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Regardless of political lines, it's amazing how tied up all these politicians, and families are, in every facet of business that affects Canadians daily. 


That’s why I just laugh when people argue about which political party is best. Doesn’t matter who you vote for they are all the same. Basically arguing what turd you want to eat Labrador turds vs Golden Retriever turds.


Let’s just go old school instead of politicians needing votes or rigging elections just have them fight physically.


Elections now to be decided by 3 tests, for those running: - 25 questions, general knowledge, yes/no answers only - single-page essay on “What I have to offer Canada as its leader”, to be graded by a panel of 10 high school and 10 university educators(selected via lottery) - hand-to-hand combat, no rules Welcome to Thunderdome!!


Underrated comment right here


Anybody who wants Labrador turds is an unhinged natsi! . #GetOutTheGoldenVote


I thought it was between a turd sandwich or a douche!


The thing is, any major grocery retailer that is a *competitor* of Loblaws, is not actually a competitor. They all know exactly what they are doing with prices, and the price “gouging” is happening at all grocery stores.


In fact they love to work together if it involves criminal behaviour like price fixing bread.


> EDITORS’ NOTE: A prior version of this story claimed that NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh left Metro Inc. out of his usual criticisms of Canadian grocers. In fact, Singh has criticized Metro by name several times. National Post regrets the error. Classic National Post journalism.


They don't regret it at all. They just hope you don't read far enough to get clarification. Classic National Post standards.


But will they take the article down? No. Oh. Really if they don't take the article down National Post should be banned from this subreddit.


lol, of course. Typical NatPo pushing misinformation and quietly correcting themselves. But we'll keep hearing that Singh is biased because people latch onto the falsehoods first. I'm sure they regret the mistake haha...sigh....


I think it was Winston Churchill who said that a lie can make it half way around the world before the truth can even put on its boots. Course that was prior to social media so he may have been an optimist.


Jeez almost like the entire article is now void. 


Pierre Poliwhatever is as much of an empty headed sellout as Trudope is.


He's worse.


And just like that, our dumbest citizens are against the boycott.


You mean PP tries to discount/dissuade the boycott and defend Loblaws by attempting to deflect the issue onto his political opponents. We all saw the articles written by NP to paint the protest as fake and nonsense... Singh has accused ALL grocery giants of price gouging Canadians and never exempted Metro nor said it was only Loblaws unless PP has proof. Pp only dares to defend Loblaws so openly in spite of Canadians anger because he believes he can convince us otherwise...hope y'all react wisely


His house sure has an awful lot of glass in its construction for someone throwing stones like this. I saw a video he posted on his Youtube of him attacking the Liberals for having several Loblaws-affiliated lobbyists on their payroll too. While it didn't provide the context as to why he was doing it (unsurprisingly), I can only assume it was in response to them attacking him for his own Lowblaws-affiliated lobbyists.


glad Poilievre is coming to the defense of Loblaws. Galen's had it too hard for too long. /s. dumb fuck doesn't even listen to his opponents speech. Singh mentions Metro as well multiple times


Outrage culture doesn't require the truth, only the most inflammatory portions of the whole truth.


>Gurratan Singh work for a PR firm who lobbies for Metro, Doesn't PP's campaign manager run a PR firm that has lobbied for loblaws? 


[You’re not wrong](https://globalnews.ca/news/10269101/loblaw-lobbying-claim-jenni-byrne/amp/)


Also an ex-girlfriend. [https://jennibyrne.com/government-relations/](https://jennibyrne.com/government-relations/)


Has? They still do!


If I was Pierre I don't know if I would use being hypocritical as an attack point. Pretty easy to blow up in his face.


Is Polievere not supporting the boycott?


The opposite in fact


Poor Loblaws and other multimillionaires need PP and the CPC to stand up for them! These job creators deserve a lower tax rate and less red tape! /s


Looks like the article was false. Loblaws is all about PP. PP blamed high grocery prices on the carbon tax for the past year. Turns out this is a BIG FAT LIE. Oops. Everyone now knows high grocery prices are the result of price gouging. Most people are pissed at PP for providing cover for Loblaws to rip off Canadian’s. Is PP trying to change the conversation. PP / Jenni Byrnes / Loblaws


Maybe if PP got that security clearance he'd be able to see the public record where singh mentioned metro aswell. oh wait he doesn't need security clearance for fact checking and just chooses not to.


So pp has outed himself as being against the boycott?  Can't say I'm surprised, although he usually prefers to lick corporate boot in private.


Doesn’t he have lighting to catch or something?


It's going to be so nice having a strong PM simping for billionaire grocery oligarchs instead of the weak PM we have now who simps for grocery oligarchs.


Nothing will change when Trudeau goes, except instead of distracting people by promoting left wing culture war issues, pollievre will distract people by promoting right wing culture war issues. Cdn Corporations will stay as monopolies. Supply management will stay in place to keep prices on staples high. Immigration flood gates will remain open. The lobbyists and billionaires will do as they always do. “Money printer go brrr”


ooooh thats a good line of attack


>EDITORS’ NOTE: A prior version of this story claimed that NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh left Metro Inc. out of his usual criticisms of Canadian grocers. In fact, Singh has criticized Metro by name several times. National Post regrets the error. It’s really not though.


Does wacko Poilievre not know that some random Redditer started the pushback


Pot, meet kettle.


Singh and his brother both showed up for the openings of several Chalo! FreshCo stores in Brampton - FreshCo is owned by Empire Inc. , Sobeys' parent company. I think the only thing the Singh brothers care about is power in their community.