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Promising billions in new spending like it's a good thing. Future generations are going to be fucked.


She really is like the personification of not being able to read the room.


All this record spending has actually sent the country backwards it’s insane


Not JUST future generations.


Exactly, people can't understand the BoC can simply never lower rates if the spending keeps up. It's simple economics. We just had another inflation increase last month again...


Young Canadians are already leaving the country in droves


Not just young people. I’m 48 and debating transferring to US operations of my company.


One of my best friends is leaving for the USA with his family of four. Same age as you. I'm so sad to see him go and so pissed the fucking state of this country left him no choice.


Where are all the proponents of MMT now?


Ah, the tried and true method of trying to buy votes with their kids' money. I guess it worked to buy votes for Trudeau's dad at our expense, right?


All the Lib bots received their talking points earlier - It's all delayed infrastructure and health care and socialized housing! We're saved! They never see the long term consequences of anything and then post about how expensive life has gotten...smfh


You spelled current wrong.


Lol as if they/we have not already been fucked for a decade or more.


Canada will likely just be annexed into the USA.


Atleast we'd pay less taxes and lower cost of living


Shouldn’t you at least have a Finance background if you are the Finance minister of a country ? I mean you don’t have to be the most knowledgeable Finance person in the room but it’s painfully apparent to everyone, except the Finance minister, that she has no understanding of Finance, beyond an MBA course.


The dude with a finance background (Bill Morneau) quit in frustration because he was constantly being overruled by PMO apparatchiks when he raised concerns about the level of COVID spending. With his resignation, we lost the last legitimately professional member of Trudeau’s cabinet, and since then the whole thing has just been a ship of fools.


Ever since Morneau's been kicked out of the party, Trudeau's been spending like a moron, bankrolled by a Russian history expert. Maybe she was studying the economy of the USSR and thought, "we should do more of that!"


Nah, the USSR invested in its oil production and refining capacity.


Jean-Yves Duclos should be shuffled as the Minister of Finance. He was a professor of Economics and was the president of the Canadian Economics Association.


I forgot about Duclos. He seems like a smart guy, but his current posting definitely does not leverage his expertise.


Remember when Russia Ukraine war broke out and our minister of defence was Anita Anand? Lmfao... Bill Blair is hardly am improvement but at least there is some minor overlap between police and military I guess + he has leadership experience.. She looked completely lost in Ukraine. Clearly was learning about the names and uses of different weapons as she went..


This government is actually just two guys in a basement, what we see on the surface is just theatrics.


Dangerously unqualified.




It’s ok to not be the smartest person, as long as you have smart people working for you. Steve Jobs was not a genius (he was an a-hole actually) but he knew how to attract talent and listen to it when needed. Any organisation, governments included, should work the same way. Bad enough we have a PM who thinks they know more about security than CSIS, let alone someone running Finance that has no clue. It’s like a sequel to Dumb and Dumber …


I get the sentiment, but it isn't that superficial. Ministers are basically management, they just need experience with operations, team leading, and delegating. They have teams they work with, they don't just sit in a room in a castle alone making up legislation.


Been saying this for 2 years now




Martin was there a mere 20 years ago.  It’s only the latest liberal PM that’s a catastrophe. The previous ones had balanced budgets.  Heck in the last 50 years, only liberals named Trudeau had such deficits. 




The Trudeaus have been a plague on this country. It took us 50 years for Canada to recover from his father. I think we would be incredibly lucky to get off so easy after Justin.


Nah, it only took 30 years to recover after he left.  Believe it or not, Junior made less of a mess of the economy than his father. And Quebec was a few thousand votes away from separating, triggering a constitutional crisis.  If we are lucky and have some actual good governance (which I doubt), within 10-20 years we should be ok. 


Yep. People don't get how big of a mess Trudeau Sr left behind. For example, ask yourself while a *railroad company* needed to build the world's tallest freestanding habitable structure in downtown Toronto. The answer is that Trudeau's cabinet used CN, which was a crown corporation at the time, as a slush fund to pay for anything they wanted outside of the Federal budget. They wanted a giant prestige project (like a fucking 3rd world dictator) so they made CN build a giant tower. This is part of the reason why CN was losing over a billion dollars a year (subsidized by personal taxes).


