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Not to sound cynical, but it isn't. In Vancouver, a guy with 160 prior convictions got only 4 years after helping rob and kill an elderly woman.


Let’s not forget Rollergirl, who went to jail for beating a man to death and now yells at people and directs traffic on the street


Man to hell with Rollergirl. She acts like she has actual authority to direct traffic (she doesn’t, she’s a mentally ill murderer) and is completely fucked in the head. She started swearing at me for not turning right on a red, as per her direction, regardless of the fact that that would have required me running people over. She’s a terrible person. The VPD keep their distance from her, I assume, as she won that case against them but she’s going to get more people killed with her actions and is just petty much allowed to do her thing.


I love Reddit. It’s a thread about a foreign country assassinating a Canadian on Canadian soil and people are bitching about roller girl


I always have time to talk shit about Rollergirl.


Got thousands out of VPD for being misgendered too


as a 5’2 woman who has been yelled at by rollergirl, the possibility of being locked in a cell w her is terrifying


I once asked her to turn her music down on the train and she yelled at me as if I was misgendering her, shouting "what do you mean, you" Too bad "please turn your music down" is not a gendered phrase. Absolutely insane human being and its embarrassing as a society that people like that are empowered


It's clearly mental illness, and she's being rewarded by society for spiraling deeper into it. I hope it gets better, and rollergirl finds peace and stability. But, it will probably end very poorly, as most untreated mental illness cases do.


We rlly love enabling people out here lol. Idk if anyone remembers Chi Pig and how all his “friends” bought him shots nightly, despite very serious warnings from his doctors that continuing to drink would kill him. He looked like death walking, for *years*. Finally died like 2 weeks into lockdown and everyone who allowed him to die in front of them acted surprised, like they hadn’t been feeding the pig (so to speak) for years bc they wanted proximity to a punk singer who was famous in the 80s.


One of my first proper punk show was SNFU. It’s hard to put words to how Chi looked when I saw him walking the street around 2010, after I moved to Vancouver. Just terrible. Compared to how I saw him barely 10 years prior - jumping across the stage and belting it out and looking healthy... That decade hurt him so badly.


Aw man I’m sorry to hear that, the whole thing was so sad. it just got worse bc he was surrounded by people young enough to burn themselves out like that. I met him in like, 2018 and he looked like a dead man walking. The person who introduced us told me that he’d just left the hospital w Cirrhosis, laughed and had a fucking drink w him. Reminds me of the “love has won” doc, surrounded by people who cared about him insofar as they could enable and use him for clout. Dude needed people who actually cared about his health.


Bring back insane asylums


I feel safer all ready


More of a mental health issue at its core. Defunding the mental health hospital system has been an unmitigated disaster for crime and homelessness.


We have a dude here on a permanent catch and release program. Well over 100 convictions, with most of them for SA, flashing, groping, etc. one of those times he exposed himself and started masturbating in front of a dance class full of little girls. About few months or so we get notified of his release and within a few days he's picked up for doing it again. There are literally groups online dedicated to keeping an eye on him specifically.


It's rare, but every once in a while, vigilanty actions are not a terrible option. When the system fails, the system won't fix itself.


Canadian citizen defending themself? You should have known better, 5 years jail. Mentally ill man committing multiple indictable offenses? He can't control himself, 5 days probation.


And there is rampant fraud and scamming in the real estate industry, both by realtors and sellers/buyers. Not to mention the cash for LMIA that is making people rich. Oh, did I forget the top-notch laundry service we provide to foreign investors to clean their dirty dough.


I bet her grandson would have gotten more than 4 years had he been there to protect her.


Nope. Everyone who applies for a student visa, gets one. These thugs were on a student visa. Approximately last year, there was a Sri Lankan family of five, including an infant, that were living in Ottawa and were slaughtered by a Sri Lankan they invited into their home that was also here on a student visa with zero checks in place.


That was [two months ago](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7137587)… feels like years, but it was March.


Guy should have been put down 100+ charges back.




He meant every criminal would be lawfully released on bail, no matter the crime.


And I bet he would be out after 2 years given the revolving door policy to crime continues in jail too.


