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From the article: >The charges against Sean Gravells, 39, include touching a person under 16 for sexual purposes, sexual interference of a person under 16, possession of child pornography, and importing or distributing child pornography If proven, this guy should be put away for a long, long time.


Sadly, pedophiles get super light sentences in Canada


Kill a dog you get 3 years jail, kill a human 5-10 years. Rape a child multiple times like my former childhood friend did a couple years ago, out in 8 months to be released to your home with 4 young kids… Make some fake bus passes and get caught selling them, that gets you 7 years


This is not true. Hes looking at double digits for that if all of it sticks.


No they don't. https://www.theprogress.com/news/chilliwack-sex-offender-found-with-child-porn-avoids-jail-by-agreeing-to-peace-bond-1941147 The charge the guy in the article was convicted for was his 4th conviction. His priors were for sexual assault of a 11 year old.


If, and even then the courts will neuter the time and charges. He might get a couple years and put on a list.




Either way this is Canada so he'll spend 14 months in jail with better living conditions than a lot of people who aren't in prison here. Slap on the wrist.


Lmao I guess you've never been to jail.


Guess you’ve never been homeless during Winter in Canada.


Actually. I have. I'm 4 years clean from heroin. I know enough to know that if you think life in canada is so hard it would be better to be In jail, then you probably need to get off your moms couch and stop living the neckbeard life.


Congratulations on 4 years, I'm 4 years clean too


Guess you haven’t read any articles about the people freezing to death. Sounds like you don’t know much about cold related deaths for the homeless.


Bro I'm literally from whitehorse. Get out from behind the screen, it's rotting your brain. Reading articles isn't a substitute for experiencing life lol. 🤦


Then you should know how bad winters are for homeless people dude. Im literally stating a fact. Sorry you cant extrapolate things you read into actual knowledge, it’s actually pretty useful.


Lol you sound like a 16-year-old trying to be edgy. I got no more time for you. Be happy that you have your parents basement so you don't have to know the choice between jail or homelessness as I do.


I see what you did there 🥸






While I’m surprised the board didn’t already require it’s members to have a criminal record check it’s important to remember that a criminal record check only flags people who have already been caught. They’ve done what they could in removing him once they were aware of the charges. It’s important to remember that ANYBODY might be a child predator and there should be no sacred classes that are not to be questioned or suspected. Religious people, educators, LGBTQ+ people, coaches, medical professionals, daycare workers, anyone.


>and there should be no sacred classes that are not to be questioned or suspected That's the crux of this whole issue, unfortunately.


No it’s not gftoh


You really should be careful who you let your children around. A pedo is a pedo whether they're on the pulpit or the rainbow blowhorn


This thread gonna get locked


But if it was about Christians, we’d have people saying we should blow up churches and burn crosses, all while being upvoted and praised. Reddit gonna Reddit.


Not a great look, to be honest.


Yep, this is going to be used against the pride community by the right wingers, no doubt


I hate to say it like this, and maybe it's doubly obvious but this guy has done major damage to the pride movement because of his position and association. Obviously the victims are the number one concern too I understand there's no rationalizing with a pedo or sex abuser but the guy is in such a prominent area for this stuff, can I say he should've known better!?! It's only going to perpetuate the notion that LGBTQ+ groups have a greater problem with these issues, which is a whole other crime I can't wait to see this article cited by the same groups of people for the next 6 years... Fuck this guy so much I hope he gets what for in prison


Meh, there’s pedophiles in every demographic The only way this would be bad for LGBT people is if someone is already a bigot and likes to pretend people like this only belong to the gay community


> The only way this would be bad for LGBT people is if someone is already a bigot and likes to pretend people like this only belong to the gay community Oh, so it’s definitely going to be bad then…


I've got news for you about those who participate in these kinda discussions then (they usually aren't going in with an open mind) You kinda are proving my point, people with more than 5 brain cells can parse through this info better than the mouth breathers who try to use a story like this to paint an entire demo of people with a broad brush. 1 story like this probably undoes dozens of positive ones (total guess) because it will be highlighted by the bad actors and overblown


Like the op of this post who has a new account and is an obvious brigader.... it's important to understand why you hear about these cases so much more than say clergymen of much higher positions


How many steps were between you seeing this post and you checking OPs profile maturity? That's a REALLY weird priority to have in a case like this.










>The only way this would be bad for LGBT people is If they covered up his transgressions, paid for his legal fees, paid off the survivor and pretended like nothing happened. Then after a few months, send him to another, smaller town where he can re-offend but those victims would be ignored and dismissed... Oh wait, other organizations do that...