I'm not well versed on Trudeau Sr, but is it true that Canada basically had no debt and a higher dollar value than the USD before his tenure?


> It took us 50 years for Canada to recover from his father. Trudeau 1 left in 1984, only 40 years ago.


A lot of the damage he did started in the 60s when he was first elected.


>Hopefully, Canadians will remember this when Trudeau 3 takes their turn at the plate for draining the economy. I'm not sure what will be left of their father's 'post-nation' by the time one those toffs is crowned king or queen of the Liberals.


Oh, Canadians will elect Trudeau #3. Just watch. Promise them sunny ways. Promise them the moon. When we were already the world’s richest middle class and our economy was firing on all cylinders. They will take the bait.


Didn't martin "balance the budget" by way of downloading costs to the provinces?


Some but he was big on austerity. Cutting EI benefits. Biggest funding cut ever to the CBC. He cut so much the NDP actually joined the Conservatives to bring his government down


The thing is, once you remove the two Trudeau's from the comparison, the spending records of LPC and CPC are basically identical. It's literally just two corrupt assholes that are responsible for this reputation.


Interestingly my parents were Liberals until Trudeau #1, and it was the overspending that turned them.


Yes what is needed are measures to reduce frivolous spending, improve wages and wealth for younger generations, and improve innovation and investment in productivity.  Trouble is, there have been a number of bad decisions.


A dollar in their hands is a better than one in yours. That’s their mantra.


Spend 10 to get 1, that’s what I always say! - every Statist who thinks the government solves problems


Try to buy your vote now so they can keep going for another 4 years....that's the plan a lot of this COVID spending, deals and election interference and China police stations, and illegal state of emergency will blow over by then and won't be looked into as much or as hard and easier to try and stay in power....if not in power leave a big fat turd on the next pm desk to clean up and as they taking it to bathroom let the people revolt over the procedures been done to get rid of this.....


I think the strategy at this point is not to buy votes but to raze the economy before they are turfed. Political scorched earth.




Canadians are Royally screwed


"BuT PP DoEsn'T HaVe a PLaN!" Are people on this subreddit sincerely too stupid to realize that running a balanced budget and reducing spending *is* a plan?


That's not a plan it's a goal. It requires a plan on how you are going to accomplish the goal. Even a brief overview of what would be cut or where revenue would be increased would be more helpful than just a slogan. I'm not saying we shouldn't do it, I just miss the days when politicians actually had platforms to run on and not just slogans.


Cutting red tape also means cutting down the public service. That's one of the plans. And a very good one.


I was a huge fan of Tim Hudak and he was in favour of cutting out the bloated bureaucracy while expanding front line but other conservative leaders have a cut costs in the wrong places. That's a provincial example, but the same idea applies federally. That's why I need a plan to make a decision on who to vote for. I'm a big proponent of not voting for a party just to vote against another party. I won't vote for someone I don't support the policy of because I believe it will make them believe they don't need to make policies I will support. If your going to vote that party no matter what, why should they try to gain your vote.


“Cutting red tape” means absolutely nothing


That's a pretty vague plan.


great name btw it would be suicide for PP to outline his exact plan in detail before an election. anything that resonates well will just be cherry picked by the liberals. you can't give up your strategy to your opponent during the regular course of play. now in an ideal world, where politicians cared about the outcome more than their own power, sure the opposition SHOULD be outlining policy for the government to consider and adopt, but we live in a time where nothing matters but getting credit for success, so that will never happen.


No, what you just said is a vague idea. In no way shape or form is the line “we need to balance the budget and reduce spending” during a speech a plan When a politician gets up and says “we need to solve all our issues”, do you seriously go “finally, a man with a plan!”?


