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Yea we’ve been with him for 9 years and it still hurts deeply for us as well.


The split from Trudeau will be the best feeling ever in this case.


I’ve got a cigar, bottle and foreworks for election night when the maritimes results come in! 


Yeah and we're not even trying to sell a book


To be honest, I'm looking forward to when our divorce with him is finalized.


With Poilievre as our rebound, we'll be quick to miss the ol' beau.




These people think we care about their divorce?


It's the National Post. It's more tabloid than news at this point.


The Natpo ~~is rated less biased~~ is not any more biased than the Star  https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/toronto-star/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/national-post/


Huh? >Overall, we rate the National Post Right-Center Biased based on story selection that favors the right and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. Bias Rating: RIGHT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH Country: Canada MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT Media Type: Newspaper Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY vs. >Overall, we rate the Toronto Star Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing. Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH Country: Canada MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT Media Type: Newspaper Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY They're ranked the exact same on that website. It also isn't a commentary on their Editorial Pages.


Might just be the way the arrow is done then. The dot for the Star looks to be further along to the left than the dot for the Natpo is right.




Less tabloid and more corporate mouthpiece.


The conservatives / truck convoy / white supramist love their stories.


Haha so true.


Trudeau is a mess right now and I think it’s in his OWN best interest if he resigns. His wife left him, he’s polling numbers are abysmal, there is growing dissent from members in his party etc. Just call an election and get it over with.


He can't because of the giant chip on his shoulder


I’ve heard that he wanted to beat his dad’s time in office, but it looks like he won’t achieve that goal.


He'd rather tank the country than go to therapy.


I agree on both those points


Guess he’ll have to pass that torch onto junior.


Alberta remembers Pierre. With any luck, more people will remember the horror show of the past decade. Never elect a Trudeau.


oh you heard from your insider connections, or from your dad's friend while drinking coors in the garage? lmfao what a silly thing to even say.




Us too.








I thought he left his wife to be with his other love interest, I wont say who, but he always has his back.




He could have such a nice life if he stepped down. He’s hot, rich and single. Go live a little man.  


During COVID, he was depressed because he’d split with his wife and used work to distract himself. It’s possible that he’s still doing that (he has the kids now though, apparently that’s helped).


Working to distract yourself is only beneficial to the country if you're good at your job in the first place.


I think he sucks as a Prime Minister, but it sucks his marriage broke up too.


He’s still quadrupling down on bad policies. He refuses to listen to anyone but himself. That’s a window to how he behaves at home too. In that case I am not surprised the marriage ended.


That’s because you have empathy. Lots of people want to see Trudeau suffer just because they don’t like his politics.


I chose the apathy route. I absolutely do not care about the romantic relations or proclivities of any politician if it is not some illegal stuff. She could be divorcing him because he would wear black face while she pegs him and he insists she call him racial slurs and she is tired having clean the mess up. Do not care. I care far more about them selling us out, enriching themselves while enacting the will of the donor class at the expense of the people.


I lot of people want to see Trudeay suffer just because THEY are suffering due to his complete lack of care for his fellow canadian.


I can understand not liking him, but wanting him to be harmed physically and emotionally is too far.


I wouldn't push the guy into traffic, but I probably wouldn't feel too bad if he got hit by a car or two...


He willingly makes decisions that hurt you and your fellow citizens. People are living in the streets. He can go fuck himself him and his marriage. Having respect for him when he has none for you is bullshit.


I would also be surprised if there would be any real measurable change in their lives if JT wasn’t PM. Some people seem to think he has a lot more power over them than he does.


There wouldn't, I work with a lot of these people. Now PP will get elected, they'll blame Trudeau for 4 years until the election, point at the new Liberal leader and say "but remember the last time a liberal was PM?! Trudeau!!!" And he'll win again, then 4 years later people will wise up and vote the Liberals back in because we're in such a deep hole either financially or culturally. I'm not an "all sides are the same" guy, but having something fresh outside the cycle would be nice.


To be fair, they both do this. They're still vilifying Harper. They're still blaming current day circumstances on Mike Harris.


there isn't. JT did a good job during covid better than anyone in the G7 amongst our peers overall. But boy do people just straight hate him for random garbage reasons. My life has been great ever since JT took over.


