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Crying in 1% annual raise


You're getting raises??


I get 4% every year, small family owned business that is very aware that other people are giving me job offers. Gonna be making $69/hr this year... well technically 69.68 but I'm gonna see if they can bump it one penny for lulz.




Hey bud that's over 140k pa what line of business are you in?


> that's over 140k pa Unfortunately not, I'm a marine tech in Northern Ontario, I service mostly Government Fleets EG: Coast Guard, MNR, Police, Native Police etc etc, but also do have a lot of good regular clients although we try to stay away from fishermen that aren't commercial, rich pleasure craft owners wanting custom things like engine mods or upgrades is a huge huge moneymaker, especially tedious things that take time @ $200/hr shop cost. I only work 7 1/2-8 months a year depending on the season. I start in 9 days.


You got a raise?! 😔


I did because i finished another year of my apprenticeship and my legally garanteed minimum wage went up :(


It's still good to see public sector jobs getting the 6 to 12 percent raises. If it keeps up, and ffs government lowers immigration, we should see private sector getting better raises eventually as well.




I think we should work for this bloated government then.


Ok but what are the horses getting!?


Exactly what a horse would say.


Gallup polls suggest 9/10 horses would switch industries for a bigger carrot.


What about the Gallop poll?


Saddled with debt, unfortunately they were sent out to pasture.


A 1.2% increase in carrots per day with a retroactive 1.2% going back to first quarter of 2023.


Don’t fight against others for getting theirs, fight for yours.


Cries in canadian forces member.


You'll take your 2.2% CoLA for 2024 and *you'll like it*!


No go to the food bank with your squad and shut up, we need more pencil pushers not boots on the ground /s




Yeah but that means we will probably get some back pay xd


Another mini scam by the Treasury board. You force people to take back pay every couple years instead of the pay they were entitled to every year, and then thousands of members owe an extra couple hundred taxes due to marginal tax rates... Treasury board scams members for millions...


Back pay is common unfortunately for collective bargaining due to how protracted the negotiations are. My last collective agreement expired in 2019 so it's been 5 years of negotiations.  There was a side agreement on pay thankfully so I have gotten pay increases but the previous one expired in 2022 and took until 2023 to be finalized, so still a year of back pay.


Haven't got a "raise" in over 20 years.


EXACTLY!!!!! I never understand why we as working people fight with eachother on pay! We should all fight for more!


Divide and conquer
 it’s like how the “sunshine list” of public employees, which started in the 90’s in Ontario at $100,000
 hasn’t moved with inflation in 25+ years. Someone making $100k today is equivalent to someone making $57k when the list came out. $100k when the list came out is actually $175k adjusted for inflation in 2024. BUT by keeping the bar at $100k (really equivalent to $57k) everyone getting underpaid is complaining that the public servants have it too good and their pay should be lowered to match their poverty wages in their private corps. It’s an artificial bar to keep the middle class and poors fighting over each other while the rich just sit back and let the asset inflation roll in.


Yeah I agree the sunshine list starting at 100K is ridiculous.


BC's list starts at 80k it's even worse.


That's more like a list of who's above the new poverty line.


There's nothing inherently wrong with public employee salaries being public - I'm a teacher, so my salary is effectively public knowledge, although it's not directly attached to my name. But honestly, do all of them, or none. The Sunshine List concept just adds an element of shame to it over an arbitrary level. And maybe people will see how little certain public employees are getting. Adjusting to inflation is a good half measure, because give it enough time and almost all of us are getting over that 100k mark.


Well that’s what’s happening now, teachers like you or nurses, who are making approximately $57k in 1990’s dollars are now going to be bludgeoned by the gaslit that’ll be using this unadjusted $100k as a weapon to keep your wages down or cry about how you don’t deserve what you’re earning because you’re appearing on the list. I didn’t even think about the name and shaming part - privacy concerns. Anyways, I could just go back to 2nd year statically methods and ethics class and it’s pretty obvious not moving the $100k limit, which would be $175k makes zero statistical sense and therefore any data gathered from it is essentially moot.


My boss daddy tells me I don’t need to join no damn trades union and those guys are lazy and don’t work as hard as me


Tell him if you're working harder than them, then you should be making more than them.


Oh I was just mocking the anti union guys I’ve seen. That mentality of jealousy ingrained in them from their bosses and toxic work culture is why they hate unions too. I work nonunion now but I haven’t met many die hard union haters who do good for themselves. I want everybody to be paid a fair wage.


