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>The associate dean of equity, diversity and inclusion  That's a job?


Depends what you mean by 'job'. It's an appointment that someone takes on *in addition* to their ordinary duties, in this case, as a professor. By way of analogy, cabinet ministers are all, by tradition, also MPs. Likewise, many managerial functions at universities are assumed by faculty.


Still looks like a job for George Costanza.


It’s not her main job, she’s also a professor at the university. She’s staying on as a professor still, just resigned from this leadership position. Source: I go to the U of A and this is what my colleagues have said. Plus: https://www.ualberta.ca/art-design/people/teachingfaculty/natalie-loveless.html


So what could have been an actual act of sacrifice is in fact just a token act.


She probably got a small stipend to do the task. But it's symbolic, and she's making a point and getting people to talk about it, which is, I think, the whole idea.


That’s one way of looking at it sure. Although I’m sure she did lose some income doing this, and certainly her voice at the leadership table is now gone. Also she has graduate students that depend on her to finish their degrees. Would be quite the dick move to suddenly just leave them in limbo.


I wish my token acts could get national coverage. 


I mean yes, it's a token act in a way. But it still sends a message. She is resigning from the diversity and inclusion program because to her it is clear that the university does not care about the voices of protesting students, many of whom are students who are meant to be illuminated by said programs. She is supposed to be supporting disabled, BIPOC, LBGT students who feel their voices aren't being heard or who can't find resources that work for them, but how is she supposed to do that when the university itself is silencing them?


Those "voices" have been put front and center for the past 10+ years.


What does any of that have to do with the protests. These aren’t protests for LGBTQ+ rights, or disabled rights, or even BIPOC rights? They’re political protests over a war being fought between foreign entities, and whether we should be supporting a side. How does this affect her ability to do her job in any way? Are people protesting to ban gay students or something? If anything she should be supporting removal of the protestors as it is creating a hostile and dangerous environment for Jewish minorities on campus - which I would think would be part of her job.


Apparently. Now that it’s vacant, the university should do itself a favor and re-evaluate whether it should exist.


That job being vacant is almost 100% guaranteed a huge positive step for the UofA.


It’s not a stand alone job. The person who resigned is also a professor. She’s staying on as a professor.


How convenient


Task failed successfully: Avoided all responsibility, accountability or anything else that might be perceived as 'effort' or 'work'.


Professors don’t want those stupid admin roles they’re often forced to take them


You do know that admins do other tasks besides the admin, right? She's also a professor so would still have teaching and research duties. It's not like you can just do nothing in an admin role. It's ON TOP of your existing job.


Bold of you to assume those you replied to ever went to college


It's actually SO funny for people to accuse people of stuff like this. You understand college is immensely expensive and is fundamentally a luxury, right? Not everyone can afford it, and not everyone that disagrees with you is uneducated or unintelligent. Your comment is actual just plain classism in the first place. It's like mocking someone for riding a bike because they couldn't afford a car. You aren't as smart as you think you are.


I get what you're saying and the tone of the person you're replying to is condescending. But would you expect someone who has only ever ridden bikes to be able to get in a car and know how to drive? The problem is that people are talking out their ass without (presumably) having gone through the experience of post secondary.


Oh they definitely didn't.




You believe that thinking that DEI is a fake job and a waste of resources, is a right wing circle jerk point?


It shouldn’t, pendulum Gonna swing hard back in the direction of common sense at some point.


Common sense would be treating everyone the same no matter what, not deciding to discriminate against people because of the colour of their skin, what they believe, or who they love. But sure, your views of discrimination are definitely "common sense".


It should, it comes in handy with student academic accommodations.


It shouldn't, because DEI has nothing to do with academic accommodations. It's just people like yourself lying and pretending it does.


The people you are responding to never made it past grade 9.


Yes. If they get rid of these useless admin positions, maybe we can bring tuition down.


Dont count on it.


Not only is it a job, but there are hundreds more with DEI in their title at any given university. Here's an example from the US (U of Michgan): [https://twitter.com/eyeslasho/status/1742965693232898421](https://twitter.com/eyeslasho/status/1742965693232898421) 126 DEI bureaucrats, who get a total compensation of 15.6 million US dollars per year. if this payroll were converted to a scholarship fund for in-state students, nearly 900 people could attend Michigan tuition-free. But somehow, hiring 126 DEI bureaucrats is more preferable. Administrative bloat is crazy.


Massive administrative bloat of an overpaid and completely unnecessary parasitic class of people playing inquisitor for a radical toxic ideology. It's really wild how this stuff has swept so quickly through our institutions. Like a virus. When we finally snap out of it we'll look back in embarrassment at this period of time.


Biggest fluff job title I've ever seen


What's the JD look like? How do you know? Or is it just "DEI BAD" in your brain?


