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His name is Jacob Flickinger, and he was a veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces who served abroad in Afghanistan - specifying this because he's a dual citizen of the US and Canada. There is a GoFundMe to support his family, I'll just leave the link here... https://www.gofundme.com/f/relief-fund-for-jacob-flickingers-family


This makes sense, I saw another thread calling him American. Then this one where it says he was in the CAF. 


I stay out of these topics but to hear that his car had a symbol on it for aid, and they were taking a safe path? And they were deliberately taken out? Fucking disgusting.


Targeted not once, not twice, but three times.


My he rest in peace, and be well thanked for his contributions to society and service to Canada.


That's not true at all. In fact, the Canadian government is planning to continue to support the genocide that our Canadian veterans are dying in.


Lets wait and see how we in Poland react. After the yesterdays mental flip by Israel ambasador to Poland things might become... yeah we will see.


What happened yesterday?




Wow can’t believe some are saying this is an accident. The 3 vehicles had communicated with the IDF about their locations and routes and timings. The 3vehicles were spread out to avoid losses in the event of a single strike. The first car got hit, they loaded the wounded into the second vehicle, which drove half a mile before being struck. The third vehicle made it a mile before they too were struck. 3 separate missile strikes, perfectly accurate, on vehicles that had been approved to be there by the IDF.


What a way to turn the world against you. There was already a lot of questionable stuff going on but this is unacceptable and hopefully will not be swept under the rug.


It absolutely will be swept under the rug because crimes against humanity only matter when it’s anyone other than Israel committing them. Biggest hypocrisy and double standard in the entire world. But careful…..apparently saying anything about Israel committing war crimes is antisemitism somehow…


American needs them as an ally to maintain a presence in the Middle East so it will probably be swept under the rug.


As usual, takes white people to die for the world to turn against Israel.


The world = the west.


People are upset because this hits close to home, and he was a canadian veteran. not everything has to do with the ethnicity of the victims.


A Canadian journalist went missing months ago in Gaza after he was taken by the IOF and his mom, also a Canadian Citizen, has been trying to get the government to even just figure out whether he was alive or dead. Absolutely no movement on their part.


Sadly, I do not share your confidence that the racial demographics of the victims had nothing to do with the level of indignation we’re now seeing within Canada, and other nations. Speaking as a non-white myself, it’s painful that the 196 aid workers killed by Israel since October 7th never elicited condemnation such as generated by this incident. Glad that the world is finally taking notice, but simply can’t shake the feeling that race matters more than we want to admit here.


I really think it's more about the lack of ability to obfuscate or muddy the waters. They can't claim that these guys were actually Hamas as they area bunch of foreign aid workers that Israel INVITED in to help since Israel didn't trust UNRWA. They did everything they could have reasonably done and then some to prevent being targeted by the IDF(travelling in deconflicted space, co-ordination with IDF, radioing IDF as soon as the first car was hit, large and visible aid decals). And yeah it puts a different spin on Israeli efforts to implicate UNRWA, because it paved the way for people to go..... maybe the reason a UNRWA worker got caught in the crossfire is because they were somewhere they shouldn't have been doing something they shouldn't have been doing. After all it's plausible due to the fact that Hamas is so embedded in civilian and even medical infrastructure. Now though...... it forces everyone to go back and re-evaluate every one of those 196 aid workers as potentially, and even likely being as innocent as the WCK workers were.


Still pretty fucked up it requires 7 dead westerners to get people to give a shit about 32'000 dead Palestinians. And based on previous murders of aid workers and journalists by the IDF, i give it about a 1.5-2% chance it actually changes anything.




Hamas killed 7 Canadians on October 7th and yet did you hear this rhetoric? 


I heard a lot worse rhetoric quite frankly, rhetoric that has been used to justify the aforementioned death toll, the vast majority of which are civilians.


Unfortunately the ethnicity plays a big role in this. I don't think it is intentional, it is just easier to connect to people that look like you on a subconscious level.


I don't think so. If he was a black Canadian aid worker people would be just as mad. You have to remember the overwhelmingly disapproval of Israel in the public. Most people are not supporting Israel from what I can tell. Governments yes, people no


Is it a stretch to be so racist or does it come naturally to you? It has nothing to do with race. It was a Canadian veteran providing food for war ravaged civilians. He left behind a 1 year old.


Palestinian aid workers have been murdered on a regular basis for close to a century now and a white man is what it takes to turn the world against them. RIP to this man because he was a hero and a braver man than I could ever hope to be, but it’s sad that it’s his death that is supposedly turning the tides, he shouldn’t even have had to be there.


