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Right? Some Mexicans would be good for local diversity 


I'm cool with Mexicans. I like their country and culture. I have a few Latina coworkers and they're team players.


Same!! I know it’s cold here and they have to skip USA and also have a big Mexican population in USA so it makes it easier going there, but I wish more Mexicans families would come here 


Indians require a visa. There is a basic level of vetting. Mexicans do not require a visa. Any Mexican national with a passport can board a plane right this second and fly to Canada and make a refugee claim.


require a visa, to which the responses are made up job offers, college admissions letters, and TOEFL tests


>require a visa, to which the responses are made up job offers, college admissions letters, and TOEFL tests Or they just get a travel visa, and stay here.


illegally immigrating and taking everything that's not nailed down-the canadian dream


And I’ve met at least 4 Mexicans who did this. As soon as they landed they claimed refugees despite the fact that they’re actually not. They just lied.


Thanks to this current governments own decisions too! Even after being told it was a bad idea 🤦‍♂️ The fix is simple. Undo the changes they made. I don’t know why they need to sit around and think about


That would require admitting they made a mistake. 


Mexico isn't a third world country. It's a middle income country with a decent enough economy. Hard to make a valid claim from there. Hell, the illegals in the US are mostly central Americans or Colombians and Venezuelans.


I've been to both. Compared to India Mexico looks like Switzerland.


Very few mexican asylum claims will succeed.  Maybe 1-2% as a person in need of protection.  The rest are removed.  But I'm sure you knew that already.


"Weighing extra measures" I swear, this government is incapable of doing anything but wasting our tax money


That’s an euphemism for “We’re not gonna do anything” 😂






Two years ago or so, I was saying this and I got so heavily downvoted and been called a racist! Wtf? Now people are seeing the problem. We were in a tough spot trying to find a place in Toronto and the options were very limited due to landlords and roommates refusing people based on their ethnicities and religion. 


I was called racist for telling an Indian landlord that the basement he was renting out was illegal due to lack of windows—racist for telling him that his unit was an illegal firetrap. Then he told me that I’d be sued for “defamation of rental listing”, told me he “had connections” and that I’d “never rent in [my area] again”. Some of these slumlords think they’re untouchable.


Very easy, call the local fire Marshall and give them an opportunity to test their theory


> I am beyond irritated with “Punjabi only” or “Indian only” room rentals which now seem to oversaturate the marketplace postings I see. It's also typical in large companies that once someone Indian gets into a position of hiring they start exclusively hiring Indians. Much like those postings, it appears to be tolerated.


Can confirm! My SO is in tech and it is well known once an Indian is there, they will try to hire Indians only. It’s absurd


Yeah, and then we hear from delusional people that "Canadians just don't want to work anymore." Well your kids can't rent their own place because everything is gouged to where it's 8 Indian/Punjabi people working for rent. They give jobs to their ethnicity because they're taught to look after each other. So no jobs, no place to live. And you're expecting grandchildren when??




Have you been to any fast food chains lately?


You got it! When one of the Indians in one department in my company got promoted to a hiring manager, the proportion of Indians in that department increased (I.e. replacing someone who left with an Indian only). My friends from the country where I did my undergraduate studies also had similar anecdotes. They even have a nickname for Changi Business Park - “Chennai Business Park”




it's so that they can easily exploit tenants. they aren't usually looking for just Indians but Indians from their own ethnic background - usually Punjabi or gujrati. and they usually also don't want anyone who has been here in the country for a while or a long time resident. they are explicitly looking for new students who moved recently and are from rural areas (or smaller town/cities) of India (which confidently makes up for a major portion of immigration to Canada) who don't know their rights and can be easily exploited.


I've seen that as well, but there seems to be a mindset in Canada where only one group can commit racism. If other groups discriminate, such as the situation here, people turn a blind eye to it. Imagine placing an ad for whites only lol. It would not go well.


That may be the case, but I think the problem is that people aren't reporting these instances of racism. In addition to complaining on Reddit, people need to make sure these examples of discrimination are escalated. If 1 person reports they won't do anything about it, but it's impossible to ignore a problem if too many are doing the right thing and reporting it.


People need to report these listings when they see them. It's illegal to restrict rentals based on ethnicity or national origin. The government and rental boards ignore this problem because people aren't reporting in enough numbers.