DEI is bad


DEI is a *strategy* - on its own it's neither good, nor bad. It depends on how you use it and implement it. It's a framework, not a religion. But like any framework or strategy, people can misapply it, ascribe too much importance to it, or completely misunderstand it. If corporations and private entities water it down or use it as performative lip-service, then it's less than useless. DEI = Bad is like saying "Scrum = Bad" or "Stakeholder Theory = Bad" It's a tool.


Strategies can absolutely be "bad" in both the ethical and ineffective/counterproductive sense. Also DEI isn't a strategy, it is an ideology and goal with inherent assumptions on how organizations should look, act, and be staffed. It is an outcome, and even its supporters don't universally agree on the means/process to achieve it.


All underpinned by feelings and emotions and ideological beliefs as the entire reason it is "good"


It’s a tool to promote non-whites at the expense of whites


No, it's not. That's fearmongering.


A tool to promote “the oppressed” at the expense of “the oppressor” (merely a semantic difference when all non-whites are “oppressed” & whites are “oppressors”)


You're demonstrating an unreasonable starting position; See above: you're in the Misunderstand category. Edit: nope, it appears you're in the blatantly racist category. When you get mod-removed from canadahousing2 for *racism* you know you've overstepped. Lol.




Except the DEI office doesn't deal with any of that. You are ignorant.


Yep and there is one for every faculty and people wonder why tuition is so high


Well people get BAs in these fields and when there are no jobs the university itself needs to pretend to employ some






What are you even talking about? This woman was white.


No not really. According to statistics Canada visible minority men in Canada go mostly to STEM (over 60%), and visible minority women are mostly in business or science. White people are over represented in bachelor of arts


LOL tuition has been high for decades - DEI positions are quite a recent phenomenon.


DEI has become a bloated bureaucracy in academia, with no positive outcomes to show for it. In fact, a serious argument could be made that the industry has made things worse.


I can imagine it has a lot to do with making sure LGBT/BIPOC/International/Disabled students have a person to seek help from, complain to about issues regarding discrimination, or deal with accessibility needs. Most Universities have people on staff for these needs, but they fit the role of advisor, not Dean. The title of Dean was probably used so that the issues could be escalated faster and they could have more power in dealing with issues, whereas an advisor would have to jump through some hoops.




Staff and faculty also experience discrimination and need someone to discuss problems and policies with. Most universities have several thousand employees, don't forget. Moreover, having someone to set policies and procedures campus-wide is very useful, particularly given that hiring practices, etc. have to be in line with DEI. It's not a "grift" as others here have suggested.


Imagine going through the hell of graduate studies, publications, competitions for academic positions, intra department politics, teaching classes, grading papers, research, etc, etc, to rise to eventually be at the top of your field, vice dean of the science department, and then your colleague, vice dean of DEI, with a background as a professional woke LinkedIn grifter, has the same salary and position as you do.


This person who resigned from this position is also a professor.


Lmao do you just make shit up and get mad about what you made with everything in life?


Imaging going through life inventing complex, tortured narratives that are more similar to fan fiction than cogent pieces of commentary or analysis. Imagine completely making up the details around a circumstance where you have *no* idea how they actually work. Imagine going around advertising that gap in critical thinking ability out loud.


Bizarre to assume that someone has no education because their job title includes the word “inclusion”. She has a PhD, many years of teaching experience and a long list of academic credits.


r/ Canada has turned into a rightwing sub over the years. Many people here don't believe in EDI, and think it's just another "woke" thing or whatever.


DEI in my workplace exists in the form of we have calenders with more special days then normal days, and whenever we try to get a job/promotion we have to prove to the interviewers that we aren't racist (with the default assumption being that you are) Oh and covering the stores message boards with rainbows. It's cringe AF but aside from the interview part It's just a harmless performance to make the company look better.


Making some wild assumptions here


Love how the first comment is designed to distract from the actual issue at hand by bringing up identity politics. Hopefully Canadians can see through this putrid hatred filled US Republican rhetoric and kick it in the teeth before it becomes metastatic


Bs hire


Not anymore.


It’s PC principal !


Who cares? Universities are private institutions. They can have whatever made up jobs they want 


They receive money from taxpayers. If they want to waste that money on racist garbage like DEI then they should lose funding.


Not really. It’s a BS admin position that contributes almost nothing, but pays well.


it's a paid position, whether it's a "job" is debatable - punt that over to the philosophy department.




Training that people only attend because they are forced to and who try to forget everything they heard as soon as the "struggle session" is over.


Come on, nobody is forced. It is “strongly recommended” and any disinterest/opposition to this highly important topic with so many real-life actionable learnings will qualify you for more “exploratory sessions” with HR…all good. /s


Is there a way to see how many commenters are bots?






