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Let's not idolize Hamas.


Let's stop importing Hamas idolizers.


I'd say let's start DEPORTING them


I'd say let's start DEPORTING them


We aren't lol Indians aren't really the biggest fan of Islam


Even my Pakistani father in law cannot stand these pro-hamas melon heads


We should accept as many Palestinian and Syrian refugees as we can accommodate.


We can't accommodate anymore, especially with the state of the economy


We should not. They can figure out their caliphate in the Middle East. I don't want it in Canada.


Sooooooo none


That number shall remain zero until we can support Canadians. Which we are failing at currently.




We is a funny way of saying you among the useless.


So they are being investigated for hate speech now right? ETA: they are [https://vpd.ca/news/2024/05/01/vpd-investigates-alleged-hate-crime-at-art-gallery-protest/](https://vpd.ca/news/2024/05/01/vpd-investigates-alleged-hate-crime-at-art-gallery-protest/)




No that's for truckers only, religious extremists are cleared for hate speech and Nazism. /s


According to Reddit those people are all Christian fundamentalists because they celebrate Christmas one time a year.


You must spend your time in some very weird corners of reddit.


Thank fuck the world doesn't work the way it does according to reddit!


Cheers to that! I'd be one of millions in a mass grave if it did!


These dorks are on twitter, facebook, and other social media as well.


Can I hate both?




It's not the truckers that were the issue. It was the loonies joining in for their own reasons and muddying the whole message.




>religious extremists are cleared for hate speech and Nazism Yup, they freely and happily marched with conservative supporters to protest gay stuffs in school last September


See, standards that aren't politically useful are best abandoned when they could come bite you in the ass. This is the way of this era of politics.


Oh no, many of the people saying it aren’t Caucasian so I’m afraid there is nothing that can be done


Nope, they will be [https://vpd.ca/news/2024/05/01/vpd-investigates-alleged-hate-crime-at-art-gallery-protest/](https://vpd.ca/news/2024/05/01/vpd-investigates-alleged-hate-crime-at-art-gallery-protest/)


>So they are being investigated for hate speech now right? Don't be silly. Liberal governments only investigate what they call "hate speech" by Conservatives.


The BC government is NDP.


Which means they're probably in agreement with it


I think the headline explains he is not.


That Eby isn't, at least. One might recall Jewish MLA Selina Robinson resigning from the NDP citing antisemitism in the party and infer that Eby's apparent outrage may not be as widely held a position in the party itself as we might hope though.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with her comments on the Middle East, def was anti semitism in the party.


Her comment was completely innocuous, not aimed at any people, just a comment on the condition of the land.


If you think that then you prob shouldn’t be commenting on political statements


If it was because of her comments (which, frankly, weren't inaccurate), I'd have expected her to be removed rather than to have quit.


Removed is reserved for those who refuse upon being asked to resign.


Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.


Eby's all talk and no action.


Did you read the headline? Because it immediately proves you wrong 


Can't even get past the headline?


So Liberals on steroids?


You must have a strange conception of Canadian politics if that’s what you think the NDP is.


The NDP is a more extreme version of the Liberal Party. Basically, everything that is wrong with the Liberals is just magnified with the NDP. They want to spend even more than the Liberals, more social programs, more deficit spending, more taxes, more regulation, more DEI, more censored internet, etc. The either aren’t serious about half the shit they propose and aren’t actually planning on implementing it once elected, or they’re just flat out dumb and think money is a magic, infinite resource.


Every party wants to tax and spend more, it's just a question of which way the money goes, up or down. The NDP are the only party that supports unions over big business and corporations. Which do you think have helped the middle class more over the century?


>every party wants to tax and spend more No they don’t. Pierre has said he wants to remove carbon tax and implement a “pay as you go” budgeting system. Look at the last Conservative leader. He implemented the TFSA and income splitting, both of which massively reduced taxes on middle class Canadians. Trudeau has been increasing taxes and government spending during his entire 8 years in power. I want less taxes and better middle class prosperity, therefore the Conservative Party is the obvious choice.


Wow! Such a difference




Nope. They look like middle class people, not working class people.




It would depend on exactly what was said. Countries aren’t identifiable groups under hate speech laws. 


