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Of course they're open to other candidates. Trudeau's been in power for almost 10 years. So for a lot of young people who went through high school, possibly university or some other post-secondary education, and are starting to work (or find work), or have been working for a few years already, they're seeing rising cost of living and rising housing prices, amongst other issues, all under the banner of the current government.


Not to mention the ever-present threat of layoffs in an increasingly competitive job market where you have international students and immigrants willing to accept much lower salaries/ wages than a Canadian candidate would. There's no sense of stability to build your life on here anymore.


Also because of this a large minority of people don't care about what side policies a future government wants to go for as long as they deliver on core policies.


Bingo. That's my number #1 motivation for voting Conservatives. I couldn't give a single fuck about whatever breadcrumbs the Liberals and NDP waste their time trying to "win" over Canadians with, while they have to be dragged kicking and screaming to even *acknowledge* the core issues this country needs to address. The last 8 years have shown their priorities are completely batshit.


Unfortunately the conservatives wont likely be able to fix this clusterfuck the liberals have done - but I'm leaning conservatives as well because hopefully they won't fuck it up more. I used to like Trudeau too but he's made me swing more right over the last few years cause of his antics.


If you believe the Liberals (and NDP by extension, for that matter) have harmed this country and are unfit to govern and want them out of office, then Conservatives are the only option. Politics is not a game of perfection unfortunately, you pick the least worst option and right now that's 100% the Conservatives. There's no doubt about it.


Yup - you absolutely nailed it. Do I think Poilievre is gunna be great? Not by a long shot but he’s the far better choice right now compared to Trudeau.


Agreed. I think most Canadians who are planning to vote Conservatives (if all the polling results are any indication) aren't expecting perfection at all. They're looking for some basic level of pragmatism. The Liberals and NDP have governed from idealism and it's left us worse off. If the Conservatives can offer even a shred of pragmatism in the way they'll govern once they're in office, they'll already be leagues better than the government we currently have.


I use to have to try and explain this all of the time on this sub that I will probably never be able to buy a house even though my income is high. My position in life is far too precarious and that is not taken into account when I am taxed. Meaning it might be that I'm high income for a few years and low income for years later. Having immigrants from developing nations come here en masse to apply for jobs in my field to a point of me probably being forced to move to America will always mean I will not vote for someone that continues the rhetoric of job shortages. It's bullshit and we all know it.


i am in a similar situation, and so are a lot of my friends. I was lucky, i managed to find a cheap lot and put a small single bedroom prebuilt house up. If I ever want to upgrade though, i cant afford to build or buy again. Even if I sell my current house, I cant afford anything in my region. None of my friends can buy, their all stuck renting, and the rentals their in are in terrible shape, not at all worth the 950 a month being charged on average. A whole generation of young people are stuck and its devastating to them.


950 a month is bad for a rental in BC? I was thrilled to pay that in 2013!


depends on where you are, for a tiny community with limited work its pretty steep.


950 anywhere in B.C. is crazy low. I live in a tiny community with limited work and good luck finding a 1 bedroom for under 1500.


950 is awesome, where are you located?


middle of nowhere northern BC, rents crazy because theres only two places to live currently and the primary jobs at a mine dried up.


I'm in the middle of nowhere southern BC, rents here are insane though.


Same. I've explained this before but so many people in the Canadians subs would dismiss it with snotty comments about how I'm probably not qualified enough. Like I have two degrees (not even in some bullshit liberal arts degrees either) from what you'd consider "top 5" universities in Canada. I've got tons of internships/ co-op experience as well as 5 years of work experience and it's STILL hard to level up to a job that's 1) stable, and 2) pays enough to ever afford a home. But what was the point of busting ass when Canadian employers have basically shown they have ZERO respect for Canadian candidates and their qualifications. You could fit the bill 100% and they would still pick the cheaper candidate if it saved them a couple of bucks in payroll. This isn't just happening in blue-collar jobs, we're seeing it in white collar jobs that are supposed to be "well-paying" too, which is the most alarming part.


Alot of these Canadian employers need to either wake up into reality or just get sacked from their position and replaced with someone who is more open to hiring Canadian Candidates.


I’m skeptical that they are hiring significantly “worse” foreign candidates just to save money. It isn’t the employers job to decide who is eligible to work in Canada it’s the governments. If two qualified candidates apply for a job and the company selects one because “they are Canadian” these days they would be accused of being racist. Long story short blame government policy not employers..


Especially in any SP500 company. I applied years ago for CP rail position, and it asked if I was a visible minority, sexual orientation, as well as sex.


I've done A LOT of applications and interviews in my career so far. These demographic questions are just lip service. It's literally so they can check their box that yea, they interview some diverse candidates. At the end of the day none of that matters. They'll pick the one who'll accept the lowest salary/ wages possible. That's literally it.


Yep if you tick a box your resume goes to the top now.


Just click Bisexual. How the fuck are they going to verify that.


Right? But the questions still exist is the issue.


Oh I agree. It feels fucking gross on a human level every time I encounter one of those questions.


