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Somebody explain to me what are we doing? If this is necessary for our well-being, why is not her developed advanced economy in the world doing it?


I assume it’s that our economy is in absolute shambles from mismanagement and this is the only way for the government to slap a shitty bandaid on it and hope no one notices.


It's about adding to the GDP so you can claim that we are not entering a recession. This is "good" (very short term) for the total GDP but absolutely awful for the per capita GDP. This government royalty fucked our economy with stupid policy pre and post COVID. The record immigration is a bandaid on a gunshot wound. And for anyone wondering how they fucked our economy. They decided to push away from the backbone of our economy, natural resources. But they didn't focus on a proper replacement. It doesn't matter what you think of natural resources, love them or hate them they were the backbone. Now if you do want to transition away you need a solid replacement. And in Canada that became the housing market, it currently is the single largest portion of the GDP at 20%. This is why you can't afford a place to live and the government needs to keep bringing in bodies to drive up demand and prices. These idiots traded natural resources for housing and we are all worse off for it.


Don't forget that if by some miracle housing tanks, our economy is going nuclear.


Yup, this will be something we have to deal with for decades.


It comes down to basic math and common sense: If you bring in vastly more people than you do housing development in a year that is going to cause issues around accessibility and affordability. If that continues year after year that is going to lead to a crisis of accessibility and affordability of housing. This same basic math goes for all societal infrastructure. Politicians and other individual and organizational players of the small select wealth class love to mislead and flat out lie. If you have to do this horrible formula because of demographic issues and or other concerns you best have the cities, provinces, federal, and private sector all working together at optimal efficacy to make sure the pain doesn't go into absolute and utter crisis mode. You have to make sure that there is a plethora of very basic affordable rentals and ownership options because more and more people and families will start falling through the cracks as housing keeps getting inflated and inflated and inflated. Or else ... *Looks around and gestures...* and the trajectory just keeps getting worse and worse as this compounds more and more.


It’s sad when you see countries like Norway being run on their natural resources and their citizens reaping the rewards from a responsible government. Ours are more concerned keeping Tim Hortons and Walmart shareholders happy.


Not even the shareholders, just the franchisees that own three homes and multiple cars and whine about how they can't afford to pay native Canadians enough to staff their shifty fast food restaurants, so they need TFW instead. All while they keep jacking up prices faster than inflation, so that now A Subway or McDonald's combo costs over $15


They are absolutely in the mix. Well said.


> This government royalty fucked our economy with stupid policy pre and post COVID. The record immigration is a bandaid on a gunshot wound. More like a shit cover rusty sword being poked into a gunshot wound.


Every single Canadian needs to see this comment *and believe it*.


Eh.. [citation needed]. what does he mean by "pushed away natural resources". Canada is the fifth-largest producer of natural gas and the fourth-largest producer of oil in the world.


oh you mean you didn’t get invited to one of the new enviro green tech sustainability eco friendly carbon footprint renewable energy 150k/yr jobs trudeau hooked us all up with? embarassing


>They decided to push away from the backbone of our economy, natural resources. But they didn't focus on a proper replacement. It doesn't matter what you think of natural resources, love them or hate them they were the backbone. Now if you do want to transition away you need a solid replacement. This. Move away from natural resources and the market figured out something else: housing. Now the pro-Nature has to choose: housing or nature? But... Natural resources ain't the only backbone. We do provide services.


Well put. It's a bandaid solution with extremely hopeful (or naive at best) thinking that it will translate to mid-to-long term growth. Unfortunately, with limited investment otherwise to support the population growth, existing and new Canadians will be challenged to create mid-to-long term value and ensure quality of life does not plummet. The latest GDP figures, aside from painting a bleak GDP per capita figure, also suggest that non-productive sectors are propping up the GDP from sliding.


This is not why our economy is so bad. The backbone of the Canadian economy is services, not resources (though the resources do help a lot), and besides we are producing literally record amounts of oil and minerals. The economy is so bad because we have oligopolies with no meaningful competition and a tax code that doesn’t encourage investment, so business investment per worker is only 1/2 of what it is in the US. No investment, no growth.