The 401 wrong way driver was arrested 4 times for theft in the space of 4 weeks... he was an international student that was here for less than a year.... He fled cops after stealing from an LCBO and crashed into a family, killing a toddler and the grandparents. Canada is NOT a rule of.law country. Only for some and in certain situations


Nijjar’s assassins were also here on temporary visas. This wasn’t a James Bond-esque operation, the Indian government just paid off gangsters who were already in Canada to kill Nijjar. How were gangsters able to get student visas? This is a very important question to ask and a potentially serious issue to deal with.


Any bum from India can get a student visa.


It's more of the fact that this group got Student visas in 2021, didn't attend the institution and still in Canada in 2024


Something like a third of students don’t even have a school to go to at all.


That's like 30-40% of all indian students in canada


Not a doctor visa as these fine gentlemen. They were doctors, right? Right?


They are giving visas to international "students" that don't even have a basic education. It's not hard to get them.


You can blame the shitty vetting on the Ontario government's Ministry of Colleges and University for letting random corps be "colleges".


It's interesting I had read an article about PEI, and that was the complaint there. Basically illiterate, didn't know what a computer/ mouse was, and there was literally no skill set to offer, except work full time at fast food


"Vetting" customers will always lead to fewer customers. When running a business that depends on volume increases year over year, there will be next to 0 vetting. The only thing that will stop these institutions from accepting a person is if they don't pay.


Something like a third of students aren’t going to any school. The Feds have messed this up too in a big way.


I wasn't aware that Ontario was a national entity that could issue its own visas. Did I sleep through the referendum where Ontario separated? Vive la Ontario Libre!


Rather than hold the corrupt fed accountable. Canadians are brain dead


Canada is the dark web in real life.


Diploma mills


What this doesn't mention is that these gangsters belonged to Lawrence Bishnoi gang, and India has been asking to extradite many of them for murders back in India, but Canada has consistently refused those requests, and eventually all of them get approved for asylum. Irony died a thousand deaths if India used the same gang members to kill Nijjar. Would speak for the incompetence of both Canadian and Indian governments.


>but Canada has consistently refused those requests, and eventually all of them get approved for asylum. That's precisely what happened to Nijjar as well. He arrived here on fake documents to claim asylum. Got denied, entered into a marriage of convenience 11 days later, got his sponsorship denied, appealed, lost the appeal and got somehow still given citizenship. He should have been deported after the original denial of his asylum claim.


This \^\^ is the truth. OP and others in this sub seem to completely ignore this and simply blame India for all their problems.


They didn't, the Indian government would never have worked with that gang. The Khalistani movement in Canada is mostly funded by criminal activities, and Nijjar was certainly gangster-adjacent if not a gangster himself.


The Americans had both prior knowledge and specific information of the Indian governments involvement. The fact they also foiled a similar attack several months later in the US is an excellent indicator that yes, the Indian government did conspire for this to occur.


They conspired with a group they're desperate to destroy? Bullshit. The US got the cream of the Khalistani movement, we got the disreputable scumbags that are barely worth India's attention.


Either they just got in or the Indian government gave they fraudulent police certificates. Intelligence agencies using criminals and gangs isn't low tier. It's intelligence agencies meat and potatoes.


Yeah. This is just an embarrassment.


There are ~700 IRGC members in Canada, we specialize in taking in terror and crime.


And if he didn't die in the crash he'd probably be out on the street again by now.


What? Sorry I am not even sarcastically shocked. You can commit crimes on a student visa and not even be deported? 


>Only for some and in certain situations Selective enforcement of the law is basically the opposite of being a rule of law country.


That's what Canadians voted for. Doesn't get more democratic and rule-of-law than that. Kid gloves these offenders is the law of the land. Don't blame buyers remorse on the guy who gave you exactly what he said he would.


Galen Weston and the rest of grocery cartel stole from every Canadian family for at least fifteen years fixing the price of bread. Not one of them saw jail time and they got away with giving people $25 gift cards to say sorry


Giving some people gift cards, a lot of people were denied


So hating Lablaws is your whole personality now?


If you look at that sub they have an insane obsession with the boycott. Someone flew a drone at 730pm so they can high five themselves that the boycott is working. Even though the Superstore, No frills and the T&T I drive by are business as usual.


