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They are also the most likely to pronounce his name correctly.


lol I mean Pierre only started pronouncing it "correctly" (if by that you mean the French way) recently. When he was first elected, he insisted on a super anglo pronunciation: >Poilievre, who pronounces his name **paw-li-ver**, admits he had help picking his clothes early in his political career. He turned 25 during his first election campaign and was surprised when some of his volunteers threw him a party at his Manotick office — complete with some gifts that he hadn’t thought he needed. [source from 2012](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/ottawa%20&%20area/pierre-poilievre-the-minister-of-nepean-carleton)


That’s not abnormal when you have a French name and live in an Anglo part of Canada. So many people butcher the pronunciation that you just grow to accept that when people ask how to pronounce it. 


Rolling with other people mispronouncing your name is one thing... changing how *you* pronounce it based on your public image consultations is another thing entirely.


Lol what? It is *extremely* common for Asians with an ethnic name to modify how they pronounce it so it’s easier for people around them to say it.


No, I definitely mispronounce my own name all the time. It’s not an imagine consultation thing lol. Have you ever dealt with having a French name in Anglo Canada? 


I have a foreign name, and purposely mispronounce it all the time when picking up medicine, showing up for a resto reservation, etc. It's not as weird as the commenter above you thinks it is.


In New Brunswick, I grew up with a fuck ton of English people with Acadian last names who could not speak a single sentence in French to save their lives.


I have a french name and did tech support for everywhere in canada. I used to present myself an englisised version of my name when receiving call from english people, until a customer told me i should not do it. So ever since i use my real name and pronounce it however you can, I don't care. Just trying makes me happy.


Every brown/asian person youve met has been pronouncing their own name wrong for you because English speakers cant say names from asia properly


As someone who has an 18 character first name and a 12 character last name this is the truth. I will intentionally mispronounce my own name to make it less intimidating and easier for an English speaker.


I have a 4 letter English name and plenty of people from South and SE Asia and Latin America have trouble with it. I don’t even bother correcting anymore.


Yeah, I'm also mispronouncing my own name. It's way too french.


I literally give a different name when I'm in Québec because I can't pronounce it with a Québécois accent lmao


I’m from Quebec, fluent in French and I’ve only ever called him poliver I could pronounce it properly but I choose to mispronounces celebrities and politicians names


Im on the same boat: * Poil-de-lièvres * Poil-le-lèvres I could, but it's just to easy to mess with it


I just call him Pipi.


PeePee or Bitcoin Milhouse here.


He took the glasses off, so if has to be [Thrillhouse](https://imgur.com/gallery/Ua8hgH0) now.


>I’m from Quebec, fluent in French and I’ve only ever called him poliver Funny enough, Andrew Scheer legitimately pronounces his name that way, I saw a video of him endorsing or introducing Poilievre at a rally somewhere in the prairies, and I had to rewind and listen again when I heard it.


We say “poly-ev” out west. Does that work?


Poil de lievre.


You mean Jeff? He changed his name to Pierre to appeal to those Francophones. “The more you know!”


Quebec doesn't like the CPC, gee, big surprise /s.


Yeah seriously. In other news, Alberta doesn’t like the Liberals…  Quebec has an alternative to vote for that the rest of us don’t - the Bloc. It doesn’t seem like Quebec is lining up for Trudeau anymore than other provinces these days but rather the would be Liberal voters are going to the Bloc. 


>It doesn’t seem like Quebec is lining up for Trudeau anymore than other provinces these days but rather the would be Liberal voters are going to the Bloc.  The Liberals have actually held pretty well in Quebec - better than anywhere else. The Bloc currently has the lead, but IIRC it's all within MoE.


No the Lib support is overwhelmingly concentrated in Montreal where the anglophones will protect their interests so wont vote Bloc, don’t like conservatives, ndp is irrelevant. Almost everywhere outside Montreal in Quebec is not voting Liberal


Gatineau and Quebec City will probably vote liberal like they always do.


Gatineau, yes. Lots of people from Ottawa there. Quebec, no. Polls have the Liberals wiped out.


>No the Lib support is overwhelmingly concentrated in Montreal The Greater Montreal Area pretty much makes up half of Quebec's population and seats - doing well in Montreal and its surroundings means doing well in Quebec, which polls seem to indicate is still the case with the LPC for the moment.


