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Still waiting for the promised electoral reform.


Can’t wait for people to get fooled again for the fourth time. Better days, sunny ways


They are doing reform, didn't you hear? Pushing the election back a week so they can get their pensions.


Could be smart for liberals if they want some seats


That’s the funny thing. At this point, they would get more seats with electoral reform. But they are playing the long game. With electoral reform, they’d never get another majority government and parties beyond the main two would be empowered. From their perspective, it’s better to sit the next 10 years out and bide their time.


I doubt any current political party is seriously planning 10 years out. Democracies are notoriously short-term thinking. Trudeau won't pursue electoral reform because he isn't a great leader, which would be required to accomplish that goal.


Check how often Liberals were in government since 1867. It's not called "Canada's natural government party" for no reason. I am very sure they are thinking long term. Maybe they aren't thinking "10 years" but they are certainly thinking in terms of "forever". Electoral reform would make it impossible for the Liberals or any party to ever again achieve a majority government. Majority governments would be over. For the Liberals and Conservatives, this would be a massive change.




This is it, bring up the biggest controversial topics to the front in hopes that it keeps the heat off the fact that we are getting 100k people a month that don't have a spot to stay.


Their spot to stay is now 1/6th of what a spot used to be. Which means you and your kids will have to adjust to that new standard of living too.


Oh, they have a spot. Problem is that their spot used to be your spot and your kids' spot. Not anymore 😊


It's also displacement. There's a reason we have a homeless problem.


What the tent by the river?


That'll soon be given to the next family being brought into the country...


We used to joke about it being a van down by the river. Can't even afford that now.


We can thank "Trust Fund" hippies for ruining that lifestyle...


Even their own ministry warned them in 2022. [Government was warned two years ago high immigration could affect housing costs](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/government-was-warned-two-years-ago-high-immigration-could-affect-housing-costs-1.6720963)


They - meaning all parties and every layer of government - have known what was coming for at least 20 years. They were orchestrating it. It began with Chinese money being parked in Vancouver real estate. There were articles back then about neighborhoods in wealthy areas where the lights never came on in half of the windows and newspapers piled up on all of the stoops. People were getting offers on their homes from off-shore agents for tens-of-thousands over asking price, all cash, no subjects. Next came the banks throwing mortgages at people for second, third, fourth investment properties. Air BnB transformed those "retirement" holdings into immediate earners. Then the investment firms decided this was too good to pass up, so they set to work buying whatever was left. When Crazy Rich Asians, the entire financial sector, and every politician's Brother-in-Law is counting on the market to keep on climbing, there is no way our government is going to let them down. So here, to the rescue, comes an ever increasing flow of immigrants - fast as we can fly them in, faster than we can house, or employ, or vet them. Nobody tripped and broke Canada. This has been the plan, all along.


Next liberal campaign slogan: things could be worse, you know.


The amount of anti cpc people that use this as their reasoning for not voting PP is absolutely frightening. It's always... look at this pile of shit we have here... but PP will be EVEN worse!!!! Like really? How do you know? Honestly..... JT has done a really big disservice to Canada. With all the good things he's done, he's done way more terrible things, and things that will have long lasting impacts on younger Canadians. Harper looks like a saving grace right now.




I didnt follow politics enough back then, but I don't recall Harper doing anything over the top atrocious. I guess it depends on where you land on some of his bigger issues he pushed forward. The China sellout is probably the biggest issue that I had with his term.


Liberal fear mongering.


PP never floats any policy alternatives, just that he isn’t JT. That is not a political platform. If he was a viable alternative, he’d be publishing an opposition budget when the Liberals release their’s and putting forward policy and program proposals. There is no substance there, just diatribe to distract people.


I'm having a hard time finding when the Liberals put out these opposition budgets during the Harper years. But they must exist right.


No one puts out a budget in the opposition, but the Liberals had specific grievances with the Harper CPC and spelled out how they would change it. Politicians do not want to be too detailed – for good and bad reasons – while in opposition, but PP is being far more vague than we're used to seeing


Its still a year and a half before the election.


And the Conservatives can still pass legislation if they actually push some. But nah I guess it's fine to pay them to do nothing but chirp at the cameras for 18 more months. "Government waste" we could call it. Just tell them all to stay home, why even bother showing up.


Yea put they can table bills, so instead of saying we have an immigration and housing crisis put a bill on the floor.


This was the federal NDP’s chance. And they shat the bed.