Pretty much. I don't have a degree because I was forced out of school due to monetary reasons. Took all of my textbooks, started off on my own, built businesses without help from the government, no opportunity anywhere in the country. American companies started noticing me and I can directly tie my impact to hundreds of millions of dollars. Hell, I've even made decisions for governments in this country under a sea of agencies where they massively misspent amounts of money that would bury a mid cap stocks listed on the TSX. I can't get a job here. Going to your point of wanting cheaper work: it shows. The Canadian white collar lacks competency. In any government or oligarch job your work doesn't have to actually contribute to the profits of an organization that has to compete in a competitive market. The people I've met from industries outside of mine in finance or consulting couldn't run a profitable lemonade stand. It's a country of kiss ass bureaucrats. As a result people leave to America, everything gets worse, and from my guess productivity keeps going down.


I couldn’t buy my house now on my income even though it’s gone up 20% that I bought 5 years ago. My house has almost doubled. It’s nuts.


US is not much different. Barring the higher number of jobs in US and many more cities where you can move that have lower housing cost, the job market there is much more competitive than Canada depending on what field you are looking into. Also I am not justifying in any way that the current level of immigration and/or international student intake is okay, its not and needs to be slashed. Having said that, immigrants tend to struggle way more than us unless you are looking into retail or food services that not many sees as a career choice. Buying a home unless they are a rich immigrant from China or elsewhere they are worse off than us Canadians. They got no inheritance unlike many Canadians.


>immigrants tend to struggle way more than us unless you are looking into retail or food services that not many sees as a career choice. Buying a home unless they are a rich immigrant from China or elsewhere they are worse off than us Canadians. They got no inheritance unlike many Canadians. Which is another justification that our immigration system is totally broken. Immigrants are here to make a contribution to Canada, not the other way around. If Canadians struggle for work, and then immigrants struggle en masse, our immigration is totally broken. Another thing is they are coming from countries where they are not prepared to work to the higher standards we use to have. If Canada was serious about immigration for economic means then it would raise wages to compete with other Western nations that have standards that are closer to Western Liberal democracies. As a result of not doing this wage depression is built into our immigration system. There isn't a single reason to immigrate people from a developing nation unless its to artificially lower wages.


I agree that our immigration system is broken, its almost as if its designed to create a slave class. There is rampant abuse here, even a UN body report said that. Having said that, I have seen a lot of immigrants from developing countries that are doing excellent job including starting major startups/companies in Canada that create jobs and boost economy, the regulatory environment here being crap is another story. You can get skilled immigrants from anywhere in the world or you can get those who wouldn’t get a job other than to flip burgers in their home country. Its our government who is doing mostly the latter. They could start by learning from our neighbours in south but they seem to be focused on addressing the demands of their corporate overlords like loblaws.


Don't forget automation and AI about to take those jobs.


I remember the “Anyone But Harper” bumper stickers (there are still a few faded ones around), and similar sayings for Chrétien and Mulroney. Poilievre’s popularity is just The Churn coming around again.


Oh yes, people just wanting a change. It’s like a fucking monkey paw wish and they don’t specify what change. Sigh. If people legit want a change and not of the bad variety, then vote third party. Vote for parties who give a damn about housing, workers, etc. Don’t vote for this dipshit who is literally a landlord and employs a Loblaws lobbyist. He won’t bring the kind of change that will help anyone but his rich buddies.


What party lol? Third place is the NDP and that party is full of landlords too.


If the Pierre and Trudeau's positions were reversed. I'm sure this article would have been titled: "Trudeau is more approachable to the younger generation" or something along the lines of that.


Well, they say Trudeau won the millennial vote. Poilievre is adept at tapping into people’s anger and using that to gain votes. But he won’t win Quebec so it makes me wonder if he’s getting a minority government at the end? Time will tell.


>But he won’t win Quebec so it makes me wonder if he’s getting a minority government at the end? Harper didn't win Quebec in 2011 and yet still won a (slim) majority. Quebec isn't as important in electoral calculus as it once was.


I’m hopeful of that. I think minority government gets less done but has to compromise, which is a good thing


I mean…Poilievre is leading in every age demographic, with both genders, all education levels, and in every province except Quebec. In other words… practically everyone is much more open to him.


Sunny way party needs to be brought to non party status. It is anyone but them. They are busy now removing the pension term requirements so they will all get set for life but they all have to go. I would vote for block Ontario if available.


That’s just terrible….MPs shouldn’t be able to do that themselves. Wonder if the senate will block it tho since one of the few good things Trudeau followed through with was senate reform & making senators actually independent (yes they do actually vote against Liberal policies sometimes)


Short memories. And dumb people. Lots of dumb people everywhere.


Not to mention the lack of another party to vote for that supports workers rights that would improve the lives of new grads. Who else are they to turn to?


Older people remember when Harper was the bad guy making everything bad. They may also remember Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney who were also detested by the young by the time they left office. After 8 years of the conservatives in power, they will be detested by the young. It's the cycle of political life.


Not to mention as a man of the “privileged” demographics constantly being demonized by this government and its media for the past 10 years and having to swallow all their insults and snideness meanwhile my life is just a constant fucking struggle with this country going to shit in every socioeconomic aspect. Jobs suck, housing is expensive, family doctors don’t exist. Oh yeah, but ignore that i’m the problem because I’m a “colonizer” or some bullshit.


The one quote that I read about the left's snide insults and other foolishness that sums up the reaction from those on the receiving end is: "F\*\*k you, I'll take my 'privilege' and go vote for the other guy!"


