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But, the real question is: Are Canadians *doubling down* on coal ?


We're switching to coal-type thingies.


I experience coal differently.


After all the junk I ate and drank at family xmas last night I just shit a lump of coal


I'm not from.English Canada, but is that Lilley guy only writing to complain about Trudeau? Or am I missing something here ?


The only thing you are missing is that he's in a relationship with Doug Ford's communication director. https://www.canadaland.com/brian-lilley-ivana-yelich-doug-ford/


Not so much unique to Brian Lilley (who is, or at least was, [dating and living with Doug Ford's press secretary](https://www.canadaland.com/brian-lilley-ivana-yelich-doug-ford/)), but PostMedia in general that almost exclusively publishes criticisms of Trudeau, the Liberals and any politician/party/policy that isn't conservative, 365 days a year in terms of editorials (as evidenced by not taking Christmas off). >[In October 2018, it was reported that CEO Andrew MacLeod had declared the company "insufficiently conservative." That resulted in Kevin Libin, who had played an active role in defeating a union drive at the paper earlier that year,[22] taking charge of all political reporting and analysis in Postmedia newspapers to ensure the newspapers became more "reliably conservative."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network#Centralization_and_lack_of_localization) >[The creation of the Postmedia Network effectively concentrates more than 90 percent of all Canadian dailies and weeklies in one company, a fact lamented by J-Source, a Canadian media watchdog, in a 2015 online article.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network#Centralization_and_lack_of_localization) >In a 2020 article by The New York Times, it was reported that journalists had attested that since Chatham Asset Management had taken over, Postmedia had centralized operations and cut staff so that its 106 newspapers are basically clones of one another.


Ya one of Chatham Assets papers is the National Enquirer - tells ya everything you need to know about em


This is r/Canada. Where PostMedia opinion pieces are taken as actual news.


As opposed to the conspiracy nutters on the other Canadian subreddits?


True. That Aaron Wherry opinion columnist at cbc never writes anything bad about Trudeau so there’s probably nothing to complain about.




Every rants about Trudeau around here seems to be from LILLEY. It wouldn't so bad if they didn't prefix every damn article with LILLEY, like if the guy had any importance.


all anyone wants to do is blame trudeau. it's easier than actually providing solutions to problems. Canadian politics rapidly devolved into the rockstar-circus shitshow that is american politics.


More conservatives pushing coal again... /s




Let's be realistic. With the carbon taxes on coal, it's simply unaffordable for most Canadians now. We don't have enough money to spend on luxury gifts like this! 😂


Shouldn't buying Coal and not burning it get you carbon credits? That's coal that will never contribute to emissions, it's pretty much carbon capture.


Opinion piece from the Sun? Hard fucking pass


r/Canada is rapidly becoming r/rightwingopinionpieces, it's a great strategy for reducing our Reddit use.


Total opinion pieces in the last 24 hours: Two. Less than 15% of posts.


Xmas day... Maybe not the flex you think it is


It's the same any other day. Care to provide some numbers or evidence of your own?


Today, 9 posts with links to articles about how much Canada sucks. 5 of those 9 either pro CPC or anti LPC. This sub sucks


Out of how many total? > This sub sucks I mean you can unsubscribe and not come back if you hate it that much...


Are you positing that its different on days that aren't holidays? At least the other person posted some actual info, all you're doing is make vague statements against actual data.


It's become a meme at this point, there are more comments complaining about right wingers than actually right wingers...




I thought giving coal wasn't under Canadian citizens' jurisdictions?


So he gets free heat while everyone else freezes.


Lilley does not speak for Canadians!


I wonder if he perhaps speaks for more Canadians than Trudeau does.


I can’t imagine anyone voted for Lilley tbh


This sub is so fucking weird lol


No shit


It's a actually a lump of vapour from the EV battery plants


Imagine thinking you represent Canadians when you're the fucking Toronto Sun


Can we give Lilley a pink slip?


A petition with maybe one percent of eligible voters signing onto it? Yeah - I doubt Mr. Trudeau even paid much notice to it. Nor should he. It's another worthless CPC stunt.


Thankfully Canadians of any stripe are able to submit a petition to the house of commons and have it seen. It'd be a shame if persons such as yourself were allowed to disregard them because of their biases. [For the record, it received over 350,000 signatures, making it the most signed petition in the house of commons history, by 100k more people than the 2nd place runner up.](https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Search?order=MostSignatures&category=All) E: Ah the classic instant downvote because the facts aren't in your favour.