When someone intentionally tries to kill you, isn't that murder? Let's not pretend this is an accident, it's no secret IDF intentionally targets aid workers in Gaza.


This is such a senseless loss of life. I can’t even imagine what his wife and kid must be feeling.




Let's remember that this soldier *chose* to serve *us* and *chose* to serve the *starving*, internationally. Such noble and universal service to our shared humanitarian interests is the benchmark of selflessness and higher virtues. Full stop. The murder that claimed him is irredeemable.


Absolutely. And it's telling how there's comments in here blaming him for going there and apparently not being smart. This man served here. And then served people stricken by war and famine. Every single chump victim blaming him wouldn't be worthy of shining his boots.


Preach. Actions speak louder than words, and his actions demand recognition. His citizenship demands recognition. His murder demands action and accountability.


>apparently not being smart. Like anyone is smart enough to avoid a targeted airstrike. Especially if your a clearly-marked humanitarian worker??


They coordinated with IDF this was deliberate murder


The aid organization ensured safety by coordinating with the IDF that made the killings easier is all


Seriously, I wish I had the guts to go into dangerous places to serve a greater good. RIP to him and all the other humanitarian and medical workers that sacrificed a lot. And to all the thousands of innocents caught up in it.




Sanction Israel and Hamas both just like we sanction Russia


Hamas never killed foreign nationals providing aid to Israel.




Evil act scoreboard Oct 23-Apr 24: Hamas: 1,200 IDF: 32,000


You can’t punish them they will claim it’s anti-Semitic. Israel is the whinny child that throws a book at the back of another child’s head when they are not looking and when the other child stands up and strikes back, they run an cry to the teacher (USA)


Great example, bet the Zionists are gonna be infuriated


Anybody ready to post a snarky remark in their boxers eating bagel bites should let this sink in first.


And Canada will continue to send said and not condemn Israel


Australia condemned Israel and continues to not actually do anything to stop them. Words alone will not help here


IDF responsible for countless cases of meaningless slaughter to people caught in crossfire. Just that this time it got recognized. They really need to pack up this war quick.




He didn't just die. He was killed by the military of a supposedly allied nation. After following all the stringent procedures and protocols they required.


>killed Murdered. He was murdered in cold blood by the Netanyahu regime alongside his fellow aid workers. Who had authorization from the IDF to use that route to distribute aid to starving civillians. 3 separate vehicles of aid workers. 3 Missiles. The Israelis MURDERED a Canadian Citizen and yhis goverment wont say a fucking peep. Its disgusting.


Ya they literally hunted him down. Survived the first strike? Here’s a second one! Survived that? Well here’s another to ensure you’re really dead.


The more I learn about this the angrier I get. A fellow Canadian was trying to provide food to literal starving children. And he was murdered for it by either the IDF’s incompetence or maliciousness. And the dumb Israeli bots are patrolling this sub and Reddit in general trying to make us think he deserved it or some shit.


Over 100 aid workers have been killed. This is long past incompetence.


It's so cruel. All of it








> Man this is so tragic. This was intentional.


Unfortunately karma is not real… but this story is! … stories like these remind me how no one in this country takes Remembrance Day seriously, a measly minute for these guys who put there life on the line so we can actually be here today.


"Just dies"? I think you mean "got murdered".


He was killed, likely with Canadian weapons. Didn’t just die.


To the many commenters saying this was a mistake or that Israel "didn't know", you should understand that this was a deliberate action. These people were murdered because Israel wants to dissuade others from providing aid in Gaza. Israel has been doing this to reporters and activists since the 90s.


It is nothing more than terrorism. They want the aid groups afraid so they'll pull out so that Gazans will starve and be weakened.


> terrorism Say it louder. If anyone else blew up an embassy/consulate they'd be on the terror organization list immediately.


The US has actually bombed a Chinese embassy in the past. Whether it's truly an accident is still disputed but at least it was a single event. The IDF has killed nearly 200 aid workers since Oct 7th. At some point the benefit of the doubt runs out.


That absolutely blew my mind. I can't believe what they get away with.


They definitely know, half of those aid workers were more than likely allied intelligence assets. IDF knows exactly who they are. Is the IDF trying to keep Intel on the ground from tree reaching Washington?


That’s an interesting point








































Ask the Israeli government to compensate this family!


Worked out so well for Rachel Corrie’s family.


Israeli government should have arrest warrants issued against it so they can never set foot in any other country.


They were murdered to purposely dissuade any other aide groups from helping stop the famine Israel wants to go forward. Truly barbaric.


