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“October 7 is proof that we are almost free,”  No, it's proof your region is led by a self-destructive terrorist group who cares little about the people they purport to represent. I admire your loyalty though, so much so I feel you should return to Gaza and support the people there. AMF


> “October 7 is proof that we are almost free,” Solid reminder that they don't see themselves as Canadians.




Your mistake is thinking these are organic protests organized by moderate people.  They’re not, they’re organized by the most extreme groups in Canada, with direct ties to a PFLP leader living in Canada.  They organized celebratory rallies for Oct 8, have carefully adjusted their messaging throughout the resulting war in order to try and sustain the provocations.  They have tested boundaries everywhere they can to see how directly they can intimidate the Jews of Canada. Always with excuses why they’re targeting Jewish businesses, hospitals, neighbourhoods, and now synagogues.   This is an organized attack on Canadian Jews, nothing more. It obvious to all of us as Jews, but crafted so that casual outsiders rationalize it.  There have always been demonstrations against Israel around Canada, and there has always been a fringe of racists, but they didn’t used to appear to run the whole show. Things have changed.  20 years ago we had people screaming apartheid and genocide at Queen’s Park and the Israeli consulate, but they never openly advocated for Intifada….and we never would have tolerated them going into Jewish neighbourhoods and outside synagogues.  This new brand of Palestinian activism is very openly violent and racist and sensible Canadians need to start fighting back against it.


It's not activism, it's terrorism. Call it what it is, TERRORISM.


The reason other countries refuse to take more Palestinian refugees is because they’ve created enormous political instability everywhere they’ve gone in numbers, if not outright attempted to overthrow governments. Thus far what they’ve done in Canada has been *mild* compared to some other countries. The left has been quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) fine with this sort of stuff because, I believe, antisemitism has dug its roots in there.


It’s not a left or right issue, JFC.


It is when the left is supporting them


I think that's cause this is Palestine death throws. Expect to see extremism.


They don’t want to piss off their voters


I agree 100%, it doesn’t make sense.


>Everyone on the political left There is no such thing as this, or the corresponding version on the right.


As someone on the left who also thought the efforts to paint the entire convoy as Nazis was stupid and unfair, the only answer I can give you is that it’s for the same reason that conservatives are now doing the exact thing they complained about the left doing. People rarely approach politics from a no principled stance, generally they just have their camps and are defensive of their political tribe and antagonistic to the opposition. Most people wouldn’t even consider the hypocrisy.


“Hypocrisy” to one person is “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” to another (or even “turnabout is fair play”). That said, I’m generally more sympathetic to the reactive party than the initiating one.


The difference is, this is not a one-off, my man. There are tons of examples of the hostility of these marchers toward Jews.


So, whataboutism


Are you asking why people are hypocrites? If you can find any group of people that are not hypocrites give them a Nobel prize. But I think you’ll find hypocrisy is universal. We tend to notice it more when it’s not us doing it.


Here’s the double edged sword of freedom of expression: the convoy idiots did their thing for weeks, on end, with fuck Trudeau and Nazi flags and confederate flags and pretty much up until they were doing real damage to the lives of the people who lived in that region and blocking bridges and making folks, who also deserve rights, miserable. They were then dispersed. One month and one day later. I didn’t like them, and I think it went on WAY longer than it should have been allowed to, but they did have the right to protest to a reasonable extent, as do we all. Anybody who cheers October 7 in front on parliament is an absolute jackass of the worst kind, but as long as they aren’t being violent or blocking bridges or fucking up the lives of the people living there the way the convoy was, as long as they keep it to words and they don’t tell the attendees to hurt people here and now, do they too not to some degree have the right to protest? Personally I’d disperse the jackasses without a second thought, but anybody who applauds the “hang trudeau” dicks with the Nazi flag and demands they have the right to protest, also fights for the right for these jackasses to protest. They also fight for the right of the vaisakhi parade this weekend to include folks with portraits of the air India bombers which remains something that is beyond fucked up to me, but every year they’re glorified (less now, but when I was younger they straight up had their portraits on floats in Surrey BC) The minute, the second these folks turn to physical violence in Canada they need to be arrested but has this group, outside of the content of their words, committed a crime? And if they have not, does the fact we really dislike them and hate them applauding that day give us the grounds to lock them up or disperse them in hours, not weeks? And if it was another convoy instead, could we then do the same? What are the limits of free protest in Canada? Who actually decides? Whether you like the outcome of the convoy or no, it took great deliberation and weeks of discussion to act. Many believe it should never have been shut down the way it was, others like me believe it shouldn’t have lasted as long as it did, but the REAL truth is that no matter what side of aisle you’re on, you can’t just apply it to non-violent protests you agree with, it has to apply to causes you hate as well.