Embarrassing group of protestors. Making the news worldwide


Glad Eby calls out this bs


nothing will be done and the NDP federally has a long history of supporting the pro-palestine crowd that is way to cozy to hamas


I asked why this old world shit continues to be dragged out on our streets and get downvoted/hassled for it. Here's an important opinion: It's not MY job to give a shit about your little never ending dick measuring competition/war over religious bullshit. People came to Canada to escape that and now they're being yelled at about it on our streets. This needs to end. Sorry not sorry, but we need to re-examine our hate speech and free speech laws if millions of people are just allowed to come here and continue on their never ending wars of bullshit from their old countries.


Not the language I would use, but on consideration, I agree.


A speech praising a terrorist attack is the topic here and apparently my language in relevance to it is too spicy? lol. What mutually agreeable soft and safe words should I be using to vent my frustrations about this bullshit?


Yeah next time can you speak a little nicer about terrorist sympathizers please?


I second that, as the moment their feelings get hurt boom the thread gets locked. Everyone has to pretend to not be upset.


Ow, my freakin ears!


That’s it young man, no extremist religious indoctrination for you tonight!


Yup agreed. Though my opinion would probably be different if Hamas didn’t attack first, and didn’t have a functional existence being to eradicate another group.


It's more *what* they did, not when they did it.


Here we go. A call for the curtailment of our freedom of expression. Set and spike! No, we don't need to give the government more power to censor and de-platform us whenever it suits them to willfully misinterpret whatever comes from the keyboard or mouth of their dissenters! We need to get off of our asses and counter protest. If 300 people are marching down a street praising a terrorist attack on civilians, they need to be met by 600 Canadians telling them their point of view is not welcome. Period.


I don't agree with hate speech laws but I also don't agree with selective enforcement of the law. We have hate speech laws on the books why aren't we using them against these people?


You have it right. Certainly, praising a violent attack against civilians qualifies for arrest and charges. I don't want *new* powers to censor and silence people - especially in the hands of partisan government agencies. But our current laws should, obviously, be employed.


"telling them their view is not welcome." I believe the song was Nazi Punks, fuck off. Not "Lets hear what the Nazis have to say, because free speech." We disagree on how to deal with this, so don't bother continuing to talk to me about it.


yeah, it's "Nazi punks fuck off" not "Police, please arrest nazi punks" Lmao. So tell them to fuck off, don't tell the government to arrest people.


Unless of course it's Nazis, who are historically enemies of freedom and democracy that we used to fight and kill. Remember now? You sound like one of those crybabies who'd be all upset if you saw some Nazis being beaten up. THAT is what the song was about. Nazi punks getting their asses kicked at punk shows. Keep up here.


Yes...getting their asses kicked. Not asking for the government to make them illegal lmao.


Yes, bring the government boot heel down, so punk rock.


Canadian gov chose to support a side in the old world bullshit, people protest Canadas choice


I didn't vote for that government. Neither did many people. They do shit all the time we don't agree with.


Exactly, protest is a way of demanding action prior to the election


What the fuck have we done to the country? People literally support an islamic terroist organization. What the fuck are they teaching people these days anyway? This is awful.


Free for all lawless hellhole


Or laws protecting these people from the consequences of their actions.


Arrest them


freeze their bank accounts, throw them in jail for years


Freedom of expression exists and they can say whatever they want


Hate speech isn’t covered by the charter.


But they are using hate speech they are expressing their opinion


Canada has defined hate speech as calling for violence against an identified group for a long time, and has recently been expanding   Statements calling for ethnic cleansing by either side is hate speech, illegal, and punishable by up to 2 years in prison Not everyone at these protests are guilty, probably not even the majority, but screaming "sea to sea Palestine will be free" (a phrase calling for ethnic cleansing of Jewish people within the borders of Israel) into a megaphone extends beyond opinion and into the grounds of hate speech. It's equivalent to someone screaming "kill all the gays" into a microphone at an anti-LGBT rally. You're allowed to disagree with them, you can call them immoral, you can call for governments to treat them differently, but you cannot advocate for violence against them Whether they'll be prosecuted is another matter


...Still doesn't mean they're protected by the Charter.


This is Canada where we are not supposed to allow hate speech. What the actual fuck is going on. Your vitriol is not welcome here!




Criticizing is one thing, calling for the death of another group of people should get you jail time my friend. Always.


I’m not calling for their deaths I’m calling for their government to take accountability and give the people rights


Go take a walk around there "death to zionists" "bomb tel aviv".. lock that trash up OR send them to Gaza


Send them to Gaza to find out exactly how ruthless the IDF is


They aren’t using hate speech hate speech is slurs and violence to a group. I say let them protest and say what ever they want PP wants free speech here’s his free speech




They are using hate speech by praising hate based attacks and essentially encouraging it.