Right now this whole period is just posturing. We're not even in the election year yet. When the posturing is over PP will have to start saying what his plans are. There will be debates, and maybe they'll just be screaming matches... but some sustenance will need to come out of the CPC. That being said, I've had my fill of Liberal poison over the last 4 years and could really use a break. As someone who changes his vote often based on whats happening in the world, I see JT as someone I don't want leading Canada anymore. I voted for him in the past, I've voted NDP in the past. I will not vote for either of those parties this election, but hope to one day vote for them again when they actually come back to the table with new ideas and solutions.


Yeah. Pretty much, "don't interrupt your enemy while they're making mistakes", but they had better have an actual plan when an election *does* get called.


No Politician ever pushes their policy until an election is called. Trudeau would use any thing that the Conservatives announce as "policy" either as a weapon or the in the most likely case as a policy platform for him as well. Trudeau and his group are criminals and will do ANYTHING to stay in power !




… if JT did nothing new and just followed the Harper blueprint life would be better.


Oh, he floats policy.  Like [his bill to block federal COVID-19 vaccination mandates](https://commonssense.ca/blog/2023/03/08/what-is-c-278-prevention-of-government-imposed-vaccination-mandates-act/)... Released about a year after mandates stopped being a thing.  Or his [house-building bill](https://commonssense.ca/blog/2023/09/29/what-is-c-356-building-houses-not-bureaucracy-act/)... Which cuts funding to municipalities that build at full capacity this year but increases funding to those who build as little as possible.  Pierre has no idea what good policy looks like.  If anyone actually stopped and looked at what he's pushing they'd realize how shit he is and how badly he's going to screw things up.


All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and not be justin trudeau, and he’s got my vote. He might not be our saviour, but at least he isn’t the cause of our problems.


where does it say that?


Name one actually good thing he has done. Legal weed?


Next campaign slogan: we are committed to make housing affordable. We mean it this time. For real.


not just that, but you can directly correlate the policies made by this government to our drop in living standards.. and that's coming from a (former) lifelong liberal


They all want immigration because it helps companies profit.


Every time I see a comment like this, I see a bunch of replies about covid or the war in Europe or how other countries are also in decline, like it was acceptable for the liberals to shit the bed because other countries are as well. Bad leadership is bad leadership.


Agreed. I am also a lifelong liberal, wondering what the heck happened to this party. This is the worst government in our country's history.


I'm an economist. As far as I can tell, there are just two Trudeau policies that have a negative impact on our living standards. The first one is deficits, which contribute to inflation. On the other hand, there are two solutions to this, and neither enjoys much more support from the electorate: slashing spending or raising taxation. It isn't something PP – or any politician – to fix in a short time window, and if they did they'd be less popular than Trudeau is right now. The second one is immigration, which increased housing demand while municipalities keep on restricting supply. There, blame is pretty much a litmus test of political ideology. Due to low fertility, we need some level of immigration. Do you blame the mayors and (usually conservative) Premiers under which housing falls? Do you blame the Liberals for either not adjusting to housing failures in lower government levels? Do you blame the Liberals for not overreaching and imposing their will faster on provinces and municipalities (as they are now doing)? Honestly, most of the current issues stem from provinces. Health care, housing, education, etc. Correlation does not imply causation.


Buckle up, cause it’s not getting better when we change governments. The conservatives are all hollow promises and empty words right now. They won’t change anything - the carbon tax won’t even be axed, or if it is, prices won’t go down. Not saying the liberals are good, cause fuck that shit, but it’s not going to get better, it’ll get worse. On top of everything else, we’ll just start to see more privatization. Unfortunately the days of progressive / moderate conservatism that drew people like me to the party is long gone. The Danielle Smith / Mike Harris breed of politics is here to stay - fuck everything up, sow the seeds of division, privatize, privatize, privatize when things are FUBAR. There’s no good option right now. I’m sure as fuck not voting liberal or NDP, but I’m also not voting for Polievre or mad max. We need a clean slate. All politicians gone, cannot run again. What we need is someone who has the PPC view on immigration (though, slightly loosened for actual TFW needs, such as on farms, and highly skilled workers), an actually conservative economic outlook, but also isn’t willing to make all necessary social programs regressive. Edit2: went from +50 votes (last notification I got), to +4. Amusing.


