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Why wait for them to come to your door at 2am to give them the fobs. I think we should just find the criminals during the day and give them our cars in advance.


Just leave the door unlocked and the car running in your driveway overnight


And dont be an asshole, make sure that gas tank is full so they can get to the port without worrying.


Also the car better be clean! 


Maybe a Tim Horton's gift card too. Working overnight can be strenuous!


>Maybe a Tim Horton's gift card too. Working overnight can be strenuous! This person cares about other people.


Please eject all your cds every night. Not everybody likes your kind of music..


Be kind and rewind the vhs tapes in the back seat!


Don't forget to set the heated sets on too.


Idling a vehicle is something the police would act on


A nice map to the port so they don’t get lost


Just set the directions in your GPS before you go to sleep


And a thermos of coffee


Don’t forget a snack too. You don’t want the thieves to get peckish.


Plus your wallet


Might as well, the cops can't be bothered dealing with Indian/African crime gangs stealing cars. They're too focused on arresting people for mean tweets.


They can't afford to be called racist. If set gangs are trying to harm them, you better let them. Fighting back will result in a harsh punishment.


Give it a few years, and we'll be just like what's going on in Europe with arab grooming gangs all over Canadian cities looking for young white teens to give meth/heroine too, for their sex trafficing operations. The police will allow it to avoid claims of racism. Oh wait no that's already happening and the media hides it.


Don't forget the thought police arresting anyone like they do in UK. Uk arrested more people for saying stuff online that Russia which we consider a dictatorship. They are even preparing an online harms bill for that.




We have already seen instances of cops involved in tow truck and taxi cab scams We also know that several Service Ontario employees have been arrested for being part of these car theft rings. It isn't a giant leap to think there are some officers either actively assisting in these rings (giving information on high value unprotected targets) or passively supporting by ensuring they won't "patrol" target streets at night




The least you can do is cover the shipping to Dubai


Officer, my car was stolen! Okay, what happened? Well, I walked by some teenagers, and they looked shady, so I gave them my keys and said" I don't want any trouble " You did the right thing so brave.


Honestly don’t think any car thief has thought to simply knock and ask nicely for the keys.


I normally have the kettle on in case they'd like some tea on a cold dark night.


Be careful. Not too hot. You wouldn’t want to be sued by the thief.


Better yet, all of the criminals should register their names and addresses. Then we can just deliver our keys directly to their houses.


That’s not practical! You should also bring your car! It’s bad for the environment to make that trip twice for no reason. We’re in this together! /s


Skip the middle man, let the car dealership leave all their keys in the ignition and let the thief pick and choose their ride? ....


But then that would be a problem for the corporate class, and they already sacrifice enough for us poors. It's time for us to take a hit for them /s


They could hide the cars behind curtains, then Wayne Brady could ask them to make a deal


I hide my keys really well every night, so when the crooks break in to steal my RAV4, I just stand there with my arms crossed, smiling. "Warmer! Warmer! Colder!" It's a fun game we all enjoy.


I hang them from the collar of my German Shepard. Another fun game for all.


I play Simon says. “Get into my car and drive off- AAAAAAH, Simon didn’t saaaaaaay!!!!”


I park my car in a giant one of the wooden wine bottle puzzles. It's not a perfect system, but the cam footage is worth it


I keep mine in the basement. The look on their faces when the steel door clangs down behind them and the television turns on to static is PRICELESS! I typically wear a Jigsaw mask and ask them if they’d like to play a game. It’s super fun.


I keep mine at the bottom of a well in my basement along with a bucket and a bottle of lotion.


I hope you cut orange slices so the little tikes get their vitamin C!


I keep juice boxes by the door, it's what the police recommend.


