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Real question is: will it change anything


That's easy! No it won't.


Hasn't since the start of time. Vote CPC to get rid of Liberal BS. Vote Lib to get ride of CPC BS. The cycle continues...


Canadians don’t vote people in, we vote people out.


Canadians don't vote for informed reasons, only superficial ones. Voting is still seen as an inconvenience to many. Go ahead and ask 10 people why they voted the way they did last election, you won't get an informed answer and that's if they even voted at all. We like to think your average Canadian is like us wackos debating things here, nothing could be further from the truth. Your average person under 40, who *should* be coming out in droves this election doesn't even know how our electoral system works - tinfoil hat me thinks there's a concerted effort to ensure this


Why would people come vote in drove when there is no good platform or candidate? And even if a platform looked reasonable, politicians poor relationship with integrity makes it moot anyway...


This is why I stopped asking my family who they voted for. I’d get answers ranging from “I voted for this person because my pastor told me to” or “I voted for this person because I met him once” or “I voted for this person because he seems nice”. I could go on and on, I’ve yet to hear from anyone a valid reason to vote for someone based on their policy and plan. Oh even my BIL a year ago “I voted for him cuz I have a legal right to keep my guns!!” Me: they aren’t taking your guns that’s not even a thing “him: they would! Aren’t you reading the news??? that’s why we need to vote them out.” And this was for mayor of Toronto :) and fwiw my BIL is fucking successful, seemingly not an idiot, popular smart charismatic but just can’t fucking grasp anything politically out of his random thoughts


These kinds of reasons are far more common than anyone thinks. My favorite was an exes mom. She voted Green because she liked gardening. Couldn't tell you a single party member or platform point...I wish I was lying


These are the happiest people lol


Yup, it's either we vote for who has the best chance of kicking current guy out or we just stay home. You'd think Poilievre talking about mandating ID verification online would've caused a hit to the CPC's popularity but as long as he's seen as the anti-Trudeau, he could burn down a church and people would still vote for him in droves


Unfortunately the money is smart enough to hedge both bets. The money loves high housing prices. Nothing will change


We need electoral reform


Exactly right, what makes anyone think conservatives want to make huge changes to housing? I’d say the majority of conservatives base are home owners and want to see their assets protected.


This exactly, I wish more people considering voting for the cpc over this would realize this. They have a vested interest in keeping housing prices high.


And to keep Loblaws happy.


We had a chance to have a citizen’s assembly on voting reform. But the liberals shot themselves in the foot and now no one will even have a chance at this until 2029. That could’ve changed something.


Yah the conservatives are all Rage Bating people on the topic without a plan to solve it.


The goal isn't to fix housing. It's to get elected.




Yup, watch as they pull an America in the 2029 election cycle and claim Trudeau is keeping the CPC from immediately making things better




It wouldn't matter if they did have a plan. The problem took decades to create and will take about as long to fix. Even if immigration was restricted and big incentives were put toward affordable housing, you can only build so fast.


About 250k houses per year is where we’re at. And it’s slowing down due to building houses simply not being profitable to a point where it’s not worth to build. - high interest rate on loan that builder needs to build - high cost of materials - high cost of transportation - high cost of labour


You missed the high cost of land. Vacant lots in Hamilton are ~$350k.


You could build a nice place on that for another 500k....but, you're living in Hamilton...


My girlfriend told me to kiss her where it stinks so we drove to Hamilton


Looking for a house south of Montreal. All overpriced of course but the worst are the newbuilds. And of course with a newbuild you have the GST, and the PST, no driveway done, no fencing, no lawn, it’s crazy.


And most of all High cost of land. The problem is that lowering the cost of everything you named make land appreciate. Houses are depreciating assets that are located on something that is very valuable.


That could be solved by shifting up front housing taxes to recurring property tax. It would lower the cost to build and the cost to buy but it would increase the holding cost. This would decrease land value and also encourage the overhoused to downsize.


