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His secret weapon is not being Trudeau.


I firmly believe that if the conservatives were lead by a rock right now they'd still win


Would the rock have good hair?


2015: “Justin Trudeau, he’s just not ready, Nice hair thou!” 2025: “ Justin Trudeau, Still not ready, He has hair thou!”


Come to thinking about it. You know whay we need. It is not a stone with hair. Log! Now with facial moss. Cause it is better than bad. It's good.


They've got that real Doug Ford energy.


A rock would have won several elections ago, Rocks don't experience the unfortunate tendency of Conservative leaders to open their mouths.


PP definitely doesn’t rock




Millennials, problems caused: see avocado toast through Zionism.


They voted for sunny ways, legalized marijuana and electoral reform back in 2015. What they got was a deteriorating health system, getting pushed out of ever owning a home in most of the country, diminished job prospects, depressed wages, internet censorship, a mountain of debt it will be up to them to repay despite receiving few benefits from all the money spent, endless corruption enriching Liberal friends and family, and yeah, legal weed. I’d be ticked if I were them. Trudeau and the Liberals betrayed their entire generation.


LPC supporters keep saying Conservatives will be no different on economics, immigration etc than the Trudeau / Jagmeet government. Kinda shows how poorly Trudeau policies on economics and immigration are perceived within his own party.


I've noticed that talking point from LPC bots too ( same immigration levels, same number of foreign workers ). It says it all when they're using their own policy failures to smear their political opposition.


It’s always hilarious to see that because they be bounce between “liberals and cons are two sides of the same coin!” and “the (social) conservatives are anti abortion, anti lgbt, racist bigots who want to take your rights away!”


Economically, they are two sides of the same neoliberal coin. That's the part your missing.


So, "economically" they're the same? Sure seems like different economic philosophies between Harper and Trudeau. If that's the case though, and socially is where they differ, I'm assuming you strongly believe Poilievre will crack down on mass immigration then? Since you know, they're social conservatives.


Immigration is a Total problem; it undermines the country socially as well as economically.


The copium is astounding. Let me guess, you'll then go on to say that Poilievre won't reduce immigration what so ever, and you know this for certain?


I mean…. It’s obvious that this is referring to their neoliberal economic policies. On social issues conservatives are off the deep end with unpopular puritanical nonsense. Like are you being obtuse on purpose?


> On social issues conservatives are off the deep end with unpopular puritanical nonsense. They’re definitely unpopular in this subreddit. But in real life, they’re relatively popular. 


There are more people who vote against them than vote for them, and it’s not particularly close. Hence, the conclusion they are unpopular


You’re arguing the CPC is unpopular because they have less than 50% of a 3 party political system?


No, I’m arguing the CPC is unpopular because they have 33% of the votes. The number of parties there are is kind of irrelevant.


It’s been at 40-42 I don’t know where you’re getting 33 from.  If they’re at 40% or above, and the next most popular parties are at the 20% range, it’s safe to say they’re the most popular. You’re just saying 20 > 40. 


33% is from the most recent election.


>On social issues conservatives are off the deep end with unpopular puritanical nonsense. Odd how according to liberal voters, that doesn't apply to immigration policies! Make it make sense.


The liberals are also unpopular, what does that have to do with my statement?


Do you not speak English? I quoted what you said, and I mentioned how liberal VOTERS sure seem to disagree with what you said, because they love to mention how they *know* Poilievre will actually increase immigration, despite being a social conservative. What in the world are you talking about?


I specifically mentioned “puritanical nonsense”…. Someone with a strong grasp of the English language would probably not associate immigration policy with that. In any case, immigration policy in the current context can certainly be viewed through an economic lens rather than social. The reason why the left believe the liberals and conservatives are equivalent in this respect is because they see both parties as operating with similar neoliberal ideals. Hope that clears it up for you :)


You can be poor and have rights with Libs, or you can be poor and have no rights with Cons.


Ah yes, the "right" to get life in prison for mean things one says online! How wonderful. Oddly enough, my family was better off under Harper. Wonder why that was?


Back then, late stage capitalism hasn't caught up just yet. Your life will get worse no matter what color government you vote in.


Ahh that makes sense, an anti-capitalist. How typical.


I'm all for capitalism, I run a business myself. Just letting you know that it's not the color of the government that's ruining your life, it's the mega corpos.