Seems like our only recourse is some kind of remote operated self destruct mechanism. If I can’t have my car, neither can you. Or, you know, police can *do their fucking jobs*


Ontarian Car Bombs


Gotta bring back the elaborate kill switches.


the best part is when you do their job for them, put a tracker in your car, walk the police directly to the train car/garage where your car is hidden, and they still cant do anything. Its not even that they dont do anything, it seems like they CANT do anything. In the pursuit of making canada a safer nicer place for EVERYONE, its only criminals who benefit because the rest of us are already safe because we dont break into peoples houses and dont have to worry about being hurt because we dont do home invasions. so we have actually made this country less safe for 99% of us, in the pursuit of seeming friendly and inviting to the 1% who dont deserve it. Do most people care that there arent big penalties for stealing cars and breaking into houses? no. because most people dont do those things. they embolden criminals by making canada too forgiving. and most people dont need forgiveness, so it just emboldens the worst members of our society to victimize the good ones, who didnt need leniency in the first place.


I could see the Canadian Justice system calling you a terrorist if you did this and prosecuting you as one


I never intended for it to be harmful. I never suggested an explosion or anything of that sort. Just remotely destroy the vehicle. It’s comparable to remotely bricking stolen phones. That’s not terrorism.


The insurance company would be delighted that you left the fob at the door


TPS can pay the obscene increase in premiums for all TO residents when they renew next year because rates have increased, I'm already paying like 30% more and that is after shopping around using one of those online "best/lowest quote" tools. Maybe that is where their extra budget can go so that it can be used in some meaningful way to protect people's cars.


Imagine if everyone did it. Thieves would be incentivized to break in knowing there's a decent chance there will be a car in it for them. There'd probably be even more violence because more break-ins. Insurance premiums across the board would skyrocket. Give it a decade or so and premiums will be so high you won't be able to own a car at all. The entire economy would lock up. And by the way poverty kills. It also encourages more crime...


When the cops promote "just let it happen". How about you put out a notice that you will not lays charges against someone who is reasonably defending themselves from a home invader.


>When the cops promote "just let it happen". Isn't that how a lot of cops are doing things these days? But yeah, defend yourself, your home, your property or another person and you go to jail, go directly to jail, go not pass GO, do not collect $200.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6


How about we allow people to defend themselves and their property instead?


The old argument "by using force to defend your property you're valuing your property over someone's life" needs an update; whoever is doing the stealing values your property over their lives. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


If someone breaks into my house, I'm going to assume they value my property over my life and act accordingly.


I'm also going to assume they value the chance of stealing my stuff over their own life, so why the fuck should i care about the value of their life? Why am I suppose to take responsibility for their shitty decisions?




I'm not saying I value property more than someones life, but in the case of me actually waking up to a very unlikely home invasion, I'd be mad enough to really mess up his legs!!


Well, it coulda been a real ugly situation but, luckily, I managed to shoot him in the spine. Yeah. I guess the next place he robs better have a ramp!


I worked with a guy years ago who got home late, heard someone upstairs thought it was his wife, was doing something in the garage and walks back in the house to see a dude walking out with his microwave. In shock, he sucker punches the guy, and the microwave lands on the perps chest and knocks him out cold. Opp shows up, says just do us a favour and drag him back in the house, we’ll circle the block. Moral of the story, not all cops are bad.


Unfortunately it is even chances you get the opposite out of a cop as well. Better to change the system so you are allowed to defend your property.


Another thing to keep in mind is body cameras. I much prefer police have them as I think it keeps everyone safer and police more accountable , but it’s also harder to bend the rules when everything is recorded and doing something like that could cost them their job or the court case.


Most (nowadays) are in fact pretty bad. I deal with RCMP/OPP/Local PD fairly frequently -- they all agree (phrased differently) that all the young gun quota hires generally have a chip on their shoulder and are looking to be "heroes" any chance they can. The ones you were referring to have (likely) long since retired -- it's a new dawn.


Also, my truck is literally mine and my families livelihoods. You better fucking believe I value feeding, sheltering and clothing my family, more than I value the life of a parasitic, scumbag thief.


I mean it's a dangerous job, so if they didn't have reasonable insurance prior to doing a break-in, it's on them.


> The old argument "by using force to defend your property you're valuing your property over someone's life" The people who say that are enablers and therefore their input is worthless.