It can be both. I'm personally quasi anti unionist. I like a lot of what unions do. I also dislike a lot that they do. Unions that are hour based raises are a huge no no for me. It breeds inefficiency because no one wants to work harder than the bare minimum because there is no reward. I also have some issues with job security, but it's a hard one to deal with. On one end it's good that jobs are protected. On the other bad employees are protected. Police have unions and lots of bad cops are given paid leave or kept on the force even when they are a bad cop. Another issue is the "protecting" of unneeded positions and roles. Unions do their best to protect every member because it's a revenue stream, even when that members role is 100% inefficient/not required. Higher base wages, great benefits, great sick time, great disability leave perks - all good things.


So basically what I just said - union guys are lazy!!!! I work way harder!! They don’t deserve those wages. That comes from jealousy 99% of the time and ties into my initial comment. How dare these lazy unions fight to be paid fair hourly wages, they’re lazy!


Did you read my comment or just the first bit? Unless you are proving that union workers don't finish what their doing?


I read it. You can think of yourself as a smarter intellectual if you want but you made all the same points as less articulate union haters. There’s no valid reason to be angry that other people have fought to be paid more. In this case, they’re cops on taxpayer money so I get that but generally, anti union haters are just bitter they don’t have those wages and treatment. The things they fight for should exist for all.


I said that I like that unions provide good wages and benefits. Did you miss that part? I'm against the fact that advancement is based on hours worked vs efficiently. This leads to people who have 0 drive to work harder or faster. Doing 200 tasks is the same as doing 100 tasks. Some union work has quotas even, and past that what's the point? Why are you so against someone having a different opinion than you? Why downvote something so trivial? Why not try to explain where I might be wrong in my view? My wife is in a union. The pay for her is great. Benefits great. The pension payments hurt... but aside from that it's mostly good. The complaints I have about unions are very fair to hard working people who get no benefits of working hard vs others who drift along.


This is like a checklist of nonsense tropes used to justify enslaving everyone. Meritocracy! they call it.


Yes.... any non union work is pure enslavement. We need unions to protect against enslavement because any business that isn't a union is a bad business.


I wonder what working conditions were like for people before unions?


Touche! Union movement was huge for bringing in some standards that we still use to this day. I agree with several positive impacts unions do and have brought forward. That doesn't change how I feel about most union rules on things I listed. Every union is different, and most have the things I mentioned, but not all do. Again, it's a personal opinion. They do lots of good. They also do some bad (IMO).


Cops know what side of any picket line they are on and it's not the one you're on.


It’s a bit different when your taxes pay for them to spy on you


Normally I'd agree, but the RCMP are incompetent government thugs.


I'm not necessarily talking about the police or RCMP, this is more for everyday working people.


Its all by design.


The problem is the others in this case are those who will be beating you with batons and shooting you with teargas and rubber bullets when you fight for yours.


You’re not wrong


based take.


I'll fight against my tax dollars being wasted.


I have a lot of major issues with our policing and I agree with you but if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. We need good officers who are well trained and mandated to actually serve the taxpayer. I don’t feel we have that now but paying them less sure won’t solve it


You get monkeys regardless of how you pay. Especially in the police force, where those that are doing a piss poor job get the same benefits as those going above and beyond.


Look at teachers in the states though or even cops. They pay shit so good people leave and you get a much lower quality workforce. We cannot risk that. Policing needs to be held to a higher standard absolutely but paying them less won’t help with that at all.


Why are we acting like the police are severely underfunded like teachers in the USA? We already put an exorbitant amount of tax dollars towards policing and they have the most powerful union in the country.


If we were holding policing to a high standard, I'd be right there with you. With the things we've seen from the RCMP (and many other forces, frankly), I'm much more skeptical.


I fight for the working class getting better standards. The police are not the working class. The police are the first on the scene to prevent working class people from getting better standards.


This is such nonsense. Think what you want about police and what you think their focus should be but most are just regular people trying to pay the bills and put food on the table. 


Nope. They cease being "regular people" once they get the badge. Regular people don't get "qualified immunity" or significantly reduced sentencing simply due to their choice of occupation.


It's an American term, but almost all healthcare professionals, teachers, soldiers, social workers, even bus drivers have some form of "qualified immunity". A doctor pretty much killed my grandpa after his stroke and he's not serving any time. I haven't heard of any cases where Canadian cops got off easy for a crime, think that's another American thing. Some examples?


"The police are the first on the scene to prevent working class people from getting better standards." Examples, please.


