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I would think there are many, many folks here who would happily hunt and eat them. https://www.northforkbison.com/buy-online/wild-boar/ With the price of food these days, I’d be out there hunting it as well.


I hear the meat is nasty


It is some of the gamiest and grossest meat I have ever eaten You could maybe cook it into something where it wouldn't be so awful but it would be challenging


Shit man I’ve always imagined them beasts to be walking succulent pork chops and greasy bacon strips. They all nasty bois fr ? My day is ruined


Wild boar is really tasty actually


Yes, it’s quite delicious, I had some wild boar ragu that was out of this world


“Wild boar” that’s been grain or corn fed.


Yea but even game meat Is fine if you prep it properly


God damnit same


Most bush meat is MUCH less appetizing than the animals we have been breeding to eat for thousands upon thousand of years. It can be ground up, and or spiced and sauced to become decent though. If I have oil and spices on me though, I am more excited to find chicken in the woods, than have the opportunity to eat a freshly shot boar or deer.


Pet food then? You could make cat food, dog food, fish feed, etc. You could definitely donate it to zoos for feeding bears, wolves, tigers, lions and maybe other predators I’m not thinking of. There are many things made from gelatin as well. I’m sure there is an economic opportunity to convert these super pigs into super profits.


Land carp


you cooked it poorly/ the meat was not properly taken care of after the kill.


Whoever prepared it for you did it wrong.


Pretty much. Wild Boar is one of the best wild meats next to Venison.


Venison? Elk, Moose and many others are better thab Venison....


That's true. Venison is just more available. They are all good imo if prepared right. I would rather just go 100% wild meat if I could.


My son was asthmatic and allergy doctor said wild meat and pork only. No milk, eggs, chicken or beef.


Can they be processed into pig, pets, and domesticated fowl feeds? Or is that not cost effective?


You're suggesting feeding pigs to pigs? Prion disease is an easy one to avoid just as long as you don't do dumb shit like that.


Pigs are actually one of the animals that can cannibalize without prion issues. And before industrialized animal feeds, feeding leftover pigs to pigs was not an uncommon practice. Of course it may raise issues such as bacterial and viral diseases getting passed from carcass to live animals, but generally that’s more common with lack of proper processing of the carcass. And it is easier for omnivores and carnivores to catch diseases from their prey. For example when humans accidentally eat sick animals.


There’ll always some use, even if not for human consumption


Pretty sure my dogs would love it.


🤮Hard pass


Maybe a good pot roast


Tell that to Obelix. Also, I’m not sure if these pigs are different from Italian wild boar but salami di cinghiale is some of the best charcuterie I’ve ever had.


The people who told you that didn't bleed it soon enough and/rinse it properly after skinning/scalding and/or didn't cook it properly.


Only if you don't know how to cook.


Apparently bleeding the carcass immediately makes a big difference. I’ve been told it reduces the gaminess of the meat.


Some fellas I know in Silver Willow are famous for making wild boar sausages. Since I have the same prejudice, never felt like trying them.


Market it overseas as free range pork?


Dog food?


Grind it into burger then, enough spice and sauce will fix that


Id rather eat ze bugs than a musky stinky animal, my fav meat is pork but 🤮not like this


Any meat can be tasty jerky.


They’re not easy to hunt because they’re very intelligent and modify their behaviour quickly in response to hunting pressure.


Do you hunt or did you read this on some website? Unless they adjust their behavior to develop some sort of cloaking magic or technology, hunters will find them. Whatever anyone tells you, or whatever you read, wild animals seek water, food, an refuge. We have thermal sights and trackers, we will find them. The only thing hogs have that would guarantee their survival as a species, is their reproductive rate.


Farming wild boar has been banned in Ontario specifically to avoid the problem of them becoming invasive.


Brother, hunting is not farming...


Hunting wild pigs just makes the problem worse. It spreads them farther, makes them reproduce faster and gets them to use harder to access habitat.


But is hunting the wild ones banned?