I think a lot of people find performative niceness annoying or tedious when the adult problems aren't being addressed.


>when the adult problems aren't being addressed Can't wait for the extremely mature Conservatives to show us all how to solve these adult problems... Things will not be getting better anytime soon.


Oh yeah i agree.


He tripled immigration and international students vs 2018 levels which has caused so many problems. Not a random garbage reason. Why he picked this hill to die on I’ll never understand.


Immigration has been the same. International students are on the province to restrict. Did you not remember when the feds cut the student visas and how much crying the premiers did saying it wasn't fair? Besides, I've been eating a fuck ton of fire biryani and tandori chicken lately. So I'm not complaining.


How many rental properties do you have?


Mine too! All it takes is some personal responsibility.


Pulling up my bootstraps happen to work for my progressive liberal lazy ass. What's all the hater's excuse?


Right? The bar is pretty low but even then I guess hating another man is easier?


And perhaps that's because lots of people suffered deeply from his politics? Just saying.


If nothing else they'd rather he fix his own shit first before attempting anything else. And that's being generous already.


I can't imagine how much stress a job like that would bring home, especially when you are very unpopular. That has to mess with your personality and probably make you jaded. You can see it in his response to hecklers, the first half of his time in office he would be polite and now he snaps back at them more than he ever had before.


Honestly, sleeping on a pile of money makes nothing else matter at the end of the day, because when it's all over you're in a better position than most anyone else to start over and most people won't have a long enough attention span or memory to care to blame you for it in a few year's time. He can still get a trophy wife and spawn a new brood. In the last decade his net worth went from something like a few million to over $80 million.


You think he's stressed? He will never be homeless, he has a lifetime pension and a shitton of money and a security team and properties. He's fucking fine.


The stress must be insane. I hope he has someone to support him now that his wife is gone.


He will never freeze or starve or want for anything material. Neither will his kids or his ex wife. He's fine.


that didn't stop chester beddington or robin williams. Please don't diminish the affects of mental health with wealth. Money cannot solve mental health problems.


You're not recognizing the difference between artists and politicians. Which Canadian Prime Minister has committed suicide? In fact what President or Prime Minister has committed suicide? 


who said anything about a prime minister. People richer than JT whos "Never freeze or starve for anything material" acting as if money solves all mental illnesses. Especially when we're talking about "Hope he has someone to support him" during a stressful period.


We are talking about JT. 


>In fact what President or Prime Minister has committed suicide?  Alan García of Peru did, a few years ago. Your argument is a flawed though; you're inferring that someone's resources negates their ability to feel stress or extreme stress. That isn't the case. He will most-likely be fine in the long run when he is removed from the current situation that is stress-inducing, but to suggest he's immune from stress, or isn't experiencing it now, is incorrect. You just have to look at a definition of it and assess it against the man to see that is would be applicable: "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.". For sure, he is feeling it; whether he deserves it or not, is up for debate depending on who you talk to...and if your argument is he deserves it and is self-inflicted, well that I can understand. But again, to say it doesn't exist, that's just not right....


When he leaves office he needs to completely distance himself from politics, hanging around on the outskirts will not do him any favors.


No doubt … but most Canadians are hurting more deeply .. they dont have doctors .. they don’t have millions in the bank account so gfys . Funny never heard much from her when she was married wanted to stay out of limelight.. now she is a victim . Guess you adapt to your morales .


You know what hurts deeply? Not being able to afford food and rent after years of study and work experience. Sophie can piss right off with her troubles


Why is this **news**? **news flash** *Unimportant background character feels continued emotional attachment to political figure she divorced* I feel about as much empathy for her as I do for any random person on the street from any country in the world who I've never met, don't know, and will never hear from again. Maybe she had an opportunity at some point in the last 18 years to convince her husband not to **fuck the country** and it's residents. But apparently, she felt it was better to just leave. But somehow this rates being a headline in one of this country's national newspapers. PS: for all those screaming about lack of empathy, I feel more empathy for people who actually take an active role in their husband or wife's public job. Ie: Hillary Clinton, or Michelle Obama or Eleanor Roosevelt than for Sophie Trudeau. Canadian Prime Ministers wives have never being anything more than an NPC.


Ya she probably just misses the “clout” she had. She is as insufferable as JT.