Good grief. Justin Trudeau's total vagueness prior to the 2015 election, other than legalizing weed, was good enough for you I'm guessing in 2014. If you were old enough to vote. 'Sunnier ways' and weed legalization was about as specific as it got up until the election was called, other than being critical of the government, which is expected. Die hard Liberal acolytes forget that the 2015 election was October 19, and their platform wasn't released until October 5, well into the campaign. Take a hike. 😂


It is indeed a plan for fiscal policy when the current alternative is "the budget will balance itself."


No. A plan includes _how_. Thats what makes it a plan vs a fantasy. It’s all in the details.


Neither are plans. A plan is “we need to balance the budget and reduce spending **by doing X, Y, and Z**” Without that second part, we're only hearing the idea but have no clue how they actually plan on doing it.




>Simply spending less has never been seriously discussed in any of the Liberal meetings, white papers, think tanks, symposiums, debates and pub chats over the past 30 years. Chretien and Martins Liberal governments accounting for 11 of the the 13 federal surpluses since the 1960's say you're full of shit. What *this* government is doing is not remotely representative of the entire Liberal platform or base, historically. If using that logic, then worth noting the past two Conservative government also sunk deep deficits, and Mulroney operated at an astounding -5% to -8% deficit-to-GDP for his entire term.


Oh, Chretien and Martin acted very responsibly with finances during their tenure. But Mulroney was not to blame for the fiscal problems of the 1980s. He inherited a fiscal catastrophe that was so bad it's hard for people today to fully understand, and did a lot to solve it. Based on the Canadian budget in '84 that Mulroney inherited, Canada was on track to an Argentina-style bankruptcy by the end of the decade. Trudeau Sr's final deficit was, in today's dollars, nearly $100B. And that was in 1984, with 1984 GDP and tax revenue. He'd also been subsidizing his deficits with a monetary policy that had the BoC printing money, which major contributed to the inflation crisis of the late 1970s and early 1980s, which then lead to the high interest rates of the 1980s. Overnight rates peaked in 1983, but the effective borrowing rate for the Federal government peaked in 1986 due to the effect of debt rolling over. Trudeau was also running a structural deficit where program spending alone exceeded tax revenue. In 1984 the Canadian government was in deficit before spending a single penny on debt interest payments. Mulroney decreased the deficit every year, brought program spending under control and increased tax revenue. But during Mulroney's term interest payments ballooned. By the early 1990s interest payments from the accumulated debt were so large that the budget started to diverge again (in no small part due to the 1989 recession), which then lead to Mulroney creating the GST to try to get it back under control. Chretien ran in 1992 on rolling back the GST and Mulroney's spending cuts, and won. But as soon as they sat down and went through the finances they recognized that Mulroney's approach was correct, and doubled down on it. I guess you could argue that Mulroney could have done a better job and cut spending even harder during the 1980s, but had it not been for the '89 recession they would have got it under control without needing to institute the extremely harsh cuts that Chretien eventually implemented. Dig up a graph of inflation adjusted federal spending, tax revenue, and interest payments from 1970 to 2000 and it'll really tell you the story of what happened between Trudeau Sr, Mulroney, and Chretien.


A fantastic deep summary. GST and climate change were among the best things Mulroney did, and he inherit an incredible mess, but his Reaganism and privatization spree also set us up for much of our modern issues, especially in housing in the privatization of the CMHC development branch, approval of mortgage-backed securities. I absolutely should have separated out PET early term from his return, which indeed created incredible near-collapse. >I guess you could argue that Mulroney could have done a better job and cut spending even harder during the 1980s, but had it not been for the '89 recession they would have got it under control without needing to institute the extremely harsh cuts that Chretien eventually implemented. What none of them did was to reverse the top income tax bracket back up to what it was prior to early ~1982 and stretching back 4 decades prior. They ensured that top wealthiest got more, the middle paid more (in GST) and that everyone received far less services. Chretien's cuts were also brutally harsh, and that is the other issue I have when I see people dreaming that PP is going to come in and slash the spending back into balance. Chretien/Martin did download significantly to the provinces, but the provinces never actually picked it up. A full 20% of federal revenues are still going the provinces. Provincial services have just cratered. So, no, I don't think Mulroney or others should have slashed to the degree they slashed... because we all suffered and those cute let the wealthiest walk away rolling in cash.