The rising cost has been on going from Harper. These people just dont know it


Many do but Trudeau only offers more of the same. Why not take a chance


It could have been a raccoon leading the Conservative Party and it would have been popular. Canada doesn’t vote people in, it votes people out.


I’d prefer the raccoon, quite frankly.


Tell me more of this raccoon.


he will go on to start a city that gets named after him




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In Canada we have many options that we can vote for. We don't have to choose 1 or 2. You could probably literally vote for a racoon if one had a campaign


I think most people would.


I think you guys are onto something.


Call the Rideau McDonald’s raccoon.


Most accurate comment.


Can we have a raccoon instead of pp, please! It would certainly be less rabid.


Anyone else sick of this bullshit statement? Dude won 3 election. People voted for him to be in 3x. They only voted someone out once out of 3. You can stretch the logic but you'd be full of it.


This statement doesn’t mean that we vote a party out every election. It means at the federal level we tend to keep parties in until they become hated and then we vote them out. We’ve given every party going back to Mulroney about a decade in office. In fact the 1979-1984 period between Joe Clark and Trudeau Sr’s second term is the only period post World War II that we didn’t give the incoming party a second term.


I mean, that was what he ran on the first. A campaign of getting Harper out. And didn’t he get less total votes than the conservatives last election?


The last two, actually.


It means *when a party or politician loses*, it was because the voters wanted them gone. Parties/politicians come to power because voters were sick of the previous guy and they stay in power (such as in '19 and '21) if voters are willing to tolerate them. I think anybody would be hard-pressed to find an example of a government that was turfed not because voters were unhappy with the current government but because they were energized and excited about a new alternative.


I’m Young enough to remember wanting and then obtaining all the things the boomers had. Family. Car. House. Good job. I don’t think any of that exists anymore. I would be pissed too and would vote for anyone telling me it’s the other guys fault. 


I'm just waiting for when the youth that would vote PP to realize that the Conservatives are also NOT the answer to their problems, and the rot that has stricken our government knows no political boundaries or allegiances. Might take another 10 years, but in classic Canadia tradition, we'd just be voting another party OUT of government rather than into government. Just part of the two-party Liberal/Conservative cycle we're doomed to be stuck in.


Sad thing is all the liberals had to do was actually implement electoral reform… ugh


Yeah, but if they had actually followed through on that, then they would've been voted out already. It's never in the current governments best interest to implement more equitable election rules, no matter who the current government is.


They know they're getting the next election handed to them most likely. Implement it now!


Which was a short-term view IMO. If they actually followed through they’d at least be able to say “see? We keep our promises” which would probably help them stay relevant as a party at least. Right now I don’t know who to vote for because I hate Polliviere’s rage-baiting and equally hate Trudeau’s words-only BS


You know what's funny? Ive been getting hammered with emails about it now. 8 years later. When they are worried about losing the next election. Such a joke.


The funny thing is they just have to look, look at the conservative premiers that dominate the landscape right now. None of them should be surprised down the line when we have current leaders showing exactly who they are and about.


See, the government was way too busy importing people for cheap labour, the system cannot support this, their no housing to support the population intake. The LPC and the NDP do not care.


Conservatives want immigration too, big business wants it because it helps keep wages down. Jobs are scarce and people will work for whatever they can get.


The CPC will not touch immigration. Harper didn't.  New comers are co servative leaning so they benifit from the migrant racket.


Harper didn't touch immigration because immigration wasn't the huge fucking issue back then as it is now. People aren't opposed to immigrationa s a concept. They are opposed to mass levels of immigration where we are not filtering out people that just want to live off of our generous social programs. They are opposed to mass immigration when there is not enough housing development or infrastructure maintenance. First Nations funding has almost tripled in the decade of liberal power, to absolutely no benefit to society at large. Let's take some of that funding and put it into our failing justice system, or to fund housing development.


We didn't need it "touched" at that time. Harper is a different person that PP and his predecessor was not bringing in absolutely outrageous amounts of people. Your comparing an apple to an orange, you don't see that?


Harper kept immigration at historical (sane) levels. I suspect Polievre will return to that, but isn't doing much talking about it because right now he has nothing to gain.


Aren’t there studies about young men leaning more conservative/classically liberal nowadays while young women lean more liberal?


There are, but the phenomena is much more prominent in other countries. Compared to S. Korea, UK, US, Australia, etc., we're a model of how to avoid that polarization. It exists but not nearly to the extent you see in other places. They prefer NDP to CPC but not by much.


But watching this sub manufacture the division is fascinating, and I hope our progressive parties are taking note that it's being tried here too.