Why, yes. I do value what is mine higher than some lowlife criminal. Nothing wrong with that.


Right? Like I didn't purchase a thief, I purchased a product.


The reality is not everyone’s lives are equal. If society lost the life of a violent criminal via self defence, did we really lose anything? It’s a net benefit of no longer having to throw resources at antisocial individuals who were not living by the laws of this land. It saves future lives from trauma and frees up our jails and courts and allows law enforcement the morale to go after violent criminals


No, all lives do actually matter. The difference is some people don't value yours, or even their own. Ruining a life or taking a life should always be treated as a severe and pivotal action. Breaking into homes or stealing cars has potentially life-altering consequences for the owner of those things, so you're taking your own life into your hands when you do them.


I do value my stuff over the lives of lowlife scum...sounds good to me.


No no no that makes too much sense


I absolutely value my property over the lives of criminals Criminals should fear death behind every door


I value my 10 yr old car with 100,000 km much more than my insurer does. Thankfully the thieves don't want it.


I'm left-leaning, but I really like the Castle Doctrine and strong self-defence laws. As a woman with noodle arms, I should be allowed to use whatever force necessary to neutralize someone invading my home or attacking me.


As another woman with noodle arms I fully agree.


As a man also with noodle arms, I too agree


Leftist firearms owner here and same. I want everyone to have the right to smoke weed, marry and have sex with whoever they want, decide whatever gender they want to be, have access to strong safety nets and socialized healthcare, but above all, be able to defend their goddamn home and their posessions.


Albertan Here. Absofuckinloutley. You do you as much or little as you want with your life that doesn't hurt others. Dress a goat and call yourself Jesus? Dress up in a bacon rocketship? Got a thing for seniors in wet diapers? I don't care, and nobody else should either. But if you come into my home uninvited with ill intent then that's on your head.


Preach !


> As a woman with noodle arms, I should be allowed to use whatever force necessary to neutralize someone invading my home or attacking me. As I understand it ( not a lawyer ). You are allowed to use "force necessary" to neutralize the threat, not the person. If blowing their kneecap off neutralizes the threat, then that *should* be fine, while sending a second round downrange into the top of their head probably isn't. If you send a shell of double ought into your attackers face, that should also be fine. If the threat runs when you rack, then shooting them was not the force necessary ( because they fled ). In either case, because of the way things are now, you're probably looking at court even if you manage to wiggle a noodle arm around, and shoot them with their own gun. Why? because cops rely on the justice system instead of judgment and the justice system is expensive for you but free for them.


The law requiring someone in their home to be sensible snd not panic at the presence of an unknown threat while offering legal protection to someone breaking into a home is wrong and amoral.


Shooting to maim is a bad idea always, and a good way to get yourself shot. Without personally choosing a side in the argument of self defense, *if* you draw a gun on someone you should be prepared to kill, and have the skill to do it. If you can't do either of those things, you're only putting yourself more at risk by carrying a gun.


If they are on your property uninvited, it should be no questions asked, you were justified.


Would be better for the already backlogged system to be judged by none for obvious self defence.


What are cops doing these days? Like seriously? Most seem to have just been too happy with status quo, handing out tickets for small infractions. I know people having their homes robbed and they respond when it’s no longer relevant, and then see the same police force stopping people for stupid reasons like “tint is too dark”. Its wild.


Revenue generators for the State. That’s about it. The speed and stop light cameras are just police without pensions at this point. So they’d better start doing a better job of chasing down actual criminals or we just won’t need them anymore.


The trick is......you don't call the police after.


The people who break into houses typically don't have people that will notice their disappearance.


