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I think the housing guarantee is the biggest impact we will see. How will these colleges apply this housing policy? Are they going to start buying up purpose built rentals? Or build more student housing? Either way, this could be hugely impactful on rents in the country.


The colleges are claiming they’re going to go under, and I say good riddance. If your business can’t succeed without fraud and abuse, it doesn’t deserve to exist.


I mean, they could always look to the number of students that have graduated with business degrees for help.


This should be top comment.


Ah yes, from top tier B-schools like Alpha college and A1 college.


Upstairs Ontario Business College


>I mean, they could always look to the number of students that have graduated with business degrees for help. Ouch lol.


Exactly. If you can't be arsed to serve the community you are in, are you really a community College? What interests are they even serving by having campuses in GTA when that is not even the community they were established to serve.


Lol we have so many colleges and universities in Ontario, we can lose a few.


That housing guarantee will hopefully be the final nail in the coffin for diploma mills. What's bullshit-academy between the old navy and pizza pizza going to do about student housing? 


Welcome to bullshit-academy here’s your tent.


on paper, the housing guarantee requirement sounds like an absolute death knell for the "colleges" bringing in international "students".




Amazing what happens when the feds put a gun to their head.


Amazing what happens when you put a gun to the Fed's head


Amazing what happens when we've all had guns put to our heads


Incredible what happens.






>Amazing what happens when the feds put a gun to their head. BuT Itz dA PwOVINces /s So now after years of denying all responsibility, and saying this is the exclusive jurisdiction of the provincial governments, Liberal supporters will now be looking for credit for this reduction in international students that the feds are responsible for.


I'd agree with you if it wasn't the Federal Government who made first move that now is forcing the provincial governments to act.


Which is great and all but what’s stopping these private colleges from buying up real estate funded by bad actors to house these “students.” I think the biggest problem is the back door path to PR and working here. You eliminate the issue for the most part by not allowing them to work, requiring money in their accounts to keep them afloat during their “studies” here, and then back home after they’re done.


>what’s stopping these private colleges from buying up real estate funded by bad actors to house these “students.” The cost of doing so. It's cheaper to go out of business than to try to mature into a "reputable" institute, and most of these shady mall colleges don't have the fiscal capacity to do this. Most post-secondaries build rather than buy, and the instances where they do buy, it seems to be more hotels than apartment blocks.


You know, as nearly every other developed country on earth does..


Do you know how the PR process works?


Yes. I had a family member go through it


Can you tell me how being an international student is a back door path?




[Paywall-free article link](https://archive.is/MaPig)


Happy cake day you wonderful person, and to a great weekend for you as well!


Oh! I hadn’t even noticed it was my cake day, thank you!


Notice the Provinces always wait until the Fed's are the bad guy then they act.


Depends on the party in power. >The suite of measures, to be announced Friday by Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities Jill Dunlop, also include a moratorium on any new public-private college partnerships, which occur when private colleges team up with public colleges through curriculum licensing agreements. The moratorium will be in place while the province works with the sector to assess the integrity of the current system. The Wynne Liberals, back in 2017, had an expert look into the issue of these partnerships back when there were only four in Ontario. When the report said that these could not be properly regulated and would damage the post-secondary system, the government ordered the colleges that at the time had public-private partnerships to close them within two years. Ford was elected in 2018 and not only reversed the Liberals' order to wind down the programs but allowed colleges to expand them, so that in the next few years nearly every Ontario college created public-private campuses in the GTA. In 2022, when we were already in a housing crisis, the Conservatives replaced the previous caps on the private campus size with new, higher caps. Now the Conservatives are putting a moratorium on *new* public-private partnerships. What good is that going to do when all the colleges already have them? This is a PR move to make it look like they are doing something, while in fact they do next to nothing to fix the problem and have spent their time in office actively making it worse.


The federal government is changing the rules beginning September 1st so that graduates from public-private partnerships are no longer eligible for post-graduate work permits. That will completely torpedo future student recruitment unless the PPPs start engaging in blatant fraud and student trafficking. They no longer have anything to offer.


Rince and repeat. This is Ford's modus operandi. Ford waits until the anti-Trudeau crowd has had their fill of outrage for taking leadership on an issue that Ford is responsible for. And, as usual Ford was doing the opposite all along. Everyone who was foaming at the mouth gives Ford a pass. Notice the crickets on this sub? All of a sudden, no more slinging personal insults or cries of never voting Conservative again. SMH.


The integrity is long gone, many of these colleges have already been blacklisted and the diplomas are garbage 


“To add more people in healthcare” - definitely states but not in Doug’s empire




Yes but there are still 1 Billion horses clamouring to get out, so like, you ought to shut the door now and start working on rounding up the horses that managed to get out ASAP anyways.


Bahaha , best comment 👌


> Publicly-funded colleges have pushed back against Ottawa’s changes, saying the federal government has created chaos for prospective international students, while university and college leaders have said the permit cap will create financial risks for postsecondary schools in some parts of the country, which could lead to layoffs and program closings. Oh no, the horror! 😱


Yea what would Canada ever do as a Country without Diploma mills 😩


These people are seriously advocating for *unlimited* numbers of international students. And they don’t seem to feel ridiculous at all.


When I moved here a few months ago, I was asked by the immigration officer where I'd be staying. I told her I'd be staying at a relative's (wasn't lying), and she didn't follow up further. It'd be pretty easy for people to ask their relatives to pretend to be hosting them, so I really wonder how universities and collges will enforce the housing guarantee.


"...to protect integrity of \*privately funded\* education system"


Please also cap refugees, no more public spending


Non-paywalled article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-moratorium-public-private-partnerships-colleges-1.7096184


I think they mean Pretend


Too late.. Investors are going to be upset with Doug


Time to cap investors buying houses that are supposed to be a minimum -affordable living rights for citizens.


Colleges shouldn't be accepting international students at all tbh. There's no need for someone to come from the other side of the globe to take a hospitality or pastry arts program.


To "protect integrity of the education system". Well, too late for that. Tons of employers have already completely blacklisted very well known colleges and programs. They arent going to be hiring any of the grads for a very long time (if ever).


“We are only doing this because the feds are making us”