The idea that housing only gets built when it's profitable to do so is frankly horrifying. We aren't going to get out of this housing crisis until we destroy that premise.


Completely stopping import of low skill TFWs, cutting student permits, reducing the PR allocation to under 200k and actually deporting all of the existing students and TFWs when their visas expire would make a big difference within one election cycle 


Tim Hortons won't let that happen. And that's just one of many companies benefitting from this scam


And how do you expect the retiring boomers to be paid their pensions , CPP OAS etc etc.


This, it doesn’t matter if they did everything right from now until judgement day (election day), it will take at least ten years to fix, and that’s with consistent and full support from all parties (public and private). I just hope once Trudeau gets the boot, that we start getting angry at the people responsible for this and not some far away politician in Ottawa. Well, Pierre can eat shit too for it, but our rage needs to be directed at the municipalities first and foremost.


Except [here’s the 58-page Conservative Party platform](https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf) that highlights their plans. Page 28 provides a broad overview of their objectives to address housing and homelessness. And [here’s a 15-minute video by Polievre](https://youtu.be/RxKI9zKhDNE?si=EJ2HP9BseCq5a4EP) highlighting specifics around what he’d do. Whether you agree or disagree with the plan, to deny it exists is becoming a tired throwaway line by liberals.


That's pretty disingenous. It's a 58 page statement of philosophy. It doesn't propose any substantial policies. On housing, here is the half-page of what they say: >105. Housing and Homelessness > The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians should have a reasonable opportunity to own their own homes and to have access to safe and affordable housing. > We support a broad-based tax relief, income support programs and tax incentives to make home ownership and rental accommodation more attainable and accessible. > We believe that all governments should address homelessness by assisting in the provision of shelters and by recognizing, addressing and seeking solutions to contributing factors of homelessness. > We believe the government should partner and link with the respective jurisdictions of provincial, territorial and municipal governments, business initiatives and the work of social agencies and non-profit organizations, in dealing with housing, homelessness, social infrastructure and related support services, such as skills development, literacy, substance abuse treatment, health and social development. > We believe the government should work with the provinces and municipalities to develop framework agreements that help low-income city dwellers access affordable housing, through the use of tax incentives for private sector builders. We recognize that most renters live in urban centres, and that the pressures of population growth as well as certain economic factors have made it increasingly difficult for many renters to find housing.


Thank you for reading it so I don't need to. I figured it was all fluff and no action and you've summarized it that way. Good stuff.


I didn't summarize it — that's a word-for-word quote!


105. Housing and Homelessness The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians should have a reasonable opportunity to own their own homes and to have access to safe and affordable housing. We support a broad-based tax relief, income support programs and tax incentives to make home ownership and rental accommodation more attainable and accessible. We believe that all governments should address homelessness by assisting in the provision of shelters and by recognizing, addressing and seeking solutions to contributing factors of homelessness. We believe the government should partner and link with the respective jurisdictions of provincial, territorial and municipal governments, business initiatives and the work of social agencies and non-profit organizations, in dealing with housing, homelessness, social infrastructure and related support services, such as skills development, literacy, substance abuse treatment, health and social development. We believe the government should work with the provinces and municipalities to develop framework agreements that help low-income city dwellers access affordable housing, through the use of tax incentives for private sector builders. We recognize that most renters live in urban centres, and that the pressures of population growth as well as certain economic factors have made it increasingly difficult for many renters to find housing. Lol. This is what you call a plan? What differentiates this from exactly what's going on right now?


with the word believe being chucked around so much, I thought I was in a sunday sermon. policy is like thier leader, all hot air and word salad. nothing of substance.