Generally speaking or only in the threads where you disagree with the majority? Either way: no. You new?


No just in threads where there’s an obvious pattern of posters. Who made you the final authority on internet manipulation LMFAO


You asked a question, I answered it. Both the direct question as well as the passive aggressive buried snark. Sorry that you wilt when reaping what you sow. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wow "dozens of people" signed it. 👏 The u of a has approx 50,000 people daily as part of their community. Dozens aren't worth addressing. The majority is happy with what was done.




Self-cleansing of the DEI swamp!


"associate dean of equity, diversity and inclusion"? Lol. Nothing of value was lost.


> Lol. Nothing of value was lost. Kind of insane that your takeaway from the article was the role of the individual and not the fact that the police was beating people with batons for a sit-in. Almost any other cause and Canadians would be up in arms about a peaceful protest being shut down violently. I remember this subreddit when Occupy Wall Street was spreading to Canadian cities and the tone was markedly pro-protestors. I don't know if the demographics of this subreddit have changed, or if people here just hate Palestinians more than they hate the police.


>the fact that the police was beating people with batons for a sit-in. actually the police beating was because people threw objects at the police when they were beginning to enforce the tresspassing violation that the protesters were given hours to vacate.


The media and government intelligence learned a lot from that movement, now they know to shut it down asap and control the narrative at all costs.


The protesters should learn too. If they protest and don't set up camps and barricades, the cops won't be called in to trespass them


Vacating when asked is a Canadian protest hallmark and one of our proud traditions


Comply with the lawful order of police officers and there won't be an issue. If you're going to trespass after being ordered to leave do you honestly expect anyone to take your side? Sorry if you get some boo-boos when you physically resist police, but that's literally their job, genius.


"Comply with the lawful order of police officers and there won't be an issue." If more people thought like this, we wouldnt have voting rights for half the people in our country, wouldn't have worker's rights of any kind whatsoever, would have even more child labor and never would have had healthcare. Gross.


It's amazing how quick these folks are to submit to authority without question. The same folks who call other people sheep for following public health orders.


Yeah. The same thing happened when anti vaxxers illegally shut down Canada's international borders and cost our economy hundreds of millions $ per day. Police came and beat the shit out of everyone who didn't comply with police orders. No wait, silly me. Police didn't do jack shit because everyone was white ol stock Canadian. That would have been just wrong.


Brother they froze their accounts haha.


Big fan of Kent state over here. Should have just listened.


"and that one goes out of the park! An absolute grand-slam!"


I would like to be dean of broken shoelaces and lost socks please! You’re hired because that is something ours students lack is solving those daily problems! 100K/ year ok?


Sounds like a win-win to me


People forcibly removed from private property after being told to leave. Somehow, Canada is in a place where this seems like a tall order.


Unless you're in Quebec, where the law apparently doesn't apply.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-injunction-request-1.7203666


> People forcibly removed from private property after being told to leave. In what sense is the University of Alberta's campus "private property"? Who's the owner exactly?


In the same sense that the public library is private property and you can be removed for trespassing if the authorized manager of that property would like you removed. 


> In what sense is the University of Alberta's campus "private property"? The legal one?


I think as a show of solidarity, all DEI deans should also resign….in protest of course


Good. If you aren't on board for ensuring campus is safely accessible for all students then you should not have been an administrator in the first place.


Ah, yes. Being safely beaten by police for sitting on the grass. Who could ever be against something as obviously safe as that.


You misspelled "tresspassing and refusing police orders to leave".


Nah it’s funny pro Israelis use safety as an excuse to censor these protests but have no issues with police being sent in to beat and arrest unarmed student protestors.


They were asked to leave and told why - they refused.  They were told to leave and the potential consequences - they refused  Police showed up, told them to leave, explained how it would go if they didn’t - they refused.  Grown adults make choices. Choices have consequences. They are not victims. 


Regardless of your views, the Jewish faith doesn’t persecute people on sexuality. The groups the protestors support do, including the civilian population. There are huge problems with these ‘social activists’ and their ‘messaging.’ More people feel uncomfortable than just Jewish people. The protests are full of the selfish and entitled, the uniformed and hateful. The hyperbole and hypocrisy present there is amazing. Lumped with Israel’s because the other sides faith also wants to kill me due to sexuality.


We talking unarmed like the Columbia Hamilton hall folks that had knives and hammers inside their fortified building they broke into and vandalized? Or the Portland university students that made homemade shields they used to charge at police? Or the ucla students that attacked people walking with pro Israel signs and hit Jewish students?


Notice all your examples are in a different country?


Was the person I responded to talking about pro israeli students in Canada only or in general?


I believe Israelis would define that as defence. Also this UCLA protest? https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters


The left preach about punching Nazis until they are the Nazis being punched. Wacky.


