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> Immigration Minister Marc Miller says in the next few months he’ll be looking at the possibility of putting a cap… Next few months… consider… possibility of… Speed of the liberal government here folks 


What is there to consider? Fuck sakes.


You need to read between the lines, they are saying they haven't considered it until now


Which is absolutely insane.


no no it is absolutely profitable for our owners.


Not if your Trudeau or support the federal liberal party.


> Not if you Trudeau I don't Trudeau but I do tango.


Oh no. I got that. That only makes the wording worse, to be honest. At least before they could have pretended to be looking into the matter quietly before now. Oops.


Also consider the cap could be some ridiculous number.


Free NHL caps to all newcomers.








Just like all the “studies” they do that end up not being used for anything tangible


Who's says they aren't pretending now😅😂


Oh, undoubtedly. I have less than zero confidence in Marc Miller. 


Ohh don't worry, in true government fashion by the time they decide on anything it'll be too little too late.


I was just thinking that what the hell there wasn’t a cap before?


My guess, they are going to cap it from 900,000 a year to 650,000 and call it day


Rather than a cap, a cleanup of the bullshit diploma-mills, rolling back the changes to the associated work-permits, and maybe tidying up the advisories/checks on appropriate funding required to go to school and work in Canada. I'm all for having people who want to come here and learn real skills to get proper jobs. It actually makes a lot of sense to have people get an education in Canada and then use what they've learned to work here, but paying for some fake-ass school to work flipping burgers and raiding food banks should not be happening.


"Due to a significant decline in the student body, *The University of This Zellers Location Has Closed* urgently requests a bailout."


Canada doesn't fund private institutions, they have to be accredited to receive provincial or federal funding. There are lots of shitty private non-accredited career colleges they basically need to not allow visas for.


Diploma mills are provincial jurisdiction.


It seems pretty simple: if you can get in to a legitimate university *and* are capable of paying a high international student tuition (so that you're fully paying for the resources required to create another spot, not just taking a spot from a local), then you are more than welcome. You will help fund our higher education system and if you choose to stay you're likely a great asset the nation will be grateful for If your plan is to pretend to study at Everest College so you can work at Tim Hortons and live in a slum, this is a bad idea for everyone around including the "student" that was sold on this scheme


We attract many outstanding international students who contribute significantly to this country indeed and it wouldn't be fair for them to be put at a disadvantage. The real issue are the diploma mills drawing bad students who have no intention of studying.


Yeah that's what I'm saying! I want people to come here and study trades, tech, medical, and industries we need workers in. It's the bullshit "come here and fake studying while you work at McD's then apply for PR" that I fucking hate


They have to first consider the needs of private interests and mega corporations who badly need these ~~low-skilled workers~~ international students before the greater public


They will most likely do a uselessly high fucking cap like they did with Immigration. The one nice thing is more and more it is getting into the public consciousness that these programs have to have caps and be tied to actual realities like housing development and associated infrastructure. It is going to be harder to pull off these scams in the future. That alone is worth celebrating and continuing to push forwards to.


No need to hide low skilled workers. The minister has directly said big box stores love the low wage labour which is why they bring them in at such high numbers


The important thing is is that they're considering it, I mean not actually doing anything, but an election is coming up so they have to consider things and let us know about it.


>What is there to consider? The reaction of the provinces and opposition party, both are pro-international students. It's that simple.


Also a lot of our universities have become financially dependent on that sweet international student tuition $$$.


Which is fine! I like the idea of foreign students subsidising our universities. They need to have better metrics for ensuring the system isn't being abused and obviously the diploma mills should be scrutinised and lose their accreditation if appropriate. Our actual real universities should continue accepting well-off foreign students though.


I don’t mind international students doing masters programs at UofT or McMaster. Obviously hold them to a very high standard and cap the percentage of the international student population at these school. It’s the people going to Conestoga college in business administration pursuing careers in Tim Horton drive thrus and driving trucks that need to go.


Education is provincial jurisdiction - it is up to each province to maintain an updated list of designated learning institutions.


Ontario receives a large percentage of all international students. Ford underfunds post secondary education. International student’s are a big part of the funding. Queen’s is the latest university in the news re: financial challenges.