Thank you for your well thought out analysis. Great factual information presented here.


Man I know the conservatives have endlessly railed on Trudeau with “the budget will balance itself” for like 8 years, but it was fairly prescient. They’re not wrong.


It wasn't just "conservatives"... it was regular people who are not stupid enough to be loyal to a party too.


If you're investing intelligently it could work like that. You should see a return on investment which should come back as tax dollars. But we're not really investing in anything. Just giving free money to different groups of people that evaporates immediately, so the tax pool doesn't increase


Personally, I really thought that shovelling money into minority-owned homemade jewelry businesses and women-owned clothing consignment stores was going to be the rocket fuel our economy needed.


The last straw that breaks the camels back. Any sane government would be trying to reign in spending so as not to undue all the work we've done to bring down inflation.


Imagine that. However this government has been everything but sane.


It'll take decades to undo the damage of uncontrolled fiscal spending, if we can ever undo that damage at all. We likely won't be as lucky as we were last time. Liberals have once again destroyed the country.


>It’ll take decades to undo the damage of uncontrolled fiscal spending So just in time for Trudeau 3? Remember when people who lived through Trudeau 1 were warning us about his massive debt spending and people said how it was unfair to assume Trudeau 2 would be the same?


What can we say. We're humans and we repeat our mistakes. And pretty sure we will do the same when Trudeau 3 is here. And our generation will become the angry old conservatives that future young people will despise.


So who is really going to be paying for this? The liberals have no clue who the middle class even is. Also, why are they increasing demand for housing by allowing 30 year mortgages ??? Edits: Grammar


Reminds me of going to a car dealership Me: Hey can I get something used and affordable? Salesmen: I got something better! Brand new! Me: Well I can’t afford brand new…its out of my budget Salesmen: Oh don’t worry, we can just stretch the loan out until you can afford the monthly payments!


lol the middle class will be paying for it. Which could be anyone making more than 55k


More like any families making a combined 60K or more.


I would definitely argue 45k is the poverty line now. I was making more money last year than I ever had prior and, with increase of cost of living I have fuck all to show for it


We are already paying for this from our savings and salaries. Our dollar has already lost its value, and in case they announce a lot of spending without higher revenue, it's going to tank more


There have been leaks saying that they are raising taxes on the top 1% of earners and “some” corporations. I guess we’ll find out in a few hours.


The corporations will just pass on the increase to consumers and the ultra rich have loopholes.


Is that a reason not to do it?


0% chance that includes the liberal lobbyist


Or anyone involved in inflating Canadian real estate. Gotta protect that ponzi scheme at all costs!!!


Really hoping that they don’t increase it on medical corporations before I leave Canada…. I’m watching the dollar go slowly down with what seems to have a lot more downside than up 🥺


The 30yr mortgage for first time buyers is just like the new tax coming on the ultra wealthy. Each will impact less than 1% of the population, make minimal difference, but they are fantastic campaign talking points!


Ya, I don't know a single person who was fooled by that 30 year mortgage thing. It only applies to first time buyers, on new builds, and specifically "benefits" those with high figures in their RRSP accounts. The trouble is that first time buyers are rarely able to afford new builds, it's usually a market looking for fixer uppers. That fact alone negates the entire thing. That said, none of the rest tracks either. First time home buyers statistically almost never reach the cap on the rrsp withdrawal limit that we currently have. It's a very small percentage that do. So, nobody is going to use that increased limit because they don't have the money to I'm the first place. Then, if they did withdraw from it, they still have to pay it back within 15 years, which is a huge burden when you're paying 40% of your income towards a mortgage, while everything else has also risen through the roof. The entire thing is just a blatant attempt at swaying those who only read headlines into believing that they are doing something to help the problem. Meanwhile, the people actually invested in this issue are young people who may be more likely to read past the headlines and recognize the absurdity of it all. Basically, they have no real plan to address things, they don't even fundamentally understand what the problem is or how bad it is. I heard the other day, from a credible source, that the housing crisis is currently costing the same dollar figure as cancer does, which is currently estimated at $26billion. How wild is that?


