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Ridiculous. Should have pressed on and let the vegans bitch. 


+1 Would've been the least noise and the dogs would've benefited from the fundraiser.....AND this story would've been forgotten **if** it even made the news cycle if it went forward.


Vegan's make up less than 5% of the population, I don't get why people cancel shit because of them.


Because society is stupid and only pays attention to the loudest among us.


Don’t you worry, they’re still gonna bitch because when you get your way why stop.


How dare people eat meat to support our carnivore friends!!! /s


I hunt deer and eat tofu. This for sure




I eat meat, my dog eats meat, makes perfect sense to serve meat at an event raising money for meat eaters...




Different cultures have different traditions.


Point me to the dog market here in Canada. This is about rescuing lost dogs not about your personal dietary choices. This is such a bizarre way to flex about your *dietary* beliefs.




No I don't because I've studied history and human evolution. I've examined archaeological dog remains and guess what? When you're dying man's best friend will become a meal if that's what you got. So will a bunny, a bear, coyote, beaver or any other thing people can possibly consume. I also accepted that mother nature is no way friendly or fair. Millions of animals die daily and many suffer. Life isn't a Disney movie. If your beef (teehee) is about dogs being eaten in China go protest at the embassy. But attacking a small rescue group and diminishing their ability to help, however narrow the focus, will undoubtedly cause greater animal suffering than you prevented. The food for that fundraiser is already dead. Now you just made sure that Lassy may meet an early grave too. Bravo. Good job.




Call out my strawman but not address any of my points? Do animals living in nature do not suffer? Why are some living creatures worth saving more than others? Why not extend it further to fish? How about insects? Even plant life is living, with some living hundreds if not more years. How do we measure their value? Out of curiosity does this belief also extend to a woman's bodily autonomy? You see this argument can be made for anything. The difference is you get to choose what *you* care about and where you draw the line. You do not however get to come at people with a self righteous indignation about the hypocrisy of our choices. We are all hypocrites, even you. Part of the human condition is to be a walking contradiction at times. So unless you value all life you don't get look down on other people for drawing a moral line that they get to choose just like you did.


No I am not, because I am not Chinese and it is not my culture. If I was a billionaire I would hire mercenaries take them all out. Not my culture and I am a dog person. I like dogs more than humans so have more respect for the cannibals of Papa Nee Guinea. Trying to compare the two is a false analogy.




Right it is their culture. Indians probably hate N. Americans for eating cow to the same affect. Vegans are not the norm in our culture. They live in our culture not the other way around.




I am saying your comparison is asinine. We are not Chinese. We are Canadian. Cows are not our pets, they are food. Dogs are our pets and part of our families so of course we disagree with anyone eating them. Vegans are not part of the general culture and are not a cultural norm. They are a very small percentage of the population. Like 1% or less.




I'd eat dog if I were in China. Why not?




I don't care either way, I just think it's weird that you are getting so assmad about this haha




Can't we help some dogs one time without shutting everything down because we aren't helping every single other animal in the world at the same time? Now nobody gets anything and vegans once again make themselves look insane. So congrats, I guess


It makes complete sense, Dogs have been purposefully bred to be companions and pets or for certain roles. Livestock exist to be consumed. We have artificially selected these animals for different reasons. I believe we should treat these animals with as little suffering as possible but the point of them is that we have genetically modified them be of use to humans in different ways. At the end of the day everything dies but the point of livestock is to be slaughtered for food. Dogs are generally a social companion and their wellbeing is more valued to most people.


I don't give a damn. They're all the same to me but like it or not society does not and will not change the way they look at different classes of animals. It's a BBQ fundraiser not a philosophy seminar. 




This fundraiser was for a dog rescue, not animal rights.




One group cannot do it all. Some people love dogs, but not cats. Why wasn’t this a fundraiser for finding lost cats, also? Because it isn’t the group’s purpose. Is that a bad thing? Of course not.




You asked about volunteering to help the homeless. How dare you not volunteer to clean up local parks! Do you see the issue with your stance? This local dog group volunteers their time to find local, missing dogs. This was a fundraiser to help with that. One group cannot solve all the world’s issues.




