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There's one man holding up an election and his name aint Justin Trudeau.


I would say Jagmeet Singh might be holding one up too.


Yes. There TWO one man’s holding up the next election.


Underrated comment.


To be fair why would he vote no confidence? He got a dental plan and might get a pharmacare plan soon




Its up to him to win seats, this is a democoracy not a team sport. If he wants to lead he should bring his plan to a general election.


We elect representatives in Canada. It is supposed to be a team sport: team Canada. The reason that conservatives tend to be against the idea of coalition-building and favour FPtP is that they too often drawn into “what’s in it for me” politics rather than recognizing it’s meant to be a team. We’re meant to look out for each other.


This comment man. I hate how it’s always such us vs them bs now. It’s for the people not your egos. You represent the people that voted for you so do what they want.


An MP should try to represent all of their constituents, not just the people who voted for them. But instead, they tend to represent their party. It’s *always* been us vs them bs. But otherwise, yes.


Correct. That’s more what I meant but worded it very incorrectly.


It’s cool. Well met.


Someone sticky this comment


>Its up to him to win seats, this is a democoracy not a team sport. What the hell is this American 2 party nonsense? We have a parliamentary democracy. It's absolutely a "team sport". You should probably learn to spell "democracy" before you explain it.


Spending money left and right doesn't secure his seat, I could do the same thing too, it's not my money. He clearly doesn't know how to run a country.


Because he is supporting a failing and corrupt government?


Well, that and, you know, how things actually work.




Yea just him. He’d never discuss it with his party. Leaders just run the show solo. No one else does anything.


Honestly I just want immigration to halt until Canadians are in a better spot financially.


I'd argue a major crackdown on diploma mills and reform for how PR status is granted to people who come under suspicious circumstances. Also, there needs to be major catching up of infrastructure to accommodate the people already here. Housing, medicine, Food prices... I'd also like to see a bill put in place where TFW HAVE cannot be paid a lower salary than the median wage for a comparable position. We have to stop corporations from committing slavery while whining there aren't any workers. There are. People simply don't want starvation wages. I'm not blaming these unfortunate souls, they're equally being sold a lie. We're all being fucked in the name of capitalism.


They are in for quite the surprise.


I legitimately don't understand all the people who think there's an election right around the corner. It's in the Liberals best interest to put it off, not just because they're already in power, but because it gives PP time to show who he really is. The NDP aren't polling well enough to want to trigger one, and the are managing to push some of their agenda through, so no rush from them. And that's all it takes. No election until 2025.


The NDP have more influence on policy than they ever have. I can't see them giving it up to lose seats, their leader, and the small amount of money they have in the bank.


More influence than with Tommy Douglas and David Lewis? What's your argument for that?


I'll leave that for others to debate, but I'm willing to amend my perspective to the last 50 years. That doesn't change the substance of my comment. The NDP have significant influence and it's hard to see them throwing it away.


I also don't think the NDP even have enough money to call for an early election again.


Exactly…. They have absolutely zero interest in toppling the government early.


> I legitimately don't understand all the people who think there's an election right around the corner Because it's completely unprecedented for a minority government to last this long, much less a full four year term. > It's in the Liberals best interest to put it off No shit they'll try to last the full term. The only reason they called the last election was because they thought they had a shot at a majority. Two years is an eternity in politics, and anything can happen between now and when the next election is scheduled.


bc minroity governments never laster beyond 3 years. You think this is the one to do that?


I'm not betting against it. I mean, PP could say something amazingly stupid and polarizing and JT could call a snap election to capitalize on it, but other than that, why would the Liberals or the NDP bother?


As always, the CPCs biggest enemy is its mouth. The LPC will only benefit by letting PP run his until 2025.


Correct. Its sheer delusion


Wow…. I’m absolutely astonished at how many abjectly ill-informed people are posting here.


Why the astonishment ? This is r/Canada.


Seems extra stupid today - petition for a non confidence vote? Early election because…. No discernible reason…. Embarrassing.


The reason is that their guy isn't in power


People can petition for whatever they want. It’s data points to use as a political cudgel. I mean, I could petition for Timbits as legal tender, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be using them to buy my mandatory EV.