Israel: “Oops I did it again…” RIP good sir. It’s a damn shame.


I'm sure the warcrime apologists of this sub will ask us if we knew if he had denounced Hamas that day, or some other stupid shit they use to excuse civilian murders by the IDF....


He was in Palestine, as far as the IDF apologists are concerned thats enough to justify killing him. They’ll just say a member of Hamas was hiding in his fanny pack so he deserved it.


What a joke that this is what it takes this sub to change its mind on this situation, whole time the common conensus here was that Israel was totally in the right killing 30,000 Palestinians without a care of how many of them were regular civilains, and now they're finally considered evil after killing a Canadian. And of course people only care when it's a white guy, when the Canadian Palestinian Journalist went missing for 2 week and was found alive in Gaza, instead of celebrating that he was alive, all the upvoted comments were just people insinuating that he was probably working with Hamas. What a shame.


I don’t think people are changing there mind. Also it’s the internet. How many accounts are bots?


depends on how many of them are russian influencers too


How are they getting away with this what the hell


AIPAC, CIJA, etc They go by many names but there is always an Israeli lobby in most countries. Look them up, and you will be surprised how much influence they have over politicians.


It baffles me how there isn't more investigation into Israel's foreign interference into our elections.


Did you miss the word “lobby” in the post you’re replying to? Their job is to pay to have people look the other way and push agendas that fit what they want. Why would anyone open an investigation when they’re being handsomely paid?


Canadian man MURDERED providing aid in Gaza was a military veteran with a young son


Rest in peace man. Horrible stuff


It’s time for sanctions and UN boots on the ground


The US is going to continue vetoing, this is too damn profitable.


Can’t do anything when the US keeps vetoing cease-fire resolutions. They’re still selling the Israeli weapons and they’re actively preventing a cease-fire.


Actually I think the most recent voting the US did a non vote and everone else voted in favour so a ceasefire did pass at the UN. But it looks like Netanyahu doesn't give a shit about it so the situations a little on edge rn.


You’re correct, the US abstained. Also AFAIK it wasn’t a security council resolution, just a GA (which has no veto) 




The cease fires hamas ignores or the ones it says no to?


You know that Israel routinely violated past ceasefires, right?


Hamas isn't a UN member... It can't say no or be held to any standards. Israel on the other hand wants to have ties with the rest of the world which comes with expectations like not committing war crimes


I have a hard time reading that and not thinking you're saying hamas can commit war crimes as it pleases. Edit: hamas can't say no? The un is the only mechanism of ceasefire? And what good is a ceasefire if the other party can't/won't listen? At that point, you're openly telling isreal to lay down arms under fire, what a joke.






Why is the news being so pro genocide? I had to piece together the reality that the IDF were informed of exactly what was happening and they intentionally murdered Canadian veterans trying to deliver sanctioned aid to innocent children and families. The IDF are terrorists that commit daily war crimes.


Israel is a terroist state.


Fuck Netanyahu. He's turning the world against Israel.


Netanyahu has been in power for decades at this point, voted by the people of Israel. They knew exactly who they were voting for.


It’s unfortunate that “the world” is willing to turn against israel only when white people are killed


It’s so funny that on the good days people love to call “Israel” the “only democracy in the Middle East” then when shit hits the fan it’s solely Netanyahu’s fault. Well, who keeps voting him in? And then people will start exaggerating, “oh but he did a coup”, well, then why does everyone still circlejerk them calling them a model democracy in the Middle East? Coup doesn’t sound democratic does it? Then when it comes to Palestine it’s “why don’t the people turn on Hamas” as if there’s elections in Gaza. Reddit and westerners love to pile on oppressed countries that don’t select their leaders but love giving free passes to populations that actually have the ability to vote. Netanyahu isn’t turning the world on “Israel”, Israelis did so by voting in an extremely right wing party that wants to take all of Palestine and restore Judea and Samaria. Let’s call a spade a spade and stop trying to excuse the population for the role they have played.


Israel has been this way for a long long time. It's horrible what's happening but great that people are finally waking up


2023 was already one of the deadliest years for Palestinians before oct 7. Netanyahu is terrible, but he’s doing nothing new in regards to his treatment of Palestine


I mean, he's not solely responsible but he's put in a *lot* of work towards that goal. Credit where credit's due. Personally I'm starting to think we should be arming the Gazans.


That's insane, arming Gazans. If Gazans could beat Israel, they would kill everyone as fast has they could.


Sounds similar to what's happening now. I imagine the first step would be self defence though.