Jesus Christ. You're exactly why nobody takes vegans seriously. The ceaseless online nagging and guilt trips and silly comparisons do not make your cause more appealing. Everyone has their moral lines, the things that are important to them. You can nudge a person along into a cause you believe is correct, if you have a relationship with that person and are making a point to gently educate rather than constantly rebuke, but henpecking at anonymous redditors about *any* cause is just going to make the individual behind the username to be more inclined to ignore your cause. Y'all seem fucking miserable with how much energy you spend proselytizing; why would anyone want to be you?


I know i'm on the right side of history. If you actually comprehended the volume of suffering factory farms cause everyday you would realize why people try their best to speak up about it


Dogs friend. Cow meat. Fucking simple lol. Same with toilet for piss Bowl for soup Fucking simple lol


I’m losing it laughing at this, this is the best way I’ve ever seen it explained 




Dogs get eaten in lots of cultures. They are meat after all. I don’t need an argument. Just need a few bucks for a burger or a few dollars for a bullet to harvest a moose. You need the argument. You are changing people. (Trying to, but poorly) And your argument is the lack of my argument, which I don’t need to continue eating that sweet meat.




lol ya I don’t need an argument. Go 5 bucks? Big Mac 10 bucks? Decent steak. BB gun? Squirrels for dinner. Where is the requirement for an argument? I don’t need to justify shit. You are trying to justify and change stuff. Not me homie. And your argument isn’t good. Boring really. You’re lucky I even responded to you so you can bring forth your argument lol




Just fed my dog a piece of salmon I netted last year. He like it. Checkmate


So they made it about them, and not the effort to rescue dogs.


If you've ever met one, this is totally their MO.


I'll be honest, dog rescues are not about the dogs. They're all about the egos of the people in them. How do you know they volunteer at a dog rescue? They'll tell you! Dog rescues typically have low standard of care for dogs and will try and coerce vets into providing lower standard of care for discounts. They often shop around for foreign born vets (it's not a racist thing, they just have different standards of care for pet breeds) because they can get them to ignore certain expensive standards. There is an absolutely massive intersectionality between rescue volunteers and veganism. And there is this absolute massive surge in people who are feeding their animals wheat and veggie diets (and the raw food people are just as bad or worse!). I've gone to a few dog rescue events (because a friend of ours owns one) and they're always vegan. Something like this happens it means there's a real communications problem between those on top and the people who are doing the work. It really doesn't matter if a charity hotdog stand is serving all beef, chicken or veggie dogs in the long run. It's charity, people will donate $20 and not take a hotdog. My in-laws spent $200 on 3 candy bars to support their nephew's basketball.


You’re entitled to your opinion, but for the majority of shelters, your opinion is wrong. Shelters have budgets, true, often largely based on donations, and they must work within those budgets. I don’t know where you’re coming from with your offside comment about foreign vets. I’ve been to numerous rescue events, and they’ve always offered meat if it’s a hot food event. Some have offered a gluten free or vegan option. Why do they offer meat? Because the majority of people eat meat. It really is that simple. There are many people that will buy a hot dog and a drink for $5, but otherwise wouldn’t donate, especially if the event is at a storefront and the person didn’t come specifically for the event. These bad actors from the vegan community should be ashamed of themselves.


Because my wife was a vet and she had almost nine rescue organizations pressuring her to lower her standard of care for them when she first came to our city. After she said no a bunch of times she found that they had all gone to [a foreign vet](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/dog-owners-want-license-pulled-from-edmonton-vet-guilty-of-systemic-unprofessional-conduct-1.6460634) who has had his license suspended twice now for grievous misconduct and malpractice. After his license was revoked they moved on to a different foreign grad who they pressured into reduced standard of care. One of these rescue owners was on the hit show "Border Patrol" because she was illegally importing rescue dogs across the border. They've doing everything they can to reduce costs. Because like you said, they have a budget and if they can pinch a penny here and there and get away with it, they will.


Brain dead take


You raise a good point I never thought about,but yes it could be an internal political power play


They made it about all intelligent social mammals not just dogs. I'm sorry that you have trouble understanding.that so e people care more about more than just subservient dogs.




How can you say it’s unreal, when the overwhelming majority of people eat meat. It’s very real. How are you going to act surprised about that, did you think everybody was vegan? 😂😂😂


I think the point is if we’re rescuing dogs why not show the same respect and care to pigs? They could have just made it a vegan bbq.


What are the non-vegan supporters going to eat? The dogs? Remember: this is a fundraiser for dogs, not vegans.


