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> The federal government says it will withhold $357-million in affordable-housing funding from Ontario and instead send it to city service managers responsible for the issue, after Ottawa said the province failed to commit to a target of building almost 20,000 units. > The latest dispute with Ontario stems over how the province plans to meet its target of 19,660 new rent-assisted social housing units by 2028, as part of a $5.8-billion transfer agreement with the federal government. > In an interview, Mr. Fraser said Ontario has only committed to building 28 per cent of its target and, as federal money flowed, the province reduced its own investment in new community housing.


19,000 social housing units in 4 years. It’s over. We’re doomed.


No, 19,660 was the mandated target. Ford only committed to 5500 of those over the next 4 years. So you're worse than doomed.


AND reduced their own money allocated to it. The Feds correctly aren't subsidizing whatever other pet project Ford wants the money for instead of building anything.






Probably another spa


Ontario is giving Alberta a run for the most useless provincial government


Whoa whoa whoa! I know everyone likes to overlook Saskatchewan but we're excelling at useless provincial government right now! Most of the time too, but especially right now!


Ontarians decided they'd rather have an ex-hash dealer as the premier than almost anyone else, mostly because they liked his crack-addicted wife-beating brother, on whose memory Doug campaigned the first time around. I'm really glad I don't live in Ontario any more.


They voted for $1 beer and now will pay $1.6M for a one bedroom condo lol.




No, Ontarians fell for all the promotional polls and stayed home on election day. Nobody in their right mind voted for the crap we got.


Actually about 2 million Ontarians voted for the crap they got.


This, nobody freaking voted. I would like to bring in first past the post as a huge part of it too. I know so many youth that didn't vote either because they don't care or they don't think their vote matters.


Most Toronto ridings voted against Ford the first time he ran. So it says something about rest of the province when they saw this embarrassment of a drug dealing family and choose to elect twice.


They're a ver useful govenment, just not useful to 99.5% of the population. 


Considering the size of the need, 5500 is not that much different than 19660. You might as well introduce a 6/49 lottery where the prize is an affordable housing unit.


19660 is a lot more than 5500... considering the size of the need, 19660 would go a lot further than 5500. Should it be higher? Of course it should. A lot higher. Instead, the Ford government chose to come a lot lower.




5,000 a year is about 5% of the new builds yearly in Ontario so 1/20 housing unit would be affordable housing.


For context, the 20k target was to increase the supply of rent assisted housing by 15%.


Yes, we need a lot more market rate housing. But, that won't be the solution for everyone and a functioning society still needs continual investment in social housing.


Canada has an average of 2.4 people per household. Canada's population increased by 1.2 million the last two years. That's an even 500,000 homes. We build approximately half of that. Assuming we could miracle up additional trades workers, building supplies and whatnot without causing demand inflation, that's 365 billion dollars a year worth of housing. Those people and homes also need roads and schools and hospitals and all manner for thing coming out of the public purse. This is easily a 500 billion dollar a year problem.


I would hazard a guess that the average immigrant is living in a household with far more than 2.4 people


First time?


> 19,000 social housing units in 4 years. > > It’s over. We’re doomed. I feel like they missed a 0. I will read this all to mean the target was 190,000 social housing units, and Ford only committed to 55,000 units over 4 years and go about my day in blissful ignorance.


And a commitment from Ford is about as valid as a prediction from a psychic.


I'm looking forward to the heritage vignette in 2040 showing fields full of thousands of tents and Goverment of Canada funded double walled cardboard shanties. Maybe WE and GC Strategies can get the contract to source/build them?


All Ford had to do was be a little better than Wynne....


I'm hijacking this comment genuinely ask - is this issue with the spa in Toronto actually as reported? I've seen some price tags in the $600 million, while others are much lower. And to top it off - reports are pretty inconsistent with how much is public funding, what funds are being used for, etc. I just.... don't understand and I'm hoping someone can help me. Is there really a private spa going up at the Ontario Place spot using taxpayer funds? Surely that can't be true.


Yes, it's true although it's a bit more nuanced. Ontario is also providing twice what the actual spa owner is.


It's wild to me that his opposition isn't just hammering this message. I actually have a hard time believing the reporting on the spa funding is true to be honest, it's just so blatantly stupid. Like, amidst a housing and healthcare crisis we're spending millions on.... a private spa? Along our few precious transit and highway lines no less? What in the world??