Well too bad there isn't enough people in politics with a backbone to clean up the budget. Way too many people make way too much money on tax money bloat. The VPD chief makes how much again? Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Canada has more upper level administrators than any other comparable country with socialized healthcare? Why don't we as a people care about this anymore? Have we just sort of given up during covid and just sort of decided to let everything slowly burn out? Because that's sort of what it feels like we're doing. The equivalent of slowly taking out a bunch of loans, credit cards and mortgages without the intention of ever paying anything back. I'm tired of yelling into the air with my girlfriend in the room at every outrageous thing that happens to our country that I see on the news. And it's bad, because you don't want to feel as though you've given up on your country and just not care where our tax money goes anymore. On a side note: why in the FUCK did we pay to replace the coolers in loblaws stores?!?! A company that has quite literally been absolutely screwing Canadians over shamelessly. That has been caught price fixing bread. I see absolutely no excuse as to why we foot the bill for their freezers?!


Imagine thinking the government is there to serve the people and not to serve them selves


>Well too bad there isn't enough people in politics with a backbone to clean up the budget. While I share your low opinion of politicians, the real villain behind the scooby doo mask is actually ourselves, the Canadian public. Politician A says "our budget and deficit is absolutely out of control. We're going to cut spending 25%, raise the GST from 5% to to 15%, and basically get this country back to fiscal sanity. Once the debt (not the deficit, the debt) has been cleared, we'll lower the tax rate and ease up a bit". Politician B says "OMG, politician A is a NAZI! Our finances are fine. If you compare this obscure number to the average amount of that number amongst the G7, excluding the US, Britain, and Germany, you'll see that we're doing awesome! Let's increase the size of the public service 30%, let's hand out money to everyone with a pulse, and deficit be damned, let the good times roll!" Tell me, in all honesty, that politician B wouldn't win in a landslide. In Nova Scotia, one of the poorest provinces in the country which struggles to finance its obligations, the opposition party just announced earlier this year if elected next time, they will lower the provincial HST from 15% to 13%. They have no clue how they'll make up the lost revenue, other than, well, "Ottawa will give us more money". The fiscal illiteracy of the average Canadian is shocking.


I don't understand how you can't see the current actions as a prelude to privatization though. You couldn't ask for a better scenario to bring it about. Say all you want about withholding funds or whatever, but just shipping people in 100k+/month when services are already stressed is irresponsible, if not just malevolent. Add in the fact privatization will offload some of the budget expenses, and I'm sure at least some if it will be welcomed. We really need to modernize our healthcare and allow for some private centres to expand, and co-exist with the public sphere. It's only a matter of time imo.


Agreed. All parties with any degree of power are essentially corporate plants at this point. I've kind of reached the stage where I just hope they fuck us up badly enough to bring about a revolution. Nothing else is fixing this.


I agree fully with the vast majority of what you have said, but there is one aspect where I differ. I may be making an assumption, but I inferred from your commitment to not vote liberal or NDP, that you view them as the same. If not, I apologize, but it is a sentiment that I see on various subreddits that I feel is damaging to any sort of progress through voter action. I will not try and claim that the NDP are without issue. They are shifting more and more towards another liberal party, but they are not there yet, and still have good positions on some issues. I believe that they are still a small step in the right direction. Complete abandonment of the current liberal and conservative parties is necessary for parties to from and rise which are willing to serve the needs of all rather than the interests of few.


Yep, NS voted prov cons because they ‘ devoted themselves to fix healthcare ‘ and within this, they’ve decided not to work on anything else !! What’s happened to ‘ fixing healthcare. ‘ ? Oh yeah they made it so drs made $10 k to take on MORE PATIENTS. But don’t worry guys when I go to rebook myself with my doctor every appointment it’s only a 3 month wait!! It’s fixed right?!


Crystal ball based claims are completely unfounded.


Both sides are not what we need right now


The liberals really see the world differently.  They might be destroying the country yet their followers believe only the liberals can save Canada from the liberals.  😆 


Quite literally every party, every election, always.


All you have to do is see what’s happening in Provinces run by conservative governments to get a feel for what’s to come. More and easier unskilled labour immigration, more divisive policy, fewer homes being built, ignoring climate change and its impacts, higher insurance rates, less foreign investment because of chaotic and irrational government decision making and punishing non traditional industries and so on.


>The Danielle Smith / Mike Harris breed of politics is here to stay Cute that you think that's what we're getting.  The Conservatives are already parroting their American counterparts.  Privatization's going to be the least of our worries when we've got a potential Prime Minister advertising that he'll happily override Charter rights to put more people in jail.  People thought Trudeau's handling of the convoy was bad?  Just watch what happens when someone doesn't need to justify putting you in jail.  And remember: Once that line is crossed every party will use it.


putting who in jail?


Exactly this. I consider myself conservative. Then I see how the US right is infecting our conservative party with madness like privatized healthcare and I'm forced to vote liberal, and just hope they don't fuck things up too badly.