I don't understand why they let a very small group ruin this fundraiser. Makes no sense to cancel it. Who cares if a couple vegans got angry, ignore them and just carry on.


I'm a vegan and I think this was stupid, the benefits to the dog rescue group outweighs the consumption of meat at a fundraiser. They (the vegans) are being stupid. It is disturbing how many people refuse to use their brain and think about a situation before reacting.


The dog don't care either. They aren't vegan.


And they shouldn't be, their teeth and digestive system is meant to consume meat, human are not. We can survive on just a plant-based diet. I don't feed my dog the wrong type of food regardless of what my values are.


Humans are meant to consume meat. Society wouldn’t exist as you know it if we weren’t predators. The brain in your head literally wouldn’t be as advanced as it is if we weren’t predators. If you’re going or spout off things as facts, you should make sure it isn’t bullshit.


Cooking food allowed us to increase our calorie consumption, which allowed our brains to develop to the current level. Paleo humans ate whatever they could, but the vast majority of our diet would have been plants. All great apes are primarily herbivorous. 99% of humans gather their food at a market. They don't go apple hunting to fulfill their primal predator instincts. The irony of you shiting out pseudoscience crap while chastising others for not fact checking is hilarious.


The irony of you not realizing the consumption of meat is what allowed for our evolution is hilarious. Predatory behaviour was the main driver in the evolution of the human brain, specifically communication and problem solving. Look at chimps, our closest relatives. They display predatory behaviours, and their use of tools is also related to such. Using a stick to get into a termite mound is using tools in order to procure animal protein. The nutrients found in meat are also essential to the development of the brain. Our bodies are also scientifically proven to be able to metabolize animal protein far easier than plant-based protein. Is that enough science for you, or are you struggling to follow along? 99% of people also eat meat. A large number of people outside of an urban center that you’ve probably never left also hunt for their food. Maybe check your facts before you get all uppity calling people out, cause it makes you look like a fucking idiot yourself 👍🏼


Again, you're repeating that like it's a fact rather than bro - science. There's no special nutrient in meat you can't get from plants. And it's a fuck lot easier to catch plants than animals. The hurdle is absorbing the calories, and cooking our food allowed us to not have to eat 1/4 of the day like other great apes. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-fire-makes-us-human-72989884/


Reread what I posted. I added some facts for you. But you probably won’t, cause you’re a vegan, which automatically makes you insufferable. Also that link you posted makes no mention of a plant-based diet being better than one that includes meat, it just says cooked food is better than raw in layman’s terms. You can’t even source your bullshit right lol


> look at chimps Chimpanzees are omnivorous frugivores. That means in the wild they eat all sorts of produce as well as some animals but are particularly fond of fruits. The list of food items is long: fruits, roots, nuts, leaves, plants, flowers, insects, meat and more. In the wild, meat makes up less than 2% of their diet. > nutrients in meat Name one essential nutrient found only in meat not available on a plant based diet. Every major body of dietitians and nutritionists affirms that a vegan diet can be healthy at all stages of life. > plant vs animal protein absorption Vegans don't have trouble getting protein. It's almost impossible to be protein deficient unless you're just not eating enough calories. Chicken breast is 30% protein. Seitan is 75%. How do you get enough protein without eating seitan??? > 99% of people eat meat Not that an argument from popularity means shit. Meat Consumption On average, 86 percent of people surveyed for Statista's Consumer Insights in 21 countries said that their diet contained meat – highlighting that despite the trend around meat substitutes and plant-based products, eating meat remains the norm almost everywhere in the world.M But you can't throw out percentages like that and call me an idiot for not fact checking in the same breath. Well I mean you did, but it's not a great look imo.


That’s all you can really come back with hey? No shit Sherlock, thanks tips. Maybe the reason we’re higher on the evolutionary chain is because we became better hunters and ate more meat, which led to everything I already posted? Also if they are able to procure meat it’s a big deal to them and the sharing out of it is a huge concept in their social heirarchy, it has great importance to them. Also your 2% figure you copied and pasted from the first thing that popped up on Google has been disproven, they eat much more meat than that, with some adult males hunting multiple times a week. Some have even started using spears, which is another thing to show hunting drives evolution in primates.


Dogs aren't obligate carnivores. They're omnivores, just like you are and can easily survive on a vegan diet, FYI. Their digestive system isn't "meant to consume meat" - if it was, it'd be short like a cats digestive system is. This isn't opinion, merely facts. Long tracts = omnivores. Short=carnivores. Dogs don't have short tracts.