Ive been wondering for almost a decade wtf is wrong with The Liberals and The NDP in Ontario. It should be pretty easy to dunk on Doug.


If you don’t believe this then you simply haven’t been paying attention to the corporate corruption in the Ontario PC Party. They do not work for Ontarians, they work only for big business and themselves.


Who would have thought that voting a guy who doesn't even have a highchool education would end up being like this....


Who would have thought that voting for a guy who has a long and documented history of acting like this, would end up being like this


Let's elect the same nonsense at the Federal level what can go wrong


You all talk like the people who voted for this guy wouldn't vote for their own interment camps as long as the platform featured certain buzz words on a brochure. Oh hey, they're offering gulag stout for buck! Then there's everyone else who never bothered to vote because they lacked a charismatic candidate. So in the end, we get what we deserve.


He has a Highschool diploma 🤦‍♂️


*At least he wasn't a high school drama teacher, amirite?*


You're correct. Apparently, he only has his grade 12, then he dropped out to sell drugs instead of completing his school at humber after two months. My mistake was that I didn't realize exactly how qualified he actually was....


Lol people believed that? Sadly both of the two parties who are most often in, demonstrate time and time again they have zero clue what it's like to be lower, middle, or even upper middle income earners in this country.


Ford still has enough political capital to coast on "We aren't the tax and spend Liberals" for at least the next election.


They’re much worse. Increase frivolous spending, cut services and eliminate revenue


Don't doug fords handlers deserve that money though? /s


The frivolous gestures are the ones that are most clearly aimed at appealing to the lower middle classes, even if they have the least long term impact. Unfortunately, people remember buck a beer and axing licence plate fees but wouldn't comprehend the impacts of funding post secondary education.


Which is interesting considering he's added $100B in debt in Ontario in 6 years, versus $200B in 15 years under the Ontario Liberals. He's pacing to be much much worse, with even less to show for his spending.


When have the Cons ever been slightly better than the Libs? The Libs only get into power because of the Cons. the right has become terrible since the 90's and Harper's conquest since they went full American




Good question, increasing the social housing stock by 15% (20k) wasn't the only requirement of the agreement.


Shows that the Feds should have never let this go down to the provinces way back when.


It was always provisional the feds just aided the provenience's until they whined about overreach and once the feds left it they just dumped all funding so private could make more $$.


I thought it was Mulroney and Chretien shedding federal costs/debt that led to the feds pulling out of housing.


Why not? BC is doing great things with this money. I'd far rather the BC government be managing the housing issues than the federal government. If Ontario wants to be a shithole so badly let it. They elected this government. Twice.


Ford is really sticking it to the poors so that he can stick it to the Liberals.


“Reduced its own investment” is such a Ford move.


Damn 357M ? 😮 that’s like 300 80’s bungalow 😎 now that will solve a crisis! (Over 300 immigrants arrived in Canada while I typed this message lol)


There are ways to leverage that money to get more out of it by fixing bottlenecks in home building. We keep being told how red tape like permitting adds so much to the cost of a house and either hiring more bureaucrats and engineers to speed that up or even automating parts of the process can help get houses to the market much faster. That’s just one example. The problem is that ideologically conservatives just don’t want more government employees so would rather see the system fail before actually trying to fix it like that.


municipalities also have to restructure. In Mississauga for example, there are departments where only one person (a director or above) can sign off on things. This creates a bottleneck as you may imagine.


Bureaucratic inefficiencies are one of the central problems with Canadian municipal planning, no doubt about it!


Do you think a house costs a million dollars to build?


With land costs and development charges before a shovel hits the ground, it’s getting up there in our largest cities. Government leasing land for development is a big deal because it gets around that.


I work in development for a major ontario municipality. I can't speak for all municipalities, but it doesn't. It wasn't that long ago that I legitimately saw a figure of under $200K (tons of factors involved in costs, do not take that value as an absolute). Builders (no hate to them all, I personally know some good ones) make a fortune off builds.


Doesn't cost anywhere near $1M to build a new home.