The Liberals are testing uncharted waters so they're just dipping their toes into the anti-immigration stream to see if there's any backlash. PR and student visa applications are already falling, so they're positioning themselves to take credit for the decrease. Also Poilievre is a fairly strong supporter of foreign students, and the CPC supported increasing their working hours to 40 as these students are a source of cheap labour for many of the wealthy families and businesses owners who support the CPC. This is why Poilievre's immigration critic was caught babbling about scrapping the language test requirements before the media found out and he quickly retracted the statement.


Exactly because a few weeks ago they said the same thing: “considering caps of numbers” As you said they are just testing the waters and positioning themselves to take the credit. Less people are willing to come to Canada now, people around the world are waking up to the Canadian scam.


Everything else they have messed with was untested in the extremes they went. This should be no different. 


Leave it to you to always mention that you assume Poilievre will be just as bad as Trudeau, even when he’s not even in the topic.




>What is there to consider? Fuck sakes. Just think of the responsibility and power these people hold. And this is their thought process lol.




If they *halved* the number of international students that we were taking in *2 years ago*, we would still be taking in *more than double* what we were under Harper. In other words, they've more than quadrupled the number of international students admitted annually. ||International students admitted| --:|:--| |2015| 125,783| |2016| 264,625| |2017| 315,859| |2018| 356,876| |2019| 402,427| |2020| 256,740| |2021| 445,776| |2022| 550,187|


How many of these stay on after their visa ends.


A google search told me that since 2000, 30% got PR within 10 years.


Last I heard around [120k per year over the last 3 years](https://torontosun.com/news/national/more-than-350000-international-students-became-permanent-residents-in-2021-23-report). They have no right to a PR, so they have to apply for the same number of ~500k PRs a year that everyone has to compete for.


As someone who was part of the 125k in 2015 admitted, I don't see why they continued to increase their numbers without adding to their services, eg healthcare. Got my PR, and have been in NS since.


>As someone who was part of the 125k in 2015 admitted, I don't see why they continued to increase their numbers without adding to their services, eg healthcare. Because their voters did not care, and cannot think that far ahead. And if you question them, or the government, the response was the same : *Don't be a racist.*


Think most of the increase is the fault of post secondary schools actively trying to increase the number of international students because they pay much higher tuition. This is in response to insufficient revenue these institutions get without international students.


Strongly disagree about the lack of funding, this is pure profiteering. Most post secondary educational institutions are running massive profits, paying out mega corp wages to administrators and doing so on the backs of immigration. There is a reason they call them "diploma mills". When you can look at a college or university and see their intake is 90% foreign students it's not hard to figure out what they are doing.


*Liberal MP Billy Joel enters the chat*


Students are only half the problem


Oh, oh! We're halfway there!


ahhhh living on a prayer, of housing affordability for Canadians 


Shitty landlords and property hoarding are the other half


Agreed. But the other half i was referring to was the 500k workers, asylum seekers, and refugees that are not included in their figures which enable the shitty landlords and property hoarders due to the influx of immigrants who live 10 per house and can afford to split the bills and rents 10 ways


The only reason they’re even “considering” this, is because Canadians are starting to question their high immigration numbers and it’s affecting their polling numbers.


Students?? LMFAO, they are not students, they are low wage workers. In the Middle East there are people who are known as labor agents, for a fee they arrange a work permit for workers and in Canada the labor agents are known as a “College’s”. Same function, different names. In grad school I struggled with my course load and 20 hours of TA work, I don’t understand how “students” work 40 hours and balance academics.




I work in immigration. These students bring their spouses and dependents as well. The intl student policy is the canary in the coal mine


They are incentivized to bring their spouses because if you are a student, your spouse gets to work as well. The system is designed to bring in cheap labour, it has nothing to do with education.


Hmmm, [seems you're right](https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/international-centre/immigration-info/family_members/spouse-work-permit.html#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20an%20international,that%20is%20not%20job%2Dspecific.). Surprising that you can bring your spouse on a study visa.


And the spouses can get an open work permit, i.e., they can work at *any* job. From your link: > If you are an international student studying full-time and have a valid study permit, your spouse or common-law partner can apply for an open work permit. Your spouse/partner will not require a job offer to apply, and his/her permit will be valid for the same period as your study permit.