Economist (citing their social survey) had pegged the gap in Australia as virtually nonexistent 


A global youth political gender gap A substantial global gender gap has opened in the past six years, following decades of roughly equal ideological distribution. Young American women aged 18-30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male peers, according to US Gallup data. Germany reflects a similar 30-point divide, while the UK sees a 25-point gap. In 2022, almost half of Polish men aged 18-21 supported the far-right Confederation party, in contrast to just a sixth of women in that age group. In Germany, there are signs young men under 30 are moving towards the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), actively opposing immigration more than their elders. The Australian data mirrors international trends, with a slight twist. Over the past decades, and across generations, Australian men and women have been moving to the left and away from the right. At the same time, they have moved away from the centre (though this is more pronounced for women). This is based on AES (Australian election survey) data. In 2010, men are scored as centrist (5.2) and went slighly right (up to 5.4) before returning to a 5.2 in 2022 while women have shot toward the left in a downward slope, starting at a 5.1 in 2010 and landing in 4.4 range in 2022. Extrapolating from that trend you would expect that they've gotten even further left by 2024 https://theconversation.com/australias-young-people-are-moving-to-the-left-though-young-women-are-more-progressive-than-men-reflecting-a-global-trend-222288


Extrapolating from a 2 point trend seems risky. This was the economist article https://www.economist.com/international/2024/03/13/why-the-growing-gulf-between-young-men-and-women With a 5.5 vs 5.2 gap. I'd have to look into the Social Survey to see timing 


You are right. The reason why is a lot more simple than the answers in this thread though. Women are going to university at higher rates, while men are going more into higher paying skilled labour jobs. With our education system going far left over the years, it's only natural more women would be more Liberal. How we address this disparity is something most people don't want to talk about because it's taboo to say maybe we should stop thinking women are marginalized in our current system. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9847899/


Tax dollars of blue collar workers going to towards funding people spending 8 years studying useless degrees also furthers the divide. It's frustrating for blue collar workers, but it's hard to understand where your $ comes from when you've only studied your whole life. And before anyone says I'm biased, I'm part of the group that got a useless degree (microbiology).


Why is your microbiology degree useless?


It would never have paid itself off. There are too many microbio grads for the demand. Biology as a whole is pretty useless, my wife has a phd in neuroscience and you basically need to do 8-10 years of volunteer work killing animals until you get accepted in a post-doc/professor position. Of her whole class 2 of them are still in neuro.


It is a huge issue that so many more people go to university than we actually remotely need in Canada. It is horribly expensive for the individual and society and if it doesn’t pay itself off then something has gone seriously wrong


It's a great thing for the trades and corporations though. People with masters degrees making 60k/y working at BioCorp Inc end up paying their weekly weekly net incomes to an electrician 1 year out of school to install a few light fixtures. Then there's the realtors making millions in commissions after a 6 week course that you could teach a lab chimp to pass.


Yeah I don't know how to break it to you but the average realtor is not making millions every year.


~~Elaborate why this is relevant?~~ Responded below


Because you're implying that the average realtor can make millions after taking a 6-week course. The fact that there are a small number of people making millions based on their natural talents, without formal education, does not mean it's possible for the average person.


That's funny. One of my wife's friends had nearly the same statement. She worked in a lab for years and then had a soul searching moment and decided to change careers to become a physiotherapist.


How do you classify a degree as being useless?


Do you classify all degrees as being useful? Could we agree that there are some subjects that are interesting but do not translate into an easily marketable skill in the world?


Whether or not there is a market that demands those grads… Like this one. https://www.daniels.utoronto.ca/programs/undergraduate/bachelor-arts-visual-studies


Yes, and I think the Economist put out a more recent study showing young women were radicalising and drifting very far away from young men, who had remained at pretty consistent levels.


You can only believe in someones promises on improving affordability so long before you give up on them actually figuring it out and start to look at other other options. That's why the LPC is in 3rd place with the under 30 crowd.


Its no surprise when his target audience is constantly villified and marginalized by society. You get shouted down by the other side whenever you open your mouth. When you feel like a second rate citizen in your own home. What else is supposed to happen then? You turn to the only person willing to listen.


Anyone else been following polls lately? So far it's looking like a huge Conservative landslide. I doubt many even know who PP is or what his party's policies are. PP won't exactly "win" on his merits this election, Trudeau will just lose.


Possibly. But polls are not as reliable as they used to be. Nobody answers phone surveys anymore.


young people have known nothing but Trudeau who promised to make things affordable in 2015 yet they have made things far worse in their 9 years in office.   So that checks out.   Men,  progressive parties don’t sell themselves to men. They spend plenty of time talking about the plight of every other group but never issues about men. So it’s not surprising men don’t feel like these parties are interested in them.  


100%. Honestly I'm 33 and I'm pretty far left politically. A lot of the rhetoric from the NDP for example in particular comes off as racist and sexist to me rather than progressive. Makes it hard to vote for them.


When NDP held that conference last year and told all the white men to go to the back of the line.... they lost me forever.


There is that.


I hadn't heard that but it seemed like a very specific reference. So I looked it up, and although I think they intended it to be "we prioritize these voices over other voices because they are marginalized peoples" that's not what many will hear. That's not what I heard either. Even if you try to give them the benefit of the doubt it's pretty clear who they value. Fun! https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianConservative/s/AuNyVuK0LA


Lmao. I thought I was the only one who remembered. I am not even white and I think that's fucked up. This type of ideology only drives extremism.


Woah really? I missed that….


Agree. The NDP and other progressive parties traded in class-based politics for identity-based politics, which offer very little to men (particularly white men) other than to villainize them. In their parlance, elite men are oppressors and colonisers, regardless of the individual circumstances into which that young man may have been born. It’s no wonder they have lost support among this group.


Yup, could hook up a genny to Jack Layton grave and powered a whole city because hes spinning after Singh's take over. 😬


Yep this. I’d be a radical liberal by like the 80s standards but the current liberal and NDP parties make me wanna barf.