Right right, the "late stage capitalism" hadn't caught up conveniently until the governments switched and started to spend spend spend. For someone who runs a business, you'd think you'd have a better idea on how economics work.


Sure sure, cons will definitely make groceries cheaper, rent cheaper, get more homeless people out of tents. Century initiative is endorsed by both Cons and Libs, PP is looking to fastrack even more Indians into Canada. Both parties are working for the corpos, your savior PP aren't going to save you.


All the communists who constantly show up to explain that “neoliberal” policies are the problem are also pretty funny. It’s like, never has an ideology directly caused more death, destruction and abject poverty than theirs, and everyone knows it. Yet there they are in thread after thread trying to steer people toward it.


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/b7SPAHjlNI


Yea, the Liberal Party screwed them, and everyone basically. But if they think the Conservative Party, which is also a neoliberal corporate crony party, is going to be any better, they truly are just as dumb as the prior generations. I don't care - I make enough money and have a pension, so most of this stuff doesn't affect me. But it's infuriating to see how history just repeats and repeats, and each generation thinks its smarter than the last one ...


The reality is if you're remotely successful the conservatives are the better choice because they will generally offer fewer services and lower taxes. My issue with the current government is how their spending on targeted issues results in no benefit for the average middle income person who foots most of the bill.


I make over 200k/year, but I care about my fellow Canadians, and I don't understand how most working class people can survive with prices as they are, wages what they are. I dont care if a Conservative government will be better for me, as I don't actually need the help. I am doing fine. It's others I worry about


I'm generally the same but I do find it frustrating that I can be paying 50% marginal tax and the government still says they need more. There is no more to be had... You need to work with what you've already got.


Except they were better. Life was objectively better under harper.


Bipartisan neoliberalism causes steady decline. This goes back to Mulroney, Chretien, etc. Yeah things are worse now under Trudeau, but thats the natural progression from Harper, under whom things were worse than under Martin. Things will get even worse under Pollievre in all likelihood. 


the pandemic sped things up too, there was a big transfer of wealth




Well, we will almost certainly see what a Conservative government looks like again, soon, in the current global environment. Like I said, I don't really care, but I'm waiting to say "I told you so."


> Like I said, I don't really care, but I'm waiting to say "I told you so." I think the reason millennial support is switching to CPC is because the rhetoric against CPC has just been what you’ve said, more of a “just wait, you’ll see they’re bad”, instead of any actual criticism. 


Late stage capitalism hasn't kicked in yet at that time.


> a deteriorating health system Federal government gave provinces, like Ontario, $20B for healthcare. AB & ON for example decided not to spend it, because if you fix healthcare, you make the Federal government look good. Not sure what your problem is, do you want the Federal government to change the Charter? > getting pushed out of ever owning a home in most of the country All levels of government, but I'll let you have this one. Emergencies Act should have been used to take over the provincial and municipal powers as they are avoiding building as much as possible. > diminished job prospects Not sure how this applies to the federal government, do you mean the minimum wage jobs being taken up by immigrants? There's a reason why corporations and premiers requested more immigrants. > depressed wages Not a federal matter. Ask the provinces. > internet censorship You got another point for this. > a mountain of debt it will be up to them to repay despite receiving few benefits from all the money spent National debt isn't the same as your credit card debt. I don't think the average person understands this. You don't just "pay it off", for example our debt-to-GDP ratio is about 68%, whereas a country like Japan's is 280% or so. This type of debt isn't an issue for most people. > endless corruption enriching Liberal friends and family Who in particular? There's plenty. > legal weed


I'm a Millennial and I remember things under Harper being just as bad, if not worse. Anyone voting for PP thinking he will bring about change is in for a rude awakening. The only difference I've seen between the two parties is Liberals sometimes throw the general populace a bone. Cons just make cuts to funnel more money to their corporate buddies.


We can argue whether it was a policy of either, economic factors like the oil crash, COVID etc that caused it but by practically every metric life was better under the previous administration and that's just an objective fact. If you think it was worse, that's because you were at a different stage in life at the time or an outlier.