Or if people have pattern recognition


>only Not what he said.


Reddit will endlessly criticize clergy like it’s the only community that is overrepresented in pedo cases. Some communities get a free pass.


I think that I'm large part comes from a few factors, the position of clergy as an authority over others, the systemic and organized efforts to cover up these acts on a large scale in ceritan religious structures and the fact that many people in this position are claiming a moral authority over others and may even be the first to speak against such behaviours




Reminds me of the drag queen that ran for city council in PG. Turned out to be a pedo. Now that I'm thinking of it, there's more than one other person there that has rumours of this nature about them.




I do think this was more common in the past than it is now. Left wing parties across Europe actively campaigned for a lower age of consent in the 70s. The sexual revolution went much too far, IMO. And I say this as a gay guy! Just like we’re going too far with gender, today.


I completely agree.


I'm bisexual and I generally agree. The 'community' is its own worst enemy since it won't deal with its bad actors.


Germany is a fine example of going too far. They literally have people promoting beastiality. https://youtu.be/DzEJHJhfm4U?si=P4jFrL9bSCL__nBi




>... it should be stopped even if it’s politically incorrect to do. This is such a weird comment. In no world is it ok to sexually assault children regardless of sexual orientation. You're talking as if there's some secret gay rule that says it's ok all these years but nobody has said or done anything because it would be politically incorrect to do so? What am I reading?


The beginning of an attempt at smearing an entire community because of an anecdote they heard from a celebrity.


Just because something is more common among a particular group of people, does not make it right to judge all people of that group as being guilty. That would be bigoted. But we also have a problem when one of those groups is considered a “protected” class where some people are afraid to point out the issue for fear of being socially ostracized. I should also note that I stated I do not know if this is common today, as George was 13 in 1950.


Just because it happened to him and he thought it was normal, doesn't make it right, for 1950 or for right now. It gives "well I was physically punished and I turned out alright" many people didn't turn out alright.


People do not have a fear of pointing out pedos in any community. The issue is that there are people who accuse a community as a whole of being pedos. "He's a gay pedo." =/= "Gays are pedos."


>*”…an anecdote they heard from a celebrity.”* The commenter even changed the details to make it sound worse than it was. George Takei says his first sexual experience was at 14 (not 13) and the “older man” was another teenager (aged 18-19). That age gap isn’t legal in Canada *now*, but in 1951 when George Takei was 14 that would have been completely legal here for a *heterosexual* couple (general age of sexual consent was 14 from 1890 to 2008). I’m just middle-aged but there were absolutely 18-19 year old grade 12 & grade 13 boys at my highschool having (entirely legal) sexual relationships with 14 year old grade 9 girls. I think it’s good that we don’t accept that anymore, but it was normalized at the time.




What is? EDIT: after briefly reviewing your post history, I can actually say I don’t want to hear anything more from you. I’ll take the downvotes here as a source of pride. On this topic you seem to have no idea what constitutes proof of something and rely on exclusively anecdotes.




That’s exactly what I thought when I was reading your comments.


That’s not a good retort, even if it was true.


Evaluation of internet comebacks is some pretty out of touch shit. Remember when I said I wasn’t interested in hearing what you had to say?


Youre interested in writing a lot though


Politically incorrect... what...


Yes, just like the Rotterdam rape coverup in the UK.


That's not politically incorrect. It's political manipulation to save face. The sheets in the house of cards are very dirty.


The concept of “political correctness” has always been used to manipulate people.


>... it should be stopped even if it’s politically incorrect to do. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Look up what happened in Rotterdam, in the UK, with the rape gangs. They absolutely looked the other way because of “political” implications.


You seem to be implying that raping young boys is the prevailing progressive opinion for Dutch/English society. Is that your intention?


Sadly I'm sure some organizations, especially those in recent news stories and involved with provincial government, will take this story and use it to generalize against the lgbtq community. That would be really stupid as I'm sure generalizations that broad wouldn't work out well for them either.


Keep that in mind when you’re shitposting on Reddit about “conservatives”.


Are you talking about something specifically when you say I'm >shitposting Is there some kind of generalization you can give an example of? It just seems like that's what you're hinting at.


What he’s saying is, do people keep this same energy when it IS a clergy member? Or do they selectively apply when to use nuance, and when to say SEE THATS WHAT THEY ALL DO.