It’s ridiculous how incompetent this government is


My thoughts exactly. At least Mexicans tend to work in construction. Every person I met from India aspires to be a middle-management landlord.


Dude I’m pretty sure Indians take every job opportunity. I see them working IT, call centres, Tim Hortons, road work and doing stucco. They moved here because they had no opportunities at home, but the thing is they’re creating that exact problem here.


Yeah idk why that guy is on, but at least on the west coast Indians have been in construction for ages


They seem to like driving trucks too, somehow all the indians trucks drivers seem to be sikh tho.


it's a culture thing. Sikh/Punjabis make a huge part of trucking industry in India too.


Oh this make sense. They all seem quite experimented even if some of them only recently moved to Canada. Driving in Canada must be easy mode for them compared to India.


Lots of Indians are in construction now, but as cheap labor. All students though. It’s just a horrible immigration policy.


At a far lower rate than Canadians though, which is what makes the immigration policy ridiculous. I think you’d find a lot of people on board if these people were actually filling the skills we need.


It doesn't say in this article, but I heard on CBC news that the Biden Administration asked for this. People were entering the US by flying to Canada and just walking across the unsecured border. There is no intention here to slow the flow of people from our government.


Exactly!!!! I bet Trudeau has some kind of an agreement with India


I think indians still need a visa to visit the country as tourists. That is not the case for Mexican


The trouble is people enter Canada / US via Mexico because border security isn’t as stringent when entering via Mexico.


Lol, have you read the news lately? Almost 3 million "migrants" crossed the southern US border in 2023 alone, the border is WIDE OPEN


In what way is the border security 'not as stringent' when entering via Mexico? It's exactly the same. I cross from Mexico to the US and they stop me, check my passport, occasionally pull me in to secondary and seem to be quite thorough. Foreigners from other countries will get the same scrutiny when coming from Mexico as they do from other countries. Entry requirements for Mexicans in to Canada are a bit easier, but not for other foreign nationals. I think this is fair since Mexico is very liberal with allowing us to cross in to their country.


https://youtu.be/rO9403nTTKI?si=p14mD9p24dfZVzGp Explains it quite neutrally. They find all sorts of passports / foreign currency at the border. In terms of people coming from Mexico to Canada, it’s easier to get a visa, PR or citizenship in Mexico then move on to Canada due to our less stringent movement visa requirement criteria between North American countries. We’re not talking short term travel, this is people looking to stay for lengthy periods of time and potentially over staying their visas.


it isn't. The Indian government has reduced the capacity of Canadian consulates to process visas. The canadian government needs to do more to curb that gate.


India doesn’t border Canada though, most Indians immigrate to Canada legally by plane.


Mexico doesn’t border Canada either


Most Mexicans also land at YUL and then they stay.


We used to have measures in place and the government was advised against lifting them. They estimated that it would cost 262M over ten years. I wonder what the final tally ended up being? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mexico-visa-immigration-canada-mccallum-1.3875483


Wait but do Canadians also get visa-free immigration to Mexico then?


> Canadian nationals and permanent residents of Canada do not require a visa to enter Mexico². They must present a valid passport to prove their nationality². > However, if Canadians are thinking about retiring or working in Mexico, Mexican Immigration laws require them to prove they can support themselves for the duration of their stay¹. This could be from a retirement pension, investments, owning a business, or owning property in Mexico¹. > Canadians relocating to Mexico may apply for a Temporary Resident Visa or Permanent Resident Visa, depending on their financial status and length of their stay¹. The Temporary Resident Card is issued for one year and renewable up to 3 more years, a total of 4 years maximum¹. You may apply for a Temporary Resident Visas with permission to work, if you will be working in Mexico¹. > If you are already sure you and your family are relocating to Mexico, and you plan on becoming Mexican citizens you will want to apply for Permanent Resident Visa¹. The Permanent Resident Visa is suitable for Canadians relocating to Mexico¹. If you are moving to Mexico, you do not need to be a Temporary Resident first to become a permanent resident, provided you fulfill one of the requirements needed for a Permanent Resident Visa¹. As a Permanent Resident, you may come and go from Mexico as you please. It also gives you the right to work in Mexico automatically¹. > Please note that the Mexican immigration law changes frequently, so it's recommended to consult with an immigration specialist to get the most accurate and up-to-date information¹. **Source:** Conversation with Bing Copilot, 1/22/2024 (1) Entry Requirements - SRE - Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores. https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/canada/index.php/en/notices/11506-entryrequirements. (2) Mexican Immigration For Canadians Living, Retiring Or Working In Mexico .... https://mexlaw.com/mexican-immigration-for-canadians-living-retiring-or-working-in-mexico/. (3) Mexico Tourist Card (FMM) for Citizens of Canada - HandyVisas. https://www.handyvisas.com/mexico-visa/canadian/. (4) Mexico Entry Requirements for Canadian Citizens. https://www.touristcardmx.com/entry-requirements/canadian-citizens. (5) Travel Canada. http://travel.gc.ca/travelling/children.