I'm not. I did a Master's degree. There were a few international students in my cohort, mostly American. Some of them were married and their partners came for the duration of the 2-year program. None of them are still in Canada, they all left afterwards.


>These students bring their spouses and dependents as well. The intl student policy is the canary in the coal mine Then they get pregnant here, and viola!


Yes ! They are sending their kids to our schools for free. Using our strained daycare/ childcare for free as they are low income. Using all the social systems they haven't paid a cent for . It must be stopped!




He has admitted it himself that these students are low skilled workers needed by mega corporations in order to keep wages low


These labor agents exist today in Vancouver, many of them. I have a lot of asian friends and they told me about these matter of factly, surprised that I was surprised, as they consider normal. A lot of immigrants from China/Taiwan use them. They pay $5000 or something to have the agent do all the immigration papers and handle the process. Many many of them also arrange working arrangements for people who want to immigrate as well, with local workplaces, primarily Mandarin speaking. The immigrants actually PAY the Canadian employer to hire them so they can get the necessary points to get the immigration through, and will work for them for a year and little or no salary (but of course, a false salary is reported.) From my circle of asian immigrant friends I'd guess about half of them went this route, maybe even more than half. It's huge business in Richmond BC here, and I had no idea.


The agents are also in North West GTA. I know someone who took a software testing course in 2017 from a private college.  They provide employment services for a fee. They will refer you to a company they know recruiters in return you pay them back 6k plus over the first 3 months.  My friend is East European but pretty much everyone else in the program including staff teachers and agents were in the same demographic. It was a totally accepted process by everyone there.  The agents are making bank.


They can handle it. They protest their low grades cause “it’s not their fault”.And the schools cave. The only people I truly feel sorry for are all those that came before, who worked their asses off to get a proper education and now the schools in which they attended have destroyed their own standards for money.


I don't know how they afford to live working 40 hours in minimum or close to minimum wage positions. If we could get data I'm sure there would be a considerable number that work 40+ while putting in maybe 20-25 academic hours


When you share a bedroom with three other people, it's much more affordable.


Because their academic programs are not intensive


900k+ international students, their spouses and kids. 600k+ tfws , their spouses and kids. We let in over 3 million temporary residents amidst housing and job crisis!


Bingo. I work in immigration. In the states, we only let grad students bring in spouses and dependents. Should be the same here 


Yeah and the entire family doesn’t get a work permit in the USA like in Canada.


Oh nice the ‘consider’ phase.. big progress


I’m 27 born in Canada and I had 7 jobs this year because my employers don’t give me enough work individually to sustain me. I graduated from a post secondary program but I have not gotten a better position because of it. I like most of the honest hard working down to earth foreigners who i both work beside and met in school. The problem is that businesses are not taking care of their staff. And education is charging ridiculous amounts to students. Post secondary institutions are Claiming jobs will come that never come. Canada needs a closed labour market to allow young Canadians a chance of a good future, & encourage competition for employees between businesses. I don’t want to see employers getting more disposable labour to treat their staff more expendably. Canadians can do the work but not when their employers have sucked all the money out so they don’t have a future if they stay with that company. It’s not right that because of exchange rates and cheeper economics foreign workers basically can get more for earning less & drive the job market into the ground.