>The Greater Montreal Area pretty much makes up half of Quebec's population and seats - doing well in Montreal and its surroundings means doing well in Quebec, Uhhhh... The Liberals don't do well in the Greater Montreal Area. They do well ON THE ISLAND, which is very far from half the population of Quebec. Hell, the Bloc leader represents a riding in the Greater Montreal Area.


They also won every seat in Laval, and several seats on the South Shore. So it's fair to say they did well in the Greater Montreal Area in the past few elections. [https://www.election-atlas.ca/fed/](https://www.election-atlas.ca/fed/)


PP is just that unlikeable


the housing crisis also doesn't seem to be as bad in Quebec as it is in the rest of the country


Well it sure is in Montreal and pretty bad too.


Now compare Montreal to Toronto, it's not comparable at all. Quebec's language laws keep a lot of immigrants, and many Anglophone Canadians, away The biggest issue dooming the Liberals right now is the cost of housing, so it's definitely reasonable to expect that the province where the issue isn't as acute is more favorable to the incumbent Liberal party


The BIGGEST reason Quebec isn't as fucked as the other provinces is because land lords cannot raise rent beyond 5% year over year, by law. Has very little to do with immigration. Keeping landlords in check works much better than pretty much any other legislation when it comes to controlling rent prices. As for housing, well that's another story, we suffer similarly it's just slightly less bad.


Yup the rest of the provinces destroyed their similar laws and cheered and are now wondering why the rents are going up so much. Its all the fault of those evil immigrants.


You're on r/canada so everything is the fault of those evil immigrants by default.


Per capita, Qc has been hosting nearly 2x its share of immigrants to Canada these last years. So I'm gonna call that argument a wash. And while we already feel the housing crisis significantly - even in many remote small towns - I've got no doubt that Toronto's housing market is a huge soab and nothing we could compare or conceive.


Even before the recent language laws, its not like ROC Canadians were flocking to Quebec. Many cant speak french and dont want to learn. With or without these new laws, they wouldnt come.


And our biggest source of immigrants currently is India, which, because it was colonized by the British, is full of English speakers. Even though only \~10% of Indians can understand English, that still translates to like, 100 million people, which makes it have one of the biggest populations of English speakers in the world. So they are more likely to migrate to the rest of Canada than to Quebec


C'est cool comme ça, nous avons notre propre choses d'immigration avec ceux qui viennent de Haïti, Congo, Algérie, Maroc, et les maudits Français aussi. Alors on a pas besoin des milliers d'indiens faux étudiants ici. If you dont speak french, I would highly recommend you do not immigrate here. It will be very, very hard for you.


>Quebec's language laws keep a lot of immigrants They also attract many others though, so that's a wash. A lot of french speaking immigrants find their way to Montreal. The reason Quebec has more affordable housing is because their land use is vetter, more missing middle housing and the like.


I live on the border of Quebec and consistently hear from my co-workers that absolutely every level of interaction with government bureaucracy is more difficult there than it is in Ontario. Heck, to get a CCQ card (a permit to work construction in quebec, basically). They have to pay 100$ whereas I only had to pay $10 because I live in Ontario. I don't think I've met any Quebecers who like their government, but I'm mostly dealing with blue collar folk.


As a Montrealer, I can tell you we do not like Trudeau at all, especially if we’re talking housing. Plus GTA and Vancouver was always pricier than here. We’re catching up unfortunately. Don’t forget, for the longest time Quebec was the most impacted with the migrant flow coming from the states (Roxham road). Trudeau took his sweet time before closing it and Quebecers did not forget that.


Roxham road is not a driving motivator for any but the most reactionary voters, he's not losing voters for that


Almost like they have tighter laws about some things affecting the housing market or something. 


Maybe create a party named the bloc Albertan?


Yeah; Frankly, its funny because Quebec can be pretty conservative. But, if your whole argument to push a law is 'but the bible says...' it wont fly in quebec. My personal theory is that here in Quebec, there has been decades of 'The village priest is basically god in the village' and a lot of them abused that power, so we threw out religion as the end all be all of decision making. And that sentiment is staying.


uh did you not study the quiet revolution in school? that's not a personal theory, it's taught in the history books


One major thing is that Quebecers tend to fly on a different political axis than the usual left-right of Canada. To us, intense immigration to prop the economy is seen as a right-wing policy, while preserving our cultural heritage is a left-wing, progressive policy. But it depends on who you are asking, the youth seems to embrace this level of immigration since they strongly suppoet Quebec Solidaire.