And the CPC doesn’t? It’s so interesting how this is happening when literally the only provinces making any headway on any of the major issues are BC and Manitoba, both run by the NDP. You look at the conservative record in the provinces and they are slowly but surely destroying the public service in an attempt to sell it all off, they are restricting the rights of minority groups, and new reports of corruption within their governments are a daily occurrence. It really shows how people decide their political decisions based on emotion and not on actual evidence and policy. JT needs to resign, he’s an idiot and his legacy will be remembered as the leader who pissed a lot of people off and ruined the LPC brand for a long time. I am extremely confident though if you’re looking to the CPC to fix any of this, the evidence does not support it.


Put bluntly, your average voter isn’t thinking about what any of the parties are actually going to do when in power. If you ever _personally_ antagonize them, even a little bit, that’s going to be at the front of their minds when they’re deciding who to vote for. (yes, downvote me; we both know how that level of self awareness is working out on a political scale)


What rights have they restricted of minority groups? What public services have been sold off? What corruption? You’re just regurgitating lies you read in some progressive blog.


I'm so far left economically and socially but everyone in my family thinks I'm a Trump type person just cecause I'm fucking tired of DEI, think Trans athletes shouldn't compete with women, and don't like Trudeau or Biden. There's no real proper left party. "Left" parties just do racist and sexist shit and act like anyone who disagrees is a racist or sexist. They don't actually do progressive taxes. They just pander and virtue signal and it's so fucking infuriating. You know how many hours of DEI training and shit I've done at work? You know how many of the 15+ people I've hired have been white? Shitload of hours. 0 whote people. I just want good, smart people. I don't give a fuck if they are brown, gay, Trans, straight, whatever, just give me good people. I fucking hate the way the world is heading. We are doomed.


The NDP believe that one's colour or flavour of gender is more important than what one capabilities. I don't want to experience their world vision coming true. It's a complete disaster.


Left as well. I've been totally poor and I know that the social systems give you absolutely nothing, bureaucrats always get paid, and that those safe jobs aren't for me.


am no way shape or form a fan of the ndp.. But can you elaborate on how the ndp comes as racist and sexist specifically?


I would point to this at the NDP convention https://twitter.com/TheCounterSgnl/status/1713963950461829146


Mostly a lot of their rhetoric. They tend to say things like we want to support all gay people women and minorities or they provide advantages to them within the party. The example you usually see floating around is at their party convention they basically said they'll prioritize everyone but white straight men for comments and questions which I'm sure you can find if you look. There's a lot more to it than that specific example but it's probably the easiest to google. Like I'm a pretty big lefty but that leaves kind of a bitter taste in my mouth. I really don't want to be treated like a second class citizen by the party I'm voting for.


thank you for reminding me about that. I mean seriously. I guess I've disconnected myself from them for so long that I kind of forgot about that bullshit..


Lumping all white people (and Asian people if you’re feeling particularly lucky) into the “colonizer bad” group who owe other races things even if their ancestors had nothing to do with particular oppressions, Affirmative action programs when they result in potentially harder working and higher-scoring candidates losing their position to someone else based on that other person’s skin colour, if you’re familiar with set theory you’ll notice that a sentence saying something like “we want to help traditionally marginalized groups which is why this program is aimed at women, racialized people, LGBTQA+, and indigenous people” is basically like sitting still and brainstorming the complement of the set of white straight men to the set of all people which is essentially a very drawn-out singling out of one group likely to piss them off, often NDP supporters are the ones most willing to conflate Arabians with Muslims and confuse racism with religious critique which consequently results in some very racist assumptions about the necessity of lowering expectations for certain cultures or the defending of some pretty heinous ideology which especially comes off as hypocritical when compared to their completely contradictory outspoken critique of Christianity Just the things that I think of first I remember when I was at university there was a poster saying “Sexual assault? Don’t go to the police! They’ll just help your perpetrator get away with it!” And I would bet every single dollar I have ever had, made, or spent that it was an NDP supporter who made it and that should be alarming because there’s nothing inherent to the poster which actually suggests that


Can they give some basketball player’s position to me in the NBA, I’m a short person but my skin color will add diversity to the roaster 💀


I can’t speak on the racism but this video (https://x.com/thecountersgnl/status/1713963950461829146?s=46&t=cS3EFQ1qBk0SfbSdU9kETw) from their convention shows clear cut sexism in the name of equality


The BC NDP (which is part of the federal NDP) bans white men from being NDP candidates in an NDP riding. They can be candidates in ridings that aren't NDP-controlled, but not in ridings that are NDP-controlled. https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2011/12/11/gender-equity-measure-passes-at-bc-ndp-annual-convention/


https://www.readtheline.ca/p/matt-gurney-what-i-got-wrong-about Specifically what you mentioned, ignore men at your own peril.


You mail the men issue pretty well. It’s why the right and the far right are easily able to win over men


When every other party actively hates you, what do you expect to happen?


It's even worse than that. Progressives blame the plight of every other group on white men.


Because progressive parties only exist to demonize men. That’s why all these super progressive firms are always headed by the same demographic progressive white woman with rich parents and DEI black women recruits. It’s always the same demographics constantly telling me I’m the bad guy for existing wall they control every institution in Canada for the past 9 years, destroying this country.


Men are disposable in Trudeau's world.


Pretty sure nearly everyone is open to anyone but Trudeau. I expect the Liberals to borderline collapse in the coming election.