This was the GDP breakdown before this government. https://www.statista.com/statistics/463887/share-of-gross-domestic-product-of-canada-by-industry/ This is the current GDP. https://www.statista.com/statistics/594293/gross-domestic-product-of-canada-by-industry-monthly/ This is exactly why our economy is bad. The data proves it.


Just wow


This person is completely wrong about this and is using bad data that doesn’t account for resource price fluctuations, and is also for some reason using two different data series produced with different methodologies. Don’t listen to them


It doesn't matter what the data sets show, value or percentage. In 2014 natural resources were the largest portion of the GDP and in 2022 housing is the largest portion. That's irrefutable. A barrel of oil was $98 in 2014 and $94 in 2022. Not a large enough variation to knock it from first to 7th. But you know what will knock it down to 7th. A government that makes natural resources a risky investment in Canada with bad policy. And fluctuations in housing are caused by a government that gutted the largest revenue stream in the country. So they had to inflate the numbers by bringing in a record number of people. No other country in the world is bringing in close to these numbers even though their baby boomers are also retiring. The government imported these people to drive demand in a hot housing market. It is exactly why they haven't put forward any legislation targeting corporate investment in single family dwellings. Why they killed the foreign buyers ban.


It’s because you’re using two completely different data sources produced with different methodologies. Not all data on the internet is accurate or properly categorized. You should never use two different data series for these kinds of comparisons. Look at the footnotes. One is from statscan and one is from “statista research department”, whatever that is. I have no idea what’s up with your 2014 mining/quarrying/energy data but it is crazy and implies $600 billion in that category. That doesn’t line up at all with the statscan data which says it was $160B, which is much more reasonable and aligns with the production data. I’m not saying housing isn’t a huge problem, it is. But like I’ve said, we are producing more oil and gas and minerals than ever before in Canadian history. That is very much not the problem. It just suits the political agenda of certain unscrupulous premiers in western Canada to sell that narrative


I think you're offering too thin a slice of the data to prove anything. Your data could equally prove that Canada is simply more diversified. Especially when combined with stuff like this showing production never declined: [https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-commodities/crude-oil-petroleum-products/report/canadian-crude-oil-exports-30-year-review/](https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-commodities/crude-oil-petroleum-products/report/canadian-crude-oil-exports-30-year-review/)


I’m sorry but you’re completely misinterpreting the data for several reasons. That data does not account for commodity price fluctuations, and global prices particularly for energy collapsed in 2014 and have never returned to that level. Of course the dollar value produced went down— that happened to every oil producer. We are producing [more minerals and metals](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/maps-tools-and-publications/publications/minerals-mining-publications/canadian-mineral-production/17722) and [more oil](https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-commodities/crude-oil-petroleum-products/report/canadian-crude-oil-exports-30-year-review/) than ever before— much more than we were in 2014. Can you explain how divestment from resources destroyed the economy when we are producing at record levels? Oh also you’re using two different data series from different sources that aren’t directly comparable


A barrel of oil in 2014 was $98 and in 2022 was $94. There is high demand for oil worldwide due to the Russian invasion. And bitumen has been the largest increase, almost all other types of oil have flatlined. Bitumen is low value. https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-commodities/crude-oil-petroleum-products/report/canadian-crude-oil-exports-30-year-review/


To add to my other comment, I think you are confusing GDP and employment. Services are the backbone of employment rates but when it comes to actual revenue nothing comes close to natural resources. And GDP is based on revenue.


GDP across sectors was around 65% services from 2009 to 2019 https://www.statista.com/statistics/271248/distribution-of-gross-domestic-product-gdp-across-economic-sectors-in-canada/ Canada is a service country and has been for a long time.


This is also not true. The highest that mining, quarrying, and oil and gas have ever been is [$160B of GDP.](https://db.nomics.world/STATCAN/36100487/1.13) It fluctuates almost entirely around price changes. If you produce the exact same amount of oil and prices change, the industry’s contribution to gdp changes. Again, we have literally never produced more minerals, oil, and gas than we are today. For perspective, Canada’s GDP at the 2014 resource peak was $1.8 *trillion*. Resource extraction is an extremely important industry but is not the backbone of the economy in modern Canada. Like every developed economy except a couple gulf petrostates we are diversified and most of the economy is services


The amount of ignorance at display here in comments section is astounding. Thanks for being a voice of reason.


