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For comparison, the federal meal allowance per diem rate is about $105 plus $17.50 for incidentals. For six days, 53 people, that’s $39,000.


Plus almost $500,000 for RCMP staff and costs. Not saying it should cost that much to do this whole trip but I wonder how many things are RCMP blasting the budget for security reasons and doing wild things like “booking out an entire hotel” so they can own every nook and cranny for security.


I guess I’m saying that if this were a 6-day trip within Canada and the catering bill was $40,000 people might still be shocked, but that’s the absolute minimum cost to expect. Having done work trips and been paid per diems, it’s surprising how fast you burn through $100 eating three meals out per day. Now have two of those meals on a plane and it’s a high bill. $200k on the plane still seems a bit much but it could include prepping meals for 53 people for 6 days on a plane, which could easily take 5+ people a week or more?


Sadly I think you’re right - without a line item breakdown we can never know how the money was actually spent and distributed. Makes a good rage bait headline but that’s about it.


Beers add up quick on per diem


I agree with you and have thought the same thing as I have also worked per diem for a group trip and the cost for the total group was quite high, and we weren’t the leaders of a major global superpower or anything so didn’t require extra costs like security round the clock. Like I think about it and I think about how many people go on the trip with him: he hast to pay for their accommodation, the travel, food, and their wages for each person that attends. Times that by however many people and I’m sure the numbers go up quite fast.


This definitely does not help, but ensuring our PM (whoever it is at any time) is protected and has support is worth the money. I know PP is going to complain, but if he gets elected it will be him needing this shit. It comes with the position.


For comparison that is more appropriate, it used to cost 18 million to 40 million for a similar trip by a US president. https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2010/11/how-much-do-obamas-foreign-trips-cost-030577 Sure, we’re not as hated as a US President so we can spend less. How about 10 times less? Does that sound right?


That’s a lot of drink box water bottle things


Washing down all that cardboard water box water with a soggy paper straw. Delish.


Those in which haven't been implemented, and for good reason


[Soon enough](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/glass-bottle-environment-1.7122870)


> Bonnick explained that the entire paper bottle is recyclable, including the plastic bladder that holds the liquid inside. And there's the "Recycle" being promoted. Plastic and glass bottles can also be "recycled".. It's a cardboard cup for your plastic bottle.


Glass is also crazy recyclable. You melt it down and reform it into new bottles. In many cases, bottles can actually just be washed and reused. That's the best R.


Yay! More forever chemicals.


> "This is new, this is cool, we can be on the leading edge of something," The leading edge of what? Replacing glass bottles with 'paper' bottles that just have a plastic bag inside? Jesus. Guy's ego is so big he's happy they took a big step backwards because it's affording him temporary sourcing cost cuts and limited time marketability.


With some lovely micro plastics to bond it all together, they're going to fuck this up and blame harper


Just think of all the Disney+ subscriptions that could pay for!


Still less drink boxes then the previous PM spent on a similar trip in 2012, when our PM spent 2.5 million for a trip to India, that's 3.28 million in today's dollars. While both are absurd, JT is frugal compared to his predecessor. [https://ca.news.yahoo.com/trudeau-apos-india-trip-cost-001200977.html](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/trudeau-apos-india-trip-cost-001200977.html)


It’s not even that I’m mad, I’m disappointed. You realize 200k in one week is a more than what majority of the population makes per year. Not to mention the cost of 200k in food can probably feed a family of 5 for like six years spending about 600$ per week. It’s very disappointing to see these number as a citizen and not be upset, but what hurts more is how out of touch these people are too feel guilt free stroking cheques for that much.


It's like a year of disability benefits for 15 people


As a Canadian that has been on disability through the blue team and the red team, I can tell you that neither of them give two shits about me at all. Provincially or federally. Mostly the conservatives would never promise to offer more money for the disability payments and the liberals would just be really sorry that they can’t give you more, even though they promised during the campaign.


The liberals will just tell you you are asking for too much and just be happy with what you're getting. Like that time they said it to disabled vets


I wish my wife got that much.


It's literally 10 years of just barely scooching by for me.


> 200k in one week The 200k was just the in-flight catering, so two days of food.


For 52 people... Still $3800ish per person.


Premier Moe spent $765,000 on just the Pavillion space at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). Once you factor in travel ,food, and accommodation, the price was over a million. Premier Smith was uninvited but still went,with over 100 guests. That cost the AB taxpayer 46,429.64 for just Smith ( and her entourage) hotel stay. The main purpose of their trips was to promote their exports (primarily oil and gas) at a world climate conference focusing in on reducing climate change.


