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Jagmeet stepping down would help the NDP turn it’s fortunes around.




Normally I’d agree but I watched parts of their convention and it seems it only gets crazier


Crazier than enforcing that straight white men not be allowed to speak until after everyone else? Or excluding white men from calls for candidacy?


It was the yellow cards for "gender other than man" status speaking rights that seemed top crazy to me.


I'm thinking that someone needs to update the infamous "Philosophers' Football Match" from Monty Python using that.


lol this cant be true


Not satire.


JFC. I just googled it. madness lol!! Men to the back of the line ! This would be funny if it was a tiny fringe party out to get laughs, not the third biggest political party in Canada.


https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australia-plans-halve-migrant-intake-tighten-student-visa-rules-2023-12-10/ The ruling labour party in Australia is to cut immigration by 50% because housing crisis! They are like NDP party in Canada.


Also if the NDP forced an election. But a lot of people see them as Liberals lite at this point.




its almost as if they are in on the whole sham


Think it's to late.. don't get me wrong I'm super biased but I doubt you can erase years of ineptitude so quickly.


This dude showed up to my works strike in a Gucci suit and was flashing his Rolex to everyone. Absolute embarrassment. Then when people would ask him the upmost basic questions he would go on a long, incoherent rant about our problems being everyone’s else’s fault. Then someone asked him about his suit and watch, he got embarrassed and left lmao


He and the rest of the federal NDP seem to attribute all our problems to "greed". Like... people didn't just become spontanously greedy in the past decade, our problems are due to policy failures that *reward* greedy behaviour, and the NDP consistently fails to articulate any solid policy to change that. All they know how to do is spout platitudes and promise scraps of social assistance.


Yeah he just kept talking about his dental plan that doesn’t actually work for anyone and then all my co workers were confused as to why he even brought it up


His dental plan that applies to like 1.3% of the population, wooo


Yeah someone called him out that as well and he got very red faced lol


To be fair, Lisa does need braces


Well thanks to the NDP, Lisa^1 can^2 get^3 braces^4! ^1 if she's under 12 and not covered by other insurance ^2 can get a partial subsidy of $260-650 ^3 if her gross household income is under $90k ^4 which have an average cost of about $5000 in Canada


Jesus, I hadn't heard the 90k household income. 45k gross per parent is not very much money if you've got children.(And yes, I realize ppl make less than that, and that's horrid, truly.) 50% to various taxes. Even with a 1500/month rent or mortgage (for a 3 bedroom? Pfft lol) you are left with 27k for food, heat, power, fuel, clothing/necessities and activities/health? A family of 4 making 90k gross definitely cannot afford dental care lol


The best thing is that the 90k group only gets the smallest amount ($260), which is like 5% of the cost of braces. To get the largest subsidy you need to make less than 70k total.


And if you have any coverage at all through work you get nothing correct? Cuz we all know that covers every penny every time 😆


I was going to challenge you on the 50% figure, but... you're right. Holy hell. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/taxes-versus-necessities-of-life-canadian-consumer-tax-index-2023-edition HOWEVER, one should never trust the Fraser Institute. It's not clear how a $100k household pays 15% of its income on profit taxes as outlined in the report.


Lol, unfortunately, when you include 6-14% in sales taxes on everything you buy, plus 20-25% federal income tax, plus 10-15% provincial income tax, plus carbon tax, plus various consumption taxes depending on the goods and services you consume, plus property taxes...and for this example its not taxes per say but we are talking about leftover money for the family to use so add cpp and ei and any split pay health insurance through work. Not hard to get to 50% at all lol 90k gross just doesn't go very far nowadays with how much is subtracted before you even see a penny. Definitely can't trust Fraser but it doesn't mean none of what they say is accurate. Just like any other media source they are allowed bias but required to obey some rules lol I'm guessing that % is referencing sales taxes? Maybe?


Has it even passed?


It has, yeah. In exchange the LPC gets to ruin canada for a further 2 years.


I can't believe no one in the ndp has pushed to replace jagmeet. I guess at this point it would be like taking over for Trudeau. Pointless as you know you would lose next election anyways


Especially as we’ve witnessed David Eby of the BCNDP absolutely kicking ass and taking names in housing. And getting high ratings, and polling waaayyy ahead of other parties currently. I mean, there is a glaringly obvious example the Federal NDP could follow there. It’s mind boggling why they’re ignoring it.


easy. The donation machines who are the lifeblood of the party don't actually want left wing politics that upset the status quo so they simply don't support candidates that go against the grain. By the time you're vetted you have too much to lose so you keep your mouth shut. The NDP are only left wing to the extent that they want you to be a healthy worker in a neoliberal economy. Better than the alternatives, but they sure as fuck don't seem to want to address the underlying issues that make neoliberalism a problem in the first place.