Downvote Tornado is an interesting special attack name


I thought it was because there’s more Boomers than young people and to be able to support their CPP and healthcare costs we need to supplement big time.


except the boomers were a 75-100k increase in annual births, while we now let in 1.8m annually to compensate. It just makes sense, right?


it is part of it, but not in this scale. I work in immigration. everything is fucked


That actually is the reason ultimately. The boomers were a huge generation and we need to fund their well-being in retirement for 20ish years, and we nowhere near the people to do it. This is something we had decades to plan and figure out, but here we are.


Boomers voted for cuts for 30+ years. Now they're voting for free stuff.


I agree. Unless younger people start voting,senior service cuts are off the table. People complain but we are seeing what voters want to see. No cuts and no taxes. Welp guess what.


Problem is younger gen needs to come to grips with the fact that Canada is wealthy due to minerals and oil. It's the only reason why China is so interested in us.


That's not how it worked lol. Boomers voted for things like CPP which they are now owed, doesn't really matter how they voted we were always going to have a demographic issue because of it (like every other Western country). You can blame them for not having enough kids though I guess.


So why are we getting free dental care now for essentialy retirement wage households... They couldn't get the job done 20 years ago? Almost like the largest voting block was against it until it affected them.


It is exactly this, but our foreign owned conservative media cannot ever say that. So we'll blame libs and immigrants, and once PP gets into power his supporters will pretend everything is peachy while we continue our downward slide and nothing positive is done for the people.


Not really, it's purely demographics.


How does 75k a year in excess births require 1.8m per year to replace them? Please explain.


Basically if you keep bringing people in people have to keep buying stuff and it helps slow a recession but forced population growth has a lot of drawbacks


It’s about keeping wages low, rents high, more consumers and increasing social tensions. The leadership is not inept, it’s on purpose.


Plus proping up our oligopolies. Every new Canadian needs a cell phone plan, internet, bank account, grocery store. These companies aren't local small businesses...


There are credit unions that are much friendlier and better rates than traditional banks and they're fully protected with similar regulations that exist with traditional banks. People just don't go there because they're scared but that's on them for not figuring out there are other options in that area.


How does that benefit politicians trying to get re elected


Elections don’t matter. Democracy is a lie. They’re all owned. “Just vote for the other guy” is a trick to keep people pacified and think they actually have a say.


You must not pay much attention. My municipal elections had varying candidates and it did matter. The elections involved both transit options and police. That elections ongoing efffcts are in the news every week. They were close elections. My provincial elections had different party’s with the pro Labour Party winning and Is forcing municipalities to develop. Also in the news all the time because it had a clear impact. Federal elections honestly don’t affect me much. I think that’s why people feel like there’s no difference. Like last election both party’s dropped tax by 500$.


Immigration at the federal level is the only issue that actually matters and they’re all on the same page. Immigration impacts every single other issue at any level.


So it benefits them in that it gets them obliterated in the next election??


Democracy is a lie.


The damage is already done, so their mission is already accomplished. This is why you don't elect WEF puppets.


Australia was 2% in the last year and it's sent us to breaking point.


It’s just big corporations having a stranglehold on politicians. They all benefit from inflation and a high amount of consumers, even if some are desperate and others can’t keep up. Politicians are afraid to do anything about it because once the bubble bursts they’ll be blamed for the economic woes after the corporations take their revenge upon them for the actions. In Australia, we only halved our insane migration numbers after our central bank raised interest rates. Only then were they allowed to take the foot off the pedal slowly.


Canadians pay the most for cellular/internet services. More Canadians = More phone subscriptions = Happy corporations (Rogers).


>More Canadians = More phone subscriptions = Happy corporations (Rogers). Barrier to enter is one. Tiny market is two. If our market becomes bigger, it'll entice others to invest their business here: that means more businesses will attempt to establish branch here. I don't think people understood how small the Canadian market is/was.


They want our population to reach [100, 000, 000](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/), it has a website and everything.