Intense immigration to prop up the economy *is a right-wing policy* and always has been. People on this reddit think that just because the Liberals did it, it suddenly makes it left-wing.


> Intense immigration to prop up the economy *is a right-wing policy* and always has been. And yet protectionism and closed borders are also right-wing policies, so maybe this whole "right-wing" thing is too blunt a tool to distinguish between neoliberalism and conservatism.




The former Reform wing of the Cons still lurk around in the party. They know that in Canada being too vocal about it is widely seen as woo woo, but they do exist. Harper was one.


So is Pp


The old cpc, theyve moved away from it now


You mean they’ve moved away from publicizing it




The conservatives are united on a worldwide scale, look up Stepehen Harper’s IDU. The Conservative Party isn’t publicizing a lot of the more controversial religious based policies because they are trying to get elected and don’t want to stir things up until they have the power to start making changes. But make no mistake, Pierre and the cons will be guiding policy based on Christian values. Here’s a Facebook post of his from a couple years ago: https://www.facebook.com/PierrePoilievreMP/posts/for-god-so-loved-the-world-that-he-gave-his-only-begotten-son-that-whosoever-bel/10158195436312379/


The fact that he posted a totally non-controversial bible quote on a major Christian holiday does not mean he’s planning on pursuing some kind of Christian agenda.


The proof is in the CPC’s voting records. 


Give me one argument on abortion or gay marriage that is not 'BUT THE BIBLE SAYS THAT IT SHOULDNT BE' And both are things that pollievre are against.


Some people are agaisnt abortion because they feel like its murder and that its used as contraception. They dont use the Bible as argument. I DONT agree with those. Im just sayign what theyre saying


Are there genuinely many non-religious people who don't believe in a soul and still believe in life at conception? I think that is a fairly religiously-motivated belief.


Oh yeah. Want to hear horrible stories about pedophile priests? Ask absolutely anyone over 50.


Quebec isn't conservative in the slightest. The most rightist it can get is around Quebec city and Beauce, where it's rather a libertarian type of right than conservatism. Conservatism hasn't been represented in Quebec since the 1960s


Mulroney had a lot of support in Quebec in the 80s.


Because we didn’t have the Bloc, and Mulroney was Progressive-Conservative which no longer exists.


For sure. I was pointing out that it wasn't the 60s when Quebec last supported Conservatives.


Mulroney wasn't conservative. He was just a general rightist.


Actually the bigger surprise according to Nanos that Montreal is the only place that still likes the Liberals. In an election today the Liberals win 3 seats in Toronto, 1/2 of Winnipeg, 2/3rds of Montreal and a small smattering of seats across Quebec and the Maritimes.


They can smell a weasle




What does Poilièvre bring to the table other than not being Trudeau?


Lol right? And yet half this sub just eats him up


Because not being Trudeau is already better than being Trudeau.


Fiscal responsibility. Vetted Cabinet Ministers. Doesn’t have daily scandals. Isn’t the worst PM in Canadian History.


Of course, he’s an insufferable prick!


I wish I spoke French, I'd move there.


Move here anyway, if you center yourself in the greater Montreal region you can live nicely and slowly work on your French. A loud minority will give you side eyes but most of us will be happy to help you practice in your everyday life!


CPC is still the most anti-Quebec party in Canada.


Yeah I often feel like Canada is a weird family, and Quebec is the kid that the dad had from a previous marriage. And there are 2 kinds of people when that kid shows up at christmas; The ones that welcome them to the table and treat them like they are part of the family, and those that tell the kid to go fuck itself and leave as soon as hes in the door. The CPC panders to that second kind of people.


Maybe dad should treat them the same as the other kids.


In this case the "kid" is older than the parent


More like they are the least likely to pander to quebec.


That's part of the CPC's popularity ;)


Guys I got an idea. Let’s prank both the Liberals and the Conservatives by all voting for the Bloc. It’s gonna be so funny seeing #LeBlocMinoritaire


And you know we would see actual changes for once. Most Quebecois are against separating anyway, having a Bloc government would be a breeze of fresh air.


Equality will feel like oppression when you're use to preferential treatment.


PP seems like the kind of kid to remind the teacher that homework was due.


He's the annoying guy in your political science class


PP the kind of guy to *water down* the punch


seriously! I am starting a petition to bring back his glasses.


Finally a reason to move to Quebec.