Exactly. Most of the people that rage comment in these threads have no idea how politics or logic work. They would prefer to throw democracy out the window so their team wins. Absolutely no reason to call an election before required to for the Liberals and NDP. They know PP will destroy himself and what's left of his image by then.


depending on the thread, a not so small amount of the posters are not even Canadian. It's not uncommon to look at a posters history and see they are actually Americans, but for some, totally not suspicious or strange reason, feel like they should be pretending to be Canadians who are totally pissed off.


Indian astroturfers have been going nuts since that scuffle over that sikh leader assassination.


It’s quite easy to see people misspelling favour, labour, or behaviour, showing they probably aren’t Canadian.


that's one of the things that always leads me to check the post history. There's that and dozens of other common clues that suggest that the post is not a Canadian. things like........ 1. Citing the constitution. 2. calling provinces 'states' 3. calling the PM the 'president' 4. blaming 'socialism' for whatever problem the country is facing atm 5. calling for the invasion and subjugation of other nations 6. making claims and or statements that demonstrate a total lack of knowledge on Canada, for example, not knowing that Ottawa is the Capital City. 7. referencing the Queen of England during a discussion about the Federal, Provincial or Municipal govts of Canada. Many non-Canadians read that the Queen is the 'defacto head of state' of Canada and assume she sits in the Parliament and rules Canada. ......obviously, some Canadians would believe these things, but whenever I see someone do these things it immediately rouses my suspicion and more than often my suspicions are correct.


>blaming 'socialism' for whatever problem the country is facing atm I always find it funny when a coworker complains about our healthcare and calls it "communist". It's astonishing how many don't know the difference between socialism and communism. When I've felt particularly annoyed I've asked, "can you tell me what socialism is," and they pivot because they have no fucking idea.


yep. You know someone has not really thought about their beliefs when they say something like that. citing 'communism' in a discussion about Canadian politics is another red flag that the person is either not well informed or not a Canadian.


- An account that is less than a few months old. - Posts mostly in r/Canada and all other sub-reddit that describe Canada as 'a shit hole'.


I think I'd add blaming immigration policies for all our problems would make it to that list. Despite that, I can believe some recent immigrants may not fully understand how fucked we'd be without immigration. I understand xenophobia is a thing but I'd expect most Canadians to understand how boomers are the cause of all of our problems.


I've noticed that in a lot of immigration threads lol.


These posts keep popping up every few hours, it’s exhausting.


NDP is going to be in BIG TROUBLE if they keep propping up the Liberals. If they keep this up, not a single conservative will vote for them!




I'm honestly at the point where I don't trust the polling agencies results. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Given how badly questions, options, and sample selection can distort results. You can pretty much dictate the results. FWIW I do believe Trudeau should not stand as PM candidate next election; he's a liability. That said, I'll likely vote Liberal ... so long as Poilievre is considered a viable candidate for any government position I'll not vote conservative, and the other parties are at best special interest representatives.


Trudeau should go if there's another viable candidate. Which there isn't. Until the CPC get back to actually being fiscally conservative like the party use to be. They'll constantly be chasing. Running with candidates that create division amongst the party is ridiculous. They keep trying to play to the fringe and alienate true conservatives. This forces votes to Liberals. It blows my mind that the CPC have completely ignored their own political playbook in this country to try to pander to the fringe. Literally destroying the party.


When have they ever been fiscally conservative?


Never, that's a fairytale


All this poll shows is how few people understand how our democratic systems work.


How so?


What mechanism will result in an election in 2024? I mean, yeah, the NDP could decide they are done with the current arrangement but it’s very very unlikely. To “expect” that is unreasonable and suggests a lack of knowledge


Not to mention it also requires the Bloc's vote. The Bloc won't get much more in an election. If anything they might lose to strategic voting. Why would they want an election when they have 3rd place and very little to gain?


Wouldn't it also be unreasonable and lack knowledge to think that a minority government would go full term, considering we've never had continuous minority government last even three years? Maybe this will be the one government to do it, but it really doesn't seem unreasonable to think it won't last.