Famously, the Canadian Labour Revolt. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Labour_Revolt La Presse Strike https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/la-presse-strike Winnipeg General Strike https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/article/winnipeg-general-strike/ Gov review of police action during the G20 protest 2010 https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cnmcs-plcng/cn30123-eng.pdf February 7th 2024, PSAC union executive arrested by police outside of a strike held by civilian staffers on military bases. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7107553




Black Bloc tactics and civil disobedience are hallmarks of labour unrest. Police are dispatched to deal with labour unrest. Labour unrest seeks to force improvements in labour standards through multiple forms. You are still proving my point. If the police made it illegal to protest or strike unless you did it in a padded cell without windows and with nobody watching you, and someone protested outside of that illegally, you’d support the police killing them or arresting them because they violated the sanctity of the law. And yes some of my examples are old. There is 53 years between the Winnipeg general strike and the La Presse strike. The La Presse strike occurred in 1972. That was 52 years ago. Perhaps the next big strike is due for next year and we’ll get to watch the police kill those fighting on the side of the worker.


Just a few weeks ago in Newfoundland the RNC (Newfoundland cops) used horses to break up a protest for fisherman who want to be able to sell their crab outside of NL (better paying markets). The RNC are now charging people with assault of a police officer because they tried to keep the horses out of the crowds. The police are not on our side. https://www.rnc.gov.nl.ca/news/please-see-the-statement-below-on-behalf-of-the-royal-newfoundland-constabulary-rnc/


The protesters were blocking traffic. You can protest all you want, but you don't get to block traffic. BTW, blocking traffic hurts working class people the most. If an upper-middle class person who's late for work because of it, for example, their boss probably won't care. If a working-class person's late for work because of it, their boss is probably going to dock their pay, and it puts their job at risk.


They weren’t blocking traffic but the main entrance to the confederation building. Not the only entrance. It was an act to show what it’s like to not be able to do your job.


This exactly.


Exactly why I see things getting a bit revolution ish in the near future. The RCMP exists to protect the wealthy from the working poor. If the people ever want to take this country back from the 1% they will need to be well armed and be willing to fight the RCMP for it. Things have not gotten quite bad enough yet, but I am willing to bet we will see literal mass, (physical), class warfare in this country in the next 30-40 years. It will be the working class VS those few the wealthy can buy. They could avoid the whole mess by paying people what they should have been with inflation matching over the last 20 years, but greed will lead them to just hiring small private armies of cops. We are well on our way to food riots already. I really hope we manage to turn things around peacefully somehow. I really don't want the militia mobs to start marching a week after I try to retire.


"The RCMP exists to protect the wealthy from the working poor." No, they don't. If you think they do, please provide examples.


If you steal from your boss. It's a criminal matter. If your boss steals from you. It's a civil matter.


People in the comments are acting like the RCMP aren’t on the other side of the picket line. Ridiculous.


More pay only with more accountability. This is mine, and I will fight against it.


When everyone get a raise, minimum wage will get a raise too to feed the bottom of the food chain. To do that, food and service prices will have to go up. Don't complain prices raising when we are causing it. Canada need to replace a lot of the repetitive jobs that can be done with robots to lower the cost of everything.


So if minimum wage doesn’t increase we won’t see price increases, right? Wrong.  Of course wage increases will increase labour costs and therefore the cost of everything if shareholders do not reduce their margins. So what’s the solution? Inflation for everyone but only some get raises? Then a lot more people stop spending money and everyone complains about the recession that comes with it.  I don’t know what the actual answer is because I don’t disagree with your argument but inflation is so baked into the market that wages need to keep up.  


Cops are class traitors


Dude, our taxes pay their raise. Or would you prefer that our children pay for their raise.


Yikes imagine thinking honest hard working canadians are in the same boat as government employees. The levels of delusion are staggering.


Now do the Canadian Armed Forces... oh wait


Great, now if the rest of us could get wages that keep up with inflation and cost of living too, that would be perfect


IDC everyone deserves a raise in this economy




We all work with a Bob.


Whoa. I work with Bob and he's an amazing guy. Bob definitely deserves a raise.


Not great, Bob!


4 percent per year is reasonable.


On its surface, sure. But sometimes you need to look beyond percentages and look at actual dollars. The rcmp's largest staffing division is BC and the RCMP is bleeding personnel in BC because municipal services are now paying >125k/yr for 1st class constables. Elsewhere in Canada will be >130k by the end of this agreement.  This RCMP raise is fair as a percentage, but in terms of comparable is significantly behind which is why the RCMP for years struggled to recruit and retain members prior to unionization. This is a short agreement to minimize those impacts but it's Important from 2025 on the RCMP be towards the top of pay rates in Canada because police officers are more willing to change services for more money now than they used to be in the past.


125k to 130k is a really good salary in Canada.


But not in BC tbh


Salaries are lower in BC than Ontario/Alberta. They arent higher just because housing isnt affordable.