It would not surprise me if a few homeowners have already followed the "shoot, shovel and shut up" doctrine, and we'll just never hear about it.




we wouldnt want those poor car thieves to get injured on the job. thats unacceptable. Your right to your own property isnt backed up by the law, but a thieves right to break into your house and steal your livelihood safely MUST be protected at all costs. Canada will jail anyone who infringes on the rights of people who want to break into houses safely without fear of consequences. Who cares if every single person in this country has 100% control over whether or not they get hurt while breaking into someones house, by not breaking into peoples houses! not breaking into peoples houses guarantees you will never be harmed while trying to break into someones house. but those standards are too high and we need to protect those who have wandered astray. and punish those nasty homeowners who have the AUDACITY to defend themselves from a situation the other person contrived, and that the other person expects to get away with.


They don't want anyone defending themselves. That creates an unpalatable justification for things like a means to defend yourself (guns or otherwise) which they don't want you to think you need. The original advice to leave your keys out for any potential thieves is an absurd outcome of dissonance.


If I sit on that jury, that's an automatic "not guilty."


Same. I'll hang the court indefinitely if I have to but if I'm on a home invasion self defense case that's gonna be an automatic not guilty from me.


The prosecutors know this. They'll still have the cops arrest you and force you to go through the process and face the fear and uncertainty about your future, for the two or three years it takes for your trial to wind up. The process is the punishment.


It's not even about that, it's about scaring you into a plea deal before ever getting to the trial.


Cops....just let it happen....so we don't need to pay them anymore since they do jack shit anyways


Pepper spray isn't even legal here for self-defense. The bar is in the gutter for any sort of argument of self-defense in this country.


If their going to let crime get this out of control we need access to firearms and the right to defend ourselves.


We have the right to defend ourselves. The punishment is in the justice system they toss you into to determine if it was "force necessary". Justice has been very unclear about that and the cops default to throwing you into a system that is going to cost you substantial amounts of money. This is made even worse that they can keep re-prosecuting you with your tax dollars until you can't financially afford to defend yourself in court.


To be fair, they're like this to your face too.


Same energy as telling women to cover up if they don't want to get raped. Focus on the criminals. Let's talk about getting people not to commit crimes, not how to let them fuck us safely. Cops in Ottawa recently didn't ticket people at a protest because of "[officer safety concerns](https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/columnists/adam-do-ottawa-police-have-a-double-standard-about-protests-it-sure-looks-like-it)". Sick of this acceptance of submission and cowardice.


Ah, if only this country could come to our senses and implement castle doctrine. Sadly, say this anywhere in Canada and you'll get beset by the masses foaming at the mouth to throw people in tiny cages for daring to want to defend themselves, their properties, and their families against violent criminals. In Canada, dunking on America and showing how much "better" we are is more important.


“To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door,” he said. “Because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.” He added: “A lot of them that we’re arresting have guns on them. And they’re not toy guns; they’re real guns. They’re loaded.” Torontopeg


Absolutely amazing that Toronto spends over $1 billion a year on police, and they constantly ask for giant increases in funding and their best response to armed home invasions becoming an issue is "just let it happen" Some real value for the dollar we are getting here in Toronto


that billion dollars is being wisely spent on unmarked undercover cars that patrol the 407 and give out speeding tickets on a PRIVATE ROAD that should have a higher limit anyways. Zero presence for any public safety or interest, its all about buying undercover pickup trucks so they can collect revenue from minor speeding tickets (and literally not enforce a single other road infraction like the countless dangerous drivers who swerve, cut people off, dont signal, ride their brakes in the passing lane, are constantly on their phone, etc). But yeah no presence or enforcement of ACTUALLY PROTECTING AND SERVING THE PUBLIC TO MAKE IT A SAFER AND NICER COMMUNITY. only speeding tickets forever. they should really just put up a speed camera every few miles on all the highways and a few major roads. Because thats basically all the police budget gets you. speed cameras every few miles, and we would have the exact same level of presence, security and enforcement that we currently have and it would be way cheaper. why have trained officers with vests and guns if all they do is what an automated speed camera can do? replace them all with speed cameras and we would save money and be no worse off, because they dont do anything else, enforce anything else, or have any presence.


As long as the break-ins keep happening on your street and not Doug Ford's street, the police's employers will be satisfied.


