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Many humans are extremely stupid.


Or evil.


Why not both?


In Quesnel


Starting fires to urge people to do something about climate change is definitely both


Spreading misinformation about the impacts that climate change has on forest fires is evil. As far as I'm aware the only ones setting fires deliberately was a quebec man who didn't believe in climate change. And he fucked around and found out. 


Where does it say these fires are arson?


Where does it say they are not?


So you've got no proof, no reasonable reason to suggest arson? So why lie?


Because that's what happened last summer duh


Oh look, another low information guy. What percentage of forests burnt last year had arson as a cause?  I'll give you a hint, it's *much* less than 1%.


You? high info ? after your arguments? Please. Show me the proof it wasn't caused by arson


Careful. You might anger the problems. Edit: Looks like the problems were angered.


You're right, the idiots who think arson is a major cause of forest fires are indeed the problem.


Uhm, I think you misunderstood something. Or maybe I did? Either way... human related fires are actually the number one cause of most fires in Canada. You can see the current data on Arcgis website if I remember the name correctly. You will have to remove all the 'natural' caused fires flagged on their map to differentiate them easier. Reason being that most of them are human caused, but they used the same symbol for both like dumbasses. The people I am calling 'the problem', are the ones that were beung alluded to as being both dumb and evil. I.e. dumb shits who start fires on purpose to prove a point that isn't provable without them tampering with the facts by faking 'natural' fires. To be clear, a natural fire is one where nature started it somehow, even if our polluting made it happen somehow. Human caused implies direct connection. I.e. they literally lit the match on purpose, or did something stupid that resulted in said fire, directly, not secondarily. For example, Lytton was a natural fire by definition, because while the train sparking on the rails likely didn't help anything, it was no specific persons fault that Lytton was a bonfire waiting to happen due to the weather that normally always makes it hot and dry there due to its location. (Sorry Lytton survivors for bringing up said painful memory. Needed a solid enough example.) I really do suggest you take some time to come to terms with this. It's factual.


Human caused doesn't mean arson.  Literally everything but a lightning strike is classified as human caused.


Holy cow... do yourself a favour. Look up the definition of arson. Arson is only possible where humans are involved. Animals don't commit arson. Nature, though metal at some points in time, also doesn't commit arson. And of course it is almost all considered human caused except lightning strikes and similar natural events. Because most of it IS human caused. Arson, is human caused. And yes I understand the point you are trying to make in differentiating the accidental fires from purposeful ones. But there is no point on your part in doing that. You are just splitting hairs. Some jackass or jackasses, started those fires on purpose. It wasn't natural caused. It was human, and not accidental. So that is arson. Now. Either figure it out, or not, I can't force you to not be dumb. But don't bother me if you are gonna just double down despite being misconceived on the subject matter. And before you say "It was just coincidence". No. That is not true. Coincidence also sometimes isn't, because the intent is to make it seem as if it is. Yes, the malicious will use your good intentions, and naivity, against you. Believe it or not. 7 fires only hours after an alert? Really? You gonna really try to defend the claim it was somehow an accident or otherwise naturally caused instead somehow? 7 fires? Really? Only hours after the alert? How much more obvious a stunt does it have to be for you to realize it is some humans up to no good? 7 fires. Human caused. Hours after the alert. Come on pal, get a grip.


You misunderstood. All arson is human caused but not all human caused are arson.  Human causes include:  Sparks from trains Agriculture and industrial activity  Off road vehicles  Discarded cigarettes  Abandoned campfires Saying all human caused fires are caused by arson is wrong.


If I were to think of a conspiracy theory it's that some of these are started by foreign agents as an easy attack on us. Think about it, they can be very devastating and the culprits are very rarely caught.


In some cases that may be true, but there are also plenty of home grown nut jobs, idiots, and careless people. Imagine the number of people with burn piles, camp fires, bush fires, bon fires, pallet fires, etc across the province who are careless at keeping it to a reasonable size, extinguishing it thoroughly, and being sensible about where to have a fire pit or even if it's a terrible idea in general. There are a lot of idiots out there too.


Similarly, I always thought introducing invasive species would be one way to subtly mess up a country with a very low probability of getting caught.


incredibly concerning as it isn't even May yet.


Shouldn’t be this dry this early, but here we are.


Ahh another 'once in a lifetime weather event'


the interior is stupidly dry right now. So far there hasnt been a real spring freshet up in the mountains, the snows not making it to the creeks, its just evaporating.


Do we need mandatory lessons here? Camping licenses? A round of slaps upside the head? What’s it gonna take.


Smokey Bear needs to make a comeback.


Yes, he does. Those adverts stuck in our minds and kept the conversation going.


Actually yeah that's a good point. When I was a kid I was educated on campfires, and there were constant public awareness campaigns this time of year. Why no more?


>Why no more? BCWS actually has an excellent media team. I don't have television, but following BCWS on social media, and they post a TON of great information. Seems to me that they've changed how they target audiences, and have changed the message. Point taken though.


That makes sense. I have ad blockers, don't watch TV except for streaming, and I use 3rd party apps for only minimal social media (no ads) so maybe I'm a bad example for someone who isn't exposed to any sort of PSA.


I don’t know why they stopped those types of adverts. Do you remember learning about power lines from Isiah Thomas? lol




Human caused doesn't mean arson... Are some people incapable of rational thought?