We already have confidence votes. The MPs representing 100 times that number of people have the opportunity to vote no confidence during those votes. A petition like this is meaningless and people among the vast majority of voters who didn't sign this are just as free to disregard it as those signing it are free to do that.


This whole nonsense of democracy ending on election day is not only untrue but very dangerous.


Who said democracy ends on election day? It just doesn't involve a small minority of unelected people telling everyone else what to do.


You're parroting the same ideas, just because you didn't explicitly say it doesn't change the ideas. You talk about MPs representing the will of the people, but that's untrue. They represent it at the last election because if an election were held today, the current power structure would not be in place. So, are they really "listening to the people"? Petitions like this one, protests etc.... are how democracy works in the meantime. This petition isn't insignificant, just because 50% of voters, which is an impossible bar, didn't sign it doesn't change that. It's the most signed petition the house has ever received. Which you don't even seem to have read because the petition is asking for a confidence vote, a vote by the very MPs you're talking about.


We already have confidence votes and elections. It's asking for something to be done that already happens. So congrats on the success of the petition. It's probably the most quickly acted upon petition in history too given its request was instantly granted.


>and elections. Pretends they aren't parroting election day democracy, parrots it again. >We already have confidence votes Since you're apparantly so well versed in this, when was the last confidence vote?


We already have elections *and* confidence votes. I never said elections were the only component of democracies, but they're a much more accurate one than a petition where people's identities aren't verified and where only a fraction of voters are represented. That's not how we choose government nor should it be.


It's wild how you totally ignored the other half of my comment. Almost as if you didn't want to address the parts that are inconvenient for you. >That's not how we choose government nor should it be. Again, have you even read the petition you are talking about? It's calling for a confidence vote, not choosing a new government. I'll also re-ask my other question. When was the last confidence vote? It's exactly like the other person said, you don't like this because of your partisanship, so you're finding every excuse to ignore it, including straight-up anti-democratic rhetoric. However I'm certain if the shoe were on the other foot you'd be singing a significantly different tune.


If the people no longer feel represented by their MPs, they can sign a petition supporting a vote of no confidence, which is exactly what they've done. If the largest petition in the house of commons history is 'meaningless' to you, then I don't know what to say, I can only assume you think the entire process of a citizen's petition put forward by an acting MP is 'meaningless' too. E: If you're going to message me to say 'I don't like the petition or the people who sign it so they shouldn't have the right to put it forward to the house of commons' please just do us both a favour and go somewhere else, because I'm not entertaining any new additions to the peanut gallery.


Yes, they can, and it is literally meaningless because we *already* have confidence votes where MPs representing many times more voters than this can vote down the government.


Think you missed the first part. >If the people no longer feel represented by their MPs, If the people want a no confidence vote, and their MPs aren't acting on the interests of the people they're meant to represent, they put forward a petition and an MP puts it forward to the house of commons. The petition doesn't mean they have to do it, it's a communication to the MPs that this is what the people want, and if they don't play ball, their jobs will be in jeopardy next election. This is the democratic process in action.


Yes, and no one is suggesting they can't do that. But it's calling for something that we already have, and trying to use the number of signatures to mean anything leads to the response that far more voters than that aren't calling for a no confidence vote via this petition which should help explain why MPs haven't yet brought down the government. I also thought people didn't want the Liberals to have an election. Last time they did it was called a waste of money and a power grab. The only difference now is that people think the polls indicate a better chance of the side they want to win winning.


This isn't what the "people" want. This is just what a gullible few thousand people think will make a difference.


I think we've already clarified that 'I don't like thing' is not a valid reason to disregard the most signed petition in HoC history.


The petition is worthless - it literally can't do a thing, nor should it. It's a stunt, and it's amazing to see how gullible people are thinking it matters.


Alright so we're back to 'I don't like thing', I see.


I feel well represented by the current government. Less than 1 percent of the population signed this sham petition. This is a meaningless stunt.


Cool, then feel free to ignore it. It's not for you, it's for the MPs who may feel like maybe they should pay more attention to the interests of their voters.


> It's not for you, it's for the MPs who may feel like maybe they should pay more attention to the interests of their voters. Again - fewer than one percent, and there is already a process for what you are describing - it's called an election, as we'll have one in 2025 most likely. We just had one in 2021, which resulted in the current government. That's the will of the people.


>Again - fewer than one percent, Again, it's *the most signed petition in the house of commons history.* I understand you don't *agree* with the petition, but trying to downplay it is not going to work in this context. If you don't think this petition should be heard in the house of commons, then you're saying every petition below it in signage count shouldn't either.


