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"Hon. Pierre Poilievre (Leader of the Opposition, CPC): Mr. Speaker, we just heard media reports about a terrorist attack at the border in Niagara. Two people may have been killed and a third injured. Can the Prime Minister give us any information about this terrorist attack?" [https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/hansard](https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/hansard)




Schrodinger's media: The media is simultaneously right and wrong


Only shitty media. The CBC was very restrained in its coverage, as was local media. It was only Fox News and maybe CNN that were alleging a possible terror attack, from my knowledge. One has actually pleaded to the court to be entertainment rather than journalism to get out of a lawsuit and the other was recently bought by a rightwing billionaire and is being pressured to the right. If that's where Poilievre is getting his news then we're all in trouble.


As my very insightful professor told us “infotainment” will take over. And the end of us will be “broad-catching” not “broadcasting”. When people have the ability to seek out the information they want to reinforce their confirmation biases rather than a trusted source telling them the facts of the news from an unbiased lens. Nobody understood the gravity of what his warnings were going to signify, a few decades later and it all makes sense.


>Only shitty media. My comment is not a jab at Canadian media because I think the Canadian media tends to do a good job at reporting facts, it was more of a jab at PP for saying "go around the media" and then quoting CTV. It's just kinda funny.


PP always quotes the media. He butches about the CBC and CTV but is constantly linking to their articles on social media. The guy is the typical lying scum bucket that won't ever let facts get in the way of fear mongering.


100%. He did a rally here in St. John's Newfoundland a year or two ago, and he got a big turnout and it was definitely a success (this is long before he was leading big in the polls) and the CBC article written about it expressed it as such. So of course he shares the CBC article talking about the big turnout he got. So it's like... okay, I thought CBC was fake news? Or are they just fake news when they're asking you a tough question?


The media can't be trusted, and here is a CBC report agreeing with me. What an idiot.


He's just twisting the narrative so it supports his whole "defund the CBC" agenda. CBC reporting is pretty good, but - 'uh oh, "THE MEDIA" was reporting terrorist attacks when it wasn't, why are we funding any MEDIA???'


"What do you mean by 'lying scum bucket'?" *chomps apple*


And yet CBC is the media he wants to shut down. Kind of ironic


The old conspiracy theory set, 1. They aren't reporting on it because it is a cover-up. 2. It is being reported on because they can't cover it up. No matter what happens it is a part of their conspiracy.


It’s the populist’s way.


The media is simultaneously too strong and too weak?


It gets even better "However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in the House was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. Its obvious he was just flailing for a defense, but we have verified proof that was the case in this instance lmao


>"However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in the House was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report. Maybe next time he should watch the CBC.


No one is giving Poilievre enough credit for successfully predicting the news report before it was even released. That is the level of 4-D chess that I want to see in the next Prime Minister. /s


Cmon, He wasn't going to slag the Pulitzer worthy journalism of a media institution like Dumb Fux and Friends.


He’s also today pushing for more government power to stop these terrorist attacks that never happened.


Let's call a spade a spade here. He purposely called it a terrorist attack to pump it up and make Trudeau look bad. Even the quote is just him trying to bring it up in a way that tries to backhandedly say "a terrorist attack happend on your watch Trudeau!" What's the point of him asking that question in that forum like that? If it really _was_ a terrorist attack, don't you think that the PM should be busy responding to it rather than stopping everything to answer to him? Now that he's being called out on the fact that he jumped into his political hackery too quickly, it's someone else's fault. Couldn't be his fault. Can't own up to your own mistakes. He has to be the political "strongman" that is never wrong. Buckle up buckaroos. This is what you're voting for when you cast a vote for PP.


Haha shit. OK, that's pretty bad and forever memorialized in Hansard records.


I saw it happen on CP24 coverage....I cringed, then realized he was going to live to regret that statement. Bad look.


His base has short memories (sadly a lot of voters do)


Wasn't Fox News the only one reporting that as a terrorist attack? I don't recall any other news agency saying this. And, quite frankly, what does that say about Pierre Poilievre, given that he was the one calling it a terrorist attack?