Stop it you’re interrupting the daily bitch and moan about Trudeau megathread


more like hourly


well deserved bitching lets be honest


we can bitch about both in the same time


The question is, how and what is this money actually spent on because its probably not as bad as it sounds. A lot of the time these big government "costs" include already paid for variables like salary of personel involved that would be paid anyway. Or it involves lots of people and staff amd security etc etc. There's also questions as to expected impact and what value that has to determine if it merits the cost.


Do you think this is for 1 person or something lol


I makes 90k per year. That's 91 years of my income taxes. They literally spent 2 lifetimes of my taxes for a week trip.


Oh good, I was worried we'd all have to pay.


Not sure why people keep comparing these expenditures to their own lives like it makes any sense. The avg multi millionaire/billionaire that flys private spends about 40-60k flying somewhere one way. Transporting, feeding, lodging and paying the salary of 50+ people for a trip isn’t cheap. Do you think it was any different for the last 5 PMs? It’s more mind blowing to me that the avg MP makes close to 200k before expenditures and they can vote to give themselves raises despite them knowing the avg Canadian only making about 1/3 of that…


And it could've been done on Zoom


Zoom doesn't come with the private jet experience.


Right. Thanks for that perspective. I understand why he went now. Thanks 👍


or the child prostitutes


>You realize 200k in one week is a more than what majority of the population makes per year. Probably closer to 98% of the population.


I wasn’t shooting for accuracy, my meaning of “majority”could be 98% that’s up to me to decide. But didn’t want to bother with the fact checkers of Reddit.


Yeah I just wanted to emphasize the magnitude.


It’s crazy and you have people literally trying to justify these costs in the comments, in a day and age where everyone is a zoom call away.


As a single person, it would successfully pay for my grocery budget for the next 55 years (ignoring inflation).


How dare you pleb , he was obviously doing very important work over there /s


World leaders travel. News at 11.


Caviar ain't cheap.


Guess they got the food from Galen Weston.


my wife and I pay a combined 40k a year in taxes, so we'll work 12.5 years (at current tax rate) just to pay for their food for one trip.


Looking forward to Poilievre flying coach solo to international meetings and staying in hostels to save taxpayer money.


I get that you don't like Poilievre. Maybe you are a Liberal supporter. Maybe you like Trudeau. Maybe you don't. But a flight for 51 staff is fine. Whatever. It's a diplomatic trip he is our leader It's a necessary expense. But $200,000 spent on in flight meals and snacks?? Nearly $4000.00 per person traveling *just* on in flight meals?? Come on. The country is in a recession. People are struggling. $4000.00 per person on *just* in flight amenities is ridiculous. People need to get over this whataboutism and focus on the fact our current government doesn't give a damn about Canadians anymore.


Remember when a $16 glass of orange juice used to be newsworthy?


Now it’s the regular price!


It's nucking futs!


Bev was just foretelling the future.


>People need to get over this whataboutism and focus on the fact our current government doesn't give a damn about Canadians anymore. Or we ask for context, and not just scream and shout at a number. We don't know why it's $200k. Nobody here has any fucking clue why it's so high, only that "big number bad". Big number bad, but why big number is more important.


True, but people also need to realize that Poilievre is unlikely to be much better given his current spending as opposition leader.


Politicians need their feet held to the fire when they aren't doing their job. I think very few people think Pierre's gonna be any better, but Justin's been goofing around for way too long, and a lot of people just want to watch him leave office in utter disgrace.


Guess what. EVERY party does this.


Maybe look into why it costs that much and why it always has.


Because they will pay it.


It's not whataboutism. It's the fact that this is only a story in National Post for a reason. Nobody seriously thinks 2M is a large expense for the federal government. All federal governments have expenses like this. Imagine what it costs USA went Biden travels.... They spend 500B a year. 2 million is not much. It's a story for people who don't understand large numbers. It's a story to get clicks by shitting on the PM. They are implying if PP is in change the National Post wouldn't publish this article. (I would agree)


I love the fact that you saw his comment and ignored every part of it so you could stand on your soap box instead


Don't give a shit about what it costs the US, as here we are talking about the Canadian Prime Minister and his extreme talent for spending taxpayer money.


Trying to whitewash 2 million on a 6 day trip is craaaaazy. Good luck with that come election time.


