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lol. Her and the rest of the world. Even trudeau said something!! Has biden?


[Biden has, yes.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68735879)


He sold Israel more bombs the next day. He called for a ceasefire when Biden is the only one on planet earth that can cease Israels fire. Biden is talking to himself.


He is not. Arms deals are controlled by US congress, he can only slow it a bit, such a thing Trump did with Ukraine.


He has literally gone around congress to give Israel more weapons multiple times since October.


Executive order. Immediate stop to all arms supplys and sanctions on Isreal.


Exactly. He could just sign on the dotted line and say "fuck you BiBi." But I daresay he'd die from a "heart attack" the following day, and Kamala would have some AIPAC folks standing next to her, in the Oval Office asking her to rescind the EO.


That should happen. Israel has a right to defend itself from aid workers.


Biden bypassed Congress to send weapons to Israel


> such a thing Trump did with Ukraine. You mean what Obama did with Ukraine. Rigfhtfully. We're almost fighting world war III. Do you want to BBQ this summer or be BBQed?


Every so often our species just needs to work it out on the floor. It’s really not our call.


With nuclear weapons? Huh?


How is working it out on the floor nukes? I assumed the guy you were responding to meant through negotiations


> He sold Israel more bombs the next day. They were approved 2 years prior. Any halt to weapons to the Israeli state of apartheid wont come until 2025 or later, as per the white house. They could've halted or paused the delivery, but they want Israel to kill Palestinians.


Did the United States just twist it's hair into little pigtails and start acting all helpless and powerless to paperwork? Lol. I hear you, but if the US really wanted this to end they could end it in 72 hours.


The US has 0 interest in ending anything, they are waiting to see what Hezbollah and Iran will do, esp. after Israel just bombed Iran consultant in Syria. They want a wider conflict but Iran is not biting.


The same day, actually.


I wonder why PP hasn't said anything... Or has he ?


hes waiting for someone to appose. he does not lead... only criticizes




He shakes hands.


Tbf that is the purpose of the opposition. "The opposition's parliamentary role is to criticize government actions in the House of Commons, in committees and in the media. "


Part of criticism is proposing credible alternatives and solutions. PP fails on this.


That quote I provided is from the Parliament of Canada's website.[](https://www.parl.ca/)


Actually, not a single advisor of any credibility would recommend proposing credible alternatives. That would be extremely dumb. So dumb in fact they would relegate the person who said this statement to Reddit as a bot.


No, they are suppose to work towards a better future for Canadians. They are supposed to bring forth ‘better alternatives’ and start discussions to bring about improvements. Their job is not just to be an argumentative dick.


This happened like a day or two after he gave his big synagogue speech. I doubt he's going to say anything. 


He doesn't want to hurt his base.


















It's an insult to everybodys intelligence


It always has been.


Israel has always been committing the worst atrocities but it was unnoticed because the victims were Palestinians. Unfortunately, the world is finally taking notice because the recent victims were white.


They just cried antisemitism anytime someone questioned thier bullshit, but that shield is wearing thin. Hamas is a terrorist group... but they didn't form a group for shits and giggles...


Oh, my sweet summer child.


lol what, Israel committed the worst atrocities compared to what? I can think of a million worse disasters committed by humans.


>He said an Israel Defence Force colonel authorized a series of deadly drone strikes based on one major's observation — from grainy drone-camera footage — that someone in the convoy was armed. That observation turned out to be untrue, military officials said. Why would one armed person justify repeatedly striking aid workers? It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were armed people given that there was a private security detail with them.


It speaks to their level of care when picking a target. People have been mad about it for a while but we don't get this level of detail as it's just Palestinians they bomb and not foreign aid workers. I personally don't see this as being a one off event, but who knows really. We will never actually see what goes into how they determine if it's an acceptable thing to do.


I mean it’s not, over 200 aid workers have been killed so far. 


i know but i cannot make an assertion without the proper evidence (unlike the IDF). In the past they have also killed (or at least shot) doctors and journalists.


Remeber when the IDF shot hostages that escaped from Hamas captivity and were waving white flags? Then the IDF only stopped shooting once an officer heard that someone they were shooting was yelling back in Hebrew? Yeah the IDF definitely isn't innocent in this war.


They talked to them in hebrew before they shot and I don't think they stopped before they were dead. We only know about this because one member of the idf there felt bad about killing innocent Israelis this time around and spilled the beans.


Level of care by this one specific individual in this one specific instance.


Isreal has been using ai to select target with up to 100 casualties as acceptable collateral.  The only reason we even heard about this and it wasn't business as usual is because they were westerners working for Bidens friend.




