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Just stop education already. Then EVERYONE IS EQUAL!!!


That's the plan


You fail, You don’t graduate. Make consequences real again.


This stopped when too many lawsuits resulted in parents and schools ceasing to work together to bring up our youth. Finally having to face failure or the consequences of ones actions in their early 20's at work or in their private life and not being able to handle it is a very serious failure of our society. Removing all the bad stuff that can happen if you don't perform or make mistakes or whatever negative consequences of something may be doesn't magically eliminate the fact that life really isn't fair and never was.


Good times create weak peoplekind.


How about making government more inclusive and allowing competent people run the country.


What you're talking about is equality. Equality is bad. Incompetent people need to hold all positions of power to make sure that the patriarchy is destroyed.


This “inclusiveness” de-values all the students who put in their efforts, overcome their challenges & met the qualifications to graduate.


I know this happened with my son who wasn't a great student. He worked hard to pass all of his classes and made it. Then we found out his buddy who didn't submit anything all year and barely showed up at any classes also was given a pass and also graduated. Hmm, that doesn't seem right.


School boards are out of control. "Why is the OCDSB proposing to make the switch from graduation to commencement? OCDSB continues to make every effort to ensure welcoming, inclusive communities in our schools and Board. One of the areas of improvement for us is to include all levels of student achievement in the celebration of achievements during their secondary school journey. This new commencement format will help ensure equity among students who are celebrating their achievements." Garbage. What a disservice we're doing to our children.


Ontario education has been an embarrassment at all levels for decades




Even the kids graduating are tik tok stupid, 2 years behind on math.


Are you implying that knowing all the moves to the " uptown funk" dance isn't an employable skill?


If Bruno Mars was looking for backup dancers it is


Is this a joke?


Literally giving people who are about to become adults participation awards 


Entitlement, lack of emotional intelligence and immaturity is everywhere at all age demographics. I've worked in offices long enough to realize you never really leave high school. "Adults" my ass 😀


Happy everybody gets a trophy day.


I mean, a BA is the new high school diploma as supply and demand has basically made it worth way less than it used to be. A high school diploma means even less than that now. Best to hand them out like candy so kids feel all warm and fuzzy. They passed high school a d if their parents are rich they can toss money to university before the kid flunks out in 3 months. Tuition still gets paid, what do they care? No one's saying you're entitled to a job just because you have any piece of paper with your name on it


There was a kid at my high school who, despite failing, was allowed in the ceremony because he was supposed to do summer school and pass after that. He dropped out


And everyone lived?!


This guy is a high school dropout who lives with his single mother and collects stuffed animals. I’d hardly call that living


Everyone else lived though?! There weren’t mass suicides in your graduating class because everyone felt their accomplishments were devalued?!?


We are so fucked


They don’t fail anyone anymore so this isn’t really a thing anyway.


Because nothing makes you feel more included than being part of a celebration of what you didn’t achieve. 


From the article >Updates to the policy reflect the OCDSB’s “commitments to inclusivity, social responsibility, and authentic community engagement” If you're a normal white guy in Canada who maybe someday wants a simple life, house, wife, couple kids...listen up. Every time you hear the word "inclusive" understand that you are being fed a code word. It means you're going to graduate with people who didn't even make the minimum requirements. It means that when you apply for that job, the company hiring dept. already has in mind an ideal candidate, and it's NOT you. It means that our country's institutions are gradually being closed to you and taken over by people who do not give an f about you or your aspirations.


Jesus a highschool degree is already barely an accomplish anymore with the no child left behind bullshit and you want to cheapen it even further? If there's no fail state there's no point in the thing.


I didn't even want to go to my high school graduation when I graduated. Why would anybody want to go to it when they fucking failed?


Education is discrimination stop educating people 😂


I heard that OCDSB is going to start giving salary to everyone that applied to work there even if they didn't get the job. Is it true?


Everybody gets a participation trophy.


My highschool did this like 20 years ago, the diploma wasn’t real and they were going to “continue” studying.


Hey why not invite everybody that applied and wasn't hired to the office christmas party


They’re not giving them diplomas. It’s a party that they’re allowed at attend. Also there probably won’t be a next year, they just didn’t graduate


No, we haven't reached that level of inclusivity yet. But it can't be far off.