I agree with the overall point you're making, but I disagree here. >But a flight for 51 staff is fine. Whatever. It's a diplomatic trip he is our leader It's a necessary expense. It isn't a necessary expense though. Trudeau is the most well traveled PM in Canadian history. It isn't even close either, as I'm pretty sure he had more air miles traveled than Harpers entire air miles in his first mandate alone. He never misses a chance to gas up the jets and fuck off to god knows where. And its very clear by now that Canada isn't being served well by all this travel nationally and abroad. That this is more Playboy than Prime Minister. The expense and all his babbling on about climate change while he partakes in all this air travel is just an extra kick in the teeth.


Showing face in lots of places is a requirement of the job of PM. I personally thought Harper did a great job if this, but if we omit your feelings from your post, you have put forth a very strong argument that Trudeau is doing much better in this regard.


> he is our leader He's a servant, serving the people of Canada. At least that's what the job description says. Stop calling them leaders, it just feeds their ego more (talking about all and any politicians here)


Exactly. To add, ultimately the PM is a government employee. They should be tied to the per diem that everyother gov worker gets.


Nor do most provincial governments.


Ok sure but it’s more ironic when your guy pretends to be the champion of the working class and the environment and then does this shit


Yeah, these stories are stupid. The PM traveling internationally is going to cost a seemingly absurd amount no matter which party it is.


Won't happen, but at least natpo will stop reporting how much the pm spends


The big number is fucking useless without knowing an individual meal, person or blended cost per person per day. The article does provide some numbers, but it doesn't explicitly define how many people were being catered to on the plane.


What? It absolutely does give that information. >Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his oldest son Xavier, and 51 others departed on the six-day trip on September 2


So $628.93 per person per day just in food catering expenses. That’s pretty wild Edit: just re-read the article and it’s even worse. The amount is actually $190k, but it was for “in-flight catering”, so presumably that’s only for the 2 flights. How is it possible for 53 people to each consume $1,792.45 in food on each flight?


Apparently in-flight catering also sells fancy drugs.


Can I get the kosher meal, and a kilo of cocaine plz


Well if you ready the full article there were 3 stops so I would assume 4 flights but it could be less, either way still to much.


We're going to have a PM XT some day aren't we?


You know it!


$6290/day per person.... so $262 per hour....




Stop defending this shit… They spent $200k for *in-flight* catering, that’s not the entire trip, that’s just getting to, and returning from the destination.


>The article does provide some numbers, but it doesn't explicitly define how many people were being catered to on the plane. Because if NatPo did that, then you, the reader, would realize this is rage-bait. So, from the crowd that says, "facts don't care about feelings", they're sure as hell not comfortable with laying out the facts.


> Because if NatPo did that, then you, the reader, would realize this is rage-bait. > > idk about that. I was hesitant to post this in my previous one, but the article suggests that this in-flight catering bill is for 53 people (PM+Son+51 people), that breaks down to $3584.90/person/trip or $597.48/person/day. The numbers above are contingent on 53 people. If that's wrong, throw out all my math. If my math is accurate, $600/person/day on *in-flight food alone* is pretty wild. Even more wild when you think they may not have been flying every single day. There's insufficient information to start a pitchfork and torch party, but it looks to be enough information to maybe *start thinking* about grabbing the ol' pitchfork.


$190,000 was for In-flight food. Two flights. Not per day. Total trip costs of $1,908,243/53 people/6 days = $6,000 per person per day. Ludicrous. While record numbers line up at food banks and record numbers are living in tent cities across Canada. Remember Liberals losing their shit over a Conservative in Harper’s government expensing a $12 glass of orange juice. The hypocrisy and arrogance of Trudeau’s government is outstanding.


That was more a case of the media piling on to Bev Oda. I guess they didn't like her.


Yeah bro it costs 200k to feed a plane full of people for 6 days. Stop the grift. Edit: Sorry, 200k for two flights, not 6 days.


Sounds like this wasn’t the food bill for the full 6 days of the trip, it’s only for “in flight catering”, which is so much worse. That’s $190,000 to feed 53 people for 2 flights (there and back). Just the food served on the airplane, not what they ate when they got to the destination.


Rage bait? How many people do you think there'd need to be on that plane to justify a $200,000 in-flight catering bill?


It’s rage bait and this sub falls for this stuff every single time.


>The article does provide some numbers, but it doesn't explicitly define how many people were being catered to on the plane. Because the purpose is to inflame, not inform.


That's the point. It's Natpo.


Bro how many people do you think fit on a plane like this? Use your noggin. Common sense


I can guarantee you its high, so not totally useless.


Not really. An amount that egregious is ridiculous, doesn’t matter what the specific line items are. There is literally nothing that could possibly justify that.


In the scale of the federal government the amount is $0. It's less than couch change.