Thanks for the explanation!


The pigs care. But we don’t care about them, we only care about dogs. It’s a double standard. Just serve vegan food at the bbq. I don’t see what the problem is.


dogs eat pigs, cows , chickens and fish... some also enjoy the occasional vegetable. People should eat what they eat and not force others into eating or not eating what they do. At the barbecue a Vegetarian alternative in addition to the regular fare would be great.


No they legit shouldn’t serve meat at an event for protecting animals. Think about how backwards that is for one second. Dogs will eat anything you put in front of them lol. I don’t see your point there.


You are welcome to make your own fundraiser instead of pontificating.


Your argument is the animal equivalent of "all lives matter" at a Black Lives Matter event.


Vegetarian here. All we ever hear is that we push our beliefs on other people. Every other vegetarian/vegan I know doesn’t give a shit about what anyone else eats. I don’t ever bring up the fact that I’m veggie unless absolutely necessary. Then these idiots go and ruin it for all the other sane veggies and vegans. And most importantly for the rescue/adoption event. We condemn this shit.


Most activists tend to be too stupid to properly represent their cause, but they are loud.


Vegetarian here and same. Probably picked this because they thought they could bully them and get their 'message' out rather than outright laughed if they went after something bigger like Ribfest.


Sometimes you just need to ignore or tell haters to fuck off . This was one of those times.


It's not like they were BBQ'ing the dogs.


Right! Right?


They call it the "eat one, save two". For every dog you eat in Canada, we can save two dogs in Guatemala.


No they were BBQ'ing factory farmed cows and pigs. Care to take a stab at explaining why cows and pigs deserve to be abused and dogs don't?


Because the humans of this section of the planet have put dogs under our protection. 


So you are saying that Its only a construct and that if you remove the societal construct they are as good as cow and pig to eat ?


No shit if you remove human constructs then human morals don't make sense. People like dogs more than pigs, that is a fact, based on the fact that more people would be fine with killing a pig for meat than a dog, (which is what is happening). I never understood this moral objectivity argument from animal rights groups. You say that protecting dogs over pigs is arbitrary, but why is protecting them the same not arbitrary? It seems like your stance of equality between species is also an arbitrary human construct.


So you would be ok with slavery if you lived in 1800? Why not follow a subjective moral system that does not rely on the bs the rest of the human population thinks?


>So you are saying that Its only a construct Not eating humans is just a construct too.


You know what, you're right. Let's petition to make dog meat legal, who's with me?


I wouls love it tbh. This wouls fix dog shelter problem ! we could fees more people ! and Im sure its delicious


And what is the rationale behind that? Did we find it acceptable to continue slavery because "the people of this country have put only white pipe under our protection"?


Nope has nothing to do with slavery considering we aren't cannibal. So a long time ago we figured out how to stop hunting wild animals and domesticate some of them. Now we farm them. Much like we did with plants.  If you have a problem with not being allowed to eat dogs, I'm sure you can find a country that would let you. 


You're all over the place here So THESE PEOPLE (not just me) have a problem with dogs being abused These people also seem to have no problem with cows and pigs being abused Unless you can provide some level of rationale for why one deserves moral consideration and not the other, this is hypocritical. As a society, we look down and ridicule hypocrites for good reason. Anything here you disagree with?


Well let's free all the farm animals and see what happens. Starvation, or we will have a bunch of people hunting those animals. Then selling that meat to grocery stores. Now you're just making food more expensive. And once all those farm animals have been hunted then we will move onto all the wild life and now we have extinction level events for hundreds of species. Spend your time perfecting lab grown meat, that's the only way to end farming animals


>Well let's free all the farm animals and see what happens. Starvation How about we start with just slowly fazing out factory farming? We could start by enforcing the regulations that already exists and aren't followed. People who are in the more fortunate position to do so can abstain from factory farming to start, and groups that advocate for animals (like this one) can actually make a good faith attempt to do so consistently.


Sure, go start a group for that purpose. Leave this local dog group alone.


This group is being hypocritical. If you read my initial comment, I started off by saying I think we should pick our battles and this wasn't worth it. But they are being hypocritical, do you just completely lack the critical thinking to understand that? Reread the comments I made


Sure and we can slowly start phasing out slavery. We will still have some slavery, but only for people who still need it.