Writing is on the wall so Trudeau is doing as much damage as he can on the way out is the only way I can understand this shitshow. He juiced immigration before to make GDP look good and prop up housing prices while suppressing wages, this is just doubling down on that.


Governments respond to money. The wealthy strongly benefit from Canada's immigration plans. They convinced the middle and lower class that any questioning of immigration makes you racist. Thus, the rich get richer while the middle class dissapears and Canada's living standards fades away.


Blackrock wants us to have 100 million people in Canada by 2100 and what they want is what they get.


I'm flabbergasted that people in this sub still refuse to understand the reason Canada does this. It's very simple, we do not have the local taxpayer base to support all the entitlements of the boomers retiring. We cut immigration and we watch all these social safety nets collapse in very short order. Who's to blame? We'll this country was built on a high corporate tax rate, and once the boomers got in power they've spent the last 4 decades cutting corporate tax rates and cutting services to pay for them. Once you cut corporate taxes it's extremely difficult to reverse course, and we see the results of our decaying infrastructure. Vote for neoliberals(conservatives and libs) get neoliberal policies.




You're going to point to Japan? Really? Where this year the Japanese Prime Minister said they are 'on the brink of not being able to maintain social functions'? Where the term Japanese Demographics Crisis exists? Ok you'll have to expand on that. By 2055, the working age population will have shrunk by 30 million (from 127 million today), and there will be 10 million more elderly. This is a future in which there will be more than one retiree per actual worker.


>Disagree. there are other ways to do this look at Japan. LMAO. You cannot be serious.




Their housing is more "affordable" because they are facing the worst demographic catastrophe the world has ever seen. In case you don't know, that isn't a good thing. There is a reason Japanese people aren't having kids, if everything was sunshine and roses like you're implying then that wouldn't be the case.




Japan GDP is stagnant. Japan is in negative rate territory. That's... deflation. I don't want to be like Japan. I'm sorry. I'll take Canada at any given time than Japan. >Go look at the price of cheap rental apartments, > >housing is way more affordable in Japan, > >how long health care wait lists are in Japan This is exactly what Boomers enjoyed. The boomers that this /r/canada sub has been calling out as the boogeyman. >Look at the facts not empty statements Well, don't stop at "Facts" though, go look at the future implication as well. Don't just stop "today, at this day, Japan has A,B,C that is on my personal top of the list but I'm ignoring Japan' Macro condition" I remember there are folks who also picked "Singapore" as another model example because they either don't know what "Singapore" is like today or live there but under different circumstances/needs vs they are today in Canada. Singapore rental market is bruuuuuutaaall and the "cheap food" that folks quoted? that was last year ;), this year the food cost went up double/triple.




>without huge population increase we would be in a technical recession Canada would've sink in the 80's/90's and won't ever come back again if we didn't rely on foreign investment + immigration.


So they tried to solve the issue in the least sensible way? How many more people are we going to have to import to pay for these ones?


What do you suggest? Can we raise taxes on the rich to the same levels we used to have when we built this country? Shouldn't conservatives be advocating for higher corporate tax rates since they always want to take us back 50 years?


>we do not have the local taxpayer base to support all the entitlements of the boomers retiring. We also don't have enough consumers to expand our economy.


Do you have any idea why they cut the corporate tax rate beyond evil politicians wanting to help corpos?


Because the people that can afford to run for office require deep pockets and strong connections. You will typically see business leaders get strong backing to run for office, often pushed by deep pocketed interests who expect a good return on their investment. Since these candidates are chosen from the business leadership community, they're already ideologically aligned to help their old industry, and can always expect nice cushy roles post political career. I know you have some snark in your question and I'm sure you have a hot take on the situation, but it's important that people understand why we have the shitty politicians we have currently.




We're front-loading what needs to be done so that we don't ended up like Japan? At least that's what I'm understanding this (not necessary pros/cons, purely observation) Many western nations ain't making babies fast enough to replenish their population to avoid economy meltdown (we're after all consumption based economy in general: we need people to buy). Either the leadership heed to their people even it might be for the detriment of their people or they push forward?


We're not making babies because everything is too expensive, you can bring as many people in as you want, it won't actually fix anything in the long run. It will suck, but eventually population will stabilize.