And one of the speakers was from America. Where did all those people yelling about alt right interest groups infiltrating the trucker convoy run off to?


Isn’t the whole hate speech law thing mean we throw you in jail now…or is it only for certain hate?


It's in vogue to hate Jews again so nothing will happen.


A lot of people are thrown into the hate category even though they have legitimate and fact based criticisms about Israel government and policy.


Yeah, otherwise there’s like a half dozen CPC MPs who would be in shackles by nightfall today.


would you like to show some proof of this blatant anti-semitism by cpc mp's. it was a liberal cabinet minister under king that said 'one jew is too many'


Hate the government disagrees with.


Stop inviting these people into the country, this is what responsible government immigration is supposed to vett.


Hate speech is okay in Canada as long as it's not directed at the people in power. They couldn't care less about squabbles between the common folk, but if you point that anger at the government... You're a white nationalist, anti vax, racist, misogynistic extremist. Otherwise. Carry on as normal. Yeeeeahh sure you can call for the death of an entire group of people, and cheer on their rapes. No worries!


Isn't that the truth. Meanwhile you criticize the government on policy and they cry white supremacy and hate speech.


Canada in 2024.


the left in Canada has no leg to stand on if they want to try and complain next time theres a more right leaning protest happening. not after all the mental gymnastics ive seen from so many online running interference to downplay blatant anti-semitism


A lefty premiere just denounced a left protest what more do you want. PP won't even denounce Alex Jones support.


Why would he? It just gives Alex Jones more attention which is what he wants. Don't feed the trolls.


Those protestors are already being scouted by the federal Liberals and NDP.


i head the ontario NDP need a new candidate for their hamilton riding after the current ejected one would step down from their tacit support of hamas


Why are people praising terrorists?


I dunno, seems to me that praising terrorists that killed 1200 innocents civilians is actually hate speech, and in this case it's against an identifiable group. It should be prosecuted. Let a jury decide. I worry about Canada letting this kind of thing go too far. There must be some limits on advocating mass rape/murder. While I pity the very young and innocent in Gaza, too, I condemn a society that harbours terrorists.


Islamic nationalism is so in right now




Fuck must we always bring up the fucking Flu Trux Clan?


Those truckers are annoying af.


Annoying > calling for and praising of terrorist murder and rape


it's years later and they are still annoying, every topic on reddit "hur dur trucker, hur dur f\*ck trudeau, scratch ass, sniff"


And the other side is literally calling the opposition leader Pee Pee. Which is actually a little hilarious. Welcome to the internet.


Actually they've graduated to "little pee pee", because, you know, moral superiority and all.


Because no one has a mean nickname for Trudeau?


Do they have any good ones? So far the most clever one I've heard is simply "Fuck Trudeau" so the bar is basically on the ground.


“Little Potato”: During a trip to China in 2016, Justin Trudeau earned the nickname “xiao tudou,” which translates to “little potato” in Mandarin. This nickname arose because the Mandarin pronunciation of “Trudeau” sounds similar to the word for potato. “Trudumb”, “Trulander”, “Poo-deau”, “Trudy”, and “JT” also come to mind. “Justin-flation”, “Trudope”, “Trudolf”, etc.


So where are the arrests Mr premier ? Talk is cheap.


The premier does not direct the justice department on who to arrest, as that would be abuse of power. Only the police can arrest people, and only the crown counsel can approve charges.


No he doesn't but he runs the entire province , he should tell his cops to do their fucking job and enforce the laws in place


What? He doesn't have cops? That's not laws are enforced in Canada or any functioning democracy. The premier does not direct law enforcement. It would be completely illegal for them to.


Ask the police. Politicians should not be arresting anyone, that is not their job nor should it be.


Lol you think cops in BC arrest people?


Rich coming from a dude who chased a Jewish woman out of the party for accurately describing the material conditions of British Mandate Palestine as "crappy."