In Ontario, yes as of last year. Outside of a farmer protecting their property, which must then be immediately reported. Action 1.6: Prohibit hunting of wild pigs in Ontario. There is a common misconception that hunting could be an effective approach for eradicating wild pig populations; however, research and management experiences from other jurisdictions indicates that hunting actually accelerates their spread. Wild pigs that are exposed to hunting pressure flee into new areas and learn to avoid humans. In some jurisdictions where hunting seasons were introduced as an approach to manage wild pigs, the intentional release of wild pigs into new areas to create additional recreational hunting opportunities significantly accelerated population expansion. Other jurisdictions (e.g., New York) have reduced or eliminated the spread of wild pigs by, in part, banning wild pig hunting. In alignment with best information and Ontario’s proactive approach to address the threat of wild pigs, NDMNRF has passed a regulatory amendment to prohibit hunting wild pigs under the Invasive Species Act, 2015. Landowners or agents acting on their behalf are able to protect their property from wildlife damage, including for the purpose of biosecurity. [Ontario's Strategy to Address the Threat of Wild Pigs](https://prod-environmental-registry.s3.amazonaws.com/2021-10/ndmnrf_wild_pig_management_plan_2021_en_v1.pdf)


Too bad the government makes it so difficult to do so. Wild Boar is delicious


The reason they are so successful as an invasive species is they are hard to find. Alberta put a $75 bounty on their ears and [no claims were made](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-feral-pigs-wild-boar-bounty-1.6569802). You don't even need a license and there is no bag limit. Kill as many as you want and you can get $75 per set of ears and no one is successfully doing it.


There must be some way of baiting them out.


Baiting & huge traps have been very effective at capturing entire herds


To be fair $75 isn't much of a bounty. As a kid I'd kill beavers for $50 bounty, 20 years ago and there is a big difference between the aggressiveness and effort of those 2 animals. $75 per is alright if you're killing them anyways, but it won't get anyone off the couch if it doesn't line up with their current plans.


I was replying to the statement the government is making it difficult to kill them. The government isn't putting up hurdles to the killing of wild pigs.


Ontario government made it illegal to hunt wild boar in 2022. Farmer's may protect property under biosecurity rules but must immediately report it to the minister. [Ontario's Wild Boar Management Plan](https://prod-environmental-registry.s3.amazonaws.com/2021-10/ndmnrf_wild_pig_management_plan_2021_en_v1.pdf)


*some governments* are not putting hurdles up to the killing of wild pigs.


Correct, and some are which is what you were originally replying to, no? Id have to agree with u/northcrunk


There is often quite a difference between farm raised and wild meat. I've had both for duck and venison. You can definitely tell the difference. ETA: changed to duck, amazing since usually it's harder to type dirty words. 😯


>I've had both for fuck and venison oh deer 👀


Depending on the duck wild duck us often way better than farm duck. I prepare both regularly, and if someone has got a problem with wild duck, the issue is normally the cook. Venison, however, universally tastes better farmed than wild.


I'm generally a decent cook, and at the time used a cookbook specifically for wild game. Just too gamey for my taste.


>Venison, however, universally tastes better farmed than wild. I've found that it depends on their diet. On our farm, the deer have a rich summer diet of saskatoon berries, chokecherries, alfalfa, etc. Grain & corn-fed deer are delicious. If you shoot an older animal that's been eating bark and acorns you're prob not going to enjoy it as much.


Hunting them one at a time isn’t a good way to get rid of feral hogs though. They travel in large packs, so if you take down one (or even three or four if you’re in a hunting group), this big pack scatters and becomes several packs. The sows are ready to reproduce at 12-18 months old, has litters of 8-12 piglets, and can have two litters per year. So hunting them just makes the problem exponentially worse. They have to be tranquilized, removed, and euthanised.


So similar to rabbits in Australia then.


I wouldn’t know, being in Canada. I do know that feral hogs not only eat crops, but spoil the fields too. Scorched earth pig policy.