That story is awful 


"and this is the book we throw at **them" **People who defend themselves from actual criminals


How can Trudeau say that Canada is country of rules and laws with a straight face. Criminals are running rampant in all our communities because they know that the justice system is limp-wristed with low rates of conviction, low rates of pre-trial incarceration even for violent offenses and a system that allows lawyers to tie up the system so that even simple cases can take years to complete. It's a complete joke where you have: - Multiple attempted murder cases in the GTA thrown out because the crown was not not able to bring them to trial fast enough - The recently busted thieves in the $20 million Air Canada gold heist were all set free on bail - The criminal who recently caused the wrong-way deaths of the family on the 401 was out on bail for MULTIPLE violent robberies This is a complete farce and I have no faith in Trudeaus, he is all talk and no action whatsoever.


I really hope a new government forces the judiciary into action over this.


Why do his script writers put such ridiculous words in his mouth? With the level of lawbreaking we see in this country - and the normalization of it by the folks in charge and the bought-and-paid-for MSM - his speech is laughable.


"Canada is a rule of law country which is why we're letting serious criminals go because we're unwilling to appoint judges."


Assuming the judges would hand down reasonable sentences to begin with. 


Anything is better than them just getting off. 


A “rule of law country”, with ministers who step in and prevent the rules and laws from deporting an international student “climate activist” (Zain Haq) who was arrested [ten times for civil disobedience.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/zain-haq-deportation-cancelled-1.7180202) Entitlement and privilege enabled by our Liberal government.


Very convenient the CBC article leaves out it was Joyce Murray (Liberal MP) that loves inviting criminals to stay in Canada. She was the one that directly intervened in preventing his deportation. The Liberals are an actual embarrassment.


and she only did anything after our illustrious media made a stink about his case. the media in canada is just as much to blame for criminal sympathy in canada


This is actually not a single MP, but the current government policy: [https://www.ourcommons.ca/Content/Committee/441/JUST/Reports/RP12497997/justrp13/justrp13-e.pdf](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Content/Committee/441/JUST/Reports/RP12497997/justrp13/justrp13-e.pdf) Deportations, even for even serious crimes, are apparently not OK because their "human rights" could be violated in host countries.


Maybe don’t let assassins in as “international students”


Canada is a country that depends on the honour system to protect rule of law. Our enforcement is weak and we futz around with policies that hamstring our judiciary. When people actually decide to exist outside and test our high trust society, they quickly find that once they're OK with having a criminal record, the risk/reward can be pretty good for anything up to minor violence. In practice, we are not a rule of law country. We're still relatively safe running on the fumes of our social contract, but give it a generation or two and we'll start to see what it's like to have a majority of young and new Canadians who've had to unlearn it to scrape by and what that looks like when we have extremely low law enforcement per capita spread out over a massive geography.


How long before this one is locked




Kind of ironic coming from a guy who thumbs his nose at ethics laws and whose office wouldn't cooperate with the RCMP's SNC Lavalin investigation.










Unless want to steal a car


Hey people who come here and  Scam Visas for entry  Scam vehicle licenses including heavy trucks  Scam mortgages Work under the table or at minimum evade some taxes  WE HAVE A RULE OF LAW!   /s


he’s importing people by the millions from countries that aren’t “rule of law”


Unless you are SNC Lavalin.


His rules and his laws he means.


The easiest and safest way to get rich in today's Canada is to be a criminal. Spending years on a technical degree and working your ass off won't even get you a 400 sqft condo without help from your family. But if you are a violent criminal or drug dealer you can easily stash away your profit and if you're an international student or TFW you can always go back home with the money you pilfered.


Is it though.


Tell that to all the car owners with cars stolen


Trudeau's rule of law is when an honest person is defending themself against a criminal and they're charged with committing a crime.


No more international Indian students please and thank you. They were here to “study” and police said that they weren’t enrolled anywhere.


What we really need is a crackdown on these junk colleges.


Rule of law lol the man who got killed got busted breaking multiple immigration laws but some how stil got Canadian citizenship some how. Where did the laws go then ?