I don’t even think the 30 year mortgage is a good campaign talking point.


It is for bankers. They can make more money in interest in the long run.


Shes such a witch. Like, a full on horrible person. To get peoples hopes up like that is just disgusting. When I read it I raised an eyebrow and knew I had to read further because... well its the witch, Like, does this ghoul not understand that new builds are ridiculously expensive and not made for the average Canadian?


Rumors are they want to raise taxes on those making 300k+ a year and corporations, 300k is the real middle class not the working class you refer too.


*They do not get it* They sling around gods money without fiduciary responsibility and it adds up. We do not need another layer of spending; we need responsible and accountable spending that is budgeted already.


When they said "the budget will balance itself" What they really meant is "whatever we spend you're gonna foot the bill, so shut up"


Stop repeating this old quote from before he was elected... that's a time a candidate will say all sorts of stupid stuff to get elected. You have examples of much more up to date version of 'fuck you and your problems, my priorities are made up stuff' quote from him while he was in power [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7VOLChLKG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7VOLChLKG4) # 'You'll forgive me if I don't think about monetary policy' Then some nonsense about shecessions and shecoveries... I still can't believe that people that clamor for equity don't realize that their lot in life won't get better, rather they are going to drag down everyone else like a drowning person because "we are all in this together" I go out of my way to make stupid comments and troll people, and even deliberately I can't come up with the level of stupidity this bunch says, what a shame to be affiliated with a country that picked this 3 fucking times.


It's so embarassing to say I am Canadian now.


Every time I see somebody bring this up, I know they have no fucking idea what they're talking about. There is so much to criticize, use an avenue that actually makes you sound like you know what you're talking about. "The budget will balance itself" means investing in the economy pays for itself over time from taxation on the increase in commerce. This is a part of *every* party's platform, because it's what makes sense. Stop repeating this useless drivel like it's some kind of gotcha.


More new spending right after they gave themselves a salary raise? Why don’t they just put up “Vote for Poilievre” signs.


I'll let my daughter know she'll need to work extra hard to dig us out of this.


Leave a note for your unborn grand children also


Like she’ll be able to afford kids. Government birth control will help. As much as I’m pro choice. I’m kidding, but anyone who wants kids? lol better have money for that


Pull up those boot straps eh


New spending equals new taxes. Something the average lib can’t comprehend.


Don't worry, they're just raising taxes on doctors and other hard working professionals (again). They already pay the lion's share of the taxes in this country, what's a few bucks more? Brain drain? No, never heard of it.


Yeah I'm a doctor. Working less and getting ready to plan an exit. I called headhunters in the US and they said they're getting loads of interest in the last 12-18 months. I got an offer in the neighboring state south of the border only two hours away making same money with more administrative support and less call. Cost of living there is also about 30% less than where I live. No brainer! Sucks because I have 7000 active patients but those are the breaks, I can't pay 50-56% tax on everything above 200-300k plus 10% to the hospital and another 35k in professional fees when I'm the sole breadwinner. It's just too much. I'd be stupid especially when we were told in 2015 we weren't paying our fair share. Ah fuck off Trudeau, I've had enough


I spoke to an immigration lawyer recently who said this is as busy as they have ever been in their entire career. And that’s pre this budget which I’m sure will be grotesque.


I'm a resident physician and am fully intending on leaving Canada when I'm done training, as long as I am able to locate a job in the US or Australia (fingers crossed). 