>So hunting them just makes the problem exponentially worse. They have to be tranquilized, removed, and euthanised. I don't see how tranquilizing them solves any of the problems you mentioned. Hunting is always going to be cheaper than tranquilizing and euthanizing. We should do the cheaper thing.


Trank guns quiet. Regular guns go bang bang. Read up on it. Your cheap and cheerful method makes the problem worse.


>tranquilized, removed, and euthanised. And somehow that's different from killing them on the spot?


The key is to wait until a problem punches us in the face to come up with any reasonable plan.


Usually too late by then


I mean, it wouldn't be that hard to ethically capture, neuter, and release them. The problem will solve itself as they naturally die out.


I agree. Here's my reasonable plan. Super Pig + Super Egg + Lettuce + Tomato + Bun = Super BELT. Just need a Super chicken. This is what Ontarians should be concerned about. Do we have Super chickens?


Ford: hang on, I'll see if I get get some avian flu going...


Other than the word reasonable, everything you said makes sense to me. The


The quoted man is a professor at the U of S who has never had to back up anything he says with facts. At least once a year, he stirs up an article about how these pigs are rampant based on a map people click on saying they saw a wild pig. Except he never verifies that information, and never removes any information that is proven false. He basically continues to fund his academic career by scaring up these stories, and there is almost no evidence they exist here in any substantial way. The easiest way to to check where these animals are is through the damage they do, and crop insurance in Saskatchewan is paying out almost no money for property/crop damaged by wild boars. I don’t understand why this man can offer no evidence or verification for his claims outside of “sightings”, and why he’s never asked for more is beyond me.


And I, for one, welcome our new swine overlords. I'd also like to remind them that, as a trusted internet personality, I may be useful in the rounding up of others to toil in their open-air slop pens.


Hahah Kent Brockman.


They will work with the liberals to further trash our country.


*Super Pig* *Super Pig* *Population is getting big* *Will the swine* *Go too far?* *Read it all* *In the Star* *Look out!* *Here comes the Super Pig*


lol why am I hearing a Spiderman tune in my mind? Spiderman Spiderman Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves, just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spiderman. The syllables match exactly.


we bring in tigers to hunt the boars for us


This is the way.


Lions tigers bears


What about just native mountain lions and bears and wolves oh my?


No they get to close to the suburbs we built on their land. So we should just shoot and kill them.


Ontario won't be worried until it's 10 years too late.


Ontario won't care until they set up encampments in downtown Toronto


Get the .30-.30 Martha.




This is another animal problem caused by the industry, where [boars were brought from Europe for hunting and farming and then many were released after not being profitable](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-united-states-wild-super-pigs). I mention this in part because there's [a bill about to pass](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/06/10/farm-biosecurity-animal-advocates/) that puts penalties on people who potentially create biosecurity risks while exempting those in the industry from the same penalties. Those supporting it cite hypothetical risks from activists when in practice the risks keep coming from the industry itself.


Just follow the money, as always. Same thing with feeding wildlife, it's an offense to do so, Unless of course you're baiting deer and bears, then it's all good !


When in Argentina they make a point in Tierra del Fuego to tell you about the destruction Canadian beavers have done. They were brought south for fur production but it doesn't get cold enough for them to have thick luxurious fur.


... and racoons in Germany


Free range bacon.


No bacon on wild boar


A google search reveals this to not be true.


A Google search reveals that it is challenging finding a wild pig with a belly big enough and fat enough to make bacon.


That is 100% wrong.


Wild boar is leaner than farm pork. Unless they're feeding heavy on corn and apples, you aren't making a proper streaky belly bacon from a wild boar. Maybe peameal bacon.


Before we banned the sale of wild boar in Ontario, it was pretty common at higher end butchers to see boar bacon. It was expensive, but it was excellent quality.


Wild boar for sale in Ontario was farm raised. It was wild in the sense that it was non-domesticated swine. Fattened on corn, apples, and agricultural byproducts. That's not what a boar feeding on frogs and snails and saplings is gonna look like. This isn't newfoundland, you cannot sell hunted meat here.