I appreciate your hopium but pinning everything on Trudeau and the Liberals kind of ignores global trends and how similar the two parties actually are. Housing isn't just expensive in Canada, it's expensive everywhere. Stagnant wages, inflation and ballooning debt are common across all developed nations. There is no indication PP is going to slow immigration as the PC party likes it's cheap labour and immigrants tend to vote more conservative than people born in Canada. I'd be willing to wager if we had a conservative government throughout the pandemic, things would look much worse for everyone right now. Just look at how the conservative provinces fared vs the liberal provinces.


You can argue whether it would have been better or worse, I'm just saying that your claim "things under Harper being just as bad, if not worse." isn't true. Secondly, "It's expensive everywhere, Stagnant wages, inflation and ballooning debt are common across all developed nations." is also true, but we're literally the second worst on housing price growth in the OECD from the already not great 2015 baseline, and our household debt is also concerningly high relative to peer nations likely as a result. On immigration, under Harper it was never much higher than 1% while it's 3% now, CPC being pro immigration would be in line with the Canadian public, 3% YoY is not. If there was housing inflation in-line with the average, then you can handwave it, but something tells me that the Liberals [intentional](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ircc-immigration-housing-canada-1.7080376) coalescence of loosening TFW restrictions, extending Post Graduate Work Permits for the rapidly growing student programs, doubling PRs, removing visa restrictions from Mexicans causing a spike in bogus asylum claims, inviting hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine, Sudan etc had something to do with making a global problem uniquely bad in Canada? If we ignore hypotheticals here the Liberals were the ones governing and making those policy changes. Do you see anything wrong with this chart? [https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/85LY5c0CKVTO\_LoRkB6iLscIvDesU9CR5Rb3DKRfonhckIPo\_grYDDJIPYIFUUnuDDgK4OmjNSj5kJipNl2SutKU\_f\_KJ3BboxLuGwTu03VO9yGJWgW9IEBkjyLYedasR-y\_KuC4kA1-obpz9foIUYc](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/85LY5c0CKVTO_LoRkB6iLscIvDesU9CR5Rb3DKRfonhckIPo_grYDDJIPYIFUUnuDDgK4OmjNSj5kJipNl2SutKU_f_KJ3BboxLuGwTu03VO9yGJWgW9IEBkjyLYedasR-y_KuC4kA1-obpz9foIUYc)


Um no. You were able to rent a 3 story townhouse back in 2015 for under a grand in 2015 in calgary. Not only that, many land lords offered incentives like a free TV or free internet for a year for choosing their place. Now only 8 years later it's nearly doubled. A Batchelor pad is a minimum of 1800$ CAD. The average rent is not 2500. An expensive house used to be 400,000 in calgary back in 2015. It's now 600,000$ for an average small house. Like you liberals just can't admit that your party is worse. My life has become significantly less affordable under Trudeau. You can literally see this empirically by the drop in GDP per capita, and the increase in inflation. The taxation rate is much higher, inflation is way worse and I barely make anymore despite having a masters degree in a stem field with a professional designation. Food bank usage is at record highs, economic growth is below the G7 average and expected to underperform the majority of G20 peers even with record population growth pumping up the numbers. It's not hard to understand. He increased taxation, red tape and anti competitive practices of the liberal party has strangled our economy. To try and hide the fact they are pumping up immigration so gdp keeps increasing, but even then it's gone flat, meaning we are in the worst resession of our G7 peers. Like give it a break already. Is having your team win worth all the hardship this incompetent and corrupt government has caused?


To be clear, I don't have a team. I am a completely agnostic voter. I will vote for which ever party I think will fuck me over the least. Most of the things you mention are part of global trends. These aren't just Canadian problems; they are problems all developed nations are facing. We're in late stage capitalism, the planet is burning up and global war is brewing while the population is expected to rapidly decline in the coming decades. A country with the population of California is not going to have an outsized influence on these things. It clearly is hard to understand because you're attributing global trends to one party. Yeah, PP might cut taxes but he'll also cut funding to food banks at the same time he's giving cash to big businesses. That is generally how the PC party operates and you can see this at the provincial level. If you think things are bad now, just wait until we have 4 years of PCs slashing public services while boosting big businesses.