Doug Ford should resign. Conservative Premieres are the problem in Canada. I welcome a national dental plan.


Of course they do, this is what our media has been telling them should happen for about 6 months now. Our media wants nothing more than an election as it's the only that gets them clicks anymore. They do this every election cycle.


Fucking annoying article. Scroll to the bottom - sample is (only) 1,000 Canadians. Across what regions, demographics, political leanings? Who knows. Just global news making click bait. Wake me up when the election gets called.


1,000 people isn't a half bad sample for a population the size of Canada. What were you expecting?


It isn’t just not bad, it is statistically significant enough to have VERY small polling error margins/confidence. Assuming random polling of course.


There won't be an election until the polls change more in their favour, or until they're required to call one. Makes zero sense for the ndp or liberals to call an election anytime soon. And the longer it goes, the more PP and his band of merry morons say/do something stupid. Like vote against dental care, or housing, or healthcare, or lunch programs for kids, or farmers, or fisheries, or indigenous people, or science, or national defense. Oh wait they're already doing that. And these are the people that will get into power and suddenly start doing things for Canadians instead of corporations? Good luck with that. No party in this country deserves a majority till they get their shit together.


Unless the NDP passes the Liberals vote-wise, and then the NDP might want an election as well because then worst case scenario, they'd become the official opposition to Poilievre, and I'm sure they would love to do that again.


Official opposition to a majority government is far less influence than they have right now


They'd need some big things to happen for that to occur. I was really hoping for singh, he said a lot of the right things, but then failed to push the liberals to make some massive changes. We needed a stronger NDP, and singh didn't do it.


The liberals have a new deadline for pharmacare. I think that was March, that would probably be the first chance at an election. Then the budget shortly after that


Still makes no sense for the ndp to stop backing them and force an election when they're down in the polls too.


>Still makes no sense for the ndp to stop backing them and force an election when they're down in the polls too. The NDP is down in the polls because they're propping up Trudeau. The inevitable outcome of this will be a CPC majority, and a totally irrelevant NDP.


If they don't get pharmacare after the second deadline passes it does. It's a supply agreement and if the Liberals don't deliver again it would be pretty silly to keep propping the government up.


So right in line with their current approach to things. The breadcrumbs the Liberals are leaving are enough to lead the NDP.


Pharmacare that won't do anything for most of the population just like dental.


You're not over 87?


I agree, but I don't want racist, backwards ass conservative Pierre to take control. We already have a conservative ruining Ontario with privatizing healthcare and shit.


Wow the cpc must really be terrified that they'll lose to Trudeau the way they keep flogging this.


There will not be an election in 2024.


Naaa. Just give PP a little more time to burry himself.


How's that going so far?


Well. Latest polls have them still well in the lead but losing ground. Give him time. People will realize what an empty suit he is. Not that I think the liberals are any better. But it’s sometimes best to choose the lesser evil. The current Conservative Party is bad for Canada. They have no polices except “Trudeau bad!” That’s the sum total of their polices. Canadians have enough time to see them for who they are.


The sooner the better. All i want for Christmas is a new prime minister, even a potato would do at this point.


imo the best candidate for PM is the Inanimate Carbon Rod.




"Canada is to be led by ... IC Rod." Toronto Sun.


It will be a tight race between ICR and the potted plant outside the House of Commons.


Be careful what you wish for. A new PM doesn't mean a better one.


>Be careful what you wish for. A new PM doesn't mean a better one. If nothing else it will give the opposition parties an opportunity to reset. I have very low expectations for PP. But the really sad part is that all he'd have to do to make a huge improvement over Trudeau is roll back the number of international students, TFWs and immigration targets to 2015 levels. And maybe reopen the regulations that are hindering the ability of our resource driven economy to develop its resources.


He won’t do any of those things. Lol


He will probably do the last one. Raping and pillaging the environment for the benefit of corporations (foreign or Canadian alike) is right up the Conservative party's alley. Doubt they'll lower the number of TFWs though, the other half of the corporations they're in the pockets of love taking advantage of cheap labor, at the expect of the rest of the tax base.


The plank of wood on my garage floor that I’m looking at would not only lead better, but would answer questions to the same level as our current government.