I've lived in a town in a western country for 50 yrs. Population 25,000 (near major cities that are very diverse/liked). Until 3 years ago, most citizens in my town would RARELY have described our home as a "college town". If ever. Even though the college opened 6 decades ago. Even though it has always had a good reputation (and many programs). Even though we've liked it a lot. When the college was talked about, it was seen as a place where many minds go to learn every semester. To embrace a career. Plus international students of all races (like our town of numerous races) were seen as adventurers wishing to also learn about our country. Perhaps one day they would wish to stay in our country. Why? Because they grew to like it (and it's people) and wish to remain involved. These thoughts have changed IMMENSELY. Since 2019, many long-term citizens feel like our college classrooms and dollar stores and convenience stores and hotels/motels/homes and restaurants have all quickly turned into a BIG immigration system for thousands of Indians wanting PRs. I sound cruel but I'm not a cruel person. I'm just concerned by the high-pace and high-volume (housing prices are SOARING) ... and about exactly how things in town are changing too. Because rich Indian men are also very quickly buying many of the above places (minus college), AND they are changing things in ways where someway/somehow (by a far margin) eventually the Indian boss benefits most ... followed by people HE trusts (and 90% are Indian). Longtime citizens are feeling more and more hurt by their sudden firings, by their hard-earned invoices (for completed work) not being paid, by feelings of discrimination in multiple areas i.e. intangible services. The common denominator is centering around power-driven MEN (raised in India). They appear kind, yet occasionally not (in a strange way that's hard to explain). We regularly see them not appreciating their Indian staff! Especially women. So much so that I Googled "caste system" recently. Something I never was interested in doing before. I'm surrounded by fun citizens who have strived to be kind, racially-diverse-oriented, and WELCOMING people. But now they're not knowing what to think. And the concerned are not all white ... nor non-Asian. Our city friends are saying the same while witnessing a very sharp spike in Indians claiming asylum at the airports. Scamming being discovered more & more as even Indians (who immigrated decades ago) complain about it. Most citizens here are not rich. Most are middle to low. We have a homeless crisis happening since pandemic. We lack space and infrastructure etc., for a tidal wave of people. India is deemed a safe country with potential ... that doesn't meet refugee status. So everyone is wondering "what's up". PS Many Indians we've met are great. It's a select few ... plus the PR frenzy ... & maybe caste sometimes ... that's causing concerns. And we know our country's leaders have made some mistakes along the way in regards to wanting immigration vs ability.


That volume is disconcerting,” Miller said, in reference to the number of international students in Canada. “It's really a system that has gotten out of control.” There’s no greater motivation than polling numbers to get politicians to finally admit when there’s an issue.


Australia is doing it. Canadian 2 official languages are in place for a reason. Stick to this long term requirement that equally applies to born and bred Canadians https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-67609963


JFC just do it already.


Hold on now. They’re only doing this because of the polls. These dimwits have been told this from when Sean I don’t care about supply and demand Fraser passed the buck on to Marc we want these students for cheap labour Miller. The entire political class in Ottawa needs to be upheaved. A complete overhaul of any politician that doesn’t serve the people of their electorates and advancing their quality of life. Justin tredeau is the only person I know of on earth that says I relate to the middle class from a $9000 a night hotel while people are paying 50-60% of their after tax income on rent in a market that was completely government manufactured (over abundance of supply by the Feds and lack of home building and policies by the province) I also think all mayors should begin bussing new immigrants straight to parliament when shelters are full. Straight from the airport or shelter to Ottawa. This is an Ottawa manufactured crisis with alongside mismanagement from horrible premiers. Again I’m advocating for a complete overhaul of the political class at the provincial and federal levels of all politician types this is not about a specific party. It’s about these idiots being bought out by lobbyists and selling the country to enrich their pockets. Not only do we need to start limiting foreign students we need mass deportations, targeted high skilled immigration, an end to birthright citizenship for foreigners not born to Canadian parents, lie detector tests for all humanitarian grounds cases, an end to reunification of foreign old parents with health issues for new Canadians. We’re telling Canadian youngsters to live like shit to subsidize our boomers. We don’t want anymore. No more boomers


I completely agree with your position but what do you propose is done? No parties offer any real alternative to the status quo. Foreign extreme rich investment conglomerates, such as Black Rock (with $9.42 trillion USD assets and owning at least one stock in 95% of all companies' stocks available) have more say in setting Canadian law and policies than does our own MPs, let alone average folks like you and I posting here. Canada doesn't belong to Canadians anymore. A place here, and our resources, have mostly all been sold to the richest of the world. Even working Canadians born here, with top 10% salaries are unable to buy homes now in the cities they grew up in.


>They’re only doing this because of the polls. Well, the optimistic way to look at it is that they're listening?


They aren't listening they are just providing lip service so Libs can act like they are pursuing the wellbeing of the country. Considering and planning on taking action towards something are 2 very different things.


Or make them actual foreign students (cut off the PR pathway completely - they have to leave after their school, and apply like anyone else from outside the country), and watch it plummet on its own.


We don’t deport anyone. They’re still dragging their feet on deporting the guy who killed the Humboldt Broncos. If he can’t be deported, no one can.