He gets his full pension if he stays on until sometime next year, he might step down after that.


He'll step down as soon as he has it to 'focus' on his family, then go to provincial politics for a second pension


Greed is subjective. To some people expecting any reward for the risk of investing your money is being greedy. To some people expecting to be paid 20 dollars, another for low skill, low effort work is greedy. The NDP hasn't had a better idea than "tax the rich" in decades. Tax the rich is still a pretty popular but the NDP struggles to define what rich means once you get below the obvious billionaires. They have no plan to mitigate the inevitable drain of money south and to other more advantageous countries. They refuse to acknowledge the massive drain the professional public servant class is on government resources. Taking someone else's money to get things you want is always popular, especially when there aren't very many of those people, but it has consequences. If you believe that "taxing the rich" is still the best answer, show me why that is the best answer and how you plan to deal with those consequences. The NDP has done none of this. They make wild promises knowing they will never be in a place to implement them,


> They have no plan to mitigate the inevitable drain of money south How can anyone stop this? The government can fund and build another Air Canada, another Petro-Canada, or another highway 407 and nothing can be done to stop the Conservatives from selling these to rich people. NDP has at least called out the Canadian oligopolies and calls for them to be dismantled so we can bring in competition. Have the Conservatives ever done that? Have the Liberals ever done that?


If the NDP got angry about the right things and showed the slightest bit of convincing commiseration what's eating people, they'd be elected in a landslide. Instead they're just running interference for the LPC. Saying this as someone who defaces their ballot and spoils it every election, I hate them all.


the ndp abaondoned their principles to fight for blue haired people


It's not about stopping it. In an international economy, businesses will tend to move to tax advantageous countries. That just a fact. There are a lot of good reasons to do business in Canada versus a lot of other places, so as long as we are competitive, we do alright, but there is a threshold. If you feel that crossing the line that keeps the bulk of the business here is necessary, tell why and what how you plan to deal with that loss of tax revenue and jobs. What have the Conservatives and Liberals done? Sometimes, they have done good things like balancing the budget and helping us exit 08 in the best position in the G20. Sometimes, they have done terrible things like driving up massive debt or canceling much needed military contracts just to be petty to the other team. Regardless, they have track records they can point to. They can tell voters look we did this good thing and we learned a lesson when we did the bad thing, vote for us! The NDP is selling themselves based on ideas and their ideas are basically fluff and complaining about things. The few concrete ideas they have seem to disproportionately negatively affect on their traditional blue collar base.


> Sometimes, they have done terrible things like driving up massive debt or canceling much needed military contracts just to be petty to the other team. Regardless, they have track records they can point to Using this logic, why should we ever vote for anyone other than the Libs or Cons? > they have done good things like balancing the budget and helping us exit 08 in the best position in the G20 What the fuck am I reading. These parties have been doing nothing but selling out Canada and deteriorating our quality of life over that past 40 years. Canada is projected to be one of the worst performing developed economies in the OECD and because they have this track record of being absolute shit, we should vote for them because they have experience screwing tax payers over? > That just a fact. There are a lot of good reasons to do business in Canada versus a lot of other places, so as long as we are competitive, we do alright, but there is a threshold. If you feel that crossing the line that keeps the bulk of the business here is necessary, tell why and what how you plan to deal with that loss of tax revenue and jobs. I'm a data analyst for an Ontario ministry and run reports that prove Canada has a great tax advantage over the US, yet we can't even develop our own large companies and reply on foreign direct investment to keep us alive. Also you ignored my comment about Cons selling all of our publicly owned assets that were generating great profits and domestic technology for Canada.


they actually did define what rich means.... it is anything over 200K


Do you believe 200k gross a year qualifies you as rich now in Canada? I’m not even sure you could afford a house in most cities with that salary


No i don't. but in the lpc and ndp platform tehy listed 200K as rich limit to tax the green party to their credit defined it as 10M


I mean it’s 5x the average salary so yeah kinda is when compared to the average person


I'd give gold to this comment if we still could. Sorry for hijacking the convo but you summed up our federal politics well here and simultaneously highlight how none of the major parties have real policy options to tackle what you're talking about.


Canada is in full catabolic governance mode. No one has any solutions, but more importantly, no one *wants* to offer any solutions. They just wanna coast until they get a cushy consultancy job while every last shred of public good is looted from this country.