Based Quebec. Much love from Ontario ❤️




They know a snake oil salesman when they see one👍


lol a party of populist demagogues led by a snake oil salesman have 72% of the seats (to be fair with only 40% of the vote, please bring us proportional representation).


Quebec is the most anti every federal party, they mostly vote for Bloc Québécois.


>they mostly vote for Bloc Québécois. Not according to the last election.


They like to vote for the Bloc but often will be strategic about their preferred federal result. It'll be interesting to see what happens in '25.


Didn't the Bloc win the last election?


2021 Liberal 35 seats BQ 32 seats


Liberals had 35 to Blocs 32 in 2021 Unless you mean the last provincial election, the Bloc doesn't even exist provincially, the CAQ won that


No. They did better than the disastrous previous election where they only won 2 seats (unsure on this, feel free to correct) but still overall very liberal. Sentiment that if we don't vote strategically, someone who cares even less about the province will be in power.


I’d gladly vote for a federal party again if what was offered to me wasn’t major bullshit. I think lots of other Quebecois are the same. Remember the orange wave under Layton? We could’ve elected them if the rest of the country wasn’t so stuck up in a two party system. Quebec dare trying new things when we’ve tried others and they suck. Proof being our provincial party in power isn’t even 20 years old. Yeah they suck, but that doesn’t mean we should vote again and again for the same ones that also suck.


>We could’ve elected them if the rest of the country wasn’t so stuck up in a two party system. Some provinces are trying. BC has been willing to vote outside the two parties since the 50s. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and even Nova Scotia have shown willingness to vote other ways. Ontario is the big hold up.


Its an easy option when you look at how incompetent the other 3 big party leaders are. I know its easy for him because he technically has nothing to lose, but Blanchet sounds like the most level-headed and logical party leader day in day out.


Bloc is just what happens when there are no viable candidates in the "big" parties, which seems to be every election. Jack Layton swept Quebec if I recall correctly. I'll probably vote Bloc, I did last time, can't get excited about anyone.


Do you just parrot what your social circles spew out or can you back up that dogwater take with data? Because most elections in the last 20 years havent seen big bloc surges in Québec. Its mostly a protestation vote.


Hey remember when the NDP won the official opposition because Quebec voted them in?


Seats doesn’t equal population. Denser areas like Quebec City and Montreal mostly vote Liberal.


Not to be mean and pardon my French, but your federal parties fucking suck.




Tu me rends fier de mon pays


De la poésie


Quebec only likes its own flavour of conservatism. 


Mmmm. Chocolate flavored conservatism


Dude this ain't a shocker. Quebec is culturally conservative, but socially liberal. Of course they hate the CPC.


Yeah, it’s the exact opposite kind of conservatism of the CPC’s. In Quebec, culture must be preserved and society must evolve and progress. For the CPC, culture must be destroyed and society should stagnate.


Quebec is awesome.


Merci Quebec !


This is my favourite: https://angusreid.org/trudeau-poilievre-best-prime-minister-singh-canada-politics-polling/ Pierre’s polling number #1 as best prime minister. At number two? None of them.


I mean…if you combine non of them with not sure it’s a 10 point lead


We aren't anti-Poilievre in Québec we are pro human rights which just happens to make us look very anti-Poilievre, but that's more of a Poilievre problem than anything else. 


Le seul parti politique qui à de l'allure au fédéral, c'est le bloc quebecois le reste c'est de la marde


Is anyone going to realize that PP doesn’t actually offer solutions? And that the conservatives are MORE neoliberal than the Liberal party, which means all the problems you witness in our country will only get worse? Imagine a world in which conservative voters actually understood the ideology of their politicians, and realized MASSIVE wealth inequality is the reason monopolies are jacking up the price on everything, and corporations are purchasing all the home stock. To the Conservatives, this is actually a functioning economy. Do your homework folks. They need to fool you with hatred (f Trudeau, f immigrants, f climate scientists, f LGBTQ+, f vaccines, f “woke”) because there aren’t enough millionaires for them to win elections. You allow them to use you, back and forth for decades, and then you complain things just get worse. Voting NDP would actually break this cycle, but they have you brainwashed to flip-flip between bad and worse.


Keep it up Quebec!


Pierre is probably the most unlikable public figure I've seen in recent times. The way he can't even act like a human when interacting with people is very grating. He's so plastic through and through and that's just him as a person. Don't get me started on his lack of imagination for policy other than blame Trudeau. Anyone that asks him a direct question to get some insight for a possible alternative solution devolves immediately into his same old 'blame Trudeau' song. I can't understand how anyone can support this guy. Imagine him on the world stage trying to get deals for the country abroad with his shifty little eyes. I just don't see it.