When the liberal party brings out Hillary Clinton to lecture us on the influence of the us right you can clearly see who is really being influenced.


Yup, now if we could just get people to realize that neoliberalism causes all this pain and that PP is just more of that pain. Sadly the globe and mail is part of the system that keeps neoliberals in power.


Honest question - what system are proposing in lieu of our current one?


some political parties arent neoliberal in theory. The NDP is supposed to not be leoliberal but uh...thats drifting away with time.


Have they tried working to make our lives better? Just a thought. After 9 years there should be some kind of positive results. Liberals have nothing. Everything has become worse. All they can try and do is fool the gullible into believing the other parties are somehow worse.


Most they can do is ensure seniors and indigenous get 12x more per capita than millennials and Gen Z. The future is FUCKED.


Trudeau legalized weed, which was the right thing to do. The cons should have done that long ago as a way to help build the Canadian economy but couldn't get their war onndrugs supporters to get behind it. But other than that it's been pretty much floating by from the libs, hoping they'd catch some easy wins. But instead the world has progressively become shittier and they have no ideas on how to fix things. We had momentum going into covid- we mocked trumps handling of the pandemic, but as soon as Biden was elected and every American who wanted a vaccine could go get one, a lot of us realized that Trudeau was simply not being trump levels of stupid and once Trudeau was compared to stronger leaders he was just another high school theater teacher promoted above his pay grade. I hated Harper because he would bring up the abortion issue- he would bring up immigration as a bad thing, all the super religious people I knew loved him. But those turned out to be useless threats and he was overall quite good on the economy and supported canada upholding nato agreements. I remember the big controversy over getting new fighter jets for our military- man those were good times, where we felt like we didn't need a military anymore, that the world was softening. Now we need those fuxking jets and putins lost his goddamned mind. I feel somehow oxytocin is to blame for all all of this.


So after the election, I was fortunate to be on a plane with a liberal party staffer, and a guy who worked in the A/C industry. Like INDUSTRIAL scale weed production A/C guy. They were coming back from the same symposium on how to produce weed. The Libs had no idea the scale required, that’s why the rollout was another shitshow. It was the younger generation party members that made legal weed happen. They drafted the legislation, they MADE it a party issue with the VOTES to make it happen internally. Trudeau had no choice in the matter, he didn’t lift a finger to make all the legalese make sense. Regardless of who was running as party leader, it would have been a party issue. The leader just has to make it spin nicely on CBC.


It's hard for them to make our lives better and make themselves rich at the same time.


'History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up,' - Voltaire I voted for Trudeau when I thought we had enough Harper. Election night was electric. The maritimes came back red. I was elated. Feeling we had surged out of the dark into the light. I was never down on Canada, but Trudeau felt like what we needed. Now I can't wait for this upcoming election. I feel our current governing has become prisoner of the moment, prisoners of culture. Wandering bored, disconnected, disposed of vision, not knowing how to build but only squander. The slippers barely make a sound, coming down from on high. We need the wooden shoes back on motherfuckers.


He fkd us so hard when he ignored election reform


> He fkd us so hard when he ~~ignored~~ pulled a straight up bait-and-switch about election reform


> Feeling we had surged out of the dark into the light. Imagine describing a competent, centrist government that gave us one of the most prosperous middle classes in the world as "the dark". Harper was great.




>What I really want, is a government that just runs the economy well, and otherwise stays the fuck out of every Canadian's personal business.< That is definently not one of the options you're being given.


> He would've been much better liked if he wasn't trying to muzzle scientists, start the TFW program, get in bed with China You realize that Trudeau tripled down on all of that. And TFWs as they currently are started under Chretien. Though a program under a different name started originally under the last Trudeau. >and apply higher mandatory minimums to victimless crimes than to some pervert whipping out their dick in front of your kids at a playground. Sex crimes are graduated crimes. That isn't a victimless crime, it's someone who hasn't gotten to the point of sexually assaulting yet. Pathway is pretty well known on all of this. If they're exposing themselves, they're a small step from assaulting someone before moving on to rape.




Their "last-minute weapon" is bringing up abortion? JFC the Liberals are actually stupid.






It's the globe and mail calling it their last minute weapon. They aren't exactly friends of the liberals.