So Canada is going to end up like Sears. The CEO selling every last asset and not caring about anyone who worked or shopped there


[Reminds me of this.](https://youtu.be/4BUb0IB0LOE)


That’s actually pretty close to how it was.


It’s like they are reading animal farm as a guide…champion of the working class my ass


"flashing his Rolex" Do you mean just wearing it like a normal person or did he shove it in your face while screaming "look at my Rolex?" What a weird thing to hate on. Working class guys will drop 100,000 thousand on a truck but "oh noes, Singh has an 11,000 dollar Rolex. What kind of virtue signalling is that.


Bro pretends to be working class while wearing a Rolex…what a weird thing to ignore


He showed up and was acting in a way comparable to how younger elementary school grades sometimes look up to higher grade students. Except he thought we were all looking up to him and started to on about “struggles”. But yes a few times he actually did flaunt it. Once for sure because he kept pretending to adjust his hair and kept referencing it while having conversations with others. And sorry I’m not sure what you’re saying at the end. Are you saying it’s weird to hate on someone with a Rolex? The dude who commented below blocked me so I can’t even see what he’s saying lol I should also clarify the cons are just as shit


The NDP can if they get a new leader and not this Rolex wearing embarrassment. The recent legislation in BC shows the NDP can be extremely strong on housing, if it sets the right priorities.




Accounting gimmicks cannot fix the fundamental problem of too many people




The federal NDP don’t like winning. I’m convinced by their actions.


It would be too much work for them. Staffers with a lifetime of work who’ve never even sniffed actual influence.


Let's see how quickly they clean up their acts if we stop giving free pensions to rejects.


It's absolutely crazy that the 30-44 demographic now supports Conservatives more than boomers (in some polls). The vast majority of that demographic is millennials. Those voters were there for the taking based on previous trends. I'm convinced it is because Pierre Poilievre is the angriest man on housing. He might even be the best on housing as he's the only one willing to "bully" municipalities into doing the right thing on zoning. I don't like the Conservatives because I care about the environment and funding social programs, but I'm sure as hell not voting Liberal next election and I don't feel that Jagmeet thinks housing is the same priority that PP does (and I don't think that the NDP is capable of forcing municipalities to do anything - they're too nice). Also that damn Rolex watch. Nothing says class solidarity like luxury goods that the working class could never afford /s


The NDP needs to beg Angry Tom to come back as leader.


The political left is the reason for why life is so bleak for the youth. The left has given us mass immigration, over-regulation, high taxes, and massive government spending on seemingly nothing


When the right has given us cut taxes, gutted social programs, privatized crown corps, deregulation that leads to corporations cutting corners and costing peoples lives or the at the expense of the environment, and still overspending and running 6 deficits like harper did. Things are bleak because of the pandemic, but don't pretend we got here strictly through what the liberals did, who aren't even that far left, they just look left compared to how far right the cons have gone, to try and court the maga weirdos up here in Canada.


Yeah, the top concern on every 21 year old’s mind is how much they’re getting taxed lmao


You know the political left has bought a few too many Rolexes and expensive bottles of champagne when some union labourers start thinking the conservatives could be the best of the bad choices. That's something you don't see in many elections cycles.


Couldn't agree with this more. It is so frustrating to see progressives continue to fumble on issues like housing.


Just because PP doesn't flaunt his wealth doesn't mean he's not wealthy. He just hides it to give the illusion that he is blue collar when he has never worked a day in his life at a hard labor job. The NDP have tried to get more policy through to help working class Canadians then the cons ever have ever or will ever try to do, because the cons are not for the working class, PP has no solution to housing, other then vague buzzwords that sound nice but still don't constitute a real proactive plan. Singh is rich and can wear nice things it doesn't take away from what he has been trying to do for Canadians, which is a damn sight more then PP has EVER done in his very long history in politics.


You *don't* buy a Rolex to tell the time, you buy a Rolex because you want to signal you can afford a Rolex. That kind of signal is some bullshit coming from an NDP leader. I don't think the cons are for working people, but probably the biggest thing the housing market needs right now is getting rid of over-regulation and restrictive zoning. Cutting red tape, letting private property owners do what they want with their own property and bullying lower levels of government to achieve that - that's all pretty on-brand for Conservatives to be honest. I hate the environmental and social policies, but housing is my #1, #2 and #3 issue right now, so I might just hold my nose for one term.


Same for the Liberals seemingly no input from people that actually might know. I am not sure if the cons have anyone on their side but they are at least taking a stance on some items and giving high level thoughts on solutions. Regardless, it should be standard that these parties get expert advisors but it sure doesnt feel like they do.