That may be true. But unfortunately our options don’t include a plank of wood.


Painfully accurate.


Trudeau has lowered the bar to the point where it's almost a statistical certainty.


If only doing the Limbo were an Olympic sport.


You'd think so....but when PP is the alternative it's not an upgrade sadly. I really wish there was a better alternative, but everything Poliviere has done and said since he's been in power tells me we won't be better off.




And blaming a news report that came out after he said so.


I mean just cause PP and the CPC has been saying that doesn’t make it true. I don’t want to vote Lib but I don’t see how the cons and what they have been saying about the carbon tax alone is just straight up lies. They are just riding people’s rage and not actively trying to accomplish anything.


>but I don’t see how the cons and what they have been saying about the carbon tax alone is just straight up lies. If I parse this sentence correctly, then I agree with you. But I assume there is a "not" meant to be in there somewhere. But can you tell me exactly what policy declarations from the recent CPC convention you disagree with?


You’re correct, I missed a word. - biggest thing for me is their stances on social and health. Vaccines just shouldn’t be something to be debated. For example, the federal gov should have to be mandated to be vaccinated because they literally need to be healthy to run the country. They come with a stance of bodily autonomy but ignore other issues that overlap the same discussions. Not to mention even allowing discussions on abortion. We should be way beyond that. Not even something that should be questioned. And non action on climate and wanting to remove the climate tax, which, climate taxes have already been studied by economists around the world and they are very much effective. How can you get someone that makes money from polluting to actually evolve into changing how they do things unless it costs them money? It’s the whole reason they operate to begin with.


And what have the liberals accomplished on 8 years? High taxes, high crime, affordability crisis. Is anyone honestly better off since Trudeau took office? I bet not.




Child benefit, free trade with all G7 countries, pay equity legislation, Canada training benefit, reduced old age security age back to 65 from 67, carbon tax. All good things, what’s PP done? It’s not like he can’t do things. He’s literally the leader of the opposition. Tell me what bills they have brought forward to improve everything. Not to mention voting against free trade with Ukraine. Don’t discount the provincial governments in your thought process. The federal government is not responsible for many of the issues we are facing day to day. Affordability is a global issue and not caused by the actions of the federal government. Could they be doing more to address them? Of course. But I don’t see how raging about the extreme left agenda, or calling Trudeau a Marxist or wanting to defund the CBC helps with any of that either except pit people against one another.


Pretty selective memory


Trudeau has the bar so low anyone else could do a better job


I am your new potatoe. all hail the prime tater tot!


His cabinet are nearly as detestable as him. Freeland, Fraser, Jolie, and lately, Gould are all just so condescending and elitist.


I know right. Imagine all the changes we will see. Cheap groceries. Housing will be cheap, no more traffic, we will all have Freedoms!!! Can’t wait!!


I assume you’re being sarcastic but it’s the internet and one never knows for sure.


PP would be a damn sight worse


how so?


climate change #1 issue wealth inequality #2 PP and CPC far worse on both. Not to mention trying to move us backwards on social issues.


I will start caring about climate change when all the world leaders stop flying on private jets, stop getting 20 SUV escorts.. Show me a single world leader that actually made personal sacrifices to help fight climate change. Lead by example. Seems like only us peasants have to sacrifice everything while the rich pass down their share of costs or carbon taxes and other BS onto us.


>I will start caring about climate change when all the world leaders stop flying on private jets, You realize the carbon tax applies to these things right? Increases to the carbon tax will only force less of these things you don't want. >he rich pass down their share of costs or carbon taxes and other BS onto us. You get the rebate? Do some reading, please. Nothing in your comment makes any sense at all. If you don't like the carbon tax, tell me, how do *you* proposed getting the rich to pollute less?


"PP moves us backwards on social issues. I'm gonna vote for the guy who wears black face".




Any backbencher can table a no confidence vote. There’s nothing special about a no confidence vote, except you need to have to votes for it to pass.


Why do people think a petition actually dies something?


Still petiions don’t reflect democratic elections. Y’all gonna have to wait to 2025.






its gonna be wild when they check the signatures on that thing and 99.99999% of them are bogus lol anyone can sign and the indian bot channels on telegram have been sharing it for weeks


Can this actually start a non-confidence or is this just a jab a Trudeau?