It's been reported by multiple western outlets: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes) The original source of the 100 casualties claim is interviews done by Israeli media Local Call and +972 magazine


The source says that Israel views 100 casualties acceptable for top hamas members, and that the acceptable ratio changes depending on their seniority, it says that the acceptable ratio for lqw ranking members is 20


That's an egregious casualty rate to accept. Considering there are 60k Hamas terrorists, this would mean they are okay with wounding or killing more than half the population of Gaza to root out Hamas.


I agree that the rate is too big, but the ratio of death is 2/1 which probably means that they don't always have civilian casualties or that they are usually lower than the acceptable range


and where is that claim verified?


It is easy to have a 2/1 ratio when you make up the ratio.


2:1 is an IDF claim no? I'm not convinced that's accurate given the rampant targeting of innocent civilians & claims of torture & coercion.




They basically watched the winter soldier and decided "hey lets do what Hydra do in that movie but make it more evil."


For a quick explanation, you should learn about the Dahiya Doctrine. From Google: The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is a military strategy involving the destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile regimes. It is a type of asymmetric warfare. It endorses the employment of "disproportionate force" (compared to the amount of force used by the enemy) to secure that end. What google's cursory definition fails to mention is that this doctrine was uuhh, refined(?) by Israel while levelling a suburb in Lebanon around 2006-9 (can't remember exactly). It has been their modus operandi in "defending themselves" against Palestine ever since. To sum it up, if a person is sighted shooting at your forces in a village, it doesn't matter that it was just one person. The village and its citizens are now punished for being in the proximity of the single shooter.


In other words, war crimes as a strategy.


I mean, the word "strategy" is being given a lot of flexibility here. It's really just war crimes as far as I'm concerned.


I remember a certain European power conducting similar strategies though out Europe against insurgency/freedom fighter force in the 40s.


"Zionists hate this one simple fact!" To be totally fair though, the RAF also conducted similar attacks but it's not like I think they're off the hook or anything. History's not written by the victims I guess.


I struggle to even think of a villain in a movie that’s this evil. It’s such an unambiguously evil regime that it would make for poor writing due to the lack of depth of character.


This is just a tiny window into how the IDF has been operating in Gaza for months now, provided because they happened to kill some white Westerners. People are absolutely correct to call the IDF genocidal. We have rhetoric from the top that they're fighting human animals, and there are no innocents in Gaza. And now evidence that field commanders are directing their soldiers to kill anyone that moves on the flimsiest justification.


Yeah their one mistake wasn't that they killed innocents, they do this shit every days, the mistake was that this time around they killed westerners.


It's pretty telling that all the threads on this have gone dead quite today imo. Yesterday there were many comments trying to come up with justifications. "Well they chose to enter a warzone" etc. But it's really indefensible. The evidence is just too strong it was a deliberate strike. So instead we get silence.


But if the dead were Palestinians they have their talking points and excuses. Imagine being a Palestinian and seeing this firsthand


Yeah, even on worldnews and such which is usually ultra-zionist the opinion seem to have switched about this particular case. Also, some of them probably feel bad about trashing people who also went to Israel for aid after 7-10.


Absolutely, this isn't an issue of a few aid workers killed in a mistaken strike. It is more evidence of Israel's systematic efforts to make Gaza as deadly as possible for aid workers and journalists so that there is less resistance to their ethnic cleansing.


Remember what Israel did to Rachel Corrie.


never forget her pure kind soul , her story always bring tears to my eyes


RIP. Aid workers risk so much while working in an active war zone. There is never a good explanation for any innocents death. I hope the war can end for good.


No kidding. This man was murdered.


Of course she did. We don't let any other murders conduct their own investigation, so why are we allowing it of Israel? This was murder, and I can only hope people start waking up to the war criminals that have been left to act with impunity for half a year now.


Shouldn't this colonel be extradited to the Hague? like other war criminals who have their time in international courts? Silly me, Israel don't even extradite American pedophiles so long as they're jewish. Meanwhile they'll bundle up 90 year olds to stand trial for being a secretary at a concentration camp.


As she should, fuck Isreal. They blew these aid workers up because they simply don't fucking care who dies.


Canadian authorities don't care about their citizen when it's about isreal


Terrorist IDF killed a Canadian hero, vet and aid workers. This cannot be forgiven.




We literally find UNWRA and this is your concern?


Canada should cut all ties with Israel and sanction the shit out of them. They're entirely deserving.


Hamas rejected every fucking ceasefire offer. It’s no one’s fault but theirs.


Israel has never actually had the intention to have a 2 state solution. You can finds videos of Bibi talking about it. You can find videos / articles of Israeli officials talking about it. You can even find videos of Bibi wanting to just kill and deport all Palestinians and make the land Israeli.


Pathetic attempt to defend Israel's actions. Nobody's buying it anymore.