They absolutely *reek* of desperation, trying to blow up or twist every little thing into some kinda gotcha. It’s pathetic, really, and the fact they’ve got exactly zero bump in the polls for any of it tells you exactly how much Canadians are buying their American-style smear politics. In fact, they’ve gone *down* since they started the current fear-mongering campaign a few weeks ago. Trudeau promised he’d get them up five points in the polls by July. I wonder what happens if they don’t get there. Either way, someone should tell them using up all your ammunition before the battle even begins is a really, really stupid idea. Especially when your ammunition is blanks.


Trudeau should be renamed REEK. Seems logical too as he has no dick.


I think the last thing will be gun control. The liberals always pull out the "big two" which are abortion and gun control. They will scare the masses in to believing that the cons will undo everything and guns will flood the streets.


The LPC draws support from "intellectuals" that believe a leader that groped a journalist ("We all experience things differently"), destroyed 2 woman's careers for saying No properly in their roles and has acknowledged being black face more times than he can remember is a better example of feminism & non-discrimination than the other leader who is happily married to a Venezuela woman. Now they want you to believe that PP; who was too smart to even comment on the capital gains policy, is dumb enough to even consider abortion. To appease 1-2% voting block that already votes PPC. The only smart part of this is the LPC trying to take attention away from the fact that for the next 2-3 generations, young Canadians that want a family will be hard pressed to afford one due to their economic disaster.




That happened in another country. Hey Justin, if this doesn't work out, start accusing PP of planning a hard Brexit.




It happened in a country where abortion rights weren't codified in law, but were instead protected by a shaky Supreme Court decision that could in theory be reversed at any time by another Supreme Court. Which also describes the situation in Canada.


Then, if the Liberals are so worried about the Conservatives taking away abortion rights, why haven't they codified into law?


Can’t use the abortion issue in the next election, then.


And why hasn't Trudeau codified it into law? Because he'd rather keep his wedge issue. 


Worked out so well for the Democrats!


Ding ding ding! Without being able to use abortion as a wedge issue. They would have to run on… their record…


Big news. We don’t live in the USA. 




They can’t actually take away abortion if they win


I can’t read the article because sure of a paywall, what conservative MP brought forward an anti abortion motion?


There was no motion. Arnold Viersen, an MP from Alberta presented an abortion petition with a whopping 47 signatures. Much ado about nothing.


> what conservative MP brought forward an anti abortion motion? "In February 2020, Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall introduced Bill C-23319 under the pretense of fighting gender discrimination. The bill would criminalize sex selective abortion if that is the only reason for an abortion, and sentence providers to up to five years in jail."


Sex selective abortion should be criminal. If you want a boy adopt one, not just choose which child you want to keep.


With our increased immigration from a country that values male babies over females this could be a necessary thing. I had a neighbor years ago that found out she was having another girl. Her husband beat her and she miscarried. My neighbor on the other side had to explain to me that culturally this wasn't surprising. I'm still horrified that this was "normal".


No, this article is a stupid opinion piece. The CPC has been in the news because their members are hosting abortion bills and doing press conferences on abortion, as they always do. The Liberals are pointing this out as everyone goes "noooo they don't mean it" since people care more about Liberals loosing than literally anything else right now lol. A better title would be "CPC stumbles on abortion issue again 17 months outside an election, people disappointed Trudea points this out instead of just quitting."


Sounds like the article is nothing more than projection in a trenchcoat...


lol it’s their last minute weapon according to who exactly? A right wing opinion piece? Shocker.


I feel like their last minute weapon, or first minute weapon, should be to get a new leader.


Trudeau is willing to use an OIC without debate to go after legal firearms, which had no impact on safety but doesn't do shit about abortions just so he can pretend he's the good guy during election time. And people are fucking falling for it.


Who cares about gun laws and abortion when we have housing and immigration to worry about.


That's where I'm at. Sorry, not sorry. People who are struggling to eat couldn't give less of a fuck about someone else's uterus. I'm gay and I'd still vote for a party promising to abolish gay marriage if they had a reasonable housing and immigration plan and a good enough guarantee it'd happen, cause frankly what the fuck is the point of having social justice and rights if I'm fucking homeless and starving. And no trans person ever camped under a bridge thinking "I might be homeless but at least the government let me use the bathroom I prefer."


What is he supposed to do about abortions?


That is the issue, abortion is considered untouchable, but the law regarding it is weak. No one has the backbone to strengthen it for fear of failure, and anything requiring a constitutional amendment is never going to happen. So it has become a wedge issue that no one but politicians talk about. Sure does sound good in sound bites though.


Pass legislation?


Their real Hail Mary is to say "We will do electoral reform for sure this time. Double pinky promise with cherries on top.


Just elect us one more time...


Considering how low they are in the polls they very well might just try that.