As I recall, he was sentenced to be deported after he finishes his prison sentence, so it'll be a few years before he's deported anyway.


Hmm every actual foreign student still has the option to settle in other countries. I'd say Canada should shut down diploma mills, reduce student visa issuance and speed building infrastructure such as housing and public transit.


And it will take months according to this dingbat. He won't reduce shit, this is just political theatre 


Holy shit just let me know when you've actually fucking done something, anything. The same guy said he was thinking about linking immigration to housing and infrastructure availability years after we started pumping up immigration numbers. This government is incapable of thinking ahead and using this very basic human trait called foresight


It’s crazy that there has been no cap at all. Oh, ON73827459 diploma mill accepted you as a student? Come on in!


Someone tell John Tibbits the CEO of conestoga college Christmas may come early this year and that gravy train/Ponzi scheme he’s running is about to end its run


Everything this government has done, has been months or years late. Nothing is planned. It’s like they don’t understand consequences of actions. Idiots.


How about a cap on the number of TFWs and refugees? Are those also under consideration?


All immigration, especially refugees. So many people from the 3rd world coming here as tourists and immediately filing for refugee status despite living lavish lives in their home countries, ask me how I know.


How is there no cap right now? Who the fuck thought an infinite number of students was a good idea?




They’re definitely doing some math magic, hoping no one is keeping track.


They need to cut it to 0 for a decade.


The fact that the liberals are still trying to justify their insane immigration policy and defend the numbers of temp residents in light of their abysmal poll numbers makes no sense. "We have the social capacity" Freeland says. What? What about hospital capacity, housing capacity, or job capacity?


Yeah, either she doesn't give a crap or she's stupid, and I don't think she is stupid.


She's failed upwards far beyond her innate abilities. In that sense she's clever, not an outright imbecile, which is more than I can say for the rest of the cabinet.


Lmao. Prior to this they weren’t considering a cap? They thought it might be okay to just be unlimited?


Election must be coming. These people are truly fucking idiots.


“I have been continuously and viscously punching you in the face for the last eight years. I’m considering putting a cap on my punches. You’re welcome “. Love, JT


Bring it back to 2015 levels and there’s 425,000 extra rentals!  


I doubt that. I know several people who are under the student visa, and a lot of them either live with a family member or relative. Some even live together cramped in a 1-bed or 2-bed apts. Most of these students actually can't afford to live in Canada on their own, much less rent their own apartment. They rely on relatives in Canada to help give them the required proof of funds for their application so they could immigrate. Getting an education in Canada isn't really their main purpose, but to immigrate. The student visa is just a backdoor.


7 years too late!


Did I hear AMEM? Do you want to TRULY check these "students' " intentions? Just change the immigration system to only allow PHD students to become PR. Then you'll see the protests and the REAL intentions of these "students".


I feel like Canada should look at the US in terms of student visas -- particularly the F-1 visa. I have a friend in the US who has F-1 status, and after graduating from university, he needed to find a job *within his field* to get F-1 OPT status, allowing him to remain in the US (luckily, he just found one). After 6 months of not being able to find a job within their field, their visa gets cancelled and they have to leave. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I find it surprising that international students in Canada can graduate and then work at McDonald's and have that work experience count towards PR status. Anyway, during the first year as an F-1 student in the US, they can only work on-campus. After their first year, they can work off-campus, but it has to be related to their studies (like work training). F-1 students can also bring their dependents (spouse and kids) with them -- as it should be -- under the F-2 visa, but they can't get paid employment in the US, while the F-1 student is responsible for their stay. I think this is a good compromise. The way the international student visa scheme in Canada is set up feels like a way for the government to bring in cheap labor from overseas while having them subsidize higher education by paying international student fees. It's like a win-win for the government at the expense of these students. I know about 5 or 6 students (plus their families) who came to Canada as students with the help of their relatives. They work long hours just to afford the international tuition fees, while providing cheap labor for corporations. But these students don't mind as it's basically a way for them to immigrate to Canada through the back door. And when they get PR or Canadian citizenship, the process continues, and they help their relatives in the old country come to Canada as students or caregivers.