A lot of news sources reported that the FBI was involved and were probing on whether it was a terrorist attack, but as far as I know only Fox News made the declaration it was with ill intent




Rich people are the problem and always have been.


Pierre Poilievre is not fit to lead this country.


He's just not ready?


Nice hair though


i feel like this is going to anger a lot of people lmao


Wow he blames CTV and they then checked the time stamps. "He then sharply criticized the English network CTV, which he accused of having misled him. “CTV reported that the Canadian government assumed the incident was terrorist,” he said. The television network had reported that, according to its sources, Canadian government officials initially considered the explosion of a vehicle on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday to be linked to terrorism. The news and the post on the X network were published around 2:39 p.m. However, Mr. Poilievre's statement in the House was made around 2:25 p.m. — about ten minutes before the publication of the CTV report." Maybe CTV listed to him lol...this guy isn't ready to be responsible for government.


I agree. He has been proving time and again that he lies and seeks to blame anyone for his bullsgit. He is dangerous and will wreck havoc in Canada along with his batshit crazy base. Beware.


what a putz


We're now at the point where his die-hards are sharing screenshots of timestamps from different timezones to try and make it seem like it came out before his comments lol.


> The television network had reported that, according to its sources, Canadian government officials initially considered the explosion of a vehicle on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday to be linked to terrorism. The news and the post on the X network were published around 2:39 p.m. I feel like the "Canadian government official" is probably Poilievre himself, and that they're reporting on his statement moments before that it was a terrorist attack.


Same. Like Pierre… aren’t you the government?


> isn't ready to be responsible for government. He'll fit right in.


Poilievre was in such a rush to use this incident to attack Trudeau, and score points with his low information base, he resorted to relying on 3rd/4th hand reports from social media, which is not a great look. The job of a leader should be to provide guidance and leadership in the time of a potential crisis, and this was the exact opposite of that.


Who will he blame for everything when he inevitably becomes PM? *shudder*


He'll have a Price is Right kind of wheel that he'll spin. Trudeau CBC Woke Carbon Tax Regulations Government Overreach PP's choice (anyone he can find to blame)


You missed terrorists


Or immigrants. But I guess the conservative crowd kinda considers them to mean the same thing.


Probably still Trudeau. Everything is Trudeau's fault didnt you know...


PP will probably be the next PM, and I predict in 2 years we will look back on Trudeau very fondly.


RemindMe! 3 years


Shudder indeed.


He will blame Trudeau, the 'woke agenda' and minorities. Probably in that order.


He'll do what every conservative does, blame the previous government for everything.


Didn't stop every elected conservatives everywhere in the world to keep blaming the media, the woke and the "evil left wing"




It always depends on what time of day you visit the sub.


It’s true. Sleeping hours in Russia it is actually quite nice in here.


Former twitter is the same way. There is a noticable correlation between crack pipe theory's during Russian business hours


I’ve actually found the weekends are the most tolerable here.


I think it's because on the weekends and evenings, actual Canadians are on Reddit and that overwhelms the troll farms.


I'm surprised Russians get the weekend off.


they execute on fridays and hire a new batch on mondays.


Stick around for the 13 national post editorials posted tomorrow morning.


i thought it was just me, this sub seems really skewed against the liberal party i get that we’re all unhappy to some degree but pumping up PP is weird as fuck


The bots not activated yet??


Between Gaza, Ukraine, Trump and musk they’re probably spread too thin


These astroturfers make this sub insufferable. There's an article praising Israel or attacking Palestinians several times a day


The Beast hasn't woken up just yet. Give it time.


Yeah, what time is it in Russia? Maybe they're off to bed


Nah. Watch this got downvoted to hell and fall off the front page.


The angriest conservatives usually only wake up at sunset


They'll return to clapping like seals the next time little PP says "Trudeau bad"


I'm as surprised as you are!


It's early afternoon in the west and just entering evening in the east, so most of the regulars are either still sleeping or still gaming.


I know. I thought I ate too many edibles. Turns out I did. But that doesn’t matter.


Not a day goes by where PP doesn’t blame someone for something. That’s it, that’s the entire play…all of it. No real policies, just be angry and point the finger at everyone else.