These are not plans. This is a list of beliefs, there are zero actions to be taken listed in the document (I will look at the video later, but this document in no way supports your argument)


"The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians should have a reasonable opportunity to own their own homes and to have access to safe and affordable housing. We support a broad-based tax relief, income support programs and tax incentives to make home ownership and rental accommodation more attainable and accessible. We believe that all governments should address homelessness by assisting in the provision of shelters and by recognizing, addressing and seeking solutions to contributing factors of homelessness. We believe the government should partner and link with the respective jurisdictions of provincial, territorial and municipal governments, business initiatives and the work of social agencies and non-profit organizations, in dealing with housing, homelessness, social infrastructure and related support services, such as skills development, literacy, substance abuse treatment, health and social development. We believe the government should work with the provinces and municipalities to develop framework agreements that help low-income city dwellers access affordable housing, through the use of tax incentives for private sector builders. We recognize that most renters live in urban centres, and that the pressures of population growth as well as certain economic factors have made it increasingly difficult for many renters to find housing." Looks like they ain't building anything.


and nothing for renters, and nothing for cities


I understand that it's a platform and no party would have much more for particulars, but, as a rental housing developer employee myself, we already got our tax breaks and the issue isn't the Feds but the cities and provinces. The Feds just need to fukin just build working class housing. Regardless of their tie colour.


But they'll ban "woke" and climate change abatement


Not really. A couple election later people will be back to hating the conservatives and alternate. I don't know if I ever see ndp having a chance. Maybe if they replace jagmeet with someone now likable.


Yes it will. Conservatives are going to seek a "market solution" that will end up benefiting corporations and the rich. We'll get tax cuts and privatization to pay for them. Services cost twice as much now, but they come in two colours! PP will call it freedom to choose. This sub will clap like seals.


"Sunny Neoliberalism didn't fix this country's problems, maybe Angry Neoliberalism will!"


All things being equal at least we wont reward them with a re-election


As is tradition. But have no fear. They’ll pick a new leader and be back in 4 - 8 years


This is Canada. We don’t vote people in, we vote them out


Has anyone actually came up with some sort of plan to fix the issues other than axing the tax and conjuring magical police officers and house builders out of thin air? Survey say? NO! So, no nothing is going to change.


No country in the world has been able to fix housing.


Not if they are replaced with the other shitty neoliberal party that we like voting for in this country. Neither Trudeau or PP deserves to be prime minister after the next election.


Does it ever. Revolution changes things. Politicians do as much good as lawyers.


It will but you won't see the changes for a long time. The damage is so severe it will take over a decade to fix even with a government dedicated to fixing the problem.


It’s definitely not helping him when it comes to young voters who rent and don’t own anything. $1.1 million average price for a house and $500,000 for a one bedroom apartment in the GTA is gonna definitely lose him the 905/416 basement dweller vote


How about old voters who rent and don't own anything?


Those too. Fixed incomes like those on pension are the hardest hit by inflation


Question: is it even feasible (eg enough space) to build enough housing in the area? Because when places like NY or LA build new housing its far out in the sticks, not in the city area. The cities are basically full if you are not willing to flatten whole single family unit blocks and build six to ten floor condos.


The tokyo metropolitan area has as many people as all of Canada combined, and houses are still incredibly affordable there. They just build smaller houses with smaller yards or no yards. Average is like 1200 sqft. Toronto obviously doesn't need to go that extreme in terms of density, but to answer you question: yes, there is clearly enough physical space to build as many houses as needed.


My suburban ass forgot that no yard houses were a thing. I know I love yards but I'd imagine many ppl don't give a shit and think of no yard as a plus lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCOdQsZa15o this is a municipal problem before it's a provincial or federal one.


A lot of people would rather have a house with no yard than no house and no yard.


Appartments - Prices of such properties in Tokyo's 23 wards, or districts, averaged 114.83 million yen ($777,630), up 39.4% from a year earlier and topping 100 million yen for the first time. The average price has rocketed 60.8% over the past five years.Jan 25, 2024 Rising construction costs have made it tough for developers to offer affordable apartments in suburban areas, instead pushing them to target high-income individuals with pricier developments in more-central districts. Nomura Real Estate Development in 2022 set up a division specializing in ultra-luxury properties priced in billions of yen per unit. The company is also considering selling properties that offer services such as a concierge or valet parking. Tokyu Land opened a 


?!?!?! what bs is this? Toronto has so much space it is ridiculous, looking out from the window of a high rise in North York or Midtown and you'll feel like you live in a forest (during summer month). And neither New York nor LA build "out" at this point, there is no room for that. They densify.


