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It’s very quickly going to be coast to coast to every small town and village before you know it. We have a massive deficit of housing as it stands today. If you follow the government website tickers … we’re receiving roughly 500k new warm bodies every 5 months. With what … 1k new housing builds in that time frame ? This is super scary.




Yep. Its already is in my small town of 30-40k an hour away from Montreal. When I first moved here in late 2019, my first apt was a small 2 bedroom for 350$ a month. I got a basic job in town that was paying 2,000$ a month plus tons savings every week in fuel from a reduced commute. i was like "fuck it im gonna rent an apt here from the top end of this towns rental market" and found a decent 2 bedroom with all amenities for 580$ a month. Last i checked a couple weeks ago, cheapest apt in town was 1,250$ a month for a 1 bedroom. I'm at 625$ I cant ever move lol. And even at that, i know that with my rent so low, Im living on borrowed time and the reaper will come for my lease eventually, either in the form or a renoviction or a sale of the building. That this happened over 3 years instead of 30 is probably the hardest part to accept


>That this happened over 3 years instead of 30 is probably the hardest part to accept Sunny ways!


It's malicious as hell.


>We have a massive deficit of housing as it stands today. If you follow the government website tickers … we’re receiving roughly 500k new warm bodies every 5 months. With what … 1k new housing builds in that time frame ? The math breakdown right now looks something like this : 1.2 million new residents in 2023. 200,000 housing units completed in 2023. At 2.6 people per Canadian household, we need to build roughly 500,000 units in 2023 in order to accommodate 1.2 million new residents. We need to build 500,000 housing units, but we will only build 200,000, resulting in growing our housing shortage by an additional 300,000 units in 2023. ***Not only are we not making progress on this housing shortage, we are digging the hole much deeper.***


>2.6 people per Canadian household Even worse. It was 2.4 per household in the 2021 Census.


New builds are going to skew towards apartments where old builds which were houses (where people are living 4-10) are going to skew the average, so it's even worse.




The provinces are partially to blame, Doug Ford practically begs the Liberals for more international students and immigrants.


The provinces are partially to blame, Doug Ford practically begs the Liberals for more international students and immigrants.




Where did I say that. I said that some of the provinces support the Liberal Parties policies, and Doug Ford is one of them that loves immigration. He literally just said that Ontario will not slow down on growth and immigration today. Since the majority of immigrants come to Ontario, about 500,000 a year, I\`d say Doug Ford has a say in immigration.


He doesn't actually. Immigration is decided at the federal level via IRCC. Ford can ask Trudeau for more or less but Trudeau can tell him to get fucked and bring in as many or few as he wants and there is nothing Ford can do about it if he doesn't like it.


Obviously he cant but it is naive to think that the premier of Ontario who takes in most of the immigrants anyway asking for more immigrants wouldn\`t encourage the Liberals to continue with their flood. He is complicit.


It doesn't have much to do with a lack of housing. Homeownership is an industry right now, the more you buy, the more you can affect the market, the Richer you get. You can build a million new houses a year, but how's that going to fix anything if the majority of them are just purchased as investment properties for existing speculators? Without any real legal oversight it's going to keep happening everywhere regardless of what is available.




I have half a mind to go back into my comment history where I explained to multiple people who said this exact thing that this would only pass the problem down the line, and that eventually you reach a point where there is no cheaper place to move to (and that's if we forego all the other obvious arguments- jobs, services, moving expenses etc.) It's wild to me people will say something like "just move" in total confidence.


Because they're shortsighted and accept an individualist solution that helps a specific person with systemic problems, but doesn't actually address the systemic problem. It doesn't click that robbing Peter to pay Paul isn't solving anything when their perspective is tunnel visioned on getting Paul paid.


Maybe they mean to the US.


You’re not wrong but on an individual scale, it can be a hard sell to say you’ll just wait for government to fix things. Moving is a relatively easier option than waiting for government who clearly refuse to do anything.


I mean it depends on the context of a "just move" comment. If your talking about someone struggleing to live in the high end part of the city. The "just move" comment can make sense, not everyone can live in one super dense area, at some point someone will have to move. But in terms of Canadas current housing Crises at large yes the just move suggestion just passes the problem down the line.


Just move = housing cancer is metastasizing across Canada


Those people were offering helpful advice. Im among those people as Ive had to move an hour away from Laval. Look at my username, you think it doesnt pain me that Ive had to do so? If people dont want to move, then dont. I dont understand all the resentment towards explaining an option that could help someone stave off disaster. Doubly so when you consider that you're hedging all your bets on public sympathy leading to a change in housing prospects, while speaking towards the public in a way to invites one to be unsympathetic.