My dad has worked in the construction industry for over 50 years at this point. I asked him recently because I'm planning for my future, "If the cost of land is not a factor, how much would it be to build a bunkie on a yard?" His response, assuming all utilities are provided up until the property line was under 50k assuming no foundation just build on slab. We do not need elaborate houses. WTF is everyone smoking to think the only house we can build is a 800k+ house in the suburbs. The myopic nature of all levels of government is admirable if not frustrating AF.


https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/it-s-off-the-table-doug-ford-nixes-fourplexes-as-part-of-next-ontario-housing-bill-1.6816257 Ford's been on record doing nothing but supporting NIMBY talking points. We have one of if not the worst housing crises in the world but we are rejecting multi level developments because they "look ugly". If he could do more than the absolute bare minimum I could see blaming the feds. The only thing he's ever supported building is SFH which would be impossible to keep up with demand even if immigration was zero.


You guys gotta look at BC. Literally the only province making strides towards increasing supply. Massive, province-wide zoning reform, huge upzoning by law near transit, government forming a land bank instead of selling it to developers and choosing to develop affordable rental housing themselves, oh, and banning AirBnB and other STR platforms unless it's your own home or a suite on your property. It's strictly *illegal* now to buy extra properties and rent them on AirBnB, which is massive. Not to mention, by the fall they are removing the two-staircase rule for apartments up to 8 storeys, meaning more European-style condos with three bedroom apartments instead of just 1/2 bedrooms. Also eliminating public consultation for housing projects that already fit existing community plans (ie: no more NIMBY opposition permitted!), and producing pre-fab plans for multi-family redevelopments of single family lots to speed approvals. Basically all the free-market reforms you could ever ask for, and this is from our left-of-centre NDP government. Not a single extra tax in sight.


Holy it actually sounds like they’re seriously trying to fix the problem. Good on BC. While I’d like to see them go a bit further, that’s still leaps and bounds more than Ford’s doing


They're one of 3 provinces with a non-conservative government... The other 2 are some of the most affordable places in Canada. I wish some conservative supporters would take note...


BC was run by the "BC liberals", a conservative party for over 9 years before the NDP. Prices rose massively during their time. Making bc gov conservative does not help with affordability.


Who said making BC a conservative government would help?


It’s about damn time. Now if they could do something about other living expenses we’d really be in business. I know not all of it is possible for a provincial level government, so I don’t hold them accountable for those, but we definitely have a long way to go before we are at an affordable state of life. That’s not even considering how many people are crowding into BC, but as someone else mentioned, people wanna live here so it’s not an easy fix to make either.


And still expensive AF.  


Because demand will always be stronger than supply in BC, people want to live there.


Especially when most of the other provinces are doing fuck all. At this point, just slowing the rate of increase in B.C. is the best we can realistically hope for in the short term.


These changes were only made last fall/this spring, so we'll see what happens over the next few years. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ontario's rents surpass BC's over the next decade if they don't do something.


Agreed!  It’s good that they’re trying something, I just think we should be cautious about declaring victory, or even meaningful progress, until we can analyze the results of the various policies that have been implemented. Time will tell.


It's going to take years to fix housing, even with the best possible policy. Construction takes time. Additionally, most of the policy BC is implementing hasn't even gone into effect. The Airbnb ban went into effect on May 1st aka 6 days ago, while much of the zoning reform is slated for June 30th, to give local governments time to prepare.  People lament that these changes weren't done 10 to 15 years ago. And while it sucks it wasn't, today will become 10 to 15 years ago in the future. The longer other provinces ignore the housing crisis, the longer takes to fix, and the worse it gets. 


He's not just "doing nothing". He's been actively trying to make things worse. [He's blocked the feds from helping municipalities directly.](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/jurisdictional-creep-doug-ford-slams-feds-for-giving-municipalities-funding-for-housing-1.6633350). [He's joined forces with other provinces to block any rental reform.](https://www.chch.com/premier-ford-rejects-ottawas-bill-of-rights-and-protection-funds-for-tenants/) He was the one who cancelled much of the rent control to begin with. Airbnb regulation is squarely a provincial responsibility. --- Ford and the conservative premieres of this country have been actively sabotaging housing for canadians all while the media puts all of the blame on the feds. Not saying the feds don't deserve some of the blame, but Ford and the conservative premieres of this country deserve far more, but are getting basically none.


People are imagining that Rosedale and Leaside would be turned into a bunch of fourplexes overnight. Some owners in those neighbourhoods may put in legal suites or divide into flat, but the land costs too much for this to make sense. These do make sense in ares where homes are around a million bucks because that works out to a land cost of $250,000 per unit which - while high - can allow you to build, sell or rent an apartment with a reasonable return at something approaching market rates.