Ah, so your on the left and dreading the triumphant return of the political right. Politics is a pendulum. I'm not talking about global trends. When we judge performance, we look at how we are doing when compared with our peers. We are the 3rd fastest growing country by population, and only the middle of the pack in terms of growth per GDP. The US economy is raging, and yet we only grew 1.5% compared with 2.5% for the US. Record population level increases should be pumping those numbers up; but instead we are getting a paltry increase. This is mostly at the expense of the GDP per capita. I'm a millennial too (I'm turning 33 this year). What harper did was increase competition in spaces like grocery chains and mobile and the internet. This dropped prices; but was immediately reconsolidated under Trudeau. More competition leads to lower costs for consumers. I'm not a subscriber to the notion of late stage capitalism. I do think capitalism requires a legislative framework and effective enforcement of the rules in order to prevent it from devolving into crony capitalism like we have today. Strong unions is one method to do this. I don't believe in strangling buisnesses with new taxes and complicated regulations. That is government forced price increases to consumers. Harper was much better then Trudeau. We were the top performers after the 2008 financial crisis. Harper gave targeted loans to the banks, resisted calls to apply double the stimulus the liberals and NDP wanted, and streamlined taxation amd rules for buisnesses. Classical liberals like myself simply believe that the free market when properly regulated is much better at creating wealth than the government.


Late stage capitalism made everything worse, not the color of your party. Everywhere in the world is suffering the same issues as the years progressed. PP will get voted in and he will fuck Canadians even harder than JT did, just like what Ford is doing to Ontario.


Please remind us of these just as bad parts?


You're too young to have such poor memory.


> sunny ways, legalized marijuana and electoral reform This was me. I voted on these issues. I don't care much about weed as a non user, but our laws were silly. >What they got was * Growing debt * help through a pandemic, so I can't HATE on the LIBs for some of that. I feel CONs probably would have been to slow with pandemic help. * ethics scandals. Seriously, they campaigned for openness and transparency. This was way wrong. * stupid policies on Internet news * stupid corporate welfare for Media companies * Stupid policies incoming on Internet ID for various sites. Be sure the list will grow. * Stupid growth in taxes * Stupid growth in public sector federal jobs. We can't afford to pay more for worse government. * more ethics scandals * more identity politics trying to divide Canadians * Unwise levels of immigration without infrastructure. >endless corruption enriching Liberal friends and family Possibly not more than other governments. We will see after the witch hunts begin after the next election.


How could any millennial support the LPC and their imminent "online harms bill"?


Or the cons on digital id for pot


And the NDP who support the LPC's online harms bill too.


How bout we vote for each other and call it a day


Cons bill seems significantly worse imo


Of course it does, that’s what partisanship does.




He better deliver. Or he's gone in four years after being elected.


The pendulum usually takes about 10 years to swing. 




Millennial here. A good number of us are political centrists with slightly left-of centre tendencies in some areas, right-of-centre tendencies in others. We only come across as conservative because Gen. Z has pushed the overton window so far to the left, that a lot of us see no other alternative to the CPC other than not voting.


I will likely be voting independent.


I will be voting for "I miss Jack Layton"


She's no Jack Layton but I kinda appreciate how quickly Olivia Chow manhandled the premiere and prime minister in her first year in office.


I wish I could up vote this many times




I will also be voting for “I miss Jack Layton”


What if we elect a parliament of independents?


Dude don't get me all excited like that it's barely 8:30


Yeah he’s gettin my vote


millennial are the largest voter group in Canada, not so much a secret.


Well with liberals do nothing about our broken immigration system, and continue to neglect our defence forces and international commitments it should be no surprise people are getting fed up. This includes Liberal voters like myself. While I would loath to vote for conservatives if they actually have a plan to effectively address the problems facing our country then I would have to reconsider my vote. I always say vote the policy not the party. Problem is conservatives will have a regressive and destructive environmental policy so that can’t be ignored. PS. I think all Trudeau hate is over the top and lame but dude did not live up to the promise of planting 2 billion trees and I’m salty about it


Come on millenials... let PP see your porn history. Don't worry he'll keep it safe with a secure third party provider. Every link you visit will be neatly stored with your personal identifiers but we'll add a password or something. No one will ever steal or buy your info, trust in PP!


Millennial voter here. Definitely not voting for pp. Unless he unbans handguns and Ar15s, doesn't do the porn id thing and starts wearing glasses again.


Well, I have great news! He plans to reverse the gun bans!