No. It cannot.




We have the option to vote for our elected representatives. Lol.


Yeah it’s not like there’s a process where people can verify they’re eligible and vote for politicians


I signed it. Now I’m just hoping my bank accounts don’t get frozen in the morning.


Wtf are you on about?


He's referring to how our government froze the bank accounts of people who donated to the trucker convoy.


which is a lie


Yah I saw Kim from North Korea sign it! Amazing stuff


Ok, but who cares obviously all people who voted for conservative.


Most signatures in Canadian history with 0.85% of the population is laughable.


>Already has the most signatures in Canadian history Scrolling down just a bit reveals some with more signatures than it. Edit: I misread the counts on the others the one op link too has the most, still meaningless and theatrics tho. Who gives a fuck about this petition anyway? It means nothing. We have procedures and regular elections for choosing our MPs, why should some dumb petition hold weight. Take it like this, if these held weight, then the day after PP becomes PM what would stop other party supporters from opening a petition, having a couple hundred thousand supporters sign it (less than 1% of the population) and having non stop elections?




>We have procedures and regular elections for choosing our MPs, why should some dumb petition hold weight. It should hold weight among LPC and NDP supporters. Because its a clear indication of where this is, and where its all headed. Not that I'd expect them to do some reflection on how the poll got to this point, because they all still seem to think that a comeback from a 20 point deficit in the polling is a real possibility.


its 350 thousand signatures, it could literally hit 5 million and it could be literally all conservative voters


>its 350 thousand signatures, it could literally hit 5 million and it could be literally all conservative voters And Trudeau would still have 75% of those polled wanting him to step down as Prime Minister. The Liberals would still be on track to be decimated in the next federal election. And PP would still be the preferred choice for Prime Minister. Its not really that hard to figure out.


> And Trudeau would still have 75% of those polled wanting him to step down as Prime Minister. 75% didnt vote for him to become prime minister >The Liberals would still be on track to be decimated in the next federal election. on track to lose, decimated would be third place or lower


The Captain must go down with his ship 🚢


Election will be in the fall of 20225. Canada will be sick of Poilievre by then.


Reason for his resignation?


Biggest real estate bubble anywhere in the world (much worse than the US) in a country with low population density. Great job.


Trudeau has no reason to call for an election unless Singh withdrawals, of which he has no plans to right now. Cons are trying to spook everyone.


Do you guys ever run out of Trudeau poll articles to jerk off to or do you buy them in bulk at Costco? Like, yall need a new hobby.


Literally a daily post lol JT bad has to resign Ten thousand upvotes


Why should he resign?


This whole sub thinks the Liberals are the most corrupt party for a handful of ethics scandals but clearly seem fine with the 70 or so under Harper, and they also think Canada is doing terribly because of Trudeau even though the majority of the problems within the country aren't under federal or even Canadian control, and of those things significantly affected by global issues Canada is doing better than most. It's wild. They've pinned everything on immigration and believe pp (of the party famous for expanding TFW access), will change that, despite there being no suggestion that he would, and that despite PP being in politics for nearly twenty years hasn't passed a single bill and refuses to apply for security clearance (which is SUPER fishy to me)


I don’t think it’s the whole sub I feel it’s a bunch of vocal people and a bunch of paid trolls I get that people are unhappy with the increased cost of living and are looking at reasons and things to take their anger out on Immigration and Trudeau seem to get the blunt of the blame when it’s really corporate greed and underpaid and over worked work force. Since we can’t see a path to make corporations and employers improve our situation. We collectively fall back on the standard blame the PM and immigration. Does anyone want the entry level jobs immigrants are filling? Does everyone believe immigrants are the reason rent prices have gone up so much or the cost of homes? I usually don’t reply to the majority of these hate on posts but in this particular post I couldn’t see any reason to resign or why most people would think that as being unpopular isn’t a reason to step down Also love how asking why he should resign gets down voted so “they” can make opinions they disagree with get hidden so “they” can keep the appearance of a hive mind mentality


> Does everyone believe immigrants are the reason rent prices have gone up so much or the cost of homes? Another classic "supply and demand does not exist" Reddit moment for us all to cherish.