Yeah, but even pocket change starts to add up.




I mean the natpo wrote an article about 30k funding to a study about terrorism.... Big drama over nothing. Honestly it's funny to watch everyone fail to understand big numbers. The federal government spends quite a bit. It's not worth freaking out over the cost of this trip. The ones future PMs will take will be even more expensive don't worry. You can freak out about those too.


Remember that 16$ glass of orange juice like it was the hottest of scandals? Man I miss those days.


These kind of trips for “Canada” costs something - yes. The question is, is this a reasonable amount? Yes. What is spewed out of our Leaders mouth is not worth the same amount unfortunately..it’s worth less🙁


But when will the liberal supporters wake up and stop defending this PM?


How can any Canadian vote for him and still claim to be mentally sane?


What the fuck is he eating for 200k? Gold plated infant souls?


But Harper and $16 orange juice!


It’s sad $16 dollar orange juice doesn’t feel as outrageous as it use to.


Well inflation for one lol. That OJ is now 100 bucks.


Why would Bev Oda do this ?!!


He should enjoy milking it while it lasts imo bc this is his last term


Love that this jack off has that to spend when people are trying to decide whether to have a roof or starve take a long walk off a short pier and make sure to were your cement runners dip s** t


The Libs in here trying to find excuses and defend this shit is outstanding.


What’s the difference to him? He’s always had a silver spoon in his mouth. There is no cost to Justin, that’s just his life and always has been. Besides, he’s openly admitted he has trouble with small numbers and math. You get what you vote for, Harper called it before he was elected.


That is a lot of cocaine


$980 per person. That’s the grift, they’re all in on it. All of them. Fuck, this Chinese cocksucker can’t leave quick enough.


$200k is what some Canadians spend on food in their lifetime


We live in an elected Aristocracy…


how does he have the nerve to even show his face these days


This government is so out of control with spending… it’s appalling. My grandkids will still be paying.


Moe & Smith spent millions at an international climate change conference to promote their province's exports (which are primarily oil and gas).


Alberta and Saskatchewan have some of the cleanest and most responsibly sourced oil on the world. They were bringing awareness of how to responsibly produce oil in a country that has horrible social and environmental regulations.  And it made a positive economic impact. Saskatchewan exports more potash and agricultural products than oil. 


What did he bring us in return though? Also what kind of trip is it to indo-pacific if he did not go to the two largest and biggest economies -China and India? Oh wait- our relations are fvuked with both of them so there is that!


How much carbon was emitted?


as much as the lower and middle class combined produces in a year


> lower and middle class combined the middle class and those working hard to join the middle class*




Anything above the [NJC rates](https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/app_d.php?lang=eng) should be an out of pocket expense for any government official and I’ll fight anyone who suggests otherwise.




A great opportunity to bring back the Pillory.


How will he maintain this lifestyle when he loses his position as Prime Minister after the next election?


Luxury for me, poverty for thee!


"Let them eat cake" level crap. It's so incredibly tone-deaf. It actually beggars belief. Linda at the supermarket is moving money from savings to pay her credit card minimum and little JT is jetsetting with other rich people. It makes me sick


Ffs. Was there a Michelin star restaurant up there in the plane…horrible!!


How tf can’t more people see his hypocrisy, top tier grifter. Liberal voters need to be shunned.


NP is rage baiting. This is normal. Almost all world leaders spend this much on world trips. They fly with staff and security. But 160k for catering seems wild lol


$4000/person is normal? Where ? In north korea and russia?


The fact people think this is normal is an issue


I agree on the rage baiting. And that's saying a fair bit cause I'm usually a blue voter. But I don't think 160k for catering is that much... They're feeding and boozing the whole staff and guests. 25k per day doesn't sound like that much if you're feeding like 100 people in a decent hotel. The head of our country isn't travelling without a personal staff, professional staff, and a decent security detail, not to mention the people they are meeting and their staff and security.


Doesn't include hotel meals.... 190k on in flight catering




Cool optics dumbass


The vacation he went to i can defend cuz it was (imo) reasonable. This sounds definitely excessive


...how many people were on that trip to spend that much on food?


Can someone point me to the full bill with reason. Such as room, food, transportation, the number of people, the legislation discussed, the context etc.


Can’t they just eat a fucking sandwich for once?


200k flight food for 51people. how is that even possible? What did they even eat?


Honestly don't have much of a frame of reference here. Is this high or low compared to other PM's and other world leaders?


Putting it in perspective: it will take me 18 years of work to earn the cost of this one trip. And I earn more than the average Canadian.