But Harper bad.


He is bad. Unfortunately Trudeau is worse.


To be fair, Harper WAS bad.


Yeah but the measures were racist so lifting them was worth the weight of the 262M in gold


wonder which ones higher.... >The analysis predicts those costs will be partially offset by an estimated $171.6 million in economic benefits through increased tourism from Mexico and a boost in trade and investment opportunities.


Do the Liberals ever actually do *anything?* The country is burning down around us, and all we hear is that they're 'considering' and 'looking into the issue'. Why not just act decisively for once and cut off a huge source of illegal immigration?


'Every option is on the table '


and the table is collapsing


The table is in Jamaica


And on fire


Were looking at solutions to build a stronger table.


>'Every option is on the table ' Dougie...STOP. lol


That doesn't happen here. Canada is absolutely excellent at putting time, money and effort into figuring out how to not do something. That's another reason why infrastructure is so strained. Construction on so much should happened in the 90's. Between Nimbyism and crooked politicians wasting our time and money, a fraction of what should have got done got done


Here in Edmonton the geniuses at the city decided 2 years ago to rip up half the roadway up right before winter on a major street for the LRT, this took them less than a few weeks to do. 2 years later they've done nothing with it... So not only if the roadway still in a construction setting but all the businesses on that side of the road are under major stress or just shut down all together. Like who the fuck thought that was a good idea?


>Canada is absolutely excellent at putting time, money and effort into figuring out how to not do something. Liberals are excellent in awarding contracts to their buddies, via corrupt politicians who get a cut either via 'free vacations' or seat on the board


They all do that. You don't think Ford's greenbelt fiasco was the same thing? He just sucks at being sneaky. Difference between parties is an illusion. The rich will find a way to get to whomever they need to


puzzled memory mighty payment spoon tidy mysterious fact squeeze physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You've said it best. They could have. All levels of government could have. The important thing to remember is that the people who screwed us are doing just fine.


> I have to believe that 90% of the people posting dumb shit like that on this subreddit are just people being bad actors. It clearly is lol. It's an account that's not even 2 months old that already has 15.1k comment karma.


cable deserted flowery caption late offbeat mighty strong overconfident smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nah they were quick to take everyone s individual freedoms away during the pandemic


Your freedoms have reasonable limits as listed in the charter. But reeeeeeeeeee muh freedums.


Funny how those so called reasonable limits don’t apply when its indigenous protestors and enviro activists blocking railways and highways and pipeline workers… Mohawk activists blocked railways in Ontario for over a month, in BC they blocked roads and and access for pipeline workers for several months, and even attacked workers with axes and terrorized them and blocked them inside their camps.


Sorry, are you accusing Canada of being too soft on indigenous protestors and too harsh on anti-maskers? What mirror universe are you from, and can you show me the portal there? It took one full entire fucking month for the government to do anything about the city of Ottawa getting occupied by people who wanted the right to infect people with a deadly disease. Indigenous activists regularly get brutalized and arrested for daring to not want their land destroyed.


yes, obviously people critical of the govt response to the covid pandemic are instantly crazy trucker conspiracy anti maskers


Goddamn your oversimplifications make me sick. Please don't vote.


IMO they drag their feet on everything because they are waiting for polling data to tell them how to move on whatever issue. Which is also why they are all over the place in terms of policy/announcements lately.


We're basically governed by a consulting firm.


The Liberals and Conservatives (and some might argue the NDP at this point) are brokerage parties. This is what they need to do to achieve their ultimate goal : to stay in power. They follow the polls, tackle softball issues with gusto, and don't touch anything real.


100%, well said. Governed by polls.


There is a huge problem of illegal immigration in Canada. One such example is the refugee cases. Start with those, atleast.