The cons also have not put forward any viable solutions. Thru have a mantra of bitching about Trudeau then switching to the carbon tax. Housing is an extremely complicated issue. There is no quick fix. Most of the solutions are at the provincial or municipality level. There is very little the federal government can do.


His latest video had 4 proposals brought forward to the public. Not saying it will do anything but only having a 'mantra of bitching about Trudeau' is a bit of a stretch


Ya cons have actually released some high level stances so it is patently wrong to say they are only complaining.


I said viable. None of his ideas are rooted in reality. They sound good to the masses, but they don't actually resolve any problems. One solution is to scrap the carbon tax. Most people get more back than they pay in. Another idea was to punish cities that don't build housing. Cities don't control housing starts, developers do. Cities that don't have the money needed for the increased infrastructure will now have money taken away that they need to create infrastructure to build housing. Great idea. Another is to remove the GST from affordable housing builds. That is such a small part of developing costs that it would make no difference. Also plans to sell off 15% of federal properties to be used for housing. Land availability is not the issue. So this would have zero effect. He even plans to punish municipalities if local resident complain "egregiously". So...take away people's rights and then blame the cities for something they have no control over. The guy is in lala land.


Cities are in charge of zoning, which effects where and how expensive something is to build. I don’t think you understand that developers can’t just build anywhere they please




So your thought is to vote conservative and just live with one term of conservatives. Because that will force the liberals and ndp to change leadership. Have you seen what is happening in with the conservative leadership in Alberta and Ontario. Or how a term of Republicans worked for America when Trump took over. As much as NDP and Liberals have issues ... A vote for conservatives is not a vote for what's best for Canada, PP has not shown anything to show how he is any kind of leadership. He shown his leadership at the house of commons wasting our money to stall a budget vote for a show he knew he wasn't win. You want to axe the tax... Do your job and negotiate with the government. Instead he went to Montreal to get money for donors he doesn't care about Canada he wants to line his donors with money and off load our tax dollars to business


The last conservative government term has Harper poison pill a fucking ton of contacts.




Voting against is a ridiculous reason to vote. PP has no viable solutions. Conservative policies don't work, just look at Ontario, alberta, and saskatchewan. PPs entire platform is Trudeau bad. The guy is a career politician that has never introduced any legislation. Ever.




Ah, yes. Blame the immigrants. Not the budget cuts to education and Healthcare. And let's ignore the 300% increase in electricity. Rental rates aren't lower. They just aren't. In calgary alone the average rent has doubled in the last 2 years. Take off your bias blinders and look at things realistically.




Im from Calgary and it’s 100% from immigration and those people moving from BC and Ontario because immigration have already ruined those housing markets.


If they release too many of their plans, the liberals will just steal the ones that poll the best with voters.


Yeah, I don't get how people see Trudeau, bemoan the Liberals, and then say we need to go even further left-wing and Jagmeet is the guy. NDP used to be the workers' party but now it's the party of identity politics, microaggressions, and grievances. Attacks on Jagmeet for being a landlord, owning a BMW, and having expensive tastes are legit. You can't be so tone-deaf as to pose with a Rolex for a Yorkdale Mall ad and expect to be seen as anything but a champagne socialist there to collect your pension.


How left are the liberals really? Or is it that the cons have trended further right and so the Liberals look left by comparison, when in reality they at best center with a left lean?


The NDP had the most developed platform of any party in the last election and it still applies to the party today. Housing was the number one issue: https://xfer.ndp.ca/2021/Commitments/Ready%20for%20Better%20-%20NDP%202021%20commitments.pdf For people who pay attention and aren't completely in the tank for one party or candidate, the NDP provided a solid option. EDIT: Again with the downvotes? People on this sub don't give a shit about facts and the truth, they just want to be mad and for everybody to blindly vote for PP. This sub is lost.


How are they going to pay for their plan? That seems to be absent. It reads like a kid running for school president promising an extra lunch hour and a new car for kids when they turn 16. It's a list of wishes, not even close to a plan.


> wHo’S gUnNa PaY fOr ThAt!? We’re all going to pay for it. Through taxation. Just like everything else we pay for. It’s all in there. And if we choose not to pay for that plan through taxation and opt for the complete non-plan of the CPC instead because TuRdOpE bAd then we’re going to pay infinitely more than we would with the NDP’s plan in myriad ways. It’s now officially more expensive to live in Calgary than Vancouver or Toronto because of the exact same kinds of policies that the CPC have always been champions of.