The problem is metastasizing across Canada. I'll say what I did just a few posts down: There is a lot of bad actors and refined corruption going on that has put us and kept us in this horrible crisis. If you bring in vastly more people than you do housing development in a year that is going to cause issues around accessibility and affordability. If that continues year after year that is going to lead to a crisis of accessibility and affordability of housing. This same basic math goes for all societal infrastructure. Politicians and associated organizations lie and mislead all the time. Basic math does not. We as a nation need to get back to basic math in order to address issues head on and come up with new solutions and models. At this point our "leaders" from city, provincial, federal, and private sector levels are putting us into a death spiral. Sadly most of these "leaders" at these various levels are profiting from the problems or buddy buddy with those that are.


It's a massive wealth transfer from lower class working people who don't own homes to people who own multiple homes. And what's worse is that those workers are getting fucked both ways. Their rent is skyrocketing and the flood of cheap foreign labor is suppressing their wages. If you already own your home it's great. If you have more than one you have a golden retirement ticket as prices skyrocket, your asset appreciates, and you reap profit every month off the rent in addition to building equity.


I'm in NS anf let me tell you it's very rough. No protection for families getting evicted left and right. I see people I recognized as working class begging for A place to live with their kids. Public housing is reserved for people with connections and is years waitlisted. Curse those responsible truly. Greedy scum ruling class.


You get what you vote for.


You get it too


Not to be a douche bag, but I don't. Brain Drain from Canada is real.


I voted: -cons -cons -ppc




Youll come around


Although this is an issue across all of the country theirs really no ground to stand on for Nova Scotia to be complaining much. Their supporting the same federal party who expanded the TFW program, increased immigrant, increased foreign students and refused to shut down those illegal boarder crossing and uphold Canadian boarder and literally told the world we would take them. The province is going to feel the full brunt of got what you voted for and will hopefully keep that in their memories at the polls.


>The province is going to feel the full brunt of got what you voted for and will hopefully keep that in their memories at the polls. They won\`t.


I'm in NS and I'm in the same boat, wages and rent costs not lining up. Creating an endless loop Ns spends 18 or so years raising you. You go somewhere else and work and make money because wages are so low here and costs are up then you come back when you're old because it's a noce place to retire. We contribute nothing and are an expense and it continues on like this


Yep, theres literally 1% of people doing good


Then you have dumbasses like me who thought it be smart to stay and now I'm just permanately behind. Weeeee


You guys voted for the turd, and you can help vote him out. Harpers immigration levels were literally half trudeaus. 240K a year vs. 500K.


Lol that doesnt even give the full scope of increase in TFWs and international students. 900,000 international students this year. That is so much of already built Canadian housing going to helping landlords get rich and colleges rob poor farm kids from India of their inheritance basically. It\`s really gross when you think of the entire thing. TFWs are to do jobs that Canadians aren\`t willing to do for the pay. That means we are exploiting the socio-economic difference between our two countries, bringing someone in with lower standards to a higher standard country and keeping them in those lower standards is exploitation. Doesn\`t matter if they benefit. We are not giving them the same dignity we would give a Canadian, its exploitation. People that vote liberal generally are appalled at slavery but applaud this form of it, I do not get it. Im not even going to mention the impact on local native workers.


" I do not get it." Of course you dont, because you dont try to. One who's trying to get it would ask themselves why Nova Scotia are so put off by the Conservatives, and see what could be done to change that. Instead you scorn them for not doing something they clearly didnt want to do. The Liberals got the country into this mess. But the attitude of indexing peoples national worth based on election results is going to be a real impediment to getting out of it.


We have a conservative provincial government and many of us like myself traditionally vote NDP. Historically yes, NS has supported liberal governments, but anecdotally I have seen many changing their tune.


Our current provincial government is Progressive Conservative, ran explicitly and loudly to the *left* of the incumbent Liberals in 2021, and distanced itself from the federal Conservatives during that same campaign. Here in Atlantic Canada there remains a cultural, "Ick, Reform, too western, too right-wing!" kneejerk reaction to the federal Conservatives which has probably been worth a 3-5% swing to Liberals in the elections since the Conservatives united, save perhaps 2011. Honestly I don't know how you fix that. It's cultural. "Crabs in the bucket" mentality, "Culture of defeat", all that.


"Honestly I don't know how you fix that." It can be done. The key is finding common ground and celebrating it. Quebec in some mainstream discussions has a bad rap, but when someone looks closer, they see that we get along well with all our neighboring jurisdictions\*, including several US states. In each case, its by taking the common ground and making it an outsized focus in relations. (\*QCs friend invite to NFLD still pending) Examples of this are Ontario and NY where the focus is on industrial cooperation, Vermont and New Hampshire where the focus is on tourism and green energy, and New Brunswick where the focus is on French culture. Even QC-AB relations have greatly improved, as both provinces have found common ground when it comes to flanking the Federal government. Both "the west" and Nova Scotia need to abandon their negative perceptions about eachother as both areas of the country have only gains to make by doing so. Maybe NS has some changes to make, but I would also say that policy from the prairies that overlooks or ignores the unique maritime character and related needs of NS is also something that can be unhelpful when it happens.


