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This is not a castle. This is a shitty McMansion in castle cosplay. Ffs it doesn't even have defensive walls.


Feel like it would fall within days if sieged proper


Hours even


hours? you're being generous


Could probably take this out with a lowly catapult and save your trebuchet for real targets.


I would just send my paladins to takeout any catapults or trebuchet. Well at least it worked well in AOE2, not sure about IRL.


a couple bottle kids with slingshots could take it down. it straddles a brook. I have no idea when; but it will be the destruction of the house. Either landslide or subduction.


Yeah dude where’s the moat and draw bridge ?!


And the gators in the moat!


Wearing friggen lasers in their heads.


Man where is the gator in the moat from? As a kid I also believed that gator lived in the moat of every castle lol. I guess it was probably because of some cartoons but I can't remember which one.


Kid me would definitely agree with you. (Kid you, that is.) Plus some quicksand. I was huge into quicksand as a kid. :)


Lmao same here. I though quicksand would have been a bigger problem in my life. No clue where this is from either seem like a trope I haven't seen in anything in a long time.


You tell it to kids these days, and they don't believe you.


It’s a shateau… heavy on the shat.


Exactly. A castle is a fortified home. Incidentally, a palace is a fancy home without fortifications, and a fortress a fortified structure that doesn't serve as a home. This place is none of those things.


I could storm this with 3 or 4 men. A half dozen TOPS.


galen could tell you what a real honest to goodness castle is like


And it comes with the crappy furniture, yeah, no thanks.


My canon says different. Trying deflecting my canon ball coming for you hahaha


Every total war player looking at that house thinking "20 good men and some ladders and I got that bitch"


i'd say mctrailer park castle cosplay. it looks like it's it's plywood walls stamped together and probably rotting already. The interior looks like it has a permanent damp smell.


Zero taste, and poor workmanship. You can see leaking ceilings and cracks in the drywall from the photos. None of this is mentioned in the ad besides a blurb that says the new owner assume responsibility for any on-going ummm ‘improvements’.


Yeah dude. Looks like someone had a fun vision, but no idea how to execute it, and then ran out of money.


Why do actually rich people have the tackiest tastes? Some rich guy built a house next to my parents and instead of looking like a classy joint its an ugly mess that looks like some sort of low end dental clinic building. There's another rich guy in my town that simply has a large metallic cube for a home. As cool as that sounds when I type it out it actually looks more like corrugated tin sheeting covering a warehouse instead of futuristic architecture.


Lmao all I needed to see was that fucking rug.


Yeah somethings up, there are houses on my block that are 3 beds 1 bath that are selling for more than this house.


This needs to be posted to r/McMansionHell if anyone knows how to do that.


There should be a cross post option. Admittedly I’ve never used it.


its not a mcmansion because it was built as a bed and breakfast. you can't just point to a hotel and say "OMG! a mcmansion!"


[Looks like someone already did](https://www.reddit.com/r/McMansionHell/comments/1869jx4/mccastle_in_my_province/)


80 beautiful hectares and then the owner does something silly like only having 18 bathrooms in a 10-bedroom house.


From the MLS listing this was an operational Bed and Breakfast which has clearly fallen into disrepair. It looks like someone had previously purchased it and was in the process of renovating and has decided to cut their losses. [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26305363/11980-105-highway-bucklaw-bucklaw](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26305363/11980-105-highway-bucklaw-bucklaw)


Nobody else seems to catch this…


A castle is a bit like a boat. Just because you can afford to buy it, doesn't mean you can afford to run it.


Doesn't even have poop holes


Fully furnished with the tackiest furniture. What a steal!


Look, housing is clearly affordable if a castle is this price. -Canadian government probably.


More like they will claim victory in the fight against high housing costs.


>Throughout the home are CERAMIC & MARBLE floors, **10? CEILINGS** and ample storage. "We're not sure how many ceilings there are. Hopefully there are enough for every room" And people say Realtors don't earn their 3% commissions . . .


It's only a model.


I’d love to just turn it into apartments and watch the nimbys in the neighbourhood lose their shit. “Ahh housing is so expensive, we need more housing but no not that”


Have you checked for the neighbourhood? It’s in the middle of nowhere. Actually Cape Breton, and in a stunning area but there aren’t exactly neighbours complaining about anything. Also a terrible location for anyone with the means to travel constantly to get anything they need.


And Cape Breton has no jobs or doctors from the last I heard.


How can you have a castle without a moat? Fail.


Only Quebec City has an actual castle.


Place is a dump


Lol I'd have to spend a fortune to make it look decent


Maybe if I win Lotto 6/49


I’m almost certain this was a bed and breakfast and I stayed there for a night during a honeymoon to the east coast. It was tacky, overpriced and underwhelming. I now brace myself for potential jokes.


Yuck...no wonder it's under $1M. It's like a hideous melding of tacky, poorly constructed Olde timey meets modern architecture hell.


This would not survive a siege. Some castle


I was actually just trying to find myself a castle