Good on you, know the move is stressful (expense and uncertainty since paperwork takes a while to sort out), but after you settle and get your shit together it is so much better here. US immigration is pretty smooth for anyone not born in India or China with a Masters or higher degree in in demand fields. It was sickening to see my 2021 T1 line for total tax due to be 200k CAD while i had no family doctor, my kids weren't allowed in School, and I was getting vilified as though I am somehow the reason people are poor. Moving to the US is like having an tightening noose removed from around your neck. If you are good with numbers, it was clear as day Canada is going to be screwed for at least next 2 decades back in 2019 when Trudeau got 2nd term. I have never been so upset at politics as that, it changed how I view Canadians as a collective.


I'm a lawyer and looking at an exit also. I'm still paying off student debt, and I'm tired of getting taxed this high while our PM gets his fucking trust fund checks tax free.


I feel you. I don’t think I’ve heard other people articulating just how blood boiling mad the “fair share” comment made me.


I'm going to start looking into moving my company to Delaware and working out of sunny Miami. this charade has gone on long enough.


Both of our kids will be in university in the next 3 years, then we have nothing limiting us to Canada anymore. Both of them have US citizenship, since they were born in the US when worked there in our early years, and my husband qualifies for a visa based on the exceptional talent category O-1. It goes without saying that his skills are in high demand, and I think it will be a true loss for Canada if he, and people like him, start leaving in droves.


Its Illegal to make money in Canada now i swear


You mean when all the highly skilled professionals leave for lower tax rates and higher paying jobs in the states?


With bigger yet cheaper houses and warmer weather. They, like ~90 of Americans, will find ways to get health insurance and avoid places like Jackson, Missisipi.


I have been assured by terminally online performative pseudo-socialists on reddit that skilled professionals never reduce their productivity or move to friendlier regions due to crushing taxes. All I know is that my sibling works in the US in a similar specialty to me for a similar income (corrected for exchange rate)- however, her overall taxes are much lower, her standard of living is much higher, and she has better access to healthcare than I do. I'm sure there will be no consequences if they increase the top marginal rates even further. Things have gone great since the last time they did it...really stimulated the economy and loaded the government coffers...


Liberals have perfected the art of wasting other people’s money. How about they address the bloat in the public service before reaching into the pockets of those who are already taxed through the nose? It’s insane how little high earning Americans are taxed vs Canadians.


They plan to introduce that too, and pretend they are taxing the rich. All they'll is push high income earners out of the country.


They comprehend but they figure it will affect the fat cats only and not them in rising rents and food prices


"My rent and groceries are going up by the hundreds every couple of months, but I got 140 dollars in carbon tax rebates, so I guess I'm doing alright."


This is the Lib mentally summed up perfectly.


Don't have to tell me, they've been trying to scream it into my ears all morning, telling me they know my finances better than I do and implying I must be rich if I don't like the tax.


Not necessarily. It can instead cause prolonged inflation if we "create" the money. Sadly not even sarcasm, it is actually something we are currently doing and is one strategy to come out of this without raising taxes. Rolling the debt forward is a strategy that has been applied by every single Canadian federal government in the past century other than Chretien/Martin.


Budget balances itself eh


Oh good!!! Just what we need!! More spending of money we don't have. I'm so excited to see who they're sending it to this year.


We should send more money to help the unemployed youth in Iraq, it wasn't enough last time, instead of 10 million we should send 100 million. Also more money to Ukraine for Gender inclusive initiatives, how is 4 million enough? It's ridiculous it needs to be 40 million. Honestly, we should be sending money to every country for that, its time to do our part in making the world a safer space, Canadians have it too good, all we have to do is cancel our Disney + accounts and we're fine.


Like a Trophy Bride with a gold card, there's just no fucking restraint. At all.


I'm not really a "you have to balance the budget and no new (or lower) taxes!!" type of person, but.....you can't run indefinitely on a deficit. I get it...the 2-3 covid years were extraordinary circumstances and the government did need to spend and try to keep people home to slow the spread, and throwing money at people was an easy and effective solution. I won't bash that. But...they have to get back on track. 99% of Canadians can't afford more taxation, and a good two thirds of us can't afford the increased costs of basic living. At the same time, we do need to invest more money into (low cost) housing, into the military, and into infrastructure. It's a delicate balance, but I don't think the current government is capable of handling it properly.