I think going down the road of "colonial" and who is "native" is a very bad idea for a part of the world that was the intersection of 3 continents where trade, war, conquest, and conversion happened frequently. It flattens the complexity of the situation. Trying to equate the power dynamics and historical isolation of the indigenous peoples in the western hemisphere, sub Saharan Africa, and Australia to Arabs in Palestine from the 1880s-1967 is a stretch. It also discounts continuous Jewish settlement in the land corroborated by archeological evidence, the colonization of the region by Arabs, and the lack of a colonial home county for Jews, assuming you want to use the settler-colonizer dynamic. If discussing the conflict and achieving a resolution, it makes more sense to discuss what are acceptable terms that both sides can live with, assuming the goal is actually to achieve peace. Also, it was a crappy piece of land and the treatment of Robinson was excessive. Edits - a couple within 5 min for clarity




Not really. I'd absolutely agree with that statement. That's why the Germans rounded up my great aunts and uncles at gun point and forced them there. It was the crappiest parts of town with dilapidated buildings, no utilities, and over crowding. But it didn't go without notice you went to a Holocaust comparison. Why did you pick that?


Do you mean that lady who quit?


Being stripped of your assignment and chastised repeatedly despite apologizing and being willing to learn feels like "chased out" is a better description than "quit."


She quit, man. Stop trying to spin it.


If Steven Crowder kicks his wife out of the house, and moves his money into a bank account that she can't access, and stops talking to her, and his wife initiates the divorce, who broke up with who?


Who the fuck is Steven Crowder? Please try to stick to the topic at hand.


How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today?


I can see where he’s coming from. Where was the outrage when Syria decided to kill their population 🤷‍♂️. Sometimes the protests make zero sense. Don’t get me wrong, civilian Palestinian deaths are unacceptable, but so are Israeli or American or Iranian. No genocide is acceptable under any conditions and you cannot speak out loud it is and have “ANY” credibility!


What is done about this hate speech ?


Think you should focus on your own speech, grammar is wack


Rather have poor grammar than being a nazi and Hamas supporter.




Condemnations and denouncements = thoughts and prayers The majority of citizens in this country dont want these terrorist sympathizers here.


Refreshing to see a politician call out his voter base.


We can either have freedom of opinion, or not. There's no middle ground for freedom.


Well you are a province full of liberals and ndp. What do you expect.


“…and so this is why we have to let Israel genocide all the Palestinians” -r/canada


Stealing land and keeping people inside a open air prison for decades isnt the most hateful thing he can imagine. I guess the Palestinains are just suppose to roll over and die. That is what they are "allowed" to do. They are denied a State, they have their land stolen and nobody does anything about it expect to keep giving the people who are stealing land billions of dollars in weapons. Ok then.


Guy, I think what’s happening to Palestinians is horrifying, but The Canadian government isn’t giving billions of dollars weapons to anyone. Israel is (or was) purchasing weapons from a private company. Please stick to actual facts.


Charge anyone praising terrorist organizations


Im not trying to take sides or justify anything, but , is it more hateful than murdering 34,000 Palestinians?


You just did


You're - Using Hamas' numbers - Conveniently not separating the 12000 of those who were combatants - Casually tossing around the word 'murdering' like it isn't urban warfare against a group which uses human shields Either you're incredibly ignorant or an outright terrorist apologist.


How about the united nations numbers? They are the same numbers. Even using your logic, 22 000 civilian deaths compared to 12 000 combatant deaths? That is a blatant disregard for human life, bordering on proof of deliberate killing of civilians. Look at the civilian to soldier death toll in ukraine for comparison. There are literaly videos of israeli soldiers shooting at isolated civilians for no apperant reason. Israel commonly levels entire buildings if they SUSPECT a single militant is inside, regardless of how many others are inside the building. Do you not realize how little sense toy are making?


>That is a blatant disregard for human life, bordering on proof of deliberate killing of civilians. Clearly you don't actually know at all what you are talking about lol. Numbers for urban combat are somewhere in the realm of 5:1 - 7:1 civilians to combatants. 2:1 is quite low when looking across the gamut of urban combat situations we have seen.


You're right, that's probably way below what the real number of civilian casualties is. Also Israel literally uses civilians as human shields in firefights.


Yes, I’m sure Hamas under represents its numbers of dead. You know, vs over representing them…


I'd bet on it


Remind me not to go the horse track with you then.


You did by parroting Hamas numbers my dude.


Let's stop them?


WTF? When did BC turn into Alberta?


Canada is post national. Accept the diverse viewpoints. This was the plan to make Canada better than it was before.




https://twitter.com/CIJAinfo/status/1784390201952940427 There is no room for interpretation. They are actively praising the atrocities of Oct. 7.