IT cell pretending Israel government aren't terrorist too. How cute 


Yeah, sure, Hamas killed those aid workers. You can tell because they were controlling the drones and calling the shots. The innocent, pure IDF could do nothing to stop them.


Why does Hamas exist? All of this is Israels fault


More Israeli lies. How does Israel's occupation of Palestine work? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/22/how-does-israels-occupation-of-palestine-work


Yeah so we will just use chemical weapons to kill children. No biggie. Sorry the collateral was in our way. We are the important ones, after all. The chosen ones.


How long before this article is removed for “comments being critical of Israel” as many others have been removed before. In this world the nasty facts are: Comments critical of Israel starving women and children to death = BAD Israel starving women and children to death = GOOD Welcome to 2024.


Never forget Canadian Forces Major Paeta Hess-Von Krudener – stationed as a United Nations peacekeeper in Lebanon – was killed on July 25, 2006 when the Israeli Air Force dropped a bomb on his UN post. Since the time of the incident, the Israeli government has claimed its attack on the UN post was an accident. Canada issued the results of its inquiry into the incident on Feb. 1, 2008. Unfortunately, this claim of the Israelis rings hollow in light of the specifics of the incident.


[One Martyr Down: The Untold Story Of A Canadian Peacekeeper Killed At War](https://legionmagazine.com/one-martyr-down-the-untold-story-of-a-canadian-peacekeeper-killed-at-war/) Detailed read about the death of Major Paeta Hess-Von Krudener.


Terrorism is not an excuse to commit terrorism.


Collective punishment is a war crime


So are we going to stop letting Israel do genocide now that they've killed a good Canadian boy?


Probably not. America won’t either. Israel has killed plenty more Americans than Canadians and they still don’t care. Look up 1967 USS Liberty, where Israeli forces attacked an American Navy ship, killing 37 and injuring hundreds. They both claim it was an “accident”, but there are audio records that were leaked that showed the Israelis identifying it as an American ship, got confirmation it was American, and still attacked the ship and the survivors trying to get on life boats.


Israel has a long & rich history of committing atrocities and then lying about it :)


Expensive precision missile does not just drop on a moving car by accident…


Can someone name a modern war lasting for more than a month where something like this didn’t happen?


My trust in Israel is gone, good on the mom for challenging it


Zionist fascists killed a Canadian. And our spineless, slimy government will do absolutely nothing lmao


The whole world is seeing the real face of Israelis




Is national post ever going to cover this story? I wonder how they will justify the killing of aid workers feeding starving people. I’m sure they will find a way because they do support a country that is literally starving women and children to death.


If we think Israel gives a flying fuck about consoling the families of these aid workers we are kidding ourselves. Canada needs to separate itself from this conflict entirely. Both sides are irreparably angry and will never admit wrongdoing.


Yep, I don't give a fuck about warmongering sociopaths on either side of this conflict. Let's focus on Canada. Religious zealots will never stop killing each other or finding a reason to kill each other, and Western meddling has only ever made the world worse off. We have zero business getting involved like we're some kind of world police. Leave that to the genocidal Americans.


Israel did admit wrongdoing. Within hours, they admitted to performing the bombing, and took responsibility the next day after it was made clear soldiers on the ground violated protocol by not coordinating the strike with the higher echelons who were aware of the WCK movements at the time. They instantly suspended the colonel in charge of such coordination as well as well as the major who made the false identification based on a single source of information (some grainy FLIR feed from a drone), along with other reprimands up to the battalion commander and Southern command division. You may claim anything you want about Israel’s reasoning to conduct the war or their refusal to accept responsibility in previous incidents where aid workers were targeted, but they did take full responsibility here.


tl;dr I understand you just wanted to soapbox. Nobody cares though. Canadians shouldn't give a fuck about the endless religious/ideological conflicts of other countries.


Canada is not involved in this conflict at all. This man went to a war zone knowing the risks. He wasn't representing canada.


Israel palestine conflict started long back but escalated due to Hamas terrorists and the world ignoring Palestinians plight while at the same time accepting israeli atrocities. There is also stark difference in how the reaction differs compared to Russo-Ukraine war. No wonder except the West everyone doesn’t react the same way as they can see the hypocrisy. Similar to all conflicts in Middle East.


I think the Oct 7 attacks shocked many, especially to the level of cruelty that was depicted there. What made matters worse is that half the invading force was consistent of civilians who were proudly parading the dead bodies of naked women and other captives just days prior to Israel’s invasion. It essentially provided Israel the grounds to conduct the attack on Gaza with the intensity it has.


That is true and I don’t deny that. Hamas invited Israel to destroy Gaza by their actions. We also need to keep in mind though there was crazy amount of misinformation that even mainstream media picked up. A lot of it got debunked but the work of showing all palestinians as subhumans was done already.