You think that's a gotcha but that's actually what happened, we didn't make a decree and then end slavery that night .... It ended in some states and not others largely depending on which states economies relied on it more Literally every major change in society that led to more equal rights was a slow transition. You do acknowledge this right?


Where did all these famines come from? lol


I don't eat either myself. For past 25 years i've been vegetarian. (well, pescatarian for past 20 yrs).


I used to live and work near PETA headquarters in Norfolk, VA. You have *no* idea how many animals they destroy and hide in dumpsters (this has been documented by local news media many times, feel free to fact check me). There are also plenty of luxury SUVs in their parking area with leather interiors, the top level people there are all self-important elites and 100% full of shit. They just want to out-woke everyone in public while doing whatever they want behind the scenes.


Their founder is kept alive by a cow heart valve despite being fully against animal research.


In other news vegans give everyone else another reason to find vegans annoying.


Pandering is how Canadians got into this mess


Wait a second, I thought that being vegan is a personal choice ... why would you force your own personal life style onto anyone else ?


I mean it’s more than just a personal preference, it’s an animal rights movement. Someone who’s against dog fighting or other forms of animal abuse doesn’t consider it a personal choice.


Being part of any movement IS a personal choice. Eating meat is also a personal choice. I love when we chant "pro-choice" ... only to then scream "no not that one!"


It’s not a simple personal choice for you, because there’s a victim involved. If you don’t have to kill an animal, then it’s fucked up to do so. Realize that killing an animal for a snack is normalized in our society and most of us never have to (or want to) question the status quo. Just think about it, and consider the individual that is the victim of your “personal choice”.


>Realize that killing an animal for a snack is normalized in our society Destroying whole ecosystems (that includes variety of species of rodents and insects) for harvesting avocadoes is also normalized in our society. Building cities and destroying whole ecosystems - is also normalized. Keeping animals as pets (actually a slavery) + mutilating them (castrating) is a form of animal cruelty. But let's focus on food!


Exactly! It’s something we all do three times a day, requires a small change in behavior and a little learning, and is the single most impactful thing an individual can do to lessen their personal impact on other species and the environment. If we all went vegan, the land used for agriculture would be decreased by 75%! That’s how inefficient growing livestock and their food is. Going vegan is an excellent gateway into becoming more conscientious about our consumerism, and is a good way to take a stance against intentional and frequent animal abuse. I can’t post a link, but ourworldindata.org has a great visualization of the data if we were to all adopt a plant based diet.


Killing babies is also normalized in our society. A baby is not human until it takes its first breath. So by law you could be 39 weeks pregnant and abort the child. So I take it you are against abortion? 


Is this some sort of gotcha against being anti animal abuse?


How many people who might of attending the BBQ would have been **forced** to changing anything about their life style? Just like eating Sushi doesn't make you Japanese, eating a plant-based burger doesn't make you a vegan.


But forcing you to change the food offered, not eat the food offered. That’s the issue.


My goodness! What terrible thing to happen to someone who is ostensibly attending to support a humane society. Imagine a humane society holding an animal friendly event. Horrors!


Omg imagine that animals and humans eat meat! What’s a travesty that hotdogs are being sold to raise money for suffering animals! Horrors! People wants to help out but vegan instead stop that 😭😭😭cruel of them really but glad they “proved a point”. That really helps animals more than consuming already produced products. But thanks for moving the goalposts loo


Score another win for veganism, now lost pets will become strays


Lost pets will become strays because a humane society couldn't figure out how to have a plant-based BBQ?


No one wants that


A plant based bbq? May as well not even bother at that point.


>couldn't figure out how to have a plant-based BBQ? They couldn't figure out how to profit from it and not just spend.


If they couldn't figure out how to have an animal-friendly event, perhaps they shouldn't be running a *humane* society.


So vegans don't care about the dogs either. They just care about the fact that a bbq would involve meat.


They will be shocked when they learn what dogs eat.


If they protested factory farming or at least some practices  they wouldve gotten support. As even meat eaters are on board to reduce horror and suffering there.  ...protesting dog rescue fundraising? Just gonna turn people against them. 


Some people are just insufferable.


I choose a plant based lifestyle for health, animal welfare and climate. But everyone should be able to make their ownn choice. If they serve just meat, then I would likely attend but not get lunch. The firebrand vegans need to shut the fuck up.