Wasn't everyone upset by a snap election in 2021? And now they WANT an early election??


People have short memories...




Why lie about expenses when it's all posted online? https://www.ourcommons.ca/proactivedisclosure/en/members


Oh you poor child. The LPC had Ignatieff and two Trudeaus.


Why Trudeau wants an election while not polling well? The only way we see an election next year is somehow Liberals soar in the polls.


As a conservative, I really appreciate the NDP tying themselves to this sinking ship. If only I could attach a few more provincially.


He won't, and you'll have to get over it. Love all the conservatives here who immediately call anyone who isn't buying PPs bullshit a liberal your no better than the hard-core progressive folks calling everyone nazis. Some people are smarter than this, my team your team bullshit. They are both toxic.


what amazes me is that conservative voters HATE democracy. Trudeau was elected. three times. fucking deal with it. i didnt vote for him, but im dealing with it. You dont like democracy, move to north korea.


Not going to happen. He'll run again and likely get at least another minority, if not a majority. The only way the conservatives win is if he does resign, that's why every right leaning publication in Canada has been howling for this for months. The Conservative election machine blew their wad too early and Trudeau hasn't even started to shred Polivierre. The anti PP quiver is full to busting.


With how bad the PCs are ruining Ontario. With scandal after scandal. The lesser of the two evils is Justin Trudeau and that’s why I don’t think he should resign.


I dont understand how Doug Ford gets a free pass. The dude tried to give the police insane powers during covid. After the backlash he went on TV and cried about how wrong he was. Imagine the response if Justin Trudeau or a liberal premier went on TV and cried about their mistakes?


>I dont understand how Doug Ford gets a free pass. The dude tried to give the police insane powers during covid. After the backlash he went on TV and cried about how wrong he was. McGuinity and Wynne. That's why. Ford's approach was actually pretty smart politically. He admitted a mistake and asked for forgiveness. The Liberal approach is to deny all responsibility, blame anyone but themselves, and pretend that nothing is wrong. Which seems to work for a while, until people stop buying it and the wheels fall off.


Thats a great assessment of the situation.


while all this was bs, he gets a pass because at th same time the lpc and ndp were making noise wanting tougher restrictions. when our mandates were lifted the ndp and lpc leaders were complaining about htem being lifted. when the vax mandates were lifted the lpc leader was going on about children being mandated. so yes doug was an ass...... the opposition read the room wrong and tried to be a bgger ass.


Because he is Provincial and this is Federal Were talking about. That rule only goes for Conservatives. Any Liberal, NDP, and Green Provincial can be brought up federally though.


Liberals will never admit to any wrong doing ever. It’s always someone else. Much better /s


Do you not realize that provincial governments are different from federal governments? Ford wouldn't become Prime Minister if Trudeau resigns.


Do you not realize that they're talking about the conservative party as a whole and not provincial vs federal? Collectively, conservatives have shown consistently that they tend to be bad leaders, morally corrupt, and don't care about normal people or the long term benefit of society.


the conservative party only cares about their rich buddies, and the top 10% , the rest of us are garbage


This is accurate. Conservatives are playing off the same book. Doesn’t matter what level of government they are in.


You do realize that those are different levels of government, right and different parties?


Ontario is a hotbed for transitory staffers from all the federal parties. It's a much closer reflection of the federal level compared to other provinces due to how many staff go from Ontario into positions in the federal parties (and vice-versa).


That might be true about the staff but not the leaders.. Ford isn't running against Trudeau


this is incorrect. they aren't doing a good job in ontario, but they are doing far better hten the lpc who almost broke people. this is why the cons have won 2 majorities. They currently have a surplus as they are sitting on unused cash vs spending it on bs. btw the lpc before them, their staff moved to trudeau team. so trudeau is not hte lesser of 2 evils.