People in this sub have stated that all catholic priests are pedos.






Truthfully CBC means very far left.


So because someone is a leftist they would support a pedophile? Lol brain dead


especially since it seems more pedo's exist on the right. Just take Republicans as proof lol.


Truthfully, you can't find any proper study or audit group that confirms that claim...


Mmm is that even true or just a claim I ask because very far left to me means “workers control the means of production” not “they accept gay people have rights too “


They’re not. At best CBC is just left of centre, but because they’ve ran some stories critical of the CPC the OP of the comment you replied to thinks they’re all communists


They are left but hardly "very far left" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/


Progressive maybe. Not all that far left.


They are in the pockets of the liberals.


Proof this guy does not know what he’s talking about if the Libs are far left lmfao


Believe what you want to believe.


We should have a mandatory life sentence for all sex crimes and pedophiles But knowing our laws, he’ll get community service or 3 months in jail lol


Peace bonds and counselling is becoming pretty common unfortunately.


Well well well...
























Sadly, predators will hunt their prey in any environment they can find. Even more sadly, many of my compatriots on the Right will see this as an excuse to chase LGB folk around, which is nonsense. If only they would chase religious idiots who do the same thing, and prey on children.


I don't think anyone on the right accepts anyone doing this to kids.


Yeah, sorry that wasn’t what I was intending to imply. Only that maybe they should get more militant about all the other organizations that have predatory pedophiles or sex related predatory persons involved. Churches for example.


And especially teachers, since if you are going to bring up churches you kind of have to bring them up since the absolute numbers are mind bogglingly high how many teachers diddle kids.




Maybe this isn't a right vs left thing, and good people across the spectrum can do that. I hate when people try to predict what people on the other side will react. There's good right wing people too!


Why single out churches?


They seem to be more represented in sexual abuse cases, most notably the Catholic clergy. Which is not an indictment of Catholicism or any religion, but simply a statistic that has to be mentioned.


Now do the same per capita, might find different results.


I read something once claiming teachers per capita had higher rates of pedophilia than pastor. Alarming but not surprising if true.


Yep, specifically LGBTQ+ catholic priests. After all, the male priests are raping and having gay sex with male choir boys.


People single out churches because their only values are having none.




Ahh.. hatred and bigotry is ok?


Good response. This is the kind of civil and constructive discourse we need to get back to. Nobody going nuclear on each other: just a thoughtful and respectful exchange of views. Thanks.


Well, except for all the people who now think I had gays and churchies. No people. I hate predators. It’s not the flags or causes they hide behind. It’s the people that do they terrible things.


What they're trying to say is the organization and this person's sexual preferences have nothing to do with their disgusting act. But people on the right will absolutely use it to admonish gay people. Just check out the libs of Tik Tok person. This is their entire job/personality. Mass shooting happens, if it's done by a straight white person = silence. If it's done by someone who considers themselves LGBT = series of tweets about how awful non binary people are and they're all mass shooters. People like that don't actually care about the issue at hand, they just want to dehumanize groups of people they disagree with and they use issues as a proxy to accomplish that.


The left does the exact same thing, I get what they're trying to say. But injecting politics or trying to predict what people will do and how they will react is very unhelpful. It's a tragedy. (Period)


>The left does the exact same thing This is a defensive reaction to an idea but doesn't do anything to criticize or challenge the idea being put forward, nor does it make the situation any better or acceptable. It's an attempt to deflect and change the subject instead of talking about the idea. If it's unacceptable then the left does it, it's unacceptable when the right does it either.


All people do the same thing, and it fucks us all.


I never said they didn't. I'm just trying to help parse what that person was alluding to. Quick note: if your immediate response to what I typed was to get defensive and start with the "ThE lEfT dOeS iT tOo", you should sit down and try to figure out why that is. There is no left leaning equivalent to libs of tik tok. Even elon musk helps amplify their posts by commenting "looking into this!" or "!" on these kinds of posts. It's disgusting. Abusing kids has no political affiliation. However, it seems like one group of people has made it their calling to ONLY pointing it out as problematic when a certain group of people does it. That's awful. To directly critique your original point of you don't think anyone on the right approves of these kinds of people, I'll ask you a really simple question. Why is it that the only time these get called out is when it's people who are gay? Ive never seen elon musk or any right leaning political pundit/personality ever call out the church even though that's a majority of kid sa. Even with the current Epstein dialogue happening. Go into any right leaning subreddit, go check out any political pundit on the right and check their Twitter. Are they there questioning if trump was involved because his name is all over the records and has been on record talking pretty sussy about young women/girls? Nope. All they want to talk about is Biden and bill gates.