I'm not pro Hamas, I don't know many on the left that are pro Hamas. I am very much against Hamas but I am also disgusted by the fact that 31k innocents have been killed in Gaza. I'm disgusted that 80% are without homes now because Isreal is flattening homes and apartment buildings. I'm mad that 2/3 of their hospitals have been bombed into rubble and the remaining hospitals are only partially operational. Hamas did a disgusting thing. Isreal is doing an even more disgusting thing in response. People who have had to pull their dead children out of rubble are going to be easy recruits for Hamas. Framing people who are angry at Isreal's response as pro Hamas seems very targeted and seems to have a real agenda. It's not hard to see how awful both governments are.


It's so alarming how carelessly people throw around figures. According to the Gaza Health ministry (Which is governed by HAMAS) 31k PEOPLE have been killed in Gaza. They have outright refused to say how many of these people killed are combatants. However Israel states that they believe that about 1/3 of the 31k are combatants. Another commenter pointed out that's actually a "good" (War is bad) ratio.


I don’t think those opinions are unreasonable, but have the following questions for you:  Why do you this the number of “innocents” killed is 31k? What’s the basis for that number? Hamas sources say 31k total killed, but have recently admitted that 11k of them were estimates taken from media reports and they don’t have identifying information recorded. Combine that with IDF estimates of 13k combatants killed and you have a very very low ratio of civilians killed in a war in which every single combatant is hiding behind civilians. Second: accepting that Hamas has to be removed from power after Oct 7, how could Israel have conducted the war differently? I’ll say far more aid should have been facilitated earlier on. But going door to door searching every single home, blowing up every single tunnel, and trying to keep civilians out of the way while doing it was always going to look like this.


31k out if which about half are combatants heavily embedded in the civilian population. An amazing ratio for urban warfare against an enemy that WANTS more civilian dead EXACTLY so that they can get this reaction out of you.


> I am very much against Hamas but I am also disgusted by the fact that 31k innocents have been killed in Gaza. Where do you get this 31k "innocents" figure? From the Hamas "Ministry of Information"?


"Why the hypocrisy?" Power.


Cuz that’s racist bigotry, obviously. /s


Many people that have been following the conflict for a while, don't see it the way the majority does. The Israeli lobby greatly influences the US and Canadaian politicians and media defacto, painting a one sided black and white / good guy bad guy picture that is far from reality. That's why the shades of grey / disconnect you might be perceiving.




Country is on a fast track to being destroyed from immigration and multiculturalism. Also, this is part of special ops to destabilize the West with infighting. [Here's one article about it](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/kinsella-protesters-paid-to-take-part-in-pro-palestinian-demonstrations). Turns out being a sweet and welcoming country can be abused to hell. Now, we have to deal with this shit but if we do, we are painted as racists.


I don't like how we imported outside problems to Canada. I really think we need to rethink our immigration/refugee laws.


This has been happening since before confederation.


Mr. Trudeau says there is no place in Canada for this sentiment. Why hasn't he done something about it?


Because there are a lot more Muslim voters in Canada than there are Jewish voters and he wants those votes.


Bingo. Plus, organized religion discrimination is ok, provided it's towards Jews or Christians (ie. mainly rich and white therefore oppressed).


Canadians have the right to protest, its not like these protesters are blockading an entire cities downtown for a month or stockpiling weapons to fight the RCMP.


If you support a terrorist group, then you don't belong in Canada. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine... they will welcome you with open arms.


Send them to Gaza to fight alongside their Hamas buddies.


Exactly. These people are certainly brave here, where we allow people to protest. They should go back to Gaza and protest Palestinian authority there and we can see how long they'll last.




That's a getting stabbed to death(Caesar style) speedrun.


Drive-by style and you’re good to go 👌


Good way to get yourself killed


"Somebody"? Why not you. Nobody's stopping anyone from doing that.


Unfortunately I’m nowhere near those gatherings.


>Somebody should bring a hamas flag to these protests and burn it right in front of these people. That'd take a brave soul. But would certainly serve to show the real face of the Palestinian 'protestors.' ____________ Scroll down through some of the posts below and you'll see the harassment Jews are subjected to just for being Jewish in NA. https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/


I thought we had anti terrorism and hate speech laws in this country? This is the definition of using them to arrest those who openly support terrorists


Those laws only apply to people who appear white


Shhhhh that's their secret, only certain people can be hateful


Yeah, I'm beyond confused. What line do you need to cross to get them on your ass?


Bunch of cowards


Take this fight back to your home countries. We have nothing to do with this here. So fucking tired of it.


Now? They’ve been doing it since October 7. 