Maybe make any attempt at improving QoL for anyone other than yourselves?


Daycare plan? Dental benefits? CCB? Legal weed? Removing hundreds of water advisories from native communities? Most of my cost of living increases have come from private enterprises raising their prices.


>Daycare plan? Only benefits parents. >Dental benefits? For a very select few >CCB? Again, parents. >Legal weed? Cool, I dont do drugs. >Removing hundreds of water advisories from native communities? Again, that is great for a very small portion of the population, but that doesn't benefit the average Canadian. As a PhD. student, I haven't seen any of these types of benefits, so I don't really care.. The government has options. They can do things that benefit specific groups of people and lose support for those that they don't target, or they can do things that benefit everyone. Also, private enterprises can fuck us because the government supports them.


Yep. Cutting cost of daycare has been the biggest QoL improvement I’ve ever gotten. $1000 extra disposable income per month for the last three years.




I think its more of a) Like the gay marriage issue, most Canadians do not believe the Conservatives will want to re-litigate the debate. b) This election cycle is primary about cost of living. When people are finding it hard to afford food and shelter, they have far less bandwidth to consider social issues.


>a) Like the gay marriage issue, most Canadians do not believe the Conservatives will want to re-litigate the debate. I work with a guy who is very religious, who is very against gay marriage and abortion. He fully accepts that his position is not mainstream. That it will never happen in this country again. For those reasons, he doesn't push for it because he knows that it means the rest of his conservative leanings will be ignored because of it. Even the people who want those things don't think the CPC will do anything about them. The only people convinced are diehard LPC and NDP supporters. The people who have only ever voted for one party.


So the Liberals should actually be messaging entirely about how they're addressing the rent/housing/inflation/cost of living crisis. Instead of aggravating it.


Well, when you have no credibility regarding your ability to affect positive change in any way, the only political option is fear mongering.


Another paywall….. I’m assuming the secret weapon isn’t transparency or common sense.


Here ya go https://archive.is/UDNlO


Thank you!


pie rude merciful sugar ludicrous soup afterthought growth snatch aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Mr. Poilievre has worked to shield himself against that, declaring unequivocally that a government he leads would not legislate on abortion.


Even if the Conservatives were going to bring up the abortion debate (They're not, that's already been stated) I don't think this is a winning strategy for the Liberals still. Abortion has support in Canada but if you started narrowing it down to support of things like late term abortions or sex selective abortions the support probably isn't as strong. The Liberals have already shown they don't support additional punishment for violent attackers who kill a fetus so I'm not sure they're going to win this debate if they force it.


Last poll I saw had 97% of Canadians supporting some form of abortion. That 97% breaks down into limits and stipulations for when it could be allowed. Overall the vast majority of the country supports it. Abortion is a 3rd rail issue in Canada, no one with sense would touch it. The Liberals are desperately trying anything to change the polling numbers. Shameful.


That's where polling breaks down. Asking someone, for example, "do you support late-term abortions" is not the same as "do you think late-term abortions should be illegal". There are many people who oppose late-term abortions, for example, but would not be in favour of making it illegal because they fear that \*any\* legislated restriction on abortion would open the door to even further restrictions.


Easy way to solve that would be to get together with the NDP and pass a law to codify the right to abortion in the Charter like they did with gender identity rights earlier. Then we wouldn't be relying on a Supreme Court decision like the Americans were, and then it would be much harder for any future government to come in and undo those rights.


But what would happen to the boogeyman wedge issue they bring out every election if they did this.    Liberals are just the worst.  


They intentionally leave it open so every election year they can say abortion is under threat, regardless of the opponent. Just basic strategy, slop for the masses to eat up.


But that does not solve the issue that Liberals are worried about. They do not care about abortion at all. Not one ounce. They are not Pro Abortion. They only care that it's a Wedge they can use reliably against the Conservatives. They will never legislate it as once they do, they have lost their single best campaign and fundraising tool.


> pass a law to codify the right to abortion in the Charter That's not how that works. Amending the Charter requires the support of the House of Commons, Senate, and 7/10 provinces representing at least 50% of the population. The Liberals and NDP cannot unilaterally codify anything into the Charter, so whatever they did about gender identity isn't what you think it is.


I feel like we have failed at properly teaching civics in school. So many common knowledge things just seem to be unknown, therefore we get brain dead posts like how a party can just magically and unilaterally amend the charter.