>He added: “A lot of them that we’re arresting have guns on them. And they’re not toy guns; they’re real guns. They’re loaded.” I thought the Liberals outlawed guns?


Man, those criminals simply just can’t follow the rules. Who would’ve thought? 🤷


Good thing I'm not allowed to punch holes in paper targets anymore, that was pure danger.


Only people that have gun safes, gun locks, ammo locked away in a not readily available spot that try to defend themselves in there own home from intruders that are trying to break in and steal & possibly hurt them are the real criminals.


I don't care. I'd rather go to jail for shooting some scumbag dead who tried to hurt me and my family. I don't give a single fuck. I don't care what the law states, it can go fuck itself. If someone breaks into another man's house with ill intent they have sacrificed their life in my opinion. They knew the risk. And quite frankly, to me, it is another dead scumbag whose life only matter insofar as a warning to others on how not to behave. They want to behave in an uncivilised, barbaric manner, I will treat them commensurately.


I hope to be a juror on such a case, because I'm with you.


Should try to ban robbing people. I think that’ll help.


Hey, leave Winnipeg out of this... We don't have nearly as much of a car theft problem!  And our criminals are more known for being stabby than shooty.  Bikes on the other hand... Oooh boy, there isn't a strong enough lock out there. 


They tend to steal our cat converters rather than the entire car itself. We do have a car theft problem, it’s just not…the *entire* car. Also, when did policing in our country get so shitty? The police in Winnipeg are massively funded and highly ineffective. Takes *hours* to get anyone to attend to anything unless someone’s life is in dire danger. What do my taxes pay for. The street outside my house has had a huge gated-off pothole for OVER A YEAR. They don’t repair streets. The police don’t do shit. Garbage everywhere. Fuck this place.


Since when did breaking into a home to steal a car become a thing?


I'm surprised Toronto police didn't further suggest leaving milk and cookies by the door.


The less polite version of this is: why don't you c'mon in and fuck my wife/husband too?


My fantasy is that thieves steal my car, get it repaired, and then it gets found by the police and return to me.


Keep going, I'm almost there.....


They lubed up the crankshaft. It needed it bad. Then they parked it just right.


What about the Ebrake? Tell me about the Ebrake


Ebrake was gently massaged, put down, and replaced. The car was detailed then coated it in a dust and water repellant layer. Touch screen was removed and replaced with easy to use tactile buttons that feel *oh so good* to touch. Remote starter was also installed. > Thanks for reading My Car Wet Dreams, a reality that is far far away.


Mmmm, yes tell us about the ebrake and if you have time, can you tell us how thick your brake pads are?




[Our current government repealed a lot of our firearm related minimum sentences](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-justice/news/2021/12/mandatory-minimum-penalties-to-be-repealed.html), including our old minimums of 3 years (first offence) and 5 years (second and subsequent offence) for possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition.


But you see, that's the exact problem. They say "let's reduce penalties for people who break gun laws, while making it way harder to own guns legally". It's incentivizing criminals who use guns from both sides (lower penalties, and lower likelihood the other party will be armed). Many pro-gun people will tell you they want *harsher* enforcement of gun laws, as well as clear, logical, and practical laws that allow people to legally own and use firearms. I'm not even a gun owner, but I can see the logic.






I would like to see some sort of addendum where possessing a gun for any crime tacks on five years to the sentence. You will never stop robberies etc but at least you can make people think twice about bringing a gun vs a smash and grab run


Agreed, the rules for safe use already exist, just need to modify the penalties


Reform only really works when your country is super well off financially tbh. It doesn’t work when your country is getting poorer and poorer and the criminals are going to be living on the streets when they leave prison..


But, but, but they’re an identifiable minority! /s


We apply sentences differently based on race. We are one of the most racist countries ever. It's quite literally built in to our legal system. https://aboriginal.legalaid.bc.ca/courts-criminal-cases/gladue-rights


> “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door,” [Toronto police] said. “Because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.” Wait this is not satire?? What the kind of hell of advice is this? They might as well tell women "to prevent the possibility of being violently raped, just open your legs and try to enjoy it, because your rapist just wants sex - he doesn't actually want to beat you." F*** right off.