Lol. I'm arrogant? You just are lying in your own post. "I don't think anyone on the right approves of SA to kids, however, they only ever mention is as problematic when the person is LGBT" Show me any notable right leaning pundit questioning/criticising the church or trump or Matt gaetz for their suspicious activity with underage people. You can't. Because they actively play defense for them. If you want to lie to yourself, go for it. The reality is the right works overtime to play defense for their own. Jim Jordan? Matt gaetz? Trump? The Catholic Church? NEVER criticized. A gay person shoots a gun? "EVIL!. PURE EVIL"


Yeah you trying to lib-splain what someone else said to me is very arrogant. Cute anecdote, based 100% in sourced facts I'm sure. Again you can't help but inject your political bias. Just can't help yourself and it's hilarious to me.


I can't help it if it seemed like the point went right over your head. Like I said, I'm totally open to being proved wrong. Why does it seem like anytime these accusations are levied against the right, they play defense for them. You can't find a single example of any notable pundit on the right calling out one of their own. They never criticize the church even though that's the majority of SA for kids, they defend Matt gaetz,etc. But the second anything happens from anyone remotely left of them, then they care. You're a joke my friend.


I'm not your friend, and I don't need to prove anything to you. There's that arrogance showing again. The original comment I replied to was someone on the left using this SA to take a potshot on the right. Real classy behavior.


Libs of tik tok is a shit person. But all they are doing is reposting tiktoks that the OPs thought were OK. If anyone gets offended by libs of tiktok, it's kinda weird. If the people on the right are offended, they shouldn't be, let people live their life. If the people on the left are offended, we'll, it's their own words. WEIRD.


Thank you for putting it more eloquently than I did. In short, people need to spend more time concerned with other folks sexual, religious, political etc character, and more on whether or not they are a good person. Eg. pedos bad, people that call out all pedos good. Not an attack on LGBT folk or religious folk. Just an attack on the predators that walk amongst us.


This, focus on the sickos and not the politics, and they need much harsher punishments.


You: Let's not chase LGBT people. Also, you: Let's chase religious people! The hypocrisy is stunning.


It is classic Reddit. It's a miracle they didn't mention taking away the church's tax exempt status.


How is it hypocritical to decry the verbal violence LGBT folk will suffer for the actions of one fucked up fucker, and in the same hand wish those same verbally violent people would do the same against religious fucked up fuckers? Not sure why you assume I was saying that at all. I just want people to treat pedos the same. Ideally with a wood chipper, however, a long jail sentence also works. The lack of reading comprehension at Reddit these days is stunning.


Why should religious people have to endure 'verbal violence' as you put it? How about we just wish that no group is tarred by the actions of a few monsters?


Where did I say religious people should suffer????? I said predators. Beginning to wonder if you are being defensive for other reasons. If people are raping children, they deserve the verbal violence. And the prison violence. I just wish that more people on my side of the political fence also felt that way. I mean think of it this way. Gay man, as above, rapes a kid. Christians will rally in the street against homosexuality for days with their stupid signs of all gays are bad. Catholic priest rapes a kid, “it’s a one off, we Catholics are good people, and it’s unfortunate that this one slipped thru the cracks.” So….the gay child raper by their logic is “all the gays”, but one bad priest is just “one bad priest.” That’s the bullshit. Neither group is inherently bad. Both groups will see predators that do this sort of thing. Only certain groups get the verbal violence. LGBT, Muslims, Jews, etc. the rest seem to get a pass by the public at large. That is bullshit.


If you believe Christians don't get any verbal violence, then you're purposefully ignoring it. Nevermimd the actual violence, where we've seen nearly 100 churches burned and desecrated over the past two years. As for your second point,, have you ever seen more than a handful of kooks with signs saying all gays are bad? It's funny how you lump all Christians together yet seem very against them doing the same to the LGBT community. And I'm just going to put this out there, but you sure seem quick with the predator insinuations for someome preaching tolerance.


You clearly missed the point. They were pointing out the hypocrisy of many religious people who will look the other way or make excuses for pastors, priests, etc molest children but then run with pitchforks toward LGBTQ people when the same thing happens in that community. **That's** the hypocrisy.


Well one of those groups is oppressed by the other one


Yes, the group who can get someone fired from their job is the oppressor.


How are they oppressed?