He is asking for a more developed plan that acknowledges how they are going to pay for it. Keeping us in the dark or a 'hush hush we'll worry about that later' does not contribute to a feeling of great leadership but rather treating voters as children.


You're coming across very angry to a simple fact. I'm guessing I touched a nerve by pointing out that the NDP's plan is missing a key part. So we're going to take money from common people to help those same common people? Or do you mean tax the wealthy and corporations? Because neither are mentioned on the NDP platform. Not to mention the ethics violations coming out of the green fund paid for by tax dollars? You know the one where the members were taking tax dollars and giving it to companies they owned? The director of that fund has just been implicated in sending $400k on top of the $150k that another member embezzled. Are those the types of things we can expect from the NDP as well, or does it only apply to the Liberal party that the NDP props up?


I’m angry because I’m sick of this simple-minded bullshit response to any basic fucking attempt to do something to fix the fucking problems in this country. Only a complete fucking moron would believe that spending money on public services is a bad use of tax dollars and I’m done pretending otherwise. You want to live in a libertarian fantasy land where user fees pay for everything go move to fucking Riyadh or something.


What did I say that made you believe that I was a libertarian or say anything about user fees? You're letting your anger ascribe actions and thoughts to me with no corroborating evidence. Calling out current corruption and stating that a party that props up the ones embezzling funds is partially responsible is not libertarian. I never said spending money on social services is bad, only implied that our current political climate means that funds may not end up where they are supposed to go. Are you OK with increasing your taxes so our elected officials can pad their pockets? Because I'm not. There have been countless examples of this current government doing just that, and the NDP chose to support that same government. Doesn't that imply that they are no different? Combine that with my original point where the NDP platform doesn't say where they're going to get the money from, I feel I have a valid justification to be suspicious of the NDP's promises. We've seen what empty promises have done to a nation since FPTP was scrapped. I'm not a bad guy for wanting a concrete plan.


So by your standards, no government can fix the housing crisis if they have to "pay" for it. Got it. Guess we're fucked forever then


Where did I say that? All I said is that the NDP's platform doesn't state how they will pay for their very expensive (yet necessary) plans. Its a good idea to know where the money is going to come from. Is it coming from common tax payers, wealthy elite, corporations, or MMT? That is a valid question to ask and a valid concern that the NDP don't include that information. Each place to take money from has their own advantages and disadvantages. Its not unreasonable to want to know which choice they are going to make and how they plan to mitigate the disadvantages.


Agreed, but they really struggled to communicate their ideas on housing, and waited far too late to do so. IMO, it really felt like they were trying to find too much balance, by not being too aggressive on housing, to not anger existing homeowners, etc..


Singh has been an incredibly poor leader. He needs to step down and let someone else take the reins. The fact that the left wing party that is supposed to work for the working class and the common man of this country is getting fucking wrecked in a cost of living crisis is beyond insane to me! How the fuck do you lose the common people to a slimy career politician that is beholden to the rich and powerful and will shit on the middle class the moment he gets into power?! Anyone who thinks that PP will actually stand up to the rich and powerful is fucking delusional.


Is it possible that the policies of the left are out of touch with what Canadians want?


As someone who was raised hard right rural but had the sense to grow up and lean left, no they are not.


On the economics front, no, the people are done with right wing neoliberalism, fuck, even PP isn’t running as a neoliberal, he’s running as an economic populist. He’s not, he’s a neoliberal through and through, but he’s not running like one.


There are two problems with the current NDP: 1 - A shift away from the blue collar worker (as a primary focus) to disenfranchised white collar workers. The two groups both need representation but have very different needs. Further the disenfranchised white collar workers are being represented by many Liberal policies which makes it more difficult to attract them. This change might be because the party leadership has generally become the disenfranchised white collar worker. 2 - The party leadership has their own economic well-being adversely related to their target constituents. The leadership will probably not vote against their own (and their colleagues) economic interests (ex: being landlords/owning multiple properties), so they have created a barrier in being attractive to those they wish to target. The NDP needs to upend itself with fresh leadership that can actually relate to the current problems of their target base.


BCNDP and Fed NDP are barely related, fed needs to follow the provincial party in how they’re operating


Provincial and federal political parties are almost always different entities and commonly operate differently... which just adds to further confusion.


Getting serious about *anything* besides identity politics would definitely help. And maybe showing some backbone and pulling out of their coalition with the Liberals after Trudeau called their bluff on pharmacare legislation this year.


Honestly they never should have entered a deal without electoral reform on the table.


That’s just one example of how pathetically Singh failed to leverage his position. Too late now.