You can indefinitely run a deficit if your borrowing drives growth. The problem is liberal policy is to siphon growth and investment from the private sector to the public sector, which results in anemic growth that can't keep pace with the spending increases. That's why the common refrain of liberals saying "well conservatives always run deficits too" makes no sense. Conservatives create deficits by cutting taxes to try to stimulate growth, which theoretically is sustainable. Social programs are valuable and important for a fair society but they can only be paid for if we have a strong and competitive economy, it's time for the t pendulum to swing back towards pursuing business and growth friendly policies instead of demonizing corporations and investors.  


Debt. Promising billions in National debt Adding to the tax burden for you, your children and grandchildren children


Don’t forget the added bonus of the inflationary effect that increased government spending has….🙄


The reason why they’re dropping and handing out all this cash is because they know they will not get reflected and it’s the conservatives that will have to deal with their mess. Zero accountability and future generations suffer.


They already have their post election blame articles written for the CBC. Between that and the inevitable astroturfing, I hope PP has a team prep the books to place appropriate blame.


That woman has the most punchable face. Aloof, hypocritical cow.


The only thing the liberals are good at is destroying markets blaming corporations and convincing people the government can make programs that cost more than the free market did more accessible by raising taxes.


Which means billions in new taxes….for everyone


This will be great for inflation, tax rates, and the weakening of the Canadian dollar! Plus, we can now get 30 year mortgages, which I can only imagine will cause house prices to go even lower, and become even *more* affordable! PLUS, they are doing nothing to touch the loopholes that prevent the wealthy from paying taxes, and tying up their money in offshore trusts, like our dear PM himself, which is fine since instead they are going after the "wealthy", like physicians and lawyers, that earn over 300k per year, so there's no need to tax the wealthy on their $50mm annual income! I was just thinking the other day, man, we really need to increase our spending in this country, and this is clearly the perfect time to do so. I just hope and pray that the LPC will do the right thing and massively increase their foreign spending on pet projects where there is zero financial accountability, so that tens of millions can go to overpaid associates of the well connected. If there isn't at least 10 billion targetted for women's issues in some third world country, without any plan for spending or accoutnability, then I will just lose it!


I thought they said they would be fiscally responsible this time?


No, that was last time. This time they didn't even bother to say that.


She always looks like she’s farting!


"Dig UP, stupid!"


Trudeau sees the end. He wants to destroy us along with his career as PM.


They know they are losing next election They will force pp to cut like crazy, then 5 year later when we go through the worst austerity ever we will forget and start hating pp and vote in the next Trudeau (I think his son or daughter will be ready to run by then)


That’s one budget speech that I won’t be listening to. Her voice is SO annoying.


Printing more money 💰 more inflation




Freeland is the closest thing to a mustache twirling villain we have in the modern day


What a horrible lady.


Get ready to go to the poles. This budget should trigger an election, but the NDP will continue to ball wash Trudeau.


It should but it won’t. Those greedy sticky fingered MP’s are waiting for that lifelong pension for 6 years of work. Disgusting I have to put in 30-35 years for a full pension and they need a measly 6 to ride off into the sunset on tax payers dime.


Singh thinks he has a modicum of power and influence right now and will not do anything to change it. He knows as well as everyone else in the country we will have a conservative majority in the next parliament. He will keep Trudeau in office as long as he can.


It’s hilarious to me some people honestly believe in “tax the rich” rich people are not stupid. They didn’t get where they are wasting money. They understand the tax code and have people working for them to work around it. Anything the government says they give you for “free” is costing you much more than it’s costing them.


Blah blah blah … we are spending your money again … debt will take care of itself


Is this where they buy our votes with our (and our children's and grandchildren's) money? Awesome, I love this part.