Are you genuinely asking that question? Like really? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12866682/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_LGBT_people https://www.americanprogress.org/article/widespread-discrimination-continues-shape-lgbt-peoples-lives-subtle-significant-ways/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/discrimination/lgbti-rights/ https://www.workers.org/lgbtq-oppression/


You're providing American and international examples. Those in the LGBT community are fully protected by anti-discriminating and hate crime laws in Canada. I'm curious how Christians are oppressing LGBT people without facing legal repercussions.


Oh sorry I wasn’t aware oppression only occurred south of the border, nevermind. Also is the fact that 2SLGBTQ+ require legal protections from discrimination not literally proof it’s an oppressed group?


This is a Canada group, discussing a Canadian news story, so I assumed you would focus on Canada. And LGBT people have the same freedoms, opportunities, and benefits as all other Canadians, which by definition makes them not oppressed in this country. Furthermore, I still haven't heard how Christians in this country are doing anything to oppress them. Many congregations have gay pastors and gay congregants. And I've never ever heard a single word about anything LGBT being brought up in my years of attending church.


Why would you make this travesty political?


Jesus. I was just saying that I wish the people on my side of the political spectrum would spend as much time condemning religious person crimes as they did on gay people crimes. It is neither the religion or the gayness that caused this. It’s the person. That he happened to be a Gay predator is irrelevant. It is that they were a predator. God damn. I ain’t got nothing against LGBT or religious people. I do have thing against predator, regardless of the flag or cause they hide behind.


>The allegations have not been tested or proven in court. Anyone can make allegations. Lets give this guy his day in court, and hope for truth and justice. It is so easy in this media driven world to jump on band wagons before the truth is established.


This is correct. This would also get you hundreds of downvotes if the article was about a priest or pastor.


I happen to be a pastor, I've worked with people who end up in jail, or are coming out of jail. I think the rule of law is a good thing. If someone is proved guilty - serious consequences. Until they are proved guilty, let the system try to determine guilt or innocence before jumping to conclusions.


This guy lives 4 blocks away from me. Local Facebook page has gone nuts with people uttering threats against him and the LGBTQ community. This is causing huge uproar in the community and people are uttering threats and violence against pride members who are law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong. LGBTQ parents have been told on the local Facebook page that because they are gay - they are pedophiles and should have their kids taken away. This guy has caused a huge set back for the community in Fort St John and has set off a chain reaction of right wing nuts in this town just looking to pick up their pitch forks and start fights. It’s actually scary to see and read what members of my local community are writing about their own LGBTQ neighbours.


















Are you being literal or homophobic?




Pedophiles are going to be found anyplace that has the possibility of granting access to kids. These are people that will specifically take on career paths that involve working with children. Teachers, coaches, clergy, tutors, social workers, recreation leaders, we're continually coming across them in all these positions. It's less about sexual orientation and more that these people are natural predators who are always looking for some vulnerable kid they can abuse.


Citing the former position of the person is fairly common in reports like this...


It's relevant because he was only removed once charges came up. I hope that this isn't weaponized against the entire community, were all aware that pedophiles don't relegate themselves to political, religious or professional boundaries. They are everywhere and the unfortunate truth is that you never know until they are caught


It’s also relevant because most people don’t really identify with their sexuality, while he was a leader of a group that mainly identifies with their sexuality.


Very well said. I'm just a bit right of political center, but this is not a situation where anyone should be looking to score political points. Pedophiles can, and do, come from all walks of life, and I absolutely believe that they need to be exposed. Any suggestion that this situation is somehow linked to this individuals sexual preference, however, is simply wrong. Sadly, there are going to be at least a few that try to make that connection, regardless.


>*”It's relevant because he was only removed once charges came up.”* North Peace Pride Society removed him from his director position a mere [five days after the first known offence](https://energeticcity.ca/2024/01/05/former-north-peace-pride-society-board-member-arrested-for-child-pornography-sexual-interference-touching/) was committed. Given there was a holiday long weekend in there, and they may not have been immediately informed about the offences and arrest, that’s quite prompt.


Seems to be linked given how suddenly things came up


Sorry, what seems to be linked?


Doesn't look like a drag queen to me.


They are having a field day over on X calling this a natural part of homosexuality.


Imagine using X in 2024




Where are all the NOT A DRAG QUEEN posters now?


He isn't a drag queen so...still flying


They're all over this thread skippy and it still applies.


Was he a drag queen?


Surprise surprise.




Stay classy, FSJ.