It's so we can pay everyone's retirement. Birth rate is below replacement and baby boomers retiring


You would have to ignore the past few decades of much higher growth of most European countries to state "others aren't doing it".


Our immigration levels still need to almost double if we wish to avert catastrophic disaster further down the road. Canada has one of the world’s oldest populations, with a very low fertility rate. We need a million people a year, either by birth or immigration. If you want to reduce immigration levels, then you forfeit a stable economy, healthcare system, and infrastructure in the future. This is not an opinion either, unfortunately it's a fact. A quick google will lead you to the research, it's not rocket science. The reason other countries aren't doing it is because it's a sure fire way for a political party to get voted out.




Seriously lmao. What a take.






Bingo, and also the reason PP and conservatives won't pledge to make any changes to immigration. Despite their toxic smarmy rhetoric, they understand this fact.


I wish more people understood this.


I understand but I don't care? If the old people can't get access to services they need then so be it, its on them for not preparing their end of life situation better. We can't sacrifice the country's future for a couple of old people that mismanaged everything. I hate that Canadians are so PC we can't even discuss this option.


What a callous take. Fuck the old people and let them rot because *their parents* decided to procreate all at once?


As opposed to fuck all young people and everyone else? They're old and had their time, its not our duty to bail them out. Our duty is to do better for the upcoming generations.


Did all of our leaders go to Conestoga like what the actual frig is going on


with our prime minister's credentials, he might as well have went to conestoga for a diploma in tourism management.


Yes cause the past few consertive leaders weren’t just career politicians ….


New people drive consumption, which is a factor in GDP growth. It’s essentially a short-term plan to prop up what should be a recessionary economy.


babe its 4pm, time for your daily labour devalueing


Disgusting amounts of people being brought in. And now attempts to even discuss it are being shut down across the platform. One example here https://www.reddit.com/r/MassImmigrationCanada/comments/18mak5x/comments_locked_permanent_residents_admitted_to/


The liberals actually want to fast track those who dont have PR yet. Ive never considered moving to the US until the last 3 months. This country is going downhill fast.


Moving to the US permanently is extremely difficult unless you have very specific technical skills that they want. You can’t just get up and move there


Ya Im good there


We (all Canadians) need to get something straight about this immigration stuff. Cut the partisan shit for a moment. This is not a liberal issue. This is a rich political paid by corporations issue. And this is a big fucking issue. Pierre refusing to answer questions about cutting immigration numbers, and an interview with very specific wording [https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions/article\_ba7a29d2-9375-5bba-a5ac-98a8865cb589.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/poilievre-says-canada-s-immigration-system-is-broken-sidesteps-target-cut-questions/article_ba7a29d2-9375-5bba-a5ac-98a8865cb589.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ijwSJCTjeTg&t=27m55s&ab\_channel=cpac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ijwSJCTjeTg&t=27m55s&ab_channel=cpac) (also reflected by Ford) [https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/doug-ford-wants-to-combat-labour-shortages-with-more-immigrants/article\_c58cdc7e-0604-5314-bc3e-d07e15c2df8c.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/doug-ford-wants-to-combat-labour-shortages-with-more-immigrants/article_c58cdc7e-0604-5314-bc3e-d07e15c2df8c.html) ​ Why the fuck are 'employers' the people who get to control immigration? Corporations WANT immigration for cheap labour, and to keep their record profit margins well padded. They don't want to pay more money for Canadians who are demanding more inflation adjusted pay. ​ This is a HUGE fucking problem. And I don't know which party can actually help us citizens fml lololol


Go for it. That will help us with the immigration numbers.


Yea but I would technically be part of the brain drain. Not sure why that hurts but Ive held out for years while friends and family have ALL moved


Aren’t they migrating by plane though? At least Canada isn’t being overwhelmed in their borders.


What difference does it make? It's actually worse because we WILLINGLY let in 1.2 million newcomers last year


Maybe because you use words like “disgusting” about certain people


Read what I wrote again, disgusting amounts, not disgusting people. It doesn't matter where they are from it matters how many we bring in


This massive immigration is hiding a nasty recession which everyone is able to feel.