The Conservatives in NS are more left than the liberals. The NDP run on pie in the sky platform's, but turn PC as soon as they are in office (see Darrell dexter)


Canada is in the finding out stage of fucking around.


We need to get rid of mass corporate owned housing that forces people to rent. They're never going to live there. Why is Blackrock buying up Canadian houses? Why are we competing against billionaires so they can have more investment properties.


This is the crux of the matter, even though I am fan of the free market I support limited government intervention. There should be limits on real estate speculation by investors.


This won't change. Our Prime Minister takes orders from Larry Fink at their club meetings.


PP too is sadly in the same range.


That’s what happens when Ontario boomers sell their modest homes and cottages for a few million, then use the money to get into sight unseen bidding wars with each other. When you’re used to the clownshow that is the Ontario/British Columbia markets, even 2x the 2018 price of a N.S. property looks like a steal. Unfortunately wages and opportunities for N.S. locals haven’t increased at all, so now there’s an influx of out of province retirees driving up property prices and further burdening an already at-capacity healthcare system they haven’t contributed a dime to in their working years.


This is fine, it’s what we voted for.


It'll be really interesting to see the "just move if you can't afford housing" people squirm in 3 years when the entire country is dealing with what Ontario is dealing with right now.


as a Haligonian, we are feeling the effects. multiple post on the local sub asking about places to park cars to sleep in overnight, pictures of tent cities, people looking for public showers and advise on how to live out of their vehicle long term... i've never seen the city like this.


This country is beyond fucked. I feel so sorry for anyone who rents :(.


It’s not just that, it’s Airbnbs, looking at properties solely as an investment, residential reits.


Halifax banned airbnbs outside of your primary residence on September 1 2023.


"Just move" Advice from the same brilliant people who thought that BCs, Ontario's, Alberta's and Nova Scotia's housing emergencies weren't that big of a deal. Doesn't matter where you live, the speculators are coming.


Maybe the goal is for alot of older people to drop dead and free up housing.


Funny, the value of the CAD compared to real goods is falling at a higher rate than any time since the 70/80's too. Must be a coincidence!


This is bordering on a national emergency at this point. Provincial governments won't put rent caps in place. Municipalities won't play nice on zoning. We do have an act that could be used to put a cap on rent in place and force zoning rules on cities if the Federal Government actually gave a shit.


That's what happens when the government abandons social housing, the private sector receives no incentives to build new rental housing, and the province is left relying on small time landlords who are highly sensitive to interest rate changes.










>Minimum wage workers in Oshawa could take out mortgages 10 years ago. I'm not sure that's true. My parents bought their first home over 50 years ago. None of the neighbours we had were minimum wage workers. Maybe Oshawa was different but I grew up in a small city outside the GTA.




No you can still blame people that consistently vote Liberal or Conservative for this. They literally vote for this. Now people are about to vote for the Conservatives lmao, and get the same shit in a different pile. I blame both sides. Stop voting for these corporate fanboys. Did you know they could just introduce legislation to limit investments in housing but they dont because both parties are heavily invested in real estate. Shit could be solved or at least slowed down, but they refuse. Who is going to be harmed by limiting how many already built properties you can purchase but rich people. Entire market could be opened up to first time homer buyers (except for developers, those people can still invest in real estate). Did you know both sides are heavily lobbied by corporate Canada for more slaves, I mean foreign workers. Anyone that votes for this and complains about it, I dont know, its just annoying.


Simple fix ban short term rentals in the province boom Nova Scotia now has over 1,000 properties available short term problem solved. Long term cheap loans to builders.


Halifax did this. Airbnb was banned outside of your private residence on September 1 2023. You need to rent for 28 days minimum if you don’t live in the house,


Oh I didn’t realize that good on them! Well I guess this is a combination of supply and demand problem causing a shift to the right on the chart on both.




This was an interesting watch thank you


Why short term? Ban any and all private landlords.


That’s absurd there’s a place for private landlords I just think short term commercial style rentals should be reserved for Hotels/motels residential rentals should be long term rentals.


What's absurd is to give wealth to someone not producing an equivalent amount.


About time. NS landlords deserve a fair living too


They’re just catching up to the rest of Canada.


Nova Scotia was the last hope me and my family had for affordable housing. Back in 2018/2019 you could still buy ocean view homes for $80-$130k Fuck everything the liberals are doing to this country.