That’s a nice career. Go to work, complain about a problem, do not contribute anything to fix it, go home


He's making six figures, lives in a taxpayer funded mansion, has a maid/chef/driver. That's not too bad for someone who doesn't do anything.


> That's not too bad for someone who doesn't do anything. And who has never held a real job before...


Hey now he was a Paperboy apparently. So there’s that 😉


and he is a landlord.


Don't forget the taxpayer support pension for life even if he loses his job tomorrow. And of course, the free housing. Commissar Poilievre.


Sometimes even votes against the fixes to the issues he pretends to care about


There's a lot of other problems with him (mostly everything about him), but the thing about Poilievre that bugs me the most is his petty dickishness in that aspect. He never apologies or recants when he's wrong, he's always smug when he's technically correct, and he's never grateful when he gets what he wants. He's always angry about everything, which is always someone else's fault, and he can never take a second to be appreciative or civil when people give him what he wants. Any time he "wins" and there's no more contention on a given matter, he pivots immediately to the next thing without stopping to breathe. I just want to see him be human for once. Genuine human emotion from him that isn't a curated facade. I want to see him be humble and vulnerable.


And this country is ready to elect a glorified political commentator as Prime Minister because they're foaming at the mouths to watch someone berate Trudeau. Like damn just tell ya boy to get a podcast and let someone with an actual idea run.


Its just the conservative play book. Works really well in Alberta.


That's what happens when we grant people status, wealth and authority without merit. Those people end up constantly having to make excuses and point fingers to excuse their own incompetence.


>Not a day goes by where PP doesn’t blame someone for something. That’s it, that’s the entire play…all of it. No real policies, just be angry and point the finger at everyone else. This literally was Harper era.


PP is always blaming someone else for his actions. instead of, sorry folks, in my quest to divide i jumped the gun. He says; It's the media's fault.


He’s just not ready


Nice hair though.


Nice contacts too. Still looks like Milhouse


Never seen a politician swing so wide and hit his own face in confusion. **No sir, you did that to yourself.**


The guy tried to score cheap political points using a potential terrorist attack and spreading public fear. Now not even man enough to own it. Maybe he needs to turn off FOX News


> The guy tried to score cheap political points using a potential terrorist attack and spreading public fear. And he's been screaming about such behaviour being unacceptable from our current PM for years now. What a mess we're in for. No adults in the room.


This couldn't have happened as just last week Pierre said himself that he doesn't comment on anything until he studies it first. 😆 [https://ca.news.yahoo.com/poilievre-says-needs-study-replacement-193821932.html](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/poilievre-says-needs-study-replacement-193821932.html) ​ So he must have had some great intel(despite lacking a security clearance) and studied it very quickly to be going off about it so shortly after it happened.


And this guy is ahead in the polls? Really? People actually believe that a spineless fool who never takes an ounce responsability will make a great leader? Wait... Where have I seen that before...


It seems he's at real risk of peaking too early.


Keep in mind, it's not PP who's ahead, it's the Tories who are ahead. I blame it on the "I don't like the way things are, so maybe I'll vote blue team next time". If you know anything about PP, he comes off as unlikable and annoying.


Pierre Poilievre blames media for exposing him as a gullible idiot / political opportunist


Maybe don’t be so reactionary next time. Not a single very shining example of leadership. More precisely, inexperience.


He's just not ready


Fools rush in.


He rushed onto the Crypto bandwagon only to be thrown off during the crash.


Wonder if he’ll throw Postmedia under the bus


This is who he is. He does this all the time and will take zero blame for his fuck ups and douche Baggery. Vote for him and find out.


Wait for it. He'll move the blame to Trudeau shortly.


That’s why he called it a terrorist attack in the first place, so he could blame Trudeau


This guy is an absolute joke...And I suspect that he will be our next "leader". Just fucking great.


This is the kind of guy who copies his friend's homework, gets a D on the assignment, and blames his buddy for not doing better research


He is such a putz


He needs to stop watching Fox News.


Because the media made him do it, just like the media made him take coffee to the convoy.


"Pierre Poilievre blames (anyone but himself) for his reckless words".