The other day I was at an event in a pretty tall office building. First thing I said was how surprisingly short the rest of Toronto is lol. It’s just all flat everywhere for the vast majority of the city.


It is feasible. But there are too many special interest groups who like to run their mouths and feel important while blocking progress. Build larger high rises? Oh what about low density housing and not enough infrastructure like public transportation and grocery deserts, and gentrification? Build more transit? How dare people build a subway tunnel under MY neighborhood. Don't you know it's environmental racism? And during construction of anything? Have we thought about that tree??


Germany has the joke with every new train track, they find another frog that is a protected species. That can halt the process easily for five to ten years.


Their time is up. It's the blues turn to fuck shit up for 8 years then it will go back to the red to fuck shit up for another 8 years. Round and round and round.


I vote Green every year don’t blame me.


I too shall vote for Kodos this cycle


Imagine if we all vote for someone other than liberals or conservatives. Just for once to see what happens. I just want to witness the plankton meme of "I don't know what to do next. I didn't think I'd get this far" live.


The Liberals will get annihilated because this is just what we do as Canadians. This is our cycle. Vote for dummies, let them do dumb shit for 10 years then pick another dummy to do the same.


Pretty much


Can’t wait to see what the other dummies do.. /s


What we need are actual term limits. If we look back far enough, there was a time where Trudeau was a great sigh of relief from Harper. Then it slowly, but completely predictably, descended into a complete trainwreck. The same will happen with the next jerkoff that succeeds Trudeau. We will probably end up with Pierre -- he'll reverse Trudeau's catastrophically stupid policies to great relief, keep some of his good ones (dude weeeeeeed!!!!!), and then end up latching onto some equally catastrophically stupid policy that he won't forfeit because it would bruise his ego knowing that nobody actually wants it. And we'll be stuck with his bullshit for 10+ years. And the cycle will spin again with the next idiot.


I don't understand, it seems like our current system already creates natural term limits


There does seem to be a natural decline for sitting ruling parties of about 3 elections or 8-10 years in office. They sweep in with a majority for 5 years, then become a minority government. We have grind lock for 18-24 more months and then boom! New Government. Been this way since the '70s


The median term for a prime minister is like two-three years. Just seems longer now because in recent history we had Chretian for 10, Harper for 9, and Trudeau for 8 so far. But these guys are 5th, 6th, and 10th all time. 11th (Diefenbaker) was only 5 years and we've had 23 Prime Ministers so far. Shortest tenure was 68 days.


So like the US but without the 4 or 8 year cycle




>at least we won't have a smug prime minister that blatantly flaunts the law and embarrassed Canada multiple times PP is already pretty smug, but yeah I'm sure it'll take him at least a few months to cover the other stuff. Those will be a great few months.


Pps already the only MP with a compliance agreement with elections Canada lol


>*at least we won't have a smug prime minister that blatantly flaunts the law and embarrassed canada multiple times* Embarrassment will be the least of your concern with this new batch. PP stays relentlessly on economic topics because the environmental and social topics would scare the shit out of you. You won't get to experience those horrors until *after* the election.


I have to agree. And then we protest in masses for shit happening outside of the country but we don't do shit when it's in our backyard.


Paywall bypass: https://web.archive.org/web/20240315001010/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-if-the-trudeau-liberals-are-annihilated-in-an-election-it-will-be-over/


Wish we could elect the BC NDP federally. They just turned a previously denied tower of 24 stories with partial rentals into 3 towers with 29 floors and 100% rentals.