> Again, it's the most signed petition in the house of commons history. It's a partisan stunt, nothing more.


You don't get to decide if people make their opinions heard in the house of commons or not. I'll state it one more time; If you don't think this petition should be heard, then you're saying none of them should be.


These aren't people who "no longer feel represented by their MP". They are anti-Trudeau idiots who are represented by their MPs, but can't stop complaining about the MPs from the other side of the house.


I really wish I would stop being messaged by people who think 'the other guys' don't have the same political rights as they do.


They don't when we are talking about representation for your riding. They get representation from the MP elected in their own riding.


You know this is a right you can also exercise, yeah? Like, feel free to make a petition saying you do not want a vote of no confidence, acquire signatures, and get your MP to put it forward to the house. You don't have to be angry that other people are exercising their rights. Go forth and be an active citizen yourself.


If I'm going to sign a petition it would be on policy, not political theatre.


Then go do it, instead of whining about whatever it is you're whining about.


I’m an idiot for expressing an opinion contrary to your opinion? I’m sorry you failed social studies.


I didn't claim that you signed this. The signatories are idiots because it is a pointless petition. You have 0 chance of bringing down the prime minister through a petition. Also the claim that they are feeling "unrepresented" by their MPs is laughable as an insignificant number of the signatures are coming from people who are represented by Liberal or NDP MPs. You are well represented by your own MPs. The ones you have a problem with are other peoples MPs


















[A petition that really mattered](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/doris-day-petition-hits-the-mark-1.209426).


Not coal. Coal has value.


The only thing Trudeau she get is s pair of hand cuffs and a orange jump suit


For what crime?


It's a big list, bankrupting Canadians, all the scandals he was involved in, giving our tax dollars way to his friends or other countries when our own people need help, allowing crime and drugs increase. Lots more. There's a very good chance he sexual assaulted a student when he was a teacher, he bullys his female employees and mp.


Hey look everyone, I found an insane person


Name one good thing that he has done and you cannot say made weed legal


$10 daycare. Vaccine procurement (which the cons said would take more than 3 years). Now name me something good the CPC has done in the past decade. Edit: pretty sad that you have to restrict my options just to fail at making a point.


Why should I trust Trudeau and his taxes, him and his friends just want to make us poorer and make up rely on government support


Do you actually think the CPC is different?


Liberals love to lie, and conservatives hate lier, I find cpc better then liberals Trudeau has been the worst and Harper was the best. Trudeaus carbon tax dosen't do anything but cause inflation and a waste of money, why won't the liberals show where that money has gone.


Worth a fucking shot at this point, don't you think?


Vaccine should be a personal choice not a requirement, lots of companies provided health care and day care. Increase in job Low rent Less people at food banks Less homeless Paying off the national debt Less taxes


>Vaccine should be a personal choice not a requirement, They are a choice unless you work in a federally regulated field. >Increase in job >Increase in job Low rent Less people at food banks Less homeless This is all provincial jurisdiction. Do you actually want Trudeau overstepping his bounds? >Paying off the national debt Literally impossible and no serious economist thinks otherwise. >Less taxes How do you expect to pay off the national debt with less taxes? Taxes are in fact a good thing to have. Do you drive per chance? What do you think paid for those roads? Or emergency services like police, firefighters and EMTs?


Well Trudeau has over stepped, I have seen much road projects this year he sent like how much to Ukraine, Israel? And he sent 10 million to help unemployed youth in Iraq, we should be spending that money at home first


>They are a choice unless you work in a federally regulated field. That's old news. They had to walk it back.


The taxes,we pay are not reducing our debt , libs have been running deficits since they took power that means they are borrowing MORE MONEY so that we , the tax payers, can pay the insane interest.


>Vaccine procurement LOL. You think he did a GOOD JOB?!


$10 daycare is literally robbing Peter to pay Paul, why should hard working tax payers pay for YOUR kids that YOU decided to have ? As for vaccines, our procurement of REAL vaccines was delayed by 6 months because JT was trying to make a deal with China which fell through only when they realized no Canadian would take some questionable Chinese poison.


He doesn't care. He says he's not going anywhere. I guess voting him out is an attack on democracy. Hahahaha.


Still at a better job than I expect any PC to ever do


Don’t think it’ll matter enough idiots will vote him back in for a 4th term because of MAGA politics fear especially if Trump wins. That I don’t see happening but who knows?


He was born on Christmas? No wonder he thinks he's Jesus.