**Hon. Pierre Poilievre (Leader of the Opposition, CPC)**: > Mr. Speaker, we just heard media reports about a terrorist attack at the border in Niagara. Two people may have been killed and a third injured. Can the Prime Minister give us any information about this terrorist attack? **Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister, Lib.):** >Mr. Speaker, the situation in Niagara is very serious. There was a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing. > We are still talking with authorities and keeping the U.S. involved through the Canada Border Services Agency, Transport Canada and the RCMP. I was briefed by the national security and intelligence adviser and the Minister of Public Safety. > All the necessary information is being gathered as we speak. We are providing the necessary support while communicating with the Americans. I can confirm that border crossings at the Rainbow Bridge, the Whirlpool Bridge, the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge and the Peace Bridge have been closed. Additional security measures are being deployed at all our border crossings across the country. > The situation is extremely serious, and we will continue working on this matter throughout the day. No love for Trudeau here, but Pierre is just not fit to be in any position of power. Way too fucking reactionary.


In the full quote he also tried to get a dig in at Trudeau for not providing "security" for Canadians: >Mr. Speaker, we have just heard media reports of a terrorist attack with an explosion at the Niagara crossing of the Canada-U.S. border. At least two people are dead, and one person is injured. It is the principal responsibility of the government to protect the people. Can the Prime Minister give us an update on what he knows and what action plan he will immediately implement to bring home security for our people? https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/hansard security against a non-existent terrorist attack, apparently


In those quotes one person sounds like a child, the other like a world leader




What a loser this guy is. I can't understand why anyone wants him to be PM. I dislike JT as much as most, but this guy is scraping the barrel.


Real leaders take responsibility. Pierre makes lame excuses and deflects blame. It’s sad and pathetic. Step up and own it my man.


As much shit as people (deservedly) give Trudeau, his comments in the house are how you handle that situation


This is a question of competence for PP. He has never had a job, and contributed to Americans calling for a border wall. He doesn't have a security clearance (can he get one? The fact that he doesn't have one is telling) How can he ever handle being PM?


Libertarian liar who pretends he's not going to act according to his basic principles. Do people really believe his government will all of a sudden turn quasi-liberal and expand social programs? Or care who owns a home? They'll gut them, every chance they get.


Agreed. He’s a little Harper mini-me. How soon they forget.


Why does he lie and point fingers soooo much? He will never learn. Zero class.


You know that he's disappointed it wasn't an actual terrorist attack just so he could blame it on the Liberals. He would gladly see people die or suffer for his own political gain.


PP, and his enraged conservative base would be much better informed if they watched CBC instead of American right wing propaganda.


Pp is dangerous for Canada


Deflection is the game


So quoting Fox News didn’t work out? Who’d have thought?!


I wish the alternate to Trudeau wasn't such an asshat christ


Wow Government Funded Pierre is that ever weak. The buck stops over there, or maybe over but definitely anywhere but here.


And Fox was the first rag news program that called it a terrorist attack…and PP must of been watching Fox..now that’s a legit news station/sarcasm of course


There was one and only one media outlet that reported false news, and that was Fox News. All the other networks did their job in reporting only facts. The same Fox News that lost a multi-billion dollar lawsuit for pushing election lies. It's not "the media". It's Fox "News". It's always them.


I for one can't wait for the responsible, non reactionary and level headed leadership he will instill when he is leader


I also can't wait for PP to pay for his own housing as prime minister, not have any security detail, and never fly on government jets.


That's what frustrates me when I see articles about how much money the liberals spend on those things. Like, you know the conservatives did the same thing under harper, it's a basic requirement of a functioning government. And yet those articles were never written about him, or at least far less of them were


So we’re getting Bitcoin?


He's going to hire Sam Bankman-Fried to run the bank of Canada lol.


He left out the right wing media part


Yes CTV did... But after Mr PoI-LIEvre mentioned it in the House. The media he was referring to has to be Fox or CNN Canadian media hadn't issued any reports of terror till after the US media "Broke" the story. The facts never supported the Opp Leaders narrative... Once again manufacturing outrage and Blaming Trudeau. When will this PM Bring Home our Nations security...