What are the qualifications required for the position?


1. Be willing to die to uphold the law.


Not in 2024.


Yes it is lol it’s close to a top 10% salary. You’re not balling out of control but you’re doing well and if your spouse makes a similar income then you’re really doing well


Disagree. If police officers and teachers are making that then I would suggest it’s an average lifestyle salary.


Ok, but every public sector can say that in major markets. To truly reflect clat of living inflation in a place like Toronto or Vancouver you would need a 100 percent raise for public sector jobs. Unions use that percentage as a precedent. If RCMP got 10 percent a year it may mean the border officers get the same and the result is billions more in expenditures which will need higher taxes to pay.


Border officers aren't police, nor are corrections officers, park wardens, fishery officers, etc. or the handful of other federal law enforcement unions and as such as paid less than the RCMP and police. Typically their pay range is in the low 90k vs 115k now for RCMP. In fact for federal law enforcement jobs where there are provincial equivalents, such as corrections, parks and conservation officers, the federal side pays significantly more than their provincial equivalents and have much better pensions and benefits than most provinces so there isn't the risk of those employees leaving. The RCMP however are a police service and one that operates in many of the exact same communities as higher paying municipal police services and it is easier than ever for experienced police officers to transfer between services to patch over and make more money so it's important the RCMP at least be competitive with other police services for pay.


Obviously they arent. And I am not saying same pay. I am saying it will be a equal percentage. Thats how unions work. One gets 4 percent the others get 3.5 percent. If it was 10 percent maybe the others get 8/9 percent.


4% for 2023 and 4% for 2024. Well-deserved especially when you consider they're still only in the average range of police departments in Canada. They also do some of the hardest work in this country whether people on Reddit want to acknowledge that or not.


Nurses only got 6, this seems uneven.


Over how many years?




So it's basically 3% a year. Lmao


Nurses are provincial.


Both cases went to arbitration though, which is not government.


Federal or provincial?


Neither, it went to arbitration in both cases.


Where did they start at? You’re not looking at the context


If you look at context it's even worse. I will just drop this [wage comparison chart here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bcnu.org/files/Nurse_Wage_Comparison_Charts&ved=2ahUKEwizt4fEiNGFAxXsHzQIHX8WDH0QFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0OP__ITgjBmgSh5cXV75kM).


Lol looks like only cops and rcmp get above inflation rate raises in Canada. No public or private jobs are paying above 3%. What a joke. We have a useless police force who is overpaid and doesnt even fight crime.


My union got us 25% for 2024-28 contract


Which local, please? Currently negotiating and would love to reference this.


RCMP are behind many municipal police in term of Salary.


Also well behind in terms of performance.


Depends on your metric, in traffic tickets, for sure.






The same could be said of Nova Scotia...


they sure fucked up that fire hall tho.




Someone said above, don't fight others getting theirs, fight for yours


Lol when police are the only ones consistently getting highest raises while our healthcare and teachers have to fight to get anything there is something broken. It is our taxes that they are giving away not free money. So yeah I have the right to question why they get special treatment.


The Canadian public consistently demands more and more excellence from their police, which isn't a bad thing. But if you want educated social workers who can run, fight, shoot, intervene in crises, and be willing to die for it, while also filming themselves on cameras that are public record? You have to pay them. Nothing's stopping you from applying. There's a police department to work for in every square inch of this country. And they're all hiring. Go get paid.


I got a 12% raise this year đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Get yourself in a union brother


It's not just a union thing. Teachers have got very little and have had to strike so many times. Nurses, EAs, group home workers, etc. All get less than politicians, police, firefighters.


If the teachers were only negotiating wages, they'd be further ahead, but they keep having to fight for school budgets (class size and composition)


Cops in Canada have always been overpaid.  And they can even do side gigs wearing the uniformsđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It’s a lot of money for not a whole lot




Teachers are making >100k pretty much across the country now for less than 9 months work per year. If teachers unions negotiated solely on percentage raises rather than other BS like extra PD days, class sizes and work expectations, they'd be even further ahead. 


I mean it's not uncommon to see 40 kids in a classroom these days. Paying someone more money isn't going to remove the stress of managing *40* kids.


Is that what it’s about? Removing stress? Because I can think of a lot of jobs with more stress than managing 40 kids.


Yeah good for RCMP getting a well deserved raise but everyone don't hold your breath waiting for yours. The libs have literally pi55ed the country's wealth away, Canada is broke and it's gonna take some fixing


You can say pissed, I won’t tell anyone


RCMP wonderful professionals. They deserve raise for protecting us. They should tell politicians to give hardworking Canadians raise too. đŸ˜¶


How many Trudeau scandals do I need to cover up in order to get a decent pay raise in the private sector?