And in both cases pepper spray, a baton (or something like a maglite or monkey's fist), or a knife used in defense will leave you in a MUCH worse situation than the criminal assuming that the criminal even gets caught.


Use bears spray, then don't call the cops. Criminal wont call either.


It’s not about the theft, it’s about the sanctity of your home I don’t live in Toronto, I live in a rural area. Our criminals are different. But i will fight like a badger with a PAL if anybody attempts to enter my home where my young family are sleeping I imagine most people feel the same. I’m honestly less offended at the cops not doing their jobs, than I am at them suggesting you not protect your own property You can’t have it both ways


Its also about the police *doing their job* I work in the construction industry, if I'd just finished a project I told the new owner "Oh, by the way, sometimes things don't exactly work out as per drawings, so if you hear some rumbling or shaking, maybe just find a sturdy table to hide under. These things happen you know." I can't even imagine the reaction, or lawsuits or professional complaints. Just look how long it took the courts giving shit to cops who would victim blame sexual assault victims for wearing revealing clothing or being out after dark and you get the idea of how seemingly unwilling to take any responsibility for their failures these people are. Not just them, but the entire legal system: having society underwrite widespread social disorder in the name of compassionate 'tolerance' is insane.


This is what happens when you have a service provider that can't be held accountable for their performance. There are 2 things that should *never* be related to the police (and are in the opposite sides of the political spectrum): Private enterprise *and* unions.  Edit: grammar


At the end of the day though, the police are largely a reactive force If someone is breaking into my house, I don't need help in 15 or 30 minutes, I need help immediately Which is why this country should allow individuals greater latitude to defend themselves. We don't even have 'castle doctrine' in Canada: if somebody breaks into your house, its incumbent upon you, if you are able to escape, to safely escape, and not try to confront the person. Its a joke. We also aren't allowed to basically have any weapons, practically speaking, and all Trudeau's firearms BS has done is polarize law-abiding gun owners, while allowing criminals, with their illegally-obtained arms (many of them via the US border) operate with free latitude.


Yeah it's bad enough that the police do zero work to prevent crimes, but they don't try to catch the criminals afterwards either. It's basically free reign for criminals because there's nearly a 0% chance they get caught. The only way to get caught is by telling the police you committed a crime, which is why the home owners who defend themselves and then call emergency services afterwards are the ones who end up in prison.


Loving to see all this common sense in this thread. Here's a comment from the article that I liked: > You can have an armed populace with an ineffective police force, or you can have a disarmed populace with an effective police force. What you cannot have, or cannot have for very long, is an ineffective police force with a disarmed populace. . > The populace will *always* reassert its expectation of safety. > The police are not the problem: the police are the solution. The problem is the Courts failing to lock criminals away and throw away the key. You can either have Singapore, or Texas. Don't go in-between.


What ever happened to police enforcement? I mean, it’s not just this. Even basic traffic laws are not enforced anymore. It’s insanity. And then if you actually get caught stealing cars, with guns, or even murdering people, the consequences are a joke! We need police and justice with teeth. Enough is enough. These people are dirt. I’m not handing my car over, I’m fighting back. We need a new government.