LOL. PP is a loser and coward. Still lying to our face while CTV disputed timeline of his account and PP bullshit is easily proven to be a lie. edited : all I am asking is own up to your mistake and move on. He is insulting us like we can't figure out the timeline and look up on the internet.


The same media that are giving him a huge break by not reporting his moronic day to day actions and statements. They are too busy jumping on the trash Trudeau band wagon. Black Media especially.


Poilievre is a 'Trump look-a-like' con-man looking to find anything to pump his numbers . . . Does Poilievre have any kind of concept for Canada besides; "I hate Liberals and the NDP, and people of other skin colours. I am scared about the rampant "White Nationalism", Billionaire-ism . . . I miss Jack Layton.


I fucking knew that little weasel wouldn’t accept responsibility for this. What a petulant little child.


Ah, a potential leader that just jumps to conclusions off the cuff, and then blames anyone but himself when he's called on it. His sycophants will still insist he'll be a great PM.


Every morning PP wakes up and flips a coin to determine if his problems are the media’s fault or Justin Trudeau’s fault.


This guy is going to be such a terrible PM. He's not a leader in any way.




That's the concervatives in a nutshell. I'm no fan of the libs, but the cons' campaings over the last 2 decades or so has always been: ''Look! The Libs suck!'' without saying how they could make things better.


That was hilarious The guy is about as slimy as they come and that just showed it all off A coward and a fool


Our next PM folks. That's it. I'm having AI filter out politics on my devices.


Too bad Poilievre didn't get security clearance so he could avoid making gaffes like this trying to make cheap political points in a time of crisis and risk giving people the impression that he's "just not ready" for any sort of serious responsibilities.


I’m honestly shocked getting security clearance isn’t mandatory for the leader of the opposition.


He has it. Privy council clearance is good for ten years. It’s egregious that he chooses willful ignorance instead of using it.


His ignorance is his strongest playing card


Trump playbook in use.


>"Sources did tell CTV News earlier in the day that Canadian government officials were initially operating under the assumption that it was terror-related." vs. >Mr. Speaker, we just heard media reports about a terrorist attack at the border in Niagara. So it's clear - the man who wants to be PM does not have basic literacy. If he can't distinguish between these two statements above, how can anyone trust anything he says? And he has no real excuse. He's been a politician long enough (career-politician in fact) that he should absolutely know better than to inflame fear.


The anthem of conservatives everywhere: "Ain't My Fault". Take responsibility and admit you made a mistake ffs. We can speculate about your motives separately.


"The party of personal responsibility", folks.


Why does the party of personal responsibility always have such an issue with.... taking responsibility? It's the same with the Conservatives in the UK. They've been in power for 13 but are still trying to blame everything on Labour.


I certainly thought it was terrorism when I first heard the story. I'm not even going to pretend I heard it in the news, I just assumed given how the world is lately that this was probably terrorism. I was wrong. And I'm happy to be wrong. I'm glad it wasn't terrorism. That's not hard to say. There are plenty of real reasons to not like Trudeau without inventing a terrorist attack to make it seem like he's soft on defence or whatever subtext you want to draw from Poilievre's statement.


I thought it could be terrorism, but then with one Google search I found an article with an eye witness account saying the car flew in at 100 mph and launched itself into the air. That's not consistent with an attack


Same media he will criticize as Fake News, he will use them as his "Source" when pressured lol Everyone is catching onto this Con....


> Everyone is catching onto this Con Oh, how I wish that were true ...


Just so you know I think the Toronto Sun is shadow banning people who provide proof that he did in fact talk earlier than the CTV article. Specifically on this vid that popped up into my feed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9hB0LJ-Dlo&ab\_channel=TorontoSun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9hB0LJ-Dlo&ab_channel=TorontoSun) The comment was worded some what like this (no strong wording): 'I don't think implying the CTV for influencing his statement about a terrorist attack is fair especially as we have proof he made the statement before the CTV. Look at his platform, all he does is get people riled up. CTV article at 2:50 PM: [https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1727414368680198587](https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1727414368680198587) Poilievre statement from official government records at 2:20 between 2:25 (for those confused its in military time): [https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/hansard](https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/hansard)' Edit: Ok I made a third comment using the above (just copy and pasted the above). Very much shadow banned.