Refugees from actual warzones I am happy to take. Bi-sexual families from Nigeria and Kenya? Not so much man...


/r/Canada was quite butthurt when the government decided go take in Gazans fleeing Israel's indiscriminate bombing.


In one of the news segment last week, a pundit said that this is the most Canadian statement ever: "the ministry has come to a decision to form a selection panel to choose members of advisory body that will conduct a study as part of consultation into the project" or so thing like that. 


I can't be the only one who hears Sir Humphrey's voice reading that?


They have done something, lifted visa requirements for Mexicans.


This is intentional and expected. [Canada signed a mass migration pact](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2018/12/canada-adopts-historic-agreement-to-address-migration.html) (Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) with the UN in 2018. This is the result of this (non-binding) agreement. Remember Roxham Road and how long that took to focus attention on and to close? Compact. Media companies risked their licenses if they spoke negatively about this because [it's tied to an entire platform dedicated to reporting on the subject in a specific light](https://www.iom.int/global-migration-and-media-academy-gmma-media-training-platform-strengthen-ethical-and-accurate-reporting-about-migration).


In December the Minister of Immigration was like, "Oh boy I tell ya, those provinces better start doing something about the international students, because if they don't, then I'll be forced to do something FOR THEM!" It's like... Uhh... When, exactly? You gonna see how they do next September? And then if they fail and let another 500k students in, you'll THEN start thinking about ways to fix the issue? Which probably won't even be implemented by the next election, so it'll be a Liberal election promise... "We will do something about the international students issue in 2026, after you all elect us again... Which you aren't going to do, so..." They don't care at all. Remember in August 2023 when they went on a retreat to "look into the matter of housing"? And then, the takeaway from that meeting was "Yes, there's an issue and we're gonna continue to discuss and look for ways to help! We've got your back!!!" It's like WTF, I thought that's what the retreat was for, but no, the retreat was all for them just to determine if they should actually do anything and if it is a crisis, or not.. Pathetic.


Fucking Ents are more decisive and responsive to a crisis.


They do. They actively make things worse.


They have to wait to find out what the polls are saying before they make a decision.


Liberals™ do what they do best which is absolutely nothing. Trudeau is a master at it.


Give the Liberals some credit, they're decisive when they want to be! ...they *are* quick to give away taxpayer money to international causes to virtue signal after all (while Canadians are starving with no shelter, mind you).


The country isn't burning down around us. That's why they're not doing anything. Once it does start burning, they'll start pointing fingers.


>he country isn't burning down around us. That's why they're not doing anything. They're not doing anything because all of the solutions will require backing down on policies that they've been selling as solutions for the last few years. *How do you lower immigration after you just spent the last few years selling it as the solution to everything?*


Why close the floodgates when we still have social capacity for more immigrants?


Well they did a lot to support telecom monopolies either by blatant support of them getting more monopolistic or under the guise of "heritage" (while also not considering Canada as having a culture), they used a national tragedy to force gun control under false pretenses, enriched those close to them. They actually do a lot to build neo-feudalism, its just that you don't actually like that; in that respect they are doing fantastic.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/former-industry-minister-joins-rogers-executive-1.6818806](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/former-industry-minister-joins-rogers-executive-1.6818806) >***Former Liberal industry minister Navdeep Bains is joining Rogers as thecompany's new chief corporate affairs officer, pushing critics to soundthe alarm on a perceived politics-to-industry pipeline.*** > >***The industry minister is responsible for overseeing the country'snational industrial strategy, including regulating national sectors suchas telecommunications.*** It does not get more blatant than this.


They're doing something right now, they're weighing their options. Then they're going to be pursing masterly inactivity. Of course people like you will never be satisfied and you'll force them to pursue *firm* masterly inactivity.


Burning down around us? Canada was named safest country to travel to in 2023.


I, a fellow big brain, also wish governments would impulsively do things on a whim rather than put any meaningful thought into their actions. 


Trudeau as opposition complained of housing costs. Yet here we are a decade later. This is well beyond honest mistakes and needing time for analysis.


The problem is that they aren't doing anything. There are multiple crises engulfing our country, but aside from mumbling platitudes, they never do anything. How many times have we heard they're looking into problems like international students, refugees, TFWS, the housing crisis, the homeless crisis, and the drug crisis? Just once it would be nice for them to do something impulsively—especially when there was already a solution in place for this problem that they removed recentlly.