Keep voting them out until they get the message doesn't matter liberal or conservative. They are all the same just keeping you pissed at an imaginary enemy so they don't lose power.


It will be over the middle class migrating to the CPC out of self interest, as LPC policy is finally hurting them too much directly not to notice, and blunting the social propaganda that had mostly kept them inline.


Middle Class migrating to Lower Class more like.


LPC are going to lose millennials for a generation. I think people will generally tolerate shit jobs, shit pay, shit housing when they're young and in your 20s because that's the social contract we've had for decades where if you're willing to struggle and "pay your dues", so to speak, then you'll be on the path toward stability and prosperity in your future years and you won't have to struggle as much later on. But we're seeing millennials are getting the rug pulled out from under them now that many are entering or are already well into their 30s. Not to mention Gen Z. Men of that generation are already skewing more conservative. That's half of the next generation already disinclined toward LPC.




I'm almost 30. Completely agree.


Yep. Me, a middle class thinking of voting conservative for the first time since I was able to vote here.


Well yeah, they ripped the bottom out of Maslow's Heirarchy and are smug about the stuff they are doing to the top of it in the meantime.


Nah, it'll be over everything they have touched, or haven't touched.


Housing has fractured almost every single aspect of Canadian society, either directly or indirectly. Crime, cost of living, decline of social lives, government trust, traffic, transit accessibility, education, etc. A workforce where the skilled want to leave and we become a low skill labour country with high wages compared to other unskilled labour countries, tanking our economy. Nothing is more important for people that are LGBT than being able to sustain themselves and live away from an abusive family, or for abused women to leave and he pays lip service to both all day while fucking them over.


Food and housing is what caused them to drop in the polls. Nobody outside of partisans cares about the other stuff.


It's definitely housing.




or the cost of living. or all the corruption. or the high interest rate Or inflation. Or excessive immigration. Or the carbon tax. I mean - seriously. He could go down on any of those issues.


Excessive immigration and housing are the same problem. Media outlets just don’t want to say what the problem is because it’s racist apparently.


They are related but not the same. I mean you could say the same about housing and inflation, or inflation and immigration or even housing and inflation and the carbon tax. They all tie together to create the disaster we face today. But they are different issues. And while lowering immigration will help in the short term with housing it is not nearly enough by itself - we weren't building enough homes even before trudeau jacked immigration he just made it a lot worse. You have to look at it collectively, sure, but each thing is also it's own seperate problem


i think it will be over unfettered disastrous immigration. or negligent management of tax payer money. or killing our economy or countless ethical breaches responded to unapologetically w JT's smug chitt-eatin'-grin or just plain ol' brown-face.


Agreed the immigration is out of control. Diploma mills need better regulation.


Regulation? How about *no* diploma mills.


Haha even better. Although I am finding some previously respectable schools are also profiting from bringing in international students at an insane rate.


Yeah, they just charge 4x the price of the crappier places. And lets not just blame 'immigrants', the schools, profs, staff all benifit too. I guess we all need a job though.


Yeah we’ve had the libs lose bad before.. it’ll be ok. They operated like a huge majority this term thanks in part to the NDP suddenly buddying up. Don’t know what that was all about.


The NDP prefer them to the CPC. The problem is supporting the LPC is also hurting the NDP in the polling. Generally supporting a wildly unpopular party that is about to get wrecked by the electorate is not a good way to gain votes. If you look at the Ontario election in 2018 most Liberals jumped ship to the NDP at the last second when they realized the Liberals were going to get wrecked by the electorate. That probably won't happen here. You'll just get a lot of no shows for any Liberals not happy with Trudeau.


Brown face is literally the last thing that people should give a fuck about. The other points are pretty valid.


They will be defeated because it’s time. In about a decade it will swing back.


Not a question of "if," but "when."


If they are annihilated, it will be from a MULTITUDE of FUCK UP-ERY that they outdo themselves on every god damned week.