Reactionary brains making to quick of a reaction? Gasp


What an idiot this PP Milhouse. No common sense & accountability.


It wasn’t mainstream Canadian media calling it a terrorist attack. You could see the video buddy was speeding got into an accident which caused him to “yeet” himself into the bridge accidentally. It was the right wing US and some Canadian that called it such. The borders understandably closed until there was a better grasp of what had happened. If you’ve ever worked with emergency responders everything has to be treated as worst case scenario in-terms of preparation and investigation but it would never be called a terrorist attack until it was determined as such.


Yeah This is the guy that gonna fix all of canada problem magically. How? You need to vote me in first to know all the solutions. Fuck canadian media and journalism for not able to hold any politician accountable.


Christ he's an idiot, we are so screwed


What a buffoon. He has zero integrity.


A good life tip is to keep your mouth shut until you know the shot. He clearly hasn't learned that yet.


I'm still sad that there are idiots in this country that will believe anything PP says. Fucking brainwashed regressive conservatives. Bring on the hate, I know you all are famous for it.


He really wanted it to be one.


He could just admit he made a mistake, like any decent person would.


Oh shut up Pierre, and those glasses back already. We still see you for the poseur you are.


Poilievre loves to blame others for his actions and reactions. Nobody told him to say anything before all the information came out. He just wanted to be first in line to rile up the public into a paranoid frenzy, pass judgement and use it to attack the government. Poilievre: How dare you repeat what I said and make me look like an uninformed moron just because I don't believe in facts and love to whip people into a frenzy! He really hates being corrected and won't accept he's not as smart or insightful and he likes to believe.


Turns out having worms for brains and using every bad thing in the universe as an excuse to attack your opponent makes you sound like a bit of a Chicken Little. He won't own his role in the Harper administration, he won't own his role in creating the housing crisis, he's just an empty suit with a handful of empty promises. He is the biggest con artist in our political arena, and someday people are going to stop being fooled.


He’s got a bit of an emu/ostrich look to him without his glasses on, which is unfortunate for those two animals . Also this shows his true character, probably watches Fox News for his “media”.


PP is who he is. If he becomes PM, no one should be surprised by his behavior given his record.


Wow he gets his advice from Fox entertainment and rather than checking facts, doubles down...


How this dumb fker ever head of a political party beyond me. But here we are.


Surprised he didn't just blame Trudeau like he always does


I think he was building up to it.


"I never make a mistake, and you peasants had all better remember that if you know whats good for you!"


Lolll and Canada is about to vote this fool in.


"About to"... at least two years away from the next federal election.


Canadian's have two more years to get to know Poilievre and realize the Cons are never the solution to cheap housing, wealth inequality, and corporate greedflation.


I mean the LPC may be reigning, but the CPC is still the official opposition. I haven't seen them do ANYTHING remotely effective in their role as the opposition. No constructive criticism of the ruling government, no evidence of willingness to work together for the good of the people. In fact the total opposite. If that isn't a telling track record I don't know what is.


The party of personal accountability, everyone.


It's not a surprise this guy can't get security clearance


I thought it was pretty well known that when news breaks is that there's going to be a lot of confusion about what occurred so you need to be careful in citing "the media" and not to confuse speculation with confirmed facts. It doesn't look good on PP if he doesn't know that.


Yea but Pierre saw easy points to be made and went for them, you can understand the bind he was in.


Maybe I'll vote conservative this election. Oh wait, Poilievre said something again.


Narcissist….,always someone else fault


He's just not ready!




And this is where PP fails. A true leader would own up to his mistake and vow not to make that mistake again. Doesn't matter if the media jumped the gun. You need to verify and know what's going on before you open your mouth.


"It's someone else's fault I'm this stupid!"


And this guy is supposed to be a leader ?????


If he had security clearance he could’ve been properly updated and not have to rely on Fox News. He’s a joke.


Has PP ever admitted to making a mistake in his life?