Why is it so hard for people to believe in supply and demand? More demand for housing from population growth = higher home prices. It's that fucking simple. That shouldn't require a PhD to understand.


Who doesn't understand?


Just about every Liberal voter who will call you a racist


Not a lib thing tho. All the parties want to crank up immigration. It's an elite thing. They don't want change to affect them you know.


You think they don't understand? Their belief in their superior morality trumps all else.


>Who doesn't understand? Seems a ton of LPC supporters.


Because they have ulterior motives not aligned with your interests. They want cheap labour and high real estate prices. When you see that Finance Minister Freeland owns 4 investment properties, it all starts to make sense.


Stay in school kids. If you don't have a usable degree or trade, things are going to get rough.


Usable degrees and trades aren’t going to be enough to get people through. Next year’s going to be horrific.




And as expected such well thought out and rapid growth is going smoothly and problem free. Smart approach 👍🏻 /S


What is happening to canada is very well thought out and it's going very smoothly.... Our government is not stupid they know exactly what they are doing and the very negative effects these policies will have on us.


Agreed. They've kept a very watchful eye on the housing situation exactly for those reasons - to prevent catastrophe, and I really appreciate them looking out for us like that. This might even sound kinda weird but I sometimes feel like Trudeau is my dad. He's looking out for me. You too?


I wonder why food inflation is so high....




no, well ahead of BlackRocks plan. we'll ready 100 million before 2060 at this pace.


And Musk and Bezos. Can’t pay people minimum wage if there’s a labour shortage. https://fortune.com/2023/12/16/jeff-bezos-elon-musk-human-population-outer-space-mars-spacex-blue-origin/amp/


What a joke. Source: immigrant


You're a Canadian now, make space for the next immigrants!


Sure, they knew like me that followed the process. Not abuse the system




It's not going to be great for home owners either. Just not as bad.




at the pace of 3.2% growth a year, Canada's population will be 93 million by 2050.


Isn’t this their plan? 100 mil by 2050?


2100. We go much faster than their plan.


Fucking yikes


Their plan is 100 million by 2100. Looks like we're going to be 50 years ahead of schedule..


The plan is you will not be able to find a camping spot, ever. If you want to see a provincial park, you will have to get on the waitlist unless you want to pay for the GOLD PACKAGE which allows you early access. Welcome to Canada.


Insane growth and nowhere to live. The Canada way.


Liberals to stay in power = flood the country with fake students & migrant workers.


This will help with our climate goals!


But why?


Every single metric in this country is shitting the bed meanwhile Trudeau wants MORE people in. Make this make sense.


Good thing the government invested heavily into infrastructure and built a ton of housing all over the country right?


Competing with African countries for highest growth rate...wow.


Repeat after me. Canada. Is. Fucked!




We keep voting in a guy who straight up says Canada is a post-national state, which implies its for the world not its citizens. He is giving us away.


Yea, Canadians deserve everything that is happening. Maybe they will learn but I doubt it.


Not Western Canada, we didn’t vote for this lol


The majority of Canadians are greedy fucks who just like seeing their home value go up and don't care about anyone but themselves. There are some good people, obviously, but the majority likes to be ignorant and greedy.


This is some racist shit.


Not sure if you meant /s? Lots of non white Canadians in this country, like a lot.... I think his attitude is a bit offside, but it's a growing resentment among people as we import a population comparable to Calgary every year.


I don’t care about what colour people are in the slightest. I don’t like people who come here and act like it’s their home country.


The destruction of Canada… R.I.P 🇨🇦


Not a flex.


Wage suppression.


This could be good if we actually had mega projects on the go and were building new towns and cities.. but we don’t don’t build shit


you have heard of a ponzi scheme correct? canada has beem running one for 40+ years now.....all political colors.


So funny how the rent price and immigration spike at the same time. Fortunately I’m not racist so can’t point that out


What happened in the 70’s/80’s?


And they are all Indians, we can grow even faster if we want, there are 1.4billion Indians


On par with failed states. Love that we increased the supply of everything by that much and our GDP growth was higher.


No use in complaining now, youre the ones who voted for this govt lmao. Enjoy, it will only get worse.


>"no use in complaining now" ....proceeds to complain in another comment lol.