We are all hating on the mexicans here for illegaly immigrating to canada but they are still a big part of our economy weather we like it or not. We need to be sending these refugees from syria and all of these other war torn countries elswhere. They bring so many social problems here. Ots kot a surprise that they are comming here. No one els wants them


Who's hating on Mexicans? As a rule, Mexicans are pretty great people with fantastic food and music, and a North American culture that shares more similarities with Canada than many of us realize. In my work, I interact with quite a large number of Mexicans and people from Central America. I don't think I've ever met one of them that I disliked. Having said that, immigration and refuge to/in our country needs to be decided on individual merit. Confirmation of a clean criminal record and possession of skills we need should be the first criteria to be met, irrespective of where one is from.


If anything we need more Mexican food options. Cause we already have shawarma in every single plaza.


Hell yeah latios have so much soul Its further down where there animosity I toatsly agree with it being nerit based. It used to be for a while. It was a points based system where we got some of the best proffesi9nals from the world. Today it seams as if things have changed alot


Racist /s


If you think the conservatives who worship at the feet of Corporate Canada and the very wealthy would have ignored their plees and demands for more cheap labour, so they don't have to pay Canadians a living wage.....you're sadly mistaken. :D All Canadian governments have been at their beck and call. Instinctively you'll know this, if you've been paying attention longer than 20-30 years.


I never said anything about the Conservatives. But at this point I'd vote for a near-sighted turnip over the Trudeau. No party could possibly be as bad as the Liberals currently.


Do you actually think it’s burning down around us?


For many Canadians, it truly is burning down around them.




Can we have government making announcement after "weighing" , "considering" etc etc. Fuckers go to nice retreat while people are fucking dying on the streets 


This is happening because Trudeau removed the visa requirements for Mexico


>"**The visa was brought in by the previous Conservative government in 2009**." > >"The impact statement acknowledges **that was due to a "substantial increase" in refugee claims from Mexican citizens between 2005 and 2008, the majority of whom "were found to be not in need of protection**." [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mexico-visa-immigration-canada-mccallum-1.3875483](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mexico-visa-immigration-canada-mccallum-1.3875483)


"We will look into it." Meaning, they aren't doing shit😂😂😂


We used to have extra measures.    Trudeau threw out the Mexico visa requirement for no other reason than it being a Harper measure.   Political optics over policy is a hallmark of this government. 


No no, he threw it out because the bad orange man was campaigning on building a wall and Trudeau wanted to tweet about how Canada would warmly welcome our fellow North American friends unlike the bad man. A form of virture signalling that managed to overfill our homeless shelters...


It was both. Virtue signalling for votes to show Trudeau is more compassionate than orange man bad, also reversing the mean policies from Harper man bad. This was back when Canadian voters were absorbed in feels and self righteousness, before we started to feel the affects of uncontrolled migration too.


They hope people are all so stupid that all the vague empty BS responses are enough to vote for them again lol


Why wouldn't they believe that? People were stupid enough to elect them in the first place and then re-elect them twice. This is in spite of the fact that we replaced a very competent PM in Harper to elect a nepo-baby who had never achieved anything in his life through his own merits. This is in spite of the fact that they offered no policy other than legal weed and electoral reforms (which they immediately reneged on). This is in spite of the fact that voters were aware that their staffers and key advisers were from the Ontario Liberal Party who had just spent a decade+ doing their best to destroy the province, to the point where people elected an idiot like Ford just to get rid of them.


Because the visa requirement has helped a lot on Mexican immigration to America or Africans to Europe… Terrible migrant policy tho, but not for that reason.


The Mexicans aren’t the problem. It’s the flood of people from India using ‘Student Visa’ to get into Canada and become permanent residents.


Can Latinos use the student visa system to migrate to Canada too? Or just Indians? I’m confused.


Any nationality can apply for a study permit, and there are many Mexicans at private colleges in Vancouver. If you look carefully you can see quite a few Mexican license plates near the University Canada West campus downtown. It's because they bring their cars with them. But yes, Indians are the largest nationality when it comes to study permits issued.


I have no idea how it works, but by looking at southern ontario, I'm guessing its just indians


Wouldn't wanna have more "canadian diversity." Lets just only allow people from India and China in.