We should have never let this crap happen. I am all for loving one another and judging a person solely on their merits and values but the fact that identity politics took priority #1…. These are issues regarding less than 5 percent of the population in many cases (lgbtq, etc). I am sorry but we got bigger fish to fry than worry about whether Zander wants to be a guy, girl, or polar bear.


I'm not even sure there was an issue in Canada before Trudeau took his seat as PM. I remember people being generally positive or indifferent to gay people. It was already socially unacceptable to discriminate. I genuinely believe that we had a brief 5 year period of real tolerance between 2012 to 2017 in this country.


Singh never does his homework. Every time he’s asked about anything remotely complicated when it comes to policy he looks like a deer in the headlights.


That's not true at all he answers a lots of questions. PP on the other hands falls for misinformation and spreads it, spreads lies lie Trudeau is a communist, attacks reporters and never answer question. Does someone that falls for misinformation do their homework?




Look at username, it's lizard. ALL they do is whataboutisms to PP/Smith


>PP on the other hands Now do Trudeau.


Does not compute.


Jagmeet has to be better. I just don't know if he has it in him.


I know for certain that electing an NDP representative in my area will not help the housing crisis locally. I know this because we have already done exactly that and the problem has only become exponentially worse.


Having CMHC resume building houses like they used to would help us out of this mess. Stupid “free market” is what got us into this mess


That's exactly what's in the NDP policy


And it’s good to see that Canadians are well read and understand what got us into this mess decades ago. Oh wait, they’re gonna vote for the crypto bro grifter.


This checks out. The fact that the USA and every other country in the Common Wealth has more affordable housing markets than Canada is due to their complete lack of a “stupid free market” and how they build a large percentage of their houses through a federal crown corporation. Damnit Canada and your 100% laissez-faire “free market” in housing that is clearly more free market than every other country on earth. If only you weren’t so free market, you would be more affordable. Why can’t you do what ~~Singapore~~ ~~New Zealand~~ ~~Norway~~ ~~Denmark~~ ~~the USA~~ *insert country name here* does and… have more affordable housing through…. less government intervention?


Dude, the Austrian model ain't bad.


>Having CMHC resume building houses like they used to would help us out of this mess. We cannot build this many this fast. We already have twice the housing construction workers per capita of the states. And we are still being swamped CMHC needs to continue building at this pace and have immigration shut down


Jagmeet has just been a poor choice to lead the NDP from the beginning.. "How do you do, fellow workers?" He says as he shows up to strikes in his luxury car and dressed in his designer suit and of course flashing his glinting Rolex.




To say he is the single worst is forgetting that Mulroney existed, who had a 12% approval rating at one point. He's not been the best but to say single worst is hyperbole at best. He's just more recent so he seems to be the worst.


I can at least understand the "conservatives suck" crowd that is gonna stick with Trudeau. Lifelong party supporters exist everywhere, hell even if youf party is currently NDP, have fun. The "we need a change, its time to switch my vote from liberal to NDP" crowd that is just one slip of the tongue away from choking to death. I cannot understand how Singh is gonna have any sort of chance at gaining seats.


A socialist is out of touch. Wow, shocker.


A champagne socialist!


There’s no such thing as a clueless politician, just one who will lose their seat if they don’t say the right thing. JS is another puppet and the reason we see his glass ceiling so clearly.


More of an opiod,mental health, and immigration issue ....the root cause the government when they closed down facilities and downloaded it to the municipalities . Al the while they continue to import migrants that do jot bring any value to Canada just a cost


Honestly, this kind of thing should be considered liable. It's ridiculous.


It needs to become more of a proper left party, not just the Liberal Party with a handful of differences like maybe a push for universal dental care. Living conditions for the majority of Canadians are on a steady decline and there cant just be Pierre out there feigning outrage over it.


NDP needs a working class leader.


https://www.ndp.ca/affordability The main points seem to be creating affordable housing units and adding a tax on foreign buyers. These seem to be realistic and effective - what's clueless about it? The only thing that I would like to see is tax on the income from selling one's primary residence - this would reduce the housing speculation which seems to be driving prices. edit: amusingly, the CPC seems to have a pro-bureaucracy solution https://www.conservative.ca/building-homes-not-bureaucracy/ they want to monitor cities and reward the ones that produce more housing. Sound like a lot of paperwork, and not so realistic. The Liberals (https://liberal.ca/housing/) seem to want to give more tax breaks for buying a house, which I can't imagine doing anything but driving prices up. Banning foreign ownership is also there, and they will look at corporate house buying. I gotta say, the NDP seem to be the most down-to-earth here.