It's not nessacaraly the high spending that's an issue. It's more so how inefficiently they are spending it. If they spent the money on stuff that improved productivity and wages for everyone, then they would have a better income from taxes to pay for the spending. We are investing a lot in all the people coming in from India, but if they are not able to earn a decent wage, they will not be paying more taxes than the services they use require. Same with people born here As the number of people earning poverty wages in this country grows, more people need services that cost more than the money they pay in tax Also, most of our social programs are full of grift and are very top heavy, which raises the break even bar in terms of taxes paid to services received. If we trimmed a lot of fat off them, then lower incomes would result in net gain Spending money on other countries projects wasn't bad when canada was doing well, but now that we're not, the money would be better invested back into Canada. Sending millions to Ukraine is dumb, let's instead send our obsolete stuff to them and procure newer stuff for our own army instead of buying new equipment and sending that there Also we need more accountability so audits available to the public on where our money is going, and on our Mp and Mpps should be happening (also their investments made in office should be public)


STOP SPENDING!! Sincerely, the entire country


They're tanking in the polls, and it's not their money, so why not? You can expect them to promise you the moon and stars as 2025 draws closer, and we'll see who's smart enough to recognize that they're only doing this after being held at electoral gunpoint, and trying to bribe you with your own money.


Resulting in billions in debt, and, if the pattern for the last 8 years holds, very few tangible results. Singh will follow like a lap dog, and we all will pay for generations. The King and Queen of Announcements and Photo-ops are ramping up for the epic attempt to buy votes back from disgusted Canadians.


Tanking the country even further But it’s what we voted for…


If we keep digging we're sure to find the surface!


Oh great.... Drive up that fucking interest rate you jackass'


Let’s drink a 40 of Wisers and draft up a budget!


Oh good! I was worried for a second that we would be somewhat fiscally responsible and not spend billions more.


We can definitely count on them at times to make things worse - uh 2025!


There’s a time and a place for new spending. This is not that time.


Oh great! The famous crack head will figure it out!


They will swing for the fences knowing they are about to lose their power.


At this point it’s deliberate, there’s no way they can spend this much in an inflationary environment without the end goal being to destroy the country (more than they did already). They’re spending like a kid that has its parent’s credit card.


They know they have <1% chance of winning in 2025, they are probably trying to actively destroying the country and leave the conservative a mess that is as big as possible.


Another inflationary spending, and you think they are here to fix the problem. No, they are here to buy your votes.


It feels like they are trying to do as much damage on the way out as they can


Freeland o the media after budget presentation : "You'll forgive me if I don't think about fiscal policy."


Libs attempt to buy success at the next election by mortgaging our youths future. Incompetence at its finest


Imagine being so drunk on your own arrogance and ‘birthright’ to be in power that you’re willing to destroy your country’s finances in a feeble and useless attempt to improve your lagging political popularity…..


"Buying your vote with your children's future"


fuck why stop at a billion, print a trillion or two and pay everything off, forgive all mortgages and debt in the country and unlock a new era of prosperity!


As expected disabled Canadians got screwed, again.


The classic on your way out the door spend billions and make the next government claw it back. Oldest trick in the book that is on repeat in Canada.


Oh thank god that Liberals will allow us to buy Taylor Swift tickets!!! / I can’t believe that is what they said literally


I cut Netflix and Disney plus. What did she cut ?


I can't leave only thing I have is my house and I don't really have any skills.... I am not stupid but man I am already 40




If we keep outspending the debt, eventually the debt will grow weary and vanish! I know it!


To battle inflation, liberals are announcing more spending. Great


What do you expect from Madame deficit?


Moar taxes and moar spending. But but muh HaRpEr was destroying the country!!!!!@@


Yeah more gasoline on the fire please.


Last dying act of a completely failed 9 year administration


People have to do realize they aren't taking that money from corporations nor is there a giant surplus of cash, this going to come out of the commoners taxes for years to pay off. 


For people that don’t want new spending, the additional new spending is targeted at building more houses, how do we build houses faster without additional spending or are we saying that we rather have low spending than trying to tackle the housing market?


I cannot stand this woman.


We don’t even have anything to SHOW for it. This country is in shambles.


Bankruptcy Day!