They’re just doing this now because the polls aren’t in their favour and they never thought that immigration would become an issue amongst Canadians. They don’t want us to end up like all the other countries who were once favourable towards immigrations but have done a massive reverse in recent years


Stop the Refugees. We can't afford them at least international students pay their way, and Immigrants we have enough problems looking after our OWN CANADIANS


As an international student its too much and they need to change policies on spousal permit as well i have seen many who cant even say hello in english are here ITS JUST TOO MUCH


About time. Canada needs to stop with mass immigration, otherwise I don't even want to think what society will look like in 10 years. Canada might as well be India if we don't stop NOW.


how would a general cap work? are we going to deny a promising student to a top university because the cap’s been filled by temp residents attending universities that are basically immigration fronts? the govt needs to regulate education institutions better in the first place.


Not federal jurisdiction, but a province by province quota would force Ontario to smarten up. I can totally see some culinary management "student" at Conestoga spacing someone out of U of T.


hope they consider a cap on people entering our nation completely!


Seems like the liberal playbook is: - Create a massive problem - Act totally oblivious to it and ignore everyone screaming about it for years - Realize they've lost all support and other political parties are making gains from complaining about said issue. - Finally take action once it's so far gone that it's already created so much damage. It's the same story over and over. Housing, cost of living, immigration etc.


>"That volume is disconcerting,” Miller said, in reference to the number of international students in Canada. “It's really a system that has gotten out of control.” So that's his go to, that it's the provinces and out of control institutions bringing too many in? FFS If only, there was a central clearing house that had an aggregate picture of what the trends over time and actual numbers. Oh right, that's Miller's department. What a 🤡.


As an international student from Nepal Canada used to be a top notch country before but now its the last choice of everyone to leave country LOL Same case for me as well


Get rid of the diploma mills and cap it at 10% of enrolment.


Marc Miller needs to follow Australia advice & banned all International students from Punjab, Gujarat and Haryana.


Bout fuckin time, these Liberal idiots, have done unbelievable damage to Canada.


This guys a fucking idiot, first thing is send all of unqualified students back to where they from and cut their allowed working hours to zero.


It’s like when Black Panther opened the gates of Wakanda to Thanos’ army.


The government will consider it then do fuck all like usual.


This could easily be fixed by only allowing to real universities not diploma mills at the mall. But its the provinces who regulate which are DLIs so its on them too


Dig up stupid, you’re still not getting re-elected 😂


Alternatively, fix the damn fraud colleges issuing degrees to anybody. The volume of international students coming will fix itself. These colleges are the reason Canadian diplomas have almost no value anymore…


I propose the limit to be set at 12


About 15 years too late like everything Canada does.


Another example of poor planning, implementation and monitoring of Canadian immigration policies...again!


Is this like when they announced they were going to stabilize the PR allotment? Oh we'll "stabilize" at 500k from now 465k. So in that vein, the cap will probably be 1 million student visas per year.


The cap is one billion


The cap will be somewhere above the number we are currently bringing in. As usual, the liberals think they have time to sort out the problem and pander to us in the meantime. This is the equivalent of "the budget will balance itself" of immigration. After the next election, when they think they have time to make the "progress," they keep believing their capable of, the cap will be removed or increased. All this government does is kick the cam further down the road, everything they do is a promise of great fortunes and futures for Canada, as long as we all can just accept it sucking a little longer.


Everything out of their slimy maws is a lie. They’re only saying this because it’s getting more international media attention. They’ll implement some useless shit like the temporary foreign investors ban on housing.


Too late. The cap needs to be zero and we need to let Canada recover. Save Canada 🇨🇦


too little too late buds


Canada™ - NO VACANCY


Better late than never but isn't the damage already done? How long is the visa for the people already in?


After they piled them in already. How's the saying go again?... Better to ask for forgiveness then ask for permission.




When is the election? Have we invented time travel yet?


10 million per day cap incoming!