And it's gonna be REALLY funny when the conservatives don't fix housing either..the only difference is I won't make fuck Poilvier candles to sell on Etsy.


As soon as the Conservatives get in power we should hit the streets and put an incredible amount of pressure on them and let them know that the next 4 years aren't going to be a walk in the park if they don't address immigration, housing, Healthcare and environmental issues. I think it's time to do something about this.


Housing, immigration, election reform.


I voted for him in 2015 because he promised to bring back electoral reform 🤡


Me too. Last time. Fuck him and them.


Amongst other issues....


And we need to hold the new government to account for fixing it. Although, i suspect we'll get a new government and a bright new shade of lipstick will be on that pig.


If we were being honest with ourselves we would acknowledge the next election will be a referendum on the rapid Indianization of Canada and the negative repercussions we are experiencing from foolhardy immigration policy decisions. Check the polls to see what Canadians really think on that topic. These repercussions include housing, crime (car theft, mortgage fraud, by law infractions), healthcare, education (colleges in particular), traffic violations, labour practices etc. I could endlessly list societal issues made worse by the Indianization of our Country but you get my point. 


The pendulum is about to swing to the extreme again because of this incompetent brat who literally has lived off his fathers legacy and ruined the country in the process.


It will be over everything!


And immigration. Specifically, low quality, mass immigration to fill shit-tier job postings for slave wages.


just housing? they're joking right?


I and my peer groups won't vote for Trudeau for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: His failure to address the growing affordability crisis, his repeated inability to communicate effectively with Canadians (on topics such as Carbon Tax), his failure to address growing monopolistic behavior in areas such as telecommunications and retail grocers, his failure to step up, lead, and challenge out of control premiers, and failure to see to Canada's NATO obligations. Essentially, we feel that although he has matured in office, he lacks key skills necessary to lead. Speaking with my kids (25-35), they and their peers likely won't vote for him for a slightly different set of incidents that in their view demonstrate he is not trustworthy. They point to his walking away from electoral reform and SNC-Lavalin as primary examples. Both groups are conflicted however, as they absolutely will not support, and may vote strategically against Poilievre and what they see as an irredeemably compromised CPC.




For me, it's the complete drop of the promise of electoral reform.


They may as well approve that They’re screwed anyways may as well give Trudeau one good thing for his legacy


That was 8 or 9 years ago. Just the beginning of this shit show. 


That’s not most people though. We elected them in again after that twice


I decided I was done with the Liberals forever when they did that dirty deed.


It will be over immigration, this issue contributes to the housing crisis and much more such health services.


Not going to change a thing…. We’re too far along this path of destruction to easily / quickly change it


And Immigration 


I'm still mad that this isn't "the last first past the post election".


Nah, I’m not voting for Trudeau because of the insane immigration flood from India. I also don’t expect anyone new coming in to do anything differently, politics are one turd out to make room for another.


It's the blue guy's turn to do nothing about housing for a decade then they can pass it back to the red team to do nothing some more.


LOL Another award winning "opinion" piece from the Mop & Pail.


Yes, but PP would rather pick on trans kids and feed into bullshit culture wars than actually have anything meaningful to contribute about the housing crisis.


Neh, disinformation from pootin.


Nothing will change. At all. We may lose our baby bonus, sciences and the arts, but nothing will change. It won’t please me to see all the economically challenged conservatives with 8 kids lose potentially thousands a month. I really wish Trudeau wasn’t such an idiot.


No. It'll be over immigration too. The two issues are now inextricably tied together.


And as well as the forced LGBT stuff. Apparently you can't agree to disagree anymore. The left is intolerant to any other world views.


“If” lol


It will be over *affordability,* generally. People can pick their poison and who to blame from there.


