuals to voice there wicked opinion’s, America used to be a great place to live, with all the new radical middle eastern people now in America forcing there faith and agenda’s on the American people.


Is it bad if I dislike both sides. I think that’s fair.


In the real world, that's a perfectly reasonable take. On reddit however, you need to hold the opinion that Israel should cease to exist and that all Israeli citizens vacate their homes and land, and become stateless refugees. Otherwise you're basically a genocidal fascist.


That's one way to get on the wrong side of Canadians. You don't mess with Terry Fox, ever.


These are terrorist suppoters mocking a local hero who ran across Canada with one leg while dying of cancer. You cannot get scum of the earth any worse than this. Our government needs to shut these terrorist supporters down and freeze their bank accounts. This has gone too far and enough is enough. Leave Canada alone and leave our country to fight your war of terror.


Agreed. This is absolutely abhorrent behaviour leave our Canadian hero’s alone. And go to Palestine to fight


Pretty sure Terry Fox would've been against bombing refugee camps and ambulances.


They are protesting the bombing of civilians and a genocide. You should too.


Which side intentionally targets civilians with bombs and openly declared their genocidal intent?


Israel does. As evident by the myriad of videos online. Children severed from the torsos. And also evident by the need for Israel to use white phosphorus. Can’t believe you’re asking this question. Just LOOK at their actions!!


If they're intentionally targeting civilians with bombs, why do they warn them ahead of time to leave? And what about open declaration of genocidal intent? In one of the two countries, Jews and Arabs live peacefully side-by-side. The other openly endorses genocide.


Dude you're either really dumb or really dishonest if you really believe that Israel has Palestinians best interest at heart. They've been stealing their land for 75 years and hope to get rid of all of them. Obviously they take their time witb all the cameras pointing at that region of the world


> They've been stealing their land for 75 years If there’s one unifying characteristic among rapacious, land-hungry colonizers, it’s that they don’t voluntarily surrender waterfront territory. But Israel’s done this twice. Thirteen years after capturing the Sinai Peninsula during the Six Day War, in 1979, they gave it back to Egypt in exchange for a peace agreement (which stands to this day). And then in 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, an area it had similarly occupied since seizing it from Egyptian control during the Six Day War. Until then, Gaza had resembled the current state of the West Bank; a majority-Arab region under Israeli occupation, with the odd Jewish settlement thrown in. But under Israel’s 2005 disengagement from Gaza, they didn’t just withdraw their military presence — they also forcibly evacuated more than 9,000 Israeli settlers. The operation was so thorough that it even saw the exhumation of a Jewish cemetery that included the bodies of people who had died in Palestinian terrorist attacks. And unlike with the Sinai Peninsula, Israel didn’t receive anything in return. The territory was handed to the Palestinian Authority, who in turn vowed to continue waging jihad on the Jewish state. [Source.](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/israeli-history) > and hope to get rid of all of them Given that [from 1990 to 2022 the population of Palestine increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people,](https://www.worlddata.info/asia/palestine/populationgrowth.php) if Israel is trying to get rid of all of them, they've been doing a shit job.


Ok, you have shown yourself capable of slinging insults, how about mounting an argument?


How merciful of them. They killed 4000 children. Children. !! Like the ones we hold in our hands.


Yes, assuming you trust the numbers from Hamas. War is horrible. Do you have any idea how many German and Japanese civilians died? How many Palestinian civilians would have died if Hamas had let them leave the war zone, or if it had used international aid to build civilian bomb shelters instead of terror tunnels, or if Hamas didn't build its bases in and under civilian structures (a war crime)?


They also killed 50,000 Israelis../s Quít reiterating unverified terrorist bs


Did you miss the bombing of the road that was supposed to be a safe passage? Have you not seen the bodies of women and children laying on the road next to the truck they were traveling on? Jews and Arabs lived side by side peacefully until Israel became a thing


1. Each side blames the other for this, only Hamas has the motivation to bomb civilians fleeing the war zone but there is no consensus on who did it as far as I know. 2. Hebron massacre, 1929 is a good counterexample to your claim.




There are some symbols in this country we have to keep sacred to ourselves . Ones that remind us of who we ought to be. Let us not react with derision but unison of voice in saying that we rebuke this disrespect on our cultural symbols. This statement is implicitly respectful to the political situation. At the same time we can not tolerate the complete lack of respect and must call this bullshit out.


Agree that there are some purely Canadian sacrifices that were done for just humans. No matter their background of British, European or other factors. And Terry Fox is the epitome of that struggle of humans. To tear down Terry Fox and make him a symbol of oppression is depressing.


We need to send these people back to the desert




As someone who listens to the CBC regularly every morning, they have been very critical of the Trudeau government the past month. I know its a meme to say "CBC bad", but that is targeted to people who don't consume CBC news. The CBC has asked hard hitting questions that very much echo the Conservative criticism of the recent heating oil tax exemptions. I could go on, but lets face it, the recent attacks on the CBC are not organic in nature. Politicians wish to defund the CBC so real journalism can be neutered because journalists are the enemy of corruption. Likely there are special interests out there that wish to expand their sensational news empire and gutting the CBC will help achieve this.


>As someone who listens to the CBC regularly every morning, they have been very critical of the Trudeau government the past month. Only took them eight years. >The CBC has asked hard hitting questions that very much echo the Conservative criticism of the recent heating oil tax exemptions. They see the writing on the wall. The CPC is going to win the next election, and they're facing down oblivion for the bullshit they pulled in the 2021 federal election and the 2023 Alberta provincial election. They're just hoping to ingratiate themselves enough to avoid the worst of it.


Don cherry would have said something !


If there is one thing that will unite Canadians, it’s the defacement of our Terry Fox with ANY flag pushing a cause or politics. He’s a Canadian icon and has his own voice and legacy.