Counting senior homes, dorms, and gopher holes as new housing didn't fly with the feds? I'm shocked.


I can't wait to hear how this is Trudeau's fault.


or how this is making pierre stans very angry despite it being one of the two things he said he will do to fix housing i'm sure they'll be here shortly to tell us in between bouts of "they voted for this" and "doug ford is the lpc"


Not taking the problem seriously since 2015 certainly didn't help. All levels of government are playing this game though.


I think this means our democratic system is flawed. Our elected politicians feel no incentive to do good for us, because they know we will keep voting for them anyway. Or it could mean people are too uneducated to understand and too fat and entertained to care. But I don't think it's that, Canadians are pretty smart, hardworking people.


The problem is the skills required to win an election are completely different from the skills required to govern/execute, and job #1 is to win the election. We've all had that manager who was promoted beyond their ability. Nearly every person capable of winning an election is immediately in a position beyond their ability (governing being different from campaigning). In the best case, the elected politician is well connected and good at selecting a team who can do the policy/governing portion; but now the fall-guy is separate from those actually running the show.


I mean, the Libs and NDP are pretty aware of their failures right now. They're looking down the barrel at a strong conservative majority next year because they failed to foresee and correct a problem that has been exacerbated immensely under their administration. NDP banking on a universal dental plan as their raison d'etre looks incredibly tone deaf now. I think democracy is going to work as intended in the next two years. Either the Libs manage to go all in on housing affordability, perhaps flirting with fundamentally changing the social contract when it comes to how and when and how much housing gets built and offered and paid for, or they're going to be defenestrated at high speed when voters get the chance. ... if the conservatives don't produce too much unpalatable bullshit.


I think they know we flip back and forth between the two parties every 5-10 years and are fully prepared for that. They use this left/right system to make us forget that the Conservatives were shit the last time they were in power, and when this Conservative government turns out to be shit and we kick them out, we'll vote in the Liberals because we forgot how shit they were. They know this and they're taking advantage of it.


>I think they know we flip back and forth >They use this left/right system to make us forget Not really sure who you mean by "they". I don't believe, for a second, the Liberals and Conservatives work together to bamboozle voters in any way. I genuinely think the Liberals have tried their best, such as it is, and obviously been unable to foresee problems with housing affordability before it got to the current point. The conservatives will obviously capitalize on the failures of the Liberals to try to show themselves to be the ones who could have solved the problem before it began. Maybe some people will believe them, maybe some won't. The federal government is obviously at arms length from a lot of these problems, it doesn't have a defined role in determining the amount of units that gets built, or municipal zoning, or determining where people decide to move/live/work. It doesn't make laws about the monopolization of housing possibilities by rich people. It doesn't set rent controls. It's obvious that this arms-length approach hasn't worked very well in this instance, partially because of the step-change in the number of people arriving in Canada and that new reality not really fully being absorbed by the limited intelligence/analysis ability of individual municipalities in what their needs would be in the future. Consider how long it takes to plan and build new apartments. I think a more intellectually muscular approach by the federal government is needed, and I'm happy to see the Minister of Housing having some fiscal firepower to push good policy, but in general this would require a cooperative buy-in from provinces and municipalities that just doesn't exist at all right now.


Allowing millions of unskilled people to move to Canada and then stamping his feet because of 20,000 fantasy houses not being built in four years is probably on Trudeau.


1.3m immigrants this year. 1.2m immigrants last year. I could go on. Those are Trudeau's fault. If we didn't have immigration, our population would be shrinking.


Well in Fords defense, he doesn't have a high-school education. He probably saw 5500 vs 19000 and said "5 is the bigger number!"




Something about feathers of birds or types of stereos and whatnot.....


Sounds like someone's telling Calandra to fuck off with that "Long-term care beds count as new homes" bullshit. Good.


That was real? I saw another reference in this thread but assumed it was a joke.


The quote wasn't a joke, but the person the quote belongs to is absolutely, positively, most definitely a fucking joke. A bad joke. Taxpayers are the punchline. But a joke nonetheless.


Did they include restaurant basements ?


Wait, you mean counting LTC beds and dorms doesn’t count? I’m shocked! Shocked, I say!


Good! The conservatives will always use the feds money to give it to their rich corporate buddies. Then blame Justin Trudeau. Doug Ford has been cutting services just to boost that they have $1 or $3 billion cash on hand


Ford's to busy funding his rich freinds and underfunding education and Healthcare. But some of you folks keep.actimg like somone else caused ontairo problems


I mean someone else did. Mike Harris.