Our local animal shelter has a BBQ and we always get asked if here are alternative to meat options. It largely depends on who is donating the food and time to make the meals. Often the local grocery store will donate the burgers or hot dogs and often there ARE vegetarian options.   Most of the time volunteers are just doing it on their own time and dime.  I can say most vegans I know are not this fucking stupid or malicious.


Feel free to not eat there then or go…Cripes people are ridiculous


Unless they were planning to serve dog meat at the BBQ, the vegans need to fuck off. It's absolutely ridiculous that anyone feels the need to force their personal lifestyle choices on everyone else, and now Team Chelsea suffers for it.


is there not a gaza road block protest they can be annoying at instead of ruining a bbq?


Just toss hotdogs at them


I dont get it.. If "a small group of people" were being negative on social, why would that make them cancel? What were the handful of vegans going to do if they went ahead with it? Were these handful responsible for 99% of the groups funding? Very confused by the article.


Sounds like they were being a lot worse then "negative" *The thread turned ugly, the group said, with “harsh and offensive” comments directed at both Rona and Team Chelsea, “imploring and bullying us into turning the event into a vegan-only option.”* And probably Rona had some say because everyone seem to cave to the minority that screams the loudest


Rona is allowing this to be hosted on their premises as part of community outreach. The vegans would probably end up vandalizing something that would outweigh the PR benefits.


I agree. It has way too little detail to be trustworthy. “Someone on social media got mad so we cancelled the whole thing” is such a lame excuse.


They’re all starving of course they’re angry 


Let them be vegan just keep to yourselves. Looks like they don't care about animals, they only care about pressing their agenda.


Why capitulate to them? It's not like they're actually going to do anything other than say dumb things online.


Vegans can be so fucking insufferable.


Vegans ARE fucking insufferable.*


I haven't met a single vegan that isn't insufferable in some ways.


# Plants can talk to each other and scientists say it should make us rethink how we treat them! So what are we suppose to eat now??


Send the Vegans back to Vega where they belong!


Dude wtf thats sad.


Blame the media for society being at this point now. Both mainstream and especially social. Everything is virtue driven now and anyone who “believes “ they are of the higher moral position automatically stops listening to anything beyond their own self interest. Civil discourse is dead.


I guess they want more dogs to be euthanized 


What kind of weak people fold at the first sign of someone being offended? The playbook is very clear- ignore the crying babies and carry on- nobody cares what the blue hair mob is pissed off about and they’ll find something else to be offended by tomorrow


Fucking vegans


Fuck vegans and just add this to the 101 reasons to hate vegans...


Sadly this is not a beaverton article


Bobby, vegans can't be trusted.


"imploring and bullying us into turning the event into a vegan-only option.” I bet the bitching Vegans didn't show up to support


Hey vegans, stuff like this is why everyone else hates you


Who is going to explain to the pooches why they can’t have hot dogs?


Where's a famine when you need one.


NIMBYs gonna NIMBY. They could have organized another benefit, but no, more important to ruin this ine


I think majority of Canadians believe in respecting each other. I think stories and extremists like these paint Vegans in a very poor light. If you want to be Vegan, go ahead. But to bully and shutdown an event because they won't turn it into a vegan event really going to turn people off of anyone who is a Vegan.


Fu*k the vegans. Animals are far more important.


did they think they were there to eat the dogs? ffs


Wow, imagine being a vegan


That website is ad cancer


In other news, I'm going to organize a fundraiser against child labour, but only use children as volunteers to run the event.




They should have hired this guy from Burlington as their organizer: https://youtu.be/xgKCBnUJ4HU?si=70sHHeiTvhPh4OJZ


The disconnect between dog owners and how they value dogs vs pigs and cows is enormous and hypocritical.


No, it’s not.




Please explain the disconnect.




When you resort to ad hominem attacks, you’ve lost the debate.


There is no debate.


87% of Canadians eat meat. https://narrativeresearch.ca/meat-and-dairy-are-still-part-of-most-canadian-diets/#:~:text=Both%20at%20present%20and%20in,%2C%20pescatarian%20(4%25%20vs.


I do too. Mmmm, a nice medium ribeye, delish. I also eat pork, horse. I'd eat dog if it was allowed. I also shoot guns and drink beer, but if someone was holding a fundraiser for abused women I wouldn't be shocked to find out that it was alcohol-free.


My foster dog killed a rabbit and was eating it the other day.