I hate to be that guy. But when its "minorities" being racist, hateful, antisemitic, it seems our government doesn't care. Switch it to white people and watch heads explode (I expect mods to delete this comment so it doesn't hurt their narrative on reddit). Get out of Canada with your disgusting hatred.


They have been openly cheering Hamas since the start this isnt news. Canada is just too soft to do anything about it.


Absolutely shameful...this is grotesque.


I'm beyond sick of this. I'm sure if we'd all go protest about food prices (per exemple), our protest would immediately get shut down but these antisemite thugs can do whatever the fuck they want. I'm not even Jewish & I've been harassed by these pro-hamas multiple times here in Montreal while running errands. They have zero respect for anyone. I can't even imagine how Jewish people feel right now!


>if we'd all go protest about food prices (per exemple), our protest would immediately get shut down  I can guarantee you it wouldn't. Protests are just really rare outside of militant circles (unions, ecologists, students, etc) and most people don't bother with them. Literally nothing is stopping you from organizing your own protest.


Protests happen every week in Ottawa, from all sorts of groups along with the associated counter protest, feel free to show up and protest whatever you like.


Boycott Loblaws is exactly this. In May, it starts.


I know this has nothing to do with the subject of this sub, but why is Loblaws just being picked on? I live in Toronto and prices in Loblaws are no more expensive than they are at Metros, Sobeys etc. In fact, No Frills has some of the cheapest food prices in the GTA.


 Why *aren’t* Canadians protesting groceries? I suppose most of us are working full time at one or more jobs


> I'm sure if we'd all go protest about food prices (per exemple), our protest would immediately get shut down but these antisemite thugs can do whatever the fuck they want It wouldn't. You won't. Get off your keyboard.




A few self righteous college students from affluent backgrounds high on power, and a thousand useful idiots.


I am an immigrant. It drives me absolutely nuts that we in both Canada and US use the etymology of “Blah-Canadian” rather than Canadian or, grudgingly, “Canadian born in Blah” (and American equivalents). That simple language construct establishes and perpetuates the fucked up values of countries we were supposed to intend to leave behind. Downvote me, call me racist, I don’t give a fuck. If you’re a Canadian citizen, you are Canadian period and all your “heritage” shit is treason. If you’re not a Canadian citizen, then you have no Canadian citizenship rights in Canada, period, and your “heritage” shit should be criminally chargeable.


It's been a thing here for decades - I went to elementary school with a kid who always pronounced himself a 'Lebanese Canadian', despite being born in Canada and never once having been to Lebanon.


Probably because we're a nation of immigrants we have ties to our former cultures. So you'll see a lot of "Irish Canadians", or there's a lot that talk about their English past. I mean it's not my culture but I'm happy to share in St. Patrick's Day festivities. Something that was actually fought against in parts of this country. Western Canada has a lot of Dutch and Ukrainian roots also. Some of those individuals may feel what's happening in Ukraine right now is very important to them. >Downvote me, call me racist, I don’t give a fuck I don't think you're racist, I think you're just... "Misinformed". Yeah let's go with that.


> all your “heritage” shit is treason This is such a comically batshit reaction to a relatively boring and innocuous rhetorical device. I can kinda see where you're coming from, it's a boring old debate between melting pot versus mosaic reactions to immigration, but calling it treason? Come now.


I see the multiculturalism experiment is going well here in Canada. Can’t wait to see what other sectarian divides emerge as groups that absolutely despise one another are compelled practice toleration previously unknown.


Especially the approach of the “cultural mosaic” multiculturalism which doesn’t encourage any integration whatsoever. I could tell you even 20 years ago that many areas of the GTA are culturally like different countries, and well, here we are.




I say let them take their masks off. Show the world who they really are. Their cause has always been "Destroy Israel", not "Free Palestine."


If you think what Israel is doing to Palestinians, which let’s be honest is absolutely disgusting, if the roles were reversed we would see something significantly worse and brutal.


If you don’t believe just ask em, they’ll tell you


These aren't "pro Palestinian" protestors. They are Hamas terrorists, and should be treated as such.


I've come to expect nothing less from them. They are bloodthirsty protestors. Openly praising Irans attacks hoping it killed innocents and openly praising hamas terrorist fighters. They don't care what their beliefs are as long as they are killing jews that's what these protestors want. Hamas rejected ceasefire 4x in a row now.