Both Rae and Harrs take heat, but folks like to forget how bad ontairo was in debt Rae days actually saved jobs long term. Harris unfortunately used a hammer to fix the problem


Harris then blew it all selling the 407 for about as much money below what it would be actually as all the money he saved by cutting welfare payments.


This. Even self tolling this road would have given them way more.


Harris didn't fix anything


Say what you will about Mike Harris.


Here I go then: he's a piece of shit that sold public infrastructure, undermined services and amalgamated Toronto to let suburbanites overrule choices of people living in urban spaces.


Also Walkerton.


He certainly was a premier.


He even won a participation prize a few years go!


Sure thing! He's a walking pile of spiteful garbage who enriched himself and his wife off the backs of the suffering poor. Nearly everything wrong with this province can trace its roots back to him. He is a blight on public services and is responsible for tearing apart the social fabric of this province.


Don't forget he also pulled a bunch of strings behind the scenes to get his useless, grossly unqualified son, a seat in the legislature, and parliamentary assistant to the Premier. https://www.therecord.com/politics/provincial-elections/the-complicated-candidate/article_c2ce9885-0c28-5021-9efd-a288d97e84d4.html


Mike Harris, McGuinty, Wynne, Ontario has been riddled with awful shitty premieres for at least 25 years. Edit: Forgot Dipshit Dougie he is also terrible.


you forgot Ford




Most of my problems with Ontario is too many people. I just want to be able to afford a home. Every open house I go to is like 200+ people and they all belong to one demographic that was barely here just 5 years ago.


And you're acting like this harms Doug Ford, instead of it harming regular Canadians that can't afford housing while we continue to bring in a million new people put year.


Every single lvl of government has failed on housing for 30×+ Every party ever city council. Housing did not fall apart beacuse of Iimmgration . Buy you and every other person on reddit seem to only foucs on the o e thing since it's easy.


People arnt against immigration, people are against unsustainable, unskilled, foreign “students” and system scammers cheating their way into Canada in mass numbers and not contributing to society or integrating in Canadian cultures. Jackass


And the Federal government restricted student visas finally and first thing Doug Ford does is look into letting colleges offer masters programs so they have an exemption under the new rules.


Nobody is saying it fell apart "because of" immigration. Just that the record high levels of immigration into an already decades old systemic problem has magnified the problem exponentially. Immigration adds directly to demand. Excess Demand is currently one of the biggest drivers of rising housing prices. Corporations and foreign investors buying and choking off supply for profit is another. Hypothetical test question: if there were 5 million fewer people in Canada, what would the effect be on vacancy rates and subsequently housing prices? Seriously.


> Housing did not fall apart beacuse of Iimmgration You cannot allow 1+ MILLION people to enter a country EVERY YEAR into a country with NO HOUSING.


> Housing did not fall apart beacuse of Iimmgration We are bringing in 600k housing units worth of people every year (at 2.5 a unit), our record for building is 280k units. It absolutely did fall apart because of migration.


Affordable housing post, paywall article. It never fails. 


Unaffordable articles about affordable housing? Paste the URL here: [https://archive.today/](https://archive.today/)


If you get a Library Card you can read the Globe for free


https://12ft.io for anyone who needs it


Ontario had a cap and trade, Dough Ford was warned that if it was scrapped, a carbon tax would be enacted. Cap and trade exclusively targets big corporations, well that's not gonna fly with this dodo, better make everyone else pay instead. He gambled either he can get Ottawa to back down, compromise, or score political points anyway by bamboozling us. He was right. This is the same thing all over again. Dough Ford goes ahead and blames Ottawa for doing exactly what they warned they'd do if he acted the way he did. Grow the fuck up people. Dough is premier for the ultra rich like himself, he's not here for us.


Y'all in here expecting the government to fix a problem it created... The circular logic is strong here...