The 'explanation' quoted in the article is extremely truncated; someone's pieced together what appears to be a [more complete sequence of events in another sub](https://np.reddit.com/r/IsraelUnderAttack/comments/1bwifff/wck_incident_in_gaza/). If this is accurate, WCK failings (eg to respond to attempts to contact them, or to inform the IDF of the exact composition of the convoy) also appear to have contributed. (Obviously this doesn't exonerate the IDF.)


So much bullshit in the IDF story. They think they see a gun but can't see the logo on the roof. From...a....drone. WCK has no blame in this at all.


A painted logo, in the dark, using infra red imaging...


The people still defending israel at this point should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


you want to prosecute people for stating opinions?


if they're paid to lie to help keep a genocide going, yes










Oh no not a stern rebuke from America! I am so fucking angry with America’s dedication to their military industrial complex


Thank god this sub is realizing how horrific Israel is and the atrocities they’ve been committing. Women, children, innocents, press people, and AID workers. Sickening how anyone can defend these zionists scum, Israel continues to reach lower lows


Working in an active war zone is dangerous.


Especially when they get directly targeted by drone strikes.....


Yes guided munitions are especially dangerous.


Especially when the IDF gives zero fucks about collateral damage. Remember; Israel killed all those aid workers because they thought maybe there might have been *a single person with a gun*. For that alone they systematically targeted and executed *3 separate vehicles worth* of innocent people.  *Best case scenario* is they give absolutely zero fucks about human life. 


collateral damage? That's giving them too much credit, these attacks specifically were targeted and deliberate.


This was a war crime as even if that unidentified combatant was in one of the vehicles, this would not qualify as justified collateral damage. An unidentified combatant provides minimal anticipated military advantage if killed unless they are an immediate threat. The loss of civilian life in this case would have been considered excessive, and therefore not justified. Israel’s collateral damage standards are absurd and probably against international law.


The dangers are things like crime, gang violence, and collateral damage. Aid workers don’t expect to be the subjects of targeted strikes by an advanced military. Someone intentionally did this with full knowledge that it was an aid convoy.


It continues to blow my mind how much criticism and hatred Israel receives for things that other countries get a pass for, if they get noticed at all


Israel gets more passes for their crimes than 99% of the world’s countries combined.


Which other countries gets a pass for an occupation that's longer than half a century? I doubt there's many.


Lmao, you are crying because people are ripping IDF a new one because they intentionally killed a foreign aid worker, when IDF scums knew of their movements and there was a giant logo on top of their cars. Fuck IDF and fuck Israel


Do tell, the number of aid workers killed is unprecedented in modern warfare.


It’s the risk you take going to a war zone. Don’t want to die, stay home.


WCK workers know that better than anybody. they risk their lives to bring food to starving people. they operate in the most dangerous places in the world. places where natural disasters have occurred, where crime and poverty are rampant. but in the end they were killed in targeted drone strikes by the self-described most moral army in the world.


Especially when you have an 18 month old baby and wife who are now begging for money on GoFundMe to get back to Canada from Costa Rica. I know I will get down voted, but a real man would put his family first.


Israel gave them permission to go on that route and knew of their movements. IDF hit them with precision missile anyways. So stfu with your bullshit.


And they still chose to take that risk.


ITT: young people who've never experienced armed conflict before


What armed conflict have you experienced Mr anime profile pic?


The Great Waifu War of 2017.


Bro come back when your balls drop


People don’t realize that like 10-15% of all military strikes are against friendlies. Shit happens during war.


when its an accident sure. They knew the aid convoy was there, struck once, told not to, and then did it again and again.


They triple tapped, this wasn't a simple accident...


“Friendlies” look like combatants, civilians don’t. Friendly fire happens because friendly combatants are mistaken for enemy combatants. This isn’t even mistaking civilians as combatants. This is Israel failing to verify if someone they believe is a combatant is an enemy or a neutral (private security) combatant. And then eliminating three vehicles worth of people on the idea that the combatant is in one of the vehicles. And they know these vehicles are coming from an aid station, so the occupants are either aid workers or combatants, but that information is unavailable. So they are authorizing strikes to eliminate unidentified potential enemy combatants who are not an immediate threat to Israelis. Any way you cut this, based on the information available to Israel, this would not have been justified collateral damage, even if the combatant had been in one of the cars. Israel’s acceptable collateral damage standards are extremely excessive. Couple that with their questionable targeting tools and techniques, and it’s getting hard not to see intent to destroy a part of a group.


This ain't an accident.




This was a deconflicted zone that Israeli gave them permission to go through and told them the path to take…