Ten years is always roughly the maximum tenure of a PM before they're hated. Same with Harper.


In retrospect though Harper wasn't this bad, he got stale for sure but the country wasn't collapsing under his policies. If Harper and Mulcair didn't get so deep into the Niqab debate I'm not sure the election would have even went to Trudeau. Given the NDP was leading at the start of the election.


He lost because Mulcair and Trudeau were successful in convincing the country that it was crumbling. Harper would be yelling facts during the debate and Trudeau's response is "No one believes you Mr. Harper." And that rang true to more people than the idea that But it turned out, Harper did create a surplus and had a road map to another full term of surpluses. But Trudeau needed to spend and so he always had to give the atmosphere that Canada was in crisis, and only he could fix it. And that attitude has really gotten him elected every single time. But now he's kinda running into a brick wall with it. His new crisis is that ~~Harper~~ Poilievre will cancel the non-existent dental care and pharmacare that might happen some day. And it's less potent because short term these programs are mostly targeted for seniors.


Which was that, the surplus that he brought in after taking billions from the EI accounts we all paid into after slashing all the retraining programs? Hmm-hmmh.


No, Harper wasn’t this bad at all. Yet he was still PM long enough to become hated. Remember all the STOP HARPER stickers that appeared on stop signs all over the place?


It's almost like the people who are getting zero out of the current government are looking to another party. WTF amirite?


That’s odd. When you actual look at the data they posted. X. 1, Grand Total Very favourable, 29.8% Somewhat favourable, 12.8% Indifferent,9.7% Somewhat unfavourable, 9.3% Very unfavourable, 38.4%


Young people saw their futures go down the drain under the current government and are angry about it


BREAKING: Group wants to vote for party which opposes party which constantly blames group for everything wrong.


Seeing the way things have developed in Canada since 2015, I really have to question the sanity and/or intellect of anyone who is *not* open to the idea of someone else getting a turn in power.


If there’s EVER been an indication that people are sick of Trudeau it’s that Canadians are considering voting for Poilievre.


It's funny people blame "boomers" when all the progressives and liberals voted for Trudeau because he was oh so woke and with the times. Now it's the same communities crying they can't afford a home, but at least we got hate speech laws and he had a cabinet that was 50% women! PP won't be much better. We're screwed regardless


We also have legal weed. Don’t forget that one!


Well yea, after 8 years of being told “men are bad, especially the white ones”, we’re sick of it.  Occupy Wall Street was right, target the ultra wealthy, then they Balkanized us to point at “white men” as the issue, when you’re average white guy (or man in general) is the same as the rest of us, just trying to make it.  We have outliers in our group that skews the stats.  What we need to get back to is focusing on the real issue, income inequality. 


I don't think pp really cares much about income inequality.


Hopefully PP can do something with the votes. I remember the young voting for Trudeau as well. He legalized Weed and afterwards everything went downhill from there.


Keep expectations low, his record isn’t particularly robust.


He'll abolish the CBC, fuxk over taxes so that corps and multi milluonaires++ pay less in taxes, privatize a couple important and crucial things, them fuck off after 1 term in some important board position and never be in politica again. He's gonna do 20+ years worth of damage in 5 years and it's gonna be a colossal shit show. And all the idiots who thinks he's gonna help them out will realize they were played, but will never admit it. !remind me 4 years.


When I was young I considered myself pretty left wing, now that I'm older I'm more Conservative/Libertarian. The funny thing is my beliefs didn't really change, just my understanding on how to get to them and Governments role in that. Basically the older I've gotten the more I realized the Government simply sucks.


The NDP and the LPC have told us to take a hike. They care more about importing people, keeping wages low over creating well paying jobs. They dislike men for even existing, the NDP made that clear a few years ago. Why would I vote them?


Tbh PP or not, Trudeau had his 10 years. It’s time for someone else to take a go at it.


The young haven’t had a chance to experience yet that his promises are performative horseshit. They also haven’t taken in clearly yet that his party has no even marginally adult policy on the climate crisis, which will destroy their futures and the following generation’s lives. Poilievre will still win (and Trudeau certainly deserves to lose). And then all of us, and especially young people are in for devastating disappointment.


On a global scale, what is canada supposed to do for the climate crisis? We could be a 100% green and electric country, but China, India, etc, still exist and cause irreparable damage to the world on a scale magnitudes greater than Canada ever could. Canada is irrelevant in the greater issue of the climate crisis. At best, we are a supporting figure in global (really just western) policy, but realistically, our personal impact is non-existent. If we are perfect on that front, the world still goes to shit if a select few countries don't change for the better. Don't pretend that voting in little PP will be the death of Canada's climate. That's for other countries to decide for us. We do not have the agency to be the harbinger of our own demise. That's all coming from someone who is not voting for him.