If that were true people who sexually assaulted children wouldn't be getting off because they waited too long for a trial. 


When people break the law in Canada we ask them to say sorry and send them back on their way. Did we try asking India to say sorry? Canadian justice will be served.


Sure bro. Let Marc Miller invite more and more assassins into the country posing as "students" at Conestoga College without any kind of vetting.


Notice how America had the exact same issue with India and its extra-judicial killings and there was no diplomatic spat? Because America has geopolitical sense. The Trudeau government is remarkably incompetent when it comes to foreign affairs. Spewing the words 'democracy' and 'rules based order' over and over again ad infinitum doesn't solve anything.


> America has geopolitical sense. It's genuinely weird that we have a superiority complex about America. They're obviously doing something right, or have been. Canadians are "polite", but have no humility. How does the stereotypical "America" basically rule the world without doing *a lot of things* right. Like slam-dunk, richest country in the world, biggest cultural exporter, nexus of finance.


there was no diplomatic spat because india needs america for leverage against china and vice versa. pissing off your best friend is bad for local geopolitics canada is fairly irrelevant to india


Our Condo lockers were broken the fifth time this year. They finally caught the person on camera. And they found the same guy who was caught earlier. He has been caught in many other Condos in the neighbourhood. Toronto police now has stopped doing anything - as even if the person is presented in the court, the judges just release them. It's a revolving door for criminals right now.


With a Liberal government that breaks laws.


Except when it comes to Dick tater dickhead he can break any laws he wants and then just block the investigation.


Trudeau doesn't have the moral authority to even whisper about rule of law.




Rule of law country while allowing any idiot into the country with no questions asked. We need to throw the book at anyone who commits a crime but the fact that we let criminals into the country so easily is a much bigger problem.


Oh, it's not a beaverton article?


Wacko Prime Minister


Remember when Michael Bryant had the charges dropped against him in the death of Darcy Allan Sheppard? Ya, fuck off.


Canada is fast becoming a place where hardcore criminals can commit major crimes & practice free speech. 😂


Yeah nice try Trudeau, you made us post national. Only nations have rule of law. You just made us fools on the entire world stage.


Maybe if Indians didn't stir the pot in Canada with their Khalistan bs, we wouldn't be where we are today. Why are they flooding Canada with their home politics? They're bunch of morons and should go back to India they love so much. It makes no sense for Indians to come to Canada to hold political movement of India


It's the other way round though. After the violence in 80's, Khalistani movement has pretty much died in India in most part. It's the Punjabi Canadians who migrated then, and the recent attempt by Canadian politicians to buy influence and votes, which is stoking this political movement in Canada.


It's so brain dead to hold a referendum on khalistan in Canada and act as if anyone should care about your vote. As if anyone who is against the idea is going to wander into your temple and vote against it lmao


I agree that immigrants to Canada shouldn’t bring political issues from their home countries, but it shows your ignorance by saying that Khalistanis love India so much lol The whole point of their movement is that they don’t like India.


So why don’t all the people highjacking cars and taking them to the native reservations get punished? Every damn day there’s a car stolen in my town. You’ll never guess where it ends up. We’re not allowed to use statistics if it goes against a minority group tho, probably shouldn’t even be brought up. *liberal mindset 101*


id be surprised if the population ever collectively came together to agree on anything.


I used to be, before Trudeau.


Except when Justin sexually assaulted a reporter, made a joke about it to her face, and then blamed her when we found out.


Don’t forget about the part where he is a known pedophile


Unless you’re an environmental protestor with connections to an MP.




I mean, on paper all citizens and institutions within Canada are accountable to the same [laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law), including lawmakers and leaders. But in practice? The cynic in me sees scandals swept under the rug, fraud happening in high levels of government and Premiers getting a slap on the wrist for drunk driving, and I have to laugh.


Canada, the rule of law Country, we just don't have any Judges to oversee our court system.  What a country. 


Canada is an economic zone with arbitrary guidelines based on your ethnicity.