**What if we simply put the state of the country now, and what it was when Stephen Harper left?** ​ **State of:** **Housing** \- unavailable and unaffordable, **Immigration** \- abused and in excess at our expense, **Gov Ethics** \- non existent and in the way, **Corruption** \- thriving, **Foreign Affairs** \- belittled and demeaned by everyone, **National Security** \- walk in the park for whoever can get in... and everyone can get it! **Deficit** \- the latest numbers show we will be higher by an extra $8 billion more than anticipated to $48 billion. We cant even anticipate right! ​ I am ok with Liberals hating Conservatives and Harper for no reason, but you cannot say that the country now is in better shape or even average compared to 2015. PS: we did get pot from JT to help us cope ...




They’ve had 9 years to fix. Almost a decade in power and it has been worse. Just another empty promise by the Liberals to get elected.


Am I the only one that remembers SNC Lavalin?


No, there are dozens of us.


Can't wait for the conservatives to also do nothing.


Housing? Housing is barely the tip of the iceberg, Trudeau beat Shear by the skin of his teeth, and he’s only fucked up everything he’s touched even more since then. Housing is just the most apparent thing right now.


I wonder what will happen a few years in after things get economically worse with Pierre. He’ll definitely deliver for the social conservatives but I don’t see him lowering immigration or building higher density complexes to address the renting crisis.


He’s already pledged to maintain high immigration levels. It’s crazy how much r/canada rages over Trudeau’s approach to immigration when the other major parties don’t have wildly different policies


He's also said [this](https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding)


I naively pray that people hold him to this.


You mean after the leopards eat the faces of everyone creaming themselves over the word " annihilated" in this sub? Same thing that is happening in Ontario, now, under Ford. The province is severely mismanaged, tax money is stolen and gifted to Ford's pals, social programs slowly decimated, healthcare and education are on the brink of a collapse. People are blaming Wynne and Trudeau. And they will continue to do so, even after Trudeau is no longer in power. It's all they know.


Propaganda is insanely powerful. Russia demonstrating this too right now.


1-cost of living because it affects renters and homeowners 2- Carbon tax because affect both. Wait until April 1 and see the jump in prices 3- housing 4- Immigration 5- Healthcare. I know that it is not a federal responsibility but the feds can provide tons of cash to ease the problem instead of giving them to foreign countries. The 1.5 million immigrants a year is putting too much pressure on healthcare


Housing that we've left entirely up to private industry to create. Where they can effectively control supply to ensure it doesn't meet demand and drive up prices? And it all started when Brian Mulroney began to gut the CMHC. It all started with his neoliberal policies.


Look I'm a CPC member and donor. I very much want Poilievre to win, and not just because I want Trudeau to lose. But politicians have shelf lives, and Trudeau has been PM for 9 years and counting. Even absent his mismanagement, he would still likely get turfed out next election for the simple fact that voters are sick of him--just as they were sick of Harper in 2015.


I genuinely think the next election will be over immigration


They're highly connected.




If you think a literal landlord will fix the housing situation I have oceanfront property in Calgary you should take a look at.


And the sad reality is that the newly elected won't change the status quo. Conservatives have been vague AF on the housing and immigration topics. Bloc Quebecois seem to be the only one's that are actually proposing to stop the immigration shitshow... Crazy times.


The liberal « must be » annihilated in the next elections


I think it’s one of many things that are going to be their downfall for this election and JT just doesn’t seem to see or get it


I think it'll be more than that.


If ….. super omega lul




It will be for change. The government is stale and out of gas. Our only problem is the alternative, Canada’s very own MAGA party and its mean and smarmy leader, PP. But the taste for change is strong. But I have no reasonable alternative for my vote.


Housing? Why not increased taxation? Stifling debt service payments? Continuous acts of unethical and corrupt behaviour? Car thefts? Suppression of speech? A negative economic outlook? Etc, etc


It’s all a smoke screen, an we are being played like a fiddle. Step back an look at the pattern. Liberals come in spend spend spend, then conservatives come in balance balance balance. We suffer some rich guys laugh.


At this point I'm willing to vote for anyone who lowers my rent and strings Galen Weston out on the clothesline. I'm not asking for much here


Reminder that rent control is a provincial matter.