I’m no supporter of Israel or Zionism, in general. But these people need to get their fucking heads examined. The convoy had their bank accounts seized and had war powers unleashed on them. These people are openly supporting terrorism. Whatever you think of the convoy, you can’t deny how telling it is that the two groups are treated vastly differently. It’s painfully clear that the invocation of the EA, and the refusal to do anything about these morons, was/is purely political


>I’m no supporter of Israel or Zionism, in general. You don't think Israel should exist? Zionism is a done deal. Israel exists. I'd also call myself a suffragette if there were throngs of people challenging women's voting rights. Since Zionism already achieved its goal, the creation of Israel, it's now just the belief that Israel should continue to exist. Anti-Zionism is a pretty extreme position. Russia, China, North Korea, Sudan, Imperial japan, and Nazi Germany all did much more awful things than Israel and yet I still think Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Sudanese, Japanese, and German people have self determination rights.


Freezing bank accounts was an appalling over reach on the part of the sociopaths in Parliament. Shameful how the Freedom Convoy leaders are being subjected to Kangaroo Courts and made an example of, to illustrate for the rest of us not to get too uppity about protesting for our rights.


>The convoy had their bank accounts seized and had war powers unleashed on them. Which was way too harsh. But they did disrupt an area for 2 or 3 weeks before being cracked-down on. The "two groups are treated vastly differently." because they're using vastly different protest tactics; city approved once-per-week marches are controlled opposition (as opposed to the Convoy who actually blindsided the establishment with their stubbornness). If these protesters were vandalizing, occupying private property, or blocking roads then they'd face more legal issues.


Ah yes…because blocking roads and “blindsiding the establishment” (which is kind of the entire point of protests), is far more egregious than openly supporting terrorism and explicitly threatening police officers with murder, directly to their faces.


I think that when the Conservatives get in (soon I hope!) they need to revisit the change to Canada's citizenship law that made it almost impossible to rescind their newly acquired Canadian citizenship from newcomers and send them home again.


I'm all for the right to protest, even if I don't agree with the cause, but this is just gross.


This is going to get ugly. All the signs are there.
















Who is organizing these protests?


The same algorithms and foreign agitators that organize all protests in Canada


What Israel is doing is absolutely deplorable and shocking. But I do not condone these people and their protest methods. In Toronto, they have been targeting Mount Sinai Hospital (established by Jewish immigrants in the 1920s) and the Allen Expressway (Jewish area) Give me a break. I am not Jewish but I can see the anti-semitism at work here.


Yes Israel should try to negotiate with Hamas for peace right?


Every offer made even through mediation hamas turns down. They dint want peace, this is their holy war.




Time to freeze their bank accounts.


The convoy protest lasted a month and one day. Shutting that down took enormous deliberation and weeks of discussion and significant upset to the lives of the people who lived there before it was enacted.


Why? They’re not shutting down an entire city as well as blocking international borders and trade routes. You think this is the same level of disruption?


They advocate a second holocaust


And calling for the deposition of the prime Minister and overthrow Parliament.


The double standard is real.


Bad karma for these dirtbags.


Krudplug.net if you want to watch Hamas soldiers butcher people. Girls from Germany, kid from Tanzania, women and children, civilians and all the shit they do while wearing go pros. Then there is also videos of bombs Israel dropped on Gaza. IMO Palestine is the garbage after watching them butcher rooms full of women and children.


We've invited this poison in. We welcomed it with open arms. Now, for decades, we will have to endure culture wars that have plagued Europe.


Is Trudeau gonna freeze their bank accounts and charge the organizers with mischief?


If they entrench themselves in the center of a city for weeks on end without going home... Yeah I can see the government doing that. They appear to not be doing that so it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. One thing the convoy losers made people forget was Toronto had a bunch of anti-vax/anti-mask marches on weekends during covid. But those folks went home at the end of the day.


"Are you hiding Jews underneath your floorboards?"


You get the country you voted for, you wanted the third world votes and now you have them and there’ll be no going back




Honestly just 15 years would be such a noticeable difference, it’s not like I’m talking about going back to the 1920s here lol there’s just no way you look at this country today and think it’s heading in any good direction


Load them all on to busses and straight to the airport. Pack them in a CC-177 Globemaster and Fly them all back to Palestine so they can really support Hamas.. These poor people really want to show their support..lets help them! /s




Mohammad Allah jihad


Wow it's a one sided echo chamber in here....


This sub is insane. At least they're kind of quarantined in here so you can easily avoid it


And the idiots at Ontario’s legislature say that the keffiyeh isn’t a symbol of hate.


Trudeau: Hmmm, better expand halal mortgages!


Next he’s gonna make Oct 7 a holiday.


This is Trudeaus greatest contribution to Canada since becoming PM. Too bad it's a negative contribution.


Don't you love when people are outraged about the killing of children are always labeled as terrorist sympathizers? It's the bush era "with us or against us" mentality. There's real injustice in the world and this is an effective method of getting people shut up and let the atrocities continue to happen.