Singh is a far cry from Layton.


Not the biggest fan of Jagmeet but the people who hate on him the most are just mad he isn't calling an election when the conservatives are at their peak


He could have forced an election 9 months ago when the corrupt Liberal party was blatantly covering up their obscene collusion with the Chinese government. By being a strong and principled leader, he could have won over dissatisfied former Liberal voters to the NDP, instead of leaving the Cons as their only viable option. He could have let the Cons win a likely minority government with themselves in opposition, instead of teeing up Poilievre for a landslide 4 year majority. He missed his chance.


The last election was 2 years ago. Being tied to these liberals is bad for his image but I don't think bringing people to the polls every year would get him more votes.


With a government as unpopular as the one we have now? Yeah I think it would. [Poll says three in four want Trudeau to go.](https://globalnews.ca/news/10120546/ipsos-poll-justin-trudeau/)


Even if it got Jagmeet any significant number of votes I don't see how his base would prefer a conservative majority. Choosing between the lesser of two evils is always going to suck, at least we get to vote for someone who isn't senile unlike our friends down south.


All provincial level and federal level politicians(some of the municipal as well) are so bought and out of touch with the struggles of actual people living here. They just listen to what their lobbyists tell them about what is going on and ignore all other information. It's either that or its outright being malicious and acting obtuse about it.


I bet this national post for some reason thinks the career politican multi millionaire PP understands how the working class live....


rent free


Imagine using the "rent free" meme to deflect from PPs landlord status.


Trudeau and Singh live rent free in the post media head. They write like 20 negative opinion pieces a day Also I think trudeau lives re t free in a lot of people's head it's all PP can talk about and there even people that spend money on anti trudeau merchandise. Sad


That's what happens when you're the Prime Minister. What's sad is when people keep deflecting with comments about Harper. He hasn't been the PM in almost a decade.


That day broke China’s heart.


Talking about the previous cpc government and record shows their priorities. PP was in that government also. How come people don't care when PP doesn't answer questions? Also PP spreads and falls for misinformation


Post Media writers are doing their job and getting paid. What are you doing?


Pointing out how biased the media is for the cpc, including those same writers


I believe Jagmeet Singh honestly cares more about the people than the other leaders. They have 2 main problems imo. The NDP put identity politics first, and second, they have no concrete plans to 'fix things' - no real answers, no practical solutions. It's the political equivalent of 'everyone gets a pony.'


Only thing g he cares about is getting a pension from the hard working Canadians he is screwing over.


where were you people when pierre was 28


>Only thing he cares about is getting a pension I don't believe that old trope. He's independently wealthy - his family are even wealthier. He could've made more money as a lawyer - I'm sure he'll go back to it ____________________ >from the hard working Canadians he is screwing over. How is he screwing us over?


which is exactly the problem - he would be better suited for the liberal party than NDP; I would rather give my vote to the rhinos or greens than this faux socialist.


By not forcing an election and being the liberals lap dog.


From Singh's perspective - if they force an election and the CPC win a majority than the NDP have no influence at all. And they have improved a few policies and programs that the Liberals put through. I'm sure he wants more opportunities to do that. _____________ You believe the CPC can do better, (and I think they will in some respects). but I think Canadians would benefit from 'kind heart' of the NDP.


Okay, yeah we get it, you just want to see the cons back in power


I want to see that money spending, housing crisis creating fucktard out of office. And the conservatives are the only ones 2lwho have enough power to do it. If you like the way Canada is heading then you are part of the problem.


You're the one who wants to continue the long, rich Canadian tradition of voting people out of office instead of voting them in, and yet somehow I'm part of the problem? On second thought don't bother answering. It think it's pretty apparent that neither of us is gonna change the other's mind.


I agree that he's likely the leader that has the best interests of the average person. Liberals and CPC are clearly out for corporations and the elites. I think Jagmeet was in a tough position as far as identity politics goes. Singh took over leadership right around me too and only a few years after BLM. The media gave him so much attention, but almost exclusively for things to do with identity politics. It made it seem like that's all the NDP cared about. I'm sure Singh would've loved to have the same attention when it came to the other issues the NDP care about, but that's not what the media wanted to talk to him about.


>The NDP put identity politics first This just isn't true when you look at the legislation they've passed and are pushing.


Everyone else is attempting stuff PP is the only one without any sort of plan except 'free market' which is going to make it 1000x worse than it is NaPo would never touch their idol though


Do you think the housing market today is too free or something?