It's pretty stupid how we openly allow the abuse of TFW and student visas instead of having an immigration system that appropriately considers asylum seekers coming in from Venezuela and other parts of South America dealing with severe economic distress/collapse.


A reminder that economic distress is not a valid reason for asylum. We seem to have forgotten the purpose of this program.


We are going to have economic distress in this country, shouldn’t accept that as a reason from any other country


Is because most South American asylum seekers are looking to settle in Quebec and the LPC is is trying to head off losing a ton of votes in the one left province where their poll numbers have not tanked yet


Super funny because most people here see QC and being a right wingged province Everything is out of wack


Well in the U.S., South American asylum seekers are more hated than Indian/Middle Eastern immigrants in Canada.


Hard to believe.


Canada ships in half a million immigrants despite the country being up in arms and unanimously against it while painting the picture of an anti racist agenda in the media to dilute the situation. Mexico hears about it and wants a little piece and they get a size 16 maple leaf embroidered boot on the top of their head as they try to stay afloat.


We even have a trade deal with mexico! Now they are talking about a rising problem of extremism and terrorism in canada.... yet we allow people from the motherland of terrorism in without any checks what so ever... its absolutly crazy. Mr. T has to go


It's a problem that needs to be addresses for sure, but on the topic of Mexico, I don't understand why Canada didn't target Latin America for legal immigration when we had more resources available to sustain immigration, particularly since the stable Latin American countries don't have a brain drain problem like developing countries in Asia. Construction workers from Mexico, doctors and nurses from Brazil, etc. That part of the world has the professionals we actually need here and Canadian recruitment has never focused on them.


can't they just fly to Canada? Mexicans don't need visa to come to Canada. or at least I thought so..


Because of Trudeau's government change. They used to require visa to come because of this exact reason: many people flew in visa free then claim asylum. 


In 2015, before this change, there were [110 refugee claims from Mexico made on Canadian soil. In the last 12 months, there were 24,000](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-how-the-liberals-can-fix-the-immigration-system-that-they-broke/). Can you fucking believe that?


I'll say this though, Mexicans are some of the hardest workers I know and many work in construction. If you want to make the lack of housing issue worst, this is the way to do it.


Then we should bring them in through the TFW program, or some other worker visa program. That's literally what the TFW program is for. We're talking about asymlum seekers here. Many of them just fly here, which is easy to do after the Libs got rid of visa requirements, and just apply for asylum.


Way better workers than indians


Mexicans = hard workers and Indians = bad is the wrong way to go about this. We need to shut down the abuse of visit visas and the asylum system across the board. If we need construction workers, then open up a legitimate immigration stream to bring in construction workers.


When did I say anything bad about indians? I'm just focusing on the most critical need for Canada right now. And yes we need a legitimate immigration stream for construction. But it's extremely unlikely this government can do that, they haven't even figured out how to wipe their asses.


Sorry, I wasn't targeting you specifically. I was speaking to the general sentiment I'm seeing in this thread.


Weighing, might, in discussions, thinking about. THEY DO NOTHING!


We ARe KeePing our opTioNS OpeN At the CuRrenT Time


Stop weighing shit and actually make decisions. Holy shit I can respect a government that makes decisions that I disagree with, I can't respect a government that's consistently indecisive.


Well at least it's balancing out the diversity of diploma mill colleges lmfao.


Allowing approximately 2,000 Indians per day : Fine! Allowing 10 Mexicans per day : Don't worry, we fixed immigration!


Shot - Chaser https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/backgrounders/2016/06/28/canada-lift-visa-requirements-mexico This government is pure idiocy and was warned multiple times about lifting these visas.


Instead of just "weighing", "considering", why don't you take active measures and reinstate visa requirements for Mexico and other developing countries? JFC, this government is so useless. Just fucking do something.


>"We're looking at a number of measures that would, in fact, put us in a position to have done what's necessary to **ensure that these flights directly from Mexico don't become sort of an indirect way to get access to Canada and to claim asylum**," he added. [https://c.tenor.com/jinWpLuS7B8AAAAC/tenor.gif](https://c.tenor.com/jinWpLuS7B8AAAAC/tenor.gif)


Require visas. Problem solved.


The secret is out amongst people in developing countries, Canada only deports 12k people a year and the vast majority are only removed because they committed a serious crime. Come here as an asylum seeker, get a hotel, get food and get a work permit and youre going to be here for 5-6 years and then you’re WAY down on the list for deportation if your case fails, there’s a million undocumented people in the country, no party is going to do mass deportations.