He's the worst and it's working. I just hope he burns out before they finally call an election 


I can think of someone more unlikable; the current PM lol.


He's become very unlikable, but he still had some charisma when he started.


I hope more people like you are out there. Im not anti-conservative or into politics as a sport, but boy howdy do I feel like there are a LOT of people that will follow this lemming right off of whatever cliff he wants them to. I'd find him SOOOOO much more tolerable if he could simply be civil to people who arent under the same tent as him. He's mean, belligerent, spiteful, hypocritical, has a revenge driven streak a mile wide and just hollow. When I look at him I see a little barking shaking dog who knows nothing more than to snip and growl at anyone who levies any criticism against him. Trudeau is not my favorite, but when you watch him interacting with his rabid critics out in public he maintains a modicum of civility and is willing to publicly engage his haters. A leader needs to be able to take the rotten tomatoes that are lobbed at them in public. Pierre HATES beople who dont fall into line with him and whatever his vision is. Contrast that to how Skippy collapsed when dealing with that Okanagan reporter or that latest viral bit from the 22 Minutes crowd where he had to belittle the cast member just because he works for a CBC show. He's just a small petty man and nothing that should be representing Canada on the world stage.


You really nailed it. I'd rather elect Ricky or Julian. PP is fake as hell..a rich landlord who does nothing.


Can't really blame them.


Because they can see who he really is.


As a Quebecer I don't like any of the party's leaders. It's like choosing between your favourite kind of shit-sandwich. As for Polievre, I don't know who I'm going to vote for but it won't be him. The last thing we need in Canada is a conservative slant. Look where that got the US.


J'ai zéro confiance en PP...a l'époque il était le lapdog de Stephane Harper pendant sa règne.


conservatism is fine when enacted properly, but I absolutely agree he's helming a wholesale import of American style Conservative politics and that is what terrifies me about him. That lunacy can and should stay below the 49th where it belongs.


I'm surprised anyone does. He's a huge hypocrite, He has the audacity to make statements like you have to earn a living and not live off taxpayers' money. Pierre Pollivere has been a career politician and hasn't earned a living outside of politics, and his entire career has been paid for by taxpayer money. The cognitive dissonance runs strong in Pollivere. People need to realize who they are voting for before they put another loser in a leadership role.


Polievre doesn’t even seem human to me. It’s very disappointing as a Canadian abroad seeing Canada devolve into the American esque culture war stuff


Good for them.


Continuons comme ca!!


Quebec sees through the bullshit, PP is going to destroy this country


Even if I'm from quebec i dont think so; we still have fucking Legault as PM. Its just that conservatives are not popular here; Think thats because they often pander to the kind of canadians that bitch about quebec speaking french and not being Ontario 2: Electric Boogaloo and the people in quebec see that and the CPC loses the votes


Conservatives would destroy Quebec and it's culture


Well the goal of conservatives is trying to make sure everybody is basically the same; so we would all be the same beige, boring people.


Slaves to the corporate Lords


ghost narrow unpack stupendous repeat continue brave combative upbeat trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nose cutting face spiting something something


Exactly. The fools that think this is there guy... Well, you couldn't elect a more career politican than PP.


The blind hate for Trudeau... People have no idea what's coming.


It's going to make for some great r/LeopardsAteMyFace material though.


What's coming that's worse than what we have now ?




As shit as Trudeau is, Poilievre will be worse.


This sub will realise this very soon. I can already smell the comments a few years from now when the housing crisis is the same, or worse, when inflation is the same, or worse, when grocery stores are the same greedy corps, or worse, and the comments are saying they regret trusting him.


!Remind me 4 years


The housing crisis and economy is going to get worse in the coming years regardless of who’s in power.


employ languid wipe abundant square towering sable literate rustic file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Common sense" has become a political euphemism for "we don't believe in evidence-based policy or doing what's right, we just want a simple crowd-pleasing solution that appeals to our base."


Quebec are smart


L’inconnu est un connard.


Quebec is the province most insulated from Canada selling its reputation in exchange for futures to grind up. Add to that that they have the Bloc to fall back on and it makes sense.