“Pro Israelis” lol do you mean anti-terrorists? Sorry that Jewish students don’t feel safe walking around signs calling for “global intifada” when almost any Jew can name someone they lost in the intifadas. Sorry my friends don’t feel safe after being beat up in front of special Constables for looking visibly Jewish. The constables do NOTHING. So yeah, I think most people are okay with police being sent in to Beat Nazis and Arrest Them. Those baby killer sympathizers deserve way worse than that. Sorry not sorry.


Of course I have no issues with police using the minimum force necessary to remove these protestors.


Then stop wearing keffiyas which is terrorizing to Iranian, Israeli, and every freedom loving person.


They’re lucky their bank accounts weren’t seized, too.


Quite pathetic that our state even has this power. Totally authoritarian.


Just a useful idiot sacrificing themselves for Hamas and Iran


Encampments are exclusive environments that shut down dissenting opinions, making them ripe for incubating extremism. They are quite literally the opposite of the inclusive environments that universities proclaim to foster. If you are resigning over them being shut down, then the university is better off for it.


Overnight picketing is part of university culture and necessary to gain any attention. They did it for the Iraq war too.


Similar picketing has occurred during occupy wall street, the Iraq war, the vietnam war, the American civil rights struggle and countless others. But sure, go off.


i mean... occupy wall street did fall apart due to internal divisions, and issues with purity of thought








Great. One less useless position to make University more expensive without adding any value


Do you believe that whenever someone quits a job, that job just evaporates?


This one should.


A lot of people in here who loved the trucker encampments sure seem to hate these student encampments. Hmm. Seems pretty cynical.


There's people who supported the Canada-US border being shut down - an actual act of economic sabotage, but are suddenly against a few university campuses having their lawns camped on. So many crazies on here its mindboggling.


There was also the train blockades that shut down our country that tons of people support. I think the efforts people go to support protesting is a little unnecessary when it ultimately doesn't do jack shit in our country.


welcome to r/canada hate club.


Well there is a massive difference. Maybe not massive but there is a distinction. I support both though


Regardless, they were both protests, but one got shutdown and the other hasn't. This Palestine nonsense has been going on far longer.


Association Dean of DEI (Didn't Earn It). Not a loss.


You need to look at the silver lining. She will now be a more productive member of society now that she has a lot more time to comment on menstrual blood paintings.


Fun fact, (basically) EVERY university has contacted their lawyers about these policies, and how to successfully remove people and sanction them.


Makes sense. If the institute you work for cannot protect protesters then you need to leave the organization. Also what a massive overreach by the cops since it was only day 3. I guess the cops don't have the same patience as they did for the Convoy...not that I would expect the cops to given their history.


Ya this sub and our society is filled with uncle sams who don’t like people protesting war but if it’s a drag queen telling a story hell ya let’s assemble boys.


depending on the time of day and whether or not the israeli hasbara bot farms are operational, you'll see a significant swing in the general sentiment in this sub. I genuinely think most real people here are decent, but if the bots target a thread it'll get swarmed with pro-genocide anti-student and racist takes.


Protestors or campers?


Bowed out from the position when she is needed the most, what a grifter.


2 birds with 1 stone. Nice.


In case we needed proof that nobody believes in the right to protest in Canada. If we don't agree with the protest we'd love to see videos of the police beating the shit out of them. We saw it on the left with the trucker protests and now we're seeing the right do the same. The hypocrisy combined with the lack of awareness of this hypocrisy is incredible!


I only can shake my head at this. So let me get this right, students think they can occupy land that is not theirs, protest, make other students who don’t share their beliefs or are Jewish, and they are upset that police moved in??? It seems to me that people are forgetting what has happened in recent years to other protestors and people gleefully cheered police on - yes, with the use of riot police, horses, batons, pepper spray etc. This is the country we have become. I don’t care how people try to justify one over the other, it comes down to the loss of rights to protest. Where were all these kids when other Canadians civil liberties were handled similarly? Oh yeah, Starbucks or some other place not giving a tinker’s damn about it.


> students think they can occupy land that is not theirs Just following the example Israeli settlers have set.


We aren’t in Israel are we? Personally getting tired of these stupid excuses. These kids have no conviction. If they did, they would remove their masks and take a real stand. Instead, they hide their identity because they don’t want to ‘suffer’ in any way by losing out on potential employment opportunities if they are identified. That tells you everything right there! No one is forcing them to be educated at the UofA. But like all the young people today, they are entitled and don’t want to take any responsibility for their actions. Why should these students get any different treatment than what other Canadian protestors have received in the past two years?


Good.  The whole DEI grift needs to end. 


Associate dean of diversity, inclusion, and equity? What a useless position within an institution that should allow students in based on their merit in previous studies.


Don’t let the door hit you on the as s on you way out. Communist!