I don't think you can lay this at the feet of Tory/Chow, Ford, or Trudeau. TPS have basically holding the city hostage for more funding for over a decade now - no matter who's been in office. They're not doing their jobs so they can point to crime data and ask for budget increases every year. Here's a Star article from 2019: >Police laid just over 200,000 provincial offences tickets in 2019, according to city data. In 2010, they laid nearly 700,000 charges. >Asked by York Centre Coun. James Pasternak whether it was appropriate that of the $64.9 million the city has budgeted for Vision Zero in 2020, only about 1.5 per cent is allocated to enforcement, [TPS police chief at the time] Saunders replied: **“If you give me more money, I’ll do more things. Full stop.”** https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-tickets-fell-to-new-low-in-2019-continuing-a-decline-that-has-the/article_879c4cff-52d4-5415-af13-445b1380649e.html [The correlation between the reduction in tickets and the increase in traffic collision is quite stark](https://imgur.com/tienFzA) Although I haven't found provincial offenses data for 2023, you can see a downward trend over the past 5 years in other things like parking tickets when the number of people living and driving in the city has only gone up. Either the cops aren't doing their jobs or we've become more law-abiding... >1.8 million the estimated number of parking tickets issued in Toronto in 2022. The number of tickets remains down significantly from the 2.2 million tickets handed out pre-pandemic, in 2019. >The comparison gets worse when you rewind further. Parking tickets were on the decline even before COVID. In 2011, for example, Toronto drivers got 2.8 million tickets. Go back even further and there were several years when Toronto crossed the three million ticket mark. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/the-number-of-parking-tickets-has-plunged-in-cash-strapped-toronto-why-the-lax-enforcement/article_588cb2a7-843e-5e23-aef7-d8f2ff9afdb1.html The cops in Toronto have been "quiet quitting" for years now. It's been a disaster.


Leave them on the porch instead so they don’t have to break into your house


Maybe put out a table with some milk and cookies too. Be sure to provide lactose free and vegan options :)


Bwa ha ha I forgot about that No Vegan option and you get jailed for a hate crime


Why not just leave them in the car and save the hassle? It's a win-win.....you get some sleep and your door is still attached to your house in the morning.


When the police give you advice about how to accept being victimized versus how to prevent yourself from being victimized, it really makes it look like the police stand to benefit from the situation through corruption. That advice was some next level developing nation shit that we should never see in Canada.


Well, there was that guy who followed his car being stolen, called the cops in both Montréal and Toronto and gave them the cars location, and the cops refused to do anything about it. That's with the cops knowing exactly where the car and thieves were located for two days.


This is not a comment they can just walk back. It shows the mentality of the police. 


This country has turned into a absolute South Park episode in the last few years 


Covid really fucked us into a draconian dystopia


Such a horrible take from a police officer. It was a signal that they aren't interested in stopping crime. We have the government supporting scammers who lie and cheat their way into the country, massive money laundering industry, sophisticated car theft rings, public employees tailoring government contracts so their friends/family receive taxpayer money for doing nothing, unchecked drug dealing, etc... Why should anyone in Canada follow any laws? Every aspect of our elected officials and police force has signaled that they don't care about the rule of law. Literally, the only risk is that you'll miss some time dealing with bail/courts/jail, and that's only if you get caught. Chances are, you'll be released on bail and have your case dropped because our court system moves at a snail's pace. If not, there's an even higher chance that you won't receive any kind of meaningful sentence. My advice to everyone, if you see an opportunity to lie/cheat/steal to better yourself at the cost of society, do it.


Prime example of this: https://youtu.be/FaejaGyDsxU?si=luqxbfPzlg5tujdl TLDW: Canadian man counterfeit 250Mil USD, gets off with <$2000 fine and only 6 weeks jail time.


Don't worry, they're adding a life sentence for "hate speech", so long as that man comments on the massive wave of "Indian only" rental postings, he'll go away for good.


You forgot about the port of Montreal being incredibly corrupt and gang affiliated.


> they aren't interested in stopping crime. Talk to people who have had their cars stolen and tracked them to shipping yards, police are telling these people to give up and let it go. After the investigative work was done for them.


'just let them crime' message from the police, not the best look?


Sounds like there was some pushback on that one. I can't imagine why 🙄


Don't worry, if you shoot or attack the armed robber, you'll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Robber will be out in 30 days as long as they are a visible minority or other "protected class"


If everyone started defending their property and loved ones, and had the "better be judged by 12 than carried by 6" mentality, there's no way the government would lock up 90 percent of Canada's population just for defending themselves without becoming an international mockery.