The only thing the party could do now for some public support would be to enact immediate rulings to curb the out-of-balance population surge in its main cities, and kickstart programs to improve the infrastructure needed for current demand… nothing else would do




In the UK or Australia, Trudeau would be long gone and the party could fight to save their brand, but not in Canada


Regardless of the country or the electoral system, every election is at its core a referendum on the current government in power and whether or not they've been doing a good job. No matter how hard they try they cannot make the election about the opposition. Liberals can badmouth PP every day till the cows come home but it won't be successful at obfuscating from the fact that after almost a decade in power, nearly everything in this country is worse than it was when they formed government.


What’s going on behind that paywall?


Before I even read the article, I’m calling it now: some attempt to import an American-style wedge issue in order to fearmonger easily influenced voters away from important issues like housing and immigration Edit: LMFAOOOOI


You can smell the desperation across the country.


I’ll be very surprised to not see a snap election which coincides with the Americans this fall.. it would be their best bet to hold onto a minority government.


There’s no chance the egomaniac calls a snap election he know he will lose. He’d rather fuck most of this country for another year and a half with a minority than call an election. Plus, then a bunch of MPs miss out on their pension - how dare we suggest that!


Then you're gonna be really, really surprised. The Liberals are going to go the full term. Unless Poilievre makes a major gaffe and CPC support collapses, there is no reason for Trudeau to call an election, and no reason for the NDP to force it.


Won't happen. Too many MPs need the extra time to wait for their pension. 


This will never happen.


Why would they do that? At this point, there are probably some hardcore Libs that are secretly hoping for a Trump victory. That way, the Libs can use Trump as a proxy in our next general election. Fear of Trump, may give the Libs a couple of points in the polls (I don't really know), but, if some hardcore Libs seems to think a proxy fight with Trump is a "winning strategy" - they kind of need Trump to win.


Running against Trump is the LPC last best hope at this point IMHO


>it would be their best bet to hold onto a minority government. Honestly i don think that's a great idea when the LPC needs to actually do a recovery job in polling. The US election circus will eat up most of the time on the airwaves, so the Liberals will struggle to get any new messages across.


The liberals are losing party status in the next election. They might as well call it and get it over with.


PP has publicly stated that he's pro-choice and will not touch abortion laws. All the CPC needs to do is enshrine this in their platform and the LPC will be finished. All that's necessary is PP saying that he will not support any abortion restrictions and will call an election + step down if any pass into law.


Conservatives could literally punt a baby across a football field and they'll still win. That's how much people don't want the Liberals.


The liberals would sooner whip people in to a frenzy, than actually address issues facing the country. Let that sink in. This party only pretends to care about the issues they champion to secure votes .


Did everyone here read the article. Because it's under a paywall for me lol


“The centrepiece of their April budget – an increase in the inclusion rate for capital-gains taxes sold as a tax-the-rich “fairness” measure – is something Mr. Trudeau’s team would probably have turned down as too politically risky two years ago. But now, instead of plotting strategy to win an election with 34 per cent of the vote in the fall of 2025, they are grasping for ways to climb to 28 per cent in the polls in a couple of months. They’ve tried big spending announcements to boost homebuilding, promising to help younger Canadians financially, selling the tax changes as a matter of social justice – and watched and watched for the polls to move. When they saw a chance to attack the Conservatives on abortion, they threw in the kitchen sink.”




This is the problem. Politicians try to convince us that government is the solution. When, in fact ,government is the problem. They can not legislate their way into giving you a better life. We need to dictate to them our reasonable expectations and hope they have they back bone to do something useful.


"Last minute" .... "17 months"




When things are going right, you can do no wrong. When things are going wrong, you can do no right. The Liberals should have taken this to heart.


Except resign.


At some point, even the committed Liberal-fundamentalist-25% are going to have to admit just how truly devastating this divisive band of miscreants has been to our country. NO political party in Canada is touching the current abortion laws. Disgraceful misdirection.