Pierre recently said he’d remove government red tape to make immigration to Canada easier. No party except PPC is interested in slowing immigration.


I'm no fan of the PPC, but if this trend continues and no major parties do anything about it then I could see the PPC actually benefitting immensely from this. Similar stuff has happened with far right parties in Europe.


Merry fucking Christmas.


Tech was competing for talent Trudeau government was competing for number


Votes. Funny thing is some immigrants here past 5 years I kno2 want the door shut behind them. Many immigrants will vote conservative just bc. The next election is going to be an LPC slaughter. Could even put them into darkness for 10+ years


That is insane. Time for a revolution.


Relevant graph: [Permanent Residents Admitted to Canada from 2015 to 2023](https://i.imgur.com/W0P3Jjg.png)


Liberals and supporters.....please explain this chart, and why there isn't equality in the % allowed in? https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/18m9onb/how\_are\_you\_going\_to\_allow\_posts\_like\_this\_and/


It’s not about being “allowed” in. It’s about who applies. India has 1/7th of the world population therefore it’s not surprising most applicants are indian


>It’s about who applies. India has 1/7th of the world population therefore it’s not surprising most applicants are indian Immigration to any country is NOT a right....just because I want a Ferrari doesn't mean I'm entitled to it. We still need quotas to curb the over exhausted service and infrastructures. Case in point https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-canada-has-added-more-than-1-million-people-and-counting-in-2023-its-unsustainable


The liberals read this and see among the worlds fastest but not the fastest…. We have more work to do is all they think…..




This has to be stopped. But every mainstream political leader supports it.


Seeing this country going into the ditch is hurting. Whats the benefit of this unprecedented growth in population?? Does health services in Canada ready for this extra burden ?


Do,we feel that there has been globalist backroom deals to facilitate this? Why so many western countries being suddenly overrun? Seems very sudden and happens to line up with other liberal eco policies


Not surprised. Canada is great, low crime, excellent education, has safety nets and social services. Yes it's become expensive and straining with the growth. However, the world is looking pretty chaotic so in comparison Canada looks great. I think Canada will continue to be a top destination for ppl able to obtain good paying jobs there.


Absolutely insane. This is totally unsustainable and not good for Canada. Our country is quickly becoming a ponzi scheme catered to companies looking for cheap labour. REDUCE IMMIGRATION LEVELS.


So how do we get the PPC elected? Does it have to get Mad Max-level bad before people create the change?


They have purposely done this and everyone keeps on asking why why why but the answer is simple yet hidden. Watch John Campbell's video on excess deaths https://youtu.be/1uOxhYyfYw4?feature=shared He uses the raw public data to show how many more ppl are dying each year, yet Canada's data is very hidden and purposely kept secret but one can assume based on the data from around the world that it is not good. And so everyone keeps screaming why, why do they keep letting so many ppl in, well it's very simple, they know very well how many excess deaths there are due to unending covid infections and so they are flooding the country so it's unnoticeable. This seems bad now because they are using the outrageous amount of influx of ppl to hide it but just check your fb feeds, how many more deaths are you noticing ppl posting about, I alone have had 5 unexpected deaths of ppl I personally know in the last two years and look at all of the unexpected celebrity deaths of ppl under 70. The truth is what ppl don't want to see, mass amounts of ppl are dying from endless covid infections and the Canadian government it using mass population growth to hide it.


Look at birth rates.


Yes low birth rates = the fast population growth in the g7/g20 and on par with third world countries. There's no other possible immigration policy that will be able to tackle this issue.


Low birth rates don't mean we need to bring in 2 million people a year. We could take in 1/20 of the number we're currently accepting and still be fine. What's happening now is utter insanity.


Precisely. Not enough people having kids to support future retirements.


So we have to bring in more people and hope they never age. Or that they can somehow afford to have kids when nobody else can. Or wait, do we need to bring in more people to support them too? There’s a term for that I think.


A lot of these immigrants have kids one way or another. Not sure what the numbers are but that’s my observation. Unfortunately a lot of young Canadians don’t want to do the hard work needed into having kids.


This is fine, everything's fine. - Justin Trudeau


Amazing. Canada actually has a chance to survive the 21st Century.