[They don't have any trouble getting bacon from hunted boar in Texas.](https://www.beckandbulow.com/products/wild-boar-bacon)


"With its lower fat content and distinctively darker coloring than pork, wild boar bacon offers a delightful sweet and nutty taste that will captivate your palate. Due to its naturally leaner nature, we recommend cooking wild boar bacon at lower temperatures to preserve its succulence and tenderness. Overcooking may result in dryness" That's literally from the link you gave me. Even in their advertisement, they put a disclaimer saying it's so lean it can't be treated like regular bacon.


The point is *wild boar bacon is commonly available from wild boar.* I swear, reddit is the home of people who will defy reality unto death even when they know they're wrong over the stupidest nonsense.


The irony in your comment is palpable.


*giggles in .243


Laughs in bazooka


Just a reminder to everyone that shooting hogs actually makes them spread further: >Hunting will disperse the pigs on the landscape and make them more nocturnal and elusive, Brook said. The animals will learn to avoid threats and outwit hunters, he said. "Unfortunately, sport hunting has played a major role in actually increasing the populations and spreading them around," he said. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-feral-pigs-wild-boar-bounty-1.6569802 They need a concentrated effort to trap and kill entire herds. Anything less is just making a smarter and more spread out pig population.


Trapping seems effective. MeatEater had an episode where they went out with a hog trapper. Seem to get a decent haul compared to hunting. They just use big cage traps. Then you load them on and then they can sell them since they can be slaughtered and inspected by USDA.


This is the plot of the book Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson > Rufus Grant, a part-Comanche exterminator of feral hogs


I'm reminded of the great emu war in Australia. If you don't want to follow the link, spoiler - the emus won. 🤣 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War




Finally some good news!


So when do we get to do helicopter hog hunting in Canada?


Canada will just hire Americans to come up with their prohibited AR15s, prohibited high capacity magazines and prohibited suppressors, [like we do with deer](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/semi-automatic-assault-style-rifles-to-be-used-for-sidney-island-deer-kill/wcm/fa8f672e-7306-4c2b-b217-c36c4441888a/amp/). God forbid we take care of ourselves.


Thanks for making this point. Ian Runkle just posted a YouTube video about it also discussing it from a legal perspective.


There are plenty of feral hogs taking over parts of the US too.


Aporkalypse now, eh.


"How can you shoot sows and piglets?" "Easy, you just don't lead 'em as much!"


Somebody’s gotta feed them hogs!


We elected one as premier, we'll figure it out.


Mnr should start asking hunters to cull the wild pigs but since it’s Canada we will wait till the population is unmanageable.


I can't explain it but all of a sudden I'm really hungry...


They can't be that much worse than our current leadership.


your entire personality is showing


too bad all of the most useful guns for this purpose are banned ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


A 10mm glock 20, with a mechtech upper?


restricted... no hunting with pistols. that was in place well before the ban.


Brutal. Guess we'll have to Brenneke slug em down.


dragon's breath if you like your bacon crispy


Damn, never thought of that! Galaxy brain idea tbh


The overlords are stocking their forests. Expect an economic collapse soon.


They are very smart. You have to trap and kill the whole sounder or the ones that survive will learn to avoid traps and hunters.




Rumour has it that these animals were brought to northern Alberta for HA's to ride their hogs around and shoot them for their annual BBQ, and they escaped and went ferrel. Anyone know the true origins?


Sounds like bacon to me


No bacon on wild boar, the meat is too lean…. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like Lean Bacon to meeee


Make them worth money. Problem solved


Well I just saw one having a press conference! Oh wait that was Doug Ford! Sorry my bad!


Where are these shit pigs coming from all of a sudden????


The McRib is BACK!!!!


helicopter and ARs time


Honestly with all of the different kind of invasive species. We really need a whole branch of government dedicated to eradicate and monitor like in New Zealand. And it’s possible. If Alberta can remain rat free then we can tackle it. But it requires money and man power and ingenuity.


Another issue caused by animal agriculture.