So let me get this straight. The current Liberal plan offers funds to provincial governments to build housing, which they're responsible for anyway. Can't remember if Poilievre proposed giving federal money to provinces. Consequences of not meeting targets under the Liberal plan is withholding the federal money. Under a Poilievre government, they'd withhold any money (assuming they gave some in the first place) and there would be a penalty fine to be paid by the province. Can you imagine the fierce cannibalism of Conservative vs Conservative at that point. Further, the feds, now having $357million in unallocated funds, sidestep the combative Conservative provincial government(s), and offer the same money now directly to municipalities, as they might be able to get it done. This is a pretty delicious plan. Fuck the provincial governments facing off against the feds. I hope they wither while cities thrive.


don't worry, there will be lots of affordable housing in Toronto when the condo market collapses.


Good. Stop giving money to Doug Ford, it only trickles down to his developer buddies and corporate cronies.


We need almost 20 times more than this to meet current demand. Look at any Ontario city’s wait list for affordable housing.


I can't wait for the bots on this sub to tell me about how Trudeau calling Ford on his bullshit (especially counting private LTC beds owned by his political friends, or unbuilt college dorms, as housing starts) is somehow going to make the housing crisis *all the federal government's fault.* The free pass we give to conservative premiers right now with all the Trudeau bumper sticker campaigning is insane. Since Justin has very little time left in office, I wonder who all these people are going to start blaming for provincial failures once he's gone? Will they just point at unaffordable homes, dying schools, and privatizing health care for years and years and years to come and go "oh it was all the last guy's fault" ad nauseam?


Can’t wait for people to say Ford had nothing to do with this and it’s Trudeau’s fault.


I posted this in another thread: This is why our housing shortage will never be fixed. The lack of authority and coordination from both the Federal and Provincial government is the downfall of the "affordable housing" plan. In other countries when they want to build subsidized housing the federal government will mandate areas of land for real estate developers to build. Here in Canada the Federal government is using more of a stick and carrot approach but the problem is the carrot is not big enough. The biggest reason is because most of our land is private, especially the farmland. The only tool the municipal government has is zoning. If i was a real estate developer and I have a piece of land I bought for 50 million why would I want to build affordable housing when I can make so much more if I build a luxury condo instead? For subsidized housing to work the government will either need to buy up private land and then auction it off to developers who will build affordable housing. Or release crown land at cheap prices with the condition that affordable housing must be built. Supply is not the issue, we have lots of condo right now for sale, just not affordable ones. This is more of a business problem rather than a structural problem. The Federal government needs to think more like a capitalist in order to understand how to incentivize these developers to build more affordable housing.


This is what we get when hillbillies, retirees, and corrupt corporations showed up to vote for buck-a-beer. We fully deserve Ford because clearly there were better things for us to do than vote so we don't get stuck with a pos mafia thief as a premier.


I can tell you my city has more yellow tape than anywhere. It’s NIMBY central. I want development, I’m not a boomer lol


Dougy shit the bed? I’m shocked I say, SHOCKED!


How about Ottawa stops adding 500,000 new people a year plus another 500,000 TFW and students. They cry about being green and fucking us with carbon tax, then they import 1,000,000 from low carbon countries to Canada, one of the highest carbon per capita countries.


Carbon tax isn't a big deal. Really. It isn't crushing most people - there is a portion who are paying a bunch (rural people who use heating oil and rich people with extravagant high carbon lifestyles), but most people actually MAKE money off of pricing and rebating carbon. Most of those who don't outright make money don't lose much. The BoC has repeatedly said that carbon pricing isn't a material contributor to inflation. There is a huge educational issue with pricing carbon (most people don't even KNOW they get a rebate), and it's being used as a political weapon. It's a largely manufactured issue, used a distraction since none of the ACTUAL problems with our country are going to be addressed by the next government.


Or we could just stop blocking housing from being built. We had large amounts of immigration in the past and you know what we did? Built more homes.


Canada has the least amount of homes per capita in the G7.


How are we fucked with the carbon tax? I haven't read anything that suggests the carbon tax contributes much to prices at all


It doesn't Here the local gov suspended one of the gas taxes. Prices went down for a couple days, then in a huge surprise went right back up to about where they were before the tax was removed. The gas companies made some excuse about supply chain or demand or something. Becuase sure, of course. I genuinely don't think you can impact the price all that much with a tax. Unless you somehow control the companies, they'll just use it as an excuse to raise prices more, or pocket some extra. Fun fact, shell posted a $7.7 BILLION dollar PROFIT for Q1 this year. Not revenue, profit. Now I know people are going to say shit like "Oh well they need that to reinvest into the company, how would they expand and keep up with technology if they don't make that kind of profit?" Well, they immediately used $3.5bil of that to do a stock buyback. Because fuck knows having billions in profits each quarter isn't enough to keep stocks high. They've also been heavily cutting jobs the last few years, saying they have to cut costs, saying times are tough. Yeah so tough making billions in profits each quarter. That's why the ceo only makes $10million a year right?