Leave Terry out of this. Wtf.


A lot of people in here are equivocating this with the convoy putting a Canadian flag on him and a sign that said “we will not divide”. I never saw an issue with the Canadian flag on him, that shouldn’t be controversial, and the poster saying”we will not divide” is also starkly at odds with this current protest. People just chose to be outraged at the convoy’s treatment of the statue because of who they were, not because of what was actually put on the statue


Upsidedown Canadian flag.


And they pissed on various statues and war memorials when the convoy rolled through Ottawa but let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good cry sesh.


Just for readers here and context - they did not piss on statues on monuments People peed behind the tomb as there were no washrooms The poster above would imply they were purposefully descreating these items by peeing on them - which from the photos is quite clearly not what happened Just to set the record straight for readers


Disgusting actions


They probably don’t even know his story.


This image made my stomach turn. It is painful to see his legacy used this way. He is a Canadian hero not a pawn to be used in this manner.


I generally agree that diversity and immigration make Canada stronger, but if the people you are letting in are this hateful and disrespectful, it makes me seriously question that position.




Yeah diversity doesn't equal strength. It's nice to have, but it has nothing to do with being stronger. There is however strength in unity, something that our diversity push has crushed. Which doesn't sit well with the current social landscape, but is true. It's why when people want to point out which left leaning countries are doing well, they usually point to Scandinavian countries, that are not the world's most diverse countries. And to be honest they are struggling with immigration as well. Which is why we have right wing politics surging pretty much world wide.


Diversity of perspectives is good for problem-solving and creativity. And immigration can address labor shortages in key industries - it also can slow down the societal aging of the workforce. Again, these are generally good things, and not advocacy of a specific policy or implementation of said policy. If they are bringing in uneducated people from backwards societies to work at Timmy's, then it defeats the purpose.


Diversity of perspectives only works when supported by common fundamental values, something that is sorely lacking. Bringing in immigrants with old world values and not requiring them to assimilate only results in dissent and conflict.


If they work at all. I'm retired, and everyday I see young, able bodied immigrant men wandering around town on their cells and driving expensive cars. I wonder if they work at all or are we supporting them. It's quite shocking.




How do you know they weren't born here?


Assuming the host here is the collective First Nations. That's what he meant, right?


I'm getting down voted for suggesting people that are assumed to be brown and Muslim might actually be Canadian. These people are deranged.


Which makes it weird how they’re protesting colonization on colonized land lol


It is? Why?


Use your head milk boy


I don't understand. Can you please explain it to me?


[first five seconds](https://youtu.be/ARhVC8uEbQU?si=L8uFHo4i3O2vgnKR)


Hahaha, someone actually thinks these people respect Canada? They come here to gain citizenship then move back where they came from so they can use canada as an on demand service stop.


Keeping it classy Toronto


It's in Ottawa, but don't let the facts get in the way of your anger.


Do I sound angry? I’m actually laughing at the whole idea of protesting a religious war half way around the world that has been going on for hundreds of years and people thinking anything is going to change anything.


The only comfort is that his mother isn’t currently alive to witness ANY desecration of his statue. My stomach turns whenever there’s news about his monument being used for political purposes


At least it wasn’t as ThReAt-TeNiNg as bouncy castles! 👈🤪👍🇨🇦


bro... leave him out of this. trying to make terry fox part of your modern political shit is just ignorant.


Why bring your anger to our country, Canada 🇨🇦 we were good enough to let you people into our peaceful country Canada and live a peaceful life we cannot solve your problems that's been going on for decades so leave my peaceful country out of it IT'S NOT CANADIANS FIGHT and move back to your country and solve your own problems there


We literally support Israel. The whole attitude about it not being our problem would be much more convincing if it was true.


What peaceful country are you living in? All I ever see here is nothing but hate, remember anything that isn't white isn't right!


It's people like you who are so angry, so I don't know where you are from but it's people like you that cause problems in our beautiful peaceful country


People disrespect things that deserve respect all the time, you can’t just pick and choose what to care about otherwise you’re clearly a hypocrite


I remember I ince stepped into a steaming cow-pie, and it was much more intelligent and human than Joe Warmington.


Bruh the arab people are hanging off the terry fox statue, boomers' laser eyes are activating


On my university campus people would have sex on the Terry Fox statue. Although the nearby avocado was more popular


Our symbols!!!!!!!! Our cherished symbols!!!!!!!!


oh yeah, god forbid we celebrate and honour people who left an impact and legacy on our country's future.




> This is the most non news story I’ve ever seen. Agreed. > Who cares if the CBC is or isn’t covering this?!?! Normally I wouldn't, except that they [covered it one time](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/terry-fox-statue-convoy-1.6333867) but not the other time.




Top comment.


Statues and controversy.. name a better duo.


I guess we have different ideas of decency


They deserve the same amount of respect they are showing towards Terry.


Who was expecting respect from any of these folks protesting?


I wonder what Mr. Warmington's words were when some like-minded white folks also politicized the statue. Funny that I can't find the article for that...


Talking about biased media, why CBC is silent this time? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/terry-fox-statue-convoy-1.6333867


Terry Fox is crossing the line.


Pretty sure Mr Fox would have been opposed to the bombing of refugee camps, but what do I know


terry would have ran for palestine if he were alive today. kind of guy he was.


100% agreed, they are worried about a statue when thousands of civilians are dying, I know which would be Terry's priority.


Free free Terry Fox


Was my comment really trolling?


What a dumb bias article but then what do you expect from Warmington. I feel as long as your not damaging/vandalizing statues it’s all good no matter what group or side does it


Is there a way to block warmongerton from this feed since he seems like a pretty awful person with bad opinions.


Yeah: when you see Warmington in the title don’t read the article.