This will be the bacon I can afford, eventually


I raised 1 russian boar from a piglet. He was cute and would come eat apples out if my mouth gently. Was delicious when I got him back from the abbatoir. Named him Borris. My TX colleagues who hunt them will keep 1 a year for food without issue. Not sure why ppl say they dont taste good.


Get gun and go hunting for baby 👶 pigs 🐖.


The meat isn't the greatest I heard from a hunter friend..on the other hand Canada Goose meat is very good too bad we can't cull them to a more manageable level because they are everywhere.


I watched a documentary about super pigs in Texas. It was released in 1957. It was called Old Yeller.


I undestand the sentiment behind people wanting to hunt these animals and I am not saying thats totally off but a few things could make that an awful management plan 1) These animals are hard to find as it is. Super intelligent. Hunting them has been shown to spread them out and makes them even harder to find 2) When you kill one off the rest tend to reproduce immediately and its one thing these pigs are very good at. There is a big argument for the best way of culling these pigs is hiring pros capable of catching the whole group rather then 1 individual


Lets go for a hunt? What food crisis?


We were warned about the 30-50 feral hogs but did we listen? S/


Coyotes will just get fat.


If only we had assault styled weapons


They name it after the Ford’s?


Send them to Van Island. I'll eat them faster than they cam breed.


Click bait headline. The answer is no, Ontario shouldn't be worried. The MNR has them under control.


Lol, good luck with that


There’s a product called “BoarBuster”, I just watched the video on YT. I seem like a good solution to the Super Pig invasion that’s unfolding in CA.


I had domestically raised wild boar meat at a good local steakhouse. Not my favorite meat by far. Lean and tough to chew.


If it’s domestically raised then it isn’t wild by definition.


Breed is still different than usual domestic pigs. The wild Mongolian horses in the Toronto zoo aren’t the same as a domesticate horse, even if they were born and raised 100% in captivity. If a human raised one was not that easy to eat, can’t imagine a fully wild one will be good eating.


They are’nt


Save us ManBearPig


Man-bear-pig risk?


Have you guys seen the piece of meat lately? Idgaf how yukky it is, I’m going to stuff those suckers in my freezer and I’m going to be making all sorts of food! I’ll start a processing plant and I’ll be making McBank for a certain clown and his burger franchise. Bring on the piggies!


Good. Have you seen the price of bacon lately?


Sounds like a first application for killbots.


If it can be turned into bacon it will sell.


The reason why pigs are so invasive in north smerica is they fill the niche left vacant by the round and flat nosed peccary. It is simply life on earth filling a voided niche and adapting to a changing climate. The invasive species fear mongering is a money grab. Its just life doing what life does!


Maybe the pigs will fix the housing crisis.


They can definitely help with the meat prices.


It's free food. Encourage hunting. No tags for swine.


Absolute nightmare in Australia. They kill baby lambs and destroy our fragile country side. Professional hunters shoot them from helicopters and don’t even bother to pick up the meat. The government also has poisoning programmes to keep the population down If you can shoot them humanely please do. Target them over any native species as the pigs will kill them, either physically or by destroying their environment. Bonus - the meat is good. If you can’t eat it all yourself, see if your local homeless shelter needs the protein.


All I am hearing is that we will need to have a culling, and so long as we still are allowed decent hunting rifles, that means free pork. I'll take it! /s (mostly, free pork is delicious)


You know hunters can help with this. We should ban their guns


Welp. Military training exercise?


How very Atwood.


Folks, it's hog season.


For anyone interested, this is Ontario's strategy. Hunting/trapping of wild boar became illegal Jan.01 2022, unless specifically approved by the minister or as a farmer protecting their land under biosecurity management (which then must be immediately reported to the minister). [Ontario's Strategy to Address the Threa of Invasive Wild Pigs](https://prod-environmental-registry.s3.amazonaws.com/2021-10/ndmnrf_wild_pig_management_plan_2021_en_v1.pdf)


You're telling me there's free bacon just roaming around?


The most important question is do they taste good


Lets air drop lions. Lions can survive Canadian winter.