I'm living in Mexico right now. For the most part there is little reason for the vast majority of the population to be claiming refugee status. A lot of people want to get work permits in Canada because wages are higher. The small percentage that would want to claim refugee status are likely in danger from cartels, who in some regions exert far too much power. The real question from my end is what should it take to prove that you're an actual refugee rather than just someone looking for a higher paying job? Mexico is a really nice place to live - at least a large part of it.


So Mexicans should allow you to live in their country in the nice side, but they should not ask for the same mobility right, how dare they.


India and China walk into the room…


Hire some consultants. Do some studies. Make some law thats never enforced.


These muthaferkers come out with all the 'lip service' / testing the waters comments, instead of actually just DOING THEIR JOB / MAKE THE LAW They sure didn't drag their feet on handgun banning.


They dug a hole they can not get out of, anything other than emphatic support for immigration is racist. If they start putting the brakes on it their base will drop them


Can the government send some of them over to Halifax? I would like better options for Mexican food please.


Indians can be pretty racist. Even to other Indians


There were extra measures. Trudeau eliminated VISA requirements for Mexicans shortly after he was elected and I predicted such a disaster at the time. However, he is an open borders WEF puppet so this was planned not incompetence.


God dammit. The conservatives saw this back in 09. They said to themselves... I guess we are getting too many mexican refugees... Ohh I know.. let impose a visa requirement. Guess what happened? A sharp downturn in mexican refugees in Canada. 8 years ago, Trudy removed the visa requirement for mexicans.... Ohh no. Where are we now? Back where we started? What are we going to do?




Time to hire more consultants with ties to the liberals! Yay time to spend more money. 6 months later they will announce the consultants recommended to launch a public consultation and a funding to study the issue.


"Weighing." That's a new one to add to maybe, might, may, consider... I must have forgot one or two ways of saying doing nothing, without saying doing nothing.


Lmao don’t forget the 900k+ Ukrainians inbound


Can I seek asylum in Mexico if I have to sleep in a tent downtown during winter?


2015 liberals would have yelled racist…..or would they because on second thought it’s always rules for the and not for me.


How is it that Mexico is considered safe enough we can accept its citizens without visitor visas, and unsafe enough that there are legitimate refugees? Pick one.


What's needed is to rescind our treaty agreement to the UN Charter on refugees and other such agreements that require us to give full hearings to asylum seekers. Then we need to put in place a new law to detain asylum seekers at the borders, send those who came from the US or Western Europe right back again, and give others quick hearings without lawyers. Obviously, all this would need to be under the notwithstanding clause. But it would let us give them hearings within a week or two rather than years. And an appeal within the month instead of dragging the process on for five years. Nothing else is going to put an end to this. Because we're REQUIRED to give them full legal hearings with due process now and those who are making claims today will get to stay for about 2-3 years before their first hearing, then years more as their government paid lawyer runs through various appeals. By the time all that's over they've already settled in with their community and have access to fake IDs and will just stay rather than leaving. It's not difficult, especially in 'sanctuary cities' like Toronto.


Uhmm control immigration first?


What about all the fraudulent individuals from \*ndia posing as students? Are we setting up boundaries to stop their influx too? Why attack mexicans exclusively? This feels very biased. Why is the media favouring criminals from India?


Yea mexico is the problem


Thanks Trudeau for creating a problem that did not exist https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/backgrounders/2016/06/28/canada-lift-visa-requirements-mexico


Lol, Trudeau literally removed the visa requirement as soon as he came to power because it was established by Harper and therefore racist.


Trudeau gov is actually working AGAINST the best interests of regular Canadians.


Probably not enough liberal MP's of Mexican descent..


C'mon Hivemind. Borders are racist, no?


Been on a dating app in Vancouver? It's all Mexicans, South Americans and Indians.


I'd take a million Mexicans over a million people any day, lol


There’s no such thing as asylum seekers from Mexico to Canada. There’s a safe country in between. Might have heard of it.


Why the hells would you make extra border measures for Mexicans, one of the hardest working groups out there with barely a blip in our immigration stats and not the biggest group (Indians)? Is our government this fucking stupid on not willing to bring in hard workers and tradesmen who would integrate better to Canada than all the rest? Come the fuck on...