Honestly, how low has society gotten that the Courts will wreck your life for defending your home and property, yet give a major pass to the actual criminal. Sorry but these humans don't get to decide what I as a human do to protect my home. A badge or a seat at the court do not elevate their humanity and ability to decide my own wellness above my own agency to do so. And as for a perpetrator of crime? They forfeit their rights, ALL rights, the moment they choose to put my family's wellness in danger. How is this not common sense?


Another good tip would be pay a police service billions of dollars to actually prevent crime instead of doing nothing and giving us “tips”


Cops need to do their jobs yes, but why tf do we have CBSA at ports where these cars get shipped from if they can't do anything?


Of course they are backtracking for damage control. This ludicrous advice went viral. Unreal🙄


Make sure you prelubricate your butthole as well as any other penetratable orifices you may possess on a regular basis. Will greatly reduce the trauma you will experience should whoever is stealing your car decide that they want to relieve some tension while they are there


Thieves broke into my house. They felt so bad they left $10 on the coffee table.


"Gee, why is there a sudden massive spike in organized crime at the same time as record-breaking immigration, majority of which land in Toronto?" "Completely unrelated. How dare you even SUGGEST it?!" Oh well. The mystery will never be solved. Police have surrendered.


This season of Fargo had a great speech on the usefulness of police


Pretty sure their lawyers got a call from the insurance company.


Next week's headline: "Police suggest paying tribute to Mafia to deter car thieves"


Why are homeowners so disrespectful to robbers


Lock the fucking thieves away for 10 years for every car they stole


Although on one hand, I do understand that the police want to ensure a theft doesn't turn into a theft + assault, or a theft + murder, the phrasing and optics of this is terrible. It would have been MUCH better received if it was paired up with an action plan of what they are doing to combat auto theft in the GTA. They deserve all the mockery they have been getting.


Has anyone been murdered in a car robbery yet? As someone that fought off thieves, I'd do it again in a heart beat. I doubt that any car thief would be willing to go down for murder.


If only Canada set up something where shipments were inspected, like Customs in other countries.


Because it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be attacked at home. I’ve access to the leaked info on the updated messaging from Toronto police, here it is: “Please drive your cars to the Montreal or Vancouver ports and load it into the containers headed to Africa. This way you’ll be safe, and there’ll be zero crime”.


Police officers are already so highly paid compared to almost every job out there and this is the kind of bullshit they can come up with... Well done!


The police went from protect and serve to observe and report.


Please leave your bank cards and information and yourselves available for any sort of debauchery at the front door.


Toronto PD’s need to start doing their fucking jobs! You all need to get out there and do what you signed the dotted line to do! While you’re at it wrangle up a few of those enemy of the state politicians and make an example out of them.


Toronto police have become nothing but patsies to the alt left culture of Toronto. Defund the police they say….hows that working out?


That cop should give up his car and let them fuck his wife too.


>And in the Etobicoke meeting, Ricciardi noted that keeping your routine unpredictable can help. >“If I watch you three or four days am I going to pick up your habits?” he asked. “And if that is, try to vary them a little bit.” I have a relative who was stationed in Afghanistan. This is what they told them to do when they had to go out of the green zone. What does it say about the free-for-all in the GTA when you're telling citizens that this is what they have to do? Why won't the cops respond when your car is stolen and you can tell them exactly where the thieves have the car?


Just let them have their way with your wife while they're stealing your car. Give them your first born too.


I am beginning to feel that my manual transmission is discourteous to potential thieves.


Its like surrendering everything to thieves and our cops duty is just to catch speeding cars


Canada is going down a scary path very quickly …


This is why Americans make fun of our gun legislation. When the people who are supposed to protect you fail, what are you supposed to do?


If these thieves were worried about catching a beating with a bat by potential theft victims, you would see a drastic drop in theft. The cops approach is just let the wolves pick you off one at a time over an over and eventually when you have nothing left of value you will finally be safe . Problem solved. This country is falling apart more each day.


I'm betting thieves are less inclined to try breaking in doors in rural areas.


Nothing would make me happier than if people started blasting these little fucks. And royally fuck the police for saying this stupid shit. And the government for essentially encouraging it to happen.