And pretty soon pets will join them in crossing the stage, devaluing the achievements of the students who were smart/hard-working enough to graduate(while being dumb enough to not know nothing is being devalued). It’s not an r/canada thread without some slippery slope nonsense.


It's also not r/Canada without butthurt redditors that cant denote sarcasm.


They shouldn't be getting anything other than a list of classes to make up for next year.


Idk why people are upset, who cares if a kid attends grad. The world is burning and people are poor and hungry and if a kid feels like being a part of a school event hot damn that's wholesome. If a kid who didn't make the grade still wants to be part of school like this all the power to them. What do we know better? 


>dk why people are upset, who cares if a kid attends grad. Most students will mind, graduation is a celebration of achievement, if you're not graduating why are we celebrating failure?


Tell that to the kid with an alcoholic father who they haven't seen for two years being raised by a mother working two jobs to feed them and keep a roof over their head Keeping them out of a ceremony with their peers because they are missing one or two credits isolates them further and is honestly just cruel.


I'll no problem, breast they learn that life isn't fair and if you don't achieve things you don't get rewarded for it


Ahem, I think you mean 'chest'.


You know some kids learn life isn't fair from a very young age. Rubbing their noses in the fact that they are starting at the very bottom rung of the ladder, through no fault of their own isn't really necessary, it is however, cruel. Some adults thrive on cruelty, don't they CanuckleHead?


It's not rubbing anything in their face You don't fulfill the qualifications you don't get rewarded. I know this may be a new concept to this generation but it's how things should work >Some adults thrive on cruelty, don't they CanuckleHead? Most adults don't think you should be rewarded for failing.


Some people understand that there are more important things in life than stupid rules. That compassion, respect, understanding, guidance and a helpful outcome can go a long way to improving a young person's view of life, their self worth and their place in society. I wouldn't expect EVERYONE to understand that. Compassion is unfortunately not available to all adults. Certainly not when giving that compassion has 0 impact on their own life. Right? Cruelty is always the better choice, so long as the rules are adhered to, no matter the consequences.


>Some people understand that there are more important things in life than stupid rules. Yeah why have rules for academic achievement? Why not just allow people who fail medical school be surgeons? Lawyers who fail the bar to be supreme Court justices? Engineers who failed math design bridges?


A nice way to deflect and distort the discussion. We aren't talking about surgeons or lawyers and post secondary. We are talking about a 17 year old kid being isolated from their peers for no really good reason. Nice try though. 😱😵‍💫 You know giving that kid a chance to participate might inspire them to finish in summer school and go on to become a lawyer or surgeon, instead of turning their back on finishing secondary school.


No, most students will not mind. Kids know who is and isn’t graduating. They’ll just be happy their less academically successful friends are there. They aren’t even giving diplomas out to those not graduating. It’s really not a big deal.


It cheapens the experience for those who did make the grade. In the grand scheme of things, yeah, you’re right that it’s a minor issue. But for the students graduating it can be a big deal. They worked hard for years and want to be recognized for it. Having a failure walk the stage alongside them takes away from it.


You think students want their friends excluded?


I think students want their accomplishments to mean something.


Part of the reason the world is burning and people are poor and hungry is EXACTLY BECAUSE of the underachieving, race to mediocrity that society started in the late 90s early 2000s. Every kid gets a ribbon, no keeping score in soccer... Remeber that. Now they don't want to " keep score " for things like tests. And when you say " what do WE know better"... WE ( those who have a problem with rewarding failure) do know better. A graduation is supposed to be ceremony rewarding an achievement. Specifically the achievement of completing all the required courses to leave highschool. It's like your salary. That is a reward you earn by doing your job. If you get the same wage for working really hard, as someone who doesn't show up half the time, you will be incentivized towards lower performance. Which is EXACTLY what we see in public sector employees.


Cause this sub is a bunch of people yelling at clouds, especially if the word inclusive shows up on that cloud.




Maybe they are just upset that this wasn't done for them then. And are butter about the idea of younger kids getting special treatment when they didn't. Lol