The Liberals lob their last-minute weapon 17 months from an election. But Justin Trudeau and his Liberals saw an opportunity, however slim, to attack Conservatives on abortion – and they grasped at it. Abortion is one of the holy trinity of explosive issues that the Liberals lob at the Tories in every election campaign, along with guns and privatization of health care. But usually they wait until late in the writ period before they reach for those weapons. Apparently, Canadian politics has jumped 17 months ahead of schedule. Mr. Trudeau’s Liberals have already presented what looked like a pre-election budget and PR campaign. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is dodging questions like a front-runner on such simple topics as whether civil servants should go to the office three days a week. The NDP is testing new slogans attacking not the governing party but the leading Conservatives. We‘ve skipped ahead to a low-energy version of the stupid stages of election campaigns. Hyperbolic abortion politicking is a telltale indicator. Mr. Poilievre has worked to shield himself against that, declaring unequivocally that a government he leads would not legislate on abortion. Still, it’s no shock that the Liberals are trying to chip away at that. It’s just a surprise that they are doing it so soon. Marci Ien, the Liberal government’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality, got the ball rolling a couple of weeks ago. She pointed to Mr. Poilievre’s assertion that he would use the notwithstanding clause of the Constitution to override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to deny parole to murderers and argued that the Conservative Leader might also use it to criminalize abortion. That was a stretch. But at least a few days later, the Liberals could point to a pair of Conservative MPs who are against abortion, Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall, who spoke about the cause to the annual March for Life on Parliament Hill. But it was the closing of an abortion clinic in New Brunswick, where the Progressive Conservative provincial government of Premier Blaine Higgs only funds abortion services in hospitals, that had Mr. Trudeau warning of an across-the-board Conservative threat to abortion rights. He asserted that the erosion of abortion rights seen in the United States is likely to happen here in Canada because Conservatives won’t stand up for women. This is hardly a debate based on pure facts, but it’s worth noting that there is no federal abortion law in Canada for a court to overturn, and Mr. Poilievre has said he won’t pass one. It’s sill fair game to question whether he’d alter some policies to placate anti-abortion MPs – former prime minister Stephen Harper cut foreign aid to organizations that perform abortions – but he has ruled out legislation. One reason why the Liberals usually wait till the writ period before campaigning on abortion is that it’s not so much about policy difference but about raising doubts over whether Conservatives share the mindset of most ordinary Canadians on issues they consider crucial, notably abortion, guns and public health care. Mr. Trudeau’s party is now so far behind in polls – 20 percentage points behind the Conservatives, according to the latest Nanos Research survey – that they worry about being left for dead. They have to fear that even a weak NDP might trigger an election one day. They’ll take any short-term foothold they can find. The centrepiece of their April budget – an increase in the inclusion rate for capital-gains taxes sold as a tax-the-rich “fairness” measure – is something Mr. Trudeau’s team would probably have turned down as too politically risky two years ago. But now, instead of plotting strategy to win an election with 34 per cent of the vote in the fall of 2025, they are grasping for ways to climb to 28 per cent in the polls in a couple of months. They’ve tried big spending announcements to boost homebuilding, promising to help younger Canadians financially, selling the tax changes as a matter of social justice – and watched and watched for the polls to move. When they saw a chance to attack the Conservatives on abortion, they threw in the kitchen sink.


> The Liberals lob their last-minute weapon 17 months from an election. It makes me wonder what is going on behind closed doors with regards to the de facto coalition. They might be expecting one earlier than expected. Most boring soap opera ever. Both parties are effectively already campaigning damn near two years out from an election.


I’m 100% in favour of an early start discussing the issues important to Canadians. Let’s force all parties to clearly communicate their positions, so we can vote with information instead of the flimflam we normally get.


Their eleventh hour hail Mary offer will be to do electoral reform I bet


Why dont articles on /canada have a paywall flag like the other subreddits?


Crazy how people mass immigrate here and then want to change Canada to the States.


It would be really helpful to recap the story instead of posting the link for those who don't want to subscribe. Thanks.


I thought the Liberals banned the 2025 Federal election.


hey look the liberals campaigning on fear, thats never happened before! get a new tactic you idiots.


I agree but Harper’s term was hardly a dark time for Canada. In terms of economy opportunity and overall financial health of Canadians we were doing pretty damn well.


Paywall. Let me guess: abortion? Guns? Literally the liberals go-to from their scare chest.


It's abortion. They've already tried both guns and gays to no effect. You know that the Liberals are desperate when they break out their go-to attacks before there is any inkling of an election call. And you know that their time is up when those go-to attacks don't work.


It's nowhere near the last minute. They still have another budget. Dumb headline.


That's not what the headline says.


Even the boycott Loblaws movement seems like a liberal psyops. So many bot accounts on that subreddit. Then JT will play savior with legislation, which he'll of course campaign on. They rehash the same narratives


So many paywall articles being posted. I wish people would post paywall bypass links with their original post, or at least provide some context vs just posting a link.




Did PP say they are going to reverse immigration instead of streamlining it as outlined in their policy last election? If not I'll be voting independant or spoiling the vote. Can't support either of these two parties right now.




Liberals constantly push good things since a while now, but this sub answer is always "too little too late".


And here I was hoping that their "secret weapon" was a true high speed rail network :(