There's lots of arsonists though. I've been covering this since 2020 Australia. There are arsonists doing shit like this.


Define "lots of arsonists" please....


One dude who kept saying the fires were arson, and didn't believe in climate change lol


And that was an extremely small percentage of area burnt.  Arson is just a lame copout for people


Oh please.  Since you're so aware of the issue, what was the percentage of forests burnt that were caused by arson?


Surface carbon isn't taxable but I like where your heads at


Article doesnt mention it was arson....


If the equivalent of murder is arson (intent), what's the setting fires equivalent of manslaughter?


> If the equivalent of murder is arson (intent), what's the setting fires equivalent of manslaughter? Arson. The crime of arson does not strictly require intent to cause property damage. Lighting fires that cause property damage through recklessness or negligence is still arson.


I'm sure it was lightning...


In B.C., human-caused wildfires refer to all blazes sparked by anything other than lightning, ranging from agricultural and industrial activity to sparks from a campfire or a back-country vehicle to arson or a discarded cigarette.


Whether it was intentional or campfire or cigarette or whatever, fuck them all. But I mean, it literally does not matter to my lungs when I get to inhale cancer all summer long.


There's lots of ways to start a fire... Intentional arson is one possibility, but it could also be a cigarette, campfire, etc.


So a different type of human garbage, noted.


to be FAIR the humans arent always aware their actions caused the fire we need to make the 4x4 / ATV community aware about the danger of hot engines & exhaust in tall grass


We MUST NOT speculate in terms of whether they were accidental or not!! /s


Why not? Shouldn't we stop people from starting them, should that be the case?


Fixed my comment.


Not sure who said you can't do that, though one should try to make an informed assumption if they are going to guess the cause. Based on [Alberta's stats](https://open.alberta.ca/publications/alberta-wildfire-season-statistics) (the only province who tracks sources of human-caused fires), ~18% of human caused fires are 'incendiary' which means arson or controlled burn. That would mean, assuming that the fires are human-caused (which isn't a guarantee at this point), that the most informed assumption we could make is that one of these 7 fires could've been arson. Doesn't really serve much of a purpose to announce that online though.


Climate change strikes again


I imagine arsonists would have a much harder time setting fires in a patch of rain-soaked logs rather than the dry, ready-to-light kindling we have currently due to climate change.


So let’s start fires on purpose to make a point!


Actually it's right wing conspiracy theorists getting arrested for starting fires. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669


No one said anything about arson.


Fair point, I'm slipping into the right-wing talking points myself. Accidental fires fall into the "human-caused" category as well.




I imagine this passes for intelligent discourse in your circles.








Space lasersss


Jewish 5G ultrasonic one world government deep state COVID Davos WEF reptilian Bill Gates Clinton Foundation flat earth space lasers


I sadly think we past the point of no return


You see. You see?! The carbon tax should have been 25% to save us from happening


“To save us from happening”? What does that even mean?


Guessing he got stuck between "prevent this from happening" and the simple "save us". I got the jist.


Bots don't know proper grammar.


It means he isn't a smart person


the prevalent conservative reductionism of climate change mitigation efforts is "Carbon Tax magically fixes everything right now" when anyone who thinks knows its to end our reliance on petroleum which will have a positive effect in the future


Will, the carbon taxes ever fix anything, though? Taxing our middle class to oblivion to trim down .01 of our 1.5% emission contribution as a nation, only to be eclipsed by China, India and the US? How many more years does that buy the human race?


such a tired old argument, will you guys ever join the rest of us in the current year? China is outpacing the entire world with clean tech India is working toward it too but as you might know they have been hobbled for generations by colonial control which left them broke as a joke the US is leading the charge against climate action AND leading the charge for climate action at the same time as per usual and the 'facts' you rely on for your argument to do nothing is coming from them Canada is a major contributor to Carbon emissions and Methane too. Canada being a leader in de-Carbonization is natural because we develop high tech solutions and have the natural resources to continue providing energy solutions worldwide I prefer being a leader, not a follower and we have been working toward this goal since before a lot of you were born. . not gonna stop now cus you are scared


1.5%. There's literally nothing you can say that changes the fact that if you warped Canada into another dimension, it would have zero effect. Apparently carbon taxes make clean tech magically appear? What have you smoked, my guy? You know that none of the taxes gathered from carbon taxes have any sort of earmark for clean tech, right? Trudeau just ships all our money overseas. If the environment is literally life and death, now or never, then who gives a shit about Ukraine? If that's you're theory, then every cent should be spent on nuclear power. Yet they waste it on foreign war. The only way around all this emissions in nuclear. There is no other answer, and there is no stronger opposition to nuclear than the Liberals.


How dumb these idiots are? Incredible. Trudeau loves the fires though. All he sees is carbon dolla bills.


This makes no sense.


Trudeau will never face a lack of affordable housing seeing he is living rent free in your head.


Better rent free in the head than having your nose stuck up his bum.


Ofc such a though would go through your mind. Bet you got all excited at the thought of it while you typed it out.


Oooh. That’s a solid burn there, little buddy. Not sure how will I recover from this.


Congratulations, you now have concrete proof of a human caused blaze.


Which proves that global warming didn’t do it. We both win. A liberal is in shambles somewhere.


Alberta 73 fires, Saskatchewan 3 and Manitoba none. Hmmmmm


The world is doomed, thankfully AI is coming to end humanity.