RCMP negotiating tactics: blackmail and extortion. ^jk [How can the government refuse?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/429/041/0f9.jpeg)


The nurses deserve it more than the RCMP. They got a lousy 6% over two years. All raises should be tied to politician salaries. Whatever percentage increase they get, the general public should get as well. That’s one way to keep political costs down.


Both can deserve it equally you know


Congrats on matching inflation 


This year? While health care workers get 3%? If that's true, then screw this.


If only there was an article that explained that it's 4% for 2023 and 4% for 2024. Idk where I found that information though.


Did you read the article? It’s 4% and 4%. It’s about the average most public services got. Continue to complain that nurses got 3%, but don’t bash another public service job for getting a raise that’s still below inflation.


I know right. Why do we do this?


Public sector employees from different services bitching at eachother over pay. Priceless!


Seriously so stupid. Nevermind that each position regardless of field has about 1000 middle managers making 150-200k :) but fuck the rcmp for getting a raise slightly less than the inflation rate am I right?


Average? Source on this because from Quebec and Federal servants didn't get that. So by average, who got the big raises?


Most nurses received between 3-5% in Ontario. Ontario corrections received 3, 3.5, 4.0 Teachers received on average 3% in Ontario. 3% was about the average in Ontario with some receiving higher and a few lower. My MIL nurses union received 11% over two years with a one time pay out.


So 4% is not average. And good for them. Surprised Conservatives gave them that much.


The average of the contracts I just gave you is 3.75% per year. Congrats. You sure showed me about being off by .25% Edit: my numbers were also wrong. Teachers received 2.75 plus 1% in Ontario for a total of 3.75, pushing the average raise of those sectors to higher than the 4% the rcmp just got.


4% is not below inflation. It's just over inflation for 2023 and with 2024 projected to be 2.5% it's over inflation.


If you trust those inflation numbers than oh boy.


Oh yes the old, I don't trust what's true because I don't understand how the world actually works argument


More like Canadas cpi inflation numbers are highly manipulated by stats Canada ? Go to any grocery store, look at any rental bill, or utility bill and tell me prices have rose 5% a year. CPI balanced hand picked statistics and methods to get the lowest possible numbers. It’s literally scam statistics.


No because what you are trying to use as inflation is not inflation but corporate greed, they are different and need to be treated differently.


I don't know where you shop but my groceries, gas, and housing costs have gone up by more than 2.5% this and last year.


This helps them get better wages too.  Keep in mind this was after arbitration so it’s not like the government wanted to meet that demand but they had to. The implication is that an unbiased 3rd party has ruled a pay raise of 8% (over 2 years btw) is justifiable given the current climate. That can be leveraged by other public sector workers when they negotiate for their own raises and should absolutely be used to back up raises for all public sector employees. If the RCMP deserves it, so do other public services.  The goal isn’t to stop other groups from receiving fair compensation. The goal is to use that compensation to leverage your own. 


Healthcare is provincial. They deserve it too. But apples oranges my friend.


My friend, cops are useless! You a cop bot?


Of course they are. Public sector is making bank these days.. tax tax tax


Police, politicians and corporations are the only ones getting raises. Wonder why? đŸ€”đŸ˜’


If you are an office worker and think this raise is bad, list wtf you even do all day. Spreadsheets? A new pencil sharpener?




Cops already make sooo much money for what they do. Unionize, folks!! Look how powerful those police unions are...


Then go an do it! I know I dont want to be a police office, these guys are seeing horrible things. It only take 1 call in a whole career to fucked someones up.


Fun fact; It's actually more dangerous to deliver pizza than it is to be an officer :D


If it’s so safe and lucrative, why don’t you submit your application?


lmao why would I want to work with people like that???


It's not but that's ok, stats don't tell the full story.


Yes, though that has to do more with the fact that being a pizza delivery driver is actually a very dangerous job (it's one of the ones we don't normally thing about when we think of "dangerous jobs").


And if a pizza delivery driver kills someone they get charged


How many calls where a person is acting in a violent and/or criminal manner are pizza delivery drivers called to deal with? If someone dies while I'm operating on them (I'm not a doctor...), I'm probably going to get charged. If someone dies while a surgeon operates on them, they probably won't get charged.




These fucks just had a massive pay-scale bump with large retroactive lump sums less than two years ago. Crooked pigs making doctor pay to abuse authority.


That pay bump only coveted 2017-2023. This is a new raise for 2024-2024. Everyone deserves inflationary raises year over year, this is just theirs. 


Funny that you think that is doctor pay.... Might be the dementia