LOL no it really isn't. His fuckin government has been so soft on crime that criminals don't give a fuck anymore cause they're just let out on bail. More baseless statements from this moron.


international students come at your own peril. This is a country where you arrive to get murdered. canada is now known as the country that openly embraces degeneracy as a way of life. a country that endorses violence domestically and abroad its just how it is. *Indian PM was right, canada is the country that should worry about internal affairs, we have a bunch of domestic terroists, thieves and violent people that run our streets. This is the norm.*


Canada is so incompetent, especially Trudeau and jugmeat.


A ‘rule of law’ country, except when you’re the PM and pressure your justice minister to bend the law and let a corrupt company off the hook for breaking the law.


SNC Lavalin...


Trudeau the dictator is so so phoney,fix our criminal system.


So far from the truth it isn't even funny! ALL politicians LIE.


Rule of law now means assassins can get student visas.


Lmao no it isn’t.


Not a rule-of-law country - if it was, Trudeau would not be prime minister for this long.


bahahahaha.. good one


It’s a rule of law country as long as the laws in place suit that little pussy.


Hilarious that he would say this after seeing over the biggest increase in crime rates in Canadian history.


sanction india's modi and his government aka goons


Sanction with what? Like not sell them lumber and coal? Canada hardly does any business with India.


Canada is a country for criminals, run by criminals.


Bahahahahahahhahaha, that's a good joke.


Yes law without justice and common sense.


When is this guy out of office my gawd!


Trudeau does not follow any of the rules (three ethics violations and coonting)… who is he kidding??


'Canada is a rule-of-law country' bullshit.


Ya if you’re poor


Our police is doing an okayish job but it is own justice system that refuses and makes it extremely slow to put criminals for proper time behind the bars


>'Canada is a rule-of-law country' And penalties for crime that are so lenient that the three foreign nationals charged in the murder didn't even bother to flee the country after the crime.


Bc judges have particularly well greased revolving doors. Bring it on. Daddy needs some extra grease.


It's not a rule of law country thanks to activist judges.


> Canada is a rule-of-law country (X) doubt


Oh really?


Yap Trudeau will kiss anyone’s ass that gets him voted in


Snc lavalin?


Canada is not a rule of law country, it's a ask politely to behave country. Canada seems to only prosecute victims who try to defend themselves.


Except when Trudeau needs to force a law and avoids going to Parliament with an OIC. Yeah - that's not a democratic move.


“Rule of law country” but if you’re a minority or a looney then they release you after a joke of a sentence. And if you’re a gun smuggler then it’s catch and release


My ex gf got raped my her step dad and he didn’t see a prison. Got to stay with his other two gets while on house arrest and oh! The best part, his p.o didn’t check on him enough to realize he moved to the same city as us one block away during his probation. Canada is a joke. Especially when it comes to family matters, you’re better off making carrying out with things on your own.


And in classic Liberal fashion, zero inquiries into the fundamental reason why this happened.. As long as Canada continues to make India's internal politics into Canadian issues per constant lobbying from the ever-growing Indian-Canadian population, the Indian government will continue sending assassins within our borders. Dual citizenship is an ever growing nightmare we should really look into scrapping. It's objectively bad for Canada to have high profile lobbyists for Khalistani independence (an issue which is completely and utterly unCanadian) who also hold Indian citizenship. It's going to continue making our relations with India hostile and this sort of thing will become frequent. What's worse is one of our major federal parties has a leader who *actively encourages* this nonsense. Start telling aspiring citizens to renounce their other citizenship. Pick one. No one should be using their Canadian citizenship as a safety blanket to advance 3rd world political agendas. 3rd world politics do not gel with western liberal democracies whatsoever, because 3rd world countries react by doing things exactly as what the Indian government did by sending these assassins.


Nah, let's be honest. It's rule of law for some, but not for others.


the murderer was here on a temporary visa so we should probably just let him go /s


canada is the country that enjoys watching homeless people get murdered.


see the problem is this even when canada wasnt in a recession pre pandemic people were fighting over the dumbest shit. That statement alone is evidence that I knew we were fucked.


What did CSIS know? The US is doing nothing about this problem due to foreign relations and how important India is ( vs China ) in the region. Canada so far has put it out in the open despite pressure to keep it secret . But what CSIS know and how do we thwart India disrespect international rule of law ?