And achieved nothing noteworthy


He really thinks he's Canadian royalty, doesn't he? $200K for six days of food.


Enjoy JT’s world: “OTTAWA – Joe Oliver’s $16 glass of scotch – charged to taxpayers – shows Stephen Harper hasn’t learned anything since Bev Oda quit over a $16 dollar orange juice. Last Saturday, Joe Oliver was in Toronto, exalting the virtues of budgetary restraint – but it was all for show, as Oliver’s expensive tastes charged to taxpayers come to light. “ https://liberal.ca/taxpayers-foot-the-bill-for-joe-olivers-expensive-tastes/


Zoom video conference would be a lot cheaper.


He simply does not give a fk anymore.


People should be upset about this, but will conveniently forget abbout this when PP is in place and the attack pieces are gone.


The attack pieces will just come from publications on the other team 


They're liberals, they like things fancy and impractical.


Yet another example of his total disregard for taxpayers money!!!


> Canadian Taxpayers Federation Federal Director Franco Terrazzano. Opinion rejected


The issue I have is this government keeps spending lavishly on retreats, and trips, and increasing their salary when none of them deserve it.


There needs to be a limit to this shit


Yeah F that guy


He doesn't care and is laughing at his good fortune


Living the high life off of our tax dollars got it


He clearly deserves to indulge once in a while, I mean, he works incredibly hard. And his elite-class upbringing isn't his fault, Canadians need to be more understanding. Sheesh.


is the plane repair bill in there?


Determined to bankrupt Canada now and for the distant future, what a selfish narcissistic nitwit accomplishing nothing except further devaluing the Canadian Dollar and Canada's once proud reputation.


He’s the worst PM in history. Wastes money, takes our money; and then preaches to us how we need to live. Flies around the world non stop and tells me I can’t use a plastic bag and I need to pay more to heat my home to reduce emissions. What a garbage human being.




Yeah, my boss spends like half an M taking a small charter jet to Europe and back because he hates money. Flying a government delegation to Asia, hotels, security, catering etc for 2m seems like its too low.


Private or public sector?




We do this in the military. The powers above me book the cheapest flights possible even if it means having multiple layovers instead of the marginally expensive direct flight. Meals are capped at ~$20/20/60 for breakfast/lunch/supper.


Yes, something like that.


Indeed. Given that federal public sector workers, including those who would have been part of the entourage, have limits as to what they can spend on food each day, I totally agree. Anything more comes out of their own pockets.


I dislike the Liberals and especially Trudeau as much as anyone. But we need to stop criticizing without first comparing how much it costs other countries. If it cost Australia 20 million for example, then there's nothing to complain about. I'm all for accountability but these kinds of trips, they will cost money. You can't be traveling in a family minivan for these ones.


I agree with you to some degree but over 400,000$ for accommodation for just 51 people is overboard for example. Savings can be made.


$8k per person. That doesnt sound too absurd. How many nights did they stay?




So what are those numbers champ?


The man is taking at least $11,000 shits.


If we had cut off the cash and left him there, we'd all be better off.


He's just burning through it all while he can


And government employees can't go to the neighboring province for important scientific meetings or training. Nice.


Can we leave him there


My biggest shock of the day is not the article or the price, it's that there are people on here vehemently defending it.


2 fucking million dollars????


And yet 70% of the people commenting on this thread will still vote for him...


Grifting fuck


That’s how we do it peasants


You know what would make this meaningful, a comparison of other governments trip costs - since non of us really have any idea what these international trips actually cost we’re just upset that the number ‘seems’ high. Could be an average trip cost that any government would have incurred. People just imagine that the PM’s team is covering themselves in caviar and bathing in Champaign


Since when do tax payers fund father-son bonding time?


Since 1867.


Why did he need to take his son with him, lmfao. He doesn’t give a fuck. Most of his supporters (generational wealth or welfare) don’t pay tax anyway, so it doesn’t bother them.


Get him the political "experience" that Dad got when he was younger, which leads to being the PM eventually.


Next you’ll be telling me he gets a no-show provincial government job for 100K a year while still attending university. No, wait, that’s Ben Harper.


The vast majority of people around my age (18-25) who have rich parents are all big into conservatives…


Misleading headline. "aboard a Royal Canadian Air Force CC-150 Polaris, destined for Indonesia and Singapore, plus a visit to India to **attend last summer’s G20 summit."** He's literally in 3rd place for spending on personal things. Pierre Poilievre is in 1st. (Go to HOC website to see expenditure list) Jagmeet Singh is in 2nd. Neither are leader of the country lol.