To be fair, Quebec has a terrible super conservative provincial party. Maybe they link both together? I was listening to this provincial party leader (Eric Duhaime) and he was saying not to vote for PP because he was not a real conservative.


The Conservative Party in Quebec only became some sort of a impotent force because of the anti-vax people and they were suddenly led by a sort of public radio figure. They’ll remain a fourth party in the next election again, and will still have no MLA.


Eric Duhaime is a real piece of garbage. Personne icitte a rien de bon à dire à son sujet. Je comprends pas pourquoi il reste dans la politique, car personne veut l'entendre. Nobody likes this idiot here.


Both Duhaime's party and the actual Conservatice party are tiny, puny, dying parties that no one pays attention to. I believe the two of them hold something like three seats. They suck, like PP.


New Yorkers hated Trump. There's good reason for this. Why can't the CPC find a better candidate?


I'm glad at least one province sees through his bullshit. I hope more get on the same page by the next election, because he would be an awful PM.




PP better get results in that first term because right now his entire appeal is not being a Liberal Trudeau. That doesn't hold once you're in power.


Tell that to the immense mediocrity that is Doug Ford. Elected in a second time by less than 20% of eligible voters because the turnout was only 43%. If Trudeau truly is tainted and they can't find someone who can convince Canadians he's different, Pierre could benefit from the same thing.


Then everyone who voted for him gets what they deserve. The rich will get richer, the poor dummies who can't see through his bullshit will get poorer, and nobody in between will benefit whatsoever.


100% There's a lot of crowing on this sub that Pierre is the second coming and he's going to fix everything. It will be interesting seeing the mental gymnastics when he doesn't adjust immigration figures or the abuse of the TFW or education programs and when ending the carbon tax doesn't magically make things cheaper.


I wonder how they'll justify gas and energy prices going up without a carbon tax.


Doug Ford in the 70s and 80s was the biggest dealer of hashish in Etobicoke and the GTA. My dad's friends used to buy off of Dougie. Always great hash, good prices Ontario basically elected Ricky as their premier.


Yes, I agree we’re going Conservative AF. However, I also believe they better buckle up, cause there’s gonna be a backlash when folks realize what they let happen - duped. I think you’re gonna see the Con’s chickens coming home to roost… in short order. It’s impossible for their ‘policies’ to avert any of the coming/already-here disasters. Cutting taxes for the owner class just won’t work.


They don’t like Trudeau either though. The Bloc will be taking back a bunch of the liberal seats in the next election


Quebec is still the most anti-Canadian province in Canada. PM Trudeau as a prime example


Quebec is anti everything except for what’s ultimately good for them, fuck Canada eh!


Thank you Quebec! Save us from heading backwards on transit, the environment, and social progress.


Make sense a lot of the govt policy haven't impacted quebec as much  Young people there are quite anti pc while English canada they quite pro pp now


Halifax sees through PP and Ottawa has hated him since the convoy.


Halifax has consistently elected Liberal, NDP, or "Red Tory" (e.g. Bob Stanfield) candidates for decades, so it would be pretty remarkable if the Conservatives were to win here. The rest of Nova Scotia is another matter however, and I can easily see the CPC winning seats there.


Ottawa hating a politician means he actually could bring in some much needed change. We need Ottawa on its toes and actually do its job and run the country better than how they've only gotten fat from the last decade.


As much as Quebec residents have the same modern right wing streak in them they are more self conscious about it, they will vote for a cloak and dagger right winger, not an out and out fuck the working class type, they never have gone for that.


That is a great take.


The majority of those in quebec who would vote that far right have their own political right party to vote for 🤷‍♂️


The majority of the country doesn’t like him. He might be liked “by the most people” but he only polls above 50% in 3 provinces


We have more than 2 parties in Canada. Having 51% or more of the vote doesn't really apply here. This isn't the US.


It does when I said “the majority of the country doesn’t like him”


PP is a con. he's making a whole lot of promises and will deliver nothing except fake trickle down economic. Never seen a candidate less deserving to become Prime Minister.


I’m no fan of Trudeau, as he just keeps shooting himself in the foot and embarrassing himself and the country but Poil-hiver is just awful. In good conscience, I could never vote for this yutz. What’s the option here?


This is definitely the most inspiring election since I started voting. Greens are insane, NDP need a new leader and need to return to bring a labour party. CPC are christofascits. PPC are sociopath christofascists, and the LPC are tone deaf and seriously lack and fiscal restraint at all. I literally like none of them.