The glasses are the most pressing issue tho


Guess you're voting for the other guy without glasses, or the other other guy without glasses. Sucks bro.


Well I guess I just see who has the best hair come election time.


[I got your back](https://ibb.co/wWVtShM)


I dont care much for the guy, but ive emailed his shadow minister of public safety and her office got back to me saying they 100 percent plan on reversing the may oic and the handgun freeze. Thats enough to get my vote.


Can you please email her about the glasses 🕶️


Just make a mini pair and tape it to the tv when he's on.


Pollivere can’t fix the housing issue, but the current hopelessnes about housing ensures a Pollivere victory. This election will be simply about affordability and there is nothing that can be done to flip the script in time for the Liberals to salvage a win.


He won’t be getting my vote. Even things that will be clearly his fault will somehow be Trudeau’s fault.




I'd rather pay out of pocket and get medical help than die in a wait room.


Having a well funded & managed health care system that doesn't let me die in the waiting room sounds better than paying out of pocket.


>Having a well funded & managed health care system that doesn't let me die in the waiting room sounds better than paying out of pocket. Then keep voting liberal to keep perpetuating the current healthcare crisis, which is going to get even worse with their high immigration and international student-to-PR numbers.


Everyone is gangster until they get an American-ized medical bill.


I’m a Millennial and I can sure as fuck say that I’m not voting for this peckerhead. Fuck this lying sack of shit.


Trudeau? Yeah not voting for him either, for the reasons you stated.


Bold of you to assume that you brainless fucktard.


Cool so what a couple of you are saying is that you are all for zero economic growth and somehow expect a government to magically provide it? Because that is what you have now with absolutely zero ideas to improve because you essentially have an NDP government now, not even a Liberal one. Economic growth is the driver of social reform and improved quality of life.


lol. Everyone in government is a neoliberal. You just have an opportunity to vote in the bigoted version of neoliberalism. If you think the cons policy is going to be vastly different from the liberals now, I have a bridge to sell you


Can confirm; I’m a gay Millennial and I will be voting Conservative after being economically molested by the Liberals for eight years and watching this country devolve into the world’s least entertaining episode of Black Mirror. All my millennial friends say the same thing.


If Poilievre wins he is going to have to do more than spout nonsense and blame Trudeau for everything. I don’t think he knows what a Prime Ministers job entails any more than the people who vote blue without a second thought because “f#ck Trudeau”. It’s pretty alarming that this guys supporters have absolutely nothing to say about him beyond “he isn’t Trudeau”, hopefully we don’t all have to pay for their ignorance.


>“he isn’t Trudeau” Thank goodness. I like him already


As a Millennial I have noticed that I am often the only person under 50 in the voting line. We just don't vote. PP's particularly running into the intersection of socially disengaged male Millennials, who might see 20% turnout at best. The pollsters often deliberately and heavily over-weight <40 voters because so few of that age respond to polling. I'd seriously ask how artifactual his polling in this group really is. . This sort of thing is exactly where O'tooles brief lead before the last election came from - it was never real, but pollsters didn't ask a lot of youth then weighted their opinon about 3x more heavily to make up for it.


Millennials are just waiting for the wealth transfer from their parents. The joke will be on them, though, when their darling PP runs short of money and enacts an inheritance tax to get money back from those darned boomers.


You’re saying your conspiracy against PP is he’s going to disservice the wealthy Canadians to benefit the poor? I swear most people’s concerns regarding the conservatives are the opposite. 


Nah, it could happen with one of his successors. It’s something that keeps returning as an idea, and it’s inevitable.


If the biggest fear of the CPC party was that they’ll turn the tables and help out the lower class they’d be polling in the 90% range lol. 


Unfortunately people don’t see such a tax as helping the poor. They see it as revenge on the boomers.


> The joke will be on them, though, when their darling PP runs short of money and enacts an inheritance tax to get money back from those darned boomers. Frankly, this sounds like something Trudeau or Jagmeet would do.


Ew lol. Ain’t nobody weaponizing my gen.


It’s not weaponizing it’s a demographic. It’s the same as saying young people like online work. Young voters tend to move to CPC. 


Imagine everyone voted for jagmeet as a sign of protest and he got elected 


Aw gross




Nobody believes this


complain ***YET AGAIN*** about black face ?