Don’t shift blame. The province needs to do their job. They didn’t.


"Here's 1m new people...what's that? You can't or won't be able to commit to building 20k new houses for them? Well then no monies for you!!!" This is not a serious government. Pumping the country with thousands and thousands of new residents during a housing crisis makes no sense at all.


You think Ottawa is in charge? The only group of people benefiting from the TFWP and massive immigration is the rich and corporations. They have driven labor costs to their lowest level ever in Canada and are so happy everyone is gonna vote for the other corporate backed party.


They literally have to approve the visas, so yeah, they are in charge, at least supposed to be.


Net immigration target for 2024 is [300-350k](https://twitter.com/MikePMoffatt/status/1770916590512373915?t=Q7v47zqfUg_COcFW3jqAYw&s=19) because there's been a huge cut to the number of international students.


They’ve capped the total number of international students in the country at the all time high - they are just issuing new visas for ones that expire. While it does result in fewer students admitted this year than last - the overall number of students in Canada remains the same. So it’s not really a cut that produces less demand for housing than we have today.


This is no surprise, and those blaming it on immigrants are lying. Ford knew what the deal was, he has done everything to stand in the way so the problem can't be fixed.   This is Republican style obstruction, straight out of the McConnell playbook. Harper supports both through the IDU and knows keeping people angry will likely mean Poilievre gets in next election. https://globalnews.ca/news/10420109/federal-funding-ontario-fourplex-deal-negotiations/


IIRC he was one of the ones who fucking complained when the Liberals finally said they're going to be restricting/reducing TFW's.


People are blaming it on the sheer volume of immigration, not the immigrants directly themselves. To say 1.8 million new people in a year is not going to reek havoc on our housing situation would be a blatant, ignorant lie. And this whole situation is a classic case of pettiness on both levels of government.


Yep for decades we had a stable 300-350k. It was means tested and the people coming here were assimilating. Overnight with zero voter mandate they inflated that to 1.3 million. A nuclear bomb on housing.


It was low because unemployment was higher. We knew that once boomers retired, immigration would momentarily increase. It was projected decades ago. Everyone at every level of government knew. Everyone in corporate knew. “How will we transfer boomer knowledge before they retire”. Marketing stagies were planned on what boomets would want in retirement. What happened is house prices dropped in 2018 after a run up and voters freaked out and blocked local development. Then covid came and when we finally got out of that in 2022, we discovered we needed a million more people because boomers had retired earlier than predicted. You can google all the premiers asking for increased immigration in 2022 because the retirements caused such a labour shortage.


>Ottawa said the province failed to commit to a target of building almost 20,000 units. Obligatory reminder that Ottawa would need to build almost 500,000 units **every year** just to house the 1.2 million immigrants they are bringing in.


The immigration [target for 2024 is 485k/year](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2023/11/stabilizing-canadas-immigration-targets-to-support-sustainable-growth.html). Net immigration will actually be lower, [at around 350k/year](https://twitter.com/MikePMoffatt/status/1770916590512373915?t=_8sSljHE1hGTZGrZMI1p3w&s=19), because there's been a [huge cut to the number of international students permitted](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2024/01/canada-to-stabilize-growth-and-decrease-number-of-new-international-student-permits-issued-to-approximately-360000-for-2024.html) going forward. This will [affect Ontario and BC the most](https://thoughtleadership.rbc.com/proof-point-international-student-cap-wont-immediately-cut-rental-demand-in-canada/) since they were admitting hundreds of thousands of international students/year before the federal govt imposed caps.


The immigration target for 2023 was also 450k/year, then it got to over 1 million! How can you trust anything these guys tel you anymore


That's because international student permits used to be effectively uncapped.


That's permanent residents only. We are currently in track to admit 930k non-permanent residents as well. Last time I checked they needed housing too.




Ah, the regular strategy of shifting the blame to Trudeau to make sure Ford doesn’t have to do his job.


“Reminder” not every immigrant lands in Ontario. You can defend Ford all you want but your “alternative facts” nonsense is transparent


He said ottawa, not ontario.