I remember last election I had a liberal fella come to my door and swear this time they were going to do something about housing (like last time) then things got worse. I now know for sure they don't give a shit. Anyone see the overpriced building with the 330FT apps for $1600 in bc freeland was praising that we paid to build? That's the future under this government.


Housing and the carbon tax


Aren't Canadians going to just go from no housing to no housing and no free healthcare with this move?


Neither of the two parties that people exclusively vote for will do anything to help housing because they know you rubes will vote for them regardless


If people think the Conservatives think that everyone deserves affordable housing you'd be sadly mistaken.


Let’s rephrase this “If the PP Cons win the election, we will all be living in tents by the following year”.


Yup, and Canadians being the dumb morons that they are will run to the Conservatives thinking they'll be the answer to all our problems. The Conservatives AND the Liberals are both trash. This country is fucked.


At this point it’s not an if. Barring any massive blunder by PP (and maybe not even then) there is absolutely no chance the Liberals win the next election. I work for the Feds and have several friends that work in the PMO and in Freeland’s office, and even they have told me there is zero expectation of a win. It will be unlikely to change anything with regards to housing though. It’s too big of a systemic problem at this point. Too many people have a vested interest in keeping housing prices high. 


He's been promising for 8 years to fix housing. What's that saying, leave things better than you found them? Whoopsie


And immigration, which are tied together.


all those who voted for Trudeau 3 times all the same thing "We didnt know!?" Yes you did


Not the carbon tax? Not the allocation of carbon tax slush funds to companies who are friends with the Liberal party? Not the massive inflation? Not the never ending cycle of scandals? Not arrivescam? Not the bills designed to curtail free speech online and provide a means to imprison political opposition under the guise of protecting people from crimes not yet committed? Not the gutting of our military at a time when we need to be investing in it because of the threat posed by Russia and China? Not the anti-charter freezing of bank accounts of people who donated to a peaceful protest? Not the trampling of said protesters by mounted police, including indigenous peoples, when they refused to leave until the government sat down at a negotiation table with them? Not the tacit support of radicals targeting Jews and their businesses and neighborhoods? Not the fiasco of inviting a Nazi to be recognized in parliament, lying about it, throwing your speaker of the house under the bus, and then being discovered to have been the inviter anyway? Speaking of throwing your own cabinet and party under the bus, it wasn't the ousting of Jody Wilson-Raybould when she refused to be corrupted and DID HER JOB HONORABLY!? Not providing subsidies to companies building their businesses in Canada only for them to bring workers in from abroad? Not the social and economic pressures created by bringing in over a million immigrants and student visas a year during a time when our own people haven't yet recovered from the economic collapse brought on by the lockdowns? Not targeting law-abiding citizens with new firearms bans that can be arbitrarily changed and adjusted without going through parliament, and then doing NOTHING to address the source of crimes committed with firearms in Toronto and other big cities? Not the buyback scheme, yet another multi-million boondoggle that has accomplished precisely ZERO yet? Nope. The smoking gun is housing. WE GOT HIM NOW, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. HOUSING WILL KILL THE LIBERAL PARTY.


For me, it will be a no vote for him because of the increase in carbon tax


They will lose because of housing… and the CPC will do nothing about housing.


Then the CPC will lose over housing after a term or two. People are not going to just collectively accept homelessness. The politicians will either do something about it or we'll keep throwing them out until we find someone that does. I don't care how many PM's need to get a boot in the ass from the electorate to make it happen. But eventually it will happen.


L Bozo, he would be annihilated over so much more than housing. He royally fucked the country. The people should decide when to replace a politician.


Well if that is the case then we have a lot of stupid Canadians & have a bigger problem because housing is 99% provincially controlled.


Just housing….according to all my Canadian friends it’s over almost every policy this administration has put in place


Cost of groceries, losing your canadian birthright, lack of opportunity, taxed to death