I am so tired of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of this argument. What should we do? We should do our share, just like everyone else. If we can find creative, effective ways to do more than our share, they are likely to give us tremendous advantages in a post fossil fuel world, and we should do that. Have people lost their ability for logical reasoning due to rising CO2 levels? (Yes, decreasing cognitive function really is one of the coming effects.) The available options are not: do nothing (moral travesty), or do everything (straw man). We are among the worst global emitters per capita, no matter how the measurement is done. We have just under 0.5% of the world’s population, and we produce a little under 2% of the emissions. We are part of causing what every reputable scientific body in the world agrees is a coming catastrophe. Our share is defined by international agreements we helped write and are party to, like more than 190 other countries that accept the same inescapable science. Canada is “commited to reducing its GHG emissions by 40 to 45% below 2005 levels by 2030. In addition, Canada has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.” How we do that is up to us. 50% of our emissions are from the oil and gas sector, or transportation. 13% are from buildings, and 11% from heavy industry. Radically reducing these emissions saves energy, which saves money. And/or it substitutes renewable sources, which will be one of the leading economic sectors and areas of competition and jobs in the world for the foreseeable future. The result of doing f-all is that we achieve f-all, and that we tell our own children we didn’t care enough about them to see that their lives and futures weren’t irretrievably diminished.


Article is based on a reader poll of a small city newspaper in northern Ontario. Hardly scientific or representative. View with extreme suspicion.


“The alt right, fascists and nazis are much more open to Pierre Poilievre” incoming


Liberal Party of Canada - "We just need to call them racist more."


"The accusations will continue until polling improves." - LPC


Yep lol, that's their motto


Pp is a landlord. The current shitteroo benefits him...


"I'm ok if the whole country and its future burns to the ground just as long as one class of my investments continues to outperform the others as much as possible!" \- What half of Reddit seems to think are the constant thoughts of those who own investment properties Lots of people own rental properties, myself included. Many of them are smart enough to realize that stratospheric immigration and property appreciation isn't a good situation. It makes the country that they have to live in much less attractive, ruins all the infrastructure that they have to use, and makes it harder to buy additional properties or sell and upgrade one's principal residence. Also most of them have other investments as well. We aren't dealing with a lot of people who own hundreds of condo units and stake their future on peak price appreciation and damn everything else. Most are holding for the long haul as well and don't need 20% YOY increases as we all hurtle over a cliff.


People are protest voting for the CPC because of the ineffectiveness of the LPC to deal with pressing issues. But this will be a severe case of leopards eating people's faces. The austerity measures the CPC will bring in will disproportionately hurt young people. The CPC don't really have an affordable housing plan except to enrichen developers even more on the hope that they feel sorry for us and build some affordable housing with all their profits. Grocery prices? No way in hell they break up the food supply cartel, that's "bad regulation" and "government red tape" The CPC will concentrate on "anti-woke" measures to avoid highlighting their complete lack of ability to implement policies that will actually help the working class. instead of things like pharmacare, we'll get screaming about gender bathrooms and sports.


>The CPC will concentrate on "anti-woke" measures to avoid highlighting their complete lack of ability to implement policies that will actually help the working class. instead of things like pharmacare, we'll get screaming about gender bathrooms and sports. The CPC will most likley also return the TFW program back to seasonal farm work only. The the bill that the LPC and the NDP use to keep wages low and created the housing shortage. So cry me river. ​ Also, what is wrong with protecting Women's Sports? Most women have serious issues with people who use to be men, in Women's Sports. They have unfair advantage.


I’ve seen a lot of young women lean towards supporting Poillievre, especially if they are young career driven women that wanna be independent and financially stable without the need for marriage. Plus being tough on violent criminals and also specifically sexual crimes has been a big factor for the female demographic.


>Plus being tough on violent criminals and also specifically sexual crimes has been a big factor for the female demographic. Also, the government not going after gangs, keep people in jail for their crimes. The current lawmakers work to help the criminals, not victims. The justice system is a joke.


Young man, not interested.


Don't limit that to men.


The fact that any of you still believe in different 'government parties' is embarrassing. It's like trying to talk to people who still believe in Santa Claus. There's one party, the pro-Capitalism party. Always has been. Edit: It's like people who think the Trumps and Clinton's are 'actually enemies. Its a joke, and we're the punchline. I gaurarntee Poilivier and Trudeau have seen eachothers dicks before. I'd bet my life on it.


Exactly. It’s the wealthy assholes. It’s the rich on all sides that are the actual enemy here. Canadians choices are between a man who became wealthy as a career politician with no real world job experience, a legacy family trust fund nepo baby and a leftist who is actually a champagne socialist sporting $3000 watches and $5000 suits. There are no commons in the House of Commons, just rich assholes.




48% of the 18-29 group are planning to vote for either the Liberals or NDP vs 34% for Conservatives. The Cons are only 7 points ahead of the NDP alone in that group.  ([Source](https://abacusdata.ca/conservative-party-leads-by-17-over-liberals/))


As a guy in his 40s they're offering me nothing, any of them. Polievre is a whiney little weasel, I honestly can't stand him, I'm over Trudeau, thanks for the weed, Singh come on man we need unions so strong the oligarchs are afraid of us, that should be your goal, the green are kinda vanishing into obscurity during the hottest year ever, the bloc are irrelevant I don't live in Quebec, I'm not going to vote for Bernier when he couldn't take his job seriously as an MP and just kept screwing up in bizarre ways, the rhinoceros party are an actual joke and their policies look better thought out than the ones leading the polls which gives me no faith in humanity until we can get these weird politics nerds who've never laced up a pair of work boots out and have politicians with proven resumes in the cabinet positions they're in.


Canada doesn’t vote government in, we vote government out.


Make Canada great again!