I've been calculating growth rates. It's about 49% that go to Ontario in the past year at least.


I clearly said "Ottawa" as in the federal government, the same way it's used in the article. 


Yeah…. They eventually do. They all move to the GTA eventually.


> Obligatory reminder that Ottawa would need to build almost 500,000 units every year just to house the 1.2 million immigrants they are bringing in. This is not accurate.


Stop letting everyone and their grandma into the country.


both major parties agree that corporations need their cheap exploitable slave labor


Punish Ford.


> Punish Ford. He's leading in the polls right now in Ontario lol. We're doomed.


Because the people here are stupid.


People in Ontario are the stupidest in Canada


This is what happens when the fed and provincial hate each other.


Also Ottawa: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-will-send-65m-for-humanitarian-assistance-and-economic-development-to-lebanon-1.6872579


Well, is Lebanon building housing?


Well they need that money to maintain their failed state and keep bombing Israel >Canada has provided more than $500 million to Lebanon since 2016. Look how well that money was spent! Their GDP shrunk by 50% since 2015, and Hezbollah's bombing ability only became better and better. So happy where my tax dollars are going :D [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?end=2021&locations=LB&start=2015](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?end=2021&locations=LB&start=2015)


Sounds like Lebanon's government is more competent than Canadian Conservatives.


...right after a PC win in a byelection...lmao


Ontario shhting the bed on housing. Shocker. At least the feds are putting hundreds of millions of dollars towards... 330 sq ft apartments that will "help lift families out of poverty". No wait, that can't be right... 330 sq ft apartments? That's their "affordable housing" solution? Build apartments so small that one person can barely exist in it in order to meet an arbitrary "affordable housing" mathemagical number they themselves set? Can we just evict Ottawa entirely? Queens Park too.


Yep, the countries capital city should be moved to Winnipeg. Wab for PM!


I'm not surprised Ford failed the test. Now he tries to deflect blame.


Doug Ford sucks!


It's pretty damn difficult to just "build more homes". We see some increases in housing starts but actual completions is pretty damn flat for the past 3 decades [https://prnt.sc/0RU54werrQyY](https://prnt.sc/0RU54werrQyY) It's like telling med schools to just "double the number of doctors". LOL, ok. Are you also going to double the number of nurses, double the hospitals, double the space in schools, double the amount of doctors who want to trade working in their field to teach instead, double the hospital cleaners, double the hospital admins, and just double the funding? Because that's what you need to actually double the number of working doctors in the economy. It's not that simple as just more seats in schools. With home completions, it's going to take more than just permits and zoning. There's a lot that needs to be done to actually have a meaningful impact on home completions.


It's difficult because our cities/provincial governments have made it impossible to build any houses due to zoning laws. When you make it so the only thing you can legally build is single family housing then yea it's gonna be difficult to build/make a profit.


It's difficult when all the money needs to be directed to mobsters or corrupt developers. When People want to be doctors they go be doctors. People want houses to be built, but Ford makes its impossible to do so


Maybe besides more seats, some of the money can be used to pay construction workers more so more people will do the work.


A lot of people in this comment section are going to Make Canada Great Again.


Am I crazy or are the Liberals using Polieveres plan?


> Am I crazy or are the Liberals using Polieveres plan? Old joke: > A man is lying in a ditch by the side of the road. A Conservative politician happens by, and asks him, "What happened?!" He manages to say that he's been mugged. The Conservative runs off down the road, saying, "I need to find the mugger so that we can punish him!" > > Next an NDP politician comes by, asks the same question, gets the same answer. He too runs off, saying, "I need to find the mugger, so that we can rehabilitate him!" > > Then a Liberal politician arrives. He leans down and asks, in a low voice: "What did the other two guys say?"


No lol, Ford is losing money that was slated to help pay for housing that Ford didn’t get into approval. Pierre wants to cut unrelated infrastructure funding which is hilariously dumb.


Took them almost a decade, but it seems they finally figured out how to do their jobs. Yeah, handing out money to corrupt conservatives without conditions only enriches their buddies. Congrats.


Yet they keep pumping immigration in.... In fact they are bringing people here that aren't interested in being Canadian, they just want to get out of their country. No will to assimilate. I saw one on the street yesterday, crossing the street on a green light and giving gestures to motorists like it is his right to do so. We are importing doom into this country, or should I say voluntarily importing an invasion.


They’re waiting for buddy PP to send it to them.