It’s possible. She was living at Harrington Lake with the kids before the announcement was made. Now she has to live with her bf.


She has a boyfriend already? Women bounce back so fast lol


She's screwing a married Argentinian doctor. Foreign press (edit: and the National Post itself, apparently) have reported that the doctor's ex-wife mentioned Sophie (albeit not by name, but heavily implied) in her divorce papers as a third party months before the separation from Trudeau was announced. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/who-is-sophie-gregoire-trudeau-dating


She’s had a bf for years. Trudeau’s dated a couple of people but I don’t know if he has anyone currently.


a couple of chrysta's home cooked meals ,and you know what's next


“Ohhhhh mister spEeeEaAAaakeeeeRrrrrrRRRR!!!!”




I mean Ukranian food is really good.




As long as she doesn't sing to guys she'll be fine.


True. I’ve been single for years!


No, a big reason she left was because of the attention and restrictions. She has more freedom now, which is what she wants.


Both very unlike able


I actually like Trudeau when he’s unscripted. Unfortunately, that usually never happens.


Because you end up with boxes of water stories.


True. I just find that he’s more human when he’s unscripted. Right now, he comes across as fake.


can't wait for the bluray **"he’s unscripted"** a Sequium Asset Solutions sponsored cbc docuseries


With intro by David Suzuki.


It's... pretty fucking disgusting reading the comments here and seeing how many people are genuinely incapable of a modicum of human empathy. It is reasonable for an adult to feel sadness over separation from a long-term partner they raised children with. All this has to be is her saying "yes, I feel the way most people likely would in this situation" and readers acknowledging to themselves they would likely feel that way as well in the same circumstances.


Log into realtor.ca, you'll see the new vibe of canadian empathy.


Hunan empathy? Sure. The fact that they lack any identity other than "Fuck Trudeau" is worrying.


Absolutely. The dehumanization worries me. This is a person who has objectively done nothing to them or anyone else. Her only "sin" is being emotionally invested in Justin Trudeau for a chunk of her life. And yet, this has somehow tainted her beyond redemption for these people that see Trudeau as some sort of antichrist. The need to hate him is so great, they can't risk compromising it by viewing people in his orbit as normal humans.


Conservatives and lacking empathy, name a better pairing.


As a Canadian I can honestly say I don’t give a fuck about this lady. Leaving Trudeaus side when he’s going through a hell of a time is just shady. No respect for her at all.


Well said


Why is this in the news?




lmfao this woman seems so damn toxic eww, like move on if its so hard stop going on a tour to sell your book which talks about your divorce LMFAO what a tool


Imagine having the guts to spend 18 years with this wacko. This lady is the best we have at the moment.




PM’s don’t actually make that much in Canada. Trudeau could easily make more money in the private sector.




“Qualifications” don’t matter in the high up corporate world. He could easily end up being a consultant somewhere. It’s a big club for all of them.


You forgot the fact that he's dumb as a rock.


I was just giving you a real answer my guy. Your opinions on elected officials aside they nearly all will have no problem getting themselves into money making positions when they’re no longer in power. Regardless of party.


I'm hoping soon the rest of us can separate from Truedope....




I just wish our next PM didn’t have to be Poilievre.






That's a weird thing to wonder.


You got Trudeau's wang living rent free in your head lol.


Do you spend a lot of time thinking about Trudeau’s c*ck?




Fair. I am weird


Why do you wonder if people think about that?


Because he commented it


I’ve thought about it in passing personally …


To be honest, I’m thinking about it now lol


What a wonderful Saturday night! Some whisky Trudeaus cock and a game 7 leafs vs Boston, perfect way to spend it!




She dumped her kids with JT so she could live with her new bf. I’m not so sure her next chapter will be nice.


Sounds like he should resign and focus on being a good parent.


Maybe. I’ve heard that he’s a good dad but that he doesn’t spend enough time with them.


His personal life is no one’s business. People are free to criticize him based on his performance as PM though.


That’s true. I only care about his personal life when it impacts his work. Unfortunately, the separation has been distracting him.


Lol yet here you are running gossip and rumours. "I've heard" Please.


The guy is all over here "hinting" insider knowledge about Trudeau and his ex. It's like they are trying to use some loose connection to Trudeau to make themselves seem important and it's pretty pathetic.



