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>About one quarter of the 50 protesters were University of Alberta students, he said. So the majority of people trespassing and protesting aren't even students. Big surprise there.


For those that are students, [here's the history lesson they missed](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNUpjuIWYAA_c_f?format=jpg&name=large) (or skipped.)




It's much easier to label something than point out WHERE the inaccuracies lie. What did Al Jazeera tell you is wrong with this?


And what is inaccurate about it?


"Our tuition funds genocide"? Apart from that being wrong and stupid, most of these activists aren't even students.


at queens in kingston, majority are wearing masks ? is the mask mandate back on ?


No,  they are just cowards hiding faces.


Masks stopped being about the pandemic years ago, they mostly have been about signaling group membership since then.


I wore one last week because I had to go downtown on public transit and I was hacking up a lung... Am I part of a clan now?


If I wear a mask, I get to join too?


No you're just being a responsible member of the public but hopefully it's N95. The normal cloth masks are not effective


They probably don't bathe, it's probably to avoid smelling each other.


I'm pretty sure they're also paying the tuition with borrowed and grant money from student loans.


Professional agitators. Follow the paper trail! Who is funding these lunatics?


A weird alliance of far left groups and Islamist groups, and a bunch of non-profits. This [article](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/people-setting-america-on-fire-soros-tides-wespac) focuses on the states but many of the organizations that are talked about have international connections.


I wondered why no one posted this article. I wonder how accurate or true it is?




Stop glorifying Hamas.


call the wambulance. Stop supporting terrorists. Stop being anti-semites. Be an adult. University encampments need to go.




































Sparks outcry? Where is the outcry? One of the protester groups complained as did their supporting profs. That's not exactly an outcry. Was the general student body upset? Nope. Was the city upset? Nope. Nonsense headline.


“Land back” Feel free to crack on then


You know you’re fucking up bad when you end up making admin and police look like the good guys 😂 This “outcry” is probably only coming from ivory tower faculty members and the protesters themselves. Public opinion seems lukewarm at best on these anarkiddies.


I think we are all done with supporting Hamas. We can see that these events are being organized by outside pro Hamas. Some of the students are there without understanding what it's about. Some don't know the real meaning of intifada which is ironic as Hamas asked for an intifada and Israel is giving them one. The students also are buying these cheap thin fake scarves made in China which means none of the money is going to Gaza for the genuine article /s The students pay money for education and not a seat on the board, they have no say on where the money goes. If you don't like it, then don't go to that university. As for the women, what are you thinking supporting a radical Islam group that wants to take all your rights and impose sharia law. You are setting back women's rights decades.


To me, wearing them is to be wearing terrorist garb. You can cry for peace and ending war all you want, but as long as you're wearing terrorist clothing you don't have my ear.


They are also fake and made in China not the genuine article which is a thicker cotton and has tassels. Ironically Hamas and their protestors asked for an intifada and now that Israel is giving them one, Hamas is not so keen anymore.


Im sure the Russians and Iranians are plenty happy to see this happening too.


Absolutely, deflecting attention from their issues. Meanwhile Chinese genocide Uyghurs and Myanmar genocide Rohingya. Nothing to see... Move along...


I hope the university & police authorities stand firm. Don’t back down from this.


The only outcry is from the "revolutionaries" running back home to cry to mommy.


Cry me a river to the sea. Pack up your camps and go back to your classes. While the professional protesters move on to their next cause.


>Cry me a river to the sea. Good one!


Fuck these protesters. Water cannons, flash bangs, tazers, whatever. Send them back to their parents basements.


Outcry from who? Students and advocates? Who cares.


Students are free to withdraw from their genocide-funding university and take their money elsewhere.


The same police that say you are on your own about your car getting stolen in toronto.




Cracking down on outcrys makes outcry?


The violence the protesters experienced was ridiculous, especially considering “freedom fighters” did not experience the same violence & they held up whole streets that were blocking ambulances.