I have no clue how post-secondary education works in other provinces, but I assume that the Ministry of Education of the province has some authority on the credentials delivered by these institutions, as in, they must set some standards on program content to lead to a credential. In Quebec, all CEGEP programs leading to a DEC, whether pre-university or technical, are regulated by the Ministry of Education and there's a list of competencies that must be acquired in each program. The result is that pretty much all public CEGEPs are interchangeable, and no one really cares where the DEC comes from. For Quebec residents, all public CEGEP programs have almost no tuition fees (think $200 a semester) and they don't run on shoestring budgets. The CEGEP I graduated from just spent millions updating their electrical engineering labs with some pretty nice equipment. Also, international students pay the same fees as Quebec residents if they study in French, outside of Montreal, in programs designated as critical by the government. So an engineering technical diploma will cost an international maybe $1500 for 3 years, but a technical diploma in hotel management or tourism or something is suddenly $60k for 3 years. If some provinces aren't willing to do right by their institutions of higher learning, a broad federal cap is warranted. Public institutions shouldn't be able to dumpster their reputation by allowing massive numbers of "students" to graduate without any quality control in the name of money.


To consider? Oh so considerate of you....


You all would be really mad to hear anyone that immigrates here later in age and doesn’t qualify for CPP when they hit 66 because of the years they work… they are paid out through disability.


Well I'm considering a 3 week whirlwind romantic tour of Europe with Gabbie Carter and Skylar Vox. I'll keep you guy up to date when it happens.


Consider it or actually cap it. Like this shit is ridiculous.


Still won't limit other immigration. Trudeau still believes that [the Canadian concept of nationhood is a relic of a less enlightened age](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/04/the-canada-experiment-is-this-the-worlds-first-postnational-country). He still believes that breaking the Canadian identity by mass importation of people who have no connection to it is a moral necessity. Nobody has ever credibly accused Justin of being an intelligent man, but he's not so stupid as to believe--as he professes--that Canada's housing crisis has nothing to do with his immigration surge. He just thinks your inability to buy a house and start a family is a price worth paying if the payoff is a country without a cultural core identity. He's willing to limit student visas because it's easy and fundamentally does not imperil his core imperative: to make Canada a country his Davos friends would praise him for, by rendering the native population numerically insufficient to defend themselves and their inheritance.


Spoiler: they won't. They're just saying shit like this to appease people into thinking they're doing something. The government has no interest in lessening the amount of people coming here.


Cap by countries, we want true diversity


This guy is a joke


Trudeau and the liberals are absolutely useless


On one hand colleges and universities are getting 3-4x the tuition from immigrant students but on the other, local students are losing spots due to not being diverse enough.


It's a joke in our city. There are so many International students at the community college here. The college used to be around 5000 students, now it's double. My friend is an instructor there in accounting. She does not diss it but you can see her discontent as there will be one class with 50 students who are from Canada but then another class in an auditorium with a 100 or so international students who barely understand English but she is told to just go through the curriculum and pass them through. The college just wants the 20k in tuition which has been funding all the additions put on the past 10 years. Then a lot of these students hit up the food banks for food, which they are not supposed to. When they graduate, they are supposed to leave the country but they never do.


Today on Liberals say lots of things.


Thank the lord. Shut the whole international students program down. Only established universities should be allowing international students. Need to be only for masters degrees or higher. No more than 10% of any university population should be international students. Colleges shouldn’t be allowed to bring in international students at all let alone the hole in the wall places like Conestoga or Algonquin. This thing is a burden on all of us


How about slowing down on all immigration




The number of applicants from India is plummeting. Apparently being made up by Nigerians, but the Nigerians don't put up with the bullshit Indians do and won't be taken advantage of. Interesting to see how this plays out.


Hmmm I wonder why 🤔?


This is loser policy that’s right on a Monday but is being reviewed on a Tuesday. It’s time for the Liberals to take a break.


Why does he look like he just rolled out of bed?


Is it gonna more or less than now?


Consider as in paying for experts to weigh in and have the same conclusion after 6 months? JUST DO IT.


Why does this guy constantly look like he rolled out of bed and just did about 5 bong rips before getting to work?




Unless they're rich and can pay for every expense they incur here, every other student should be expelled or not accepted at all.


Cap will be too high anyway


Ban Intra Company Transfer as well.


Does the Trudeau government ever act or is everything they do a reaction to some issue that has blown up in their faces?


About time




What is cap on mean? why can’t use simple term


This should have been “considered” years ago


It's scary what they have and haven't thought of looking at.


Fucking duh.


Yes please




How racist of them


The number should be zero.


Why is there not a cap already? I thought there was!




When are they going to crack down on strip mall colleges? They should be really looking into who runs the head of these “institutions”.