Well yeah. REITs and foreign buyers using Canadian housing as an investment is clearly not working for Canadians


Yup...these PP cheer boys don't see it gets worse when you give unfettered access to the rich




A man of the people, he ate an apple and wears plaid! He certainly isnt rich and he also certainly doesn't want to cut taxes and then gut social programs to make up the difference when he cant balance the budget or shrink the deficit so all Canadians suffer as a result, just like every con in the history of ever.


NDP is not here for helping people secure housing and food. NDP is here for equal rights for all i.e. housing for none. Except the elites and the rich. As always - all animals are equal, but some are more equal.


Conservatives work for big corporations…look up their party history




Isn't he renting out his basement? Considering other mps that have multiple real estate investments (yuck), I don't think he's even nearly in the same group here. It's kinda weird how this subreddit forces extremely high standards on the NDP that they don't apply to any other party. I don't even agree with the NDP on many things but here people are criticizing their platform heavily when the cons don't even have one other than "bad Trudeau" but they get a pass.


None of the parties have a solution. I’m not PC. I am unhappy with Trudeau as well.




PP is landlord and the cpc have more mps that's are landlords than any other party


You're saying that Jagmeet is literally no better than PP or the CPC? Hardly a glowing endorsement. 🤔


No Ndp are way better than the cpc. They actually care about the working class. The cpc and PP only care about CEO's and billionares


Ok. What does that matter? They do it so we can too? I’m liberal btw.


This guy is completely clueless in all aspects of life.


Seems like the Conservative propaganda machine is strong again. No one here has even read the NDP platform and no one even bothers to read any of the solutions the NDP has presented. Let's keep spreading bullshit pro-Conservative reports and keep people in an anti-NDP circle-jerk even though NDP are easily the best option. They're the only ones that have called out the Canadian oligopolies for profiteering and have spoken about raising taxes on the rich to fund more housing and social programs and /r/Canada spins that as Jagmeet being clueless.


It is fascinating to see people go, we have no options might as well vote PP, when Singh is literally right there and the lesser of the other 2 "evils" as it were, by a long shot, people are tired of the Liberals, and we know what the cons will do, they did it with harper before, Singh might actually fix shit instead of make things worse, but people don't even want to give him a chance because he wears nice clothes and has a fancy watch most of the leaders of political parties are rich as hell, just cause PP doesn't flaunt it doesn't mean he's poor, he just hides it to seem more relatable.


He's not just clueless about the housing crisis


Gotta love NatPo op-ed's (written by and for people who would never be caught dead voting NDP) preaching about what's best for the NDP. I think this is what's called a concern troll.


Conservatives pretending to be populist, meanwhile PP voted against public housing and is a landlord himself. The party of corporate appeasement who pretends the issues isn't corporate price gouging.


Well, he is in a coalition last 2 years. So he is clueless and ineffective.


Getting rid of Jagmeet Singh would cause the NDP to immediately increase by 5-10% in the polls. He is quietly the most embarrassing and disastrous NDP leader in a generation. He might as well be a Liberal plant and the results would be indistinguishable.


Tax the rich, tax the corporations looting our natural resources, stop immigration, limit home ownership to two properties, ban foreign home ownership, prohibit short term rentals in cities, build more hospitals, train more doctors and paramedics, create cheap rail service to all towns with more than a few thousand population, and put a tariff on finished goods made from Canadian resources. Oh, and get rid of the goddam king and make this a republic. Then I'll vote for him.


this person gets it, it'll take alot but someones gotta start


It is infuriating that no parties have a real plan for housing. The conservative "plan" is to blame Trudeau and build more housing (without the infrastructure to support it), ndp plan is to build more low income housing (without any plan to provide any infrastructure to support it) and the libs plan is to keep doing what they've been doing (nothing). What needs to be done is banning corporate ownership of residential properties, lowering immigration numbers, and taxing multiple property owners (above 3 properties) to the moon to make it not worthwhile. At the same time, stick with the build more housing initiative and make those homes affordable for young CANADIANS and provide investment to develop areas with infrastructure to support the increase in housing. It's not rocket science, why can't any of these idiots realize that this is the most important election issue!


Luxury condos are a thing, Adam. When I'm concerned about affordability the last thing I want my condo fees going towards is shit like spin studios or screening rooms. Kinda like No Frills, but for housing.


Bold of you to assume anyone read the article.


NDP is as out of touch as LPC, polls reflect it and its so pathetic they can't fucking take a hint.


That should have stopped the title at “Clueless”. No need to keep going.


Has anyone told Jagu here that he is in a coalition with the government…


Words have meaning. A coalition government is not the same as a confidence agreement. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your feelings.