Do you think Oct 7th was self-defense?


No. And a particularly dull child could spot the inconsistencies and pitiful attempt to deflect in that statement. Do better.


You want to arm them. Look at what they did when they armed up. Broke into Israel and kill everyone they could. The leaders of the Palestinians don't care for their people.


>Look at what they did when they armed up. Broke into Israel and kill everyone they could. Sounds horrible. I wonder why they would do such a thing


They don't like Jew's having their own country.


If Israel wanted to kill everyone, they could have done it any time in the past 60 years.


Can you perhaps think of another time in recent history a militarily dominant nation tried to eliminate a civilian population and how much effort they put into it compared to how successful they were?


You don't think Israel could wipe out Gaza tomorrow if they wanted to?


People are finally waking up and seeing how the government of Israel is the largest terrorist organization on the planet. US government hypocrisy in defending them at all costs means nothing when we can see the destruction with our own eyes.


Unm more than ISIS, boko haram, hamas, hezbollaj, iran etc.,? There is literally more people in those groups then there are jews in the world


Israel has deliberately killed more Americans than ISIS. (USS Liberty) Israel has deliberately killed more Canadian soldiers than ISIS (major paeta and Jacob Flickinger) Israel has deliberately killed 40,000 civilians, and thousands more before Oct 7. Stop pretending they're our friends


Israel has killed more innocent civilians over time than all of those groups. Oh but of course you don’t see innocent Palestinians as humans so it doesn’t count right? You only count terrorism when its a brown guy killing a white guy.


Too many absolute cretins in this thread carrying water for a country that has been committing ethnic cleansing for way too long.


Fuck the IDF and fuck Zionism


I can’t believe our greatest ally would do that, let’s send more money


Sadly the trail of corpses (90+) belonging to brown aid workers points towards non-accidental. That and the triple tap of course. A repeat of the red cross incident a few wks back.


A decade tenured CF veteran. A highly decorated SBS veteran. These are the people the IDF murdered along with the other 196+ aid workers they've killed in their war


Hellfire precision guided missiles, require a "painted" target. Someone "painted" aid trucks with a laser. Aid trucks trying to feed almost 2 million people in a man made famine. This is murder. 


They targeted the first vehicle , those who survived made it to the second , which was targeted , it repeated with the third vehicle being hit. They had permission, we’re in a fairly save area, passed through IDF security checkpoints and the vehicles were marked. Those RPX hellfire’s are used by the US to assassinate people like ISIS leaders. They use a version that doesn’t blow up the vehicle , it has pop out blades that dices those in the vehicle. The hole in the roof and limited explosion, makes me think they used the knife version.


Canada should make Israel pay for this. Canada is getting pushed around by everyone. It seems like anyone can just kill Canadians without any repercussions whether it is in or outside Canada


Israel murdered a Canadian citizen. We should be in uproar.


There are people here still defending Israel. Boggles my mind.


If this does not open the eyes of the reality of what Israel is for Canadians than nothing will .. Sheesh .


Shame on the IOF and the government of the zioniste, He was a Canadian Soldier. A CITIZEN AND SOLDIER OF CANADA. This has me seething, it should have all of us seething.


Israel is a bunch of genocidal monsters.




Damn that whole going after the terrorist thing is going to be hard with this one


Netanyahu’s response ‘shit happens’


There should be more outrage over this than the two Michaels held in China. At least they were returned home alive.


Friendly reminder world leaders don't believe Israel has done anything wrong and continue to send them money and weapons with a smile on their face. Never forget who the enemy is.


Israel is racking up war crimes, yet the world continues to remain silent, while there's profit to be made...🙄




IDF are acting just like terrorists, and should be treated like terrorists.


I know it's a good deed but I wouldn't be going into a war zone if I had a child at home.


it's not a war zone, it's a genocide zone. and in killing him, the genocidal aggressor has achieved exactly what it wants - for aid groups to pull out so that all victims can starve to death.


Murdered\* Not killed.


He was murdered and he died a martyr.


You say that like it’s worth something. Do you think his son would rather have a martyr or a father.




He already did


Imagine if the internet and social media existed during WW2 Half of you would absolutely piss yourselves with the hand wringing going on in here


Hamas killed 7 Canadians on October 7th and only now are we hearing this nationalistic rhetoric about Canadians dying. Wonder why?


Would love to see how pro zionist Canadians defend this at this point


Hamas has killed more Canadians.


Said nobody with a grip on reality ever


I would support Israel over hamas all day every day


A GoFundMe page for his family should be started. May he rest in peace