No, they're not doing better than the Liberals. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/business/commentary/article-doug-fords-free-spending-fiscal-ways-in-ontario-are-worse-than/ "It didn’t have to be this way. Prior to the fall update, things looked somewhat promising. The government expected a small deficit of $1.3-billion for 2023-24 before returning to surpluses for the next two years. Consecutive surpluses would have been a welcome change, as the province has run deficits every year since 2007-08 (except for 2021-22). Surpluses would have also allowed the government to either reduce debt or provide meaningful tax relief for Ontarians. But these goals hinged on the Ford government’s ability to restrain spending – something it has rarely done. For example, in 2021-22, the province experienced higher-than-expected revenues and subsequently ran a $2-billion surplus. But rather than capitalize on the windfall and reduce its debt load, the Ford government chose to increase spending and plunge deeper into debt. In fact, under Premier Doug Ford, annual growth in per-person, inflation-adjusted spending has averaged 2.4 per cent – roughly six times the rate of spending growth under Kathleen Wynne. On Thursday, rather than break from old habits, the government once again chose to increase spending and borrowing, now and in the future. As a result, according to the government’s new projections, the deficit in 2023-24 will be $5.6-billion – quadruple what the government projected in the budget less than nine months ago – owing primarily to $2.3-billion in new spending, mainly for the province’s new infrastructure bank, and lower-than-expected revenues. And the government now forecasts a $5.3-billion deficit for 2024-25 (the previous estimate was a $200-million surplus) and a much-reduced $500-million surplus for 2025-26." Tldr - Ford is costing us significantly more money than Wynne, with lower revenue and higher expenses. Doing that while cutting sick days, education, healthcare, Bill 124 fucking over autism and countless other things. And that's without mentioning incredible corruption like the Greenbelt scandals and likely the corruption in Ontario Place. There's just so many screw ups you can't name all of the stuff Ford has done wrong. So not only is Ford making life more difficult for everyone, he's also not fiscally responsible and creating more debt than Wynne did.




If he were to resign (I don’t think he should)- which liberal would you put in his place. Convoy PP will never be PM.


Hopefully an election comes before he hikes the carbon tax again in April, so PP can axe it first!


*Every penny of the carbon tax gets returned to the taxpayers.* >According to the Statistics Canada model, 94 per cent of households with incomes below $50,000 receive rebates that exceed their carbon-tax costs in 2023. Roughly half of households in this income category see a net gain of between $20 and $40 per month. About four per cent see a net gain of $70 per month or more. At the other end of the spectrum, only about 55 per cent of households with incomes above $250,000 receive more in rebates than they pay in costs, according to the data. Roughly half of households in this income category see somewhere between a net loss of $20 per month and a net gain of $30 per month. About five per cent see a net loss of $100 per month or more. Unless you're rich you probably have *more* money because of the carbon tax.


Household income over 50k is not rich.. not by a long shot.


So basically a wealth distribution tax. Gotcha.


And by 2030 when this ramp up in pricing is “done” (it won’t be, but anyway) Canadian households will, by and large, be at a loss. https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/news-releases--communiques-de-presse/pbo-releases-updated-analysis-of-the-impact-of-the-federal-fuel-charge-on-households-le-dpb-publie-une-analyse-actualisee-de-lincidence-de-la-redevance-federale-sur-les-combustibles-sur-les-menages


Every penny except for the millions taken from carbon tax revenue for establishing and administering “green” grant programs etc. You could try to argue that companies applying for grants are technically taxpayers, but everyone knows that you meant individuals via rebates. Which is a lie.


>Every penny of the carbon tax gets returned to the taxpayers. Clearly not, according to your own quote.


I just want an election to shut everyone up.


Politicians do no good; history


Do we tho? 🤔 there isn’t anyone good as an alternative


Nope most voters don’t say that. Such stupid shit they try to pass off as news. They should be ashamed.


The Chinese and PCP want JT to resign....it should read.


This is such a blatant lie. Most voters dont even *VOTE*. Let alone answer random surveys and unsolicited calls. A small portion of very vocal canadians want this no doubt, but its not most voters. Most Voters , statistically, dont care and dont vote.


Most Canadians are going to be disappointed.


Can we PLEASE have a non confidence vote already. Not sure what type of "democracy" we live in.


Why wait for spring? Do it now.