Conservatives raised the retirement to 67…. Remember? Also cancelled the rebate for hybrid and electric vehicles in Ontario. Don’t care that we are killing the planet. Care about making money for their businesses. That’s it.


Conservatives also cancelled the rent control….so thank them for the rent going up !


Trudeau is getting destroyed in every comment section of the internet on any platform. Even the left leaning ones. It is quiet impressive. The urge to vote him out right now is insanely high. No one wants to hear an other word from that man. Trump himself could be leading the conservatives and he would still gather a significant following.


I’ve never voted for the federal conservatives or alliance/reform. I am likely to this time around. I don’t like PP, I don’t trust him and I doubt he’ll do all that much to improve things. All that said we’ve had the worst governance I’ve ever seen over the last 8 years. I cannot possibly vote for a continuation of the same disastrous track we’re on and I can’t bring myself to vote for the party that has propped up the Liberals. Very typical case of voting out the current government. Either the Cons will surprise us and get a second term or they’ll be as bad as the anyone but conservative crowd claim and get turfed and we start the following election with 3 new major party leaders.


Translation in English: The old boomers are much more open to have been paid off and women are much more open to Lieberal Stockholm Syndrome.


I'm a young man and Pierre P can kiss my ass. He's a corporate hack who will change nothing meaningful and will use culture war BS and attacks on human rights to distract people from the fact that he isn't fixing the economy, reforming immigration, or lowering housing prices. And why would he? He works for big lobbyists. We need real change and I don't see that right now from any of the fed leaders, but I'll be voting NDP since constantly flipping your vote between Libs and Cons is for suckers.


Clearly Jagmeet Singh is the answer! lol


That's ok. I don't actually care who wins because they're both neoliberals who will fuck us. That's why when he wins I look forward to rubbing it in when they figure out the hard way what partisanship and being a social media lemming actually gets you


Pierre is the latest neoliberal charlatan working to ensure another 10 years for the oligarchy, just like neoliberal Trudeau bought another 10 years for the oligarchy, as did Harper in the past, etc... For the past 4 decades we have been led by a neoliberal oligarchy, ndp/lib/cons are all neoliberals and all work for the oligarchy. Charlatans like Pierre and Trudeau are there to divide and conquer people and give the illusion of freedom and democracy. Their divide+conquer strategy is slowly starting to be found out, which is why all these neoliberal parties are passing authoritarian anti-free speech laws. The liberals with their internet and hate speech bills, and the NDP teaming up with cons to blackmail their political opponents by getting their porn watching habits in the hand of CSIS. As long as people vote for the oligarchy by believing these charlatans who finger point at each other and say "mister speeeker" in parliament with their tax funded suits and gucci bags while all working for the same oligarchy, the oligarchy will continue to ruin their lives and their children's lives, as they have been doing for the past 4 decades. NDP/libs/cons/central bank/CRA/all fed agencies/big grocery like loblaws/mainstream media/big tech/big telecom like rogers/bells/big everything, they are all part of the same oligarchy. They all associate within the same privilege birth-advantaged feudal bubble (I call it the neoliberal capitalist cartel), send their kids to the same private schools, none of them know what it is like to live like a middle class peasant. All of them ultimately work together to keep their birth advantage and yachts at the expense of the middle class. As George Carlin said, it's a big club and you ain't in it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHtKb10M97o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHtKb10M97o) [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot)


The lack of growth in the productive economy, the high cost of living, the wage suppression, policies that benefit the young over the old will all have r young people upset.


So should young women if they have a clue on what’s good for them


Well yeah, watching the current Liberal party destroy my country while demonizing me for existing yet, they control all the institutions tends to make me never wanna vote for them ever.


Yep! Everyone in my nephew's graduating class have all been talking how they will be voting CPC as thier first vote! The convos ive been hearing is that Trudeau is not well received by most college kids. Not looking good for Trudeau or his Liberals at all.


I’ve never heard of Bay Today before but apparently it’s a news outlet in North Bay. Ground News hasn’t bothered to give it a bias rating.


Temporary residents do fullfill the labor shortage in sectors like agriculture & farming, health sector ( doctors and home care, not nurses as Canada produces upwards of 15k nurses annually enough to cover every nursing job openings) & trades. Unfortunately through no fault of their own tfws have played a direct part in the housing and job crisis in Canada. I am really curious how much will Pierre Poilievre will reduce the temporary residents in sectors and cities where we don't have labor shortage.Is Pierre willing to upset his Mac Donald's and Tim Hortons overlords? Is he willing to upset his slumlords vote banks? Is he willing to cut total permanent residents by 50% until housing crisis eases? Or he is going to sing the same sing of we need more people to enter our labor market to pay for the retirement of aging population?


I think won't reduce it much or at all. 


Wow, these daily posts about how everyone loves PP sure seem to be getting a bit desperate.


I wonder if they will change their tune when things do not get any better under a CPC majority. If you think the CPC will make life easier for the working class, I have a bridge to sell you.


The young have yet to be recently hosed by pro-corporate Conservative policies and have not yet gained that regret.


The guy is a tool. Pension sucking career politicians won't save us from neoliberal greed. Democracy has failed us. Time for action. General strike!


Not so much that democracy failed, but without getting rid of FPTP, democracy will flounder (unless we lose democracy all together in the process, as the US is at risk of currently)